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The climatic and geological changes that occurred during the Quaternary, particularly the fluctuations during the glacial and interglacial periods of the Pleistocene, shaped the population demography and geographic distribution of many species. These processes have been studied in several groups of organisms in the Northern Hemisphere, but their influence on the evolution of Neotropical montane species and ecosystems remains unclear. This study contributes to the understanding of the effect of climatic fluctuations during the late Pleistocene on the evolution of Andean mountain forests. First, we describe the nuclear and plastidic DNA patterns of genetic diversity, structure, historical demography, and landscape connectivity of Quercus humboldtii, which is a typical species in northern Andean montane forests. Then, these patterns were compared with the palynological and evolutionary hypotheses postulated for montane forests of the Colombian Andes under climatic fluctuation scenarios during the Quaternary. Our results indicated that populations of Q. humboldtii have high genetic diversity and a lack of genetic structure and that they have experienced a historical increase in connectivity from the last glacial maximum (LGM) to the present. Furthermore, our results showed a dramatic reduction in the effective population size followed by an expansion before the LGM, which is consistent with the results found by palynological studies, suggesting a change in dominance in Andean forests that may be related to ecological factors rather than climate change.  相似文献   

Incipient reproductive barriers are a common characteristic of oak species. Disruption of these barriers promotes changes in diversity and genetic structure of the species involved. Quercus castanea is a red oak with wide geographic distribution in Mexico, which presents atypically high morphological variability when it occurs in sympatry with other red oak species, suggesting that hybridization may explain the observed variation. We tested if the genetic structure and diversity levels of Q. castanea are related to the number of red oak species growing in sympatry. In total, 14 microsatellite (SSRs) primers (six nSSRs and eight cpSSRs) were used in 120 Q. castanea individuals (20/site) belonging to six populations, where the number of red oak species associated varied from zero to five. Results showed a positive and significant relationship between the genetic diversity of Q. castanea and the number of red oak species growing in sympatry, regardless of the marker type or the parameter of genetic diversity analyzed. Also, we found a higher genetic differentiation of Q. castanea populations using cpSSRs in comparison with nSSRs. Our results suggest that temperate forests with high red oaks species richness co-dominated by Q. castanea promote the increase in this species genetic diversity. From a conservation perspective, high genetic diversity levels of foundation species such as Q. castanea may have positive cascade effects extending to other species in the community.  相似文献   

Phylogeography and ecological niche models (ENMs) suggest that late Quaternary glacial cycles have played a prominent role in shaping present population genetic structure and diversity, but have not applied quantitative methods to dissect the relative contribution of past and present climate vs. other forces. We integrate multilocus phylogeography, climate‐based ENMs and multivariate statistical approaches to infer the effects of late Quaternary climate change on contemporary genetic variation of valley oak (Quercus lobata Née). ENMs indicated that valley oak maintained a stable distribution with local migration from the last interglacial period (~120 ka) to the Last Glacial Maximum (~21 ka, LGM) to the present compared with large‐scale range shifts for an eastern North American white oak (Quercus alba L.). Coast Range and Sierra Nevada foothill populations diverged in the late Pleistocene before the LGM [104 ka (28–1622)] and have occupied somewhat distinct climate niches, according to ENMs and coalescent analyses of divergence time. In accordance with neutral expectations for stable populations, nuclear microsatellite diversity positively correlated with niche stability from the LGM to present. Most strikingly, nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite variation significantly correlated with LGM climate, even after controlling for associations with geographic location and present climate using partial redundancy analyses. Variance partitioning showed that LGM climate uniquely explains a similar proportion of genetic variance as present climate (16% vs. 11–18%), and together, past and present climate explains more than geography (19%). Climate can influence local expansion–contraction dynamics, flowering phenology and thus gene flow, and/or impose selective pressures. These results highlight the lingering effect of past climate on genetic variation in species with stable distributions.  相似文献   

Stands of canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis, Fagaceae) are maintained for fuelwood, fire management, recreation, and as habitat for wildlife. Information about the link between the oak's reproductive ecology and its extent of genetic diversity is important in developing land management policies that will maintain the long-term viability of populations. Basal sprouting is the primary means of reproduction following fire or cutting, and stands frequently include groups of visibly connected trees in a clustered distribution that suggests cloning. We determined the extent to which clusters of trees were clonal and defined the spatial pattern and diversity of genotypes for six populations across nearly the entire east-west extent of the San Bernardino Mountains in southern California. We mapped over 100 trees at each of five sites and genotyped each tree for allozymes at seven polymorphic loci. We identified clones using these multilocus genotypes and detected an average of 34.4 ± 7.3 (SD) clones per site, most of which had unique genotypes. In general, clustered trees belong to single clones and most clones consist of few trees (mean = 3.4 ± 0.6 trees per clone). However, clone size increased significantly with increased individual heterozygosity, suggesting that selection may favor highly heterozygous clones. Clonal diversity and evenness were high relative to reports for most other clonal species; an average of 97% of clones had distinct genotypes, and Simpson's index of diversity averaged 0.95 ± 0.02. Population genetic analyses of 319 clones from six sites revealed high genetic diversity within sites (mean HS = 0.443). Only a small proportion of the total genetic diversity was explained by variation among sites (mean GST = 0.018), which is consistent with high gene flow among sites (Nm = 9.5). We found no significant substructure among plots within sites, and fixation indices within sites were generally small, suggesting that either little inbreeding occurs, and/or few inbred progeny survive. However, spatial autocorrelation analysis of clones indicated fine-scale genetic structure at distances under 4 m, possibly due to limited seed dispersal. Our data suggest that guidelines for seed collection of canyon live oak for use in restoration can be specified in a manner similar to that recommended for conifer species within the region studied.  相似文献   

We investigated clonal population structure and genetic variation in Quercus havardii (sand-shinnery oak), a deciduous rhizomatous shrub that dominates vegetation by forming uninterrupted expanses of ground cover over sandy deposits on the plains of western Texas, western Oklahoma, and eastern New Mexico. Isozyme electrophoresis (15 loci coding 11 enzymes) was used to recognize and map clones arrayed in a 2000-m transect (50-m sample intervals) and a 200 × 190 m grid (10-m sample intervals). Ninety-four clones were discovered, 38 in the transect and 56 in the grid, resulting in an estimated density of ~15 clones per hectare. Clones varied greatly in size (~100-7000 m), shape, and degree of fragmentation. The larger clones possessed massive interiors free of intergrowth by other clones, while the smaller clones varied in degree of intergrowth. The population maintained substantial levels of genetic variation (P = 60%, A = 2.5, H(exp) = 0.289) comparable to values obtained for other Quercus spp. and for other long-lived perennials. The population was outcrossing as evidenced by conformance of most loci to Hardy-Weinberg expected genotype proportions, although exceptions indicated a limited degree of population substructuring. These data indicate that despite apparent reproduction primarily through vegetative means, Q. havardii possesses conventional attributes of a sexual population.  相似文献   

Quercus eduardii and Q. potosina are dominant oak species in Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes, Mexico. These species have been exploited for multiple purposes since the 16th century. Both species produce clonal offspring through root suckering and acorns through sexual reproduction. To understand clonality for the implementation of the most adequate actions for the conservation of these species, we addressed the following questions: (a) what is the spatial clonal structure of both species? (b) How much clonal and genetic diversity is maintained in these species? Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) were used as molecular markers for these analyses. Genets of both species have few ramets and these grow close the parent tree. Autocorrelation analyses at the ramet level showed an aggregated distribution at short distances and a random spatial distribution at larger distances. Also, at the genet level the autocorrelation analyses showed a random distribution. Clonal diversity was high in both species (Q. eduardii: D=0.963, G/N=0.60; Q. potosina: D=0.985, G/N=0.65). Genetic diversity was high within populations (Q. eduardii: H e =0.33±0.11; Q. potosina: H e =0.35±0.11). Low levels of genetic differentiation among populations were observed (Q. eduardii ? st =0.19, P < 0.002; Q. potosina ? st =0.13, P < 0.002). Both species maintain high levels of clonal and genetic diversity, probably due to successful sexual reproduction, which allows gene flow among populations. Conservation and/or reforestation programs must include seed collections and germplasm banks. Due to the small genet size and the high clonal diversity of these species, seeds can be collected in any place in Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes.  相似文献   

Gambel oak is a short shrub to medium-sized tree of southwest North America for which the potential to grow in large clonal stands has been proposed. Here we use three different multilocus VNTR DNA probes (synthesized via PCR) to demonstrate that clones growing together can be identified, but individual clones exceeding 50 m in diameter do not commonly occur in the study population of Quercus gambelii . Further, using a hierarchical sampling scheme (three circular transects with diameters of 9, 1100, and 28 000 m), we estimate that for nonclonal individuals: (i) mean number of bands analysed per individual = 22.92; (ii) mean similarity (band sharing) between individuals = 0.322; (iii) mean probability that two randomly chosen individuals share all bands = 4.93 × 10–11; and (iv) mean estimated heterozygosity = 0.796. F ST calculated for the two nonclonal levels of the sampling hierarchy was 0.023, indicating that little genetic differentiation exists between them. These results support previous findings that, due to life-history traits of the genus and this species (out-crossing, wind-pollinated, animal-dispersed, long-lived woody perennials), gene flow is high and genetic subdivision of populations is low in oaks. At this study site, the clonal nature demonstrated for Gambel oak appears to have little detectable effect on these population genetic characteristics.  相似文献   

Oaks (Quercus: Fagaceae) commonly interbreed yet retain their morphological, genetic and ecological distinctiveness. Post‐zygotic isolation mechanisms, such as ecologically dependent selection on adaptive loci, may therefore limit introgression. To test this hypothesis, we quantified hybridization and genetic divergence across the contact zone of four red oaks (Quercus section Lobatae) in the Great Lakes region of North America using a suite of 259 amplified fragment length polymorphisms and 27 genic and genomic microsatellite markers. First, we identified hybrids using genetic structure analysis and confirmed the reliability of our assignments via simulations. Then, we identified candidate loci for species maintenance with three complementary tests for selection and obtained partial gene sequences linked to an outlier locus and three other loci. We detected evidence of recent hybridization among all species and considerable gene flow between Q. ellipsoidalis and Q. velutina. Overall, c. 20% of Q. velutina had recent ancestry from Q. ellipsoidalis, whereas nearly 30% of Q. ellipsoidalis had a Q. velutina ancestor. Most loci were negligibly to weakly differentiated among species, but two gene‐linked microsatellites deviated significantly from neutral expectations in multiple, complementary outlier tests. Both outlier loci were located in the same 15‐cM bin on an existing Q. robur linkage map, a region under divergent selection in other oak species. Adaptive loci in this highly differentiated genomic region may contribute to ecological divergence among species and limit introgression.  相似文献   

The striped mullet Mugil cephalus , L. is a circumtropical species whose extreme conservative morphology stands in contrast with the degree of genetic differentiation at a global scale. One hundred and fourteen mitochondrial control region DNA sequences were analysed from four localities in the Gulf of Mexico (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida), one on the U.S.A. east coast (N. Carolina), and one in Hawaii, giving very high levels of molecular diversity ( h =1·0 every haplotype was unique in all samples, π=1·1–2·0% in Gulf–Atlantic and π=3·1% in Hawaii). With no genetic evidence of dramatic population expansions, mismatch distributions were still very different in each ocean. Stable population levels in Hawaii have fostered the generation and persistence of very high molecular diversity, but Gulf–Atlantic samples suggest a shorter span of population stability. Ninety-five per cent of the molecular variance was allocated between ocean basins and virtually none among Gulf–Atlantic samples. A neighbourjoining reconstruction revealed Atlantic- and Pacific-specific lineages separated by more than 24% uncorrected sequence divergence ( d =0·49 Tamura-Nei Gamma-corrected). The lack of phylogeographic structure among Gulf–Atlantic samples corroborated the AMOVA results and supported the existence of a single population with high levels of gene flow along the Gulf of Mexico and north-west Atlantic coasts. The genetic differentiation between oceans points to the absence of gene flow and an accelerated rate of mitochondrial evolution in the genus Mugil .  相似文献   

The newly described molossid bat, Chaerephon atsinanana Goodman et al., 2010, endemic to eastern Madagascar, shows notably high levels of phylogeographic and genetic structure compared with allopatric Chaerephon leucogaster Grandidier, 1869 from western Madagascar. Such highly significant structuring of haplotypes among altitudinally and latitudinally stratified population groups is contrary to the expected panmixia in strong flying bats. The null model of concordance in historical demographic patterns across these two Chaerephon species was not supported. Mismatch and Bayesian skyline analyses indicated ancient stable C. atsinanana populations of constant size during the last two major Pleistocene glacial periods, making retreat into and expansion from glacial refugia an unlikely explanation for such high levels of structure, in accordance with expectations for tropical bats. Analyses were consistent with post‐refugial population expansion in the less diverse and structured C. leucogaster during the end of the last Pleistocene glacial period. We hypothesise that the pronounced genetic structuring in C. atsinanana may result from female philopatry. Furthermore, differing demographic histories of the two species may have been shaped by differing climate or habitat preferences, consistent with evidence from MaxEnt ecological niche modelling, which shows differences in variables influencing the current predicted distributions. Fossil Quaternary pollen deposits further indicate greater stability in past climatic patterns in eastern versus western Madagascar. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 18–40.  相似文献   

Leaf variation was examined in two hybridizing Mexican red oaks, Quercus affinis and Q. laurina . Data of nine traits were obtained for ten randomly chosen leaves in each of 512 individuals from 16 populations sampled along a geographical gradient, including the distribution area of both species and a putative area of secondary contact and hybridization. A cluster analysis recognized two main groups of populations, which were congruent with the taxonomic assignment of the predominant morphological type within the populations and were thus labelled ' Q. affinis -like' and ' Q. laurina -like' population groups. A nested analysis of variance revealed that the largest proportion of the total variation was contained within populations, as among-tree variation (28–54%, depending on the trait), and as intra-individual variation (17–56%). However, differences between the two groups of populations (3–27%) and among populations within groups (5–21%) were also significant for the nine traits. A distinct pattern of change across populations was observed for each trait. Variation was particularly pronounced along the geographical gradient for petiole length and leaf-margin teeth number, possibly implying selection on these two traits. Results suggest that phenotypic plasticity, gene flow, hybridization and natural selection have shaped foliar variation in this oak complex. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 427–435.  相似文献   

Pinus nelsonii is a relictual pinyon pine distributed across a wide altitudinal range in semiarid zones in Mexico near the border between the States of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas. It also occurs in small patches in the State of San Luis Potosí. Pinus nelsonii is classified in the monotypic subsection Nelsoniae, separated from other pinyon pines (subsection Cembroides), because it possesses several distinctive characters including persistent fascicle sheaths, connate needles, and a distinctive wood anatomy. In the present study, chloroplast simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs) were used to estimate genetic variation in most known populations (nine) of P. nelsonii. The genetic variation (HT = 0.73; 27 haplotypes in 256 individuals) is moderate when compared to other pine species. Population differentiation ranged between low and moderate (FST = 0.13 and RST = 0.05), as did the Nei and Goldstein genetic distances between populations. However, this pattern varied depending on whether the infinite alleles or stepwise mutation model was used. In the former case a significant isolation by distance was found, but not in the latter. A significant association between geographical and genetic structure in one clade, through a nested clade analysis, was found, which suggested long-distance colonization between 125000 and 309000 years ago. We found weak evidence for a population expansion. A mismatch distribution suggests that P. nelsonii populations underwent an expansion 4.25 times their size between 59000 and 146000 years ago. On the other hand, the populations' star-like phylogeny and a slight parabolic relationship between coalescence times and lineage number also suggest weak population expansion. Overall, this species appears to have been in demographic stasis for a large proportion of the time detected by the markers used.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can lower migration rates and genetic connectivity among remaining populations of native species. Ducetia japonica is one of the most widespread katydids in China, but little is known about its genetic structure and phylogeographic distribution. We combined the five‐prime region of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI‐5P), 11 newly developed microsatellite loci coupled with an ecological niche model (ENM) to examine the genetic diversity and population structure of D. japonica in China and beyond to Laos and Singapore. Both Bayesian inference (BI) and haplotype network methods revealed six mitochondrial COI‐5P lineages. The distribution of COI‐5P haplotypes may not demonstrate significant phylogeographic structure (N ST > G ST, p > .05). The STRUCTURE analysis based on microsatellite data also revealed six genetic clusters, but discordant with those obtained from COI‐5P haplotypes. For both COI‐5P and microsatellite data, Mantel tests revealed a significant positive correlation between geographic and genetic distances in mainland China. Bayesian skyline plot (BSP) analyses indicated that the population size of D. japonica''s three major mitochondrial COI‐5P lineages were seemingly not affected by last glacial maximum (LGM, 0.015–0.025 Mya). The ecological niche models showed that the current distribution of D. japonica was similar to the species’ distribution during the LGM period and only slightly extended in northern China. Further phylogeographic studies based on more extensive sampling are needed to identify specific locations of glacial refugia in northern China.  相似文献   

Oaks (Quercus) are major components of temperate forest ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere where they form intermediate or climax communities. Sessile oak (Quercus petraea) forests represent the climax vegetation in eastern Germany and western Poland. Here, sessile oak forms pure stands or occurs intermixed with Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris). A large body of research is available on gene flow, reproduction dynamics, and genetic structure in fragmented landscapes and mixed populations. At the same time, our knowledge regarding large, contiguous, and monospecific populations is considerably less well developed. Our study is an attempt to further develop our understanding of the reproduction ecology of sessile oak as an ecologically and economically important forest tree by analyzing mating patterns and genetic structure within adult trees and seedlings originating from one or two reproduction events in an extensive, naturally regenerating sessile oak forest. We detected positive spatial genetic structure up to 30 meters between adult trees and up to 40 meters between seedlings. Seed dispersal distances averaged 8.4 meters. Pollen dispersal distances averaged 22.6 meters. In both cases, the largest proportion of the dispersal occurred over short distances. Dispersal over longer distances was more common for pollen but also appeared regularly for seeds. The reproductive success of individual trees was highly skewed. Only 41 percent of all adult trees produced any offspring while the majority did not participate in reproduction. Among those trees that contributed to the analyzed seedling sample, 80 percent contributed 1–3 gametes. Only 20 percent of all parent trees contributed four or more gametes. However, these relatively few most fertile trees contributed 51 percent of all gametes within the seedling sample. Vitality and growth differed significantly between reproducing and nonreproducing adult trees with reproducing trees being more vital and vigorous than nonreproducing individuals. Our study demonstrates that extensive, apparently homogenous oak forests are far from uniform on the genetic level. On the contrary, they form highly complex mosaics of remarkably small local neighborhoods. This counterbalances the levelling effect of long‐distance dispersal and may increase the species’ adaptive potential. Incorporating these dynamics in the management, conservation, and restoration of oak forests can support the conservation of forest genetic diversity and assist those forests in coping with environmental change.  相似文献   

Genetic variation among 12 populations of the American chestnut (Castanea dentata) was investigated. Population genetic parameters estimated from allozyme variation suggest that C. dentata at both the population and species level has narrow genetic diversity as compared to other species in the genus. Average expected heterozygosity was relatively low for the population collected in the Black Rock Mountain State Park, Georgia (He = 0.096 +/- 0.035), and high for the population in east central Alabama (He = 0.196 +/- 0.048). Partitioning of the genetic diversity based on 18 isozyme loci showed that ~10% of the allozyme diversity resided among populations. Cluster analysis using unweighted pair-group method using arithmetric averages of Rogers' genetic distance and principal components analysis based on allele frequencies of both isozyme and RAPD loci revealed four groups: the southernmost population, south-central Appalachian populations, north-central Appalachian populations, and northern Appalachian populations. Based on results presented in this study, a conservation strategy and several recommendations related to the backcross breeding aimed at restoring C. dentata are discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogeography is often used to investigate the effects of glacial cycles on current genetic structure of various plant and animal species. This approach can also identify the number and location of glacial refugia as well as the recolonization routes from those refugia to the current locations. To identify the location of glacial refugia of the Yellow‐spotted mountain newt, Neurergus derjugini, we employed phylogeography patterns and genetic variability of this species by analyzing partial ND4 sequences (867 bp) of 67 specimens from 15 sampling localities from the whole species range in Iran and Iraq. Phylogenetic trees concordant with haplotype networks showed a clear genetic structure among populations as three groups corresponding to the populations in the north, center, and south. Evolutionary ages of clades north and south ranging from 0.15 to 0.17 Myr, while the oldest clade is the central clade, corresponding to 0.32 Myr. Bayesian skyline plots of population size change through time show a relatively slight increase until about 25 kyr (around the last glacial maximum) and a decline of population size about 2.5 kyr. The presence of geographically structured clades in north, center, and south sections of the species range signifies the disjunct populations that have emerged in three different refugium. This study illustrates the importance of the effect of previous glacial cycles in shaping the genetic structure of mountain species in the Zagros range. These areas are important in terms of long‐term species persistence and therefore valuable areas for conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

We studied mitochondrial genetic differentiation among nine taxa of large gulls of the Larus cachinnans-fuscus group, which form part of the circumpolar Herring Gull complex. Our primary interest was to see if there were unrecognized gene flow barriers, to what extent mitochondrial genetic population structure conformed to current taxonomic boundaries, and what it might reveal about possible differences in population history. Sequences (430 nucleotides) of the hypervariable control region I (HVR-I) were obtained from 580 individuals and proved highly informative within this recently diverged group of birds. Contrary to current classification, a basal split was revealed between an Atlantic-Mediterranean clade (atlantis, michahellis, armenicus) and a NW Palearctic-Central Asian clade (cachinnans, barabensis, mongolicus, fuscus-group). There was almost no mitochondrial gene flow between these two groups, although they are in geographical contact in two areas (eastern North Atlantic, Black Sea). Within each of the two major groups, there was strong phylogeographic structure with gene flow barriers between some neighbouring taxa (e.g. cachinanns vs. barabensis), but also a case of poor genetic differentiation between phenotypically distinct forms (barabensis vs. heuglini). At the subspecies level, current taxonomy corresponded well to molecular genetic structure: over 80% of the molecular genetic variance was partitioned among six (groups of) taxa. This is in sharp contrast to previous studies using allozymes and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, which seemed to indicate extensive nuclear gene flow. Within-taxon haplotype phylogenies and mismatch distributions revealed contrasting demographic histories: cachinnans (Ponto-Caspian region) and atlantis (NE Atlantic) represent ancient lineages with large long-term population sizes, inland forms stem from very recent colonization events (barabensis, mongolicus) or passed through a population bottleneck (armenicus).  相似文献   

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