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Optical‐resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR‐PAM), which has been widely used and studied as a noninvasive and in vivo imaging technique, can yield high‐resolution and absorption contrast images. Recently, metallic nanoparticles and dyes, such as gold nanoparticles, methylene blue, and indocyanine green, have been used as contrast agents of OR‐PAM. This study demonstrates real‐time functional OR‐PAM images with high‐speed alternating illumination at 2 wavelengths. To generate 2 wavelengths, second harmonic generation at 532 nm with an LBO crystal and a pump wavelength of 1064 nm is applied at a pulse repetition rate of 300 kHz. For alternating illumination, an electro‐optical modulator is used as an optical switch. Therefore, the A‐line rate for the functional image is 150 kHz, which is half of the laser repetition rate. To enable fast signal processing and real‐time displays, parallel signal processing using a graphics processing unit (GPU) is performed. OR‐PAM images of the distribution of blood vessels and gold nanorods in a BALB/c‐nude mouse's ear can be simultaneously obtained with 500 × 500 pixels and real‐time display at 0.49 fps.   相似文献   

Photoacoustic imaging is a noninvasive imaging technique having the advantages of high‐optical contrast and good acoustic resolution at improved imaging depths. Light transport in biological tissues is mainly characterized by strong optical scattering and absorption. Photoacoustic microscopy is capable of achieving high‐resolution images at greater depth compared to conventional optical microscopy methods. In this work, we have developed a high‐resolution, acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy (AR‐PAM) system in the near infra‐red (NIR) window II (NIR‐II, eg, 1064 nm) for deep tissue imaging. Higher imaging depth is achieved as the tissue scattering at 1064 nm is lesser compared to visible or near infrared window‐I (NIR‐I). Our developed system can provide a lateral resolution of 130 μm, axial resolution of 57 μm, and image up to 11 mm deep in biological tissues. This 1064‐AR‐PAM system was used for imaging sentinel lymph node and the lymph vessel in rat. Urinary bladder of rat filled with black ink was also imaged to validate the feasibility of the developed system to study deeply seated organs.   相似文献   

Optical‐resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR‐PAM) has been shown to be an excellent imaging modality for monitoring and study of tumor microvasculature. However, previous studies focused mainly on the normal tissues and did not quantify the tumor microvasculature. In this study, we present an in vivo OR‐PAM imaging of the melanomas and hepatoma implanted in the mouse ear. We quantify the vessel growth by extracting the skeletons of both dense and thin branches of the tumor microvasculature obtained by Hessian matrix enhancement followed by improved two‐step multistencils fast marching method. Compared with the previous methods of using OR‐PAM for normal tissues, our method was more effective in extracting the binary vascular network in the tumor images and in obtaining the complete and continuous microvascular skeleton maps. Our demonstration of using OR‐PAM in improving microvasculature of tumors and quantification of tumor growth would push deep this technology for the early diagnosis and treatment of cancers.   相似文献   

Optical‐resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR‐PAM) has proven useful for anatomical and functional imaging with high spatial resolutions. However, the coherent signal generation and the desired reflection‐mode detection in OR‐PAM can result in a limited detectability of features aligned with the acoustic axis (ie, vertical structures). Here, we investigated the limited‐view phenomenon in OR‐PAM by simulating the generation and propagation of the acoustic pressure waves and determined the key optical parameters affecting the visibility of vertical structures. Proof‐of‐concept numerical experiments were performed with different illumination angles, optical foci and numerical apertures (NA) of the objective lens. The results collectively show that an NA of 0.3 can readily improve the visibility of vertical structures in a typical reflection‐mode OR‐PAM system. This conclusion was confirmed by numerical simulations on the cortical blood vessels in a mouse brain and by experiments in a suture‐cross phantom and in a mouse brain in vivo.   相似文献   

Oblique plane microscopy (OPM) is a form of light sheet microscopy that uses a single high numerical aperture microscope objective for both fluorescence excitation and collection. In this paper, measurements of the relative collection efficiency of OPM are presented. An OPM system incorporating two sCMOS cameras is then introduced that enables single isolated cardiac myocytes to be studied continuously for 22 seconds in two dimensions at 667 frames per second with 960 × 200 pixels and for 30 seconds with 960 × 200 × 20 voxels at 25 volumes per second. In both cases OPM is able to record in two spectral channels, enabling intracellular calcium to be studied via the probe Fluo‐4 AM simultaneously with the sarcolemma and transverse tubule network via the membrane dye Cellmask Orange. The OPM system was then applied to determine the spatial origin of spontaneous calcium waves for the first time and to measure the cell transverse tubule structure at their point of origin. Further results are presented to demonstrate that the OPM system can also be used to study calcium spark parameters depending on their relationship to the transverse tubule structure.


Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is the commonly used super‐resolution (SR) technique for imaging subcellular dynamics. However, due to its need for multiple illumination patterns, the frame rate is just a fraction of that of conventional microscopy and is thus too slow for fast dynamic studies. A new SR image reconstruction method that maximizes the use of each subframe of the acquisition series is proposed for improving the super‐resolved frame rate by N times for N illumination directions. The method requires no changes in raw data and is appropriate for many versions of SIM setup, including those implementing fast illumination pattern generation mechanism based on spatial light modulator or digital micromirror device. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated through imaging the highly dynamic endoplasmic reticulum where continuous rapid growths or shape changes of tiny structures are observed.   相似文献   

Fast functional and molecular photoacoustic microscopy requires pulsed laser excitations at multiple wavelengths with enough pulse energy and short wavelength‐switching time. Recent development of stimulated Raman scattering in optical fiber offers a low‐cost laser source for multiwavelength photoacoustic imaging. In this approach, long fibers temporally separate different wavelengths via optical delay. The time delay between adjacent wavelengths may eventually limits the highest A‐line rate. In addition, a long‐time delay in fiber may limit the highest pulse energy, leading to poor image quality. In order to achieve high pulse energy and ultrafast dual‐wavelength excitation, we present optical‐resolution photoacoustic microscopy with ultrafast dual‐wavelength excitation and a signal separation method. The signal separation method is validated in numerical simulation and phantom experiments. We show that when two photoacoustic signals are partially overlapped with a 50‐ns delay, they can be recovered with 98% accuracy. We apply this ultrafast dual‐wavelength excitation technique to in vivo OR‐PAM. Results demonstrate that A‐lines at two wavelengths can be successfully separated, and sO2 values can be reliably computed from the separated data. The ultrafast dual‐wavelength excitation enables fast functional photoacoustic microscopy with negligible misalignment among different wavelengths and high pulse energy, which is important for in vivo imaging of microvascular dynamics.  相似文献   

We have developed a reflection‐mode switchable subwavelength Bessel‐beam (BB) and Gaussian‐beam (GB) photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) system. To achieve both reflection‐mode and high resolution, we tightly attached a very small ultrasound transducer to an optical objective lens with numerical aperture of 1.0 and working distance of 2.5 mm. We used axicon and an achromatic doublet in our system to obtain the extended depth of field (DOF) of the BB. To compare the DOF performance achieved with our BB‐PAM system against GB‐PAM system, we designed our system so that the GB can be easily generated by simply removing the lenses. Using a 532 nm pulse laser, we achieved the lateral resolutions of 300 and 270 nm for BB‐PAM and GB‐PAM, respectively. The measured DOF of BB‐PAM was approximately 229 μm, which was about 7× better than that of GB‐PAM. We imaged the vasculature of a mouse ear using BB‐PAM and GB‐PAM and confirmed that the DOF of BB‐PAM is much better than the DOF of GB‐PAM. Thus, we believe that the high resolution achieved at the extended DOF by our system is very practical for wide range of biomedical research including red blood cell (RBC) migration in blood vessels at various depths and observation of cell migration or cell culture.   相似文献   

In acoustic‐resolution photoacoustic microscopy (AR‐PAM) systems, the lateral resolution in the focal zone of the ultrasound (US) transducer is determined by the numerical aperture (NA) of the transducer. To have a high lateral resolution, a large NA is used. However, the larger the NA, the smaller the depth of focus [DOF]. As a result, the lateral resolution is deteriorated at depths out of the focal region. The synthetic aperture focusing technique (SAFT) along with a beamformer can be used to improve the resolution outside the focal region. In this work, for image formation in AR‐PAM, we propose the double‐stage delay‐multiply‐and‐sum (DS_DMAS) algorithm to be combined with SAFT. The proposed method is evaluated experimentally using hair targets and in vivo vasculature imaging. It is shown that DS_DMAS provides a higher resolution and contrast compared to other methods. For the B‐mode images obtained using the hair phantom, the proposed method reduces the average noise level for all the depths by about 134%, 57% and 23%, compared to the original low‐ resolution, SAFT+DAS and SAFT+DMAS methods, respectively. All the results indicate that the proposed method can be an appropriate algorithm for image formation in AR‐PAM systems.   相似文献   

Skin carcinoma such as melanoma (MM) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) are considered as the highest mortality and the most aggressive skin cancers in dermatology. In view that early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the survival rate and life quality of the patients, developing noninvasive and effective evaluation methods is of great significance for the detection and identification of early stage cutaneous cancers. In this article, we propose a hybrid photoacoustic and hyperspectral dual‐modality microscopy to evaluate and differentiate skin carcinoma by structural and multiphysiological parameters. The proposed system's imaging abilities are verified by mimic phantoms and normal mice experiments. Furthermore, in vivo characterization and evaluation results of MM and cSCC mice are obtained successfully, which prove this novel method could be used as a reliable and useful method for skin cancer detection in early stages.  相似文献   

Precise multicolor single molecule localization‐based microscopy (SMLM) requires bright probes with compatible photo‐chemical and spectral properties to resolve distinct molecular species at the nanoscale. The accuracy of multicolor SMLM is further challenged by color channel crosstalk and chromatic alignment errors. These constrains limit the applicability of known reversibly switchable organic dyes for optimized multicolor SMLM. Here, we tested 28 commercially available dyes for their suitability to super‐resolve a known cellular nanostructure. We identified eight novel dyes in different spectral regimes that enable high quality dSTORM imaging. Among those, the spectrally close dyes CF647 and CF680 comprise an optimal dye pair for spectral demixing‐based, registration free multicolor dSTORM with low crosstalk. Combining this dye pair with the separately excited CF568 we performed 3‐color dSTORM to image the relative nanoscale distribution of components of the endocytic machinery and the cytoskeleton.

A major limitation of multicolor single molecule localization based super‐resolution microscopy (SMLM) is the availability of suitable photo‐switchable fluorescent dyes. By screening 28 commercially available dyes, novel dyes in different spectral regimes were identified that are well suited for dual and triple color SMLM with low crosstalk. These novel dyes are employed to image the relative nanoscale distribution of sub‐cellular components.  相似文献   

Multicolor multiphoton microscopy is experimentally demonstrated for the first time on a spectral bandwidth of excitation of 300 nm (full width half maximum) thanks to the implementation a nanosecond supercontinuum (SC) source compact and simple with a low repetition rate. The interest of such a wide spectral bandwidth, never demonstrated until now, is highlighted in vivo: images of glioma tumor cells stably expressing eGFP grafted on the brain of a mouse and its blood vessels network labelled with Texas Red® are obtained. These two fluorophores have a spectral bandwidth covering the whole 300 nm available. In parallel, a similar image quality is obtained on a sample of mouse muscle in vitro when excited with this nanosecond SC source or with a classical high rate, femtosecond and quasi monochromatic laser. This opens the way for (i) a simple and very complete biological characterization never performed to date with multiphoton processes, (ii) multiple means of contrast in nonlinear imaging allowed by the use of numerous fluorophores and (iii) other multiphoton processes like three‐photon ones.


Expansion microscopy is a recently introduced imaging technique that achieves super‐resolution through physically expanding the specimen by ~4×, after embedding into a swellable gel. The resolution attained is, correspondingly, approximately fourfold better than the diffraction limit, or ~70 nm. This is a major improvement over conventional microscopy, but still lags behind modern STED or STORM setups, whose resolution can reach 20–30 nm. We addressed this issue here by introducing an improved gel recipe that enables an expansion factor of ~10× in each dimension, which corresponds to an expansion of the sample volume by more than 1,000‐fold. Our protocol, which we termed X10 microscopy, achieves a resolution of 25–30 nm on conventional epifluorescence microscopes. X10 provides multi‐color images similar or even superior to those produced with more challenging methods, such as STED, STORM, and iterative expansion microscopy (iExM). X10 is therefore the cheapest and easiest option for high‐quality super‐resolution imaging currently available. X10 should be usable in any laboratory, irrespective of the machinery owned or of the technical knowledge.  相似文献   

Photoacoustic (PA) imaging breaks the diffusion limit of conventional optical imaging by listening to the PA wave. As a new kind of functional imaging method, it has experienced tremendous growth in research community with wide range of applications. However, it is still an open and fundamental challenge that the conversion efficiency from light to sound based on PA effect is extremely low. The consequence is the poor signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) of PA signal especially in scenarios of low laser power and deep penetration. Conventional approach to enhance the SNR of PA signal in these noisy scenarios is data averaging, which is quite time‐consuming. To improve the signal fidelity and imaging speed, an algorithm of using empirical mode decomposition and independent component analysis de‐noising methods in PA imaging is proposed. The simulation and in vivo experimental results show obvious SNR enhancement of the PA signal and image contrast. The proposed method provides the potential to develop real‐time low‐cost PA imaging system with low‐power laser source.   相似文献   

Age‐related kidney disease, which is chronic and naturally occurring, is a general term for a set of heterogeneous disorders affecting kidney structures and characterized by a decline in renal function. Age‐related renal insufficiency has important implications with regard to body homeostasis, drug toxicity and renal transplantation. In our study, two‐photon microscopy was used to image kidney morphological and functional characteristics in an age‐related rat model in vivo. The changes in morphology are analyzed based on autofluorescence and Hoechst 33342 labeling in rats with different ages. Structural parameters including renal tubular diameter, cell nuclei density, size and shape are studied and compared with Hematoxylin and Eosin histological analysis. Functional characteristics, such as blood flow, and glomerular filtration rate are studied with high‐molecular weight (MW) 500‐kDa dextran‐fluorescein and low‐MW 10‐kDa dextran‐rhodamine. Results indicate that morphology changes significantly and functional characteristics deteriorate with age. These parameters are potential indicators for evaluating age‐related renal morphology and function changes. Combined analyses of these parameters could provide a quantitative, novel method for monitoring kidney diseases and/or therapeutic effects of kidney drugs.  相似文献   

We combined Michelson‐interferometer‐based off‐axis digital holographic microscopy (DHM) with a common flow cytometry (FCM) arrangement. Utilizing object recognition procedures and holographic autofocusing during the numerical reconstruction of the acquired off‐axis holograms, sharply focused quantitative phase images of suspended cells in flow were retrieved without labeling, from which biophysical cellular features of distinct cells, such as cell radius, refractive index and dry mass, can be subsequently retrieved in an automated manner. The performance of the proposed concept was first characterized by investigations on microspheres that were utilized as test standards. Then, we analyzed two types of pancreatic tumor cells with different morphology to further verify the applicability of the proposed method for quantitative live cell imaging. The retrieved biophysical datasets from cells in flow are found in good agreement with results from comparative investigations with previously developed DHM methods under static conditions, which demonstrates the effectiveness and reliability of our approach. Our results contribute to the establishment of DHM in imaging FCM and prospect to broaden the application spectrum of FCM by providing complementary quantitative imaging as well as additional biophysical cell parameters which are not accessible in current high‐throughput FCM measurements.  相似文献   

The performance of a confocal microscopy setup based on a single femtosecond fiber system is explored over a broad range of pump wavelengths for both linear and nonlinear imaging techniques. First, the benefits of a laser source in linear fluorescence excitation that is continuously tunable over most of the visible spectrum are demonstrated. The influences of subpicosecond pulse durations on the bleaching behavior of typical fluorophores are discussed. We then utilize the tunable near‐infrared output of the femtosecond system in connection with a specially designed prism compressor for dispersion control. Pulses as short as 33 fs are measured in the confocal region. As a consequence, 2 mW of average power are sufficient for two‐photon microscopy in an organotypic sample from the mouse brain. This result shows great prospect for deep‐tissue imaging in the optimum transparency window around 1100 nm. In a third experiment, we prove that our compact setup is powerful enough to exploit even higher‐order nonlinearities such as three‐photon absorption that we use to induce spatially localized photodamage in DNA. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Light‐sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) allows volumetric live imaging at high‐speed and with low photo‐toxicity. Various LSFM modalities are commercially available, but their size and cost limit their access by the research community. A new method, termed sub‐voxel‐resolving (SVR) light‐sheet add‐on microscopy (SLAM), is presented to enable fast, resolution‐enhanced light‐sheet fluorescence imaging from a conventional wide‐field microscope. This method contains two components: a miniature add‐on device to regular wide‐field microscopes, which contains a horizontal laser light‐sheet illumination path to confine fluorophore excitation at the vicinity of the focal plane for optical sectioning; an off‐axis scanning strategy and a SVR algorithm that utilizes sub‐voxel spatial shifts to reconstruct the image volume that results in a twofold increase in resolution. SLAM method has been applied to observe the muscle activity change of crawling C. elegans, the heartbeat of developing zebrafish embryo, and the neural anatomy of cleared mouse brains, at high spatiotemporal resolution. It provides an efficient and cost‐effective solution to convert the vast number of in‐service microscopes for fast 3D live imaging with voxel‐super‐resolved capability.  相似文献   

The properties of an optical microscope are analyzed and analytically evaluated with a simple and effective model in order to understand the true meaning, limitations, and real capabilities of a defocusing technique. Major emphasis is given to the applications related to microscopic objects of biological interest using fluorescence and absorption light microscopy. A procedure for three-dimensional viewing is analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

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