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Some anthropologists and primatologists have argued that, judging by extant chimpanzees and humans, which are female‐biased dispersers, the common ancestors of humans and chimpanzees were also female‐biased dispersers. It has been thought that sex‐biased dispersal patterns have been genetically transmitted for millions of years. However, this character has changed many times with changes in environment and life‐form during human evolution and historical times. I examined life‐form and social organization of nonhuman primates, among them gatherers (foragers), hunter‐gatherers, agriculturalists, industrialists, and modern and extant humans. I conclude that dispersal patterns changed in response to environmental conditions during primate and human evolution.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and spatial structure of populations are important for antagonistic coevolution. We investigated genetic variation and population structure of three closely related European ant species: the social parasite Harpagoxenus sublaevis and its two host species Leptothorax acervorum and Leptothorax muscorum. We sampled populations in 12 countries and analysed eight microsatellite loci and an mtDNA sequence. We found high levels of genetic variation in all three species, only slightly less variation in the host L. muscorum. Using a newly introduced measure of differentiation (Jost’s Dest ), we detected strong population structuring in all species and less male‐biased dispersal than previously thought. We found no phylogeographic patterns that could give information on post‐glacial colonization routes – northern populations are as variable as more southern populations. We conclude that conditions for Thompson’s geographic mosaic of coevolution are ideal in this system: all three species show ample genetic variation and strong population structure.  相似文献   

Sex‐biased dispersal is a much‐discussed feature in literature on dispersal. Diverse hypotheses have been proposed to explain the evolution of sex‐biased dispersal, a difference in dispersal rate or dispersal distance between males and females. An early hypothesis has indicated that it may rely on the difference in sex chromosomes between males and females. However, this proposal was quickly rejected without a real assessment. We propose a new perspective on this hypothesis by investigating the evolution of sex‐biased dispersal when dispersal genes are sex‐linked, that is when they are located on the sex chromosomes. We show that individuals of the heterogametic sex disperse relatively more than do individuals of the homogametic sex when dispersal genes are sex‐linked rather than autosomal. Although such a sex‐biased dispersal towards the heterogametic sex is always observed in monogamous species, the mating system and the location of dispersal genes interact to modulate sex‐biased dispersal in monandry and polyandry. In the context of the multicausality of dispersal, we suggest that sex‐linked dispersal genes can influence the evolution of sex‐biased dispersal.  相似文献   

This study used eight polymorphic microsatellite loci to examine the relative effects of social organization and dispersal on fine‐scale genetic structure in an obligately cooperative breeding bird, the white‐winged chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos). Using both individual‐level and population‐level analyses, it was found that the majority of chough groups consisted of close relatives and there was significant differentiation among groups (FST = 0.124). However, spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed strong spatial genetic structure among groups up to 2 km apart, indicating above average relatedness among neighbours. Multiple analyses showed a unique lack of sex‐biased dispersal. As such, choughs may offer a model species for the study of the evolution of sex‐biased dispersal in cooperatively breeding birds. These findings suggest that genetic structure in white‐winged choughs reflects the interplay between social barriers to dispersal resulting in large family groups that can remain stable over long periods of times, and short dispersal distances which lead to above average relatedness among neighbouring groups.  相似文献   

Patterns of sex‐biased dispersal (SBD) are typically consistent within taxa, for example female‐biased in birds and male‐biased in mammals, leading to theories about the evolutionary pressures that lead to SBD. However, generalizations about the evolution of sex biases tend to overlook that dispersal is mediated by ecological factors that vary over time. We examined potential temporal variation in between‐ and within‐population dispersal over an 11‐year period in a bird, the dark‐eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). We measured between‐population dispersal patterns using genetic assignment indices and found yearly variation in which sex was more likely to have immigrated. When we measured within‐population spatial genetic structure and mark–recapture dispersal distances, we typically found yearly SBD patterns that mirrored between‐population dispersal, indicating common eco‐evolutionary causes despite expected differences due to the scale of dispersal. However, in years without detectable between‐population sex biases, we found genetic similarity between nearby males within our population. This suggests that, in certain circumstances, ecological pressures may act on within‐population dispersal without affecting dispersal between populations. Alternatively, current analytical tools may be better able to detect within‐population SBD. Future work will investigate potential causes of the observed temporal variation in dispersal patterns and whether they have greater effects on within‐population dispersal.  相似文献   

In wing‐polymorphic insects, wing morphs differ not only in dispersal capability but also in life history traits because of trade‐offs between flight capability and reproduction. When the fitness benefits and costs of producing wings differ between males and females, sex‐specific trade‐offs can result in sex differences in the frequency of long‐winged individuals. Furthermore, the social environment during development affects sex differences in wing development, but few empirical tests of this phenomenon have been performed to date. Here, I used the wing‐dimorphic water strider Tenagogerris euphrosyne to test how rearing density and sex ratio affect the sex‐specific development of long‐winged dispersing morphs (i.e., sex‐specific macroptery). I also used a full‐sib, split‐family breeding design to assess genetic effects on density‐dependent, sex‐specific macroptery. I reared water strider nymphs at either high or low densities and measured their wing development. I found that long‐winged morphs developed more frequently in males than in females when individuals were reared in a high‐density environment. However, the frequency of long‐winged morphs was not biased according to sex when individuals were reared in a low‐density environment. In addition, full‐sib males and females showed similar macroptery incidence rates at low nymphal density, whereas the macroptery incidence rates differed between full‐sib males and females at high nymphal density. Thus complex gene‐by‐environment‐by‐sex interactions may explain the density‐specific levels of sex bias in macroptery, although this interpretation should be treated with some caution. Overall, my study provides empirical evidence for density‐specific, sex‐biased wing development. My findings suggest that social factors as well as abiotic factors can be important in determining sex‐biased wing development in insects.  相似文献   

Sex‐biased dispersal is pervasive and has diverse evolutionary implications, but the fundamental drivers of dispersal sex biases remain unresolved. This is due in part to limited diversity within taxonomic groups in the direction of dispersal sex biases, which leaves hypothesis testing critically dependent upon identifying rare reversals of taxonomic norms. Here, we use a combination of observational and genetic data to demonstrate a rare reversal of the avian sex bias in dispersal in the cooperatively breeding white‐browed sparrow weaver (Plocepasser mahali). Direct observations revealed that (i) natal philopatry was rare, with both sexes typically dispersing locally to breed, and (ii), unusually for birds, males bred at significantly greater distances from their natal group than females. Population genetic analyses confirmed these patterns, as (i) corrected Assignment index (AIc), FST tests and isolation‐by‐distance metrics were all indicative of longer dispersal distances among males than females, and (ii) spatial autocorrelation analysis indicated stronger within‐group genetic structure among females than males. Examining the spatial scale of extra‐group mating highlighted that the resulting ‘sperm dispersal’ could have acted in concert with individual dispersal to generate these genetic patterns, but gamete dispersal alone cannot account entirely for the sex differences in genetic structure observed. That leading hypotheses for the evolution of dispersal sex biases cannot readily account for these sex‐reversed patterns of dispersal in white‐browed sparrow weavers highlights the continued need for attention to alternative explanations for this enigmatic phenomenon. We highlight the potential importance of sex differences in the distances over which dispersal opportunities can be detected.  相似文献   

Dispersal plays a vital role in the geographical distribution, population genetic structure, quantity dynamics, and evolution of a species. Sex‐biased dispersal is common among vertebrates and many studies have documented a tendency toward male‐biased dispersal in mammals and female‐biased dispersal in birds. However, dispersal patterns in reptiles remain poorly understood. In this study, we explored the genetic diversity and dispersal patterns of the widely distributed Asian pitviper Protobothrops mucrosquamatus. In total, 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci were screened in 150 snakes (48 males, 44 females, 58 samples without sex information) covering most of their distribution. Microsatellite analysis revealed high genetic diversity in Pmucrosquamatus. Bayesian clustering of population assignment identified two major clusters for all populations, somewhat inconsistent with the mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of Pmucrosquamatus reported in previous research. Analyses based on 92 sex‐determined and 37 samples of Pmucrosquamatus from three small sites in Sichuan, China (Mingshan, Yibin, and Zizhong) consistently suggested female‐biased dispersal in Pmucrosquamatus, which is the first example of this pattern in snakes. The female‐biased dispersal patterns in Pmucrosquamatus may be explained by local resource competition.  相似文献   

Dispersal is an important aspect in organism's life history which could influence the rate and outcome of evolution of organism. Plateau pika is the keystone species in community of grasslands in Tibetan Plateau. In this study, we combine genetic and field data to character the population genetic pattern and dispersal dynamics in plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae). Totally, 1,352 individual samples were collected, and 10 microsatellite loci were analyzed. Results revealed that plateau pika possessed high genetic diversity and inbreeding coefficient in a fine‐scale population. Dispersal distance is short and restricted in about 20 m. An effective sex‐biased dispersal strategy is employed by plateau pika: males disperse in breeding period for mating while females do it after reproduction for offspring and resource. Inbreeding avoiding was shown as the common driving force of dispersal, together with the other two factors, environment and resource. In addition, natal dispersal is female biased. More detailed genetic analyzes are needed to confirm the role of inbreeding avoidance and resource competition as ultimate cause of dispersal patterns in plateau pika.  相似文献   

Natal sex‐biased dispersal has long been thought to reduce the risk of inbreeding by spatially separating opposite‐sexed kin. Yet, comprehensive and quantitative evaluations of this hypothesis are lacking. In this study, we quantified the effectiveness of sex‐biased dispersal as an inbreeding avoidance strategy by combining spatially explicit simulations and empirical data. We quantified the extent of kin clustering by measuring the degree of spatial autocorrelation among opposite‐sexed individuals (FM structure). This allowed us to systematically explore how the extent of sex‐biased dispersal, generational overlap, and mate searching distance, influenced both kin clustering, and the resulting inbreeding in the absence of complementary inbreeding avoidance strategies. Simulations revealed that when sex‐biased dispersal was limited, positive FM genetic structure developed quickly and increased as the mate searching distance decreased or as generational overlap increased. Interestingly, complete long‐range sex‐biased dispersal did not prevent the development of FM genetic structure when generations overlapped. We found a very strong correlation between FM genetic structure and both FIS under random mating, and pedigree‐based measures of inbreeding. Thus, we show that the detection of FM genetic structure can be a strong indicator of inbreeding risk. Empirical data for two species with different life history strategies yielded patterns congruent with our simulations. Our study illustrates a new application of spatial genetic autocorrelation analysis that offers a framework for quantifying the risk of inbreeding that is easily extendable to other species. Furthermore, our findings provide other researchers with a context for interpreting observed patterns of opposite‐sexed spatial genetic structure.  相似文献   

Two sites from the East Asian steppe, the Mu Us Sandland as a regional case and the Anguli Nuur catchment as a local one, were chosen to detect roles of vegetation, climate, landform, and human disturbance on pollen dispersal. 1) Vegetation: The semi-arid steppe vegetation is characterized by Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae pollen under various vegetation conditions; however, no evident correlation between pollen percentages and corresponding plant species cover is found. 2) Climate: Samples under different Mean Annual Precipitations (MAPs) clearly distinguish themselves in the Mu Us Sandland, implying MAP-determined surface pollen spectra in regional scale. 3) Landform: Surface pollen assemblages in the azonal psammophytic vegetation and lowland meadow, show insignificant variance from the zonal steppe vegetation. The azonal halophilous vegetation, mostly distributed in the lowland or near the lake shore, leads to higher than average percentages of Chenopodiaceae pollen. Signal of exotic Pinus pollen is also strengthened in the lowland and lake sediment. 4) Human disturbance: The role of human disturbance on surface pollen assemblages is weak, as shown in the Mu Us Sandland.

This study also provides theoretical bases for quantitative reconstructions of palaeoclimate and palaeovegetation based on fossil pollen spectra from lake sediments and lowland soils in the semi-arid East Asian steppe. We suggest that calibration against locally dispersed pollen taxa is necessary to reliably reconstruct changes in vegetation pattern through time, for example, a factor of 1.75 for the widely used A/C (Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae) ratio is suggested according to the pollen assemblages in the surface layers of the lake sediment vs. slope soil in Anguli Nuur. However, uncertainties also exist for such calibration considering the dynamics of local-scale azonal vegetation.  相似文献   

Western black‐and‐white colobus and Temmink's red colobus are two forest‐dependent African primates with similar ecological requirements, often found in sympatry. Their most striking difference lies in their social system: black‐and‐white colobus live in small groups with mainly male‐mediated dispersal but where females can also disperse, whereas red colobus live in larger groups with males described as philopatric. To investigate whether genetic evidence supports the reported patterns of dispersal based on observational data, we examined eight black‐and‐white and six red colobus social groups from Cantanhez National Park, Guinea‐Bissau. Microsatellite markers revealed a lack of sex‐biased dispersal for black‐and‐white colobus. Gene flow, mainly mediated by females, better explained the genetic patterns found in red colobus, with some evidence for less extensive male dispersal. In contrast to the microsatellite data, low mitochondrial diversity for the black‐and‐white colobus suggests that historical and/or long‐range male‐mediated gene flow might have been favored. In red colobus, the co‐existence of three divergent mitochondrial haplogroups suggests that the Cantanhez population contains a secondary contact zone between divergent lineages that evolved in allopatry. Female‐biased dispersal in this species may be a major factor contributing to the colonization by such differentiated mitochondrial lineages in the region. Overall, we find evidence for a spatio‐temporal change in the dispersal patterns of the colobus monkeys of Cantanhez, with mitochondrial DNA indicating dispersal by mainly a single sex and microsatellite data suggesting that recently both sexes appear to be dispersing within the population. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract The knowledge of dispersal is essential to understand the ecology of any species, since population dynamics, spatial distribution and genetic structure are closely tied to patterns of movement. In this paper we estimate dispersal patterns in natural populations of the endangered snake Boa constrictor occidentalis (Serpentes, Boidae), using allozymes as genetic markers. Blood samples were obtained from a total of 120 adult individuals of nine localities from two areas, Sobremonte and Pocho, in Argentina. Only four out of a total of 24 loci were polymorphic: 6‐Pgdh‐1, Cat‐1, Ldh and Hp. The values of expected and observed mean heterozygosities, the percentage of polymorphic loci and mean number of alleles per locus for each population confirm the low levels of genetic variability in this snake. FST and Nem mean values were 0.0089 and 46.1 for Sobremonte and 0.0379 and 7.46 for Pocho, indicating important levels of gene flow. A comparison of FST between genders in both areas suggests a male‐biased dispersal, which could be explained by the characteristics of the mating system: males carry out an active mate search of receptive females, and philopatry could be selected in females due to the benefits of the familiarity with the natal area in the use of local resources.  相似文献   

Sex‐biased dispersal has profound impacts on a species' biology and several factors have been attributed to its evolution, including mating system, inbreeding avoidance, and social complexity. Sex‐biased dispersal and its potential link to individual social interactions were examined in the Qinghai toad‐headed agamid (Phrynocephalus vlangalii). We first determined the pattern of sex‐biased dispersal using population genetic methods. A total of 345 specimens from 32 sites in the Qaidam Basin were collected and genotyped for nine microsatellite DNA loci. Both individual‐based assignment tests and allele frequency‐based analyses were conducted. Females revealed much more genetic structure than males and all results were consistent with male‐biased dispersal. First‐generation migrants were also identified by genetic data. We then examined eight social interaction‐related morphological traits and explored their potential link to sex‐biased dispersal. Female residents had larger heads and longer tails than female migrants. The well‐developed signal system among females, coupled with viviparity, might make remaining on natal sites beneficial, and hence promote female philopatry. Dominant females with larger heads were more likely to stay. Contrary to females, male migrants had larger heads and belly patches than residents, suggesting that dispersal might confer selective advantages for males. Such advantages may include opportunities for multiple mating and escaping from crowded sites. Large belly patches and several other morphological traits may assist their success in obtaining mates during dispersal. Furthermore, a relatively high relatedness (R = 0.06) among females suggested that this species might have rudimentary social structure. Case studies in “less” social species may provide important evidence for a better understanding of sex‐biased dispersal.  相似文献   

Studying the current distribution of genetic diversity in humans has important implications for our understanding of the history of our species. We analyzed a set of linked STR and SNP loci from the paternally inherited Y chromosome to infer the past demography of 55 African and Eurasian populations, using both the parametric and nonparametric coalescent‐based methods implemented in the BEAST application. We inferred expansion events in most sedentary farmer populations, while we found constant effective population sizes for both nomadic hunter‐gatherers and seminomadic herders. Our results differed, on several aspects, from previous results on mtDNA and autosomal markers. First, we found more recent expansion patterns in Eurasia than in Africa. This discrepancy, substantially stronger than the ones found with the other kind of markers, may result from a lower effective population size for men, which might have made male‐transmitted markers more sensitive to the out‐of‐Africa bottleneck. Second, we found expansion signals only for sedentary farmers but not for nomadic herders in Central Asia, while these signals were found for both kind of populations in this area when using mtDNA or autosomal markers. Expansion signals in this area may result from spatial expansion processes and may have been erased for the Y chromosome among the herders because of restricted male gene flow. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:217–225, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Gene flow, maintained through natal dispersal and subsequent mating events, is one of the most important processes in both ecology and population genetics. Among mammalian populations, gene flow is strongly affected by a variety of factors, including the species’ ability to disperse, and the composition of the environment which can limit dispersal. Information on dispersal patterns is thus crucial both for conservation management and for understanding the social system of a species. We used 16 polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci in addition to mitochondrial DNA sequences (1.61 kbp) to analyse the population structure and the sex‐specific pattern of natal dispersal in the frog‐eating fringe‐lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus, in Central Panama. Our study revealed that—unlike most of the few other investigated Neotropical bats—gene flow in this species is mostly male‐mediated. Nevertheless, distinct genetic clusters occur in both sexes. In particular, the presence of genetic differentiation in the dataset only consisting of the dispersing sex (males) indicates that gene flow is impeded within our study area. Our data are in line with the Panama Canal in connection with the widening of the Río Chagres during the canal construction acting as a recent barrier to gene flow. The sensitivity of T. cirrhosus to human‐induced habitat modifications is further indicated by an extremely low capture success in highly fragmented areas. Taken together, our genetic and capture data provide evidence for this species to be classified as less mobile and thus vulnerable to habitat change, information that is important for conservation management.  相似文献   

The relative rate of evolution for sex‐biased genes has often been used as a measure of the strength of sex‐specific selection. In contrast to studies in a wide variety of animals, far less is known about the molecular evolution of sex‐biased genes in plants, particularly in dioecious angiosperms. Here, we investigate the gene expression patterns and evolution of sex‐biased genes in the dioecious plant Salix viminalis. We observe lower rates of sequence evolution for male‐biased genes expressed in the reproductive tissue compared to unbiased and female‐biased genes. These results could be partially explained by the lower codon usage bias for male‐biased genes leading to elevated rates of synonymous substitutions compared to unbiased genes. However, the stronger haploid selection in the reproductive tissue of plants, together with pollen competition, would also lead to higher levels of purifying selection acting to remove deleterious variation. Future work should focus on the differential evolution of haploid‐ and diploid‐specific genes to understand the selective dynamics acting on these loci.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal has major consequences for the dynamics and genetic structure of populations. Female‐biased natal dispersal, otherwise the norm in birds, is overridden when the place to move is limited, as on isolated islands. This effect was confirmed for the fist time in a European study system, the Common Blackbird breeding on Heligoland Island. Spatially restricted and sexually uniform natal dispersal may be a prerequisite for successful establishment of populations on remote islands or isolated habitat fragments, and this could play a major role in speciation processes.  相似文献   

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