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The effects of geographic and environmental variables on the pattern of genetic differentiation have been thoroughly studied, whereas empirical studies on aquatic plants are rare. We examined the spatial genetic differentiation of 58 Myriophyllum spicatum populations distributed throughout China with 12 microsatellite loci, and we analyzed its association with geographic distance, geographic barriers, and environmental dissimilarity using causal modeling and multiple matrix regression with randomization (MMRR) analysis. Two genetic clusters were identified, and their geographic distribution suggested mountain ranges as a barrier to gene flow. The causal modeling revealed that both climate and geographic barriers significantly influenced genetic divergence among M. spicatum populations and that climate had the highest regression coefficient according to the MMRR analysis. This study showed that geography and environment together played roles in shaping the genetic structure of M. spicatum and that the influence of environment was greater. Our findings emphasized the potential importance of the environment in producing population genetic differentiation in aquatic plants at a large geographic scale.  相似文献   

Populus euphratica is well adapted to extreme desert environments and is an important model species for elucidating the mechanisms of abiotic stress resistance in trees. The current assembly of P. euphratica genome is highly fragmented with many gaps and errors, thereby impeding downstream applications. Here, we report an improved chromosome‐level reference genome of P. euphratica (v2.0) using single‐molecule sequencing and chromosome conformation capture (Hi‐C) technologies. Relative to the previous reference genome, our assembly represents a nearly 60‐fold improvement in contiguity, with a scaffold N50 size of 28.59 Mb. Using this genome, we have found that extensive expansion of Gypsy elements in P. euphratica led to its rapid increase in genome size compared to any other Salicaceae species studied to date, and potentially contributed to adaptive divergence driven by insertions near genes involved in stress tolerance. We also detected a wide range of unique structural rearrangements in P. euphratica, including 2,549 translocations, 454 inversions, 121 tandem and 14 segmental duplications. Several key genes likely to be involved in tolerance to abiotic stress were identified within these regions. This high‐quality genome represents a valuable resource for poplar breeding and genetic improvement in the future, as well as comparative genomic analysis with other Salicaceae species.  相似文献   

The complete chloroplast genome of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis was recovered from a Next Generation Sequencing data set. Without quadripartite structure, this chloroplast genome (183,013 bp, 27.40% GC content) contains 202 protein‐coding genes, 34 tRNA genes, 3 rRNA genes, and 1 tmRNA gene. Synteny analysis showed plasmid incorporation regions in chloroplast genomes of three species of family Gracilariaceae and in Grateloupia taiwanensis of family Halymeniaceae. Combined with reported red algal plasmid sequences in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, we postulated that red algal plasmids may have played an important role in ancient horizontal gene transfer among nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial genomes. Substitution rate analysis showed that purifying selective forces maintaining stability of protein‐coding genes of nine red algal chloroplast genomes over long periods must be strong and that the forces acting on gene groups and single genes of nine red algal chloroplast genomes were similar and consistent. The divergence of Gp. lemaneiformis occurred ~447.98 million years ago (Mya), close to the divergence time of genus Pyropia and Porphyra (443.62 Mya).  相似文献   

Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.), belonging to the genus Zoysia in the subfamily Chloridoideae, is widely used in domestic lawns, sports fields and as forage. We constructed high‐density genetic maps of Zoysia japonica using a restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐Seq) approach and an F1 mapping population derived from a cross between ‘Carrizo’ and ‘El Toro’. Two linkage maps were constructed, one for each of the parents. A map consisting of 2408 RAD markers distributed on 21 linkage groups was constructed for ‘Carrizo’. Another map with 1230 RAD markers mapped on 20 linkage groups was constructed for ‘El Toro’. The average distance between adjacent markers of the two maps was at 0.56 and 1.4 cM, respectively. Comparative genomics analysis was carried out among zoysiagrass, rice and sorghum genomes and a highly conserved collinearity in the gene order was observed among the three genomes. Chromosome collinearity was disrupted at centromeric regions for each chromosome pair between zoysiagrass and sorghum genomes. However, no obvious synteny gaps were observed across the centromeric regions between zoysiagrass and rice genomes. Two homologous chromosomes for each of the 10 sorghum chromosomes were found in the zoysiagrass genome, indicating an allotetraploid origin for zoysiagrass. The reduction of the basic chromosome number from 12 to 10 in chloridoids and panicoids took place via independent single‐step nested chromosome fusion events after the two subfamilies diverged from a common ancestor. The genetic maps will assist in genome sequence assembly, targeted gene isolation and comparative genomic analyses among grasses.  相似文献   

Plant cell wall modification is a critical component in stress responses. Endo‐1,4‐β‐glucanases (EGs) take part in cell wall editing processes, e.g. elongation, ripening and abscission. Here we studied the infection response of Solanum lycopersicum and Arabidopsis thaliana with impaired EGs. Transgenic TomCel1 and TomCel2 tomato antisense plants challenged with Pseudomonas syringae showed higher susceptibility, callose priming and increased jasmonic acid pathway marker gene expression. These two EGs could be resistance factors and may act as negative regulators of callose deposition, probably by interfering with the defence‐signalling network. A study of a set of Arabidopsis EG T‐DNA insertion mutants challenged with P. syringae and Botrytis cinerea revealed that the lack of other EGs interferes with infection phenotype, callose deposition, expression of signalling pathway marker genes and hormonal balance. We conclude that a lack of EGs could alter plant response to pathogens by modifying the properties of the cell wall and/or interfering with signalling pathways, contributing to generate the appropriate signalling outcomes. Analysis of microarray data demonstrates that EGs are differentially expressed upon many different plant–pathogen challenges, hormone treatments and many abiotic stresses. We found some Arabidopsis EG mutants with increased tolerance to osmotic and salt stress. Our results show that impairing EGs can alter plant–pathogen interactions and may contribute to appropriate signalling outcomes in many different biotic and abiotic plant stress responses.  相似文献   

Spike mosses (Selaginellaceae) represent an ancient lineage of vascular plants in which some species have evolved desiccation tolerance (DT). A sister‐group contrast to reveal the metabolic basis of DT was conducted between a desiccation‐tolerant species, Selaginella lepidophylla, and a desiccation‐sensitive species, Selaginella moellendorffii, at 100% relative water content (RWC) and 50% RWC using non‐biased, global metabolomics profiling technology, based on GC/MS and UHLC/MS/MS2 platforms. A total of 301 metabolites, including 170 named (56.5%) and 131 (43.5%) unnamed compounds, were characterized across both species. S. lepidophylla retained significantly higher abundances of sucrose, mono‐ and polysaccharides, and sugar alcohols than did S. moellendorffii. Aromatic amino acids, the well‐known osmoprotectant betaine and flavonoids were also more abundant in S. lepidophylla. Notably, levels of γ‐glutamyl amino acid, linked with glutathione metabolism in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species, and with possible nitrogen remobilization following rehydration, were markedly higher in S. lepidophylla. Markers for lipoxygenase activity were also greater in S. lepidophylla, especially at 50% RWC. S. moellendorffii contained more than twice the number of unnamed compounds, with only a slightly greater abundance than in S. lepidophylla. In contrast, S. lepidophylla contained 14 unnamed compounds of fivefold or greater abundance than in S. moellendorffii, suggesting that these compounds might play critical roles in DT. Overall, S. lepidophylla appears poised to tolerate desiccation in a constitutive manner using a wide range of metabolites with some inducible components, whereas S. moellendorffii mounts only limited metabolic responses to dehydration stress.  相似文献   

Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) is an important vegetable crop as well as a rootstock for other cucurbit crops. In this study, we report a high‐quality 313.4‐Mb genome sequence of a bottle gourd inbred line, USVL1VR‐Ls, with a scaffold N50 of 8.7 Mb and the longest of 19.0 Mb. About 98.3% of the assembled scaffolds are anchored to the 11 pseudomolecules. Our comparative genomic analysis identifies chromosome‐level syntenic relationships between bottle gourd and other cucurbits, as well as lineage‐specific gene family expansions in bottle gourd. We reconstructed the genome of the most recent common ancestor of Cucurbitaceae, which revealed that the ancestral Cucurbitaceae karyotypes consisted of 12 protochromosomes with 18 534 protogenes. The 12 protochromosomes are largely retained in the modern melon genome, while have undergone different degrees of shuffling events in other investigated cucurbit genomes. The 11 bottle gourd chromosomes derive from the ancestral Cucurbitaceae karyotypes followed by 19 chromosomal fissions and 20 fusions. The bottle gourd genome sequence has facilitated the mapping of a dominant monogenic locus, Prs, conferring Papaya ring‐spot virus (PRSV) resistance in bottle gourd, to a 317.8‐kb region on chromosome 1. We have developed a cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker tightly linked to the Prs locus and demonstrated its potential application in marker‐assisted selection of PRSV resistance in bottle gourd. This study provides insights into the paleohistory of Cucurbitaceae genome evolution, and the high‐quality genome sequence of bottle gourd provides a useful resource for plant comparative genomics studies and cucurbit improvement.  相似文献   

Allotetraploid oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is an agriculturally important crop. Cultivation and breeding of B. napus by humans has resulted in numerous genetically diverse morphotypes with optimized agronomic traits and ecophysiological adaptation. To further understand the genetic basis of diversification and adaptation, we report a draft genome of an Asian semi‐winter oilseed rape cultivar ‘ZS11’ and its comprehensive genomic comparison with the genomes of the winter‐type cultivar ‘Darmor‐bzh’ as well as two progenitors. The integrated BAC‐to‐BAC and whole‐genome shotgun sequencing strategies were effective in the assembly of repetitive regions (especially young long terminal repeats) and resulted in a high‐quality genome assembly of B. napus ‘ZS11’. Within a short evolutionary period (~6700 years ago), semi‐winter‐type ‘ZS11’ and the winter‐type ‘Darmor‐bzh’ maintained highly genomic collinearity. Even so, certain genetic differences were also detected in two morphotypes. Relative to ‘Darmor‐bzh’, both two subgenomes of ‘ZS11’ are closely related to its progenitors, and the ‘ZS11’ genome harbored several specific segmental homoeologous exchanges (HEs). Furthermore, the semi‐winter‐type ‘ZS11’ underwent potential genomic introgressions with B. rapa (Ar). Some of these genetic differences were associated with key agronomic traits. A key gene of A03.FLC3 regulating vernalization‐responsive flowering time in ‘ZS11’ was first experienced HE, and then underwent genomic introgression event with Ar, which potentially has led to genetic differences in controlling vernalization in the semi‐winter types. Our observations improved our understanding of the genetic diversity of different B. napus morphotypes and the cultivation history of semi‐winter oilseed rape in Asia.  相似文献   

Global climatic fluctuations governed the ancestral demographic histories of species and contributed to place the current population status into a more extensive ecological and evolutionary context. Genetic variations will leave unambiguous signatures in the patterns of intraspecific genetic variation in extant species since the genome of each individual is an imperfect mosaic of the ancestral genomes. Here, we report the genome sequences of 20 Branchiostoma individuals by whole‐genome resequencing strategy. We detected over 140 million genomic variations for each Branchiostoma individual. In particular, we applied the pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescent (PSMC) method to estimate the trajectories of changes in the effective population size (Ne) of Branchiostoma population during the Pleistocene. We evaluated the threshold of sequencing depth for proper inference of demographic histories using PSMC was ≥25×. The PSMC results highlight the role of historical global climatic fluctuations in the long‐term population dynamics of Branchiostoma. The inferred ancestral Ne of the Branchiostoma belcheri populations from Zhanjiang and Xiamen (China) seawaters was different in amplitude before the first (mutation rate = 3 × 10?9) or third glaciation (mutation rate = 9 × 10?9) of the Pleistocene, indicating that the two populations most probably started to evolve in isolation in their respective seas after the first or third glaciation of the Pleistocene. A pronounced population bottleneck coinciding with the last glacial maximum was observed in all Branchiostoma individuals, followed by a population expansion occurred during the late Pleistocene. Species that have experienced long‐term declines may be especially vulnerable to recent anthropogenic activities. Recently, the industrial pollution and the exploitation of sea sand have destroyed the harmonious living environment of amphioxus species. In the future, we need to protect the habitat of Branchiostoma and make full use of these detected genetic variations to facilitate the functional study of Branchiostoma for adaptation to local environments.  相似文献   

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