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The rates and causes of juvenile mortality are central features of the dynamics and conservation of large mammals, like woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin, 1788)), but intrinsic and extrinsic factors may be modified by variations in animal abundance. We tested the influences of population size, climate, calf weight and sex on survival to 6 months of age of 1241 radio-collared caribou calves over three decades, spanning periods of population growth (1979–1997) and decline (2003–2012) in Newfoundland, Canada. Daily survival rates were higher and rose more quickly with calf age during the population growth period compared to the decline. Population size (negatively) and calf weight (positively) affected survival during the decline but neither had a detectable influence during the growth phase. Sex, climate and plant productivity (the latter two derived from the North Atlantic Oscillation and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, respectively) exerted minimal influence during either phase. Predation was the dominant source of mortality. The mean percentage of calves killed by predators was 30 % higher during the decline compared to the growth phase. Black bears (Ursus americanus) and lynx (Lynx canadensis) were the major predators during the population increase but this changed during the decrease to black bears and coyotes (Canis latrans). Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that Newfoundland caribou experienced phase-dependent survival mediated proximally by predation and competition for food.  相似文献   

Analyses of animal movement data have primarily focused on understanding patterns of space use and the behavioural processes driving them. Here, we analyzed animal movement data to infer components of individual fitness, specifically parturition and neonate survival. We predicted that parturition and neonate loss events could be identified by sudden and marked changes in female movement patterns. Using GPS radio‐telemetry data from female woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), we developed and tested two novel movement‐based methods for inferring parturition and neonate survival. The first method estimated movement thresholds indicative of parturition and neonate loss from population‐level data then applied these thresholds in a moving‐window analysis on individual time‐series data. The second method used an individual‐based approach that discriminated among three a priori models representing the movement patterns of non‐parturient females, females with surviving offspring, and females losing offspring. The models assumed that step lengths (the distance between successive GPS locations) were exponentially distributed and that abrupt changes in the scale parameter of the exponential distribution were indicative of parturition and offspring loss. Both methods predicted parturition with near certainty (>97% accuracy) and produced appropriate predictions of parturition dates. Prediction of neonate survival was affected by data quality for both methods; however, when using high quality data (i.e., with few missing GPS locations), the individual‐based method performed better, predicting neonate survival status with an accuracy rate of 87%. Understanding ungulate population dynamics often requires estimates of parturition and neonate survival rates. With GPS radio‐collars increasingly being used in research and management of ungulates, our movement‐based methods represent a viable approach for estimating rates of both parameters.  相似文献   

Forest logging has contributed to the decline of several woodland caribou populations by causing the fragmentation of mature coniferous stands. Such habitat alterations could be worsened by spruce budworm (SBW) outbreaks. Using 6201 vegetation plots from provincial inventories conducted after the last SBW outbreak (1968–1992) in boreal forests of Québec (Canada), we investigated the influence of SBW‐caused tree defoliation and mortality on understory vegetation layers relevant to woodland caribou and its main predators. We found a positive association between severe outbreaks and the cover of most groups of understory plant species, especially in stands that were dominated by balsam fir before the outbreak, where a high canopy openness particularly benefited relatively fast‐growing deciduous plants. Such increases in early successional vegetation could provide high‐quality forage for moose, which is likely to promote higher wolf densities and increase predation pressure on caribou. SBW outbreaks may thus negatively affect woodland caribou by increasing predation risk, the main factor limiting caribou populations in managed forests. For the near future, we recommend updating the criteria used to define critical caribou habitat to consider the potential impacts of spruce budworm defoliation.  相似文献   

Logging negatively affects the threatened forest-dwelling caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) through its positive effects on large predator populations. As recruitment is a key component of caribou population growth rate, we assessed calving rates of females and calf survival rates during the most critical period for calf survival, the calving period. We also identified causes of calf mortality and investigated the influence of predation risk, food availability, and human disturbance on habitat selection of females during the calving period at both the home-range and forest stand scales. We hypothesized that caribou should display habitat selection patterns to reduce predation risk at both scales. Using telemetry, we followed 22 females and their calves from 2004 to 2007 in a highly managed study area in Québec, Canada. Most females (78.5 ± 0.05 [SE]) gave birth each year, but only 46.3 ± 8.0% of the calves survived during the first 50 days following birth, and 57.3 ± 14.9% of them died from black bear (Ursus americanus) predation. At the home-range scale, caribou selected calving areas located at upper slope positions and avoided high road density areas. Surprisingly, they also selected the forested habitat type having the lowest lateral cover (mixed and deciduous stands) while avoiding the highest cover (regenerating conifer stands). At the forest stand scale, caribou selected areas located at relatively high elevations and with a lower basal area of black spruce trees. The selection of upper slope positions likely favored spatial segregation between calving females and wolves (Canis lupus) but not black bear. Our results suggest that calving females used areas from which they could visually detect approaching predators. While wolf avoidance appeared to be effective in a highly managed landscape, caribou did not appear to have adjusted their predator avoidance strategy to the recent increase in black bear abundance, who have benefited from increased food abundance. This situation requires focused attention from wildlife managers as logging activities are progressing towards the north within the core of forest-dwelling caribou range. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

A critical step in recovery efforts for endangered and threatened species is the monitoring of population demographic parameters. As part of these efforts, we evaluated the use of fecal-DNA based capture–recapture methods to estimate population sizes and population rate of change for the North Interlake woodland caribou herd (Rangifer tarandus caribou), Manitoba, Canada. This herd is part of the boreal population of woodland caribou, listed as threatened under the federal Species at Risk Act (2003) and the provincial Manitoba Endangered Species Act (2006). Between 2004 and 2009 (9 surveys), we collected 1,080 fecal samples and identified 180 unique genotypes (102 females and 78 males). We used a robust design survey plan with 2 surveys in most years and analysed the data with Program MARK to estimate encounter rates (p), apparent survival rates (φ), rates of population change (λ), and population sizes (N). We estimated these demographic parameters for males and females and for 2 genetic clusters within the North Interlake. The population size estimates were larger for the Lower than the Upper North Interlake area and the proportion of males was lower in the Lower (33%) than the Upper North Interlake (49%). Population rate of change for the entire North Interlake area (2005–2009) using the robust design Pradel model was significantly <1.0 (λ = 0.90, 95% CI: 0.82–0.99) and varied between sex and area with the highest being for males in Lower North Interlake (λ = 0.98, 95% CI: 0.83–1.13) and the lowest being for females in Upper North Interlake (λ = 0.83, 95% CI: 0.69–0.97). The additivity of λ between sex and area is supported on the log scale and translates into males having a λ that is 0.09 greater than females and independent of sex, Lower North Interlake having a λ that is 0.06 greater than Upper North Interlake. Population estimates paralleled these declining trends, which correspond to trends observed in other fragmented populations of woodland caribou along the southern part of their range. The results of this study clearly demonstrate the applicability and success of non-invasive genetic sampling in monitoring populations of woodland caribou. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The composition of the epicuticular leaf n‐alkanes of eight populations of three Satureja montana subspecies (S. montana L. subsp. pisidica (Wettst.) ?ili? , S. montana L. subsp. montana, and S. montana L. subsp. variegata (Host ) P. W. Ball ), from central and western areas of the Balkan Peninsula was characterized by GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses. In the leaf waxes, 15 n‐alkane homologs with chain‐lengths ranging from C21 to C35 were identified. The main n‐alkane in almost all samples was n‐nonacosane (C29), but differences in the contents of three other dominant n‐alkanes allowed separating the coastal from the continental populations. The diversity and variability of the epicuticular‐leaf‐n‐alkane patterns and their relation to different geographic and bioclimatic parameters were analyzed by several statistical methods (principal component, discriminant, and cluster analyses as well as the Mantel test). All tests showed a high correlation between the leaf n‐alkane pattern and the geographical distribution of the investigated populations, confirming the differentiation between S. montana subsp. pisidica and the other two subspecies. The S. montana subsp. variegata and S. montana subsp. montana populations are geographically closer and their differentiation according to the leaf‐n‐alkane patterns was not clear, even though there was some indication of discrimination between them. Moreover, most of the bioclimatic parameters related to temperature were highly correlated with the differentiation of the coastal and the continental populations.  相似文献   

The majority of angiosperms are hermaphroditic with total fitness comprised of both male and female components of reproduction. However, most studies examining the effects of abiotic factors and species interactions on fitness have focussed on female reproduction, potentially biasing our understanding of the consequences of environmental factors on total fitness. Here, we use meta‐analysis to test how environmental factors affect male function. We obtained 278 effect sizes from 96 studies that measured male function responses to manipulated environmental factors. We found significant effects of abiotic factors and species interactions on estimates of male function, with responses varying depending on environmental factor identity. Male and female responses were correlated for abiotic factor manipulations, but varied based on the type of species interaction (antagonistic or mutualistic). This suggests that measuring only female function may misrepresent whole‐plant reproduction depending on context. Finally, we found differences amongst components of male function in response to environmental factors, suggesting that some male function estimates may fail to capture the effects of environmental factors on male fitness. Our results demonstrate the importance of incorporating male function into ecological and evolutionary studies to provide a more accurate understanding of the effects of environmental factors on total fitness.  相似文献   

The structure of N‐nitroso, N‐(2‐chloroethyl), N′,N′‐dibenzylsulfamid (CENS) was established by X‐ray crystallography. The atomic coordinates, factors of isotropic thermal agitation, bond lengths and valence angles were determined. The solvent effects on the electronic absorption and fluorescence spectra of CENS were investigated at room temperature. The effects of solvent polarity and of hydrogen bonding were interpreted by means of linear solvation energy relationships (LSERs). Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that the hydrogen donation properties of the solvent play an important role in determining the position of the absorption maximum, while the classical polarity of the medium is the only dominating parameter in determining the emission maximum and the Stokes' shift. Complexation of the investigated compound by two different transition metal ions was studied. Fluorescence measurements show that fluorescence quenching by cobalt(II) is more important than that by copper(II). This phenomenon can be attributed to good stereo‐structural matching between the electronic configuration of the Co2+ ion and the active site distribution of CENS in aqueous solution. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Question: What is the impact of grazing and/or afforestation on grassland diversity, species composition and cover parameters? Location: Semi‐arid Mediterranean grasslands of Jordan. Methods: Vegetation, litter, bare soil and rock cover were compared among four management types – free grazing and protected from grazing with three levels of tree cover. Species composition, plant cover, species richness and evenness were used to evaluate differences in vegetation among management types. Species composition differences among management types were also investigated. Results: Semi‐arid Mediterranean grasslands harbour appreciable levels of plant biodiversity. Grazing did not affect plant diversity, indicating the high resilience against and adaptation to grazing; however,grazing affected species composition and cover parameters. Afforestation seems to protect soil through higher litter cover but its impact on plant biodiversity was negative and markedly affected species composition. Conclusions: Neither protection from grazing or massive afforestation alone are sufficient for conserving biodiversity in this system. A management model is suggested where the landscape should be maintained as a mosaic of four management types: complete protection from grazing, grazing rotation, planting sparse trees in eroded areas and revegetating degraded areas using native, herbaceous and grazing tolerant species.  相似文献   

Questions : What is the variability of succession over a large geographical area? What is the relative importance of (1) local site factors and (2) landscape factors in determining spontaneous vegetation succession? Location : Various regions of the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The regions represent two categories characterized by agrarian lowlands, with a relatively warm and dry climate, and predominant woodland uplands with a relatively cold and wet climate. Methods : Gravel‐sand pits ranged in age from 1–75 years since abandonment. Three types of sites were distinguished: dry, wet and hydric in shallow flooded sites. Vegetation relevés were recorded with species cover (%) visually estimated using the space‐for‐time substitution approach. Local site factors, such as water table and soil characteristics, and landscape characteristics, namely climatic parameters, presence of nearby (semi‐) natural plant communities and main land cover categories in the wider surroundings, were evaluated. Results : Ordination analyses showed that water table was the most important local site factor influencing the course of spontaneous vegetation succession. Succession was further significantly influenced by soil texture, pH, macroclimate, the presence of some nearby (semi‐) natural communities and some land cover categories in the wider surroundings. Spontaneous vegetation succession led to the formation of either shrubby grassland, deciduous woodland, alder and willow carrs, and tall sedge or reed and Typha beds in later stages depending predominantly on the site moisture conditions. Conclusions: Although the water table was the most influential on the course of vegetation succession, the landscape factors together explained more vegetation variability (44%) than local site factors (23%).  相似文献   

Construction material plays an increasingly important role in the environmental impacts of buildings. In order to investigate impacts of materials on a building level, we present a bottom‐up building stock model that uses three‐dimensional and geo‐referenced building data to determine volumetric information of material stocks in Swiss residential buildings. We used a probabilistic modeling approach to calculate future material flows for the individual buildings. We investigated six scenarios with different assumptions concerning per‐capita floor area, building stock turnover, and construction material. The Swiss building stock will undergo important structural changes by 2035. While this will lead to a reduced number in new constructions, material flows will increase. Total material inflow decreases by almost half while outflows double. In 2055, the total amount of material in‐ and outflows are almost equal, which represents an important opportunity to close construction material cycles. Total environmental impacts due to production and disposal of construction material remain relatively stable over time. The cumulated impact is slightly reduced for the wood‐based scenario. The scenario with more insulation material leads to slightly higher material‐related emissions. An increase in per‐capita floor area or material turnover will lead to a considerable increase in impacts. The new modeling approach overcomes the limitations of previous bottom‐up building models and allows for investigating building material flows and stocks in space and time. This supports the development of tailored strategies to reduce the material footprint and environmental impacts of buildings and settlements.  相似文献   

For the first time, the n‐alkane distribution and variability of the epicuticular waxes within 22 Sedum taxa was reported with focus on the chemotaxonomy of native Sedum representatives from the central Balkan Peninsula, compared to their relations with four other species of the Crassulaceae family. By GC/MS and GC‐FID identification and quantification, it was established that n‐alkanes C27, C29, C31, C33, and C35 were the dominant constituents of the examined epicuticular wax samples. Applying multivariate statistical analyses including agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) and principal component analysis (PCA), the relation according to the n‐alkane composition between the examined samples was established. It was shown that the n‐alkane variability of the central Balkan Sedum species was considerable and that n‐alkanes might not be very reliable taxonomic markers for these species.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the effect of freeze‐dried Lactobacillus coryniformis Si3 on storage stability by adding polymers to sucrose‐based formulations and to examine the relationship between amorphous matrix stability and cell viability. Methods and Results: The resistance to moisture‐induced sucrose crystallization and effects on the glass transition temperature (Tg) by the addition of polymers to the formulation were determined by different calorimetric techniques. Both polymers increased the amorphous matrix stability compared to the control, and poly(vinyl)pyrrolidone K90 was more effective in increasing amorphous stability than Ficoll 400. The viability of Lact. coryniformis Si3 after storage was investigated by plate counts following exposure to different moisture levels and temperatures for up to 3 months. The polymers enhanced the cellular viability to different degrees, dependent upon polymer and storage condition. Conclusions: Polymers can be used to enhance the stability of freeze‐dried Lact. coryniformis Si3 products, but cell viability and matrix stability do not always correlate. The general rule of thumb to keep a highly amorphous product 50° below its Tg for overall stability seemed to apply for this type of bacterial products. We showed that by combining thermal analysis with plate counts, it was possible to determine storage conditions where cell viability and matrix stability were kept high. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results will aid in the rational formulation design and proper determination of storage conditions for freeze‐dried and highly amorphous lactic acid bacteria formulations. We propose a hypothesis of reason for different stabilizing effects on the cells by the different polymers based on our findings and previous findings.  相似文献   

The biomaterial distribution and its molecular mechanism of embryonic development in Japanese medaka fish were visualized without staining using high‐speed near‐infrared imaging. It was a remarkable achievement to visualize the structures of eyes, lipid bilayer membranes, micelles, and water structural variations at the interface of different substances. Furthermore, insights on lipid metabolism and membrane functions were obtained from the biased distribution of lipoproteins and the presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the egg membrane. Further details can be found in the article by Mika Ishigaki ( e201700115 )


Argania spinosa includes two varieties, var. apiculata and var. mutica. These argan varieties were introduced into Tunisia in ancient times and are actually cultivated in some botanic gardens. Little is known about the chemical differentiation among these argan varieties. Hence, the aim of this study was to determine the fatty‐acid composition, the total phenolic and flavonoid contents, and the antioxidant and α‐amylase‐inhibitory activities of leaf, seed, and pulp extracts of both argan varieties harvested during the months of January to April. The fatty‐acid distribution was found to depend on the argan variety, the plant organ, and the harvest time. Significant variations in the phenolic contents were observed between the investigated varieties as well as between leaves, pulps, and seeds of each variety. As expected, phenolic compounds were found to be contributors to the antioxidant and α‐amylase‐inhibitory activities of both argan varieties. The chemical differentiation observed among the two argan varieties, based mainly on the fatty‐acid composition, might have some chemotaxonomic value.  相似文献   

Future phosphorus (P) scarcity and eutrophication risks demonstrate the need for systems‐wide P assessments. Despite the projected drastic increase in world‐wide fish production, P studies have yet to include the aquaculture and fisheries sectors, thus eliminating the possibility of assessing their relative importance and identifying opportunities for recycling. Using Norway as a case, this study presents the results of a current‐status integrated fisheries, aquaculture, and agriculture P flow analysis and identifies current sectoral linkages as well as potential cross‐sectoral synergies where P use can be optimized. A scenario was developed to shed light on how the projected 2050 fivefold Norwegian aquaculture growth will likely affect P demand and secondary P resources. The results indicate that, contrary to most other countries where agriculture dominates, in Norway, aquaculture and agriculture drive P consumption and losses at similar levels and secondary P recycling, both intra‐ and cross‐sectorally, is far from optimized. The scenario results suggest that the projected aquaculture growth will make the Norwegian aquaculture sector approximately 4 times as P intensive as compared to agriculture, in terms of both imported P and losses. This will create not only future environmental challenges, but also opportunities for cross‐sectoral P recycling that could help alleviate the mineral P demands of agriculture. Near‐term policy measures should focus on utilizing domestic fish scrap for animal husbandry and/or fish feed production. Long‐term efforts should focus on improving technology and environmental systems analysis methods to enable P recovery from aquaculture production and manure distribution in animal husbandry.  相似文献   

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