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Amblyomma americanum (L.) is a three‐host tick that spends most of its life off‐host and is an important vector of pathogens in the eastern United States. Our objectives were to develop a predictive statistical model that describes the number of active, off‐host larvae from 2007 to 2011 and to determine the environmental variables associated with this pattern. Data used in this study came from monitoring conducted in northeast Missouri in which off‐host ticks were collected from a permanent plot in a forest and an old field habitat every other week from approximately February to December. Variables examined were day length, degree days, total precipitation prior to sampling, wind speed, saturation deficit, number of adults prior to sampling, and collection site. Of the four regression models tested, the negative binomial model was selected. Fitted candidate models were compared relative to one another using values of eight model selection criteria and model averaging was used to develop a predictive model. The residual plots indicated that the weighted average model performs well in describing the number of larvae. Of the variables considered, the number of larvae was most strongly associated with increasing degree days, the number of active adults prior to sampling, and the forested site.  相似文献   

The transmission and the persistence of tick-borne infections are strongly influenced by the densities and the structure of host populations. By extending previous models and analysis, in this paper we analyse how the persistence of ticks and pathogens, is affected by the dynamics of tick populations, and by their host densities. The effect of host densities on infection persistence is explored through the analysis and simulation of a series of models that include different assumptions on tick-host dynamics and consider different routes of infection transmission. Ticks are assumed to feed on two types of host species which vary in their reservoir competence. Too low densities of competent hosts (i.e., hosts where transmission can occur) do not sustain the infection cycle, while too high densities of incompetent hosts may dilute the competent hosts so much to make infection persistence impossible. A dilution effect may occur also for competent hosts as a consequence of reduced tick to host ratio; this is possible only if the regulation of tick populations is such that tick density does not increase linearly with host densities.  相似文献   

We investigate competition between separate periodical cicada populations each possessing different life‐cycle lengths. We build an individual‐based model to simulate the cicada life cycle and allow random migrations to occur between patches inhabited by the different populations. We show that if hybridization between different cycle lengths produces offspring that have an intermediate life‐cycle length, then predation acts disproportionately to select against the hybrid offspring. This happens because they emerge in low densities without the safety‐in‐numbers provided by either parent population. Thus, prime‐numbered life cycles that can better avoid hybridization are favored. However, we find that this advantage of prime‐numbered cycles occurs only if there is some mechanism that can occasionally synchronize emergence between local populations in sufficiently many patches.  相似文献   

Population stage structure is fundamental to ecology, and models of this structure have proven useful in many different systems. Many ecological variables other than stage, such as habitat type, site occupancy and metapopulation status are also modelled using transitions among discrete states. Transitions among life stages can be characterised by the distribution of time spent in each stage, including the mean and variance of each stage duration and within‐individual correlations among multiple stage durations. Three modelling traditions represent stage durations differently. Matrix models can be derived as a long‐run approximation from any distribution of stage durations, but they are often interpreted directly as a Markov model for stage transitions. Statistical stage‐duration distribution models accommodate the variation typical of cohort development data, but such realism has rarely been incorporated in population theory or statistical population models. Delay‐differential equation models include lags but no variation, except in limited cases. We synthesise these models in one framework and illustrate how individual variation and correlations in development can impact population growth. Furthermore, different development models can yield the same long‐term matrix transition rates but different sensitivities and elasticities. Finally, we discuss future directions for estimating realistic stage duration models from data.  相似文献   

Aim Ixodes scapularis is the most important vector of human tick‐borne pathogens in the United States, which include the agents of Lyme disease, human babesiosis and human anaplasmosis, among others. The density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs is an important component of human risk for acquiring Borrelia burgdorferi, the aetiological agent of Lyme disease. In this study we used climate and field sampling data to generate a predictive map of the density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs that can be used by the public, physicians and public health agencies to assist with the diagnosis and reporting of disease, and to better target disease prevention and control efforts. Location Eastern United States of America. Methods We sampled host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs in 304 locations uniformly distributed east of the 100th meridian between 2004 and 2006. Between May and September, 1000 m2 were drag sampled three to six times per site. We developed a zero‐inflated negative binomial model to predict the density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs based on altitude, interpolated weather station and remotely sensed data. Results Variables that had the strongest relationship with nymphal density were altitude, monthly mean vapour pressure deficit and spatial autocorrelation. Forest fragmentation and soil texture were not predictive. The best‐fit model identified two main foci – the north‐east and upper Midwest – and predicted the presence and absence of I. scapularis nymphs with 82% accuracy, with 89% sensitivity and 82% specificity. Areas of concordance and discordance with previous studies were discussed. Areas with high predicted but low observed densities of host‐seeking nymphs were identified as potential expansion fronts. Main conclusions This model is unique in its extensive and unbiased field sampling effort, allowing for an accurate delineation of the density of host‐seeking I. scapularis nymphs, an important component of human risk of infection for B. burgdorferi and other I. scapularis‐borne pathogens.  相似文献   

Many parasitoids have single‐locus complementary sex determination (sl‐CSD), which produces sterile or inviable males when homozygous at the sex determining locus. A previous study theoretically showed that small populations have elevated risks of extinction due to the positive feedback between inbreeding and small population size, referred to as the diploid male vortex. A few modeling studies have suggested that the diploid male vortex may not be as common because balancing selection at sex determining loci tends to maintain high allelic diversity in spatially structured populations. However, the generality of the conclusion is yet uncertain, as they were drawn either from models developed for particular systems or from a general‐purpose competition model. To attest the conclusion, we study several well‐studied host–parasitoid models that incorporate functional response specifying the number of attacked hosts given a host density and derive the conditions for a diploid male vortex in a single population. Then, we develop spatially structured individual‐based versions of the models to include female behavior, diploid male fertility, and temporal fluctuations. The results show that producing a handful of successful offspring per female parasitoid could enable parasitoid persistence when a typical number of CSD alleles are present. The effect of functional response depends on the levels of fluctuations in host abundance, and inviable or partially fertile diploid males and a small increase in dispersal can alleviate the risk of a diploid male vortex. Our work supports the generality of effective genetic rescue in spatially connected parasitoid populations with sl‐CSD. However, under more variable climate, the efficacy of the CSD mechanism may substantially decline.  相似文献   

In an era of global environmental change, understanding how disturbance affects the dynamics of ecological communities is crucial. However, few studies have theoretically explored the potential influence of disturbance including both intensity and frequency on compositional change over time in communities with stage structure. A spatially explicit, individual‐based model was constructed incorporating the various demographic responses to disturbance of plants at two different growth stages: seedlings and adults. In the model, we assumed that individuals within each stage were demographically equivalent (neutral) but differed between stages. We simulated a common phenomenon that seedlings suffered more from disturbance such as grazing and fire than adults. We showed how stage‐structured communities of seedlings and adults responded to disturbance with various levels of disturbance frequency and intensity. In “undisturbed” simulations, the relationship between average species abundance (defined here as the total number of individuals divided by species richness) and community composition turnover (measured by the Bray–Curtis similarity index) was asymptotic. However, in strongly “disturbed” simulations with the between‐disturbance intervals greater than one, this relationship became unimodal. Stage‐dependent response to disturbance underlay the above discrepancy between undisturbed and disturbed communities.  相似文献   

Demographic models are important tools for assessing population status, diagnosing potential causes of population decline, and comparing management strategies that might change population trajectory. The population of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) maintained in North American zoos has been declining for the past decade, and Wiese ([2000] Zoo. Biol. 19:299–309) predicted a continued decline in the population using an age‐based matrix model. We developed an individual‐based model to further explore the demographic issues of the population. Our model allowed us to quantitatively evaluate the prospects for slowing or reversing the decline given the potential management strategies of improving reproduction, reducing infant mortality, altering birth sex ratio, and recruiting additional individuals from outside the population. Our simulations showed that if current demographic trends continued, the population would continue to decline at 2%/year. It was possible to create sustainable simulations, but these required a large increase in the annual number of births produced. Increasing reproduction was the most effective strategy to slow the decline, whereas other management strategies had the most impact when combined with increases in reproduction. Almost all simulations resulted in large changes in population structure, with increases in the male population and decreases in the female population. Given the population's demographic issues, it will be difficult to either increase the population substantially or sustain it at its current size. Zoo Biol 25:201–218, 2006. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

If we want to understand how climate change affects long‐lived organisms, we must know how individuals allocate resources between current reproduction and survival. This trade‐off is affected by expected environmental conditions, but the extent to which density independent (DI) and density dependent (DD) processes interact in shaping individual life histories is less clear. Female reindeer (or caribou: Rangifer tarandus) are a monotocous large herbivore with a circumpolar distribution. Individuals that experience unpredictable and potentially harsh winters typically adopt risk averse strategies where they allocate more resources to building own body reserves during summer and less to reproduction. Such a strategy implies that the females do not reproduce or that they produce fewer or smaller offspring. A risk averse strategy thus results in females with large autumn body reserves, which is known to increase their survival probabilities if the coming winter is harsh. In contrast, females experiencing predictable winters may adopt a more risk prone strategy in which they allocate more resources to reproduction as they do not need as many resources to buffer potentially adverse winter conditions. This study uses a seasonal state‐dependent model showing that DD and DI processes interact to affect the evolution of reproductive strategies and population dynamics for reindeer. The model was run across a wide range of different winter climatic scenarios: One set of simulations where the average and variability of the environment was manipulated and one set where the frequency of good and poor winters increased. Both reproductive allocation and population dynamics of reindeer were affected by a combination of DI and DD processes even though they were confounded (harsh climates resulted in lowered density). Individual strategies responded, in line with a risk sensitive reproductive allocation, to climatic conditions and in a similar fashion across the two climatic manipulations.  相似文献   

The RQH (Red Queen hypothesis), which argues that hosts need to be continuously finding new ways to avoid parasites that are able to infect common host genotypes, has been at the center of discussions on the maintenance of sex. This is because diversity is favored under the host–parasite coevolution based on negative frequency‐dependent selection, and sexual reproduction is a mechanism that generates genetic diversity in the host population. Together with parasite infections, sexual organisms are usually under sexual selection, which leads to mating skew or mating success biased toward males with a particular phenotype. Thus, strong mating skew would affect genetic variance in a population and should affect the benefit of the RQH. However, most models have investigated the RQH under a random mating system and not under mating skew. In this study, I show that sexual selection and the resultant mating skew may increase parasite load in the hosts. An IBM (individual‐based model), which included host–parasite interactions and sexual selection among hosts, demonstrates that mating skew influenced parasite infection in the hosts under various conditions. Moreover, the IBM showed that the mating skew evolves easily in cases of male–male competition and female mate choice, even though it imposes an increased risk of parasite infection on the hosts. These findings indicated that whether the RQH favored sexual reproduction depended on the condition of mating skew. That is, consideration of the host mating system would provide further understanding of conditions in which the RQH favors sexual reproduction in real organisms.  相似文献   

The long‐term impacts of wildfires on animal populations are largely unknown. We used time‐series data based on a tracking index, from coastal NSW spanning 28 years after a wildfire, to investigate the relative influence of habitat structure, species interactions and climate on post‐fire animal population dynamics. The fire had an immediate impact on habitat structure, reducing and simplifying vegetation cover, which then underwent post‐fire successional change including an increase and plateau in tree canopy cover; an increase, stabilization and then decline in shrub cover; and an increase in ground litter cover. Population changes of different animal species were influenced by different components of successional change, but there was also evidence that species interactions were important. For example, bandicoots (Isoodon obesulus and Perameles nasuta combined) increased concurrent with an increase in shrub cover then declined at a faster rate than a direct association with senescing shrub cover would suggest, while the feral cat (Felis catus) population changed with the bandicoot population, suggesting a link between these species. Potoroos (Potorous tridactylus) increased 10 years after the fire concurrent with the closing tree canopy, but there was also evidence of a negative association with feral foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Variation in rainfall did not have significant effects on the population dynamics of any species. Our results suggest that changes in habitat structure play a key role in the post‐fire dynamics of many ground‐dwelling animals and hence different fire regimes are likely to influence animal dynamics through their effects on habitat structure. However, the role of predator–prey interactions, particularly with feral predators, is less clear and further study will require manipulative experiments of predators in conjunction with fire treatments to determine whether feral predator control should be integrated with fire management to improve outcomes for some native species.  相似文献   

Harbor seal breeding behavior and habitats constrain opportunities for individual‐based studies, and no current estimates of both survival and fecundity exist for any of the populations studied worldwide. As a result, the drivers underlying the variable trends in abundance exhibited by harbor seal populations around the world remain uncertain. We developed an individual‐based study of harbor seals in northeast Scotland, whereby data were collected during daily photo‐identification surveys throughout the pupping seasons between 2006 and 2011. However, a consequence of observing seals remotely meant that information on sex, maturity‐stage, or breeding status was not always available. To provide unbiased estimates of survival rates we conditioned initial release of individuals on the first time sex was known to estimate sex‐specific survival rates, while a robust design multistate model accounting for uncertainty in breeding status was used to estimate reproductive rate of multiparous and ≥3‐yr‐old females. Survival rates were estimated at 0.95 (95% CI = 0.91–0.97) for females and 0.92 (0.83–0.96) for males, while reproductive rate was estimated at 0.89 (0.75–0.95) for multiparous and 0.69 (0.64–0.74) for ≥3‐yr‐old females. Stage‐based population modeling indicated that this population should be recovering, even under the current shooting quotas implemented by the recent management plan.  相似文献   

Prey depletion is a major threat to the conservation of large carnivore species globally. However, at the policy‐relevant scale of protected areas, we know little about how the spatial distribution of prey depletion affects carnivore space use and population persistence. We developed a spatially explicit, agent‐based model to investigate the effects of different human‐induced prey depletion experiments on the globally endangered tiger (Panthera tigris) in isolated protected areas—a situation that prevails throughout the tiger's range. Specifically, we generated 120 experiments that varied the spatial extent and intensity of prey depletion across a stylized (circle) landscape (1,000 km2) and Nepal's Chitwan National Park (~1,239 km2). Experiments that created more spatially homogenous prey distributions (i.e., less prey removed per cell but over larger areas) resulted in larger tiger territories and smaller population sizes over time. Counterintuitively, we found that depleting prey along the edge of Chitwan National Park, while decreasing tiger numbers overall, also decreased female competition for those areas, leading to lower rates of female starvation. Overall our results suggest that subtle differences in the spatial distributions of prey densities created by various human activities, such as natural resource‐use patterns, urban growth and infrastructure development, or conservation spatial zoning might have unintended, detrimental effects on carnivore populations. Our model is a useful planning tool as it incorporates information on animal behavioral ecology, resource spatial distribution, and the drivers of change to those resources, such as human activities.  相似文献   

Organisms commonly experience significant spatiotemporal variation in their environments. In response to such heterogeneity, different mechanisms may act that enhance ecological performance locally. However, depending on the nature of the mechanism involved, the consequences for populations may differ greatly. Building on a previous model that investigated the conditions under which different adaptive mechanisms (co)evolve, this study compares the ecological and evolutionary population consequences of three very different responses to environmental heterogeneity: matching habitat choice (directed gene flow), adaptive plasticity (associated with random gene flow), and divergent natural selection. Using individual‐based simulations, we show that matching habitat choice can have a greater adaptive potential than plasticity or natural selection: it allows for local adaptation while protecting genetic polymorphism despite global mating or strong environmental changes. Our simulations further reveal that increasing environmental fluctuations and unpredictability generally favor the emergence of specialist genotypes but that matching habitat choice is better at preventing local maladaptation by individuals. This confirms that matching habitat choice can speed up the genetic divergence among populations, cause indirect assortative mating via spatial clustering, and hence even facilitate sympatric speciation. This study highlights the potential importance of directed dispersal in local adaptation and speciation, stresses the difficulty of deriving its operation from nonexperimental observational data alone, and helps define a set of ecological conditions which should favor its emergence and subsequent detection in nature.  相似文献   

Aim To identify connectivity patterns among coral reefs of the Indo‐West Pacific. Projecting connectivity forward in time provides a framework for studying long‐term source–sink dynamics in the region, and makes it possible to evaluate the manner in which migration shapes population genetic structure at regional scales. This information is essential for addressing critical gaps in knowledge for conservation planning efforts in one of the most biologically diverse regions on earth. Location Coral reefs of the Indo‐West Pacific, ranging from 15° S to 30° N and 95° E to 140° E. Methods Individual‐based biophysical dispersal models were used in conjunction with matrix projection to identify the expected patterns of exchange between coral reefs over time. Results Present‐day oceanographic conditions lead to the transport of larvae from the South China Sea into the Coral Triangle region via the Sulu Sea, and from northern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands via Halmahera. The directionality of the system leads to the expected accumulation of organisms from outlying areas into the Coral Triangle region over time, particularly in the vicinity of the Maluku Islands and eastern Sulawesi. Coral reefs in Papua New Guinea, the Sulu Archipelago and areas within the Philippines are expected to be areas of high diversity as well. Main conclusions Biophysical dispersal models, used in conjunction with matrix projection, provide an effective means of simulating connectivity structure across the Indo‐West Pacific and thereby evaluating the directionality of genetic diversity. Migration appears to have a significant influence on population genetic structure in the region. Based on present‐day ocean currents, coral reefs in the South China Sea, northern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands are contributing to high levels of diversity in the Coral Triangle.  相似文献   

Understanding how climate change may influence forest carbon (C) budgets requires knowledge of forest growth relationships with regional climate, long‐term forest succession, and past and future disturbances, such as wildfires and timber harvesting events. We used a landscape‐scale model of forest succession, wildfire, and C dynamics (LANDIS‐II) to evaluate the effects of a changing climate (A2 and B1 IPCC emissions; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory General Circulation Models) on total forest C, tree species composition, and wildfire dynamics in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California, and Nevada. The independent effects of temperature and precipitation were assessed within and among climate models. Results highlight the importance of modeling forest succession and stand development processes at the landscape scale for understanding the C cycle. Due primarily to landscape legacy effects of historic logging of the Comstock Era in the late 1880s, C sequestration may continue throughout the current century, and the forest will remain a C sink (Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance > 0), regardless of climate regime. Climate change caused increases in temperatures limited simulated C sequestration potential because of augmented fire activity and reduced establishment ability of subalpine and upper montane trees. Higher temperatures influenced forest response more than reduced precipitation. As the forest reached its potential steady state, the forest could become C neutral or a C source, and climate change could accelerate this transition. The future of forest ecosystem C cycling in many forested systems worldwide may depend more on major disturbances and landscape legacies related to land use than on projected climate change alone.  相似文献   

Long‐term observational studies conducted at large (regional) spatial scales contribute to better understanding of landscape effects on population and evolutionary dynamics, including the conditions that affect long‐term viability of species, but large‐scale studies are expensive and logistically challenging to keep running for a long time. Here, we describe the long‐term metapopulation study of the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) that has been conducted since 1991 in a large network of 4000 habitat patches (dry meadows) within a study area of 50 by 70 km in the Åland Islands in Finland. We explain how the landscape structure has been described, including definition, delimitation, and mapping of the habitat patches; methods of field survey, including the logistics, cost, and reliability of the survey; and data management using the EarthCape biodiversity platform. We describe the long‐term metapopulation dynamics of the Glanville fritillary based on the survey. There has been no long‐term change in the overall size of the metapopulation, but the level of spatial synchrony and hence the amplitude of fluctuations in year‐to‐year metapopulation dynamics have increased over the years, possibly due to increasing frequency of exceptional weather conditions. We discuss the added value of large‐scale and long‐term population studies, but also emphasize the need to integrate more targeted experimental studies in the context of long‐term observational studies. For instance, in the case of the Glanville fritillary project, the long‐term study has produced an opportunity to sample individuals for experiments from local populations with a known demographic history. These studies have demonstrated striking differences in dispersal rate and other life‐history traits of individuals from newly established local populations (the offspring of colonizers) versus individuals from old, established local populations. The long‐term observational study has stimulated the development of metapopulation models and provided an opportunity to test model predictions. This combination of empirical studies and modeling has facilitated the study of key phenomena in spatial dynamics, such as extinction threshold and extinction debt.  相似文献   

Current understanding of life‐history evolution and how demographic parameters contribute to population dynamics across species is largely based on assumptions of either constant environments or stationary environmental variation. Meanwhile, species are faced with non‐stationary environmental conditions (changing mean, variance, or both) created by climate and landscape change. To close the gap between contemporary reality and demographic theory, we develop a set of transient life table response experiments (LTREs) for decomposing realised population growth rates into contributions from specific vital rates and components of population structure. Using transient LTREs in a theoretical framework, we reveal that established concepts in population biology will require revision because of reliance on approaches that do not address the influence of unstable population structure on population growth and mean fitness. Going forward, transient LTREs will enhance understanding of demography and improve the explanatory power of models used to understand ecological and evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

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