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1. Using data from 71, mainly shallow (an average mean depth of 3 m), Danish lakes with contrasting total phosphorus concentrations (summer mean 0.02–1.0 mg P L?l), we describe how species richness, biodiversity and trophic structure change along a total phosphorus (TP) gradient divided into five TP classes (class 1–5: <0.05, 0.05–0.1, 0.1–0.2, 0.2–0.4,> 0.4 mg P L?1).
2. With increasing TP, a significant decline was observed in the species richness of zooplankton and submerged macrophytes, while for fish, phytoplankton and floating‐leaved macrophytes, species richness was unimodally related to TP, all peaking at 0.1–0.4 mg P L?1. The Shannon–Wiener and the Hurlbert probability of inter‐specific encounter (PIE) diversity indices showed significant unimodal relationships to TP for zooplankton, phytoplankton and fish. Mean depth also contributed positively to the relationship for rotifers, phytoplankton and fish.
3. At low nutrient concentrations, piscivorous fish (particularly perch, Perca fluviatilis) were abundant and the biomass ratio of piscivores to plankti‐benthivorous cyprinids was high and the density of cyprinids low. Concurrently, the zooplankton was dominated by large‐bodied forms and the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton and the calculated grazing pressure on phytoplankton were high. Phytoplankton biomass was low and submerged macrophyte abundance high.
4. With increasing TP, a major shift occurred in trophic structure. Catches of cyprinids in multiple mesh size gill nets increased 10‐fold from class 1 to class 5 and the weight ratio of piscivores to planktivores decreased from 0.6 in class 1 to 0.10–0.15 in classes 3–5. In addition, the mean body weight of dominant cyprinids (roach, Rutilus rutilus, and bream, Abramis brama) decreased two–threefold. Simultaneously, small cladocerans gradually became more important, and among copepods, a shift occurred from calanoid to cyclopoids. Mean body weight of cladocerans decreased from 5.1 μg in class 1 to 1.5 μg in class 5, and the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton from 0.46 in class 1 to 0.08–0.15 in classes 3–5. Conversely, phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll a increased 15‐fold from class 1 to 5 and submerged macrophytes disappeared from most lakes.
5. The suggestion that fish have a significant structuring role in eutrophic lakes is supported by data from three lakes in which major changes in the abundance of planktivorous fish occurred following fish kill or fish manipulation. In these lakes, studied for 8 years, a reduction in planktivores resulted in a major increase in cladoceran mean size and in the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton, while chlorophyll a declined substantially. In comparison, no significant changes were observed in 33 ‘control’ lakes studied during the same period.  相似文献   

In the shallow, nutrient-rich dammed-up lake Hjarbæk Fjord the balance between phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish was completely disturbed during the summer period. Extensive growth of small blue-green algae (Oscillatoria cfr. trichoides, Pseudanabaena galeata) and chlorococcal green algae (Scenedesmus spp., Monoraphidium contortum, Actinastrum hantzschii) induced a pH rise to 10.5 in July. Fish were driven into the rivers, and many that did not escape died. After the fish had disappeared daphniae multiplied explosively and grazed away the major part of the phytoplankton. Ammonia concentrations rose and oxygen concentrations dropped to noxious levels for highly sensitive fish in August–September. Larger phytoplankton species (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Pediastrum boryanum, Pandorina morum, a. o.) were not grazed by the daphniae and gave rise to a maximum of copepods in September. Fish returned to the lake in October, when pH, ammonia, and oxygen levels had normalized.  相似文献   

Sarvala  Jouko  Helminen  Harri  Saarikari  Vesa  Salonen  Seppo  Vuorio  Kristiina 《Hydrobiologia》1997,363(1-3):81-95
Hydrobiologia - Water chemistry, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish populations werestudied over several years in three shallow, non-stratified lakes withdiffering nutrient loadings and fish...  相似文献   

Large-scale climatic signatures in lakes across Europe: a meta-analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent studies have highlighted the impact of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on water temperature, ice conditions, and spring plankton phenology in specific lakes and regions in Europe. Here, we use meta-analysis techniques to test whether 18 lakes in northern, western, and central Europe respond coherently to winter climate forcing, and to assess the persistence of the winter climate signal in physical, chemical, and biological variables during the year. A meta-analysis approach was chosen because we wished to emphasize the overall coherence pattern rather than individual lake responses. A particular strength of our approach is that time-series from each of the 18 lakes were subjected to the same robust statistical analysis covering the same 23-year period. Although the strongest overall coherence in response to the winter NAO was exhibited by lake water temperatures, a strong, coherent response was also exhibited by concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus and soluble reactive silicate, most likely as a result of the coherent response exhibited by the spring phytoplankton bloom. Lake nitrate concentrations showed significant coherence in winter. With the exception of the cyanobacterial biomass in summer, phytoplankton biomass in all seasons was unrelated to the winter NAO. A strong coherence in the abundance of daphnids during spring can most likely be attributed to coherence in daphnid phenology. A strong coherence in the summer abundance of the cyclopoid copepods may have been related to a coherent change in their emergence from resting stages. We discuss the complex nature of the potential mechanisms that drive the observed changes.  相似文献   

Cyprinid fish of different mature age classes (3+ -4+) and stocks (100, 300 and 500 kg/ha) were introduced into each of three experimental ponds with area of 0.3 ha (average depth ca 1.7 m) while the fourth pond was left free of fish. Bream (Abramis brama L.), white bream (Blicca bjoerkna L.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) made up 75% of the total cyprinid biomass, with wild carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) as the remaining 25%. The introduced fish spawned successfully. The high (above 300 kg/ha) planktivorous and benthivorous fish stocks resulted in several qualitative and quantitative alterations of the food chain structure in our simulation pond experiments. These alterations must primarily be assigned to changes caused by both the zooplanktivory and benthivory nature of the stocked fish populations. At the higher levels of fish biomass, Secchi depth was influenced significantly by chlorophyll-a concentration. Most of the variance in suspended solids concentration could be explained by the biomass ratio of the mature benthivorous fish. There was a clear shift in algal cell size in the ponds with the higher fish stocks: ponds with more fish had larger cells later in the summer. The relative influence of young cyprinid fish on crustaceans species composition and biomass, and mature populations on benthic fauna abundance and biomass, was sufficiently greater at higher (300–500 kg/ha) fish stock rates.  相似文献   

Seasonal nutrient enrichment experiments (short-term bioassays) were conducted in three Florida lakes of different trophic states to determine the effects of addition of various nutrient combinations upon chlorophyll a and phytoplankton standing crops. Nutrient enriched surface water samples with crustacean zooplankton removed were incubated in situ in clear polyethylene bags for 3 to 6 days. The 25 factorial design employed two levels (ambient and enriched) of each of five nutrients [NH4 +, PO inf4 sup3− , Fe -EDTA, SiO inf3 sup2− and a cation (Ca2+ or K+) or trace elements]. Ammonium produced significant increases in chlorophyll a and phytoplankton standing crops in all experiments. Phosphate produced similar results in the mesotrophic lake, but the eutrophic lakes had both positive and nonsignificant responses which varied seasonally between lakes. Iron increased chlorophyll a in most experiments but affected total phytoplankton standing crop only during the summer and fall. Silicon had negative effects in some experiments. Cations and trace elements produced marked differences between lakes for chlorophyll a, but total phytoplankton standing crop showed few significant responses. Synergistic responses to two- and three-factor interactions were observed in all lakes. Differences in the responses of phytoplankton taxonomic divisions to enrichment may be responsible for much of the between lake variation in chlorophyll a and total phytoplankton volume responses. Nutrient limitations in these lakes are discussed and related to limnological factors and predictive models.  相似文献   

We studied phytoplankton population dynamics during the month preceding formation of ice cover in three small subalpine lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, U.S.A. The outflow from Emerald Lake, which is surrounded by talus, flows into Dream Lake, which is surrounded by sub-alpine forest. Nymph Lake is a lower seepage lake with abundant macrophytes in summer. The major ion concentrations in the three lakes were similar during the study, although Emerald and Dream Lakes had higher concentrations of nitrate and silica than Nymph Lake. A principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the phytoplankton in Emerald and Dream Lakes were distinct from the phytoplankton in Nymph Lake. The species composition changed in each lake during the late fall. The patterns of change in Emerald and Dream Lakes were similar on the PCA diagram despite the greater abundance of diatoms in Dream Lake and the decreasing flow from Emerald Lake into Dream Lake during the fall. In Nymph Lake, a progressive shift in species distribution occurred with a decrease in the most abundant chlorophyte, Chlamydomonas sp., and increases in several species, including two chrysophytes and the diatom Eunotia sp. The marked change in species composition in all three lakes suggests that phytoplankton populations are influenced by changes in water temperatures and incident solar radiation that occur during the late fall. We also compared these data with phytoplankton data for two fall periods from two other hydrologically connected Rocky Mountain lakes. PCA analysis showed that the difference between years was greater than the change during the fall and that the fall species composition in these two lakes was distinct from that in Emerald and Dream Lakes or in Nymph Lake. Studying phytoplankton dynamics in alpine and sub-alpine lakes may offer clues as to how these ecosystems may respond to projected climate changes in the Rocky Mountain region, such as warmer temperatures and later formation of ice-cover.  相似文献   

Summary 1. To determine feeding links between primary producers, invertebrates and fish, stable isotope analyses and gut content analyses of fish were conducted on the components of four shallow, eutrophic to hypertrophic, plant-dominated lakes.
2. Although separation of basal resources was possible, the diets of both fish and invertebrates were broad, comprising food from different compartments (planktonic, epiphytic/benthic), as well as from different trophic levels.
3. Mixing models were used to determine the extent to which periphyton production supported higher trophic levels. Only one species of invertebrate relied upon periphyton production exclusively.
4. Fish density affected the diets of invertebrates. The response was different for planktonic and epiphytic/benthic invertebrates. The proportion of periphyton production in the diets of zooplankton appeared to increase with fish density, whilst it decreased for other invertebrates.
5. As all zooplankton samples were collected in the open water at dusk, these results are further evidence for the diurnal horizontal migration of zooplankton. Although not conclusive, they are consistent with a behavioural response by invertebrates and zooplankton in the presence of fish.  相似文献   

Large common carp (Cyprinus carpio >30 cm) wereexcluded from a turbid, eutrophic coastal marsh of Lake Ontario with theconstruction of a fishway at the outlet. The marsh was sampledintensively for 2 seasons prior to (1993, 1994) and following (1997,1998) carp exclusion to study changes in water quality and shifts incommunity structure of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Samples werecollected from May to September in three habitats: open water, vegetated(cattail beds) and sewage lagoon. In the first year after carpexclusion, mean seasonal water turbidity decreased at all sites by49–80%; this was accompanied by growth of submergentplants in shallow, sheltered areas including the vicinity of cattails atthe vegetated site. This drop in turbidity was not significant in thesecond year after exclusion at the open water and lagoon sites, withturbidity levels declining by only 26–54% of1993–1994 values; only the vegetated site showed a sustaineddecrease in turbidity and persistent growth of submergent plants. At thevegetated site, increased clarity was concurrent with a significantreduction in edible algal biomass and an increased representation oflarge zooplankton grazers and substrate-associated cladocerans. At theopen water site, a spring clear-water phase was evident during the firstyear of exclusion and this coincided with the unusual appearance of alarge population of Daphnia. Compared to the other sites, thelagoon remained relatively turbid throughout the study. Results of thisstudy indicate that the response of lower trophic levels tobiomanipulation was variable from site-to-site and contributed to theco-existence of two alternative states in the marsh. In vegetated areas,water clarity was maintained by a positive feedback system betweenzooplankton and submergent macrophytes in the first 2 years followingexclusion. We suggest that both benthivore removal (to reducebioturbation) and planktivore reductions (to produce top down effects)were required to produce clear water and allow submersed macrophytegrowth. Although carp removal likely contributed to a 45%reduction in turbidity, an unusual climactic event in 1997, resulting indelayed fish spawning in the marsh, temporarily reduced zooplanktivoryand favoured zooplankton grazing-induced water clarity improvements.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the extent of primary forest in tropical regions has decreased drastically, with concurrent increases in the extent of tropical secondary forest. This has important implications for conservation management. We present novel data on species diversity and composition for three taxa (bats, geometrid moths and plants) in forests at two stages of secondary growth located in the Aberdare Mountains in Central Kenya. We found no significant differences in alpha diversity for any of the sampled groups between forest types. However, we found disturbance‐driven differences of tree and herb community compositions and correlations between tree and moth – and tree and shrub community compositions. Changes in community compositions were more pronounced using an abundance‐based indicator (Bray–Curtis) in comparison with an incidence based (Sørensen). Our results demonstrate that solely working with alpha diversity values can be misleading in conservation planning as they might not reflect compositional changes between habitats. Furthermore, abundance‐based compositional measures appear to be superior to incidence‐based measures for detecting subtle effects of disturbance on biodiversity.  相似文献   

1. Fatty acids (FAs) have been widely applied as trophic biomarkers in aquatic food web studies. However, current knowledge of inter‐ and intraspecific variation in consumer FA compositions across spatial and temporal scales is constrained to a few pelagic taxa. 2. We analysed the FAs of 22 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates, zooplankton and fish collected from the littoral, pelagic and profundal habitats of nine boreal oligotrophic lakes over spring, summer and autumn. We quantified and compared the FA variance partitions contributed by species identity (i.e. an integrative effect of phylogenetic origin, life history and functional feeding guild of individual taxa), site and season using partial redundancy analysis both on all consumers and on benthic arthropods alone. 3. Species identity alone contributed 84.4 and 72.8% of explained FA variation of all consumers and benthic arthropods, respectively. Influences of site, season and all joint effects accounted for 0–11.3% only. Fatty acid profiles of primary consumers differentiated below class level, but those of predators were distinguishable only when they became more taxonomically distinct (i.e. among classes or higher). 4. Pelagic and profundal consumers showed stronger reliance on autochthonous resources than did their littoral counterparts as reflected by their higher ω3 to ω6 FA ratios. Polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) were increasingly retained with trophic levels, and saturated FAs (e.g. FA 16 : 0) gradually reduced. Ecologically, this trade‐off enhances the trophic transfer efficiency and confirms the importance of PUFA‐rich autotrophs in aquatic food webs. 5. Our findings indicate strong interspecific differences in FA requirements and assimilation among aquatic consumers from a wide range of taxonomic levels, habitats and lakes. Consumers were able to maintain homoeostasis in FA compositions across spatial and temporal changes in resource FAs, but consumer homoeostasis did not limit the effectiveness of FAs as trophic biomarkers.  相似文献   

Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) theory has largely focused on species richness, although studies have demonstrated that evenness may have stronger effects. While theory and numerous small‐scale studies support positive BEF relationships, regional studies have documented negative effects of evenness on ecosystem functioning. We analysed a lake dataset spanning the continental US to evaluate whether strong evenness effects are common at broad spatial scales and if BEF relationships are similar across diverse regions and trophic levels. At the continental scale, phytoplankton evenness explained more variance in phytoplankton and zooplankton resource use efficiency (RUE; ratio of biomass to resources) than richness. For individual regions, slopes of phytoplankton evenness–RUE relationships were consistently negative and positive for phytoplankton and zooplankton RUE, respectively, and most slopes did not significantly differ among regions. Findings suggest that negative evenness effects may be more common than previously documented and are not exceptions restricted to highly disturbed systems.  相似文献   



The spatial distribution of ectotherms is strongly dependent on the temperature of their environments. In temperate lakes, fishes with different thermal optima can become spatially segregated during summer stratification. This habitat partitioning, or niche complementarity, may play a role in the coexistence of trophically similar species; however, the extent of partitioning is dependent on the resources available within each habitat. Although habitat partitioning of fish thermal guilds has been studied in individual lakes, broad-scale patterns of spatial overlap and segregation are not yet understood. In this study, we explore the patterns and drivers of spatial overlap among thermal guilds (cold-, cool-, and warm-water) at a broad scale.


Ontario, Canada.


We built a multivariate regression tree to explore patterns and environmental drivers of spatial overlap in freshwater fishes across three thermal guilds from 438 lakes.


We identified five clusters of lakes exhibiting different patterns of spatial overlap among the three thermal guilds. Temperature (growing degree days) and maximum lake depth were strong drivers of the spatial overlap patterns.

Main Conclusions

These findings provide a better understanding of broad-scale patterns of spatial overlap and allow us to predict how spatial overlap, and ultimately species interactions and competition, may change under a warming climate.  相似文献   

Jeppesen  E.  Jensen  J. P.  Kristensen  P.  Søndergaard  M.  Mortensen  E.  Sortkjær  O.  Olrik  K. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):219-227
In order to evaluate short-term and long-term effects of fish manipulation in shallow, eutrophic lakes, empirical studies on relationships between lake water concentration of total phosphorus (P) and the occurrence of phytoplankton, submerged macrophytes and fish in Danish lakes are combined with results from three whole-lake fish manipulation experiments. After removal of less than 80 per cent of the planktivorous fish stock a short-term trophic cascade was obtained in the nutrient regimes, where large cyanobacteria were not strongly dominant and persistent. In shallow Danish lakes cyanobacteria were the most often dominating phytoplankton class in the P-range between 200 and 1 000μg P l−1. Long-term effects are suggested to be closely related to the ability of the lake to establish a permanent and wide distribution of submerged macrophytes and to create self-perpetuating increases in the ratio of piscivorous to planktivorous fish. The maximum depth at which submerged macrophytes occurred, decreased exponentially with increasing P concentration. Submerged macrophytes were absent in lakes>10 ha and with P levels above 250–300μg P l−1, but still abundant in some lakes<3 ha at 650μg P l−1. Lakes with high cover of submerged macrophytes showed higher transparencies than lakes with low cover aboveca. 50μg P l−1. These results support the alternative stable state hypothesis (clear or turbid water stages). Planktivorous fish>10 cm numerically contributed more than 80 per cent of the total planktivorous and piscivorous fish (>10 cm) in the pelagical of lakes with concentrations above 100μg P l−1. Below this threshold level the proportion of planktivores decreased markedly toca. 50 per cent at 22μg P l−1. The extent of the shift in depth colonization of submerged macrophytes and fish stock composition in the three whole-lake fish manipulations follows closely the predictions from the relationships derived from the empirical study. We conclude that a long-term effect of a reduction in the density of planktivorous fish can be expected only when the external phosphorus loading is reduced to below 0.5–2.0 g m−2 y−1. This loading is equivalent to an in-lake summer concentration below 80–150μg P l−1. Furthermore, fish manipulation as a restoration tool seems most efficient in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Bythotrephes longimanus is an invertebrate predator that has invaded the North American Great Lakes and a number of inland lakes, where it preys on crustacean zooplankton. We examined the effect of Bythotrephes on two measures of ecosystem function during a four-month observational study of freshwater lakes on the boreal shield. Bythotrephes-invaded lakes had significantly lower epilimnetic zooplankton abundance and production compared to reference lakes. On average, Bythotrephes consumed 34% of zooplankton production when it was present in lakes. There was some evidence of changes in the timing of zooplankton production, as well as shifts to cooler, less productive habitats, which may lessen the overall effect of the invader on the transfer of energy to higher trophic levels. We experimentally demonstrated a weak trophic cascade where invader predation reduced zooplankton biomass, and subsequently increased phytoplankton growth. However, the response was small in magnitude and not biologically relevant at the whole lake-scale. The most conspicuous effect of Bythotrephes that we measured was a diversion of energy away from native predators at higher trophic levels. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We used data from parasites and stable isotopes of yellow perch, Perca flavescens, to determine trophic status in four small Canadian Shield lakes as parasites allow the identification of both prey and non-prey dietary components in the host's community. Stable C isotope ratios for all perch ranged from –34 to –19 while stable N isotope ratios ranged from 4.5 to 12.5. These ranges are larger than those observed in many other fish species. Perch age was the most significant predictor of stable C isotope ratio and perch parasite fauna was the most significant predictor of stable N ratios. In particular, parasite fauna indicative of zooplanktivorous or piscivorous perch were most accurate for predicting fish trophic position and thus stable isotope ratio. Fish length and age showed fewer significant relationships with isotope ratios than parasite infracommunity or diet and suggests that trophic category for perch cannot always be predicted based on size.  相似文献   

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