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Caenorhabditis elegans is a free living soil nematode and thus in its natural habitat, C. elegans encounters many different species of soil bacteria. Although some soil bacteria may be excellent sources of nutrition for the worm, others may be pathogenic. Thus, we undertook a study to understand how C. elegans can identify their preferred food using a simple behavioral assay. We found that there are various species of soil bacteria that C. elegans prefers in comparison to the standard laboratory E. coli strain OP50. In particular, two bacterial strains, Bacillus mycoides and Bacillus soli, were preferred strains. Interestingly, the sole feeding of these bacteria to wild type animals results in extended lifespan through the activation of the autophagic process. Further studies will be required to understand the precise mechanism controlling the behavior of identification and selection of food in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature pre-exposure on locomotion and chemotaxis of the soil-dwelling nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been extensively studied. The behavior of C. elegans was quantified using a simple harmonic curvature-based model. Animals showed increased levels of activity, compared to control worms, immediately after pre-exposure to 30°C. This high level of activity in C. elegans translated into frequent turns by making ‘complex’ shapes, higher velocity of locomotion, and higher chemotaxis index () in presence of a gradient of chemoattractant. The effect of pre-exposure was observed to be persistent for about 20 minutes after which the behavior (including velocity and ) appeared to be comparable to that of control animals (maintained at 20°C). Surprisingly, after 30 minutes of recovery, the behavior of C. elegans continued to deteriorate further below that of control worms with a drastic reduction in the curvature of the worms'' body. A majority of these worms also showed negative chemotaxis index indicating a loss in their chemotaxis ability.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a central laboratory model system in almost all biological disciplines, yet its natural life history and population biology are largely unexplored. Such information is essential for in‐depth understanding of the nematode's biology because its natural ecology provides the context, in which its traits and the underlying molecular mechanisms evolved. We characterized natural phenotypic and genetic variation among North German C. elegans isolates. We used the unique opportunity to compare samples collected 10 years apart from the same compost heap and additionally included recent samples for this and a second site, collected across a 1.5‐year period. Our analysis revealed significant population genetic differentiation between locations, across the 10‐year time period, but for only one location a trend across the shorter time frame. Significant variation was similarly found for phenotypic traits of likely importance in nature, such as choice behavior and population growth in the presence of pathogens or naturally associated bacteria. Phenotypic variation was significantly influenced by C. elegans genotype, time of isolation, and sampling site. The here studied C. elegans isolates may provide a valuable, genetically variable resource for future dissection of naturally relevant gene functions.  相似文献   

Canada's federal recovery strategy for boreal woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) classifies areas burned by forest fire as disturbed habitat. This assignment of fire as a disturbance has potential economic and social implications across Canada, and influences plans and actions to achieve caribou conservation and recovery. Previous researchers have reported caribou avoid burned habitat, but these studies did not typically consider unburned residual patches within fire perimeters. Additionally, the implications of burned habitat on individual caribou survival is unclear. We examined resource selection by boreal woodland caribou of burns, and unburned residual patches, using global positioning system (GPS) locations for 201 caribou across 6 caribou populations in Alberta, Canada. We also examined if burned habitat affected the survival of adult female caribou. Caribou avoided burns and unburned residual patches. Increased use of burned habitats, however, did not lower the survival of adult caribou. Collectively, these results provide evidence to support current assertions that burns, and the embedded unburned residual patches are not preferred caribou habitat and increase our understanding of the implications of forest fire for caribou vital rates. Our investigation offers important information about the role of forest fire in caribou ecology and enhances the identification of disturbed habitat under recovery strategy guidelines to effectively address caribou population declines. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We report a systematic RNAi longevity screen of 82 Caenorhabditis elegans genes selected based on orthology to human genes differentially expressed with age. We find substantial enrichment in genes for which knockdown increased lifespan. This enrichment is markedly higher than published genomewide longevity screens in C. elegans and similar to screens that preselected candidates based on longevity‐correlated metrics (e.g., stress resistance). Of the 50 genes that affected lifespan, 46 were previously unreported. The five genes with the greatest impact on lifespan (>20% extension) encode the enzyme kynureninase (kynu‐1), a neuronal leucine‐rich repeat protein (iglr‐1), a tetraspanin (tsp‐3), a regulator of calcineurin (rcan‐1), and a voltage‐gated calcium channel subunit (unc‐36). Knockdown of each gene extended healthspan without impairing reproduction. kynu‐1(RNAi) alone delayed pathology in C. elegans models of Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease. Each gene displayed a distinct pattern of interaction with known aging pathways. In the context of published work, kynu‐1, tsp‐3, and rcan‐1 are of particular interest for immediate follow‐up. kynu‐1 is an understudied member of the kynurenine metabolic pathway with a mechanistically distinct impact on lifespan. Our data suggest that tsp‐3 is a novel modulator of hypoxic signaling and rcan‐1 is a context‐specific calcineurin regulator. Our results validate C. elegans as a comparative tool for prioritizing human candidate aging genes, confirm age‐associated gene expression data as valuable source of novel longevity determinants, and prioritize select genes for mechanistic follow‐up.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a model organism best known for its powerful genetics. There is an increasing need in the worm community to couple genetics with biochemistry. Isolation of functionally active proteins or nucleic acids without the use of strong oxidizing denaturants or of subcellular compartments from C. elegans has, however, been challenging because of the worms’ thick surrounding cuticle. The Balch homogenizer is a tool that has found much use in mammalian cell culture biology. The interchangeable single ball-bearing design of this instrument permits rapid permeabilization, or homogenization, of cells. Here we demonstrate the utility of the Balch homogenizer for studies with C. elegans. We describe procedures for the efficient breakage and homogenization of every larval stage, including dauers, and show that the Balch homogenizer can be used to extract functionally active proteins. Enzymatic assays for catalase and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase show that sample preparation using the Balch homogenizer equals or outperforms conventional methods employing boiling, sonication, or Dounce homogenization. We also describe phenol-free techniques for isolation of genomic DNA and RNA. Finally, we used the tool to isolate coupled mitochondria and polysomes. The reusable Balch homogenizer represents a quick and convenient solution for undertaking biochemical studies on C. elegans.  相似文献   

Laboratory breeding conditions of the model organism C. elegans do not correspond with the conditions in its natural soil habitat. To assess the consequences of the differences in environmental conditions, the effects of air composition, medium and bacterial food on reproductive fitness and/or dietary-choice behavior of C. elegans were investigated. The reproductive fitness of C. elegans was maximal under oxygen deficiency and not influenced by a high fractional share of carbon dioxide. In media approximating natural soil structure, reproductive fitness was much lower than in s tandard laboratory media. I n seminatural media, the reproductive fitness of C. elegans was low with the standard laboratory food bacterium E. coli (γ-Proteobacteria), but significantly higher with C. arvensicola (Bacteroidetes) and B. tropica (β-Proteobacteria) as food. Dietary-choice experiments in semi-natural media revealed a low preference of C. elegans for E. coli but significantly higher preferences for C. arvensicola and B. tropica (among other bacteria). Dietary-choice experiments under quasi-natural conditions, which were feasible by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of bacteria, showed a high preference of C. elegans for Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides, Firmicutes, and β-Proteobacteria, but a low preference for γ-Proteobacteria. The results show that data on C. elegans under standard laboratory conditions have to be carefully interpreted with respect to their biological significance.  相似文献   

Black‐breasted Pufflegs (Eriocnemis nigrivestis) are hummingbirds endemic to Ecuador and are considered critically endangered because of their limited distribution, a population estimated at fewer than 1000 individuals, and ongoing habitat degradation. From November 2013 to June 2016, we examined the foraging preferences of these hummingbirds using a combination of direct observations, time‐lapse cameras, and motion‐detection software. We first identified 21 species of ornithophilous plants distributed among five sites in the northwestern flanks of the Pichincha volcano in northwest Ecuador. We then monitored these plant species using time‐lapse cameras and recorded 144 visits by Black‐breasted Pufflegs to seven of the 21 species. Most visits (128 of 144 visits, 89%) were to just two species of plants, Macleania rupestris and Palicourea fuchsioides, the latter of which is also an endemic and threatened species. In addition, Black‐breasted Pufflegs were only observed in the most pristine habitats. Given the potential negative effects of climate change for species in the tropical Andes plus the possible loss and degradation of habitat resulting from human activities, efforts are needed to conserve habitats currently used by Black‐breasted Pufflegs, recover degraded habitats, and connect isolated patches of suitable habitat. Our results concerning species of flowering plants used most by Black‐breasted Pufflegs (P. fuchsioides and M. rupestris) should help guide any habitat restoration initiatives.  相似文献   

Plebejus argyrognomon is one of the grassland‐dwelling butterflies undergoing rapid decline in recent decades. Grassland habitats for butterflies are generally threatened by fragmentation and invasive species, hence are among the most vulnerable ecosystems. We studied the seasonal abundance of P. argyrognomon at habitat patches along the banks of the Kinugawa River in eastern Japan, to identify environmental factors suitable for population persistence of this species, including habitat patch connectivity. Results showed that the patch's host plant cover had a positive effect on abundance in all three seasons, while the shading of the host plants by surrounding non‐host plants and nearby forested area showed negative effects. Additionally, habitat patch connectivity and nectar richness could be considered as positive factors in autumn and summer, respectively. Analysis of habitat connectivity also showed that the Kinugawa River did not appear to act as a dispersal barrier for P. argyrognomon. Our findings emphasize the importance of understanding environmental factors that may vary among seasons, and such understanding could contribute to habitat management of multivoltine butterflies in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

To ensure long-term reproductive success organisms have to cope with harsh environmental extremes. A reproductive strategy that simply maximizes offspring production is likely to be disadvantageous because it could lead to a catastrophic loss of fecundity under unfavorable conditions. To understand how an appropriate balance is achieved, we investigated reproductive performance of C. elegans under conditions of chronic heat stress. We found that following even prolonged exposure to temperatures at which none of the offspring survive, worms could recover and resume reproduction. The likelihood of producing viable offspring falls precipitously after exposure to temperatures greater than 28°C primarily due to sperm damage. Surprisingly, we found that worms that experienced higher temperatures can recover considerably better, provided they did not initiate ovulation. Therefore mechanisms controlling this process must play a crucial role in determining the probability of recovery. We show, however, that suppressing ovulation is only beneficial under relatively long stresses, whereas it is a disadvantageous strategy under shorter stresses of the same intensity. This is because the benefit of shutting down egg laying, and thus protecting the reproductive system, is negated by the cost associated with implementing this strategy – it takes considerable time to recover and produce offspring. We interpret these balanced trade-offs as a dynamic response of the C. elegans reproductive system to stress and an adaptation to life in variable and unpredictable conditions.  相似文献   

Some birds use social cues, such as the presence of conspecifics, when selecting breeding habitat. This phenomenon, known as conspecific attraction, has been well‐documented in migratory species, but has not been assessed for resident species of birds. We used Dupont's Larks (Chersophilus duponti) as a model species to determine if conspecific attraction plays a role in habitat selection by resident species of birds. At our study site in Soria province in central Spain, we monitored two potential habitat patches and one managed site where management actions had provided apparently suitable habitat. At each site, we broadcast recordings of the songs and calls of male Dupont's Larks, and monitored their presence during the breeding season and dispersal period in 2018 using automated recorders and field surveys. No birds were attracted to our study sites. Our results suggest that management of patches of suitable habitat should occur close to areas (within 1 km) already occupied by Dupont's Larks to encourage natural colonization because, based on our results, playback of conspecific vocalizations may not attract the species to new breeding areas. However, additional studies are needed before drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of conspecific attraction for this and other resident species of birds.  相似文献   

Research on the Caenorhabditis elegans microbiota only recently started, with little known about how C. elegans acquires its microbiota. Slugs live in the same habitat as C. elegans and are known vectors for the worm. Hence, we wondered how the passage through a slug affects the C. elegans gut microbiota and whether worms can acquire bacteria from the slug. Using fluorescently labelled microbiota and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, we evaluated microbiota persistence and acquisition in C. elegans after slug passage. We compared C. elegans gut microbiomes isolated from wild-caught slugs to the microbiomes of worms after experimental slug passage to compare similarities and differences in microbiome composition. We found that microbiota persists in C. elegans while passing the slug gut and that worms simultaneously acquire additional bacteria species from the slug. Although the amplicon sequencing variant (ASV) richness of worms from the experiment did not exceed the richness of worms that naturally occur in slugs, we found a high number of shared ASVs indicating the importance of commonly associated microbiota. We demonstrate that C. elegans can take advantage of its passage through the slug by acquiring new potential microbiota without losing its native microbiota.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies corroborate a correlation between pesticide use and Parkinson's disease (PD). Thiocarbamate and dithiocarbamate pesticides are widely used and produce neurotoxicity in the peripheral nervous system. Recent evidence from rodent studies suggests that these compounds also cause dopaminergic (DAergic) dysfunction and altered protein processing, two hallmarks of PD. However, DAergic neurotoxicity has yet to be documented. We assessed DAergic dysfunction in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) to investigate the ability of thiocarbamate pesticides to induce DAergic neurodegeneration. Acute treatment with either S‐ethyl N,N‐dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC), molinate, or a common reactive intermediate of dithiocarbamate and thiocarbamate metabolism, S‐methyl‐N,N‐diethylthiocarbamate (MeDETC), to gradual loss of DAergic cell morphology and structure over the course of 6 days in worms expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under a DAergic cell specific promoter. HPLC analysis revealed decreased DA content in the worms immediately following exposure to MeDETC, EPTC, and molinate. In addition, worms treated with the three test compounds showed a drastic loss of DAergic‐dependent behavior over a time course similar to changes in DAergic cell morphology. Alterations in the DAergic system were specific, as loss of cell structure and neurotransmitter content was not observed in cholinergic, glutamatergic, or GABAergic systems. Overall, our data suggest that thiocarbamate pesticides promote neurodegeneration and DAergic cell dysfunction in C. elegans, and may be an environmental risk factor for PD.  相似文献   

Organisms can end up in unfavourable conditions and to survive this they have evolved various strategies. Some organisms, including nematodes, survive unfavourable conditions by undergoing developmental arrest. The model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has a developmental choice between two larval forms, and it chooses to develop into the arrested dauer larva form in unfavourable conditions (specifically, a lack of food and high population density, indicated by the concentration of a pheromone). Wild C. elegans isolates vary extensively in their dauer larva arrest phenotypes, and this prompts the question of what selective pressures maintain such phenotypic diversity? To investigate this we grew C. elegans in four different environments, consisting of different combinations of cues that can induce dauer larva development: two combinations of food concentration (high and low) in the presence or absence of a dauer larva-inducing pheromone. Five generations of artificial selection of dauer larvae resulted in an overall increase in dauer larva formation in most selection regimes. The presence of pheromone in the environment selected for twice the number of dauer larvae, compared with environments not containing pheromone. Further, only a high food concentration environment containing pheromone increased the plasticity of dauer larva formation. These evolutionary responses also affected the timing of the worms’ reproduction. Overall, these results give an insight into the environments that can select for different plasticities of C. elegans dauer larva arrest phenotypes, suggesting that different combinations of environmental cues can select for the diversity of phenotypically plastic responses seen in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Lactic‐acid bacteria are widely recognized beneficial host associated groups of the microbiota of humans and animals. Some lactic‐acid bacteria have the ability to extend the lifespan of the model animals. The mechanisms behind the probiotic effects of bacteria are not entirely understood. Recently, we reported the benefit effects of Lactobacillus gasseriSBT2055 (LG2055) on animal and human health, such as preventing influenza A virus, and augmentation of IgA production. Therefore, it was preconceived that LG2055 has the beneficial effects on longevity and/or aging. We examined the effects of LG2055 on lifespan and aging of Caenorhabditis elegans and analyzed the mechanism of prolongevity. Our results demonstrated that LG2055 has the beneficial effects on longevity and anti‐aging of C. elegans. Feeding with LG2055 upregulated the expression of the skn‐1 gene and the target genes of SKN‐1, encoding the antioxidant proteins enhancing antioxidant defense responses. We found that feeding with LG2055 directly activated SKN‐1 activity via p38 MAPK pathway signaling. The oxidative stress response is elicited by mitochondrial dysfunction in aging, and we examined the influence of LG2055 feeding on the membrane potential of mitochondria. Here, the amounts of mitochondria were significantly increased by LG2055 feeding in comparison with the control. Our result suggests that feeding with LG2055 is effective to the extend lifespan in C. elegans by a strengthening of the resistance to oxidative stress and by stimulating the innate immune response signaling including p38MAPK signaling pathway and others.  相似文献   

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation created a shallow, 110-m channel to provide habitat for two endangered fishes, Cyprinodon elegans (Comanche Springs pupfish) and Gambusia nobilis (Pecos gambusia), at the site of the fishes' former natural habitat. The ciénega (marsh) associated with Phantom Lake Spring in Jeff Davis County, Texas, was destroyed by the creation of an irrigation canal system. In 1993, the endangered fishes were stocked into the refuge with individuals from the irrigation canals, and in the case of C. elegans, hatchery stocks. The condition of habitat, status of fish populations, and fish ecology within the refuge were then monitored for two years. The abundance and density of both species increased in accordance with aquatic plant development. Cyprinodon elegans abundance peaked after one year and stabilized at an average density of 14.7/m2 by the end of our study. Juvenile C. elegans were always rare, which may indicate that the population reached the refuge's carrying capacity and that recruitment is low. Gambusia nobilis was the most abundant fish in the refuge (average density 96/m2), used the entire refuge, and outcom-peted nonindigenous G. geiseri. The two Gambusia species used similar habitats but showed almost no dietary overlap. High densities of aquatic plants reduced the amount of open water areas necessary for C. elegans. The refuge will sustain the two endangered fishes at this historic site of endemism while maintaining flow to the irrigation system; however, the refuge is not equivalent to a restored ciénega.  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based plumage coloration plays a critical role for both inter‐ and intrasexual communication. Habitat and diet during molt can have important consequences for the development of the ornamental signals used in these contexts. When molt occurs away from the breeding grounds (e.g., pre‐alternate molt on the wintering grounds, or stopover molt), discerning the influence of habitat and diet can be particularly important, as these effects may result in important carryover effects that influence territory acquisition or mate choice in subsequent seasons. Several species of songbirds in western North America, including the Bullock's oriole (Icterus bullockii), migrate from the breeding grounds to undergo a complete prebasic (post‐breeding) molt at a stopover site in the region affected by the Mexican monsoon climate pattern. This strategy appears to have evolved several times independently in response to the harsh, food‐limited late‐summer conditions in the arid West, which contrast strongly with the high productivity driven by heavy rains that is characteristic of the Mexican monsoon region. Within this region, individuals may be able to optimize plumage coloration by molting in favourable areas characterized by high resource abundance. We used stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N) to ask whether the diet and molt habitat/location of Bullock's orioles influenced their expression of carotenoid‐based plumage coloration as well as plumage carotenoid content and composition. Bullock's orioles with lower feather δ15N values acquired more colorful plumage (orange‐shifted hue) but had feathers with lower total carotenoid concentration, lower zeaxanthin concentration, and marginally lower canthaxanthin and lutein concentration. Examining factors occurring throughout the annual cycle are critical for understanding evolutionary and ecological processes. Here, we demonstrate that conditions experienced during a stopover molt, occurring hundreds to thousands of kilometers from the breeding grounds, influence the production of ornamental plumage coloration, which may carryover to influence inter‐ and intrasexual signaling in subsequent seasons.  相似文献   

The Dar (deformed anal region) phenotype, characterized by a distinctive swollen tail, was first detected in a variant strain of Caenorhabditis elegans which appeared spontaneously in 1986 during routine genetic crosses [1] and [2]. Dar isolates were initially analysed as morphological mutants, but we report here that two independent isolates carry an unusual bacterial infection different from those previously described [3], which is the cause of the Dar phenotype. The infectious agent is a new species of coryneform bacterium, named Microbacterium nematophilum n. sp., which fortuitously contaminated cultures of C. elegans. The bacteria adhere to the rectal and post-anal cuticle of susceptible nematodes, and induce substantial local swelling of the underlying hypodermal tissue. The swelling leads to constipation and slowed growth in the infected worms, but the infection is otherwise non-lethal. Certain mutants of C. elegans with altered surface antigenicity are resistant to infection. The induced deformation appears to be part of a survival strategy for the bacteria, as C. elegans are potentially their predators.  相似文献   

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