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Ecological niche theory predicts the coexistence of closely related species is promoted by resource partitioning in space and time. Australian snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni) and humpback (Sousa sahulensis) dolphins live in sympatry throughout most of their range in northern Australian waters. We compared stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in their skin to investigate resource partitioning between these ecologically similar species. Skin samples were collected from live Australian snubfin (n = 31) and humpback dolphins (n = 23) along the east coast of Queensland in 2014–2015. Both species had similar δ13C and δ15N values and high (>50%) isotopic niche space overlap, suggesting that they feed at similar trophic levels, have substantial dietary overlap, and rely on similar basal food resources. Despite similarities, snubfin dolphins were more likely to have a larger δ15N value than humpback dolphins, indicating they may forage on a wider diversity of prey. Humpback dolphins were more likely to have a larger δ13C range suggesting they may forage on a wider range of habitats. Overall, results suggest that subtle differences in habitat use and prey selection are likely the principal resource partitioning mechanisms enabling the coexistence of Australian snubfin and humpback dolphins.  相似文献   

不同代谢速率组织间的碳、氮稳定同位素比值(δ13C和δ15N)可以反映生物不同时间尺度的摄食信息,对探讨物种间摄食、栖息地利用和营养生态位的变化具有重要的指示作用.本研究以在大西洋热带海域兼捕的大青鲨、长鳍鲭鲨、拟锥齿鲨和尖吻鲭鲨为对象,通过测定其肌肉、肝脏和血液的δ13C和δ15N值,探讨4种鲨鱼营养生态位分化.结果...  相似文献   

Most mobulids are listed as near threatened to endangered. Nonetheless, effective conservation measures are hindered by knowledge gaps in their ecology and behaviour. In particular, few studies have assessed diets and trophic ecologies that could inform methods to avoid fishing mortality. Here, a shortfall in data for the longhorned pygmy devil ray, Mobula eregoodoo was addressed by describing temporal variability in dietary preferences using stable isotope analysis. During summer and autumn in 2017, five bather-protection gillnets were deployed off eastern Australia (29° S, 153.5° E). From the catches of these gillnets, 35 adult M. eregoodoo had liver, muscle and stomach contents sampled to determine δ13C and δ15N profiles. Analyses revealed that surface zooplankton and zooplanktivorous teleosts were important dietary components across short- and long-term temporal scales. Large quantities of undigested sandy sprat, Hyperlophus vittatus, in the stomachs of some specimens unequivocally confirm feeding on teleosts. A narrow isotopic niche and minimal isotopic overlap with reef manta rays, Mobula alfredi from the same geographic region in eastern Australia implies M. eregoodoo has unique and highly specialised resource use relative to other mobulids in the area. The species is clearly vulnerable to capture during inshore migrations, presumably where they feed on shallow-water shoaling teleosts. Female M. eregoodoo likely have a low annual reproductive output, so population recoveries from fishing-induced declines are likely to be slow. Measures to reduce the by catch of M. eregoodoo in local bather-protection gillnets, and artisanal fisheries more broadly, should be given priority.  相似文献   

鳀是重要的渔业资源捕捞对象,同时也是生态系统营养动力学研究的关键种.基于2020年和2008-2009年东海区采集的鳀样品,结合胃含物分析和肌肉碳、氮稳定同位素技术,分析了鳀的食物组成、食性昼夜差异、不同发育阶段的食性转变及其营养级,研究鳀的摄食生态.胃含物分析显示,鳀主要摄食浮游甲壳类和小型鱼类,优势饵料依次为太平洋...  相似文献   

Overexploitation of marine communities can lead to modifications in the structure of the food web and can force organisms like elasmobranchs to change their feeding habits. To evaluate the impact that fisheries have on food webs and on the interactions between species, it is necessary to describe and quantify the diet of the species involved and follow it through time. This study compares the diet of five skate species using the data obtained from the by-catch of the Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) fishery in north and central Patagonia, Argentina. Diet composition was assessed by analysing the digestive tract contents and trophic overlapping between species of the genus Bathyraja: Bathyraja albomaculata, Bathyraja brachyurops, Bathyraja macloviana, Bathyraja magellanica and Bathyraja multispinis. A total of 184 stomachs were analysed. The diets of B. albomaculata and B. macloviana mainly comprised annelids, whereas that of B. brachyurops primarily comprised fish, including hake heads discarded by the fishery. The diets of B. magellanica and B. multispinis were largely based on crustaceans. Despite the morphological similarities and their shared preference for benthic habitats, no complete diet overlaps were found between the different species. These results suggest that these skate species have undergone a process of diet specialisation. This is a common feeding strategy that occurs to successfully eliminate competition when resources are limited, which corresponds to the conditions found in an environment being affected by the pressures of overfishing.  相似文献   

Green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) and white sturgeon (A. transmontanus) are closely related, sympatric species that inhabit the San Francisco estuary. Green sturgeon have a more marine life history but both species spawn in the Sacramento River and reside for some duration in San Francisco Bay. These sturgeons are of conservation concern, yet little is known about their dietary competition when they overlap in space and time. To examine evidence of dietary differentiation, we collected whole blood and blood plasma from 26 green sturgeon and 35 white sturgeon in San Francisco Bay. Using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses, we compared their relative trophic levels and foraging locations along the freshwater to marine gradient. Sampling blood plasma and whole blood allowed comparison of dietary integration over shorter and longer time scales, respectively. Plasma and whole blood δ13C values confirmed green sturgeon had more marine dietary sources than white sturgeon. Plasma δ15N values revealed white sturgeon fed at lower trophic levels than green sturgeon recently, however, whole blood δ15N values demonstrated the two species fed at the same trophic level over longer time scales. Larger individuals of both species had higher δ13C values than smaller individuals, reflecting more marine food sources in adulthood. Length did not affect δ15N values of either species. Isotope analyses supported the more marine life history of green than white sturgeon and potentially highlight a temporary trophic differentiation of diet between species during and preceding the overlapping life stage in San Francisco Bay.  相似文献   

Fin and humpback whales are large consumers that are often sympatric, effectively sharing or partitioning their use of habitat and prey resources. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the skin of fin and humpback whales from two regions in the western Gulf of Alaska, Kodiak, and Shumagin Islands, were analyzed to test the hypothesis that these sympatric baleen whales exhibit trophic niche partitioning within these regions. Standard ellipse areas, estimated using Bayesian inference, suggested that niche partitioning between species is occurring in the Kodiak region but not in the Shumagin Islands. Isotopic mixing models based on stable isotopes from whales and local prey samples, were used to estimate possible diet solutions for whales in the Kodiak region. Comparison of isotopic niches and diet models support niche partitioning, with fin whales foraging primarily on zooplankton and humpback whales foraging on zooplankton and small forage fish. The results of this study show that niche partitioning between sympatric species can vary by region and may be the result of prey availability, prey preferences, or both.  相似文献   

Geladas were long supposed to be the only living primates feeding almost entirely on graminoids and accordingly display dramatic dental and manual adaptive traits. A recent study of Theropithecus gelada, the first in a relatively undisturbed habitat, revealed a more diverse diet, also incorporating large quantities of forbs. The peculiar adaptive traits of T. gelada are also observed in extinct Theropithecus as early as 3.7 Ma. Stable carbon isotopic data of extinct Theropithecus from eastern Africa indicate that specimens older than 3 Ma consumed a significant proportion of C3 plants (on average ca. 40% of total food intake) whereas specimens younger than 2 Ma consumed more C4 plants (on average ca. 80%). Recent paleobotanical evidence suggests that C3 herbaceous plants were still present in non‐negligible proportions in Plio‐Pleistocene lowland tropical ecosystems. Together, the shared morphological adaptive traits of extant and extinct Theropithecus and the varied diets of extant T. gelada suggest that the paleodiets of Theropithecus may have been dominated by herbaceous plants, comprising both C3 forbs and graminoids and C4 graminoids. The changes in stable carbon isotopes could correspond to a replacement of C3 plants by C4 plants within the herbaceous strata rather than a shift from C3 woody vegetation to C4 graminoids. This synthesis highlights the need for a more exhaustive knowledge of the ecology of extant species to achieve meaningful paleodietary and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. A strong selectivity for food resources that are rare in the landscapes (as in T. gelada) should also be considered when interpreting stable carbon isotopes of extinct African mammals (and notably hominids).  相似文献   

Sympatric harbour (Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) are increasingly considered potential competitors, especially since recent local declines in harbour seal numbers while grey seal numbers remained stable or increased at their European core distributions. A better understanding of the interactions between these species is critical for conservation efforts. This study aimed to identify the trophic niche overlap between harbour and grey seals at the southern limit of their European range, in the Baie de Somme (BDS, Eastern English Channel, France), where numbers of resident harbour seals and visiting grey seals are increasing exponentially. Dietary overlap was identified from scat contents using hierarchical clustering. Isotopic niche overlap was quantified using δ13C and δ15N isotopic values from whiskers of 18 individuals, by estimating isotopic standard ellipses with a novel hierarchical model developed in a Bayesian framework to consider both intraindividual variability and interindividual variability. Foraging areas of these individuals were identified from telemetry data. The three independent approaches provided converging results, revealing a high trophic niche overlap due to consumption of benthic flatfish. Two diet clusters were dominated by either small or large benthic flatfish; these comprised 85.5% [CI95%: 80.3%–90.2%] of harbour seal scats and 46.8% [35.1%–58.4%] of grey seal scats. The narrower isotopic niche of harbour seals was nested within that of grey seals (58.2% [22.7%–100%] overlap). Grey seals with isotopic values similar to harbour seals foraged in coastal waters close to the BDS alike harbour seals did, suggesting the niche overlap may be due to individual grey seal strategies. Our findings therefore provide the basis for potential competition between both species (foraging on benthic flatfish close to the BDS). We suggest that a continued increase in seal numbers and/or a decrease in flatfish supply in this area could cause/amplify competitive interactions and have deleterious effects on harbour seal colonies.  相似文献   

长蛇鲻(Saurida elongate)为温水性近海底栖鱼类,是目前海州湾的优势鱼种之一,在海州湾食物网中占据重要地位。本研究基于海州湾底拖网调查采集的样品,结合胃含物分析和碳、氮稳定同位素技术,分析了长蛇鲻的摄食习性。结果表明: 海州湾长蛇鲻摄食的主要饵料生物为戴氏赤虾、枪乌贼、长丝虾虎鱼、鳀、六丝钝尾虾虎鱼、细条天竺鲷、尖海龙和绯鱼衔。其δ13C值范围在-19.39‰~-16.23‰之间,平均值为(-18.01±0.85)‰,与体长无显著相关性;δ15N值范围在9.56‰~13.36‰之间,平均值为(11.77±0.86)‰,与体长呈显著正相关。长蛇鲻不同体长组的饵料生物贡献度差异较大,随着体长增加,其捕食能力增强、摄食器官逐渐完善、摄食饵料生物的比例发生变化,可能是导致其摄食习性随体长变化的主要原因。本研究有助于深入了解海州湾长蛇鲻的摄食生态,为海州湾食物网营养动力学研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

1. We made an empirical test of a recent proposal that feeding niche widths might be determined as variance of stable isotope values. We determined δ 13C and δ 15N values of perch ( Perca fluviatilis ), roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) and their prey from a biomanipulated lake, when the mass removal of fish led to reduced inter- and intra-specific competition and increases in zooplankton abundance and body size.
2. After the first fish removals, both perch and roach mean δ 13C values decreased and mean δ 15N values increased, indicating a greater diet contribution from pelagic sources.
3. Variances of both δ 13C and δ 15N values first increased in both fish populations, indicating a wider food spectrum and expanded feeding niche width following reduced fish abundances. Observed changes were greater for the perch population than for roach.
4. In 2006, the perch population abruptly changed its diet so that most individuals were primarily consuming the abundant young-of-the-year fish, and this was reflected in significantly reduced variances of both δ 13C and δ 15N values.
5. We conclude that isotopic variance can indeed reflect changes in feeding niche width and offers a promising way to study such general ecological concepts.  相似文献   

降水稳定同位素可以揭示降水的不同水汽来源和水汽的季节转换。通过建立降水稳定同位素与不同气象要素的关系,可为区域水资源管理甚至可为生态修复中的植被恢复状态的研究提供重要的背景数据。为揭示降水稳定同位素研究的发展现状,基于文献计量学以及网络分析方法运用Citespace软件对1990—2017年Web of Science核心数据库中降水稳定同位素的相关文献进行可视化统计分析。发现降水稳定同位素相关的文献数量在呈逐年上升趋势,主要分布在地质、气象与大气科学、海洋学、湖泊沼泽学、古生物学等相关学科,美国、中国、德国、加拿大等国家以及中国科学院、美国地质调查局等研究机构文章数量较多,表现出较强的科研实力。利用Citespace软件绘制了降水稳定同位素研究相关文献的共被引、研究作者的共被引等知识图谱,对该研究领域知识基础及核心作者的影响力进行了探讨。图谱显示,2007年以来,Yao T、Risi C、Tian L等对降水稳定同位素的研究的推进起到了重要的推动作用。最后对该研究领域的关键词与词频等进行分析,绘制出降水稳定同位素研究领域的研究热点演进脉络,并确定leaf water、Tibetan Plateau、cellulose、environmental change、tree ring、atmospheric circulation、groundwater recharge、hydrograph separation等即将成为研究的新热点。近几年来,虽然研究的文章数量在逐年增加,但是核心作者及代表作品较少,与社会的实际生产应用结合度不足。在未来研究中在注重方法的更新的同时可考虑与社会生产实际相结合。  相似文献   

徐雯  杨蕊  陈淦  高春霞  叶深  韩东燕 《应用生态学报》2022,33(11):3097-3104
蓝圆鲹是浙江南部近海的重要经济鱼类。本文根据2020年5月、8月、11月和2021年1月在浙江南部近海进行的底拖网调查,应用胃含物分析和碳氮稳定同位素分析对浙江南部近海蓝圆鲹的摄食习性进行研究。结果表明: 浙江南部近海蓝圆鲹δ13C平均值为(-16.55±0.60)‰,范围为-17.76‰~-15.25‰,与叉长呈显著负相关;蓝圆鲹δ15N平均值为(11.76±0.88)‰,范围为9.06‰~13.03‰,与叉长呈显著正相关。根据δ15N值计算浙江南部近海蓝圆鲹的平均营养级为3.89±0.26。胃含物分析表明,浙江南部近海蓝圆鲹的主要饵料类群为鱼类、虾类、蟹类、头足类、多毛类和小型甲壳类。稳定同位素分析表明,虾类对浙江南部近海蓝圆鲹的营养贡献率最高(40%~84%),其次为多毛类、小型甲壳类、蟹类、头足类和鱼类。蓝圆鲹的摄食习性有明显的生长变化,随着蓝圆鲹叉长的增加,其倾向于摄食更高营养级的饵料生物。  相似文献   

1. Information on the dietary niches of adult odonates is sparse, as they are highly mobile and evasive animals, which makes them difficult to observe in their natural habitat. Moreover, there is a lack of knowledge on how varying behavioural traits of odonates relate to phenomena like niche partitioning. 2. This study investigated niche partitioning amongst odonate species, foraging guilds and size classes in a riverine system in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. A combination of stable isotope and fatty acid‐based niches was used to infer odonate feeding. 3. Both fatty acid and stable isotope‐based niches showed that there was niche separation amongst odonates that forage in flight (fliers) and those that forage from a perch (perchers), amongst odonates of different size classes (damselflies, medium‐ and large‐sized dragonflies), and amongst species, although varying levels of niche overlap were observed in each case. 4. Niche sizes of odonates varied between an upstream and a downstream site. Generally greater niche overlap was recorded at the narrow upstream site (associated with low insect emergence rates) than the wider downstream site (associated with high insect emergence rates), indicating that a greater degree of resource sharing occurred at the upstream site where aquatic food was less abundant. 5. The findings of this study suggest that dietary niches of odonates can be influenced by foraging guild, body size, and/or environmental conditions, and additional study in a variety of regions is recommended to determine the greater applicability of these findings.  相似文献   

稳定同位素分析是开展濒危鸟类食性研究的现代化手段,该方法避免了传统食性研究只能反映鸟类瞬时取食的弊端,而反映鸟类长时间取食的同化比例。2014年6月收集了辽宁双台河口黑嘴鸥6种潜在食源213份样品,幼鸟血样10份,幼鸟羽毛27份,成鸟羽毛17份。稳定碳氮(δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N)同位素分析结果表明:(1)成、幼鸟羽毛稳定碳同位素(δ~(13)C)差异显著,表明幼鸟与成鸟羽毛反映的食性信息不同。(2)疾病和死亡幼鸟羽毛的稳定碳氮同位素值与健康幼鸟均无显著性差异,幼鸟血液和羽毛同位素值之间也无显著差异;表明利用疾病和死亡幼鸟的羽毛样品可以替代损伤性采集血液样品,开展稳定同位素分析。(3)幼鸟血液和羽毛样品反映黑嘴鸥食性信息基本一致。其中泥螺(Bullacta exarata)和沙蚕(Nereis succinea)是其主要食源,各自贡献率均超过31.20%;其次为矛尾刺虾虎鱼(Synechogobius hasta)(12.86%、14.49%)、宽身大眼蟹(Macrophthalmus dilatatum)(9.19%、8.08%)和天津厚蟹(Helice tientsinensis)(7.48%、6.00%)。在天然湿地持续减少和退化条件下,研究结果为黑嘴鸥繁殖的人工湿地中食源物种构建、恢复与管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The diet of Acorn Woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus) in central coastal California consists of a mixture of high‐quality (insects) and low‐quality (stored acorns) food during the spring breeding season. We used stable isotope ratios obtained from blood samples to estimate possible differences in the proportion of these items being fed to nestlings and being consumed by breeding adults, as well as the extent to which the diet of nestlings shifts between insects and acorns during the nestling period. Based on both feeding observations and items recovered from nestlings, older nestlings were fed 28% acorns. Using this value as a baseline for the isotope analyses, the diet of breeding adults was estimated to consist of 90% acorns. Based on repeated samples from the same nestlings over time, the estimated proportion of acorns in their diet increased from 19% in 9‐ to 12‐d‐old nestlings to 42% in 23‐ to 26‐d‐old nestlings. There was a significant correlation between the isotope values of adults and the nestlings they fed, indicating that different groups of Acorn Woodpeckers have significantly different diets. Although important for successful reproduction in this species, stored acorns are not the primary food resource used to feed young. Instead, the availability of stored acorns allows adult Acorn Woodpeckers to provide nestlings with more protein‐rich insects while maintaining themselves on relatively protein‐poor, low‐quality acorns. Differences in the diets of adults and their nestlings are likely widespread among species that feed, at least in part, on low‐quality foods, such as fruit and seeds, during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Flooded rice fields, which are an important source of the atmospheric methane, have become a model system for the study of interactions between various microbial processes. We used a combination of stable carbon isotope measurements and application of specific inhibitors in order to investigate the importance of various methanogenic pathways and of CH4 oxidation for controlling CH4 emission. The fraction of CH4 produced from acetate and H2/CO2 was calculated from the isotopic signatures of acetate, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) measured in porewater, gas bubbles, in the aerenchyma of the plants and/or in incubation experiments. The calculated ratio between both pathways reflected well the ratio determined by application of methyl fluoride (CH3F) as specific inhibitor of acetate‐dependent methanogenesis. Only at the end of the season, the theoretical ratio of acetate: H2 = 2 : 1 was reached, whereas at the beginning H2/CO2‐dependent methanogenesis dominated. The isotope discrimination was different between rooted surface soil and unrooted deep soil. Root‐associated CH4 production was mainly driven by H2/CO2. Porewater CH4 was found to be a poor proxy for produced CH4. The fraction of CH4 oxidised was calculated from the isotopic signature of CH4 produced in vitro compared to CH4 emitted in situ, corrected for the fractionation during the passage from the aerenchyma to the atmosphere. Isotope mass balances and in situ inhibition experiments with difluoromethane (CH2F2) as specific inhibitor of methanotrophic bacteria agreed that CH4 oxidation was quantitatively important at the beginning of the season, but decreased later. The seasonal pattern was consistent with the change of potential CH4 oxidation rates measured in vitro. At the end of the season, isotope techniques detected an increase of oxidation activity that was too small to be measured with the flux‐based inhibitor technique. If porewater CH4 was used as a proxy of produced CH4, neither magnitude nor seasonal pattern of in situ CH4 oxidation could be reproduced. An oxidation signal was also found in the isotopic signature of CH4 from gas bubbles that were released by natural ebullition. In contrast, bubbles stirred up from the bulk soil had preserved the isotopic signature of the originally produced CH4.  相似文献   

Kuhn  A. J.  Bauch  J.  Schröder  W. H. 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):135-150
In a model system using intact spruce trees (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) we followed the path of magnesium, calcium and potassium during uptake into the root and during long-range transport into the shoot, by multiple stable isotope labelling. The roots of two- and three-year-old spruce trees originating from soil culture were removed from the soil and, in part or in toto, exposed to labelling solutions containing the stable isotopes 25Mg or 26Mg, 41K and 42Ca or 44Ca. Optical-emission-spectroscopy (ICP-OES) of plant fractions and labelling solutions was combined with the quantitative analysis of stable isotope ratios in sections of shock frozen, cryosubstituted material using the laser-microprobe-mass-analyser (LAMMA). This combination allowed us to distinguish, both in bulk samples and on the cellular level between (i) the fraction of elements originally present in the plant before the start of the labelling, (ii) the material taken up from the labelling solution into the plant and (iii) any material released by the plant into the labelling solution.In single-root labelling experiments, roots of three-year-old spruce trees, grown in nursery soil, were exposed to various pH conditions. The exchange of Mg and Ca with the labelling solution was nearly 100% in the cell walls of the mycorrhized finest roots. This exchange was only slightly affected by a step down to pH 3.5. The absolute Mg and Ca content in the cell walls was moderately reduced by incubation at pH 3.5 and strongly reduced in the presence of Al at this pH. After a pH 3.5 and 2 mM Al treatment we found Al in the xylem cell walls and the cortex cell lumina at elevated concentrations. To analyse the combined effect of high Al and high proton concentrations on the long-range transport, we used a split-root system. The root mass of an intact two-year-old spruce tree, grown in mineral soil, was divided into even parts and both halves incubated in solutions with two sets of different stable isotopes of Mg and Ca (side A: no Al, 25Mg and 42Ca; side B: +Al, 26Mg and 44Ca) and 41K on both sides. We observed a large uptake of Mg, Ca and K into the plant and a pronounced release. The net uptake of all three elements was lower from the Al-doted solution. In cross-sections of the apical shoot we found after seven-day labelling period about 60–70% of the Mg and Ca and 30% of the K content in the xylem cell walls originating from both labelling solutions. The clear majority of the Mg and Ca label originated from the Al-doted side.  相似文献   

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