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A lineage of benthic chaetognaths has developed limb-like appendages on the caudal part of the body, resulting from a local modification of the lateral fins, which are folds of the epidermis and have a role in balance when swimming. The most complex are those of Paraspadella gotoi which are used as props with the tip of the tail, allowing an elaborated mating behaviour comprising different movements: complete erection of the body, swings and jumps, astonishing for so simple-bodied animals. In the tail, the epidermis and the connective tissue, together with the longitudinal musculature, are involved in this innovation. All the components of the fins, i.e. connective tissue, fin rays and multilayered epidermic cells are conserved, but their function has changed. The movements of appendages are adjusted by one pair of small appendicular muscles localised in the body wall, while posture movements of the body are allowed by four longitudinal bundles of raising muscle. These two new muscles have successively appeared in the evolutive series previously described in Paraspadella. They have definitely arisen from the secondary muscle: the two lateral bundles for the former, and the two dorsal and two ventral ones for the latter. All are supercontracting muscles, a muscle kind also observed in the other benthic genus Spadella, but unknown in planktonic and benthoplanktonic chaetognaths.  相似文献   

The morphology of the musculature and connective tissues of the arms of Octopus bimaculoides was analyzed with light microscopy. We also studied O. briareus and O. digueti, which possess relatively more elongate and less elongate arms, respectively. The morphology of the arms was found to be remarkably uniform among species. The arms consist of a densely packed three-dimensional arrangement of muscle fibers and connective tissue fibers surrounding a central axial nerve cord. Three primary muscle fiber orientations were observed: 1) transverse muscle fibers oriented in planes perpendicular to the long axis of the arm; 2) longitudinal muscle fibers oriented parallel to the long axis; and 3) oblique muscle fibers arranged in helixes around the arm. The proportion of the arm cross section occupied by each of these muscle fiber groups (relative to the total cross sectional area of the musculature) remains constant along the length of the arm, even though the arm tapers from base to tip. A thin circular muscle layer wraps the arm musculature on the aboral side only. Much of this musculature has its origin and insertion on several robust connective tissue sheets including a layer surrounding the axial nerve cord and crossed-fiber connective tissue sheets located on the oral and the aboral sides of the arm. An additional thin layer of connective tissue wraps the arm musculature laterally and also serves as a site of origin and insertion of some of the muscle fibers. The fibers of the oral and aboral crossed-fiber connective tissue sheets are arranged oblique to the long axis of the arm with the same fiber angle as the oblique muscle layers that originate and insert on the sheets. The oblique muscle layers and the crossed-fiber connective tissue sheets thus form composite right- and left-handed helical fiber arrays. Analysis of arm morphology from the standpoint of biomechanics suggests that the transverse musculature is responsible for elongation of the arms, the longitudinal musculature is responsible for shortening, and the oblique muscle layers and associated connective tissues create torsion. Arm bending may involve unilateral contraction of longitudinal muscle bundles in combination with resistance to arm diameter increase due to contraction of the transverse musculature or passive stiffness of the arm tissues. The arms may also be bent by a combination of decrease in diameter due to contraction of the transverse musculature and maintenance of constant length on one side of the arm by unilateral activity of longitudinal muscle bundles. An increase in flexural stiffness of the arm may be achieved by cocontraction of the transverse and longitudinal muscle. Torsional stiffness may be increased by simultaneous contraction of both the right- and left-handed oblique muscle layers.  相似文献   

The attachments, courses and interrelationships of the transverse and vertical intrinsic muscle masses of the tongue were examined in 28 fifteen-week fetal specimens. Observations were made from 30-micron sections cut through the tongue in one of the three standard planes of section. Both sets of muscululature are qualitatively well-developed by this time period in fetal life. The transverse fibers were found to occupy the entire length of the tongue. They attach to the lamina propria of the lateral aspect of the body of the tongue and, in the root, to perimysial and adventitial connective tissue. In addition, some fibers were observed to be confluent with the mm. palatoglossus, tonsilloglossus and pharyngis superior. Medially, transverse fibers were found for the most part to terminate in the dense ventral aspect of the median septum. Vertical fibers are present from a point slightly posterior to the tip of the tongue to the level of the foramen cecum, beyond which they become sparse. All vertical fibers attach superiorly to the dorsal lamina propria. In the free part of the body, their ventral attachment, likewise, is to lamina propria. In the middle part of the tongue and, to a greater extent, in the root (as the inferior and lateral free surface decreases) these fibers attach in either the fascial plane underlying the transverse component or to the perimysium of longitudinally-running muscle bundles.  相似文献   

The caudal peduncle and caudal fin of Carcharodon carcharias together form a dynamic locomotory structure. The caudal peduncle is a highly modified, dorsoventrally compressed and rigid structure that facilitates the oscillations of the caudal fin. Its stiffness appears to be principally achieved by a thick layer of adipose tissue ranging from 28-37% of its cross-sectional area, reinforced by cross-woven collagen fibers. Numerous overlying layers of collagen fibers of the stratum compactum, oriented in steep left- and right-handed helices (approximately 65 degrees to the shark's long axis), prevent bowstringing of the perimysial fibers, which lie just below the dermal layer. Perimysial fibers, muscles, and the notochord are restricted to the dorsal lobe of the caudal fin and comprise the bulk of its mass. Adipose tissue reinforces the leading edge of the dorsal lobe of the caudal fin and contributes to maintaining the ideal cross-sectional geometry required of an advanced hydrofoil. Most of the mass of the ventral lobe consists of the ceratotrichia or fin rays separated by thin partitions of connective tissue. Dermal fibers of the stratum compactum of the dorsal lobe occur in numerous distinct layers. The layers are more complex than in other sharks and appear to reflect a hierarchical development in C. carcharias. The fiber layer comprises a number of thick fiber bundles along the height of the layer and the layers get thicker deeper into the stratum compactum. Each of these layers alternates with a layer a single fiber-bundle deep, a formation thought to give stability to the stratum compactum and to enable freer movements of the fiber system. In tangential sections of the stratum compactum the fiber bundles in the dorsal lobe can be seen oriented with respect to the long axis of the shark at approximately 55-60 degrees in left- and right-handed helices. Because of the backward sweep of the dorsal lobe (approximately 55 degrees to the shark's long axis) the right-handed fibers also parallel the lobe's long axis. In the dorsal lobe, ceratotrichia are present only along the leading edge (embedded within connective tissue), apparently as reinforcement. Stratum compactum fiber bundles of the ventral lobe, viewed in transverse section, lack the well-ordered distinctive layers of the dorsal lobe, but rather occur as irregularly arranged masses of tightly compacted fiber bundles of various sizes. In tangential sections the fiber bundles are oriented at angles of approximately 60 degrees, generally in one direction, i.e., lacking the left- and right-handed helical pattern. Tensile load tests on the caudal fin indicate high passive resistance to bending by the skin. The shear modulus G showed that the skin's contribution to stiffness (average values from three specimens at radians 0.52 and 1.05) is 33.5% for the dorsal lobe and 41.8% for the ventral. The load tests also indicate greater bending stiffness of the ventral lobe compared to the dorsal. Overall, the anatomy and mechanics of the dorsal lobe of C. carcharias facilitate greater control of movement compared to the ventral lobe. The helical fiber architecture near the surface of the caudal fin is analogous to strengthening of a thin cylinder in engineering. High fiber angles along the span of the dorsal lobe are considered ideal for resisting the bending stresses that the lobe is subjected to during the locomotory beat cycle. They are also ideal for storing strain energy during bending of the lobe and consequently may be of value in facilitating the recovery stroke. The complex fiber architecture of the caudal fin and caudal peduncle of C. carcharias provides considerable potential for an elastic mechanism in the animal's swimming motions and consequently for energy conservation.  相似文献   

The musculature of adult specimens of Cossura pygodactylata was studied by means of F-actin labelling and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Their body wall is comprised of five longitudinal muscle bands: two dorsal, two ventral and one ventromedial. Complete circular fibres are found only in the abdominal region, and they are developed only on the border of the segments. Thoracic and posterior body regions contain only transverse fibres ending near the ventral longitudinal bands. Almost-complete rings of transverse muscles, with gaps on the dorsal and ventral sides, surround the terminal part of the pygidium. Four longitudinal bands go to the middle of the prostomium and 5–14 paired dorso-ventral muscle fibres arise in its distal part. Each buccal tentacle contains one thick and two thin longitudinal muscle filaments; thick muscle fibres from all tentacles merge, forming left and right tentacle protractors rooted in the dorsal longitudinal bands of the body wall. The circumbuccal complex includes well-developed upper and lower lips. These lips contain an outer layer of transverse fibres, and the lower lip also contains inner oblique muscles going to the dorsal longitudinal bands. The branchial filament contains two longitudinal muscle fibres that do not connect with the body musculature. The parapodial complex includes strong intersegmental and segmental oblique muscles in the thoracic region only; chaetal retractors, protractors and muscles of the body wall are present in all body regions. Muscle fibres are developed in the dorsal and ventral mesenteries. One semi-circular fibre is developed on the border of each segment and is most likely embedded in the dissepiment. The intestine has thin circular fibres along its full length. The dorsal blood vessel has strong muscle fibres that cover its anterior part, which is called the heart. It consists of short longitudinal elements forming regular rings and inner partitions. The musculature of C. pygodactylata includes some elements that are homologous with similar muscular components in other polychaetes (i.e., the body wall and most parapodial muscles) and several unique features, mostly at the anterior end.  相似文献   

Aquatic propulsion generated by the pectoral fins occurs in many groups of perciform fishes, including numerous coral reef families. This study presents a detailed survey of pectoral fin musculoskeletal structure in fishes that use labriform propulsion as the primary mode of swimming over a wide range of speeds. Pectoral fin morphological diversity was surveyed in 12 species that are primarily pectoral swimmers, including members of all labroid families (Labridae, Scaridae, Cichlidae, Pomacentridae, and Embiotocidae) and five additional coral reef fish families. The anatomy of the pectoral fin musculature is described, including muscle origins, insertions, tendons, and muscle masses. Skeletal structures are also described, including fin shape, fin ray morphology, and the structure of the radials and pectoral girdle. Three novel muscle subdivisions, including subdivisions of the abductor superficialis, abductor profundus, and adductor medialis were discovered and are described here. Specific functional roles in fin control are proposed for each of the novel muscle subdivisions. Pectoral muscle masses show broad variation among species, particularly in the adductor profundus, abductor profundus, arrector dorsalis, and abductor superficialis. A previously undescribed system of intraradial ligaments was also discovered in all taxa studied. The morphology of these ligaments and functional ramifications of variation in this connective tissue system are described. Musculoskeletal patterns are interpreted in light of recent analyses of fin behavior and motor control during labriform swimming. Labriform propulsion has apparently evolved independently multiple times in coral reef fishes, providing an excellent system in which to study the evolution of pectoral fin propulsion.  相似文献   

Summary The lung of the deep diving Weddell Seal is characterized by an unusually well developed periacinar dense collagenous connective tissue, and a thick coat of smooth musculature particularly in the distal bronchioli. Both, collagen and smooth musculature appear to be functionally interrelated, the first serving presumably as site of origin or attachment for the latter. The orientation of the bronchiolar smooth muscle cells is complex: there exists a basic pattern of two crisscrossing helical bundles that wind in opposite direction. In addition, longitudinal bundles are frequent both at the inside and the outside of the muscular coat. Furthermore, more or less complete ringshaped bundles occur as well as groups of muscle fibres running radially into the collagenous tissue of the surroundings of a bronchiolus. This complex architecture presumably allows active adjustment to various physiological needs of the Weddell Seal including as extremes both closing and widening of the bronchiolar lumen. Isometric contractions of the smooth musculature may stiffen the wall of the distal airways while diving. In the Crabeater Seal which dives for shorter durations and by far less deeply than the Weddell Seal, both periacinar collagen and bronchiolar smooth musculature are of similar arrangement, however, occur in considerably reduced amounts. A rich supply of autonomie nerve fibres with abundant varicosities controls the smooth muscle cells, which are interconnected by gap junctions and receive their innervation par distance (visceral type of smooth musculature). The majority of varicosities contains small clear vesicles, as is typical for cholinergic nerves, suggesting a strong parasympathetic influence. Other varicosities are presumably of peptidergic type. Mast cells and epithelial endocrine cells may exert additional influence on the musculature.  相似文献   

Many benthic batoids utilize their pectoral fins for both undulatory locomotion and feeding. Certain derived, pelagic species of batoids possess cephalic lobes, which evolved from the anterior pectoral fins. These species utilize the pectoral fins for oscillatory locomotion while the cephalic lobes are used for feeding. The goal of this article was to compare the morphology of the cephalic lobes and anterior pectoral fins in species that possess and lack cephalic lobes. The skeletal elements (radials) of the cephalic lobes more closely resembled the radials in the pectoral fin of undulatory species. Second moment of area (I), calculated from cephalic lobe radial cross sections, and the number of joints revealed greater flexibility and resistance to bending in multiple directions as compared to pectoral fin radials of oscillatory species. The cephalic lobe musculature was more complex than the anterior pectoral fin musculature, with an additional muscle on the dorsal side, with fiber angles running obliquely to the radials. In Rhinoptera bonasus, a muscle presumably used to help elevate the cephalic lobes is described. Electrosensory pores were found on the cephalic lobes (except Mobula japonica) and anterior pectoral fins of undulatory swimmers, but absent from the anterior pectoral fins of oscillatory swimmers. Pore distributions were fairly uniform except in R. bonasus, which had higher pore numbers at the edges of the cephalic lobes. Overall, the cephalic lobes are unique in their anatomy but are more similar to the anterior pectoral fins of undulatory swimmers, having more flexibility and maneuverability compared to pectoral fins of oscillatory swimmers. The maneuverable cephalic lobes taking on the role of feeding may have allowed the switch to oscillatory locomotion and hence, a more pelagic lifestyle. J. Morphol. 274:1070–1083, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Localization of hyaluronan in various muscular tissues   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The histochemical distribution of hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid, HYA) was analysed in various types of muscles in the rat by use of a hyaluronan-binding protein (HABP) and the avidin-biotin/peroxidase complex staining procedure. Microwave-aided fixation was used to retain the extracellular location of the glycosaminoglycan. In skeletal muscles, HYA was detected in the connective tissue sheath surrounding the muscles (epimysium), in the septa subdividing the muscle fibre bundles (perimysium) and in the connective tissue surrounding each muscle fibre (endomysium). HYA was heterogeneously distributed in all striated muscles. In skeletal muscles with small fibre dimensions (e.g., the lateral rectus muscle of the eye and the middle ear muscles), HYA was predominantly accumulated around the individual muscle fibres. Perivascular and perineural connective tissue formations were distinctly HYA-positive. In cardiac muscles, HYA was randomly distributed around the branching and interconnecting muscle fibres. In comparison, smooth muscle tissue was devoid of HYA.  相似文献   

Adipose fins are appendages found on the dorsal midline between the dorsal and caudal fins in more than 6000 living species of teleost fishes. It has been consistently argued that adipose fins evolved once and have been lost repeatedly across teleosts owing to limited function. Here, we demonstrate that adipose fins originated repeatedly by using phylogenetic and anatomical evidence. This suggests that adipose fins are adaptive, although their function remains undetermined. To test for generalities in the evolution of form in de novo vertebrate fins, we studied the skeletal anatomy of adipose fins across 620 species belonging to 186 genera and 55 families. Adipose fins have repeatedly evolved endoskeletal plates, anterior dermal spines and fin rays. The repeated evolution of fin rays in adipose fins suggests that these fins can evolve new tissue types and increased structural complexity by expressing fin-associated developmental modules in these new territories. Patterns of skeletal elaboration differ between the various occurrences of adipose fins and challenge prevailing hypotheses for vertebrate fin origin. Adipose fins represent a powerful and, thus far, barely studied model for exploring the evolution of vertebrate limbs and the roles of adaptation and generative biases in morphological evolution.  相似文献   

L Dziwisch  W Lierse 《Acta anatomica》1989,135(3):231-235
Directionally arranged dense connective tissue fibres were investigated in 21 specimens of the major duodenal papilla. Specimens were examined using a stereoscope, polarization microscopy and serial histological sections at three different planes. Directionally arranged dense connective tissue fibres spread in a deltoid pattern from the orifice of the major duodenal papilla and its intraduodenal part to the circular duodenal musculature. Connective tissue fibres crossing at different angles form a texture from the orifice of the major duodenal papilla to the distal choledochal duct. The functional significance of the dense connective tissue fibres, e.g. for the muscular system in the investigated area, is discussed as well as possible reasons for gallstone impactions.  相似文献   

The arms and tentacles of squid (Family Loliginidae: Sepioteuthis sepioidea (Blainville), Loligo pealei (LeSueur), Loligo plei (Blainville), Loliguncula brevis (Blainville)) do not possess the hardened skeletal elements or fluid-filled cavities that typically provide skeletal support in other animals. Instead, these appendages are made up almost entirely of muscle. It is suggested here that the musculature serves as both the effector of movement and as the skeletal support system itself. High-speed movie recordings were used to observe prey capture by loliginid squid. Extension of the tentacles (1 pair) during prey capture is probably brought about by contraction of transverse muscle fibers and circular muscle fibers. Contraction of longitudinal muscle fibers causes retraction of the tentacles. Torsion of the tentacles during extension may be the result of contraction of muscle fibers arranged in a helical array. The inextensible but manipulative arms (4 pairs) may utilize a transverse muscle mass to resist the longitudinal compression caused by contraction of the longitudinal muscles which bend the arms. A composite connective tissue/muscle helical fiber array may twist the arms.  相似文献   

The entire muscle system of Nerilla antennata, Nerillidium sp. and Trochonerilla mobilis was three-dimensionally reconstructed from whole mounts. In juvenile and adult specimens the F-actin musculature subset was stained with FITC-conjugated phalloidin and visualized with a confocal laser scanning microscope (cLSM). The muscle system shows the following major organization: 1) circular muscles are totally absent in the body wall; 2) the longitudinal muscles are confined in two ventral and two dorsal thick bundles; 3) additional longitudinal muscles are located in the ventro- and dorsomedian axis; 4) three segmental pairs of ventral oblique muscles elongate into the periphery: the main dorsoventral muscles that run along the body side posterior and dorsally and the anterior and posterior oblique parapodial muscles, which contribute to the ventral chaetal sacs; 5) one segmental pair of dorsal oblique parapodial muscles, contributing to the dorsal chaetal sacs; 6) five to seven small dorsoventral muscles per segment; and 7) complex head and pharyngeal musculature. These results support the belief that absence of circular muscles in the polychaete body wall is much more widely distributed than is currently presumed.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology and fine structure of the vibratile anterior dorsal fin of the rockling Gaidropsarus mediterraneus are described. 60–80 fin rays project as a fringe from a reduced fin web; their lateral movement maintains the fin in almost constant rapid undulation, at a frequency of 3–4 beats per second. The fin can be laid back and with-drawn into a groove. Erector and depressor muscles, which are histologically distinct, move each ray. The fin support is modified, incorporating elastic cartilage, and enclosed in a capsule of collagenous connective tissue. The epidermis at the frontal and caudal aspect of each ray contains numerous receptor cells, over 100,000 per mm2, which have an apical microvillus and synaptic connections with nerve fibres. The recurrent facial nerve sends a major branch to the dorsal fins, which is joined by dorsal ramuli of spinal nerves. It is calculated that there are three to six million receptor cells on the vibratile fin and in the epidermis of the dorsal groove, in individuals of average size. Taste buds do not occur in the skin of the groove, contrary to a previous report, nor on the vibratile fin rays, although they are present on the prominent most anterior fin ray and elsewhere on the fins and barbels. The undulatory motion of the fin draws sea water towards and through the vibratile rays and backwards as a perceptible current. The fin constitutes a specific sensory organ, a water sampler, peculiar to this rockling and related species.Abbrevations used in figures a aperture - am axial muscles - bl base of lepidotrichion - cc collagenous capsule - dlc dorsal longitudinal canal - dr distal radial - drs dorsal ramulus of a spinal nerve - e epidermal cell(s) - ec elastic cartilage - en extracapsular branch of the recurrent facial nerve - fm fin membrane - fr fin ray - frn fin ray nerve - in intracapsular branches of the recurrent facial nerve - l lepidotrichia - n nerve plexus - ns neural spine - pr proximal radial - rc receptor cell(s) - rdm radial depressor muscle - rem radial erector muscle - s scales - t tendons Dedicated to Professor Konrad Lorenz on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the muscle of the urinary bladder in female rats is similar to that of other visceral muscles, although it is arranged in bundles of variable length, cross-section and orientation, forming a meshwork. When distended, the musculature is 100–120 m thick, with some variation and occasional discontinuity. Extended areas of cell-to-cell apposition with uniform intercellular space occur between muscle cells, whereas attachment plaques for mechanical coupling are less common than in other visceral muscles. There are no gap junctions between muscle cells. Many bundles of microfilaments and small elastic fibres run between the muscle cells. After chronic partial obstruction of the urethra, the bladder enlarges and is about 15 times heavier, but has the same shape as in controls; the growth is mainly accounted for by muscle hypertrophy. The outer surface of the hypertrophic bladder is increased 6-fold over the controls; the muscle is increased 3-fold in thickness, and is more compact. Mitoses are not found, but there is a massive increase in muscle cell size. There is a modest decrease in percentage volume of mitochondria, an increase in sarcoplasmic reticulum, and no appreciable change in the pattern of myofilaments. Gap junctions between hypertrophic muscle cells are virtually absent. Intramuscular nerve fibres and vesicle-containing varicosities appear as common in the hypertrophic muscle as in controls. There is no infiltration of the muscle by connective tissue and no significant occurrence of muscle cell death.  相似文献   

The wings of the pteropod mollusc Clione limacina provide forward propulsive force through flapping movements in which the wings bend throughout their length in both dorsal and ventral directions. The musculature of the wings includes oblique, striated muscle bundles that generate the swimming movements of the wings, longitudinal and transverse (smooth) muscle bundles that collapse the wings and pull them into the body during a wing withdrawal response, and dorsoventral muscles that control the thickness of the wings. All muscles act against a hydrostatic skeleton that forms a central hemocoelic space within the wings. Of these muscle types, all have been thoroughly described and studied except the dorsoventral muscles. The fortuitous discovery that the dorsoventral musculature can be intensely labeled with an antibody against the vertebrate hyperpolarization‐activated cation channel (HCN2) provided the opportunity to describe the organization of the dorsoventral musculature in detail. In addition, electrical recordings and microelectrode dye injections supported the immunohistochemical data, and provided preliminary data on the activity of the muscle fibers. The organization and activity of the dorsoventral musculature suggests it may be involved in regulation of wing stiffness during the change from slow to fast swimming.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(6):848-864
The median fins in extant actinopterygians are the product of millions of years of evolution. During this time, different developmental patterns for the dorsal and anal fins emerged leading to a high variation in median fin morphology and ontogeny. In this study, the development of anal and dorsal fins in atheriniforms is described and its consequences for the current phylogenetic hypothesis are discussed. Developmental series of five atheriniform species were investigated using clearing and staining as well as antibody staining. The skeletal elements of the second dorsal fin and the anal fin emerge in a bidirectional pattern. The first dorsal fin, however, arises separately in front of the second dorsal fin after this one is almost completely formed. The pterygiophores of the first dorsal fin, including the interdorsal pterygiophores, develop from caudal to rostral, but the fin‐spines of the first dorsal fin form in the opposite direction. This new mode of fin development has been found in all examined atheriniform species with two dorsal fins. Several morphological characters of atheriniforms, including interdorsal pterygiophores, are also found in one other taxon: the Mugiliformes. Thus, several dorsal fin characteristics may provide evidence for a closer relationship of these two taxa.  相似文献   

The question of how tetrapod limbs evolved from fins is one of the great puzzles of evolutionary biology. While palaeontologists, developmental biologists, and geneticists have made great strides in explaining the origin and early evolution of limb skeletal structures, that of the muscles remains largely unknown. The main reason is the lack of consensus about appendicular muscle homology between the closest living relatives of early tetrapods: lobe‐finned fish and crown tetrapods. In the light of a recent study of these homologies, we re‐examined osteological correlates of muscle attachment in the pectoral girdle, humerus, radius, and ulna of early tetrapods and their close relatives. Twenty‐nine extinct and six extant sarcopterygians were included in a meta‐analysis using information from the literature and from original specimens, when possible. We analysed these osteological correlates using parsimony‐based character optimization in order to reconstruct muscle anatomy in ancestral lobe‐finned fish, tetrapodomorph fish, stem tetrapods, and crown tetrapods. Our synthesis revealed that many tetrapod shoulder muscles probably were already present in tetrapodomorph fish, while most of the more‐distal appendicular muscles either arose later from largely undifferentiated dorsal and ventral muscle masses or did not leave clear correlates of attachment in these taxa. Based on this review and meta‐analysis, we postulate a stepwise sequence of specific appendicular muscle acquisitions, splits, and fusions that led from the ancestral sarcopterygian pectoral fin to the ancestral tetrapod forelimb. This sequence largely agrees with previous hypotheses based on palaeontological and comparative work, but it is much more comprehensive in terms of both muscles and taxa. Combined with existing information about the skeletal system, our new synthesis helps to illuminate the genetic, developmental, morphological, functional, and ecological changes that were key components of the fins‐to‐limbs transition.  相似文献   

Tongue musculature in 24 genera of snakes was examined histologically. In all snakes, the tongue is composed of a few main groups of muscles. The M. hyoglossus is a paired bundle in the center of the tongue. The posterior regions of the tongue possess musculature that surrounds these bundles and is responsible for protrusion. Anterior tongue regions contain hyoglossal bundles, dorsal longitudinal muscle bundles and vertical and transverse bundles, which are perpendicular to the long axis of the tongue. The interaction of the longitudinal with the vertical and horizontal muscles is responsible for bending during tongue flicking. Despite general similarities, distinct patterns of intrinsic tongue musculature characterize each infraorder of snakes. The Henophidia are primitive; the Scolecophidia and Caenophidia are each distinguished by derived characters. These derived characters support hypotheses that these latter taxa are each monophyletic. Cylindrophis (Anilioidea) is in some characters intermediate between Booidea and Colubroidea. The condition in the Booidea resembles the lizard condition; however, no synapomorphies of tongue musculature confirm a relationship with any specific lizard family. Although the pattern of colubroids appears to be the most biomechanically specialized, as yet no behavioral or performance feature has been identified to distinguish them from other snakes.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the function of the dorsal fins in white-spotted bamboo sharks (Orectolobiformes: Hemiscyillidae) during steady swimming, data on three-dimensional kinematics and electromyographic recordings were collected. Bamboo sharks were induced to swim at 0.5 and 0.75 body lengths per second in a laminar flow tank. Displacement, lag and angles were analyzed from high-speed video images. Onset, offset, duration, duty cycle and asynchrony index were calculated from three muscle implants on each side of each dorsal fin. The dorsal fins were displaced more laterally than the undulating body. In addition, the dorsal tips had larger lateral displacement than the trailing edges. Increased speed was accompanied by an increase in tail beat frequency with constant tail beat amplitude. However, lateral displacement of the fins and duration of muscle bursts remained relatively constant with increased speed. The range of lateral motion was greater for the second dorsal fin (mean 33.3°) than for the first dorsal fin (mean 28.4°). Bending within the fin was greater for the second dorsal fin (mean 43.8°) than for the first dorsal fin (mean 30.8°). Muscle onset and offset among implants on the same side of each dorsal fin was similar. Three-dimensional conformation of the dorsal fins was caused by interactions between muscle activity, material properties, and incident flow. Alternating bilateral activity occurred in both dorsal fins, further supporting the active role of these hydrofoils in thrust production during steady swimming. The dorsal fins in bamboo sharks are capable of thrust production during steady swimming and do not appear to function as stabilizing structures.  相似文献   

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