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In order to ascertain whether agglutinins can serve as links to bind hemocytes of Helix pomatia to mammalian erythrocytes, rosette-formation tests were performed. These involved pretreatment of H. pomatia hemocytes with each of 15 nonnative agglutinins and incubation of them with human erythrocytes. It has been found that, of the agglutinins tested, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) as well as those from Ricinus communis, Axinella polypoides, Anguilla anguilla (anti-Heet), concanavalin A, and Limulus polyphemus caused rosette formation with human erythrocytes. In addition, it has been found that a small number of H. pomatia hemocytes are capable of direct binding to erythrocytes of mice, rabbits, rats, and sheep.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Factors which initiate 'biting' (i.e. probing, piercing and tasting collectively) and gorging responses, were studied in the black fly, S. venustum using an artificial feeding method. A positive relationship was found between biting activity and the magnitude of the temperature differential between the feeding surface and the air above it. Although many investigators consider temperature to be a probing stimulus, it is argued that an equally consistent interpretation could regard temperature as only a very short range host-location cue. The stimulus to probe could be contact with the feeding substrate. Of the compounds tested as gorging stimulants ATP and ADP proved most potent, followed by AMP and adenosine, followed by cAMP. The compounds GTP, CTP and UTP were all on the borderline of statistical significance as gorging stimulants. It is suggested that the host-location phase, including the biting responses, represents appetitive behaviour leading to the consummatory response of repetitive pumping (gorging) stimulated by ATP, etc.  相似文献   

The molecular phylogenetics of the Simulium damnosum complex, including vectors of the human parasite Onchocerca volvulus, from various parts of Africa was studied and compared with results of cytogenetic analyses. The sequence data of mitochondrial 16s and nuclear ITS2 rDNA revealed that the complex comprises two main clades, roughly covering the more easterly and westerly African taxa, respectively. However, striking inconsistencies in the tree topologies turned up between the DNA fragments regarding the position of certain subcomplexes and species. The cytophylogenetic relationships are better reflected in the ITS2 tree where Simulium pandanophilum and Simulium mengense constitute a basal, Central African clade of the entire complex and are therefore suggested to be the chromosomal roots too. Further divisions and the corresponding biogeographic interpretations are discussed. Several species and cytoforms are placed within the system for the first time. The phylogenetic relationships within the complex do hardly correlate with host preferences or other behavioral and ecological characteristics.  相似文献   

Abstract. Animal-baited traps, using fox, mink, rabbits and ducks, were used in host preference experiments in two habitats (Beach and Woods). A generalized linear model of blood-feeding host preference is presented to test for significant differences between the isomorphic species Simulium venustum and Simulium truncatum. The S.truncatum population peaked before that of S.venustum. On any given day the two species divided their blood-feeding efforts among the different hosts in the same proportions. On the Beach, fox was the preferred host at the beginning of the season, but by the end of the season flies fed with equal frequency on the fox and the mink. In the Woods fox remained the preferred host throughout the season (late May to early July). Possible reasons for these feeding trends are discussed.  相似文献   

A revision of the taxonomy of the Ketaketa subcomplex of the Simulium damnosum Theobald complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) is presented including new material from Tanzania, Malawi and South Africa. The cytotaxonomy, morphology and molecular identity of known and new taxa are described. The Ketaketa subcomplex is cytotaxonomically defined by the paracentric inversion 1L-7. We recognize three sibling species, namely Simulium latipollex (Enderlein), Simulium plumbeum Krueger, sp.n. and Simulium kipengere Krueger, sp.n., the latter comprising three cytoforms: 'Typical', 'Linthipe' and 'Mombo'. The cytoforms 'Mwamphanzi', 'Ketaketa' and 'Hammerkopi' are synonymized with S. plumbeum. Identification keys are provided on the basis of chromosomal and morphological characters. In view of their potential role as vectors of human onchocerciasis (river blindness) we also discuss the possible medical importance of the different cytoforms and their geographical distribution.  相似文献   

Low infections of Mermis nigrescens reduce the flight performance of adult male Locusta migratoria, and bring about changes in the levels of blood carbohydrate and protein but not lipid. The quantities of all three metabolites in the fat body are reduced, as is the amount of tissue present. Lipid content only, is markedly decreased in the flight muscle, but the water content is increased.

Blood volume and malpighian tubule activity are unaffected by mermithid infection, but the rates of lipid mobilisation in response to injections of extracts of corpora cardiaca or flight are greatly reduced compared with those in uninfected locusts. Additional carbohydrate does not correct flight performance in parasitised locusts as it does in starved animals. Poor flight performance is not due to an effect of the worm on the host endocrine system.  相似文献   

Mermithids comprise a family of nematodes which invariably kill/sterilize their insect host(s). These nematodes have considerable potential as biocontrol agents of agricultural insect pests and medically important insect vectors. More specifically, mermithid nematodes appear to regulate natural population of blackflies. The taxonomy of the Mermithidae has been only partially evaluated and the taxonomic status of many representatives is uncertain. At least three mermithid genera and species parasitize North American blackflies, although a more varied mermithid fauna probably exists. The host specificity of mermithid parasites of simuliids is variable, but these nematodes do not appear to infect other stream fauna. The sporadic distribution of mermithid parasites of simuliids among potential biotopes may be associated with a relatively inefficient mode of dispersal for such nematodes. Detailed information is lacking concerning stages in the life cycles of these pathogens and their synchronization with the simuliid host. Mermithids cause pathogenic effects upon several blackfly tissues, although no information is available concerning physiological manifestations of mermithid parasitism in blackflies. A brief review of the present state of knowledge of simuliid taxonomy and bionomics is presented. The physiology of blackflies and their mermithid parasites has been largely ignored. The potentialities of mermithid nematodes for the biocontrol of blackflies are assessed and a feasible research programme presented, in relation to the present state of knowledge of mermithid-simuliid interrelationships and related areas of insect nematology.  相似文献   

Mixed populations of the pest blackflies Simulium bonaerense Coscarón & Wygodzinsky, S. wolffhuegeli (Enderlein) and S. nigristrigatum Wygodzinsky & Coscarón (Diptera: Simuliidae) are highly resistant to DDT and pyrethroids in the Neuquén Valley, a fruit-growing area of northern Patagonia, Argentina. As these insecticides have not been used for blackfly control, resistance is attributed to exposure to agricultural insecticides. Pre-treatment with the synergist piperonyl butoxide (PBO) reduced both DDT and fenvalerate resistance, indicating that resistance was partly due to monooxygenase inhibition. Pre-treatment with the synergist tribufos to inhibit esterases slightly increased fenvalerate toxicity in the resistant population. Even so, biochemical studies indicated almost three-fold higher esterase activity in the resistant population, compared to the susceptible. Starch gel electrophoresis confirmed higher frequency and staining intensity of esterase electromorphs in the resistant population. Incomplete synergism against metabolic resistance indicates additional involvement of a non-metabolic resistance mechanism, such as target site insensitivity, assumed to be kdr-like in this case. Glutathione S-transferase activities were low and inconsistent, indicating no role in Simulium resistance. Knowing these spectra of insecticide activity and resistance mechanisms facilitates the choice of more effective products for Simulium control and permits better coordination with agrochemical operations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Wild-caught black-flies ( Simulium venustum Say complex) were presented with diets at 37°C in an artificial feeding apparatus. Washed human red cells resuspended 1:1 in Ringer solution were potent phagostimulants, causing 89% of flies to gorge. Whole plasma was more potent (32% gorging) than platelet-poor plasma (2%). The ED50 for red cells was 3.5%. Although ADP, contained in high-concentration in platelets, was confirmed as a more potent phagostimulant than ATP (ED50 of 5πM V. 12μM), red cells were clearly more phagostimulatory than platelets, and with a potency more than adequate to trigger gorging in vivo. A high response to the ATP analogues, β, γ-methylene ATP and adenine phosphosulphate, supports the view that the phosphate chain is relatively unimportant in determining nucleotide potency to simuliids. The compounds phytic acid and 2,3-disphosphoglycerate, potent stimulants to Rhodnius prolixus , produced only moderate and no response, respectively at 1 mM; 5-hydroxytryptamine, another major constituent of platelets, also produced only a moderate response. Only flies caught while showing a characteristic probing behaviour would subsequently probe and feed in vitro; this 'blood-feeding mode' rapidly disappeared in the absence of stimuli eliciting actual probing, but for flies in this state a small temperature rise was sufficient stimulus for probing.  相似文献   

Penetrating infective juveniles of Romanomermis culicivorax usually killed first-stage larvae of Chironomus maturus Johann., Chironomus sp., Simulium damnosum Theo., and S. venustum Say. Nematodes were melanized and died after they entered fourth stage larvae of 2 chironomid species, but no host reaction was evident after entry into fourth-stage blackfly larvae. In contrast, the nematodes initiated development in the latter hosts, which died before the nematodes completed their development.  相似文献   

We investigated how infection by the mermithid nematode Gasteromermis sp. affected predation on its nymphal mayfly host, Baetisbicaudatus, by two invertebrate predators – the stonefly nymphs of Kogotusmodestus and the caddisfly larvae of Rhyacophilahyalinata. Predation trials and behavioral observations were conducted in stream-side, flow-through experimental chambers. When parasitized and unparasitized prey were offered in equal numbers, K. modestus consumed significantly more parasitized than unparasitized nymphs. R. hyalinata consumed equal numbers of both prey types. Behavioral observations of foraging K.␣modestus on parasitized and unparasitized prey suggested that the increased consumption of parasitized nymphs was due to differences in the behavior of infected mayflies in response to the predator. Specifically, parasitized nymphs drifted less often to escape an approaching predator (non-contact encounters) compared to unparasitized nymphs, which increased the number of contact encounters and attacks that occurred between K.␣modestus and parasitized prey. Because all hosts are castrated, these behavioral alterations affect only the fitness of the parasite, which is killed along with its host by invertebrate predation. We present a number of hypotheses to explain why the parasite causes increased predation on its host. These include the large size of the parasite affecting the sensory abilities of the host, the larger energetic costs of escape behavior for parasitized individuals, and natural selection from fish predation against drifting behavior by parasitized individuals. Received: 27 May 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

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