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Associations of percent live sperm, sperm number, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and potential breeding efficiency score with scrotal circumference were studied using data from the records of 465 Polled Hereford and 264 Simmental bulls. Data were subdivided by breed and within breed into three groups according to scrotal circumference (SC) size. Group I bulls had SC measurements <32 cm. Group II included bulls with SC measurements between 32 cm and the mean measurement of the breed (i.e., 35 cm for Polled Hereford and 38 cm for Simmentals). Group III was comprised of bulls with SC values above their respective breed averages. Age and body weight differences were also evaluated in the three groups. Average age differences among bulls in the three groups differed by not more than nine days in the two breeds. Average body weight differences among the three groups were statistically significant (P<0.05) with the maximum difference between any two groups within breed being 80 pounds. Average differences in percent live sperm and sperm number were greater (P<0.05) in Groups II and III than in Group I. For sperm concentration ratings, sperm motility ratings and potential breeding efficiency score, and for both breeds, Group I had a significantly lower (P<0.05) number of bulls classified satisfactory and a significantly greater (P<0.05) number of bulls classified unsatisfactory than did groups II and III.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of induced testicular degeneration in Bos taurus indicus (Nellore) bulls on changes in seminal characteristics and fertilizing ability of sperm. Four Nellore bulls (30–36-month-old, 500–550 kg) with good seminal quality (>80% motile and morphologically normal sperm) had scrotal insulation applied for 5 d. Semen was collected by electroejaculation and cryopreserved at the pre-insulation moment, and 7, 14, and 21 d after insulation was removed. Gross motility, vigor of sperm movement (1–5), acrosome integrity, sperm morphology (phase-contrast microscopy), nuclear vacuoles and abnormal chromatin (Feulgen-stain) were determined after sperm preparations for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Prior to IVF, sperm were separated using a Percoll gradient (45% and 90%). Normal sperm decreased (P < 0.05) 14 and 21 d after insulation was removed. On 14 and 21 d, the incidence of head defects (9.7 ± 0.6 and 17.0 ± 0.8, respectively; mean ± S.E.M.) was higher (P < 0.05) in agreement with the incidence of nuclear vacuoles (14.0 ± 5.0 and 12.3 ± 2.3) and abnormal chromatin (24.4 ± 7.2 and 30.8 ± 2.8). Although the frequency of cleaved oocytes decreased only on 21 d (P < 0.05), blastocyst rates were lower (P < 0.05) than pre-insulation on 14 and 21 d. In regression analyses, only nuclear vacuoles, head defects and intact acrosome accounted for differences in cleavage (R2 = 0.38, 0.48, and 0.30, respectively) and blastocyst rates (R2 = 0.35, 0.37, and 0.44). Abnormal chromatin was associated only with blastocyst rates (R2 = 0.35). In conclusion, blastocyst rate was more sensitive than cleavage rate and the assessment of nuclear integrity is recommended to predict the fertilizing ability of bull sperm.  相似文献   

In the study, the combination of protein fractionation by 1DE and HPLC‐ESI‐MS/MS was used to characterize the rainbow trout seminal plasma proteome. Our results led to the creation of a catalogue of rainbow trout seminal plasma proteins (152 proteins) and significantly contributed to the current knowledge regarding the protein composition of fish seminal plasma. The major proteins of rainbow trout seminal plasma, such as transferrin, apolipoproteins, complement C3, serum albumin, and hemopexin‐, alpha‐1‐antiproteinase‐, and precerebellin‐like protein, were recognized as acute‐phase proteins (proteins that plasma concentration changes in response to inflammation). This study provides the basis for further functional studies of fish seminal plasma proteins, as well as for the identification of novel biomarkers for sperm quality. The MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000306 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD000306 ).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the protein profiles of seminal plasma in buffalo bulls and to examine their correlation with semen characteristics. Semen of 10 buffalo bulls were collected by a bovine artificial vagina. Semen characteristics (motility, morphology, viability and concentration) were recorded. A part of the semen sample (1 ml) was diluted by tris-egg yolk-glycerol extender, packed in French straws and was frozen in liquid nitrogen. The straws were later thawed and semen characteristics were compared with those of the fresh semen. Seminal plasma was harvested by centrifugation; treated with cold ethanol and then, underwent SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Twenty five protein bands were identified on the gel, of which those of <35.5 kDa were prominent (72% of the bands). Of these protein fractions, 24.5 kDa was significantly correlated with sperm progressive motility in fresh and viability in frozen-thawed semen while 45 kDa bands were correlated with abnormal morphology in frozen-thawed semen; 55 kDa protein fractions were correlated with sperm viability of fresh semen. Progressive motility, viability and abnormal sperm morphology of frozen-thawed semen were highly correlated with these parameters in the fresh semen. In conclusion, seminal plasma protein fractions in buffalo bulls are similar to those reported in other animal species and have some correlations with semen characteristics before and after freezing.  相似文献   

Growth and productivity of rice (Oryza sativa L.) are severely affected by salinity. Understanding the mechanisms that protect rice and other important cereal crops from salt stress will help in the development of salt‐stress‐tolerant strains. In this study, rice seedlings of the same genetic species with various salt tolerances were studied. We first used 2DE to resolve the expressed proteome in rice roots and leaves and then used nanospray liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry to identify the differentially expressed proteins in rice seedlings after salt treatment. The 2DE assays revealed that there were 104 differentially expressed protein spots in rice roots and 59 in leaves. Then, we identified 83 proteins in rice roots and 61 proteins in rice leaves by MS analysis. Functional classification analysis revealed that the differentially expressed proteins from roots could be classified into 18 functional categories while those from leaves could be classified into 11 functional categories. The proteins from rice seedlings that most significantly contributed to a protective effect against increased salinity were cysteine synthase, adenosine triphosphate synthase, quercetin 3‐O‐methyltransferase 1, and lipoxygenase 2. Further analysis demonstrated that the primary mechanisms underlying the ability of rice seedlings to tolerate salt stress were glycolysis, purine metabolism, and photosynthesis. Thus, we suggest that differentially expressed proteins may serve as marker group for the salt tolerance of rice.  相似文献   

Removing most of the seminal plasma (SP) from stallion semen has been shown to improve survival during cooled storage, yet adding small quantities of SP may improve pregnancy rates or cryosurvival. Furthermore, there is considerable controversy about whether the stallion's own SP or heterologous SP produces the best effect, possibly because of the variation between stallions in SP proteins or because some homologous SP remained in the sperm preparation. The SP is removed completely from stallion spermatozoa prepared by colloid centrifugation. Thus, the aim of the present study was (1) to investigate the effect of adding back SP to colloid centrifuged spermatozoa to determine its effect on spermatozoa; and (2) to investigate whether the stallion's own SP had a greater or lesser effect than heterologous SP. Conventional semen doses were sent from a stud overnight to the laboratory using standard transport conditions. Once at the laboratory, the semen samples were used for single layer centrifugation with Androcoll-E, and the resulting sperm preparations were treated with heterologous SP. Adding SP had a small but significant effect on sperm motility but no effect on the proportion of spermatozoa that had acrosome reacted. There were significant increases in hydrogen peroxide production and chromatin damage (P < 0.001). When homologous and heterologous SP were compared, considerable variation was observed between stallions, so that it was not possible to predict whether homologous or heterologous SP, or no SP, will produce the best motility for spermatozoa from any given stallion. Therefore, it is necessary to test different combinations of spermatozoa and SP to find the optimal effect on motility. The SP from most stallions increased reactive oxygen species and chromatin damage. In conclusion, the interaction between SP and spermatozoa depends on the origin of both SP and spermatozoa. If it is desirable to add SP to stallion sperm samples, it should be done directly before insemination rather than before storage, because of increased hydrogen peroxide production and sperm chromatin damage.  相似文献   

Eight young reproductively normal Brahman bulls (average age and bodyweight 20 months and 500 kg, respectively) received either cottonseed meal delivering 8.2 g free gossypol/bull/d (treatment group, n=4) or soybean meal (control group, n=4) for 12 wk. After adjustment (1 wk), weekly procedures (11 wk) included blood collection, scrotal circumference measurement and electroejaculation. Semen assessments included sperm motility, percentage of live spermatozoa, general sperm morphology (using brightfield microscopy), and midpiece morphology (using DIC microscopy). After sacrifice (Week 12), sperm production rates (daily and per gram testicular parenchyma) were determined. Treated bulls did not differ from controls in scrotal circumference or the percentage of live spermatozoa. Sperm motility differed at Weeks 9 (P<0.05), 10 and 11 (both P=0.06). Treated bulls had fewer normal spermatozoa at Weeks 5 (P<0.05), 6 (P<0.01) and 7 thru 11 (P<0.001). Beginning from Week 3, treated bulls showed an increased proportion of sperm midpiece abnormalities (P<0.05) which stabilized at 52 to 62.5% between Weeks 5 and 11 (P<0.01 or P<0.001). Treated bulls also had lower sperm production than untreated bulls, both on a daily (P<0.01) and per gram testicular parenchyma (P<0.001) basis. A cottonseed supplement providing 8.2 g of free gossypol per bull per day had adverse effects upon both sperm morphology and spermatogenesis in young Brahman bulls, with the former being first evident within 3 to 4 weeks of feeding of cottonseed meal.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of elevated testicular temperature on the expression patterns of sperm proteins in bulls. Ejaculates were collected from sexually mature Holstein bulls (n = 6) twice weekly for 10 weeks. Testicular temperature was elevated in all bulls by scrotal insulation for 72 consecutive hours during Week 2. Triton X-100 extracts of sperm proteins were prepared and subjected to SDS-PAGE. Sperm proteins in the 110 kDa range decreased from pre-thermal insult to Day 28 (start of thermal insult = Day 0), concurrent with decreases in sperm concentration, motility, and morphology, and subsequently increased, approaching pre-thermal insult values by Day 40. Based on mass spectrometry, this band was comprised of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), Hexokinase-1, and the alpha-4 subunit of Na(+)/K(+)ATPase. Changes in the expression patterns of these proteins were confirmed by immunoblotting, including the use of a custom antibody against the alpha-4 subunit of Na(+)/K(+)ATPase (testis-specific isoform). Furthermore, a 25 kDa sperm protein (identified as tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2; TIMP-2), had a low expression level in pre-thermal insult samples, increased to Day 28 of post-thermal insult, and subsequently decreased to the pre-thermal insult level by the end of the experimental period. In conclusion, we identified proteins that may serve as molecular markers of impaired sperm function due to elevated testicular temperature, with important implications for fertility predictions. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the identification of a testis-specific isoform of Na(+)/K(+)ATPase in bovine sperm.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between semen quality and testicular pixel-intensity derived from image analysis of ultrasonograms after scrotal insulation in bulls. In addition, the ability to predict semen quality based on testicular pixel-intensity was evaluated. Sixteen beef bulls were selected on the basis of satisfactory semen quality and normal testicular ultrasonogram appearance. Bulls were allocated into two groups for scrotal insulation for 4 days (group 1) or 8 days (group 2). Semen was collected and evaluated twice weekly and testicular ultrasonograms were evaluated once weekly for 8 weeks after removal of scrotal insulation. In general, the percentages of motile and morphologically normal spermatozoa decreased below pre-insulation levels from 1 to 5 weeks after scrotal insulation removal. Overall, group 1 had greater (P < 0.01) percentages of motile and normal spermatozoa than group 2. Mean testicular pixel-intensity (PI), and the number of pixels corresponding to the intensity that occurs most frequently (NP) decreased in the first 2-3 weeks after scrotal insulation, coincidently with the decrease in sperm motility and normal morphology. When the entire data set was evaluated, there was no association between testicular PI or NP with semen quality observed at the same week of ultrasound examinations. However, regression models indicated that testicular PI and NP accounted for 13-25% of the variation in sperm motility and morphology in ejaculates collected 2-4 weeks after ultrasound exam. Testicular PI and NP had moderate sensitivity and negative predictive values (64.5-82.6%), but low specificity and positive predictive values (33.3-61.2%) as predictors of satisfactory semen quality (> or = 60% motile spermatozoa and > or = 70% morphologically normal spermatozoa) for ejaculates collected 2-4 weeks after ultrasound exam. In conclusion, the deleterious effects of scrotal insulation on semen quality were dependent on the length of the period of insulation and were associated with changes in testicular ultrasonogram pixel-intensity. Testicular ultrasonogram pixel-intensity had a better association with future semen quality than with present semen quality and was a better predictor of unsatisfactory semen quality than satisfactory semen quality.  相似文献   

Semen was collected from 5 mature beef bulls by electroejaculation before, during, and after 20 days of scrotal insulation. Thermally-induced testicular degeneration was irreversible in 3 of the bulls. Analysis of sperm and seminal plasma polypeptides revealed that 15 to 30 sperm polypeptides and 25 to 30 seminal plasma polypeptides were indistinguishable between bulls prior to the insulation treatment. Changes in the sperm polypeptides pattern appeared as early as 2 days after the insulation treatment and persisted for at least 11 months in 2 of the bulls. In the spermatozoa, there was a detectable loss of 31, 34, 49 and 58 kDa polypeptides and an appearance of 6 to 8 new major polypeptides, ranging from 32 to 83 kDa. The 83 kDa polypeptide was most prominent in the 2 bulls that regained normal sperm motility and morphology following the insulation period. The post-insulation appearance of a seminal plasma polypeptide (circa 60 kDa) was also identified in these 2 bulls. Seminal plasma polypeptides remained qualitatively unaltered by the insulation treatment in the 3 bulls with irreversible testicular degeneration.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of induced testicular degeneration in Bos taurus indicus (Nellore) bulls on changes in seminal characteristics and fertilizing ability of sperm. Four Nellore bulls (30–36-month-old, 500–550 kg) with good seminal quality (>80% motile and morphologically normal sperm) had scrotal insulation applied for 5 d. Semen was collected by electroejaculation and cryopreserved at the pre-insulation moment, and 7, 14, and 21 d after insulation was removed. Gross motility, vigor of sperm movement (1–5), acrosome integrity, sperm morphology (phase-contrast microscopy), nuclear vacuoles and abnormal chromatin (Feulgen-stain) were determined after sperm preparations for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Prior to IVF, sperm were separated using a Percoll gradient (45% and 90%). Normal sperm decreased (P < 0.05) 14 and 21 d after insulation was removed. On 14 and 21 d, the incidence of head defects (9.7 ± 0.6 and 17.0 ± 0.8, respectively; mean ± S.E.M.) was higher (P < 0.05) in agreement with the incidence of nuclear vacuoles (14.0 ± 5.0 and 12.3 ± 2.3) and abnormal chromatin (24.4 ± 7.2 and 30.8 ± 2.8). Although the frequency of cleaved oocytes decreased only on 21 d (P < 0.05), blastocyst rates were lower (P < 0.05) than pre-insulation on 14 and 21 d. In regression analyses, only nuclear vacuoles, head defects and intact acrosome accounted for differences in cleavage (R2 = 0.38, 0.48, and 0.30, respectively) and blastocyst rates (R2 = 0.35, 0.37, and 0.44). Abnormal chromatin was associated only with blastocyst rates (R2 = 0.35). In conclusion, blastocyst rate was more sensitive than cleavage rate and the assessment of nuclear integrity is recommended to predict the fertilizing ability of bull sperm.  相似文献   

More than 90% of the breeding stock of Austrian dual purpose Simmental cows is artificially inseminated. Knowledge of factors affecting sperm production and semen quality is of importance with regard to reproductive efficiency and thus genetic improvement as well as for the productivity and profitability of AI centers. Hence, semen data from two Austrian AI centres collected in the years 2000 and 2001 were evaluated. In total, 3625 and 3654 ejaculates from 147 and 127 AI bulls, respectively, were analysed regarding ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, percentage of viable spermatozoa in the ejaculate, total spermatozoa per ejaculate and motility. Effects accounted for were the bull (random), age of bull, collection interval, number of collection on collection day, bull handler, semen collector, temperature on day of semen collection, in the course of epididymal maturation (average temperature of days 1-11 before collection) and during spermatogenesis (average temperature of days 12-65 before collection). Age of bull significantly affected all traits (P<0.01 to P<0.001) except motility score in center 2. Ejaculate volume and total number of spermatozoa increased with age of bull while sperm concentration was lower in higher age classes (center 1). The collection team was also found to significantly influence semen quality traits. With increasing collection interval ejaculate volume and total number of spermatozoa increased significantly (P<0.05 to P<0.001) while collection intervals between 4-9 days and 1-6 days were superior with regard to sperm concentration and percentage of viable spermatozoa, respectively (P<0.10 to P<0.001). First ejaculates were superior with respect to ejaculate volumes, sperm concentrations and total number of spermatozoa per ejaculate (P<0.001). Temperature, either on day of semen collection or during epididymal maturation or spermatogenesis, had important but inconsistent effects on semen production and sperm quality. Overall, however, ambient temperatures in the range of 5-15 degrees C were found to be optimal for semen production.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effects of scrotal insulation on sperm production, semen quality, and testicular echotexture in Bos indicus and Bos indicus x Bos taurus crossbred bulls. In one experiment, B. indicus bulls (n=12) were allocated to control and whole-scrotum insulation groups, while in a second experiment, crossbred bulls (n=21) were allocated into control, whole-scrotum, and scrotal-neck insulation groups. Insulation was applied for 4 days (start of insulation = Day 0) and semen collection and testicular ultrasonographic examinations were performed twice weekly until Day 35. Sperm concentration and total sperm output during the post-insulation period were greater in control groups, but significant differences were observed only in B. indicus bulls. Overall, sperm motility in scrotal-insulated B. indicus bulls was lower (P<0.05) than in the control group. After whole-scrotum insulation in crossbred bulls, sperm motility was lower (P<0.05) than pre-insulation levels between Days 21 and 31, and lower than control levels on Day 24. The proportion of normal sperm after whole-scrotum insulation was lower than pre-insulation and control values from Day 11 to the end of the experiment in B. indicus bulls (P<0.05 from Days 14 to 21 and on Day 27), and from Days 14 to 25 in crossbred bulls (P<0.05 on Days 14 and 18). Insulation of the scrotal neck in crossbred bulls did not significantly affect semen quality. Loose sperm heads (Day 11), midpiece defects (Days 11 and 14), and acrosome defects (Days 27 and 31) increased (P<0.05) in insulated B. indicus bulls, while proximal cytoplasmic droplets (Days 14, 18 and 27 in B. indicus; Days 24 and 27 in crossbred bulls) and sperm vacuoles (Days 18 and 21 in B. indicus; Day 18 in crossbred bulls) increased (P<0.05) in whole-scrotum insulation groups in both experiments. There was considerable variation among bulls in the incidence of specific sperm defects. The timing of appearance of sperm defects after insulation provided insights into the pathogenesis of specific abnormalities. Neither whole-scrotum nor scrotal-neck insulation affected testicular echotexture in either experiment. In conclusion, whole-scrotum insulation resulted in decreased sperm production and semen quality in B. indicus and B. indicus x B. taurus bulls, but those changes were not associated with changes in testicular echotexture.  相似文献   

Body weight, testicle size and peripheral testosterone concentrations were measured in 35 water buffalo bulls at 5, 15, 17, 21, 25 and 38 months of age. These parameters were studied in all animals during the same month (October), so the changes due to age were independent of changes in photoperiod and temperature. Body weight increased linearly with age. The testicular size measured in terms of scrotal circumference as related to age, showed a curvilinear increase; the average rate of testicular growth was maximum between 15 and 25 months. Plasma testosterone levels were low between 5 and 21 months. A significant rise in plasma concentration of testosterone was observed at 25 months reaching peak levels at 38 months. The mean age of sexually mature bulls at the time of first ejaculation of semen with motile sperm, was 24.9±0.9 months (n=9). It has been concluded that in the Nili-Ravi buffalo bulls the sexually quiescent period (prepubertal) extends up to 15 months of age and sexual maturation as indicated by the presence of motile sperm in the ejaculate is attained at about 25 months.  相似文献   

Although season has been shown to affect bull sperm quality and fertility in some studies, the effect of season on seminal plasma proteins has not been examined. In the present study, seminal plasma proteins were analysed by Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC), to separate the phosphorylcholine-binding proteins and heparin-binding proteins from the other proteins. Semen samples were collected from bulls in three seasons: winter, summer and the rainy season. Sperm quality was analysed by flow cytometry and computer assisted sperm analysis, and further aliquots of semen were used to prepare the seminal plasma for FPLC. Meteorological data were available from a location close to the bull station. There were slight differences in sperm kinematics between seasons, but other parameters of sperm quality were not different. Minor differences in the phosphorylcholine-binding proteins were detected according to season, being lower in summer than in winter or in the rainy season, although there were no changes in the heparin-binding proteins. Temperature, humidity and rainfall differed between winter and the rainy season, but no differences were observed between summer and the rainy season except in the temperature humidity index (THI). However, the THI was above the threshold indicative of heat stress in all seasons, which could explain why few seasonal differences in protein composition were detected in this study. Alternatively, the bulls could have been well-adapted to heat stress. In conclusion, there were only slight differences in bull sperm quality and seminal plasma proteins between seasons during this study.  相似文献   

The effects of a cottonseed meal diet containing high levels of free gossypol on hematological traits, including erythrocyte osmotic fragility and semen characteristics, were examined during an 11-week period. Eight Brahman bulls were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups. The control group (n=4) was fed a mixture of soybean meal and corn. The treated group (n=4) was fed a mixture of cottonseed meal and corn. Both groups were allowed hay free choice. The treated group consumed 8.2 g of free gossypol per bull per day. The percentage of normal spermatozoa was lower (P<0.01) in the treated than in the control group from Week 5 (49+/-9.8 vs 83+/-3.2%), which was primarily influenced by changes in mid piece morphology in the treated bulls. Erythrocyte osmotic fragility was higher (P<0.001) in the treated than in the control group over the entire study period, although group values diverged more acutely from Week 7 of treatment. Sperm motility was lower (P=0.04) in treated bulls than in control bulls at Week 9 (52+/-9.8 vs 82+/-6.2%). These data suggest that concurrent discernable changes in bull erythrocyte osmotic fragility and in semen characteristics can occur following commencement of a diet containing 8.2g of free gossypol per day.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the influence of summer and winter seasons on semen quality and plasma hormone concentrations in cross-bred bulls. Semen was collected by an artificial vagina from eight bulls and microscopically evaluated for quality parameters. Semen volume was higher in summer season (p < 0.05) than winter season, whereas nonsignificant variation (p > 0.05) was observed in mass motility, individual motility, sperm viability, sperm concentration and percentage of membrane-intact and acrosome-intact spermatozoa. Plasma prolactin and testosterone concentration were significantly (p < 0.01) higher in summer season than winter season. Plasma testosterone levels were positively correlated with semen volume and negatively correlated with individual motility (p < 0.05). Prolactin showed a significant positive correlation with semen volume. A well-defined seasonal pattern in semen characteristics was not observed and few correlations existed between plasma hormone levels and semen characteristics in Karan Fries bulls.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the presence and quantities of antioxidative status and oxidative stress (OS) variables in the seminal plasma and spermatozoa of bulls of varying age during cold and warm periods of the year, and to establish the correlation of these variables with semen quality parameters. The study was conducted on two groups each comprising nine Simmental bulls: one group contained younger animals (aged 2 to 4 years) and the second older animals (aged 5 to 10 years). Semen samples were collected using an artificial vagina for biochemical analysis. Seminal plasma and spermatozoa activities of total superoxide dismutase (TSOD), manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), copper–zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), catalase (CAT), selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase, reduced glutathione and concentrations of total protein (TP), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and protein carbonyl content (PCC) were determined. Several antioxidants in seminal plasma were also determined: total glutathione peroxidase (TGSH-Px), selenium-independent glutathione peroxidase (Non-SeGSH-Px), uric acid, albumins (ALB) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Significantly higher spermatozoa motility was observed during the cold v. warm period, and a significantly higher volume and total number of spermatozoa per ejaculate was observed in older than in younger bulls. Significantly higher values of ALP, TP and ALB were found in seminal plasma of older bulls than in younger bulls during the warm period. The seminal plasma of younger bulls showed significantly higher activities of TSOD, MnSOD, CuZnSOD, TGSH-Px and Non-SeGSH-Px. Younger bulls had significantly higher PCC concentration and activity of CAT in seminal plasma than older bulls during the cold period. Significantly higher concentrations of PCC and TBARS, and activities of TSOD, MnSOD and CuZnSOD were established in spermatozoa of the younger than in older bulls during the warm period. It could be concluded that antioxidative and OS variables differ significantly depending on bull age and time of year. Younger bulls were more sensitive to elevated ambient temperatures during the warm period, when the higher enzymatic antioxidative protection in seminal plasma and spermatozoa were insufficient to counteract the intensive oxidative processes in spermatozoa, which eventually resulted in decreased spermatozoa motility. The estimation of antioxidative and OS variables in seminal plasma and spermatozoa may have practical value for the assessment of bull semen quality.  相似文献   

Nanoparticle biological activity, biocompatibility and fate can be directly affected by layers of readily adsorbed host proteins in biofluids. Here, we report a study on the interactions between human blood plasma proteins and nanoparticles with a controlled systematic variation of properties using (18)O-labeling and LC-MS-based quantitative proteomics. We developed a novel protocol to both simplify isolation of nanoparticle bound proteins and improve reproducibility. LC-MS analysis identified and quantified 88 human plasma proteins associated with polystyrene nanoparticles consisting of three different surface chemistries and two sizes, as well as, for four different exposure times (for a total of 24 different samples). Quantitative comparison of relative protein abundances was achieved by spiking an (18)O-labeled "universal" reference into each individually processed unlabeled sample as an internal standard, enabling simultaneous application of both label-free and isotopic labeling quantification across the entire sample set. Clustering analysis of the quantitative proteomics data resulted in distinctive patterns that classified the nanoparticles based on their surface properties and size. In addition, temporal data indicated that the formation of the stable protein corona was at equilibrium within 5 min. The comprehensive quantitative proteomics results obtained in this study provide rich data for computational modeling and have potential implications towards predicting nanoparticle biocompatibility.  相似文献   

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