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外泌体是直径为 30~100 nm 的内吞衍生囊泡,由多种活细胞分泌,含有大量的与其来源和功能密切相关的蛋白质、脂质和 RNA 分子,可以在细胞间传递。已有研究表明癌症患者血液中的外泌体浓度比正常人高,且其中包含癌症标志分子,因此其有潜力成为疾病诊 断的生物标志物。此外,作为一种天然的物质运输载体,外泌体已经被作为一种新型的药物递送系统,用于肿瘤及阿尔茨海默病等疾病的治疗。 对外泌体作为疾病诊断标记物以及药物递送载体的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

由于具有高效靶向药物传递的潜力,病毒颗粒已成为药物和生命科学领域的研究焦点.病毒颗粒具有病毒性载体和非病毒性载体的优点,同时克服了两者的局限性.病毒颗粒药物传递系统具有无毒、生物相容性、生物可降解性和非自动免疫等特点.研究表明,病毒颗粒能够在细胞间转运多种具有生物活性的分子,例如核酸或者基因、多肽、蛋白质以及其它抗癌药物等,因此在疾病治疗方面可能具有重要作用.如何制备携带有生物活性材料和治疗试剂的病毒颗粒和确定病毒颗粒药物的最佳剂型是目前该领域中挑战性的课题.本文综述了病毒颗粒技术多方面的特征及应用前景.  相似文献   

作为一种纳米级别的囊泡,外泌体的相关研究近年来逐渐成为热点。外泌体来源于细胞内的多囊泡胞内体,经由细胞膜释放到细胞外。由于来自特定细胞类型的外泌体含有多种特异性的蛋白质和microRNA,使其成为了可以广泛用于疾病诊断及预后的新型生物标志物。相较于其他外源性药物载体,外泌体具有更低的免疫原性,并能够靶向作用于病变细胞。这使得由细胞天然产生或经过人工改造的外泌体作为一种新兴的药物载体具有良好的发展前景。特别是近几年,外泌体在临床应用领域的发展潜力不断获得拓展,针对肿瘤、糖尿病、心脑血管疾病、神经退行性病变等重大疾病,以外泌体为基础的疾病诊断和药物的研发都取得了快速的进步。本篇综述重点介绍了外泌体作为一种生物标志物在疾病诊断和预后中的应用,同时阐述了外泌体作为一种新兴的药物载体所具有的优势以及存在的问题。  相似文献   

纳米靶向给药系统可以增强药物在病变部位的浓度和疗效,同时也可以最大限度地降低药物的毒副作用,因此已成为现代药剂学研 究的重要内容,其中对纳米载体材料的研究也越来越多。对2013年度国内学者在纳米靶向给药制剂中载体材料的研究与开发进展进行综述。  相似文献   

新型纳米靶向给药系统的研究与开发对于难治愈性疾病(尤其是肿瘤)的治疗具有重大意义,而其发展很大程度上取决于载体材料 的设计。构思巧妙、设计合理的载体材料能使载体实现靶向功能,将药物定位浓集于病灶部位,并最大限度地发挥高效低毒的作用。基于 不同的靶向策略,包括被动靶向、主动靶向和响应肿瘤微环境的靶向,综述了近年来一些新型纳米载体材料的设计,为新型纳米靶向给药 系统的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Exosomes are nano-sized bioactive vesicles of 30–150 nm in diameter. They are secreted by exocytosis of nearly all type of cells in to the extracellular fluid. Thereby, they can be found in many biological fluids. Exosomes regulate intracellular communication between cells via delivery of their cargo which include lipids, proteins, and nucleic acid. Many desirable features of exosomes made them promising candidates in several therapeutic applications. In this review, we discuss the use of exosomes as diagnostic tools and their possible biomedical applications. Additionally, current techniques used for isolation, purification, and characterization of exosomes from both biological fluids and in vitro cell cultures were discussed.  相似文献   

外泌体(exosomes)是细胞分泌的囊泡,在细胞与细胞之间通信中发挥重要作用。由于其固有的长距离通信能力和出色的生物相容性而具有很大的潜力作为药物递送载体,尤其适合递送蛋白质、核酸、基因治疗剂等治疗药物。许多研究表明外泌体可以有效地将许多不同种类的货物递送至靶细胞,因此,它们常被作为药物载体用于治疗。对外泌体作为药物递送系统中面临的外泌体分离,药物装载和靶向治疗应用的进展与挑战作一介绍,以期更好为外泌体药物递送系统开发提供新思路。  相似文献   

外泌体(exosomes)是细胞分泌的囊泡,在细胞与细胞之间通信中发挥重要作用。由于其固有的长距离通信能力和出色的生物相容性而具有很大的潜力作为药物递送载体,尤其适合递送蛋白质、核酸、基因治疗剂等治疗药物。许多研究表明外泌体可以有效地将许多不同种类的货物递送至靶细胞,因此,它们常被作为药物载体用于治疗。对外泌体作为药物递送系统中面临的外泌体分离,药物装载和靶向治疗应用的进展与挑战作一介绍,以期更好为外泌体药物递送系统开发提供新思路。  相似文献   

外泌体是体内几乎所有细胞分泌的具有双层脂质膜结构的纳米级小囊泡。外泌体大小均匀,平均直径为40~120 nm,存在于所有体液中。外泌体曾一度被认为是细胞成熟过程中清除废弃细胞器的‘垃圾袋’。但近年研究显示:外泌体含有丰富的来源于‘供体细胞’的信号分子,如蛋白质、DNA、mRNA、miRNA以及lncRNA等。当外泌体与‘受体细胞’融合时,这些信号分子便被运送到‘受体细胞’,从而实现细胞 细胞之间的通讯,影响‘受体细胞’的生理病理过程。虽然外泌体的研究目前主要集中在癌症等疾病的预防、诊断与治疗中,但是越来越多的研究显示,外泌体在心血管系统的生理及病理过程中同样发挥着重要作用。本文将对外泌体的起源、分离与纯化方法及外泌体介导的‘细胞 细胞’之间的通讯机制进行综述,并重点论述利用基因工程技术对外泌体进行靶向运输的方法及靶向外泌体运送在心血管疾病治疗中的应用。  相似文献   

The use of nanoparticles in oncology to deliver chemotherapeutic agents has received considerable attention in the last decades due to their tendency to be passively accumulated in solid tumors. Besides this remarkable property, the surface of these nanocarriers can be decorated with targeting moieties capable to recognize malignant cells which lead to selective nanoparticle uptake mainly in the diseased cells, without affecting the healthy ones. Among the different nanocarriers which have been developed with this purpose, inorganic porous nanomaterials constitute some of the most interesting due to their unique properties such as excellent cargo capacity, high biocompatibility and chemical, thermal and mechanical robustness, among others. Additionally, these materials can be engineered to present an exquisite control in the drug release behavior placing stimuli-responsive pore-blockers or sensitive hybrid coats on their surface. Herein, the recent advances developed in the use of porous inorganic nanomedicines will be described in order to provide an overview of their huge potential in the look out of an efficient and safe therapy against this complex disease. Porous inorganic nanoparticles have been designed to be accumulated in tumoral tissues; once there to recognize the target cell and finally, to release their payload in a controlled manner.  相似文献   

作为药物递送载体,脂质体(LPs)由于免疫原性低、稳定性好、毒性低和成本低而被认为是有前途的纳米药物递送系统。然而,LPs的靶向递送效果并不理想,往往会对正常的机体细胞造成伤害,因此,如何优化LPs药物,使其具有靶向性仍然是当前研究的重点。本文结合近年来国内外相关研究进展,重点介绍了多肽、抗体、糖类、配体,以及核酸适配体等靶向修饰物对LPs功能的影响,并归纳总结了各种靶向修饰目前存在的优势与挑战,以期对LPs给药系统的进一步研究提供科学参考及新药研发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

烯二炔类抗生素是一种结构新颖、作用机制独特的新型抗肿瘤抗生素,烯二炔结构是其活性中心。该类抗生素具有极强的抗肿瘤活性,却因毒性较大难以直接用于临床。近年来,研究人员展开了烯二炔类抗生素靶向药物的研发工作,以提高其肿瘤靶向性并减少药物毒副作用。归纳总结了已报道的天然来源的烯二炔类抗肿瘤抗生素及其活性代谢物,并重点介绍烯二炔类抗生素相关靶向药物的研究进展,旨在为其深度开发提供参考。  相似文献   

为构建特异性的脑药物转运载体 ,分段合成了抗大鼠转铁蛋白受体的单链抗体基因 (Ox2 6 scfv) .经重叠PCR拼接成完整片段 ,克隆入pUC19载体中 ,测序正确后克隆到大肠杆菌表达载体pET 15b E .tag上 .IPTG诱导 ,表达产物分子量为 2 9kD ,约占菌体总蛋白量的 4 0 % .包涵体经 6mol L盐酸胍变性后 ,过SephacrylS 30 0HR分子筛柱复性蛋白 .免疫酶染色实验表明 ,该单链抗体能与转铁蛋白受体特异性结合 ,为建立以转铁蛋白受体为介导的血脑屏障转运载体打下了基础  相似文献   

生物活性物的生物制造是指利用包括细胞、微生物和酶在内的生物系统生产具有生物活性的天然或合成分子的过程。这些分子可用于制药、化妆品、农业和食品工业等领域,对提高生命质量、延长生命长度具有重要意义。在合成生物学和自动化等技术的推动下,生物制造领域迅速发展,为创造新产品和替代传统产品提供了绿色可持续的生产模式,为生物经济的增长、创新作出了重要贡献。本文结合生物活性物研发及生产情况,简要梳理并分析了国内外生物活性物的现有市场和未来发展。生物制造作为一种绿色、可持续的生产方式,将在生物经济发展中持续发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Inner ear disorders' treatment remains challenging due to anatomical barriers. Robotic assistance seems to be a promising approach to enhance inner ear treatments and, more particularly, lead to effective targeted drug delivery into the human cochlea. In this paper we present a combination of a micro-macro system that was designed and realized in order to efficiently control the navigation of magnetic nanoparticles in an open-loop scheme throughout the cochlea, considering that the magnetic particles cannot be located in real time.In order to respect the anatomical constraints, we established the characteristics that the new platform must present then proceeded to the design of the latter. The developed system is composed of a magnetic actuator that aims to guide nanoparticles into the cochlea. Mounted on a robotic manipulator, it ensures its positioning around the patient's head. The magnetic device integrates four parallelepiped-rectangle permanent magnets. Their arrangement in space, position and orientation, allows the creation of an area of convergence of magnetic forces where nanoparticles can be pushed/pulled to. To ensure the reachability of the desired orientations and positions, a 3 DOF robot based on a Remote Centre of Motion (RCM) mechanism was developed. It features three concurrent rotational joints that generate a spherical workspace around the head. The control of the latter is based on kinematic models.A prototype of this platform was realized to validate the actuation process. Both magnetic actuator and robotic manipulator were realized using an additive manufacturing approach. We also designed a virtual human head with a life-size cochlea inside. A laser was mounted on the end effector to track the positioning of the actuator. This permitted to experimentally prove the capacity of the robotic system to reach the desired positions and orientations in accordance with the medical needs.This promising robotic approach, makes it possible to overcome anatomical barriers and steer magnetic nanoparticles to a targeted location in the inner ear and, more precisely, inside the cochlea.  相似文献   

壳聚糖是一种天然多糖,具有无毒、可生物降解、生物相容性等诸多优点,但水溶性差的自身特点限制了其在药剂学中的应用,而其经合理的结构设计、修饰和优化,可获得性能良好的两亲性壳聚糖衍生物,这些衍生物在水溶液中能自组装成具有良好药物传输性能(如载药量、稳定性、刺激敏感性、靶向性等)的胶束,并被广泛应用于构建药物传递系统,以改善药物的溶解性、靶向性、生物利用度及耐药性,降低药物的毒副作用。综述壳聚糖衍生物结构对其胶束药物传输性能的影响以及壳聚糖衍生物及其胶束的功能化修饰和在药物传递系统中的应用。  相似文献   

Liposome, a kind of nanoscale vesicle, is applied in the drug delivery systems (DDS) extensively because of its low toxicity, biodegradability and biocompatibility. However, defects of liposome drugs, such as low rates of drug release, insufficiency in active targeting and inefficient bioavailability still remain to be solved. Therefore, stimuli-responsive liposomes are brought to DDS to improve the efficacy of controlled drug release, assure specific release in targeted sites and alleviate side-effects as much as possible. Stimuli-responsive liposomes could maintain stability in circulation, tissues and cells under physiological conditions. Once delivered, they could be activated by relevant internal or external stimuli to release cargos accurately in target areas. This review highlights the design, functional principles and recent advances on application of pH-sensitive liposomes and thermosensitive liposomes respectively, which are two typical stimuli-responsive liposomes. Common targeting modifications of liposomes are discussed as well. We also summarize recent challenges of stimuli-responsive liposomes and their further applications.  相似文献   

近年来,随着纳米材料科学的蓬勃发展,金纳米粒由于具有独特的光学和物理性质以及毒性小、比表面积大、表面可功能化修饰、易与药物分子结合等特点,其作为载体在药物传递系统中的应用已引起广泛关注。综述金纳米粒的特性、合成方法、体内分布与毒性以及在不同药物传递系统中的应用研究。  相似文献   

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