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覃光莲  杜国祯 《生态学杂志》2005,24(11):1303-1307
通过对高寒草甸植物群落中采集的群落数据进行分析,探讨了物种构成的相似性、统计平均、种群变异性和净协方差等机制对形成高寒草甸植物群落中多样性与群落地上生物量变异性之间关系的影响。结果表明,地上生物量的年际变异性随着多样性的增加而减小。物种构成相似性是多样性一变异性负关系产生的原因之一,而相似性与多样性之间并无显著相关关系;统计平均效应是另一个多样性一变异性负关系的主要决定者;净协方差效应、种群变异性对多样性一变异性关系产生的影响不显著或非常有限。  相似文献   

Abstract Grazing on transplants of a grass, a forb and a tree was examined in low-diversity grassland and more diverse heath in Australia's Snowy Mountains. Transplants were surrounded by 2 mm mesh netting. In one grassland plot, grazers (probably soil invertebrates) attacked 40–90% of tree and forb seedlings but no grass seedlings. In heath, which had about half the grass cover of grassland, grazers consumed grasses but not trees or forbs. The results suggest that grazers can depress diversity in grassland by attacking species other than grass. In heath, they may promote diversity by attacking only grass and releasing other species from competition.  相似文献   

放牧对贝加尔针茅草原群落植物多样性和生产力的影响   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
研究了不同放牧强度对贝加尔针茅草原群落植物多样性和生产力的影响。结果表明,在牧压梯度上,不同的植物表现出不同的生态适应对策,贝加尔针茅种群随着牧压的增加,种群株丛破碎化、小型化,羊草耐牧性较强,在中牧阶段生产力最高。群落初级生产力随着放牧强度的增加逐渐下降。较大的放牧压力下,群落中适口性差、耐牧的杂类草植物渐趋增加。而在更大的放牧压力下,群落逐步被耐牧的小丛生禾草、旱生小苔草、小灌木和灌木所替代。草地群落的稳定性随着放牧强度增加逐渐降低。放牧干扰对群落植物多样性和生产力及其稳定性的影响是不同步的,不对称的。植物群落初级生产力对放牧干扰的响应更迅速,变化更剧烈。  相似文献   

Common species are fundamental to the structure and function of their communities and may enhance community stability through intraspecific functional diversity (iFD). We measured among‐habitat and within‐habitat iFD (i.e., among‐ and within‐plant community types) of two common small mammal species using stable isotopes and functional trait dendrograms, determined whether iFD was related to short‐term population stability and small mammal community stability, and tested whether spatially explicit trait filters helped explain observed patterns of iFD. Southern red‐backed voles (Myodes gapperi) had greater iFD than deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), both among habitats, and within the plant community in which they were most abundant (their “primary habitat”). Peromyscus maniculatus populations across habitats differed significantly between years and declined 78% in deciduous forests, their primary habitat, as did the overall deciduous forest small mammal community. Myodes gapperi populations were stable across habitats and within coniferous forest, their primary habitat, as was the coniferous forest small mammal community. Generalized linear models representing internal trait filters (e.g., competition), which increase within‐habitat type iFD, best explained variation in M. gapperi diet, while models representing internal filters and external filters (e.g., climate), which suppress within‐habitat iFD, best explained P. maniculatus diet. This supports the finding that M. gapperi had higher iFD than P. maniculatus and is consistent with the theory that internal trait filters are associated with higher iFD than external filters. Common species with high iFD can impart a stabilizing influence on their communities, information that can be important for conserving biodiversity under environmental change.  相似文献   

Although precipitation interannual variability is projected to increase due to climate change, effects of changes in precipitation variance have received considerable less attention than effects of changes in the mean state of climate. Interannual precipitation variability effects on functional diversity and its consequences for ecosystem functioning are assessed here using a 6‐year rainfall manipulation experiment. Five precipitation treatments were switched annually resulting in increased levels of precipitation variability while maintaining average precipitation constant. Functional diversity showed a positive response to increased variability due to increased evenness. Dominant grasses decreased and rare plant functional types increased in abundance because grasses showed a hump‐shaped response to precipitation with a maximum around modal precipitation, whereas rare species peaked at high precipitation values. Increased functional diversity ameliorated negative effects of precipitation variability on primary production. Rare species buffered the effect of precipitation variability on the variability in total productivity because their variance decreases with increasing precipitation variance.  相似文献   

植物多样性对维持生态功能的稳定发挥具有重要作用。以黄土高原不同植被带草地为研究对象,基于野外调查和实验分析,探究黄土高原不同植被带草地植物多样性与群落稳定性特征和二者之间的关系以及影响因素。结果表明:黄土高原草地群落结构特征(地上生物量、地下生物量)与植物多样性具有明显的纬度分布格局,草地植物多样性和生物量均表现出自东南向西北沿森林草原带—森林带—草原带—草原荒漠带逐渐递减趋势。森林草原带草地植物多样性和群落稳定性显著高于森林带、草原带和草原荒漠带;植物多样性与群落稳定性之间存在显著正相关关系,可以作为衡量群落稳定性的指标,其稳定性大小表现为森林草原带>森林带>草原带>草原荒漠带。降雨量是影响植物多样性和群落稳定性的主要因素,并通过改变土壤含水量影响群落稳定性。研究结果揭示了草地植物多样性与群落稳定性之间的关系及驱动机制,为维持黄土高原草地生态系统的群落稳定性提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

为进一步了解养分添加和水分添加对干旱区草地植物多样性的影响, 2009-2011年5月15日, 对准噶尔盆地荒漠草地进行养分和水分添加, 2009-2012年5月25日进行植被调查, 研究群落结构与植物多样性对养分N、P、K与水分(雨、雪)添加的响应, 得出以下结果: (1)添加肥、水后, 荒漠草地植物群落结构发生了变化, 物种数由肥、水添加前的17种减少到添加后的11种, 减少了35.3%, 禾草类植物数目增加, 十字花科植物数量下降; (2)通过裂区试验方差分析, 2009年和2010年, 养分主效应对物种丰富度、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数的影响不显著, 水分主效应和肥水交互作用对以上4个植物多样性指数的影响也不显著; (3) 2012年, 养分主效应对物种丰富度影响显著(p < 0.05), 养分添加降低了荒漠草地物种丰富度, 而水分作用、肥水交互作用对物种丰富度的影响均不显著; 肥水交互作用对植物Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数的影响显著(p < 0.05), 而养分添加、水分添加对其影响亦不显著; (4)荒漠草地植物的Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数在年际间呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

孙建财  刘任涛  王真  田颖 《生态学报》2024,44(14):6405-6415
放牧是草地管理和利用的主要方式,对草地生物多样性及其生态系统结构与功能产生深刻影响。土壤动物作为草地生态系统的重要组成部分,由于其生物生态学特性而使其分布受到放牧干扰的显著影响。然而,放牧如何影响土壤动物多样性尚缺乏系统总结与梳理。通过文献计量分析发现,关于放牧对土壤动物的影响研究论文中,美国发文最多(18.36%),其次是中国(16.39%),新西兰以12.14%的占比位居第三;国内外相关发文量经历了三个阶段:1999-2006年为起步发展阶段,2007-2013年为稳步发展阶段,2014年至今为快速发展阶段,国内外发文量分别在2021、2020年达到最高(15篇、81篇);相关论文的引用率逐年升高,2021年以3813次的引用率达到最高,说明放牧对土壤动物的影响研究引起了越来越多国内外学者的关注和重视。总结发现,放牧对土壤动物分布的影响主要以地上栖居和地下栖居土壤动物为研究对象,既包括直接作用途径,亦包括间接作用途径,而且作用方向取决于放牧强度和放牧方式。综合分析表明,以往的研究多注重于放牧对土壤动物产生的影响,忽视了放牧对土壤动物产生影响的作用途径的深入研究。根据我国草地资源分布特征及放牧对土壤动物的影响研究现状,提出未来我国在此领域研究的重点,为未来草地土壤动物多样性研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

朱慧  王德利  任炳忠 《生态学报》2017,37(21):7368-7374
在草地生态系统中,大型草食动物放牧是重要的管理方式之一,对草地生物多样性起着关键的驱动作用。昆虫是草地生态系统中生物多样性的重要组成成分,对生态系统的食物网结构以及其功能与稳定性起着关键作用。已有研究结果表明,大型草食动物与昆虫存在密切联系,放牧对草地昆虫多样性或有正向、或负向、或无明显作用,这依赖于放牧管理方式、昆虫类群以及草地类型。放牧必然通过直接(采食、践踏或粪尿)或间接(植物群落组成或植被结构)作用对昆虫多样性产生显著的影响。当前,关于大型草食动物放牧对草地昆虫多样性影响研究较多,但是,从研究系统性、深入性和延续性来说还存在一定问题。本文在综述国内外对放牧对草地昆虫多样性的影响研究基础上,提出了今后的研究方向,对于理解放牧管理的草地昆虫多样性变化规律,以及为积极探索维持草地昆虫多样性的长期有效的科学管理措施提供理论指导。  相似文献   

短期围栏封育后再适度利用是当前生态治理工程中使用较多的草地恢复措施,明确其实施效果对后续生态工程的优化调整具有重要意义。目前关于围栏封育和放牧对草地影响的研究较为丰富,但鲜有研究探讨短期围栏封育后再利用对草地的长期影响。以京津风沙源工程2002—2005年间在锡林郭勒地区实施的围栏封育地块为研究对象,通过配对采样调查和遥感数据分析,开展围栏封育期和重新放牧利用期连续近20年的草地植物群落变化研究。结果表明,草地植被高度、覆盖度和地上生物量在3年的围栏封育期内迅速增加,重新放牧利用后这些指标虽有所下降但仍显著高于持续放牧草地,并最终达到稳定状态。2002—2020年间短期围栏封育后再利用地块的植被覆盖度(FVC)整体上呈不显著的增加趋势、净初级生产力(NPP)呈显著增加趋势,FVC和NPP呈增加趋势的地块比例在温性草甸草原区、温性荒漠草原区和温性草原区依次减少。总的来说,3年的围栏封育后再放牧利用对草地植物群落具有一定的恢复作用。  相似文献   

Grassland degradation is widespread and severe on the Tibet Plateau. To explore management approaches for sustainable development of degraded and restored ecosystems, we studied the effect of land degradation on species composition, species diversity, and vegetation productivity, and examined the relative influence of various rehabilitation practices (two seeding treatments and a non-seeded natural recovery treatment) on community structure and vegetation productivity in early secondary succession. The results showed: (1) All sedge and grass species of the natural steppe meadow had disappeared from the severely degraded land. The above-ground and root biomass of severely degraded land were only 38 and 14.7%, respectively, of those of the control. So, the original ecosystem has been dramatically altered by land degradation on alpine steppe meadow. (2) Seeding measures may promote above-ground biomass, particularly grass biomass, and ground cover. Except for the grasses seeded, however, other grass and sedge species did not occur after seeding treatments in the sixth year of seeding. Establishment of grasses during natural recovery treatment progressed slowly compared with during seeding treatments. Many annual forbs invaded and established during the 6 years of natural recovery. In addition, there was greater diversity after natural recovery treatment than after seeding treatments. (3) The above-ground biomass after seeding treatment and natural recovery treatment were 114 and 55%, respectively, of that of the control. No significant differences in root biomass occurred among the natural recovery and seeded treatments. Root biomass after rehabilitation treatment was 23–31% that of the control.  相似文献   

本研究以赛罕乌拉保护区2种不同土壤母质(黄土和沙母质)与3种利用方式(围栏打草、季节性放牧和自由放牧)草地为对象,基于群落组成调查数据,计算人为干扰指数与物种多样性指数,研究草地植物群落物种多样性与草地退化程度间的关系。结果表明: 土壤母质与人为利用方式的差异使草地处于不同的退化状态,黄土与沙母质类型草地退化程度均随人为利用强度的增加而上升,且当人为利用方式相同时,黄土母质草地人为干扰指数(均值1.21)比沙母质草地(均值1.48)低。各样地物种多样性指数总体随土壤母质的砂质化和人为利用强度的增加而下降,其中Margalef丰富度指数为1.57~4.27,Shannon多样性指数为1.16~2.39,Simpson优势度指数为0.76~0.87,Pielou均匀度指数为0.71~0.80。随着人为干扰指数增加,丰富度指数、多样性指数和优势度指数均下降,而均匀度指数有上升趋势。过度放牧对2种土壤母质草地均会造成严重威胁,黄土与沙母质草地最适宜的利用方式分别为围封打草和季节性放牧。在今后生物多样性保护的实施过程中,需兼顾草地不同土壤母质与人为利用方式的影响,针对不同土壤母质条件规划不同的草地利用方式,实现因地制宜的草地恢复与管理。  相似文献   

Soil microbes are known to be key drivers of several essential ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling, plant productivity and the maintenance of plant species diversity. However, how plant species diversity and identity affect soil microbial diversity and community composition in the rhizosphere is largely unknown. We tested whether, over the course of 11 years, distinct soil bacterial communities developed under plant monocultures and mixtures, and if over this time frame plants with a monoculture or mixture history changed in the bacterial communities they associated with. For eight species, we grew offspring of plants that had been grown for 11 years in the same field monocultures or mixtures (plant history in monoculture vs. mixture) in pots inoculated with microbes extracted from the field monoculture and mixture soils attached to the roots of the host plants (soil legacy). After 5 months of growth in the glasshouse, we collected rhizosphere soil from each plant and used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to determine the community composition and diversity of the bacterial communities. Bacterial community structure in the plant rhizosphere was primarily determined by soil legacy and by plant species identity, but not by plant history. In seven of the eight plant species the number of individual operational taxonomic units with increased abundance was larger when inoculated with microbes from mixture soil. We conclude that plant species richness can affect below‐ground community composition and diversity, feeding back to the assemblage of rhizosphere bacterial communities in newly establishing plants via the legacy in soil.  相似文献   

1. Many animals that consume freshwater macrophytes are omnivorous (i.e., they include both plant and animal matter in their diet). For invertebrate omnivorous consumers, selection of macrophyte species depends partly on the presence of secondary metabolites in plants, plant carbon/nutrient balances and/or physical structure of plants. However, little is known about the mechanisms influencing consumption of macrophytes in aquatic vertebrates. 2. For two fish species, the omnivorous rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) and herbivorous grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), feeding preferences were determined in three choice experiments. We tested (i) whether the presence of secondary metabolites and macrophyte stoichiometry affects macrophyte species selection by fish, (ii) the importance of macrophyte stoichiometry by manipulating the macrophytes experimentally and (iii) the rate of herbivory when the most palatable macrophyte is offered simultaneously with a common animal prey. 3. In a choice experiment with five species of submerged macrophytes (Callitriche sp., Chara globularis, Elodea nuttallii, Myriophyllum spicatum and Potamogeton pectinatus), Myriophyllum was clearly consumed least by both fishes, which strongly correlated with the highest phenolic concentration of this macrophyte. Additionally, a significant negative relationship was found between consumption and C : N ratio of the five macrophytes. The two most consumed macrophytes also had the lowest dry matter concentration (DMC). 4. In a second choice experiment, the C : N ratio of the least (Myriophyllum) and most (Potamogeton) palatable plants was manipulated by growing the macrophytes under fertilised and unfertilised conditions and subsequently feeding them to rudd. The avoidance of consumption of the chemically defended Myriophyllum by rudd was partly alleviated by the lowered C : N ratio. 5. The third choice experiment showed that both fishes preferred animal prey (the amphipod Gammarus pulex) over the most palatable macrophyte (Potamogeton) when offered simultaneously. The C : N ratio of the amphipods was about half that of the lowest C : N ratio measured in the macrophytes. Consumption by the fishes could not clearly be related to C : P or N : P ratios of prey items in any of the experiments. 6. We conclude that omnivorous fish avoid macrophytes that are chemically defended. However, when these defences are only minor, stoichiometry (C : N ratio) in combination with DMC may be a determining factor for consumption by vertebrate facultative herbivores.  相似文献   

This study analyses the complicated patterns of vertical distribution of the macroalgal vegetation in an area where brackish and marine waters meet and mix. Variables used to record vegetation characteristics are algal cover, species composition and diversity. The data set includes 64 diving profiles, all from sites exposed to wave action, along a ca. 260 km long coastline. The profiles belong to four categories: coastal sites in the Skagerrak (more marine), coastal sites in the Kattegat (more brackish), coastal sites in the Kattegat after a toxic phytoplankton bloom, and submerged offshore stone reefs in the Kattegat. The highest species diversity was found at the reefs, which are not affected directly by land runoff. At the reefs the 18 most common perennial species penetrate 2–11 m (on average 5.5 m) deeper than at the coastal sites. The virtual absence of sedimentation, and thus the availability of substratum, at the reefs may explain the differences so that the lower limit for the algae is determined by light penetration or by recruitment problems caused by strong currents at the reefs, whereas sedimentation limits the settlement of algae in coastal sites. Ordination analysis based on species composition reveals that the major environmental gradients structuring the algal vegetation in the Kattegat and the Skagerrak are salinity and water depth. The large data set of this study made it possible to quantify the downward dislocation of Atlantic intertidal species to the sublittoral along the Swedish west coast. For example, the mean upper limit of Corallina officinalis is 2 m in the Skagerrak but 12.5 m in the Kattegat and the mean occurrence interval of Fucus serratus is 0.9–2.7 m in the Skagerrak, but 1.1–6.3 m in the Kattegat. This downward dislocation is suggested to be the result of decreased competition when species successively disappear with lower salinity. Comparisons of the present study's results with those of previous investigations show that eight common red algal species have moved upwards compared to the situation before the large-scale eutrophication started in the 1960s, e.g. Cystoclonium purpureum and Polysiphonia elongata by ca. 8 m, Phycodrys rubens and Delesseria sanguinea by ca. 5 m. A toxic phytoplankton bloom affected macroalgal community composition on the whole only slightly, but it had a negative effect on algal cover and species richness below a water depth of ca. 5 m, the algae were visibly damaged and the lower vegetation limit temporarily moved upwards.  相似文献   

放牧对短花针茅荒漠草原植物多样性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘文亭  卫智军  吕世杰  王天乐  张爽 《生态学报》2017,37(10):3394-3402
放牧干扰对草原植物多样性影响机制是放牧生态学研究的核心问题。以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗的短花针茅荒漠草原的长期放牧控制实验为平台,系统研究了放牧调控下植物多样性随组织尺度转换的影响,为荒漠草原植物多样性尺度推绎提供理论基础。结果显示:1)现存草地物种数未放牧最高,适度放牧次之,重度放牧最低,差异体现在多年生杂类草和一年生草本2个功能群上,且各功能群的权重基本不受放牧强度影响;2)群落尺度,放牧强度没有显著影响丰富度指数,未放牧小区的植物Simpson生态优势度指数、Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数与Pielou均匀度指数大于适度放牧小区,显著大于重度放牧小区(P0.05);功能群尺度,多年生禾草与一年生草本的多样性指数对放牧无显著响应,多年生杂类草的多样性指数未放牧小区最高,适度放牧小区次之。3)Godron群落稳定性指数显示,适度放牧的小区稳定性高于未放牧小区和重度放牧小区。研究表明,放牧强度的上升使短花针茅荒漠草原不同组织尺度植物多样性降低,但群落稳定性结果显示适度放牧的草地表现出了更高的稳定性,植物多样性与稳定性的权衡将是合理制定区域科学放牧强度的重要途径。  相似文献   

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