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The use of chemically defined artificial diets has allowed researchers to examine questions within nutritional ecology about how macronutrients affect life‐history traits and resource‐based trade‐offs. Using a chemically defined diet, it is possible to manipulate both the total nutritional content and the ratio of macronutrients (i.e., proteins, carbohydrates, or lipids) within the diet. Studies using the geometric framework have made use of these diets to examine lifespan, fecundity, and immune responses. Here, we develop an artificial diet suitable for rearing lepidopteran larvae. We created diets with three proportions of non‐nutritive material (30, 50, and 70% indigestible cellulose) relative to protein and carbohydrate macronutrients, and compared these to standard wheat bran laboratory diet. We then examined the effects of variable nutrient content on lifespan and development time in Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The artificial diets supported development (almost) as well as bran‐based laboratory diets. Total nutrient content affected development time: females that fed on the diet with the highest nutrient content took the longest time to reach eclosion. We also found evidence to support dietary restriction, with larvae receiving the fewest nutrients having the longest lifespan as adults. These findings are indicative of the usefulness of this diet as a tool to further investigate the effects of nutrient content and macronutrient imbalance on resource‐based trade‐offs and life‐history traits.  相似文献   

Individual animal fitness can be strongly influenced by the ability to recognize habitat features which may be beneficial. Many studies focus on the effects of habitat on annual reproductive rate, even though adult survival is typically a greater influence on fitness and population growth in vertebrate species with intermediate to long lifespans. Understanding the effects of preferred habitat on individuals over the annual cycle is therefore necessary to predict its influences on individual fitness. This is particularly true in species that are resident and territorial year‐round in the temperate zone, which may face potential trade‐offs between habitat that maximizes reproduction and that which maximizes non‐breeding season (‘over‐winter’) survival. We used a 37‐year study of Song Sparrows Melospiza melodia residing territorially year‐round on a small island to examine what habitat features influenced adult over‐winter survival, how site‐specific variation in adult survival vs. annual reproductive rate influenced long‐term habitat preference, and if preferred sites on average conferred higher individual fitness. Habitat features such as area of shrub cover and exposure to intertidal coastline predicted adult over‐winter survival independent of individual age or sex, population size, or winter weather. Long‐term habitat preference (measured as occupation rate) was better predicted by site‐specific annual reproductive rate than by expected over‐winter survival, but preferred sites maximized fitness on average over the entire annual cycle,. Although adult over‐winter survival had a greater influence on population growth (λ) than did reproductive rate, the influence of reproductive rate on λ increased in preferred sites because site‐specific variation in reproductive rate was higher than variation in expected over‐winter survival. Because preferred habitats tended to have higher mean site‐specific reproductive and adult survival rates, territorial birds in this population do not appear to experience seasonal trade‐offs in preferred habitat but are predicted to incur substantial fitness costs of settling in less‐preferred sites.  相似文献   

A tenet of life history evolution is that allocation of limited resources results in trade‐offs, such as that between reproduction and lifespan. Reproduction and lifespan are also influenced proximately by differences in the availability of specific nutrients. What is unknown is how the evolution of the ability to use a nutritionally novel diet is reflected in this fundamental trade‐off. Does the evolution of the ability to use a nutritionally novel food maintain the trade‐off in reproduction and longevity, or do the proximate effects of nutrition alter the adapted trade‐off? We tested this by measuring trade‐offs in male milkweed bugs, Oncopeltus fasciatus, fed either an adapted diet of sunflower or the ancestral diet of milkweed. Sunflower‐fed males lived longer but invested less in reproduction, both in mating and fertility. Milkweed‐fed males invested in both mating and fertility at the expense of survival. The evolution of an expanded diet was not constrained by the existing trade‐off, but instead was accompanied by a different trade‐off between reproduction and longevity. We suggest that this occurs because diets differ in promoting germ line development or longevity.  相似文献   

1. Ecological trade‐offs in ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) assemblages and their implications for coexistence boast a rich history in entomology. Yet investigations of trade‐offs have largely been limited to homogeneous environments. We examined how environmental context modifies trade‐off expression in an ant assemblage spanning a heterogeneous region in central Florida, U.S.A. 2. We examined how trade‐off expression is altered among two contrasting habitat types: open shrub and forest. We tested for the presence of the dominance‐discovery trade‐off and two dominance‐thermal tolerance trade‐offs by estimating behavioral dominance, discovery ability, and thermal tolerance (foraging thermal limit, lethal temperature, and maximal abundance temperature) for a wide range of interacting ant species. 3. We found significantly linear dominance hierarchies in both shrub and forest habitats, showing dominant species out‐compete subordinates for food resources. In thermally stressful shrub habitats, subordinates exhibit higher thermal tolerances, take greater thermal risks, and reach maximum forager abundances at higher temperatures than do dominant species. This suggests temperature mediated trade‐offs control coexistence in shrub habitat. In thermally moderate forest habitat, we found limited evidence for trade‐offs between competitive dominance and resource discovery or between dominance and thermal traits, implying other processes control coexistence. These results demonstrate that trade‐offs controlling ant coexistence may be contingent on environmental context.  相似文献   

Individual variation in resource acquisition should have consequences for life‐history traits and trade‐offs between them because such variation determines how many resources can be allocated to different life‐history functions, such as growth, survival and reproduction. Since resource acquisition can vary across an individual's life cycle, the consequences for life‐history traits and trade‐offs may depend on when during the life cycle resources are limited. We tested for differential and/or interactive effects of variation in resource acquisition in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. We designed an experiment in which individuals acquired high or low amounts of resources across three stages of the life cycle: larval development, prior to breeding and the onset of breeding in a fully crossed design. Resource acquisition during larval development and prior to breeding affected egg size and offspring survival, respectively. Meanwhile, resource acquisition at the onset of breeding affected size and number of both eggs and offspring. In addition, there were interactive effects between resource acquisition at different stages on egg size and offspring survival. However, only when females acquired few resources at the onset of breeding was there evidence for a trade‐off between offspring size and number. Our results demonstrate that individual variation in resource acquisition during different stages of the life cycle has important consequences for life‐history traits but limited effects on trade‐offs. This suggests that in species that acquire a fixed‐sized resource at the onset of breeding, the size of this resource has larger effects on life‐history trade‐offs than resources acquired at earlier stages.  相似文献   

In insects, lifespan and reproduction are strongly associated with nutrition. The ratio and amount of nutrients individuals consume affect their life expectancy and reproductive investment. The geometric framework (GF) enables us to explore how animals regulate their intake of multiple nutrients simultaneously and determine how these nutrients interact to affect life‐history traits of interest. Studies using the GF on host‐generalist tephritid flies have highlighted trade‐offs between longevity and reproductive effort in females, mediated by the protein‐to‐carbohydrate (P:C) ratio that individuals consume. Here, we tested how P and C intake affect lifespan (LS) in both sexes, and female lifetime (LEP), and daily (DEP) egg production, in Ceratitis cosyra, a host‐specialist tephritid fly. We then determined the P:C ratio that C. cosyra defends when offered a choice of foods. Female LS was optimized at a 0:1 P:C ratio, whereas to maximize their fecundity, females needed to consume a higher P:C ratio (LEP = 1:6 P:C; DEP = 1:2.5 P:C). In males, LS was also optimized at a low P:C ratio of 1:10. However, when given the opportunity to regulate their intake, both sexes actively defended a 1:3 P:C ratio, which is closer to the target for DEP than either LS or LEP. Our results show that female C. cosyra experienced a moderate trade‐off between LS and fecundity. Moreover, the diets that maximized expression of LEP and DEP were of lower P:C ratio than those required for optimal expression of these traits in host‐generalist tephritids or other generalist insects.  相似文献   

Modest dietary restriction extends lifespan (LS) in a diverse range of taxa and typically has a larger effect in females than males. Traditionally, this has been attributed to a stronger trade‐off between LS and reproduction in females than in males that is mediated by the intake of calories. Recent studies, however, suggest that it is the intake of specific nutrients that extends LS and mediates this trade‐off. Here, we used the geometric framework (GF) to examine the sex‐specific effects of protein (P) and carbohydrate (C) intake on LS and reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster. We found that LS was maximized at a high intake of C and a low intake of P in both sexes, whereas nutrient intake had divergent effects on reproduction. Male offspring production rate and LS were maximized at the same intake of nutrients, whereas female egg production rate was maximized at a high intake of diets with a P:C ratio of 1:2. This resulted in larger differences in nutrient‐dependent optima for LS and reproduction in females than in males, as well as an optimal intake of nutrients for lifetime reproduction that differed between the sexes. Under dietary choice, the sexes followed similar feeding trajectories regulated around a P:C ratio of 1:4. Consequently, neither sex reached their nutritional optimum for lifetime reproduction, suggesting intralocus sexual conflict over nutrient optimization. Our study shows clear sex differences in the nutritional requirements of reproduction in D. melanogaster and joins the growing list of studies challenging the role of caloric restriction in extending LS.  相似文献   

In aquatic ecosystems, unicellular algae form the basis of the food webs. Theoretical and experimental studies have demonstrated that one of the mechanisms that maintain high diversity of phytoplankton is through predation and the consequent evolution of defence mechanisms. Proposed defence mechanisms in phytoplankton are diverse and include physiological (e.g. toxicity, bioluminescence), morphological (e.g. silica shell, colony formation), and behavioural (e.g. escape response) traits. However, the function of many of the proposed defence mechanisms remains elusive, and the costs and benefits (trade‐offs) are often unquantified or undocumented. Here, we provide an overview of suggested phytoplankton defensive traits and review their experimental support. Wherever possible we quantify the trade‐offs from experimental evidence and theoretical considerations. In many instances, experimental evidence suggests that defences are costless. However, we argue that (i) some costs materialize only under natural conditions, for example, sinking losses, or dependency on the availability of specific nutrients, and (ii) other costs become evident only under resource‐deficient conditions where a rivalry for limiting resources between growth and defence occurs. Based on these findings, we suggest two strategies for quantifying the costs of defence mechanisms in phytoplankton: (i) for the evaluation of defence costs that are realized under natural conditions, a mechanistic understanding of the hypothesized component processes is required; and (ii) the magnitude of the costs (i.e. growth reduction) must be assessed under conditions of resource limitation.  相似文献   

Plant reproductive trade‐offs are thought to be caused by resource limitations or other constraints, but more empirical support for these hypotheses would be welcome. Additionally, quantitative characterization of these trade‐offs, as well as consideration of whether they are linear, could yield additional insights. We expanded our flower removal research on lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) to explore the nature of and causes of its reproductive trade‐offs. We used fertilization, defoliation, positionally biased flower removal, and multiple flower removal levels to discern why reproductive trade‐offs occur in this taxon and to plot these trade‐offs along two continuous axes. We found evidence through defoliation that vegetative mass per stem may trade off with reproductive effort in lowbush blueberry because the two traits compete for limited carbon. Also, several traits including ripe fruit production per reproductive node and fruit titratable acidity may be “sink‐limited”—they decline with increasing reproductive effort because average reproductive structure quality declines. We found no evidence that reproductive trade‐offs were caused by nitrogen limitation. Use of reproductive nodes remaining per stem as a measure of reproductive effort indicated steeper trade‐offs than use of the proportion of nodes remaining. For five of six traits, we found evidence that the trade‐off could be concave down or up instead of strictly linear. Synthesis. To date, studies have aimed primarily at identifying plant reproductive trade‐offs. However, understanding how and why these trade‐offs occur represent the exciting and necessary next steps for this line of inquiry.  相似文献   

The evolution of floral display is thought to be constrained by trade‐offs between the size and number of flowers; however, empirical evidence for the trade‐off is inconsistent. We examined evidence for trade‐offs and hierarchical allocation of resources within and between two populations each of the monocarpic perennials, Cardiocrinum cordatum and C. giganteum. Within all populations, flower size–number trade‐offs were evident after accounting for variation in plant size. In addition, variation in flower size explained much variation in flower‐level allocation to attraction, and female and male function, a pattern consistent with hierarchical allocation. However, between population differences in flower size (C. cordatum) and number (C. giganteum) were not consistent with size–number trade‐offs or hierarchical allocation. The population‐level difference in C. cordatum likely reflects the combined influence of a time lag between initiation and maturation of flowers, and higher light levels in one population. Thus, our study highlights one mechanism that may account for the apparent independence of flower size and number in many studies. A prediction of sex allocation theory was also supported. In C. giganteum: plants from one population invested more mass in pistils and less in stamens than did plants from the other population. Detection of floral trade‐offs in Cardiocrinum may be facilitated by monocarpic reproduction, production of a single inflorescence and ease of measuring plant size.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory predicts that access to limited resources leads to trade‐offs between competing body functions. Women, who face higher costs of reproduction when compared to men, should be especially vulnerable to these trade‐offs. We propose the ‘cognitive costs of reproduction hypothesis’, which states that energy trade‐offs imposed by reproduction may lead to a decline in maternal cognitive function during gestation. In particular, we hypothesize that the decline in cognitive function frequently observed during pregnancy is associated with the allocation of resources between the competing energetic requirements of the mother's brain and the developing foetus. Several distinctive anatomical and physiological features including a high metabolic rate of the brain, large infant size, specific anatomical features of the placenta and trophoblast, and the lack of maternal control over glucose flow through the placenta make the occurrence of these trade‐offs likely. Herein, we review several lines of evidence for trade‐offs between gestation and cognition that are related to: (i) energy metabolism during reproduction; (ii) energy metabolism of the human brain; (iii) links between energy metabolism and cognitive function; and (iv) links between gestation and cognitive function. We also review evidence for the important roles of cortisol, corticotropin‐releasing hormone and sex hormones in mediating the effects of gestation on cognition, and we discuss possible neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the observed effects. The evidence supports the view that energy trade‐offs between foetal growth and maternal endocrine and brain function lead to changes in maternal cognition, and that this phenomenon is mediated by neuroendocrine mechanisms involving the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, brainstem nucleus locus coeruleus and hippocampus.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs are central to many topics in biology, from the evolution of life histories to ecological mechanisms of species coexistence. Trade‐offs observed among species may reflect pervasive constraints on phenotypes that are achievable given biophysical and resource limitations. If so, then among‐species trade‐offs should be consistent with trade‐offs within species. Alternatively, trait variation among co‐occurring species may reflect historical contingencies during community assembly rather than within‐species constraints. Here, we test whether a key trade‐off between relative growth rate (RGR) and water‐use efficiency (WUE) among Sonoran Desert winter annual plants is apparent within four species representing different strategies in the system. We grew progeny of maternal families from multiple populations in a greenhouse common garden. One species, Pectocarya recurvata, displayed the expected RGR–WUE trade‐off among families within populations. For other species, although RGR and WUE often varied clinally among populations, among‐family variation within populations was lacking, implicating a role for past selection on these traits. Our results suggest that a combination of limited genetic variation in single traits and negative trait correlations could pose constraints on the evolution of a high‐RGR and high‐WUE phenotype within species, providing a microevolutionary explanation for phenotypes that influence community‐level patterns of abundance and coexistence.  相似文献   

Aim Water and nutrient availability are major limits to productivity in semi‐arid ecosystems; hence, ecological restoration often focuses on conserving or concentrating soil resources. By contrast, nutrient enrichment can promote invasion by exotic annuals, leading to restoration approaches that target reduction of soil nutrients. We aimed to explore potential biodiversity trade‐offs between these approaches by investigating relationships among soil nutrients, exotic annuals and native plant diversity and composition. In particular, we investigated the hypothesis that native plant diversity in semi‐arid to temperate woodlands reflects the productivity–diversity hypothesis, leading to hump‐backed relationships with soil nutrients such that (1) native plant diversity declines with increasing nutrient enrichment and (2) native diversity is limited at the lowest levels of soil fertility. Location Fragmented, long‐ungrazed Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. loxophleba (York gum)–Acacia acuminata (jam) woodlands in the wheatbelt of South‐Western Australia. Methods We conducted stratified surveys of floristic composition and topsoil nutrient concentrations in 112 woodland patches. We used generalized linear models, structural equation models and ordinations to characterize relationships among soil nutrients, rainfall, exotic annuals and patch‐scale (100 m2) native plant composition and diversity. Results Patch‐scale native plant diversity declined strongly with increasing exotic abundance. This was partly related to elevated soil nutrient concentrations, particularly total nitrogen and available phosphorus. By contrast, there was little evidence for positive correlations between soil nutrients and native diversity, even at very low soil nutrient concentrations. Main conclusions Minimizing weed invasions is crucial for maximizing native plant diversity in E. loxophleba woodlands and could include nutrient‐depleting treatments without substantially compromising the functional capacity of soils to maintain native plant richness and composition. More broadly we emphasize that understanding relationships among ecosystem productivity, plant diversity and exotic invasions in the context of associated theoretical frameworks is fundamental for informing ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs are thought to be important in constraining evolutionary divergence, as they may limit phenotypic diversification. Limbless animals that burrow head‐first have been suggested to be evolutionarily constrained in the development of a large head size and sexual head shape dimorphism because of potential trade‐offs associated with burrowing. Here we use an acontiine skink (Acontias percivali) to test for the existence of trade‐offs between traits thought to be important in burrowing (speed and force). As head size dimorphism has been shown to be limited in acontiine lizards, thus suggesting constraints on head size and shape, we additionally explore the potential for trade‐offs between burrowing and biting. Our data show that A. percivali uses a burrowing style different from those previously described for caecilians and amphisbaenians, which relies on the use of extensive lateral and dorsoventral head movements. Our data also show that animals use their entire bodies to generate force, as peak force was determined by total length only. Additionally, both bite force and the time needed to burrow into the substrate were principally determined by relative head width, suggesting a trade‐off between biting and burrow speed. Performance data were indeed suggestive of a correlation between bite force and the time needed to burrow, but additional data are needed to confirm this pattern. In summary, our data suggests that trade‐offs may exist, and may have been of crucial importance in shaping the evolution of head shape in A. percivali, and burrowing lizards more generally. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 91–99.  相似文献   

1. Life history trade‐offs emerge when limited resources are allocated to multiple functions of an organism. Under highly competitive conditions trade‐offs can result in alternative phenotypes that differ morphologically and physiologically. Such is the case in insect species that grow under high densities, where competition for resources but also the risk of disease contagion is high, prompting important adjustments in immune response and melanic cuticular pigmentation, with consequent sacrifices in other fitness‐related traits. 2. In the present study, the potential trade‐offs between total‐ and active phenoloxidase (PO), body size and body pigmentation in Sepsis thoracica black scavenger flies that show alternative male morphs differing in cuticular pigmentation, and body size were evaluated. 3. As expected, small/dark (obsidian) males showed higher total‐PO activity than larger/orange (amber) males. A negative relationship was found between total‐PO activity and body size in females and obsidian but not amber males, suggesting that growth and immunity are more costly for the former. In contrast, density did not affect PO activity, as predicted by the density‐dependent prophylaxis hypothesis, which had not been tested in dipterans before. However, rearing density did affect the body size negatively in females and amber but not obsidian males, showing that male morph is largely determined by condition‐dependent plasticity rather than genes. 4. This study provides good evidence that trade‐offs between different life‐history traits can result in alternative resource allocation strategies, even within one species. These strategies can produce strikingly different alternative phenotypes, evincing that there is not only one optimal solution to address fitness optimisation.  相似文献   

Question: Land‐use change has a major impact on terrestrial plant communities by affecting fertility and disturbance. We test how particular combinations of plant functional traits can predict species responses to these factors and their abundance in the field by examining whether trade‐offs at the trait level (fundamental trade‐offs) are linked to trade‐offs at the response level (secondary trade‐offs). Location: Central French Alps. Methods: We conducted a pot experiment in which we characterized plant trait syndromes by measuring whole plant and leaf traits for six dominant species, originating from contrasting subalpine grassland types. We characterized their response to nutrient availability, shading and clipping. We quantified factors linked with different land usage in the field to test the relevance of our experimental treatments. Results: We showed that land management affected nutrient concentration in soil, light availability and disturbance intensity. We identified particular suites of traits linked to plant stature and leaf structure which were associated with species responses to these environmental factors. Leaf dry matter content separates fast and slow growing species. Height and lateral spread separated tolerant and intolerant species to shade and clipping. Discussion and Conclusion: Two fundamental trade‐offs based on stature traits and leaf traits were linked to two secondary trade‐offs based on response to fertilization shade and mowing. Based on these trade‐offs, we discuss four different species strategies which could explain and predict species distributions and traits syndrome at community scale under different land‐uses in subalpine grasslands.  相似文献   

Most larval drosophilids eat the microorganisms that develop in rotting fruit, a relatively protein‐rich resource. By contrast, the spotted‐wing Drosophila suzukii Matsumara (Diptera: Drosophilidae) uniquely develops in ripening fruit, a protein‐poor, carbohydrate‐rich resource. This shift in larval nutritional niche has led to D. suzukii being a significant agricultural pest in the U.S.A. and Europe. Although occupying a new niche may benefit a species by reducing competition, adaptation in host use may generate trade‐offs affecting fitness. To test the hypothesis that fitness trade‐offs will change with adaptation to novel larval diets, D. suzukii larval development on either a diet of a fresh, ripe blueberry (a natural host) or standard artificial Drosophila media (protein‐rich) is compared and the effect of diet on development time from egg to adult, adult body size and male wing spot area, and female fecundity is assessed. Larval development time differs, with larvae on the blueberry emerging as adults earlier than those on the artificial medium, although other fitness measures do not vary between the two diets. In addition, the faster development time on a blueberry does not trade off with body size as expected, although early fecundity is delayed in females that develop on blueberries. Thus, adaptation to a novel larval diet environment does not come at a cost to the ability to develop in protein‐rich resources.  相似文献   

Environmental factors influence variation in life histories by affecting growth, development, and reproduction. We conducted an experiment in outdoor mesocosms to examine how diet and a time constraint on juvenile development (pond‐drying) influence life‐history trade‐offs (growth, development, adult body mass) in the caddis fly Limnephilus externus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). We predicted that: (1) diet supplementation would accelerate larval growth and development, and enhance survival to adulthood; (2) pond‐drying would accelerate development and increase larval mortality; and (3) the relationship between adult mass and age at maturity would be negative. Diet supplementation did lead to larger adult mass under nondrying conditions, but did not significantly alter growth or development rates. Contrary to predictions, pond‐drying reduced growth rates and delayed development. The slope (positive or negative) of the female mass–age at maturity relationship depended on interactions with diet or pond‐drying, but the male mass–age relationship was negative and independent of treatment. Our results suggest that pond‐drying can have negative effects on the future fitness of individuals by increasing the risk of desiccation‐induced, pre‐reproductive mortality and decreasing adult body size at maturity. These negative effects on life history cannot be overcome with additional nutritional resources in this species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 495–504.  相似文献   

We report on findings from a common garden experiment showing that the magnitude of change in the production of phenolic compounds in response to different amounts of light availability is tissue‐specific in saplings of big‐leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla). Moreover, we show that trade‐offs between growth and the production of chemical defenses emerge only under light‐limited conditions. These findings emphasize the need for considering the specificity of plant defensive responses to resource availability, as well as the influence of the abiotic environment (via trade‐offs) on plant defense allocation patterns.  相似文献   

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