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As most regions of the earth transition to altered climatic conditions, new methods are needed to identify refugia and other areas whose conservation would facilitate persistence of biodiversity under climate change. We compared several common approaches to conservation planning focused on climate resilience over a broad range of ecological settings across North America and evaluated how commonalities in the priority areas identified by different methods varied with regional context and spatial scale. Our results indicate that priority areas based on different environmental diversity metrics differed substantially from each other and from priorities based on spatiotemporal metrics such as climatic velocity. Refugia identified by diversity or velocity metrics were not strongly associated with the current protected area system, suggesting the need for additional conservation measures including protection of refugia. Despite the inherent uncertainties in predicting future climate, we found that variation among climatic velocities derived from different general circulation models and emissions pathways was less than the variation among the suite of environmental diversity metrics. To address uncertainty created by this variation, planners can combine priorities identified by alternative metrics at a single resolution and downweight areas of high variation between metrics. Alternately, coarse‐resolution velocity metrics can be combined with fine‐resolution diversity metrics in order to leverage the respective strengths of the two groups of metrics as tools for identification of potential macro‐ and microrefugia that in combination maximize both transient and long‐term resilience to climate change. Planners should compare and integrate approaches that span a range of model complexity and spatial scale to match the range of ecological and physical processes influencing persistence of biodiversity and identify a conservation network resilient to threats operating at multiple scales.  相似文献   

Manipulating community assemblages to achieve functional targets is a key component of restoring degraded ecosystems. The response‐and‐effect trait framework provides a conceptual foundation for translating restoration goals into functional trait targets, but a quantitative framework has been lacking for translating trait targets into assemblages of species that practitioners can actually manipulate. This study describes new trait‐based models that can be used to generate ranges of species abundances to test theories about which traits, which trait values and which species assemblages are most effective for achieving functional outcomes. These models are generalisable, flexible tools that can be widely applied across many terrestrial ecosystems. Examples illustrate how the framework generates assemblages of indigenous species to (1) achieve desired community responses by applying the theories of environmental filtering, limiting similarity and competitive hierarchies, or (2) achieve desired effects on ecosystem functions by applying the theories of mass ratios and niche complementarity. Experimental applications of this framework will advance our understanding of how to set functional trait targets to achieve the desired restoration goals. A trait‐based framework provides restoration ecology with a robust scaffold on which to apply fundamental ecological theory to maintain resilient and functioning ecosystems in a rapidly changing world.  相似文献   

In the conservation literature on land‐use change, it is often assumed that land‐use intensification drives species loss, driving a loss of functional trait diversity and ecosystem function. Modern research, however, does not support this cascade of loss for all natural systems. In this paper we explore the errors in this assumption and present a conceptual model taking a more mechanistic approach to the species–functional trait association in a context of land‐use change. We provide empirical support for our model's predictions demonstrating that the association of species and functional trait diversity follows various trajectories in response to land‐use change. The central premise of our model is that land‐use change impacts upon processes of community assembly, not species per se. From the model, it is clear that community context (i.e. type of disturbance, species pool size) will affect the response trajectory of the relationship between species and functional trait diversity in communities undergoing land‐use change. The maintenance of ecosystem function and of species diversity in the face of increasing land‐use change are complementary goals. The use of a more ecologically realistic model of responses of species and functional traits will improve our ability to make wise management decisions to achieve both aims in specific at‐risk systems.  相似文献   

Invasive rats have colonized most of the islands of the world, resulting in strong negative impacts on native biodiversity and on ecosystem functions. As prolific omnivores, invasive rats can cause local extirpation of a wide range of native species, with cascading consequences that can reshape communities and ecosystems. Eradication of rats on islands is now becoming a widespread approach to restore ecosystems, and many native island species show strong numerical responses to rat eradication. However, the effect of rat eradication on other consumers can extend beyond direct numerical effects, to changes in behavior, dietary composition, and other ecological parameters. These behavioral and trophic effects may have strong cascading impacts on the ecology of restored ecosystems, but they have rarely been examined. In this study, we explore how rat eradication has affected the trophic ecology of native land crab communities. Using stable isotope analysis of rats and crabs, we demonstrate that the diet or trophic position of most crabs changed subsequent to rat eradication. Combined with the numerical recovery of two carnivorous land crab species (Geograpsus spp.), this led to a dramatic widening of the crab trophic niche following rat eradication. Given the established importance of land crabs in structuring island communities, particularly plants, this suggests an unappreciated mechanism by which rat eradication may alter island ecology. This study also demonstrates the potential for stable isotope analysis as a complementary monitoring tool to traditional techniques, with the potential to provide more nuanced assessments of the community‐ and ecosystem‐wide effects of restoration.  相似文献   

天津湿地蛾类丰富度和多样性及其环境评价   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
尤平  李后魂 《生态学报》2006,26(3):629-637
天津海拔较低,在华北属湿地资源比较丰富的地区之一,是亚太地区鸟类迁徙路线的一个重要环节,也是白枕鹤、丹顶鹤等濒危鸟类迁徙过程中的一个重要的停歇地.为了研究清楚天津湿地昆虫的种类及其动态规律,为湿地的研究和保护利用服务,选取了鸭淀、团泊洼、北大港水库、七里海和独流减河大港段为样地以诱集夜间活动的昆虫为主,对天津湿地蛾类的群落生态学进行了研究,取得如下进展:(1)首次全面系统地研究了天津湿地蛾类的多样性,确定天津湿地有蛾类22科186属259种.其中以夜蛾科最多(58属85种),草螟科次之(39属60种),卷蛾科(16属28种)、螟蛾科(20属23种)、尺蛾科(14属15种)的种类也较多,生物多样性丰富.(2)所诱集的蛾类种类及个体数,以微软的Excel列表、计算及作图,进行蛾类群落的种-多度曲线、多样性指数、均匀度与多样性指数的关系以及蛾类群落的聚类(群落系数、欧氏距离)和排序(极点排序、主分量分析)等研究分析,结果表明:鸭淀和七里海的种-多度曲线表现为对数正态分布模型,而团泊洼、北大港水库和独流减河大港段的种-多度曲线多变,但总的趋势比较接近于对数级数模型,即生态位优先占领假说.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、种间相遇机率(PIE)、物种丰富度(lnS)均为七里海>团泊洼>鸭淀>北大港水库>独流减河大港段,而均匀度(E)则为七里海>鸭淀>团泊洼>北大港水库>独流减河大港段.群落的聚类和排序表明蛾类群落的相似性依次为"七里海-团泊洼-鸭淀-北大港水库-独流减河大港段".通过研究分析得出七里海与鸭淀的湿地环境质量较好,但有退化的趋势.团泊洼、北大港水库、独流减河大港段的湿地环境不稳定,退化严重.并分析了造成这些结果的原因,提出了合理的保护和利用的建议.  相似文献   

Aim The scale of observation is important in detecting the spatial variation of biological assemblages, which should be taken into consideration for an appropriate plan of biogeographical conservation. We investigated whether (1) World Wildlife Fund’s ecoregion units are the appropriate scale for conserving ant diversity in Iran, (2) each ecoregion represents a distinct ant community composition and (3) patterns of diversity partitioning differ among four ecoregions. Location Iran, a sampling transect along four arid and semi‐arid ecoregions. Methods We applied hierarchical partitioning to data collected from a nested sampling design including four hierarchical levels: ‘local’, ‘landscape’, ‘ecoregional’ and ‘whole‐region’. Observed alpha and beta diversity components were compared with values of null distributions. Hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to evaluate similarity of ant species composition among ecoregions. Results Partitioning of whole‐region species richness showed that 85% of the species richness was generated by beta diversity among ecoregions and landscapes. The highest value of diversity was generated by beta diversity among ecoregions. Unlike whole‐region partitioning, separate partitioning within each ecoregion revealed that beta component among localities contributed to species richness of each ecoregion. Ecoregions showed different patterns of diversity partitioning. The alpha component contributed largely to the total diversity of two ecoregions, but for two other ecoregions, beta component contributed more than alpha component. Cluster analysis identified four discrete ant species compositions; however, it split landscapes of one ecoregion into two distinct groups. Main conclusions Whole‐region diversity partitioning indicates that ecoregions represent the appropriate scale for conserving ant diversity and that each ecoregion has a distinct ant fauna. However, different conservation strategies should be considered for different ecoregions owing to the differing scales of variation within them. Boundaries of ecoregions remain a subject for further studies. The influence of climate change on ecoregional boundaries should be considered and should be predicted with respect to future conservation maps.  相似文献   

With an increasing pressure on forested landscapes, conservation areas may fail to maintain biodiversity if they are not supported by the surrounding managed forest matrix. Worldwide, forests are managed by one of two broad approaches—even‐ and uneven‐aged silviculture. In recent decades, there has been rising public pressure against the systematic use of even‐aged silviculture (especially clear‐cutting) because of its perceived negative esthetic and ecological impacts. This led to an increased interest for uneven‐aged silviculture. However, to date, there has been no worldwide ecological comparison of the two approaches, based on multiple indicators. Overall, for the 99 combinations of properties or processes verified (one study may have evaluated more than one property or process), we found nineteen (23) combinations that clearly showed uneven‐aged silviculture improved the evaluated metrics compared to even‐aged silviculture, eleven (16) combinations that showed the opposite, and 60 combinations that were equivocal. Furthermore, many studies were based on a limited study design without either a timescale (44 of the 76) or spatial (54 of the 76) scale consideration. Current views that uneven‐aged silviculture is better suited than even‐aged silviculture for maintaining ecological diversity and processes are not substantiated by our analyses. Our review, by studying a large range of indicators and many different taxonomic groups, also clearly demonstrates that no single approach can be relied on and that both approaches are needed to ensure a greater number of positive impacts. Moreover, the review clearly highlights the importance of maintaining protected areas as some taxonomic groups were found to be negatively affected no matter the management approach used. Finally, our review points to a lack of knowledge for determining the use of even‐ or uneven‐aged silviculture in terms of both their respective proportion in the landscape and their spatial agency.  相似文献   

The elevational alpha biodiversity gradient in mountain regions is one of the well‐known ecological patterns, but its beta diversity pattern remains poorly known. Examining the beta diversity and its components could enhance the understanding of community assembly mechanism. We studied the beta diversity pattern of the soil enchytraeids along a distinct elevational gradient (705–2,280 m) on the Changbai Mountain, the best‐preserved mountain in northeastern China. The overall abundance‐based community dissimilarity was relatively high (ca. 0.70), largely due to the balanced‐variation component (85%). The overall dissimilarity and its balanced‐variation (substitution) component were related to both local environmental heterogeneity and elevational distance, with the environmental relationships being stronger. In contrast, the abundance‐gradient (subsets) component was not related to the two gradients. The same important spatial and environmental variables were detected in structuring overall dissimilarity and substitution component, different from that in subsets component. Variation partitioning analysis showed that environmental control played a more important role than spatial (vertical and horizontal) factors in structuring the patterns of overall beta diversity and its two components. The predictive power of multivariate analysis was higher for the substitution component (nearly 50%) and overall dissimilarity (35%), but much lower for subsets components (<4%). These findings implied that abundance‐based beta diversity patterns of the soil enchytraeids were the results of different ecological processes (e.g., environmental sorting and dispersal limitation), operating in the two antithetic components. Our study showed the substitution and loss of individuals reflecting different ecological processes and highlights the importance of partitioning beta diversity in assessing biodiversity patterns and their causes.  相似文献   

The goals of the subproject “molluscs” within the inter‐disciplinary research project “Indicator systems for the characterisation and prediction of ecological changes in floodplain systems” were: – develop further existing mollusc‐based indicator systems of site quality and to test their transferability, – characterise grassland sites within the recent floodplains of three study areas along the Elbe River, – analyse the relationships between indicator species‐/groups and abiotic parameters, – compile and use selected species traits in the analytical process. The results clearly show several characteristic species groups related to the hydrology of the sites (i.e. inundation and desiccation regime) and on to the degree of agricultural use. These dependencies can be interpreted by the simultaneous analysis of the species traits. “Models” are proposed, that are applicable to nature protection measures at the landscape scale. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Natural environments disturbed by human activities can suffer from species extinctions, but some can still harbor high taxonomic diversity. However, disturbances may have impacts beyond the species level, if the species lost represent unique functions in the ecosystem. In this study, we evaluated to what extent the amount of habitat can determine the functional diversity and nestedness of amphibian communities in an Atlantic Forest fragmented landscape in Brazil, and if there is a threshold of habitat amount beyond which there is severe loss of functional diversity. As species responses may depend on their habitat type, we performed the analyses for three different sets of species: all species, forest‐dependent species, and generalist species. We also evaluated the relative importance of turnover and nestedness components to total functional dissimilarity among sites. Habitat amount affected functional diversity of frogs, especially for forest‐dependent species where a linear reduction was detected. The functional dissimilarity among sites was mostly explained by the nestedness component. The reduction of functional diversity was mediated by an ordered loss of traits, leading to a functionally nested metacommunity. These sensitive traits were closely related to habits and reproductive modes that depend on rivers and streams. The maintenance of functional diversity of frogs in fragmented landscapes must rely on the conservation of both terrestrial and aquatic environments, as some species and their traits can disappear from remnants of native vegetation lacking some specific habitats (e.g. streams). Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

The changes in the fish assemblage of the Capivara Reservoir, Brazil, were assessed over a 20 year period. Of 50 native fishes present in the initial samples, 27 were no longer present in the final samples, but there had been an addition of 11 invasive fishes, suggesting the occurrence of substantial shifts in fish diversity and abundance.  相似文献   

Biological traits can determine species ecological niches and define species responses to environmental variation. Species have a specific functional position in the biological community, resulting in interactions like interspecific competition. In this study, we used biological traits in order to define the life strategies of 205 nektonic species of the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, traits related to resource use were analyzed to determine the level of trait and niche overlap and their relationship to life strategies. Focusing on habitats of importance (Posidonia beds, coralligène formations, and lagoons), we investigated strategies and niches of the species present there. Finally, we examined the life strategy of Lessepsian species and investigated the niche overlap between them and indigenous species. Archetypal analysis indicated the existence of three life histories corresponding to strategies already documented for fish (equilibrium, periodic, and opportunistic), with some species also placed in intermediate positions. Niche overlap was evaluated by multiple correspondence analysis and the generation of a single distance metric between all species pairs. This identified species occupying relatively empty (underexploited) ecological niches, like the Lessepsian species Siganus luridus and S. rivulatus, a finding that can also be associated with their establishment in the Mediterranean. Most Lessepsian species were associated with the opportunistic life history strategy, again an important aspect related to their establishment. Also, we documented that most species occurring in important habitats have a relatively high overlap of niches. No significant differences were found in the life strategies across Mediterranean habitats; however, variation in niche overlap and traits related to habitat use was detected. The findings can be useful to determine theoretical competition between species and to identify empty ecological niches. Fisheries science can also benefit from comprehending the dynamics of competing stocks or predict the responses of data‐poor stocks to anthropogenic stressors from known examples of species with shared life strategies.  相似文献   

Climate change affects both habitat suitability and the genetic diversity of wild plants. Therefore, predicting and establishing the most effective and coherent conservation areas is essential for the conservation of genetic diversity in response to climate change. This is because genetic variance is a product not only of habitat suitability in conservation areas but also of efficient protection and management. Phellodendron amurense Rupr. is a tree species (family Rutaceae) that is endangered due to excessive and illegal harvesting for use in Chinese medicine. Here, we test a general computational method for the prediction of priority conservation areas (PCAs) by measuring the genetic diversity of P. amurense across the entirety of northeast China using a single strand repeat analysis of twenty microsatellite markers. Using computational modeling, we evaluated the geographical distribution of the species, both now and in different future climate change scenarios. Different populations were analyzed according to genetic diversity, and PCAs were identified using a spatial conservation prioritization framework. These conservation areas were optimized to account for the geographical distribution of P. amurense both now and in the future, to effectively promote gene flow, and to have a long period of validity. In situ and ex situ conservation, strategies for vulnerable populations were proposed. Three populations with low genetic diversity are predicted to be negatively affected by climate change, making conservation of genetic diversity challenging due to decreasing habitat suitability. Habitat suitability was important for the assessment of genetic variability in existing nature reserves, which were found to be much smaller than the proposed PCAs. Finally, a simple set of conservation measures was established through modeling. This combined molecular and computational ecology approach provides a framework for planning the protection of species endangered by climate change.  相似文献   

Disentangling the multiple factors controlling species diversity is a major challenge in ecology. Island biogeography and environmental filtering are two influential theories emphasizing respectively island size and isolation, and the abiotic environment, as key drivers of species richness. However, few attempts have been made to quantify their relative importance and investigate their mechanistic basis. Here, we applied structural equation modelling, a powerful method allowing test of complex hypotheses involving multiple and indirect effects, on an island‐like system of 22 French Guianan neotropical inselbergs covered with rock‐savanna. We separated the effects of size (rock‐savanna area), isolation (density of surrounding inselbergs), environmental filtering (rainfall, altitude) and dispersal filtering (forest‐matrix openness) on the species richness of all plants and of various ecological groups (terrestrial versus epiphytic, small‐scale versus large‐scale dispersal species). We showed that the species richness of all plants and terrestrial species was mainly explained by the size of rock‐savanna vegetation patches, with increasing richness associated with higher rock‐savanna area, while inselberg isolation and forest‐matrix openness had no measurable effect. This size effect was mediated by an increase in terrestrial‐habitat diversity, even after accounting for increased sampling effort. The richness of epiphytic species was mainly explained by environmental filtering, with a positive effect of rainfall and altitude, but also by a positive size effect mediated by enhanced woody‐plant species richness. Inselberg size and environmental filtering both explained the richness of small‐scale and large‐scale dispersal species, but these ecological groups responded in opposite directions to altitude and rainfall, that is positively for large‐scale and negatively for small‐scale dispersal species. Our study revealed both habitat diversity associated with island size and environmental filtering as major drivers of neotropical inselberg plant diversity and showed the importance of plant species growth form and dispersal ability to explain the relative importance of each driver.  相似文献   

Understanding how environmental variation influences the distribution of parasite diversity is critical if we are to anticipate disease emergence risks associated with global change. However, choosing the relevant variables for modelling current and future parasite distributions may be difficult: candidate predictors are many, and they seldom are statistically independent. This problem often leads to simplistic models of current and projected future parasite distributions, with climatic variables prioritized over potentially important landscape features or host population attributes. We studied avian blood parasites of the genera Plasmodium, Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon (which are viewed as potential emergent pathogens) in 37 Iberian blackcap Sylvia atricapilla populations. We used Partial Least Squares regression to assess the relative importance of a wide array of putative determinants of variation in the diversity of these parasites, including climate, landscape features and host population migration. Both prevalence and richness of parasites were predominantly related to climate (an effect which was primarily, but not exclusively driven by variation in temperature), but landscape features and host migration also explained variation in parasite diversity. Remarkably, different models emerged for each parasite genus, although all parasites were studied in the same host species. Our results show that parasite distribution models, which are usually based on climatic variables alone, improve by including other types of predictors. Moreover, closely related parasites may show different relationships to the same environmental influences (both in magnitude and direction). Thus, a model used to develop one parasite distribution can probably not be applied identically even to the most similar host–parasite systems.  相似文献   

Estuarine habitats, and the fish assemblages associated with them, are potentially impacted upon by many anthropogenic influences which can have a direct influence on the food resources, distribution, diversity, breeding, abundance, growth, survival and behaviour of both resident and migrant fish species. The direct and indirect coupling between ichthyofaunal communities and human impacts on estuaries reinforces the choice of this taxonomic group as a biological indicator that can assist in the formulation of environmental and ecological quality objectives, and in the setting of environmental and ecological quality standards for these systems. This review examines the rationale and value of selecting fishes as bio-indicators of human induced changes within estuaries, using examples from both the northern and southern hemispheres. The monitoring of estuarine 'health' using fish studies at the individual and community level is discussed, with an emphasis on the potential use of estuarine fishes and their monitoring and surveillance in national and international management programmes. In illustrating the above concept, examples are presented of the way in which fishes are threatened by anthropogenic impacts and of the way in which teleosts can contribute to a monitoring of estuarine ecosystem health.  相似文献   

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