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Vitis L. (the grape genus) is the economically most important fruit crop, as the source of grapes and wine. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus have been highly controversial. Herein, we employ sequence data from whole plastomes to attempt to enhance Vitis phylogenetic resolution. The results support the New World Vitis subgenus Vitis as monophyletic. Within the clade, V. californica is sister to the remaining New World Vitis subgenus Vitis. Furthermore, within subgenus Vitis, a Eurasian clade is robustly supported and is sister to the New World clade. The clade of Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera and V. vinifera ssp. sylvestris is sister to the core Asian clade of Vitis. Several widespread species in North America are found to be non‐monophyletic in the plastome tree, for example, the broadly defined Vitis cinerea and V. aestivalis each needs to be split into several species. The non‐monophyly of some species may also be due to common occurrences of hybridizations in North American Vitis. The classification of North American Vitis by Munson into nine series is discussed based on the phylogenetic results. Analyses of divergence times and lineage diversification support a rapid radiation of Vitis in North America beginning in the Neogene.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was analyzed in the endangered prairie forbPenstemon haydenii. Individuals from nine populations weresurveyed for chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)variation. No cpDNA polymorphism was found. Analysis of mtDNA revealedvariation within and among populations. A minimum of eight haplotypeswere identified. The distribution of these genotypes suggests that thereis some correlation between geographic and genetic distances, whichreflects the minimal gene flow in thisspecies.  相似文献   

The purpose of his research was to describethe organization of genetic variation in thefederally endangered plant taxon Eriogonumovalifolium var. vineum using allozymes. Such information can help prioritize sites andmanagement choices for capturing andmaintaining genetic variation and can reducethe number of populations necessary to committo conservation, thus reducing costs andconflicts with competing land uses. Information on genetic diversity patterns alsoprovides insight into evolutionary anddemographic history of a taxon which canprovide means to assess future risk of erosionof diversity. Similar to other Eriogonumovalifolium varieties, E. ovalifoliumvar. vineum is diverse atboth the taxon (proportion of polymorphic loci[P] = 0.55 and alleles per locus [A] =5.45 [SD = 2.5]) and population (P = 0.56 [SD =0.11] and A = 2.68 [SD = 0.35]) levels. Gene diversity (H e) withinpopulations averaged 0.19 (SD = 0.03). Wefound some evidence for limited clonalreproduction within populations. Populationswere moderately differentiated from one another(S = 0.14) and showed moderatedeviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibriumwithin populations (f = 0.14 and F =0.19). Mean Nei's genetic distance (D)among all pairs of populations was 0.02. Populations with high levels of multiplemeasures of genetic diversity, high levels ofdifferentiation, and low levels of apparentinbreeding are suggested as conservationpriorities.  相似文献   

物种多样性和系统发育多样性对阔叶红松林生产力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
车盈  金光泽 《应用生态学报》2019,30(7):2241-2248
生物多样性与生态系统功能间的关系已成为生态学研究的热点问题之一,其中植物多样性对森林生产力的驱动作用受到广泛关注,而其潜在驱动机制还存在很大争议.本研究依托黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区典型阔叶红松林9 hm^2森林动态监测样地,利用2005年和2015年的调查数据,采用线性回归和结构方程模型探究不同空间尺度下物种多样性和系统发育多样性对森林生产力的影响.结果表明:物种多样性和系统发育多样性与生产力均呈正相关,随着空间尺度的增大,物种多样性对生产力的作用强度逐渐增强,而系统发育多样性对生产力的作用逐渐减弱;小尺度下系统发育多样性对生产力的影响大于物种多样性.生产力还受到非生物因素影响,在不同尺度下土壤因子与生产力均呈显著正相关,并且随着尺度的增大,土壤因子对生产力的作用逐渐占据主导地位.在今后研究中应将进化信息与生态系统功能相联系,可为其他多样性度量提供额外的解释力,同时还应考虑空间尺度及非生物因素的影响,为深入了解森林生产力的驱动机制提供科学依据.  相似文献   

生物多样性的海拔分布格局是生态学研究的热点。海拔作为综合性因子驱动着植物群落的物种、系统发育与功能多样性的空间分布。以戴云山南坡900-1600 m森林植物群落为研究对象,探讨物种多样性、系统发育指数与环境驱动因子的相互关系以及环境因子在群落构建与多样性维持中的重要意义。结果表明:(1)森林植物群落的系统发育多样性与物种多样性沿海拔均呈现中间高度膨胀格局。(2)物种多样性Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数与系统发育多样性指数呈显著正相关,表明物种多样性越高,系统发育多样性也越高。Shannon-Wiener指数与物种多样性指数(Margalef、Pielou、Simpson指数)、系统发育多样性及系统发育结构都存在显著相关性,一定程度上Shannon-Wiener指数可以代替其他指数。Pielou指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数与系统发育结构NRI (Net relatedness index)指数、NTI (Net nearest taxa index)指数存在显著正相关,表明群落优势度、均匀度与系统发育结构相关性较强。(3)土壤全磷含量是影响系统发育多样性和物种多样性的主要驱动因子,土壤含水量是影响Shannon-Wiener、Pielou、Simpson指数的最显著因子,海拔是影响群落系统发育结构的主要因素。海拔是影响系统发育结构变化的主要环境因子,而土壤因子是影响物种多样性与系统发育多样性的主要因素,进一步验证了物种多样性与系统发育多样性的高度相关,结果旨在揭示物种群落空间分布规律。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来, 中国荒漠化恢复取得显著成效, 荒漠化、沙化土地面积持续减少, 植被覆盖度大幅提升, 但关于植被恢复过程中生物多样性如何变化的研究不足, 这制约着对荒漠化恢复成效的全面评估。本文基于群落调查和叶功能性状(叶片厚度、叶片干物质含量、比叶面积和叶片密度)的测定, 分析了毛乌素沙地不同恢复阶段(半固定沙地、固定沙地、结皮覆盖沙地和草本植物覆盖沙地)的植物群落物种多样性、功能多样性和系统发育多样性特征。结果表明: (1)多数叶功能性状的系统发育信号不显著, 表明环境因子对研究区植物功能性状的塑造作用很强。(2)对于α多样性, 结皮覆盖沙地的物种多样性(Shannon-Wiener多样性, H)、物种丰富度(S)、功能丰富度(FRic)及系统发育多样性(PD)指数均显著低于其他恢复阶段, 而其他3个阶段间无显著差异; 这些指数间均显著正相关, 表明物种多样性、功能多样性和系统发育多样性在植被恢复过程中协同变化。(3) β多样性指数随恢复阶段间隔增加而逐渐增大, 表明物种组成、功能属性及系统发育关系随植被恢复持续变化, 且半固定沙地到固定沙地的群落物种组成、功能属性及系统发育关系更替最快, 导致群落间差异最大。(4)固定沙地、结皮覆盖沙地和草本植物覆盖沙地群落系统发育结构均趋向于发散, 表明竞争排斥是群落构建的主要驱动力; 而半固定沙地群落系统发育结构无一致规律, 表明群落构建可能受到生境过滤和竞争排斥的综合作用。研究结果可为植被建设与管理提供参考, 为毛乌素沙地生态保育和生物多样性的保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

谱系多样性(PD,Phylogenetic diversity)因包含植物之间的谱系关系和进化历史信息,被广泛用于植物多样性分布格局的研究中。现有研究表明PD变化受到古气候和现代气候等因素的影响,但结果并不统一且忽略了土壤养分对PD变化的影响。基于此,以新疆草地为研究对象,通过对全疆8个区域(阿尔泰山、准噶尔西部山地、准噶尔荒漠、天山北坡、伊犁河谷、天山南坡、塔里木盆地和昆仑山)中310个样地PD的调查,综合分析了古气候、现代气候、土壤养分、草地和土壤类型对PD的影响。结果显示:(1)样地是影响新疆草地PD变化的最主要因素,其次分别为草地和土壤类型,三者合计解释了新疆草地PD总变异的46.07%—78.80%。其中,PD最高值出现在塔里木盆地、低平地草甸和寒漠土,而最低值则出现在准噶尔荒漠、温性荒漠和风沙土;(2)PD也受到末次冰期以来降水变化(MAPano,Precipitation anomaly since the Last Glacial Maximum)、年均温度(MAT,Mean annual temperature)、季节性降水(PS,Precipitation seas...  相似文献   



Species in Thismiaceae can no longer photosynthesize and instead obtain carbon from soil fungi. Here we infer Thismiaceae phylogeny using plastid genome data and characterize the molecular evolution of this genome.


We assembled five Thismiaceae plastid genomes from genome skimming data, adding to previously published data for phylogenomic inference. We investigated plastid-genome structural changes, considering locally colinear blocks (LCBs). We also characterized possible shifts in selection pressure in retained genes by considering changes in the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous changes (ω).


Thismiaceae experienced two major pulses of gene loss around the early diversification of the family, with subsequent scattered gene losses across descendent lineages. In addition to massive size reduction, Thismiaceae plastid genomes experienced occasional inversions, and there were likely two independent losses of the plastid inverted repeat (IR) region. Retained plastid genes remain under generally strong purifying selection (ω << 1), with significant and sporadic weakening or strengthening in several instances. The bifunctional trnE-UUC gene of Thismia huangii may retain a secondary role in heme biosynthesis, despite a probable loss of functionality in protein translation. Several cis-spliced group IIA introns have been retained, despite the loss of the plastid intron maturase, matK.


We infer that most gene losses in Thismiaceae occurred early and rapidly, following the initial loss of photosynthesis in its stem lineage. As a species-rich, fully mycoheterotrophic lineage, Thismiaceae provide a model system for uncovering the unique and divergent ways in which plastid genomes evolve in heterotrophic plants.  相似文献   

利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对小麦族披碱草属、鹅观草属和猬草属3个属的模式种进行了基因组DNA多态性分析。42个引物产物的290条谱带中,257条(88.62%)表现出多态性,说明披碱草属、鹅观草属和猬草属3个属的模式种间具有丰富的遗传多样性。利用290个RAPD标记,计算材料间Nei氏遗传相似性系和遗传距离,在NTSYS程序中利用UPGMA进行聚类。结果表明,Elymus sibiricus种不同居群间的遗传差异较小,遗传距离在0.097-0.180之间。E.sibiricus,Roegneria caucasica和Hystrix patula的种间遗传差异明显,遗传距离在0.458-0.605之间。H.patula与E.sibiricus的亲缘关系较近。R.caucasica与E.sibiricus的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

Understanding the coupling between plant functional traits and abundance provides insight into the often hidden forces that structure plant communities. To better understand the coupling between leaf traits and abundance of grassland species in a mesic North American grassland, we measured specific leaf area (SLA) and its two components, tissue density and thickness for 125 grassland species. Plants with high tissue density were more abundant over a 17-year period across a range of environments: uplands, grazed and ungrazed watersheds, and frequently and infrequently burned watersheds. The consistent relationships between leaf tissue density and abundance across ecological contrasts imply that belowground resource availability constrains community composition independent of grazing and burning regimes. Leaf tissue density did not explain species abundance in lowlands, where belowground resources are the highest. Neither did it explain the differential abundance of species between grazing or fire frequency contrasts, suggesting that changes in burning or grazing select for species based on other traits. Relative to leaf tissue density, SLA was a poor predictor of abundance, reinforcing a long-observed—but often ignored—call that measurements of SLA need to be coupled with thickness measurements in order to effectively predict the performance of species. More generally, future research needs to investigate which belowground resources control community composition in the grassland and whether the importance of water or nutrients change with burning and grazing.  相似文献   

Twelve primers to amplify microsatellite markers from the chloroplast genome of Lolium perenne were designed and optimized using de novo sequencing and in silico sequences. With one exception, each locus was polymorphic with a range from two to nine alleles in L. perenne. The newly developed primer pairs cross‐amplified in different species of Lolium and in 50 other grass species representing nine grass subfamilies.  相似文献   

Aim Spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity (PD) aid our ability to discern diversification rate mechanisms underlying hypotheses for the large‐scale distribution of biodiversity. We develop a predictive framework for the way in which spatial patterns of PD vary with those of species richness, depending on the balance between speciation and extinction rates. Within this framework, diversification processes thought to underlie the productive energy, ambient energy, topographic variability and habitat variety hypotheses predict that gradients of increase in species richness will be associated with: (1) decreasing extinction rates where driven by productive energy, hence increasing relative PD (i.e. PD controlling for species richness, or PDrel); (2) a similar positive relationship between ambient energy and PDrel; (3) increasing speciation rates where driven by topographic variability, hence decreasing PDrel; and (4) no consistent relationship between PDrel and habitat variety when driven by the latter. We test these predictions using distributional data on parrots. Location Neotropical, Afrotropical, Indo‐Malayan and Australasian realms. Methods Spatial models were used to test the predictions. Results Globally, a positive association between productive energy and PDrel confirms prediction (1). However, within realms, hump‐shaped relationships suggest the importance of decreasing extinction rates up to a threshold level of productive energy, and the increasing importance of speciation rates thereafter. Ambient energy is positively associated with PDrel in Australasia, Indo‐Malaya, and globally, supporting prediction (2). However, this is driven by the coincidence of highest PDrel in areas of high ambient energy and intermediate productive energy (i.e. in seasonal tropical environments), which may be characterized by relatively low speciation and extinction rates. In the Neotropics, increasing topographic variability is associated with decreasing PDrel and increasing species richness, suggesting an increasing gradient of speciation, supporting prediction (3). Elsewhere, the signal of this mechanism may be obscured by collinearities with energy gradients. The lack of an overall relationship between habitat diversity and PDrel confirms prediction (4). Main conclusions Spatial patterns of PDrel in relation to environmental gradients may be sensitive to collinearities among those gradients. Nevertheless, patterns emerge which have implications for the relative importance of speciation and extinction processes in generating latitudinal diversity gradients.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) species richness and composition on plant community productivity and diversity, and whether AMF mediate plant species coexistence by promoting niche differentiation in phosphorus use. Our experiment manipulated AMF species richness and identity across a range of P conditions in tallgrass prairie mesocosms. We showed that increasing AMF richness promoted plant diversity and productivity, but that this AMF richness effect was small relative to the effects of individual AMF species. We found little support for AMF-facilitated complementarity in P use. Rather, the AMF richness effect appeared to be caused by the inclusion of particular diversity- and productivity-promoting AMF (a sampling effect). Furthermore, the identity of the diversity-promoting fungi changed with P environment, as did the relationship between the diversity-promoting and productivity-promoting benefits of AMF. Our results suggest that plant diversity and productivity are more responsive to AMF identity than to AMF diversity per se, and that AMF identity and P environment can interact in complex ways to alter community-level properties.  相似文献   

The niche theory predicts that environmental heterogeneity and species diversity are positively correlated in tropical forests, whereas the neutral theory suggests that stochastic processes are more important in determining species diversity. This study sought to investigate the effects of soil nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) heterogeneity on tree species diversity in the Xishuangbanna tropical seasonal rainforest in southwestern China. Thirty‐nine plots of 400 m2 (20 × 20 m) were randomly located in the Xishuangbanna tropical seasonal rainforest. Within each plot, soil nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) availability and heterogeneity, tree species diversity, and community phylogenetic structure were measured. Soil phosphorus heterogeneity and tree species diversity in each plot were positively correlated, while phosphorus availability and tree species diversity were not. The trees in plots with low soil phosphorus heterogeneity were phylogenetically overdispersed, while the phylogenetic structure of trees within the plots became clustered as heterogeneity increased. Neither nitrogen availability nor its heterogeneity was correlated to tree species diversity or the phylogenetic structure of trees within the plots. The interspecific competition in the forest plots with low soil phosphorus heterogeneity could lead to an overdispersed community. However, as heterogeneity increase, more closely related species may be able to coexist together and lead to a clustered community. Our results indicate that soil phosphorus heterogeneity significantly affects tree diversity in the Xishuangbanna tropical seasonal rainforest, suggesting that deterministic processes are dominant in this tropical forest assembly.  相似文献   

Wood betony, Orobanchaceae (Pedicularis canadensis) and bastard toadflax, Santalaceae (Comandra umbellata) are two root‐hemiparasitic plant species found in tallgrass prairie communities. Natural resource managers are interested in utilizing these species as “pseudograzers” in grasslands to reduce competitively dominant grasses and thereby increase ecological diversity and quality in prairie restorations and urban plantings. We performed an observational field study at 5 tallgrass prairie sites to investigate the association of hemiparasite abundance with metrics of phylogenetic and ecological diversity, as well as floristic quality. Although no reduction in C4 grasses was detected, there was a significant association between hemiparasite abundance and increased floristic quality at all 5 sites. Hemiparasite abundance and species richness were positively correlated at one restoration site. In a greenhouse mesocosm experiment, we investigated response to parasitism by P. canadensis in 6 species representing different plant functional groups of the tallgrass prairie. The annual legume partridge pea, Fabaceae (Chamaecrista fasciculata) had the greatest significant dry biomass reduction among 6 host species, but the C4 grass big bluestem, Poaceae (Andropogon gerardii) had significantly greater aboveground biomass when grown with the hemiparasite. Overall, host species biomass as a total community was significantly reduced in mesocosms, consistent with other investigations that demonstrate influence on community structure by hemiparasitic plant species. Although hemiparasites were not acting as pseudograzers, they have the potential to influence community structure in grassland restorations and remnants.  相似文献   

The millions of herbarium specimens in collections around the world provide historical resources for phylogenomics and evolutionary studies. Many rare and endangered species exist only as historical specimens. Here, we report a case study of the monotypic Pseudobartsia yunnanensis D. Y. Hong (=Pseudobartsia glandulosa[Bentham] W. B. Yu & D. Z. Li: Orobanchaceae) known from a single Chinese collection taken in 1940. We obtained genomic data of Pseudobartsia glandulosa using high-throughput short-read sequencing, and then assembled a complete chloroplast genome and nuclear ribosome DNA region in this study. We found that the newly assembled three plastid DNA regions (atpB-rbcL, rpl16, and trnS-G) and nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (nrITS) of Pseudobartsia glandulosa were more than 99.98% similar to published sequences obtained by target sequencing. Phylogenies of Orobanchaceae using 30 plastomes (including 10 new plastomes), using both supermatrix and multispecies coalescent approaches following a novel plastid phylogenomic workflow, recovered seven recognized tribes and two unranked groups, both of which were proposed as new tribes, that is, Brandisieae and Pterygielleae. Within Pterygielleae, all analyses strongly supported Xizangia D. Y. Hong as the first diverging genus, with Pseudobartsia D. Y. Hong as sister to Pterygiella Oliver + Phtheirospermum Bunge (excluding Phtheirospermum japonicum [Thunberg] Kanitz); this supports reinstatement of Pseudobartsia and Xizangia. Although elements of Buchnereae-Cymbarieae-Orobancheae and Brandisieae-Pterygielleae-Rhinantheae showed incongruence among gene trees, the topology of the supermatrix tree was congruent with the majority of gene trees and functional-group trees. Therefore, most plastid genes are evolving as a linkage group, allowing the supermatrix tree approach to yield internally consistent phylogenies for Orobanchaceae.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The endemic tree Nothofagus alessandrii (Fagaceae) has been historically restricted to the coastal range of Region VII of central Chile, and its forests have been increasingly destroyed and fragmented since the end of the 19th century. In this study, the patterns of within- and among-population genetic diversity in seven fragments of this endangered narrowly endemic tree were examined. METHODS: Allozyme electrophoresis of seven loci of N. alessandrii was used to estimate genetic diversity, genetic structure and gene flow. KEY RESULTS: High levels of genetic diversity were found as shown by mean expected heterozygosity (H(e) = 0.182 +/- 0.034), percentage of polymorphic loci (P(p) = 61.2 %), mean number of alleles per locus (A = 1.8) and mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus (A(p) = 2.3). Genetic differentiation was also high (G(ST) = 0.257 and Nm = 0.7). These values are high compared with more widespread congeneric species. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its endemic status and restricted geographical range N. alessandrii showed high levels of genetic diversity. The observed patterns of diversity are explained in part by historical processes and more recent human fragmentation.  相似文献   

Liatris helleri (Asteraceae) is an insect-pollinated herbaceous perennial endemic to several high-elevation sites in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Allozymes were used to describe the genetic diversity and population structure in nine populations of this rare, federally listed species. Differences in leaf morphology were also examined for greenhouse-grown plants representing several populations. The proportion of the total genetic diversity found among populations, as indicated by the allozyme data, was 16%. Higher levels of population differentiation were found for differences in leaf shape; population of origin accounted for 37% of the variation in maximum leaf width, while families within populations accounted for 7%. In contrast to many endemic species, L. helleri maintains fairly high levels of genetic diversity. For the species, the percent polymorphic loci was 87.5, the average number of alleles at variable loci was 3.00 and the gene diversity was 0.276. Mean population values were percent polymorphic loci =58.4, mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus =2.59 and gene diversity =0.219. The estimated gene flow was low (Nm=0.85–1.32) and a relatively high correlation (r=0.55; p<0.005) was found between linear geographic and genetic distance. This suggests that the populations are partially isolated by distance, despite the limited range (<60 km) of the species. We recommend that population distinetiveness be maintained in restoration efforts.  相似文献   

曾文豪  石慰  唐一思  郑维艳  曹坤芳 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8708-8716
以广西地区植被调查集资料总共365个群落样方(样方面积在300—1000 m2,50%左右为400 m2)为基础,将样方分为海拔≤1000 m喀斯特和非喀斯特森林以及海拔1000 m的非喀斯特森林三类生境,探讨这3种生境森林物种丰富度和群落系统发育结构差异及其与年均温的关系。结果表明,海拔≤1000 m非喀斯特森林含有4种以上的科比海拔1000 m非喀斯特森林多24科,比喀斯特森林多18科,其中樟科、壳斗科、山茶科、杜鹃花科等都是两种非喀斯特森林生境的重要组成科;大戟科为喀斯特森林含有种数最多的科,其中出现在非喀斯特森林的山茶科和杜鹃花科等没有在喀斯特森林出现。森林物种多样性及系统发育指数与年均温不相关或相关不强;海拔≤1000 m的喀斯特与非喀斯特森林的Gleason物种多样性指数没有显著差异,而海拔1000 m的非喀斯特森林的Gleason指数比另外两种生境显著高。海拔≤1000 m非喀斯特森林系统发育多样性PD指数比中山地带的非喀斯特生境的森林高。喀斯特森林和海拔1000 m非喀斯特的绝大部分样地以及海拔≤1000 m的非喀斯特大部分样地都表现出系统发育结构聚集,推测生境过滤在广西地区喀斯特和非喀斯特森林群落构建中发挥着主要作用。但是喀斯特和海拔1000 m的非喀斯特两种生境森林群落发生系统发育发散的比例都比海拔≤1000 m的非喀斯特森林低,揭示生境过滤在这两个生境更为明显。  相似文献   

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