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Simultaneous measurements of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) were made in a Florida scrub‐oak ecosystem in August 1997 and then every month between April 2000 to July 2001, using open top chambers (NEEO) and eddy covariance (NEEE). This study provided a cross validation of these two different techniques for measuring NEE. Unique characteristics of the comparison were that the measurements were made simultaneously, in the same stand, with large replicated chambers enclosing a representative portion of the ecosystem (75 m2, compared to approximately 1–2 ha measured by the eddy covariance system). The value of the comparison was greatest at night, when the microclimate was minimally affected by the chambers. For six of the 12 measurement periods, night NEEO was not significantly different to night NEEE, and for the other periods the maximum difference was 1.1 µ mol m ? 2s ? 1, with an average of 0.72 ± 0.09 µ mol m ? 2s ? 1. The comparison was more difficult during the photoperiod, because of differences between the microclimate inside and outside the chambers. During the photoperiod, air temperature (Tair) and air vapour pressure deficits (VPD) became progressively higher inside the chambers until mid‐afternoon. In the morning NEEO was higher than NEEE by about 26%, consistent with increased temperature inside the chambers. Over the mid‐day period and the afternoon, NEEO was 8% higher that NEEE, regardless of the large differences in microclimate. This study demonstrates both the uses and difficulties associated with attempting to cross validate NEE measurements made in chambers and using eddy covariance. The exercise was most useful at night when the chamber had a minimal effect on microclimate, and when the measurement of NEE is most difficult.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects on CO2 exchange of clearcutting a mixed forest and replacing it with a plantation, 4.5 years of continuous eddy covariance measurements of CO2 fluxes and soil respiration measurements were conducted in a conifer-broadleaf mixed forest in Hokkaido, Japan. The mixed forest was a weak carbon sink (net ecosystem exchange, −44 g C m−2 yr−1), and it became a large carbon source (569 g C m−2 yr−1) after clearcutting. However, the large emission in the harvest year rapidly decreased in the following 2 years (495 and 153 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively) as the gross primary production (GPP) increased, while the total ecosystem respiration (RE) remained relatively stable. The rapid increase in GPP was attributed to an increase in biomass and photosynthetic activity of Sasa dwarf bamboo, an understory species. Soil respiration increased in the 3 years following clearcutting, in the first year mainly owing to the change in the gap ratio of the forest, and in the following years because of increased root respiration by the bamboo. The ratio of soil respiration to RE increased from 44% in the forest to nearly 100% after clearcutting, and aboveground parts of the vegetation contributed little to the RE although the respiration chamber measurements showed heterogeneous soil condition after clearcutting.  相似文献   

Radon‐222 (Rn‐222) is used as a transport tracer of forest canopy–atmosphere CO2 exchange in an old‐growth, tropical rain forest site near km 67 of the Tapajós National Forest, Pará, Brazil. Initial results, from month‐long periods at the end of the wet season (June–July) and the end of the dry season (November–December) in 2001, demonstrate the potential of new Rn measurement instruments and methods to quantify mass transport processes between forest canopies and the atmosphere. Gas exchange rates yield mean canopy air residence times ranging from minutes during turbulent daytime hours to greater than 12 h during calm nights. Rn is an effective tracer for net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (CO2 NEE) during calm, night‐time hours when eddy covariance‐based NEE measurements are less certain because of low atmospheric turbulence. Rn‐derived night‐time CO2 NEE (9.00±0.99 μmol m?2 s?1 in the wet season, 6.39±0.59 in the dry season) was significantly higher than raw uncorrected, eddy covariance‐derived CO2 NEE (5.96±0.51 wet season, 5.57±0.53 dry season), but agrees with corrected eddy covariance results (8.65±1.07 wet season, 6.56±0.73 dry season) derived by filtering out lower NEE values obtained during calm periods using independent meteorological criteria. The Rn CO2 results suggest that uncorrected eddy covariance values underestimate night‐time CO2 loss at this site. If generalizable to other sites, these observations indicate that previous reports of strong net CO2 uptake in Amazonian terra firme forest may be overestimated.  相似文献   

Partitioning net ecosystem carbon exchange with isotopic fluxes of CO2   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Because biological and physical processes alter the stable isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2, variations in isotopic content can be used to investigate those processes. Isotopic flux measurements of 13CO2 above terrestrial ecosystems can potentially be used to separate net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) into its component fluxes, net photosynthetic assimilation (FA) and ecosystem respiration (FR). In this paper theory is developed to partition measured NEE into FA and FR, using measurements of fluxes of CO2 and 13CO2, and isotopic composition of respired CO2 and forest air. The theory is then applied to fluxes measured (or estimated, for 13CO2) in a temperate deciduous forest in eastern Tennessee (Walker Branch Watershed). It appears that there is indeed enough additional information in 13CO2 fluxes to partition NEE into its photosynthetic and respiratory components. Diurnal patterns in FA and FR were obtained, which are consistent in magnitude and shape with patterns obtained from NEE measurements and an exponential regression between night‐time NEE and temperature (a standard technique which provides alternate estimates of FR and FA). The light response curve for photosynthesis (FA vs. PAR) was weakly nonlinear, indicating potential for saturation at high light intensities. Assimilation‐weighted discrimination against 13CO2 for this forest during July 1999 was 16.8–17.1‰, depending on canopy conductance. The greatest uncertainties in this approach lie in the evaluation of canopy conductance and its effect on whole‐canopy photosynthetic discrimination, and thus the indirect methods used to estimate isotopic fluxes. Direct eddy covariance measurements of 13CO2 flux are needed to assess the validity of the assumptions used and provide defensible isotope‐based estimates of the component fluxes of net ecosystem exchange.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a method for modelling the deterministic component of eddy covariance CO2 flux time series in order to supplement missing data in these important data sets. The method is based on combining multidimensional semi-parametric spline interpolation with an assumed but unstated dependence of net CO2 flux on light, temperature and time. We test the model using a range of synthetic canopy data sets generated using several canopy simulation models realized for different micrometeorological and vegetation conditions. The method appears promising for filling large systematic gaps providing the associated missing data do not overerode critical information content in the conditioning data used for the model optimization.  相似文献   

Seven years of carbon dioxide flux measurements indicate that a ~90‐year‐old spruce dominated forest in Maine, USA, has been sequestering 174±46 g C m?2 yr?1 (mean±1 standard deviation, nocturnal friction velocity (u*) threshold >0.25 m s?1). An analysis of monthly flux anomalies showed that above‐average spring and fall temperatures were significantly correlated with greater monthly C uptake while above‐average summer temperatures were correlated with decreased net C uptake. Summer months with significantly drier or wetter soils than normal were also characterized by lower rates of C uptake. Years with above‐average C storage were thus typically characterized by warmer than average spring and fall temperatures and adequate summer soil moisture. Environmental and forest–atmosphere flux data recorded from a second tower surrounded by similar forest, but sufficiently distant that flux source regions (‘footprints’), did not overlap significantly showed almost identical temperature and solar radiation conditions, but some differences in energy partitioning could be seen. Half‐hourly as well as integrated (annual) C exchange values recorded at the separate towers were very similar, with average annual net C uptake differing between the two towers by <6%. Interannual variability in net C exchange was found to be much greater than between tower variability. Simultaneous measurements from two towers were used to estimate flux data uncertainty from a single tower. Carbon‐flux model parameters derived independently from each flux tower data set were not significantly different, demonstrating that flux towers can provide a robust method for establishing C exchange model parameters.  相似文献   

Measurements of regional net ecosystem exchange (NEE) were made over a period of 21 days in summer 2002 in the South‐Central part of the Netherlands and extrapolated to an area of 13 000 km2 using a combination of flux measurements made by a Sky Arrow ERA research aircraft, half‐hourly eddy covariance data from four towers, half‐hourly weather data recorded by three weather stations and detailed information on regional land use. The combination of this type of information allowed to estimate the net contribution of the terrestrial ecosystems to the overall regional carbon flux and to map dynamically the temporal and spatial variability of the fluxes. A regional carbon budget was calculated for the study period and the contributions of the different land uses to the overall regional flux, were assessed. Ecosystems were, overall, a small source of carbon to the atmosphere equivalent to to 0.23±0.025 g C m−2 day−1. When considered separately, arable and grasslands were a source of, respectively, 0.68±0.022 and 1.28±0.026 g C m−2 day−1. Evergreen and deciduous forests were instead a sink of −1.42±0.015 g C m−2 day−1. During the study period, forests offset approximately 3.5% of anthropogenic carbon emission estimates obtained from inventory data. Lacking of a robust validation, NEE values obtained with this method were compared with independent state of art estimates of the regional carbon balance that were obtained by applying a semi‐empirical model of NEE driven by MODIS satellite fAPAR data. The comparison showed an acceptable matching for the carbon balance of forest that was a sink in both cases, while a much larger difference for arable and grassland was found. Those ecosystems were a sink for satellite‐based estimates while they were a source for the combined aircraft and tower estimates. Possible causes of such differences are discussed and partly addressed. The importance of new methods for determining carbon balance at the regional scale, is outlined.  相似文献   

  • 1 In order to study the dynamics of primary production and decomposition in the lake littoral, an interface zone between the pelagial, the catchment and the atmosphere, we measured ecosystem/atmosphere carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange in the littoral zone of an eutrophic boreal lake in Finland during two open water periods (1998–1999). We reconstructed the seasonal net CO2 exchange and identified the key factors controlling CO2 dynamics. The seasonal net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was related to the amount of carbon accumulated in plant biomass.
  • 2 In the continuously inundated zones, spatial and temporal variation in the density of aerial shoots controlled CO2 fluxes, but seasonal net exchange was in most cases close to zero. The lower flooded zone had a net CO2 uptake of 1.8–6.2 mol m?2 per open water period, but the upper flooded zone with the highest photosynthetic capacity and above‐ground plant biomass, had a net CO2 loss of 1.1–7.1 mol m?2 per open water period as a result of the high respiration rate. The excess of respiration can be explained by decomposition of organic matter produced on site in previous years or leached from the catchment.
  • 3 Our results from the two study years suggest that changes in phenology and water level were the prime cause of the large interannual difference in NEE in the littoral zone. Thus, the littoral is a dynamic buffer and source for the load of allochthonous and autochthonous carbon to small lakes.

Eddy covariance was used to measure the net CO2 exchange (NEE) over ecosystems differing in land use (forest and agriculture) in Thuringia, Germany. Measurements were carried out at a managed, even‐aged European beech stand (Fagus sylvatica, 70–150 years old), an unmanaged, uneven‐aged mixed beech stand in a late stage of development (F. sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplantanus, and other hardwood trees, 0–250 years old), a managed young Norway spruce stand (Picea abies, 50 years old), and an agricultural field growing winter wheat in 2001, and potato in 2002. Large contrasts were found in NEE rates between the land uses of the ecosystems. The managed and unmanaged beech sites had very similar net CO2 uptake rates (~?480 to ?500 g C m?2 yr?1). Main differences in seasonal NEE patterns between the beech sites were because of a later leaf emergence and higher maximum leaf area index at the unmanaged beech site, probably as a result of the species mix at the site. In contrast, the spruce stand had a higher CO2 uptake in spring but substantially lower net CO2 uptake in summer than the beech stands. This resulted in a near neutral annual NEE (?4 g C m?2 yr?1), mainly attributable to an ecosystem respiration rate almost twice as high as that of the beech stands, despite slightly lower temperatures, because of the higher elevation. Crops in the agricultural field had high CO2 uptake rates, but growing season length was short compared with the forest ecosystems. Therefore, the agricultural land had low‐to‐moderate annual net CO2 uptake (?34 to ?193 g C m?2), but with annual harvest taken into account it will be a source of CO2 (+97 to +386 g C m?2). The annually changing patchwork of crops will have strong consequences on the regions' seasonal and annual carbon exchange. Thus, not only land use, but also land‐use history and site‐specific management decisions affect the large‐scale carbon balance.  相似文献   

Thus far, grassland ecosystem research has mainly been focused on low‐lying grassland areas, whereas research on high‐altitude grassland areas, especially on the carbon budget of remote areas like the Qinghai‐Tibetan plateau is insufficient. To address this issue, flux of CO2 were measured over an alpine shrubland ecosystem (37°36′N, 101°18′E; 325 above sea level [a. s. l.]) on the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau, China, for 2 years (2003 and 2004) with the eddy covariance method. The vegetation is dominated by formation Potentilla fruticosa L. The soil is Mol–Cryic Cambisols. To interpret the biotic and abiotic factors that modulate CO2 flux over the course of a year we decomposed net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) into its constituent components, and ecosystem respiration (Reco). Results showed that seasonal trends of annual total biomass and NEE followed closely the change in leaf area index. Integrated NEE were ?58.5 and ?75.5 g C m?2, respectively, for the 2003 and 2004 years. Carbon uptake was mainly attributed from June, July, August, and September of the growing season. In July, NEE reached seasonal peaks of similar magnitude (4–5 g C m?2 day?1) each of the 2 years. Also, the integrated night‐time NEE reached comparable peak values (1.5–2 g C m?2 day?1) in the 2 years of study. Despite the large difference in time between carbon uptake and release (carbon uptake time < release time), the alpine shrubland was carbon sink. This is probably because the ecosystem respiration at our site was confined significantly by low temperature and small biomass and large day/night temperature difference and usually soil moisture was not limiting factor for carbon uptake. In general, Reco was an exponential function of soil temperature, but with season‐dependent values of Q10. The temperature‐dependent respiration model failed immediately after rain events, when large pulses of Reco were observed. Thus, for this alpine shrubland in Qinghai‐Tibetan plateau, the timing of rain events had more impact than the total amount of precipitation on ecosystem Reco and NEE.  相似文献   

Eddy covariance records hold great promise for understanding the processes controlling the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE). However, NEE is the small difference between two large fluxes: photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration. Consequently, separating NEE into its component fluxes, and determining the process‐level controls over these fluxes, is a difficult problem. In this study, we used a model‐data synthesis approach with the Simplified PnET (SIPNET) flux model to extract process‐level information from 5 years of eddy covariance data at an evergreen forest in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. SIPNET runs at a twice‐daily time step, and has two vegetation carbon pools, a single aggregated soil carbon pool, and a soil moisture submodel that models both evaporation and transpiration. By optimizing the model parameters before evaluating model‐data mismatches, we were able to probe the model structure independent of any arbitrary parameter set. In doing so, we were able to learn about the primary controls over NEE in this ecosystem, and in particular the respiration component of NEE. We also used this parameter optimization, coupled with a formal model selection criterion, to investigate the effects of making hypothesis‐driven changes to the model structure. These experiments lent support to the hypotheses that (1) photosynthesis, and possibly foliar respiration, are down‐regulated when the soil is frozen and (2) the metabolic processes of soil microbes vary in the summer and winter, possibly because of the existence of distinct microbial communities at these two times. Finally, we found that including water vapor fluxes, in addition to carbon fluxes, in the parameter optimization did not yield significantly more information about the partitioning of NEE into gross photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration.  相似文献   

Nine years (2003–2011) of carbon dioxide (CO2) flux were measured at a black spruce forest in interior Alaska using the eddy covariance method. Seasonal and interannual variations in the gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (RE) were associated primarily with air temperature: warmer conditions enhanced GPP and RE. Meanwhile, interannual variation in annual CO2 balance was controlled predominantly by RE, and not GPP. During these 9 years of measurement, the annual CO2 balance shifted from a CO2 sink to a CO2 source, with a 9‐year average near zero. The increase in autumn RE was associated with autumn warming and was mostly attributed to a shift in the annual CO2 balance. The increase in autumn air temperature (0.22 °C yr?1) during the 9 years of study was 15 times greater than the long‐term warming trend between 1905 and 2011 (0.015 °C yr?1) due to decadal climate oscillation. This result indicates that most of the shifts in observed CO2 fluxes were associated with decadal climate variability. Because the natural climate varies in a cycle of 10–30 years, a long‐term study covering at least one full cycle of decadal climate oscillation is important to quantify the CO2 balance and its interaction with the climate.  相似文献   

This paper presents CO2 flux data from 18 forest ecosystems, studied in the European Union funded EUROFLUX project. Overall, mean annual gross primary productivity (GPP, the total amount of carbon (C) fixed during photosynthesis) of these forests was 1380 ± 330 gC m?2 y?1 (mean ±SD). On average, 80% of GPP was respired by autotrophs and heterotrophs and released back into the atmosphere (total ecosystem respiration, TER = 1100 ± 260 gC m?2 y?1). Mean annual soil respiration (SR) was 760 ± 340 gC m?2 y?1 (55% of GPP and 69% of TER). Among the investigated forests, large differences were observed in annual SR and TER that were not correlated with mean annual temperature. However, a significant correlation was observed between annual SR and TER and GPP among the relatively undisturbed forests. On the assumption that (i) root respiration is constrained by the allocation of photosynthates to the roots, which is coupled to productivity, and that (ii) the largest fraction of heterotrophic soil respiration originates from decomposition of young organic matter (leaves, fine roots), whose availability also depends on primary productivity, it is hypothesized that differences in SR among forests are likely to depend more on productivity than on temperature. At sites where soil disturbance has occurred (e.g. ploughing, drainage), soil espiration was a larger component of the ecosystem C budget and deviated from the relationship between annual SR (and TER) and GPP observed among the less‐disturbed forests. At one particular forest, carbon losses from the soil were so large, that in some years the site became a net source of carbon to the atmosphere. Excluding the disturbed sites from the present analysis reduced mean SR to 660 ± 290 gC m?2 y?1, representing 49% of GPP and 63% of TER in the relatively undisturbed forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems sequester 2.1 Pg of atmospheric carbon annually. A large amount of the terrestrial sink is realized by forests. However, considerable uncertainties remain regarding the fate of this carbon over both short and long timescales. Relevant data to address these uncertainties are being collected at many sites around the world, but syntheses of these data are still sparse. To facilitate future synthesis activities, we have assembled a comprehensive global database for forest ecosystems, which includes carbon budget variables (fluxes and stocks), ecosystem traits (e.g. leaf area index, age), as well as ancillary site information such as management regime, climate, and soil characteristics. This publicly available database can be used to quantify global, regional or biome‐specific carbon budgets; to re‐examine established relationships; to test emerging hypotheses about ecosystem functioning [e.g. a constant net ecosystem production (NEP) to gross primary production (GPP) ratio]; and as benchmarks for model evaluations. In this paper, we present the first analysis of this database. We discuss the climatic influences on GPP, net primary production (NPP) and NEP and present the CO2 balances for boreal, temperate, and tropical forest biomes based on micrometeorological, ecophysiological, and biometric flux and inventory estimates. Globally, GPP of forests benefited from higher temperatures and precipitation whereas NPP saturated above either a threshold of 1500 mm precipitation or a mean annual temperature of 10 °C. The global pattern in NEP was insensitive to climate and is hypothesized to be mainly determined by nonclimatic conditions such as successional stage, management, site history, and site disturbance. In all biomes, closing the CO2 balance required the introduction of substantial biome‐specific closure terms. Nonclosure was taken as an indication that respiratory processes, advection, and non‐CO2 carbon fluxes are not presently being adequately accounted for.  相似文献   

Similar nonsteady‐state automated chamber systems were used to measure and partition soil CO2 efflux in contrasting deciduous (trembling aspen) and coniferous (black spruce and jack pine) stands located within 100 km of each other near the southern edge of the Boreal forest in Canada. The stands were exposed to similar climate forcing in 2003, including marked seasonal variations in soil water availability, which provided a unique opportunity to investigate the influence of climate and stand characteristics on soil CO2 efflux and to quantify its contribution to the net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) as measured with the eddy‐covariance technique. Partitioning of soil CO2 efflux between soil respiration (including forest‐floor vegetation) and forest‐floor photosynthesis showed that short‐ and long‐term temporal variations of soil CO2 efflux were related to the influence of (1) soil temperature and water content on soil respiration and (2) below‐canopy light availability, plant water status and forest‐floor plant species composition on forest‐floor photosynthesis. Overall, the three stands were weak to moderate sinks for CO2 in 2003 (NEE of ?103, ?80 and ?28 g C m?2 yr?1 for aspen, black spruce and jack pine, respectively). Forest‐floor respiration accounted for 86%, 73% and 75% of annual ecosystem respiration, in the three respective stands, while forest‐floor photosynthesis contributed to 11% and 14% of annual gross ecosystem photosynthesis in the black spruce and jack pine stands, respectively. The results emphasize the need to perform concomitant measurements of NEE and soil CO2 efflux at longer time scales in different ecosystems in order to better understand the impacts of future interannual climate variability and vegetation dynamics associated with climate change on each component of the carbon balance.  相似文献   

The net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) between a Mojave Desert ecosystem and the atmosphere was measured over the course of 2 years at the Mojave Global Change Facility (MGCF, Nevada, USA) using the eddy covariance method. The investigated desert ecosystem was a sink for CO2, taking up 102±67 and 110±70 g C m−2 during 2005 and 2006, respectively. A comprehensive uncertainty analysis showed that most of the uncertainty of the inferred sink strength was due to the need to account for the effects of air density fluctuations on CO2 densities measured with an open-path infrared gas analyser. In order to keep this uncertainty within acceptable bounds, highest standards with regard to maintenance of instrumentation and flux measurement postprocessing have to be met. Most of the variability in half-hourly NEE was explained by the amount of incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). On a seasonal scale, PAR and soil water content were the most important determinants of NEE. Precipitation events resulted in an initial pulse of CO2 to the atmosphere, temporarily reducing NEE or even causing it to switch sign. During summer, when soil moisture was low, a lag of 3–4 days was observed before the correlation between NEE and precipitation switched from positive to negative, as opposed to conditions of high soil water availability in spring, when this transition occurred within the same day the rain took place. Our results indicate that desert ecosystem CO2 exchange may be playing a much larger role in global carbon cycling and in modulating atmospheric CO2 levels than previously assumed – especially since arid and semiarid biomes make up >30% of Earth's land surface.  相似文献   

Interannual variability in net CO2 exchange of a native tallgrass prairie   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Year‐round eddy covariance flux measurements were made in a native tallgrass prairie in north‐central Oklahoma, USA during 1997–2000 to quantify carbon exchange and its interannual variability. This prairie is dominated by warm season C4 grasses. The soil is a relatively shallow silty clay loam underlined with a heavy clay layer and a limestone bedrock. During the study period, the prairie was burned in the spring of each year, and was not grazed. In 1997 there was adequate soil moisture through the growing season, but 1998 had two extended periods of substantially low soil moisture (with concurrent high air temperatures and vapor pressure deficits), one early and one later in the growing season. There was also moisture stress in 1999, but it was less severe and occurred later in the season. The annual net ecosystem CO2 exchange, NEE (before including carbon loss during the burn) was 274, 46 and 124 g C m ? 2 yr ? 1 in 1997, 1998, and 1999, respectively (flux toward the surface is positive), and the associated variation seemed to mirror the severity of moisture stress. We also examined integrated values of NEE during different periods (e.g. day/night; growing season/senescence). Annually integrated carbon dioxide uptake during the daytime showed the greatest variability from year to year, and was primarily linked to the severity of moisture stress. Carbon loss during nighttime was a significant part of the annual daytime NEE, and was fairly stable from year to year. When carbon loss during the burn (estimated from pre‐ and post‐burn biomass samples) was incorporated in the annual NEE, the prairie was found to be approximately carbon neutral (i.e. net carbon uptake/release was near zero) in years with no moisture stress (1997) or with some stress late in the season (1999). During a year with severe moisture stress early in the season (1998), the prairie was a net source of carbon. It appears that moisture stress (severity as well as timing of occurrence) was a dominating factor regulating the annual carbon exchange of the prairie.  相似文献   

Estimates of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 have been measured on a variety of ecosystems world wide including grasslands, savannahs, boreal, pine, deciduous, Mediterranean and tropical rain forests as well as arctic tundra. While there have been numerous comparisons between net primary productivity of arid and semiarid grasslands and shrublands, notably lacking are estimates of NEE with a few exceptions. The objective of this study was to characterize the seasonal and annual carbon flux of a desert shrub ecosystem using the eddy covariance technique to determine the sensitivity of the system to the timing and varying amounts of precipitation. Measurements began in July of 2001, a year with 339 mm of rainfall, considerably above the long‐term average of 174 mm and preceded by 2 years of below average rainfall (50–62 mm). Over the 2 complete years of measurements, precipitation was 147 and 197 mm in 2002 and 2003, respectively. In all years, the majority of the precipitation fell between August and September. The site was a sink of ?39 g C m?2 yr?1 in 2002 with a relatively strong uptake in the early part of the year and reduced uptake after the suboptimal rainfall in September. This contrasts with 2003 when the ecosystem took up ?52 g C m?2 yr?1 concentrated in the fall after significant rain in August and September. Likely, extremely low rainfall years would result in a carbon loss while a strengthening of the typical winter secondary peak in precipitation (notably absent in the 2 years of measurements) may extend uptake into the spring resulting in more carbon accumulation. The system appears to be buffered against variations in annual rainfall attributed to water storage in the stems and roots.  相似文献   

Three years of eddy covariance measurements were used to characterize the seasonal and interannual variability of the CO2 fluxes above an alpine meadow (3250 m a.s.l.) on the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau, China. This alpine meadow was a weak sink for atmospheric CO2, with a net ecosystem production (NEP) of 78.5, 91.7, and 192.5 g C m?2 yr?1 in 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. The prominent, high NEP in 2004 resulted from the combination of high gross primary production (GPP) and low ecosystem respiration (Re) during the growing season. The period of net absorption of CO2 in 2004, 179 days, was 10 days longer than that in 2002 and 5 days longer than that in 2003. Moreover, the date on which the mean air temperature first exceeded 5.0°C was 10 days earlier in 2004 (DOY110) than in 2002 or 2003. This date agrees well with that on which the green aboveground biomass (Green AGB) started to increase. The relationship between light‐use efficiency and Green AGB was similar among the three years. In 2002, however, earlier senescence possibly caused low autumn GPP, and thus the annual NEP, to be lower. The low summertime Re in 2004 was apparently caused by lower soil temperatures and the relatively lower temperature dependence of Re in comparison with the other years. These results suggest that (1) the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau plays a potentially significant role in global carbon sequestration, because alpine meadow covers about one‐third of this vast plateau, and (2) the annual NEP in the alpine meadow was comprehensively controlled by the temperature environment, including its effect on biomass growth.  相似文献   

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