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Short-term changes in phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass have occurred 1–3 times every summer for the past 5 years in the shallow and hypertrophic Lake Søbygård, Denmark. These changes markedly affected lake water characteristics as well as the sediment/water interaction. Thus during a collapse of the phytoplankton biomass in 1985, lasting for about 2 weeks, the lake water became almost anoxic, followed by rapid increase in nitrogen and phosphorus at rates of 100–400 mg N M–2 day–1 and 100–200 mg P m–1 day–1. Average external loading during this period was about 350 mg N m–2 day–1 and 5 mg P m–2 day–1, respectively.Due to high phytoplankton biomass and subsequently a high sedimentation and recycling of nutrients, gross release rates of phosphorus and nitrogen were several times higher than net release rates. The net summer sediment release of phosphorus was usually about 40 mg P m–2 day–1, corresponding to a 2–3 fold increase in the net phosphorus release during the collapse. The nitrogen and phosphorus increase during the collapse is considered to be due primarily to a decreased sedimentation because of low algal biomass. The nutrient interactions between sediment and lake water during phytoplankton collapse, therefore, were changed from being dominated by both a large input and a large sedimentation of nutrients to a dominance of only a large input. Nitrogen was derived from both the inlet and sediment, whereas phosphorus was preferentially derived from the sediment. Different temperature levels may be a main reason for the different release rates from year to year.  相似文献   

Cyclops vicinus is reported to enter summer diapause triggered by day length in order to survive food scarcity and fish predation. Development ceases and the fourth or fifth copepodid stages persist in the sediment for several weeks. In Lake Søbygård, however, a small eutrophic lake in Denmark, C. vicinus is found in the sediment as well as in the open water throughout the year. We performed laboratory experiments to elucidate the life cycle strategy of this population. In order to find the factors that induce diapause we tested the influence of food composition and light regime on the proportion of copepods entering diapause. Further we examined the diapause pattern of the offspring from diapausing and non-diapausing parents to see whether the co-occurrence of diapausing and non-diapausing copepods results from genetic differentiation within the population. In all experiments some of the copepods developed directly into adults, while others remained at the fourth or fifth copepodid stage and displayed diapause features. The proportion of copepods that developed directly into adults was influenced by food supply. Fewer individuals entered diapause when they received a mixed diet of algae and ciliates or algae, ciliates and seston compared with a pure algal diet. The response to light was different than described in literature: about 30% of the copepods entered diapause under dark conditions, and the diapause frequency was not higher when copepods had been exposed to continuous light. The offspring from diapausing parents showed no higher tendency to enter diapause than the offspring of non-diapausing parents, indicating no genetic differentiation. We conclude that diapause in C. vicinus represents a risk-spreading strategy, modified by food. The simultaneous production of diapausing and non-diapausing offspring ensures survival under harsh conditions; the influence of the food supply on the proportion of individuals entering diapause may adjust the population to the actual environmental condition. This flexible life cycle strategy might contribute to the exclusive dominance of C. vicinus in Lake Søbygård.  相似文献   

Reitzel  Kasper  Hansen  Jonas  Jensen  Henning S.  Andersen  Frede Ø.  Hansen  Kjeld S. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,506(1-3):781-787
Hydrobiologia - Internal phosphorus (P) loading in shallow lakes may delay recovery from previous high external loading for decades. In Lake Sønderby (8 ha, mean depth 2.8 m), Fyn...  相似文献   

Cyclops vicinus is the only copepod species in the pelagic zone of Lake Søbygård and can be found there all year round. We studied the population dynamics of this copepod over a one-year period. In contrast to earlier studies we included the copepods in the pelagic zone as well as the copepods resting in the sediment. Cyclops vicinuswas found not only in the open water, but also in the sediment throughout the year. From the fluctuations of the abundances in both habitats we suggest that the life cycle is more complex than known so far: different diapause pattern appear within the population and the induction of diapause is different than in other populations. We assume that these features contribute to the predominance of C. vicinusin Lake Søbygård.  相似文献   

Abstract Seasonal variation in bacterioplankton abundance, biomass, and bacterioplankton production was studied over eight years in hypertrophic Lake S?byg?rd. Biologically, the lake is highly variable; this is due mainly to large interannual variation in fish recruitment. Bacterioplankton production was low during winter, typically 1–3 × 107 cells l−1 h−1, and high during summer, albeit greatly fluctuating with maximum rates typically ranging from 60 to 90 × 107 cells l−1 h−1 (or 0.4 to 0.6 mg C l−1 day−1). Less pronounced variations were found in bacterioplankton abundance, which typically ranged from 3–8 × 109 cells l−1 in winter to 15–30 × 109 cells l−1 during summer. The specific growth rate of bacterioplankton varied from 0.02–0.2 d−1 in winter to 0.5–2.3 day−1 during summer. Interpolated mean bacterioplankton production, in terms of carbon, ranged from 0.08 to 0.16 mg C l−1 day−1, corresponding to 1.6–5.5% of the phytoplankton production, while biomass ranged from 0.28 to 0.36 mg C l−1, corresponding to 1.9–4.6% of the phytoplankton biomass. We conducted regression analysis, relating the bacterioplankton variables to a number of environmental variables, and evaluated the interannual parameter variability. Chlorophyll a and phytoplankton production contributed less to the variation in the bacterioplankton variables than in most previous analyses using data from less eutrophic systems. We suggest that the proportion of phytoplankton production that is channelized through bacterioplankton in lakes decreases with increasing trophic state and decreasing mean depth. This probably reflects a concurrent increase in fish predation on macrozooplankton and loss by sedimentation. An important part of the residual variation in the equations hitherto proposed in the literature could be explained by variation in macrozooplankton biomass and pH > 10.2. A negative effect of high pH on bacterioplankton production was confirmed by laboratory experiments. The impact of different zooplankton varies considerably, with Daphnia seeming to have a negative impact on bacterioplankton abundance and, thereby, indirectly on bacterioplankton production, while Bosmina, rotifers, and cyclopoid copepods seem to stimulate both abundance and production. Bosmina apparently also stimulate the bacterioplankton specific growth rate. Received: 8 February 1996; Accepted: 16 July 1996  相似文献   

During the 20th century Lake Ringsjön has developed from a mesotrophic to a eutrophic lake, and the phytoplankton community has changed from a rather diverse community to a monoculture of blue-green algae. The eutrophication process has accelerated during the last decade. The most important external nutrient loading of today comes from agriculture.Although phosphorus has been shown to be the primary nutrient leading to excessive algal growth in fresh water, several biotic factors — such as interactions between nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton and planktivorous fish — may play a decisive role in the occurrence and maintenance of large algal blooms.The aim of this investigation was to study the changes in the fish community of Lake Ringsjön, especially the most dominant planktivores, and the state of the zooplankton community during the seventies. The fish fauna is dominated by cyprinids, especially roach, and there are relatively few predatory fish. During the seventies the mean size of roach decreased, and measurements of the zooplankton community indicated that the predation pressure on zooplankton had increased. The mean sizes of cladocerans such as Daphnia and Bosmina, which were selected for by the planktivorous fish, decreased; the size of the calanoid Diaptomus, which was not preyed upon by the dominating fish species, did not change. The growth of zooplankton-feeding stages of several fish species was retarded, which meant that the growth of young perch decreased, while older roach were mainly affected. In the prevailing situation, planktivorous roach can maintain a numerous population of small individuals, whereas the predatory perch is at a disadvantage, and predation on zooplankton is intense.  相似文献   

The structure of the zooplankton community in Itapeva Lake was formed by four groups and more than 127 zooplankton species, in which microplankton was the predominant size structure. The largest richness recorded was of the protists group and in autumn seasonal campaign. Protists were characteristic of the lake, regarding density, except during spring at the Center point (copepods) and autumn at the South point (rotifers). The seasonal distribution revealed that during summer, mean density increased in the zooplankton community, exactly the opposite of phytoplankton (that blooms during the cold season). However, the maximum density was recorded during autumn. High density was recorded for the ciliate Codonella sp. at all points and during all seasons. The abundance of the tecamoeba Difflugia tuberculata was strongly associated with the maximum effects of fetch in the lake. Rotifers were generally the second most representative groups in terms of density. Rotifers and Cladocera were more abundant in summer, whereas copepods were in spring and winter/98. The Shannon–Wiener index showed that the smallest zooplankton diversity average occurred during the winter/98 (H=1.44), while in autumn the largest zooplankton diversity average (H=2.36) was observed. Correlations (r-Pearson, p<0.05) with wind velocity were significant for zooplankton density (groups and/or abundant species), diversity, and richness. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed a seasonally significant spatial-temporal variation for the factors sampling point, day and shift (p<0.01). Temporal alterations in density, diversity and richness were closely dependent on the hydrodynamic action induced by the wind on the spatial distribution of the zooplankton community in the Itapeva Lake.  相似文献   

Lake Balaton, the largest shallow lake in Central Europe, has no natural outlet, therefore, underwent water level changes during its 15,000–17,000 years of history. The lake is very sensitive to both climate changes and human impacts. Surroundings have been inhabited since the Stone Age; however, heavy human impact can be recognized during the past 6000 years. In this study, we established three different stages for and reconstructed water level changes of Lake Balaton by geochemical data, subfossil Cladocera and diatom remains in the sediments of the Zalavári Pond, a part of the Kis-Balaton wetland. In 9900–8600 cal. year BP, climate was dry, water level was low, and there was a wetland in this area. Although organic matter content was low in the sediment, the ratio of Fe/Mn was high. Between 5600 and 5000 cal. year BP, water level increased, Fe/Mn ratio shows that oxygen conditions of sediments was improved in agreement with the relatively low number of diatom remains and dense chydorid remains. About 5000 cal. year BP, water level of Lake Balaton decreased as indicated by high organic content with low carbonate and high Fe/Mn ratio in the sediments (oxygen depletion). At the bottom of this section, high Fe and S concentrations showed accumulation of pyrite (FeS2) that is common in wetlands with very low redox potential. Low abundance of Cladocera remains together with rich and diverse diatom flora confirm the low water level hypothesis. Our data support that the water level of Lake Balaton was higher between 8600 and 5000 cal. year BP than it is at present.  相似文献   

We studied the succession patterns of the benthic community following a whole-lake restoration experiment in a subtropical hypertrophic lake (Lake Rodó, 34°55′ S 56°10′ W, Montevideo, Uruguay). The restoration measures involved diversion of the main inlet and removal of upper 1-m sediment and biomanipulation of the fish community. Between January 1997 and November 1999, we sampled sediments seasonally to analyse changes in benthos in relation to other abiotic and biotic characteristics of the system. The benthic community of the lake was composed of three families and nine genera. The maximum density (646 ind m−2), as well as the maximum taxonomic richness (six), were observed 1 month after the lake was refilled. Since 1998, the benthic abundance decreased considerably and continuously and a total absence of benthic organisms was registered by the end of the year. The low abundance of macroinvertebrates during 1997 could be explained by the food preferences of the dominant fish species, and the high fish biomass at the beginning of the biomanipulation process. However, the most relevant physico-chemical temporal patterns were the increase of organic matter and nutrients in the sediment and the fluctuations of oxygen and nitrate in the deepest layer of the water column. The disappearance of benthos was related to these temporal changes. These results stress the importance of the increase of organic matter for the changes in the physico-chemical environment, and its importance in the benthic succession and possible collapse. We suggest that in hypertrophic lakes, the effects of organic matter enrichment in the sediment can be even more relevant than fish predation in shaping the zoobenthos.  相似文献   

Quantitative samples were collected from Lake Atnsjøen five times per year in the growth seasons 1990–2000. The samples were analysed for variation in the phytoplankton composition, and the total volume and volume of the main groups of algae were calculated. Lake Atnsjøen is a large, deep and unregulated lake with a surface area of 4.8 km2 and a maximum depth of 80.2 m. It is a nutrient-poor, oligotrophic lake with a maximum phytoplankton volume varying between 125–393 mm3/m3 in the years 1990–2000. The phytoplankton community is dominated by species of the groups Chrysophyceae and Cryptophyceae. The chrysophytes dominate the phytoplankton in the early part of the growth season (May–June) while the cryptophytes increase throughout the season and dominate in the autumn. Among the chrysophytes different species of chrysomonads were most frequent together with common species of the genus Dinobryon like D. borgei, D. cylindricum var. alpinum and D. crenulatum. A total of 22 species or taxa of chrysophytes were recorded in the samples. Common among the cryptomonads were several species of the genus Cryptomonas. Most important quantitatively, however, were Rhodomonas lacustris and Katablepharis ovalis. The succesion of the phytoplankton throughout the growth season was similar from year to year in quantitative as well as qualitative terms, but some changes were recorded after the great flood in 1995. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) shows a slight, but significant, phytoplankton community change over the succeeding years.  相似文献   

During each of the first 8 years following an 80–90% reduction in external phosphorus loading of shallow, hypertrophic Lake Søbygaard, Denmark in 1982, phosphorus retention was found to be negative. Phosphorus release mainly occurred from April to October, net retention being close to zero during winter. Net internal phosphorus loading was 8 g P m–2 y–1 in 1983 and slowly decreased to 2 g P m–2 y–1 in 1990, mainly because of decreasing sediment phosphorus release during late summer and autumn. The high net release of phosphorus from Lake Søbygaard sediment is attributable to a very high phosphorus concentration and to a high transport rate in the sediment caused by bioturbation and gas ebullition. Sediment phosphorus concentration mainly decreased at a depth of 5 to 20 cm, involving sediment layers down to 23 cm. Maximum sediment phosphorus concentration, which was 11.3 mg P g–1 dw at a depth of 14–16 cm in 1985, decreased to 8.6 mg P g–1 dw at a depth of 16–18 cm in 1991. Phosphorus fractionation revealed that phosphorus release was accompanied by a decrease in NH4Cl-P + NaOH-P and organic phosphorus fractions. HCl-P increased at all sediment depths. The Fe:P ratio in the superficial layer stabilized at approximately 10. Net phosphorus release can be expected to continue for another decade at the present release rate, before an Fe:P ratio of 10 will be reached in the sediment layers from which phosphorus is now being released.  相似文献   

This work utilizes the CoastWeb model, a foodweb model for coastal areas that also includes a mass-balance model (CoastMab) for phosphorus and many abiotic/biotic interactions, to study the development in Ringkøbing Fjord, Denmark, from 1985 to 2004. This shallow coastal lagoon has an area of 300 km2 and a mean depth of 1.9 m. The water exchange between the lagoon and the North Sea is regulated by a sluice. In 1996 there was a major regime shift in this lagoon with drastic reductions in chlorophyll-a concentrations, significant increases in water clarity (Secchi depth) and major changes in the number and biomass of clams as well as in macrophyte cover. Regime shifts is a “hot” topic in aquatic ecology and in this work the CoastWeb model is used as a tool to understand and quantify the causes behind this regime shift. The CoastWeb model is general and can also be used for other coastal areas. The basic model calculates monthly production values and changes in biomasses of ten functional groups of organisms (phytoplankton, bacterioplankton, herbivorous, and predatory zooplankton, benthic algae, macrophytes, jellyfish, zoobenthos and prey and predatory fish) and in Ringkøbing Fjord, also for clams (Mya arenaria). In spite of its complexity, the model is relatively simple to use, since all driving variables may be readily accessed from maps or monitoring programs. The model includes much abiotic/biotic feedback and it can also be used to address other causes for regime shifts other than the changes in salinity and nutrient inflow, which have caused the changes in Ringkøbing Fjord. The model has previously been tested for more than 20 smaller coastal areas and was shown to predict variations in foodweb characteristics very well. The focus of this paper is on temporal variations within one well-studied coastal area. The paper compares modeled values to empirical data for Ringkøbing Fjord and discusses fundamental ecosystem features such as regime shifts and compensatory effects in a way that is not practically feasible without the use of quantitative models.  相似文献   

Temponeras  M.  Kristiansen  J.  Moustaka-Gouni  M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,424(1-3):109-122
Phytoplankton species composition, seasonal dynamics and spatial distribution in the shallow Lake Doïrani were studied during the growth season of 1996 along with key physical and chemical variables of the water. Weak thermal stratification developed in the lake during the warm period of 1996. The low N:P ratio suggests that nitrogen was the potential limiting nutrient of phytoplankton in the lake. In the phytoplankton of the lake, Chlorophyceae were the most species-rich group followed by Cyanophyceae. The monthly fluctuations of the total phytoplankton biomass presented high levels of summer algal biomass resembling that of other eutrophic lakes. Dinophyceae was the group most represented in the phytoplankton followed by Cyanophyceae. Diatomophyceae dominated in spring and autumn. Nanoplankton comprised around 90% of the total biomass in early spring and less than 10% in summer. The seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton generally followed the typical pattern outlined for other eutrophic lakes. R-species (small diatoms), dominant in the early phase of succession, were replaced by S-species (Microcystis, Anabaena, Ceratium) in summer. With cooling of the water in September, the biomass of diatoms (R-species) increased. The summer algal maxima consisted of a combination of H and M species associations (sensu Reynolds). Phytoplankton development in 1996 was subject to the combined effect of the thermal regime, the small depth of mixing and the increased sediment-water interactions in the lake, which caused changes in the underwater light conditions and nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

Garnier  Josette  Billen  Gilles 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):97-114
A large data set (n = 154) of phytoplankton production and biomass in relation to physico-chemical environmental factors was collected from 1979 to 1986 in a recently created sand-pit lake (Paris suburbs). These data are well suited to interpret the oligotrophication observed along the 8 years period, characterized by a regular decrease in chlorophyll (from 16 to 4 µg l-1 as annual averages).A model describing the ecological functioning of the lake has been established. Biological processes related to phyto-, bacterio- and zooplankton as well as sediment-water interactions, are described within several submodels. Most of the parameters involved were determined by in situ measurements in this or similar environments The model provides a good simulation of observed data and confirms that the reduction of nutrient loading, resulting from the diversion — in 1981 — of a sewer previously discharging into the lake, was responsible for the oligotrophication of the system. The model allows to explore the response of planktonic compartments accross a gradient of nutrient loading. The role of hydrology is also tested. The systematic run of the model with and without zooplankton leads to a better understanding of top-down control.  相似文献   

Lakes can be monitored using different bioindicators, among which phytoplankton and benthic diatoms. We compared these two indicators in Lake Geneva for nutrient assessment. Bimonthly samplings were carried out during one year in the euphotic layer of a pelagic site. In the same time four littoral sites were sampled at 40–50 cm depth. Species compositions and abundances of both bioindicators were analyzed following European standards. Water physico-chemical composition was analyzed at the same time. Seasonal succession of benthic diatom guilds was observed. The dynamics of benthic diatom communities were better correlated to the pelagic chemistry than to the local littoral chemistry. We also observed that in the sampling sites frequently exposed to winds and waves, benthic diatoms showed lower correlations to physico-chemical dynamics, because of an increase of pioneer diatoms abundance adapted to turbulent environment, such sites must be avoided for lake monitoring. Finally, biotic indices calculated with benthic diatoms in wind protected sites showed higher correlations with pelagic nutrient concentration (PO43−) than indices calculated with phytoplankton. This unexpected situation can be explained by differences of temporal variability of chemical and biological compartments. Littoral chemistry changed faster than pelagic chemistry because of rains, diffuse flow from watershed and rivers flowing in the littoral zone whereas pelagic chemistry has a much smoother evolution because it is situated 10 km from the coast. But phytoplankton showed a high temporal variability because of wind influence, which explained the low correlation with the smooth evolution of pelagic chemistry. On the other hand, benthic diatoms from sites protected from the dominant wind, showed a lower temporal variability and were more in synchrony with the smooth evolution of pelagic chemistry.Even if we show that diatom seem to be promising indicator of nutrient level of the lake, we also underline the complementarity of using both indicators: benthic diatom and phytoplankton. Each of them brings different information about temporal variability of the lake and about the functioning of different habitats. Comparing these two bioindicators only on the basis of nutrient correlation ability would be an over-simplification whom managers must be warned.  相似文献   

The role of biota in the mass loss of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud was studied in the littoral belt of a central Italy volcanic lake. The research focussed on the feeding interactions between detritivores and decomposing fungi as drivers of the leaf litter decomposition. The litterbag technique was used to assess the leaf mass loss, the number of colonizing fungi and the patterns of leaf colonization by detritivores during 40 days of submersion in 16 sampling sites. Cores of bottom sediment were collected to estimate the organic content and ergosterol concentration as measure of fungal mass. The rate of leaf mass loss showed significant variability among the sampling sites and was non-linearly related to the quantity of organic depositions onto the lake bottom, peaking at about 40% of the dry matter. The rate was also positively correlated with the density of detritivore mass relative to the leaf unit mass, which increased with time. On the 20th day of litterbag immersion, when 40% of the initial leaf litter remained, we observed the best accordance between the two measures as well as the lowest difference in the detritivore mass density among sampling sites. In the absence of animals, the decomposition rate was positively related to the number of fungi on the decaying litter. The feeding activity of detritivores changed both the species richness and composition of the fungal community on the litter. The substrate reduction due to intense animal feeding appeared to limit the ability of fungi to regrow after grazing. As a result, an inverse relationship between the number of fungi and the decomposition rate was observed.  相似文献   

Ejsmont-Karabin  J.  Gulati  R. D.  Rooth  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):29-34
Visual observations and experiments on food preference of Euchlanis dilatata lucksiana show that this euchlanid can feed on blue-green algae not consumed by the most planktonic animals. Nevertheless, even in lakes with blooms of blue-green algae, E. d. lucksiana occur infrequently and generally in low numbers. The paper is an attempt to explore into the causes for the rare occurrence of Euchlanis in the pelagial. A comparison of threshold food concentrations calculated from N and P excretion rates (Gulati et al., this volume) with the concentrations of seston in the Lake Loosdrecht shows that the latter were several times higher during study period in 1984. This implies that the food requirements of Euchlanis were always satisfied in this lake. The time needed for the consumption of the total food fraction in a liter of lake water by a concentration of 50 Euchlanis l–1 was also calculated. This time varied from 70 to 200 days, so a Euchlanis population even at its maximum density will not cause major changes in blue-green algae biomass by grazing. Thus, food limitation cannot be viewed as a factor controlling the Euchlanis densities in Loosdrecht Lakes. There is some evidence that Euchlanis is heavily predated in Loosdrecht Lakes, losses in its biomass accounting for 126% of the production. Adaptation of this species to the littoral zone, as expressed by the deposition of eggs on plants, can also limit the occurrence of the lucksiana form to water bodies with blooms of blue-green algae.  相似文献   

During the past century, Lake Tåkern and Lake Krankesjön, southern Sweden, have shifted repeatedly between a state of clear water and abundant submerged vegetation, and a state of turbid water and sparse vegetation. Long-term empirical data on such apparently alternative stable state dynamics are valuable as complements to modeling and experiments, although the causal mechanisms behind shifts are often difficult to identify in hindsight. Here, we summarize previous studies and discuss possible mechanisms behind the shifts. The most detailed information comes from monitoring of two recent shifts, one in each lake. In the 1980s, L. Krankesjön shifted to clear water following an expansion of sago pondweed, Potamogeton pectinatus. Water clarity increased when the pondweed was replaced by characeans. Zooplankton biomass in summer declined and the concentration of total phosphorus (TP) was reduced to half the previous level. The fish community changed over several years, including an increasing recruitment of piscivorous perch (Perca fluviatilis). An opposite directed shift to turbid water occurred in Lake Tåkern in 1995, when biomass of phytoplankton increased in spring, at the expense of submerged vegetation. Consistent with the findings in L. Krankesjön, phyto- and zooplankton biomass increased and the average concentration of TP doubled. After the shift to clear water in L. Krankesjön, TP concentration has increased during the latest decade, supporting the idea that accumulation of nutrients may lead to a long-term destabilization of the clear water state. In L. Tåkern, data on TP are inconclusive, but organic nitrogen concentrations oscillated during a 25-year period of clear water. These observations indicate that intrinsic processes cause gradual or periodic changes in system stability, although we cannot exclude the possibility that external forces are also involved. During such phases of destabilization of the clear water state, even small disturbances could possibly trigger a shift, which may explain why causes behind shifts are hard to identify even when they occur during periods of extensive monitoring.  相似文献   

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