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Sexual segregation is very common in vertebrates that live ingroups. In this article, I will review proximate and ultimatecauses of sexual segregation in social species and in particularin ungulates in which the bulk of research on the topic hasbeen carried out. In most social ungulate species, males andfemales live in separate groups outside the breeding season,sometimes using different home ranges and types of habitat.In most of these species, males are larger than females. Dimorphismin body size can lead to sexual differences in ecology and behaviormaking it difficult for the two sexes to stay in the same group.It is important for our better understanding of the evolutionof sociality, sexual dimorphism and different mating systemsto determine why sexual segregation is so widespread not onlyin ungulates but also in other vertebrates. In this article,I discuss the ecology of the two sexes by reviewing proximateand ultimate causes of sexual segregation. To do this, I comparea range of studies of ruminants and include explanations forsocial segregation as well as for habitat segregation by gender.This leads into a review and updates current knowledge of thephenomenon. Although I present a number of different hypotheses,I focus in particular on predation risk, forage selection andactivity budget and discuss the social-factors hypothesis. Istress that the key in solving the enigma of sexual segregationlies in clearly separating hypotheses that try to explain socialsegregation and habitat segregation, as well as in includingexperiments or model systems. To that end, I present a preliminarystudy on a test of the activity-budget hypothesis in three-spinesticklebacks and explain why I believe that shoaling fish areuseful for analysing the underlying processes and mechanismsthat lead to sexual segregation in animals. Lastly, I arguethat it is unlikely that a single factor can explain socialsegregation or habitat segregation but that a model integratingdifferent factors and different levels of segregation mightsucceed in describing proximate and ultimate causes of sexualsegregation.  相似文献   

Sexual segregation in ungulates: a comparative test of three hypotheses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In most social ungulate species, males are larger than females and the sexes live in separate groups outside the breeding season. It is important for our understanding of the evolution of sociality to find out why sexual segregation is so widespread not only in ungulates but also in other mammals. Sexual body size dimorphism was proposed as a central factor in the evolution of sexual segregation in ungulates. We tested three hypotheses put forward to explain sexual segregation: the predation-risk, the forage-selection, and the activity budget hypothesis. We included in our analyses ungulate species ranging from non-dimorphic to extremely dimorphic in body size. We observed oryx, zebra, bighorn sheep and ibex in the field and relied on literature data for 31 additional species. The predation-risk hypothesis predicts that females will use relatively predator-safe habitats, while males are predicted to use habitats with higher predation risk but better food quality. Out of 24 studies on different species of ungulates, females and their offspring chose poorer quality but safer habitat in only eight cases. The forage-selection hypothesis predicts that females would select habitat based on food quality, while males should prefer high forage biomass. In fact, females selected higher quality food in only six out of 18 studies where males and females segregated, in eight studies there was no difference in forage quality and in four studies males were in better quality habitat. The activity budget hypothesis predicts that with increasing dimorphism in body size males and females will increasingly differ in the time spent in different activities. Differences in activity budgets would make it difficult for males and females to stay in mixed-sex groups due to increased costs of synchrony to maintain group cohesion. The predictions of the activity budget hypothesis were confirmed in most cases (22 out of 23 studies). The heavier males were compared to females, the more time females spent foraging compared to males. The bigger the dimorphism in body mass, the more males spent time walking compared to females. Lactating females spent more time foraging than did non-lactating females or males. Whether species were mainly bulk or intermediate feeders did not affect sexual differences in time spent foraging. We conclude that sexual differences in activity budgets are most likely driving sexual segregation and that sexual differences in predation risk or forage selection are additive factors.  相似文献   

Using both a conventional and a phylogenetic approach, we tested whether sexual size dimorphism, mating tactic and environmental conditions influenced the between-sex differences in adult survival among 26 populations of polygynous ungulates. As a general rule, male survival was both lower and more variable among species than female survival. Whatever the method we used, sexual size dimorphism had no direct influence on male-biased mortality. In food-limited environments, the survival of males relative to that of females was lower than in good environments, suggesting a cost of large size for males facing harsh conditions. On the other hand, the survival of males relative to that of females tended to increase with sexual size dimorphism in good environments, indicating that large size may be profitable for males facing favourable conditions. Lastly, we found that the between-sex differences in adult survival did not vary with sexual size dimorphism in harem-holding or tending species, but tended to increase with sexual size dimorphism in territorial species. Our analyses indicate that sexual size dimorphism does not lead directly to a decrease in male survival compared to that of females. Thus, environmental conditions rather than the species considered could shape between-sex differences in adult survival observed in ungulate populations.  相似文献   

In mammals, species with high sexual size dimorphism tend tohave highly polygynous mating systems associated with high variancein male lifetime reproductive success (LRS), leading to a highopportunity for sexual selection. However, little informationis available for species with weak sexual size dimorphism. Ina long-term study population, we used parentage analysis basedon 21 microsatellite markers to describe, for the first time,variance in male lifetime breeding success (LBS) of roe deer,a territorial ungulate where males weigh less than 10% morethan females. LBS ranged from 0 to 14 (mean = 4.54, variance= 15.5), and its distribution was highly skewed, with only afew males obtaining high LBS and many males failing to breedor siring only one fawn. As predicted for polygynous specieswith low sexual size dimorphism, the standardized variance inmale LBS was low (Im = 0.75) and was only slightly higher thanthe standardized variance in female LRS (If = 0.53), suggestinga low opportunity for sexual selection. The Im value reportedhere for roe deer is much lower than values reported for highlydimorphic ungulates such as red deer (Im > 3). We suggestthat, along a continuum of opportunity for sexual selection,roe deer occupy a position closer to monogamous and monomorphicterritorial ungulates than to highly polygynous, sexually dimorphicungulates with dominance rank–based mating systems suchas harems or roving mating systems.  相似文献   

Male–male competition for access to receptive females can take the form of nonrecurring fights and/or a sustained contest over mating opportunities. Male physical condition has been linked to dominance rank and reproductive success in species characterized by intrasexual fights for dominance and access to females. In group-living species characterized by endurance rivalry, however, factors contributing to male reproductive success are less well understood. In such species, particularly seasonally breeding ones with low sexual dimorphism and seniority-based rank, age and social factors other than rank may prove important. In the absence of genetic data, male mate guarding or consortship can serve as an indicator of male reproductive success. To evaluate the contribution of age and intragroup sociality to male consortship rate, I collected behavioral data during one nonmating and one mating season in two social groups of free-ranging rhesus macaques that experience no predation or food scarcity. Higher-ranking males, younger males, or males that exhibited lower rate of intrasexual aggression had higher consortship rates. Male–female dyads that groomed outside consortship did not form consortships as often as dyads that did not engage in nonconsort grooming. This is the first study to identify the significance of male–male aggression and male–female affiliation to male consortship rate in a species characterized by endurance rivalry, high male rank stability, and strong female mate choice. Social behaviors and male age may be particularly important in determining male reproductive success in populations experiencing high food availability and a lack of predation, which are typical of an increasing number of vertebrates in areas densely populated by humans.  相似文献   

In polygynous mating systems, males compete intensely for mates and may mate several females during a single reproductive season. Accordingly, factors influencing the ability of males to control a larger number of females during the breeding season can provide information on the processes underlying sexual selection. In ungulates, age, body mass and social rank are considered good predictors of the reproductive success of males, but how male age structure and sex ratio in the population influence mating group (MG) dynamics has received little empirical testing. Between 1996 and 2005, we manipulated male age‐ and sex structure and monitored MG dynamics in a reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) population. We investigated the influence of male characteristics, percentage of males and male age structure on MG size and stability. We found that males with higher social rank (that were also older and heavier) controlled larger MGs (therefore had greater mating opportunities) and had more stable MGs (corresponding to a higher ability to maintain and control females) than males of lower social rank. Moreover, MG size and MG stability decreased as the percentage of males in the population increased, most likely resulting from greater male–male competition and increased female movements. Male age structure did not influence MG stability. Given the positive relationship between mating success and MG size (and likely MG stability), frequent female movements and intense competition among males to control females seem to be the principal components of reindeer MGs dynamic.  相似文献   

Microcebus murinus, a small nocturnal lemur from Madagascar, has retained features of ancient primates. Based on these ancestral traits, its social organization has often been used as a model for early primate social systems. In captivity it breeds polygynously, i.e., one male mates with several females, while females usually copulate only with the dominant male. The present project tested whether or not sexual size dimorphism, spatial distribution, and relative testis size of M. murinus correspond with predictions of the sexual selection theory concerning polygynous mating systems. The study was combined with a mark‐recapture study and radio tracking of 12 animals in 1993 in a dry deciduous forest of western Madagascar at the end of the dry season. Large overlapping home ranges in males, lack of sexual size dimorphism, and relatively large testes suggest a multi‐male mating system, i.e., one that is promiscuous rather than polygynous. Am. J. Primatol. 48:127–133, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts competitive males and choosy females. Nevertheless, since molecular marker‐based studies, paternity outside the expected mating patterns has increasingly been described. Even in highly polygynous systems, where paternity is expected to be strongly skewed towards large, dominant males, alternative mating tactics have been suggested. We examined reproductive success in the polygynous Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki). Semiaquatic territoriality allows females to move freely and may lower the degree of polygyny otherwise suggested by both territorial behaviour and strong sexual dimorphism. We assigned paternities with 22 microsatellites and analysed how male reproductive success was related to size, dominance status, intra‐sexual agonistic behaviour, proximity to females, and attendance in the colony. Male behaviour was consistent across two seasons for all parameters under consideration. Attendance was by far the most important determinant of paternal success. Skew in reproductive success towards large, dominant males was weak and dominance status played no role. This appears to be caused by an extremely long reproductive season lasting five or more months, making it difficult for any male to monopolize receptive females. Females seem to choose displaying males that were present in the colony for a long time rather than dominance per se. Sexual dimorphism in Galápagos sea lions may thus be more influenced by selection for fasting than fighting ability. Our data provide further evidence for alternative mating tactics, as several males gained relatively high reproductive success despite short attendance and hardly any involvement in agonistic interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Empirical associations among co-adapted traits such as body size and patterns of reproduction, development, and behavior are unknown for most animal species, despite numerous theories suggesting otherwise. One way to study these complex relationships is first to consider closely related species and then to generalize findings to other groups. In the present study, relationships among body size, reproductive patterns, development, and sociality were examined in 17 members of the family Canidae (canids). Large canids are more social than smaller species, and offspring of large species achieve independence and tend to breed first at a later age. Large females give birth to absolutely larger young, but relative to their own body weight they allocate fewer resources to bringing a large pup to term. Overall, sexual dimorphism in size is small to moderate, and this is associated with monogamous mating habits and paternal care of young.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses suggest that a variety of factors influence the evolution of sexual dimorphism in birds. We analyzed the relative importance of social mating system and sperm competition to sexual differences in plumage and body size (mass and tail and wing length) of more than 1,000 species of birds from throughout the world. In these analyses we controlled for phylogeny and a variety of ecological and life-history variables. We used testis size (corrected for total body mass) as an index of sperm competition in each species, because testis size is correlated with levels of extrapair paternity and is available for a large number of species. In contrast to recent studies, we found strong and consistent effects of social mating system on most forms of dimorphism. Social mating system strongly influenced dimorphism in plumage, body mass, and wing length and had some effect on dimorphism in tail length. Sexual dimorphism was relatively greater in species with polygynous or lekking than monogamous mating systems. This was true when we used both species and phylogenetically independent contrasts for analysis. Relative testis size was also related positively to dimorphism in tail and wing length, but in most analyses it was a poorer predictor of plumage dimorphism than social mating system. There was no association between relative testis size and mass dimorphism. Geographic region and life history were also associated with the four types of dimorphism, although their influence varied between the different types of dimorphism. Although there is much interest in the effects of sperm competition on sexual dimorphism, we suggest that traditional explanations based on social mating systems are better predictors of dimorphism in birds.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is typically a result of strong sexual selection on male traits used in male–male competition and subsequent female choice. However, in social species where reproduction is monopolized by one or a few individuals in a group, selection on secondary sexual characteristics may be strong in both sexes. Indeed, sexual dimorphism is reduced in many cooperatively breeding vertebrates and eusocial insects with totipotent workers, presumably because of increased selection on female traits. Here, we examined the relationship between sexual dimorphism and sociality in eight species of Synalpheus snapping shrimps that vary in social structure and degree of reproductive skew. In species where reproduction was shared more equitably, most members of both sexes were physiologically capable of breeding. However, in species where reproduction was monopolized by a single individual, a large proportion of females—but not males—were reproductively inactive, suggesting stronger reproductive suppression and conflict among females. Moreover, as skew increased across species, proportional size of the major chela—the primary antagonistic weapon in snapping shrimps—increased among females and sexual dimorphism in major chela size declined. Thus, as reproductive skew increases among Synalpheus, female–female competition over reproduction appears to increase, resulting in decreased sexual dimorphism in weapon size.  相似文献   

1. Male-biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in mammals has been explained by sexual selection favouring large, competitive males. However, new research has identified other potential factors leading to SSD. The aim of this review is to evaluate current research on the causes of SSD in mammals and to investigate some consequences of SSD, including costs to the larger sex and sexual segregation. 2. While larger males appear to gain reproductive benefits from their size, studies have also identified alternative mating strategies, unexpected variance in mating success and found no clear relationship between degree of polygyny and dimorphism. This implies that sexual selection is unlikely to be the single selective force directing SSD. 3. Latitude seems to influence SSD primarily through variation in overall body size and seasonal food availability, which affect potential for polygyny. Likewise, population density influences resource availability and evidence suggests that food scarcity differentially constrains the growth of the sexes. Diverging growth patterns between the sexes appear to be the primary physiological mechanism leading to SSD. 4. Female-biased dimorphism is most adequately explained by reduced male–male competition resulting in a decrease in male size. Female–female competition for dominance and resources, including mates, may also select for increased female size. 5. Most studies found that sexual segregation arises through asynchrony of activity budgets between the sexes. The larger sex can suffer sex-biased mortality through increased parasite load, selective predation and the difficulty associated with sustaining a larger body size under conditions of resource scarcity. 6. None of the variables considered here appears to contribute a disproportionate amount to SSD in mammals. Several promising avenues of research are currently overlooked and long-term studies, which have previously been biased toward ungulates, should be carried out on a variety of taxa.  相似文献   

According to present hypotheses on the evolution of life history traits and social systems in Malagasy lemurs, nocturnality and infant parking are associated with a solitary lifestyle and a polygynous mating system. However, theoretically extreme seasonality of reproduction could limit the number of females that can be monopolized by a given male and thus hinder the evolution of polygyny. The aim of this ongoing study is to test these contrasting expectations by looking at the social and mating system of the fat-tailed dwarf lemur Cheirogaleus medius . This species hibernates for up to 7 mo, so that time for breeding and raising offspring is extremely limited.
A mark-recapture study in western Madagascar was combined with observations and radio-tracking of 36 individuals during the rainy seasons from 1995 to 1998. According to these data, fat-tailed dwarf lemurs live in permanent sleeping groups consisting of a male and a female (n = 8) or one male and two females (n = 1). One or two offspring from the previous year were frequently observed to sleep together with an adult pair. Members of each sleeping group were the exclusive users of their nest holes and home ranges. During the birth season, males and females took turns at baby-sitting their offspring. Females without paternal help were unable to raise their offspring successfully. Since females did not exhibit oestrus synchrony, the ultimate selective factor favouring pair-living could be obligate paternal investment. The results, together with the lack of sexual size dimorphism and relatively small testis size, suggest that the fat-tailed dwarf lemur lives in family groups with a monogamous mating system. A review of the mating systems of nocturnal lemurs shows that monogamy appears to be the rule rather the exception.  相似文献   

The Charadrii (shorebirds, gulls and alcids) are one of the most diverse avian groups from the point of view of sexual size dimorphism, exhibiting extremes in both male-biased and female-biased dimorphism, as well as monomorphism. In this study we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to investigate how size dimorphism has changed over evolutionary time, distinguishing between changes that have occurred in females and in males. Independent contrasts analyses show that both body mass and wing length have been more variable in males than in females. Directional analyses show that male-biased dimorphism has increased after inferred transitions towards more polygynous mating systems. There have been analogous increases in female-biased dimorphism after transitions towards more socially polyandrous mating systems. Changes in dimorphism in both directions are attributable to male body size changing more than female body size. We suggest that this might be because females are under stronger natural selection constraints related to fecundity. Taken together, our results suggest that the observed variation in dimorphism of Charadrii can be best explained by male body size responding more sensitively to variable sexual selection than female body size.  相似文献   

Conflicts over mating decisions characterize the sexual behaviour of many insects, in particular when males encounter females that already carry enough sperm to fertilize their eggs, since a mating often will inflict greater costs than benefits upon females. Therefore, coevolutionary models predict adaptation and counter-adaptation by the sexes in a battle to control the outcome of sexual encounters. A phylogenetic analysis was performed on patterns of sexual dimorphism and mating systems within water striders (Hemiptera, Gerridae). Phylogenetic effects or 'constraints' have significantly shaped patterns of sexual dimorphism in female/ male size ratios, legs and genitalia of males, and the structure of the female abdomen. Males of ancestral gerrids were probably slightly smaller than conspecific females, had powerful fore legs adapted to grasp the female's thorax during mating, and had clasping genitalic structures suited to grasp or pinch the female posteriorly. Most gerrids have a female/male size ratio between 1.05 and 1.14, but more pronounced sexual size ratios (above 1.25) have independently evolved several times in the family, usually in association with extended post-copulatory mate guarding. The comparative, phylogenetic analysis suggests coevolution of female anticlasper and male clasping devices for the clade comprising the subfamilies Cylindrostethinae, Ptilomerinae, and Halobatinae while female anticlasper devices have evolved in the absence of male clasping genitalia in the Gerrinae. The ancestral and most common mating system in gerrids is 'scramble competition polygyny' from which has evolved 'resource defence polygyny' at least four times independently of each other. The phylogenetic effects on patterns of mating behaviour are much less obvious, as exemplified by the large amount of interspecific variation in some genera.  相似文献   

According to current hypotheses on the evolution of life history traits and social systems of Malagasy lemurs, nocturnality is associated with a solitary lifestyle and a polygynous or promiscuous mating system. Recent studies, however, have indicated that this may not be true of all lemurs. The goal of this study was to investigate the sociality and the mating system of pygmy mouse lemurs (Microcebus cf myoxinus), which are the smallest known primates, and which retain characteristics of the most primitive primates. I compared my findings with data on the sympatric Microcebus murinus and Cheirogaleus medius. Observational, morphometric and spatial distribution data were obtained by a radiotracking study in 1994, and from a capture-recapture study conducted during 1995/96. Pygmy mouse lemurs usually slept alone in a tangle of vegetation. During the mating season, sleeping sites of males were distributed over a much broader area than were female sites, indicating that male home ranges are larger than those of females. The home ranges of males overlapped during the mating season, and males occasionally roamed over long distances during a single night. Pygmy mouse lemurs forage primarily alone. Analysis of estrus stages indicate that female cycles are unsynchronized during the mating season. There was a lack of sexual dimorphism in body size but not in body mass. Males were heavier than females during the reproductive season but lighter than females the rest of the year. Testes of males varied in size seasonally and enlarged significantly during the mating season. The presence of a vaginal sperm plug in a female indicated the importance of preventing additional matings in this species. Thus pygmy mouse lemurs follow the predictions derived from sexual selection theory for multi-male mating systems with promiscuous matings and male sperm competition.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a common morphological trait in ungulates, with polygyny considered the leading driver of larger male body mass and weapon size. However, not all polygynous species exhibit SSD, while molecular evidence has revealed a more complex relationship between paternity and mating system than originally predicted. SSD is, therefore, likely to be shaped by a range of social, ecological and physiological factors. We present the first definitive analysis of SSD in the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) using a unique morphological dataset collected from 2994 aged individuals. The results confirm that hippos exhibit SSD, but the mean body mass differed by only 5% between the sexes, which is rather limited compared with many other polygynous ungulates. However, jaw and canine mass are significantly greater in males than females (44% and 81% heavier, respectively), highlighting the considerable selection pressure for acquiring larger weapons. A predominantly aquatic lifestyle coupled with the physiological limitations of their foregut fermenting morphology likely restricts body size differences between the sexes. Indeed, hippos appear to be a rare example among ungulates whereby sexual selection favours increased weapon size over body mass, underlining the important role that species-specific ecology and physiology have in shaping SSD.  相似文献   

Rowell  T. E.  Chism  J. 《Human Evolution》1986,1(3):215-219
Previous studies have suggested that there is a strong relationship between a high degree of aggressive competition among males for access to fertile females and large body and canine size in males. It has further been suggested that such a relationship among living primates can be used to infer the social organization of extinct primate species from the degree of sexual dimorphism exhibited. Our field studies of patas (Erythrocebus patas) and blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis), two species which had previously been characterized as having one-male ‘harem’ group structures, indicate considerable variability in mating systems. We suggest, on the basis of our observations of these species, that factors other than male-male competition (e.g., predation) may also have influenced the degree of dimorphism in primates.  相似文献   

The theory of sexual selection is the most widely accepted theory explaining the evolution of mating systems and secondary sexual characters. Polygyny is the most common mating system in mammals, and there is a strong correlation between the degree of polygyny and the degree of sexual size dimorphism skewed towards males. Sexual selection theory posits that polygyny in mammals has evolved through direct, precopulatory, intrasexual selection in males, and that sexual size dimorphism is a result of male competition for mates. New results that are being obtained with the use of molecular techniques and with comparative phylogenetic methods do not appear to support predictions from this classical model in full. In this article, an expansion of the classical model is presented that combines the effects of at least four forms of selection: natural, precopulatory intrasexual, postcopulatory intrasexual, and intersexual selection. This mixed model consists of an initial phase in which natural selection operates on body size, followed by a second phase dominated by sexual selection and involving increases in sexual dimorphism and coercive behaviour of males towards females. Sexual harassment induces female aggregation, thus creating social potential for polygyny. Males compete for access to the groups of females, following two possible evolutionary scenarios, directional or equilibrium sexual selection, both producing similar behavioural polygyny, but with differences in the intensity of intra-male precopulatory sexual selection. Predictions of the mixed model are as follows: 1) polygyny can exist without high variance in male reproductive success (a fundamental requirement in the classical model); 2) extra-group fertilisation can be common; 3) sexual size dimorphism evolved prior to polygyny; 4) sexual coercion is widespread; and 5) females reduce levels of sexual coercion by joining groups.  相似文献   

The convergent polygynous mating systems of marine iguanas and otariid pinnipeds depend on the existence of large female aggregations. These can build up where abundant marine food resources occur around oceanic islands which harbour fewer predators than continental areas. For marine iguanas distribution of food resources appears to determine the location of colonies, while for pinnipeds habitat choice is more decisive. In marine iguanas females benefit from gregariousness through reduced predation risk and social thermoregulation. In pinnipeds, sea lions may derive thermoregulatory benefits from gregariousness, while fur seals appear to be largely non-gregarious. In both groups males defend territories in areas of high female density. Large sexual size dimorphism presumably evolved in response to strong selection for high fighting potential of males. The capability to fast for prolonged periods of territory tenure is considered a secondary benefit of large male size, but not the driving force behind its evolution. We hypothesize that marginal males, through continuous sexual harassment of females that stay outside territories, have exerted pressure towards the evolution of female gregariousness.  相似文献   

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