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In the world of higher education, one of the struggles instructors face in the classroom is engaging students in the material. A second discussion in higher education pedagogy is how to weigh content versus activity in the science classroom. How should college teaching be set up when students now have every fact ever found at their fingertips on a device no larger than a half sandwich? What is the correct balance in the classroom between content/ knowledge and activity? As instructors grapple with these questions, a new type of learning experience called the Course Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) has been developed, whereby students engage in an authentic research question in a classroom and laboratory setting. CUREs have been shown to be effective learning experiences for students but can be difficult to implement. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a versatile and easy to use organism in the classroom that can be used for a wide variety of classroom activities. Described herein are a number of ways an instructor can use yeast in the classroom for authentic research experiences, especially focused towards a CURE.  相似文献   

Tropical biologists are exploring ways to expand their role as researchers through knowledge exchange with local stakeholders. Graduate students are well positioned for this broader role, particularly when supported by graduate programs. We ask: (1) how can graduate students effectively engage in knowledge exchange during their research; and (2) how can university programs prepare young scientists to take on this partnership role? We present a conceptual framework with three levels at which graduate students can exchange knowledge with stakeholders (information sharing, skill building, and knowledge generation) and discuss limitations of each. Examples of these strategies included disseminating preliminary research results to southern African villages, building research skills of Brazilian undergraduate students through semester‐long internships, and jointly developing and implementing a forest ecology research and training program with one community in the Amazon estuary. Students chose strategies based on stakeholders' interests, research goals, and a realistic evaluation of student capacity and skill set. As strategies became more complex, time invested, skills mobilized, and strength of relationships between students and stakeholders increased. Graduate programs can prepare students for knowledge exchange with partners by developing specialized skills training, nurturing external networks, offering funding, maximizing strengths of universities in developed and developing regions through partnership, and evaluating knowledge exchange experiences. While balancing the needs of academia with those of stakeholders is challenging, the benefits of enhancing local scientific capacity and generating more locally relevant research for improved conservation may be worth the risks associated with implementing this type of graduate training model.  相似文献   

Citizen science (CS) has evolved over the past decades as a working method involving interested citizens in scientific research, for example by reporting observations, taking measurements or analysing data. In the past, research on animal behaviour has been benefitting from contributions of citizen scientists mainly in the field of ornithology but the full potential of CS in ecological and behavioural sciences is surely still untapped. Here, we present case studies that successfully applied CS to research projects in wildlife biology and discuss potentials and challenges experienced. Our case studies cover a broad range of opportunities: large‐scale CS projects with interactive online tools on bird song dialects, engagement of stakeholders as citizen scientists to reduce human–wildlife conflicts, involvement of students of primary and secondary schools in CS projects as well as collaboration with the media leading to successful recruitment of citizen scientists. Each case study provides a short overview of the scientific questions and how they were approached to showcase the potentials and challenges of CS in wildlife biology. Based on the experience of the case studies, we highlight how CS may support research in wildlife biology and emphasise the value of fostering communication in CS to improve recruitment of participants and to facilitate learning and mutual trust among different groups of interest (e.g., researchers, stakeholders, students). We further show how specific training for the participants may be needed to obtain reliable data. We consider CS as a suitable tool to enhance research in wildlife biology through the application of open science procedures (i.e., open access to articles and the data on publicly available repositories) to support transparency and sharing experiences.  相似文献   

The Biomolecular Research Center at Boise State University is a research core facility that supports the study of biomolecules with an emphasis on protein structure and function, molecular interactions, and imaging. The mission of the core is to facilitate access to instrumentation that might otherwise be unavailable because of the cost, training for new users, and scientific staff with specialized skills to support early-stage investigators, as well as more established senior investigators. Data collection and management of users and their research output is essential to understand the impact of the center on the research environment and research productivity. However, challenges are often encountered when trying to fully quantify the impact of a core facility on the institution, as well as on the career success of individual investigators. This challenge can be exacerbated under the conditions of unprecedented growth in biomedical research and shared core facility use that has been experienced at Boise State University, an institution of emerging research excellence. Responding to these challenges required new approaches to information management, reporting, assessment, and evaluation. Our specific data management, evaluation, and assessment challenges included 1) collection and management of annual reporting information from investigators, staff, and students in a streamlined manner that did not lead to reporting fatigue; 2) application of software for analyzing synergy among programs’ management strategy and investigator success; and 3) consolidation of core facility management, billing, and reporting capabilities into 1 cohesive system. The data management tools adopted had a beneficial effect by saving time, reducing administrative burden, and streamlining reporting. Practices implemented for data management have facilitated effective evaluation and future program planning. The substantial burden of assessment requirements necessitates early consideration of a strategy for data management to allow assessment of impact.  相似文献   

An important part of training the next generation of physicians is ensuring that they are exposed to the integral role that research plays in improving medical treatment. However, medical students often do not have sufficient time to be trained to carry out any projects in biomedical and clinical research. Many medical students also fail to understand and grasp translational research as an important concept today. In addition, since medical training is often an international affair whereby a medical student/resident/fellow will likely train in many different countries during his/her early training years, it is important to provide a learning environment whereby a young medical student experiences the unique challenges and value of an international educational experience. This article describes a program that bridges the gap between the basic and clinical research concepts in a unique international educational experience. After completing two semester curricula at Alfaisal University in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, six medical students undertook a summer program at St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre, in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. The program lasted for 2 mo and addressed advanced training in basic science research topics in medicine such as cell isolation, functional assessment, and molecular techniques of analysis and manipulation as well as sessions on the conduct of clinical research trials, ethics, and intellectual property management. Programs such as these are essential to provide a base from which medical students can decide if research is an attractive career choice for them during their clinical practice in subsequent years. An innovative international summer research course for medical students is necessary to cater to the needs of the medical students in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Teaching ecology effectively and experientially has become more challenging for at least two reasons today. Most experiences of our students are urban, and we now face the near immediate and continuing need to deliver courses (either partially or wholly) online because of COVID‐19. Therefore, providing a learning experience that connects students to their environment within an ecological framework remains crucial and perhaps therapeutic to mental health. Here, we describe how prior to the pandemic we adapted our field‐based laboratories to include data collection, analysis, and interpretation, along with the development of a citizen‐science approach for online delivery. This design is simple to implement, does not require extensive work, and maintains the veracity of original learning outcomes. Collaboration online following field data collection in ecology courses within the context of cities offers further options to adapt to student experience levels, resource availability, and accessibility, as well as bringing instructors and students together to build an open well‐curated data set that can be used in ecology courses where no laboratories are available. Finally, it promotes an open collaboration among ecology instructors that can drive lasting conversations about ecology curriculum.  相似文献   

Recent science education reform has led to an increased emphasis on engaging students in inquiry and science practices rather than having them simply memorize scientific facts. However, many teachers of elementary science may themselves have had more traditional science learning experiences, and may therefore be unsure about inquiry-based teaching methods. One way to enhance preservice teachers' comfort with and desire to teach science using a hands-on approach might be to engage them in science learning experiences alongside children during their educator preparation program. The purpose of this article is to share how one faculty member and a cooperating teacher from a partner school involve teacher candidates in working with children in the school's garden, allowing them to personally experience inquiry while witnessing firsthand the potential benefits to children of authentic science learning through garden based activities.  相似文献   

The COVID‐19 global pandemic caused instructors to pivot to remote and online teaching, an especially challenging task in hands‐on classes such as invertebrate biology. In this special 25th anniversary issue of Invertebrate Biology, the authors present a variety of clever and effective ways to help invertebrate biology instructors adapt to teaching in an online environment. Student‐centered research and learning are essential in all biology classes, and we explore scientific writing, field trips, do‐it‐yourself laboratories, and more. These techniques will be useful for classes of varying sizes and types, from non‐major undergraduates to graduate students, even after the pandemic is over. Innovation for teaching invertebrate biology online may help facilitate more inclusive courses that serve diverse students more equitably. Ideas for how to best move traditionally hands‐on laboratories into online or remote formats are currently also being informally discussed in a collaborative online space for instructors.  相似文献   


Experimental courses for undergraduate students majoring in biochemistry or related subjects often do not provide students with systematic and research-based experiences. To help students develop abilities related to laboratory techniques, data analysis, and systematic thought in biology, we performed an exploratory program that employs project-based learning in collaborative groups. The participants (total of 18 students) organized themselves into groups of 2–4 students, and each group researched an enzyme that had not been described previously. The program began with a literature survey of enzyme and bioinformatics analysis. The students cloned the gene encoding the enzyme, purified the enzyme, and, finally, analyzed the enzyme’s catalytic characteristics. The students explained the catalytic mechanism, integrating their experimental data and other knowledge. An instructor provided support and training during the process to support effective teamwork and to cultivate a habit of independence that is believed to be useful for the students’ future careers. The assessment showed that the pilot program yielded an improvement in the participant’ laboratory skills, scientific presentation ability, and experimental design ability. These analyses indicated that the small-scale practice in this study provided benefits to the students and the methods may be popularized to a large extent.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of understanding how the human reproductive system works, adolescents worldwide exhibit weak conceptual understanding, which leads to serious risks, such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Studies focusing on the development and evaluation of inquiry-based learning interventions, promoting the knowledge of human reproduction, are very few. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an inquiry-based intervention on human reproduction in relation to students’ gender, prior knowledge and motivation for learning in biology. Data collection methods included students’ pre- and post-tests, evaluating students’ conceptual understanding regarding human reproduction, and measurements of students’ motivation employing the Motivational Learning Environment survey. The sample for the pre- and post-test conceptual understanding data included the whole population of the 7th graders in Cyprus (n = 6465). Students’ motivation data were collected from a representative sample of the entire 7th graders population (n = 946 students). Statistical analyses indicated a statistically significant increase in students’ conceptual understanding as well as in their motivation for learning in biology. However, students’ gender, prior knowledge and initial motivation for learning in biology seemed to mediate the effectiveness of the inquiry-based intervention. All of these variables are deemed, therefore, as of great importance for the design, implementation and evaluation of biology teaching interventions.  相似文献   

The essence of learning is change; learning is the process by which learners customize new information to make it personally meaningful and relevant. Training is the process of helping students make those changes. Research indicates that adults learn differently than children or adolescents and that adults consistently use the following six learning strategies: prior experiences; conversations; metacognition; reflection; authentic experiences; and images, pictures, or other types of visuals. Each of these learning strategies can be combined with the other strategies and often build upon each other. A recent study on how health care professionals learn indicated that the learning strategy they used most often was reflection, which supports learning before, during, and after training. Numerous examples are provided in this article describing how to integrate each of the six adult learning strategies into laboratory animal science training. While lectures and other types of direct instruction are appropriate, they are inadequate and ineffective unless they are integrated with and support adult learning strategies. Both the US Department of Agriculture regulations and the Public Health Service Policy mandate that research institutions must ensure that all personnel involved in animal care, treatment, or use are qualified to perform their duties. Applying adult learning strategies to training for the laboratory animal science community will enhance learning and improve both the science and the humane care of the animals, which is a goal our community must continuously strive to achieve.  相似文献   

Session rating of perceived exertion (SRPE) permits global effort estimations after an exercise bout and has shown promise for evaluating training load. However, factors mediating SRPE are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to compare SRPE between cycling and treadmill exercise at low and moderate intensities. In a counterbalanced order, male subjects (n = 7) completed a VO2max trial on a cycle ergometer and a motor-driven treadmill. Then, participants completed trials at 50 and 75% mode-specific VO2max on a cycle ergometer (BK75, BK50) and a treadmill (TM75, TM50) to achieve ~ 400-kcal energy expenditure per trial. Acute RPE (i.e., during exercise) at 5 minutes, midway, and test termination were recorded with SRPE (20-minutes postexercise) expressed as overall (SRPEO), legs (SRPEL), and breathing also recorded were heart rate (HR) and change in rectal temperature (ΔTrec). Significance was accepted at p ≤ 0.05. Repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed significantly greater SRPE for higher intensities within each mode. Crossmodal comparisons also show a higher SRPE at moderate (75% VO2max) intensities [SRPEO] = BK75: 7.6 ± 1.0, TM75: 6.9 ± 1.3) vs. lower (50% VO2max) intensities (BK50: 4.6 ± 1.4, TM50: 4.6 ± 1.1). Within modes, SRPE corresponded well with ΔTrec and HR. Acute RPE was linked with intensity and drifted upward across time. Results indicated that overall and differentiated SRPEs are magnified with exercise intensity with the corresponding disruption in internal environment potentially mediating subjective responses. From a practical application standpoint, SRPE provides a subjective assessment for immediate evaluation of daily training. Results indicate that, when using SRPE to monitor training, consideration should be given to responses across differing exercise modes.  相似文献   

Increasingly, US‐sponsored research is carried out in developing countries, but how US Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) approach the challenges they then face is unclear. METHODS: I conducted in‐depth interviews of about 2 hours each, with 46 IRB chairs, directors, administrators and members. I contacted the leadership of 60 IRBs in the United States (US) (every fourth one in the list of the top 240 institutions by National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding), and interviewed IRB leaders from 34 (55%). RESULTS: US IRBs face ethical and logistical challenges in interpreting and applying principles and regulations in developing countries, given economic and health disparities, and limited contextual knowledge. These IRBs perceive wide variations in developing world IRBs/RECs' quality, resources and training; and health systems in some countries may have long‐standing practices of corruption. These US IRBs often know little of local contexts, regulations and standards of care, and struggle with understandings of other cultures' differing views of autonomy, and risks and benefits of daily life. US IRBs thus face difficult decisions, including how to interpret principles, how much to pay subjects and how much sustainability to require from researchers. IRB responses and solutions include trying to maintain higher standards for developing world research, obtain cultural expertise, build IRB infrastructure abroad, communicate with foreign IRBs, and ‘negotiate’ for maximum benefits for participants and fearing ‘worst‐case scenarios’. CONCLUSIONS: US and foreign IRBs confront a series of tensions and dilemmas in reviewing developing world research. These data have important implications for increased education of IRBs/RECs and researchers in the US and abroad, and for research and practice.  相似文献   


This article explores the nexus between arts-based research, theory, practice, and policy. It does so through reference to a longitudinal study of ArtPlay, a unique Australian community arts center that offers artist-led workshops involving young people aged 3–13 years. The ethnographic and action research study investigated how children responded to ArtPlay workshops (engagement), how they benefited from such experiences (learning), and what broader encounters with culture and community were evident (cultural citizenship). Over a 4-year period (2007–2012), data collected included dual researcher observations of 39 workshops (100+ hours), interviews with artists, ArtPlay staff, teachers, and other stakeholders (60+ hours), family surveys (350+ returns), demographic mapping of families, family focus groups, and meeting notes. Through deep immersion in the site, the researchers, experienced in diverse art forms, collaborated with the organization to theorize how constructs such as engagement, learning, and cultural citizenship are interpreted and translate into practice. The research indicates that ArtPlay offers children engaging encounters with the arts that promote intrinsic learning. With reference to these findings, and relevant policy and theory, this article discusses the impact of participatory research on an organization's capacity to interpret and respond to the interests and needs of children and artists.  相似文献   

The study of ecosystem processes over multiple scales of space and time is often best achieved using comparable data from multiple sites. Yet, long‐term ecological observatories have often developed their own data collection protocols. Here, we address this problem by proposing a set of ecological protocols suitable for widespread adoption by the ecological community. Scientists from the European ecological research community prioritized terrestrial ecosystem parameters that could benefit from a more consistent approach to data collection within the resources available at most long‐term ecological observatories. Parameters for which standard methods are in widespread use, or for which methods are evolving rapidly, were not selected. Protocols were developed by domain experts, building on existing methods where possible, and refined through a process of field testing and training. They address above‐ground plant biomass; decomposition; land use and management; leaf area index; soil mesofaunal diversity; soil C and N stocks, and greenhouse gas emissions from soils. These complement existing methods to provide a complete assessment of ecological integrity. These protocols offer integrated approaches to ecological data collection that are low cost and are starting to be used across the European Long Term Ecological Research community.  相似文献   

Women's lives and sex: Implications for AIDS prevention   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Preliminary findings from the Women and AIDS program, a research grants program of the International Center for Research on Women in Washington, D.C. that supports 17 studies in developing countries worldwide, provide a glimpse into the complex interaction between women's social and economic status and risk of HIV infection. In many settings, the cultural norms that demand sexual fidelity and docile and acquiescent sexual behavior among women permit — and sometimes even encourage —early sexual experimentation, multiple partnerships, and aggressive and dominating sexual behavior among men. Drawing upon the findings from the program, the paper analyzes how such cultural norms, together with women's social and economic dependency, can limit a woman's ability to negotiate safer sex with her partner; restrict her access to information and knowledge about her body; force her to sometimes barter sex for survival; increase her vulnerability to physical violence in sexual interaction; and compromise her self-esteem. The findings highlight the limitations of the current HIV/AIDS prevention strategy for reducing women's risk of HIV, and underline the urgency for an approach to prevention that is grounded in the realities of women's lives and sexual experiences — an approach that recognizes the relationship between the dynamics of gender relations, sexual behavior, and HIV risk.  相似文献   

Research on how people learn shows that teaching using active learning is more effective than just lecturing. We outline four concrete ways instructors can begin to apply active learning in their teaching: backward instruction design; expecting students to learn more than facts; posing “messy” problems for students to solve; and expecting students to talk, write, and collaborate. Each tactic is supported with references demonstrating its efficacy and advice and links to resources for getting started with active learning.  相似文献   

Objective: To model how consuming a low‐carbohydrate (LC) diet influences food intake and body weight. Research Methods and Procedures: Food intake and body weight were monitored in rats with access to chow (CH), LC‐high‐fat (HF), or HF diets. After 8 weeks, rats received intracerebroventricular injections of a melanocortin agonist (melanotan‐II) and antagonist (SHU9119), and feeding responses were measured. At sacrifice, plasma hormones and hypothalamic expression of mRNA for proopiomelanocortin (POMC), melanocortin‐4 receptor, neuropeptide Y (NPY), and agouti related protein (AgRP) were assessed. A second set of rats had access to diet (chow or LC‐HF) for 4 weeks followed by 24 h food deprivation on two occasions, after which food intake and hypothalamic POMC, NPY, and AgRP mRNA expression were measured. Results: HF rats consumed more food and gained more weight than rats on CH or LC‐HF diets. Despite similar intakes and weight gains, LC‐HF rats had increased adiposity relative to CH rats. LC‐HF rats were more sensitive to melanotan‐II and less sensitive to SHU9119. LC‐HF rats had increased plasma leptin and ghrelin levels and decreased insulin levels, and patterns of NPY and POMC mRNA expression were consistent with those of food‐deprived rats. LC‐HF rats did not show rebound hyperphagia after food deprivation, and levels NPY, POMC, and AgRP mRNA expression were not affected by deprivation. Discussion: Our results demonstrate that an LC diet influences multiple systems involved in the controls of food intake and body weight. These data also suggest that maintenance on an LC‐HF diet affects food intake by reducing compensatory responses to food deprivation.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for control by repression by an extracellular substance is developed, including diffusion and time delays. The model examines how active transport of a nutrient can produce either oscillatory or stable responses depending on a variety of parameters, such as diffusivity, cell size, or nutrient concentration. The system of equations for the mathematical model is reduced to a system of delay differential equations and linear Volterra equations. After linearizing these equations and forming the limiting Volterra equations, the resulting linear system no longer has any spatial dependence. Local stability analysis of the radially symmetric model shows that the system of equations can undergo Hopf bifurcations for certain parameter values, while other ranges of the parameters guarantee asymptotic stability. One numerical study shows that the model can exhibit intracellular biochemical oscillations with increasing extracellular concentrations of the nutrient, which suggests a possible trigger mechanism for morphogenesis.The work of this author was supported in part by NSF grants DMS-8603787 and DMS-8807360The work of this author was supported under the REU program of NSF by grant DMS-8807360The work of this author was supported under the REU program of NSF by grant DMS-8807360  相似文献   

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