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D. Richard Cameron Carrie A. Schloss David M. Theobald Scott A. Morrison 《Conservation Science and Practice》2022,4(6):e12698
Protecting or restoring habitat connectivity in landscapes undergoing rapid environmental change requires multiple conservation and restoration strategies. These strategies have different risk profiles, costs, and require various types of technical expertise to conduct. This diversity in landscape context and strategic approach requires more nuance and flexibility than traditional connectivity conservation plans have supported. We present a novel, spatially-explicit framework for developing connectivity conservation priorities and strategies based on Omniscape, an adaptation of Circuitscape, a common tool for mapping habitat connectivity. Using California (USA) as a case study, we mapped structural connectivity and developed a classification of connectivity conservation and restoration categories across the gradient of land use intensities, as well as by land ownership. The most constrained areas with highly concentrated flow (movement potential) make up 3% of the state and occur primarily on private lands. Conversely, intact areas with diffuse flow that indicate multiple connectivity options cover 55% of the state, including the majority of the desert and mountain ecoregions. This “strategy mapping” approach can be used to identify priority areas for conservation investment and suites of potential implementation mechanisms and partners, which in turn may improve the efficiency and effectiveness of connectivity conservation in this era of global change. 相似文献
Wilbard A. Ntongani Pantaleo K. T. Munishi Bonifas P. Mbilinyi 《African Journal of Ecology》2010,48(4):880-887
Selous–Niassa miombo woodland ecosystem has been and continues to face conservation threats. Understanding of changes happening in such ecosystem overtime is important for establishing management baseline data. This study identified land use changes, socio‐economic factors and conservation threats to the Selous–Niassa wildlife corridor across Nachingwea district, Tanzania. Landsat images of 1978, 1993 and 2000 were used to assess land use changes. Household survey was conducted to obtain socio‐economic data; logistic regression model was used to analyse the data. In 15 years (1978–1993) cultivated land only increased by 131% while forestlands decreased by 8.7%. In 12 years (1993–2005) cultivated land increased by 65.6% while forestland decreased by 10.7%. Land cover change per year has been found 0.54% relatively low compared to national land cover change of 45%per year. Land tenure, shifting cultivation and crops prices were major factors influencing land use changes while wildfires, farm encroachment and illegal timber harvesting were major conservation threats. Basing on the results, it was recommended that there is a need for a government to introduce community‐based natural resource management plans to improve natural resource utilization and reduce human stress to the corridor. 相似文献
This study assesses the ecological pressure exerted by changing land use and tenure on the Kitenden wildlife corridor, a critical cross‐border link between the Amboseli and Kilimanjaro national parks. The implications on viability of the two high‐value protected areas and their respective dispersal areas are both negative and serious. The extent of land use change and its impacts were assessed through household and vegetation surveys, while wildlife abundance was measured using transect walks. Approximately 30% of the study area has shifted from community to private land ownership over the last two decades. Except for baboon and vervet monkey, most wildlife avoided the cultivated area. Vegetation composition on the noncultivated area has been greatly altered by intense wildlife and livestock use, where mean herbaceous vegetation cover differed significantly among range‐plant categories (F3, 524 = 29.015, p < 0.05). The frequency of increaser I (21.4%) differs greatly from that of decreaser and forbs, at 8.3% and 7.4%, respectively Tree recruitment was low, with a significant difference in mean density among age classes (F2, 110 = 3.663, p < 0.05). Only through land leasing agreements between landowners and conservation organisations, and a widely supported land use plan, can the spread of cultivation be controlled and complete cessation of wildlife movement be prevented. 相似文献
The effect of isolation and the importance of dispersal in establishing and maintaining populations in fragments of remnant habitat remain poorly understood. Nevertheless, environmental connectivity is likely to be important for ensuring the long‐term preservation of biodiversity in extensively cleared landscapes. In this study, we compared reptile communities in large conservation parks with those in small woodland remnants 6.5–12 km from the parks, on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Australia. We assessed the impact of fragmentation on the abundance, richness and habitat preferences of reptiles, and examined whether connection to linear roadside vegetation altered reptile communities in small woodland remnants. Of the 31 reptile species, 12 were restricted to conservation parks and six to habitat fragments in farmland. There was a substantial reduction in reptile species richness and abundance in farmland fragments. Direct connection of remnant vegetation to roadside corridors did not affect abundance of common species in the farmland fragments, although species richness was lower in isolated remnants in one of our two study regions. The habitat preference of the scincid lizard Menetia greyii differed between farmland fragments, where they were regularly found on dunes and roadsides, and conservation parks, where they were rare and not detected on dunes. We suggest that habitat fragmentation may have altered interspecific interactions, enabling an expansion of habitat use in the farming landscape. Significantly lower abundance of four common species in farmland settings compared with reserves indicated that existing corridors and small fragments provide inadequate connectivity over larger distances. To counter this effect, large reserves may need to be less than 10 km apart. 相似文献
动物通道是缓解高速公路对其周边野生动物生境隔离的有效措施,通道的位置是影响其使用效率的关键因素,然而现有研究对通道的选址却甚少涉及。以武深高速为例,推荐一种基于物种运动路径识别的通道选址方法,选取影响动物生境选择的环境因子构建评价体系,借助GIS手段对公路周边野生动物生境适宜性进行分析,在此基础上借鉴水文分析原理快速准确地刻画出物种在生境中的潜在活动路径,从而确定了5处高速公路上建设动物通道的理想位置。结果表明,该方法能定量地反映出生境的质量格局对于物种运动的影响,准确定位出物种运动受到阻碍的关键区域,在景观层次上,提出的通道位置能有效地缓解栖息地破碎化造成的生态压力;研究不但能弥补目前研究的不足,同时亦为道路网设计、城市生态规划等相关领域研究提供科学参考。 相似文献
LAURA A. KAMMIN PATRICK D. HUBERT RICHARD E. WARNER PHILIP C. MANKIN 《The Journal of wildlife management》2009,73(6):973-979
ABSTRACT State wildlife agencies commonly offer private landowners cost-share and technical assistance to improve habitat, but the cost-effectiveness and long-term outcomes of these efforts are rarely evaluated. In 1998, we began a 3-part, statewide evaluation of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ (IDNR; USA) Private Land Wildlife Habitat Management Program (hereafter the program) as it functioned from 1986 to 1996. We sent a mail-back questionnaire to IDNR biologists to collect information on their perceptions of the program. We sent a separate mail-back questionnaire to private landholders who participated in the program to ascertain their demographic profile, motivations for participation, and attitudes regarding the program. We also conducted on-site evaluations of private properties that were managed under the guidance of the program. We conducted our study to 1) assess if the program effectively assisted participants in establishing and maintaining wildlife habitat, and 2) determine factors associated with optimal management of wildlife habitat on private lands to refine the program and improve effectiveness. We found significant differences between participants in their land use priorities and motivations for managing wildlife and in the resources available to participants to establish and maintain habitat. Our results indicate that although financial incentives may increase participation in private lands initiatives, improving technical and material assistance to landholders is essential for maintaining quality wildlife habitat over the long-term. 相似文献
J. Antonio de la Torre Alex M. Lechner Ee P. Wong David Magintan Salman Saaban Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz 《Conservation Science and Practice》2019,1(12):e133
One of the most vital and urgent global conservation challenges is to deal with the loss and fragmentation of wildlife habitats, particularly for large-bodied and wide-ranging terrestrial megafauna. The Central Forest Spine Master Plan for Ecological Linkages (CFS) was developed by the Malaysian Federal Government in 2010 to protect biodiversity and ecosystem services by securing landscape connectivity between Peninsular Malaysia's main forest blocks. Here we present an evaluation of the effectiveness of the CFS master plan to promote functional connectivity for Asian elephants, one of its focal species. The specific objectives of our study were to identify the most critical forest patches to maintain connectivity for elephants in Peninsular Malaysia, assess functional connectivity within the CFS ecological linkages, and identify alternative corridors where appropriate to enhance CFS effectiveness. We used the largest animal movement dataset in Peninsular Malaysia (220,000 GPS locations from 53 elephants) to develop models of elephant movement probability and to estimate landscape resistance using step selection functions based on landscape characteristics. According to our evaluation of 28 linkages, 57% of them provided high functional connectivity, 28% provided acceptable connectivity, and 14% provided low to no connectivity. A very important and positive finding is that the CFS linkages with the highest centrality values (i.e., the most important to maintain overall connectivity in Peninsular Malaysia) also score highly in functional connectivity (i.e., they are actually effective corridors for elephant movement). This means that an adequate CFS implementation can lead to high levels of functional connectivity among Peninsular Malaysia's main forest blocks. Based on our assessment, we recommend to conduct some revisions on the CFS plan to ensure its effectiveness. 相似文献
Dispersal is an important influence on species' distributions, patch colonization and population persistence in fragmented habitat. We studied the impacts of habitat fragmentation resulting from establishment of an exotic pine plantation on dispersal of the marsupial carnivore, Antechinus agilis. We applied spatial analyses of individual multilocus microsatellite genotypes and mitochondrial haplotypes to study patterns of gene flow in fragmented habitat and natural habitat 'control' areas, and how this is affected by the spatial dispersion of habitat patches, the presence of corridors and a 'mainland' source of migrants. Spatial analysis of molecular variance and partial Mantel tests confirmed the absence of cryptic barriers to gene flow in continuous habitat, which if present would confound the comparison of genetic structures in fragmented vs. unfragmented habitats. Spatial genotypic structure suggested that although dispersal was male-biased in both habitat types, fragmentation restricted dispersal of males more than that of females and the degree of restriction of male dispersal was dependent on the geographical isolation of the patch. The scale of positive genotypic structure in fragmented habitat was restricted to the two closest patches for females and the three closest patches for males. Our results provide evidence for significantly increased gene flow through habitat corridors relative to that across the matrix and for significantly lower gene flow between 'mainland' unfragmented habitat and habitat patches relative to that within either habitat type, suggesting a behavioural barrier to crossing habitat interfaces. 相似文献
We used logistic regression to compare a set of habitat features inside known Scandinavian wolf Canis lupus territories with the same habitat features in areas outside known territories, but still close enough to be available for wolf colonization. In addition, we analysed changes in habitat variables over time within wolf territories. Wolf territories had lower densities of roads, built-up areas and open land than areas outside wolf territories, but there was no difference in the density of the wolves' main prey, elk Alces alces . The logistic regression model classified 79% of Scandinavia outside the reindeer husbandry area as suitable wolf habitat, that is with a probability of wolf occurrence >0.5. The proportion of built-up areas within the wolf territory decreased as the 'borders' of the wolf territory changed over time. Our model had a reasonably high predictive power, with correct classification in 90% (18 of 20) of the observed wolf territories in the study area. Polygons, randomly distributed outside the observed wolf territories, were correctly classified as not being occupied by wolves in 85% of the cases (17 of 20). This allows a more effective use of resources to, for example, prevent wolf depredation on livestock and dogs. 相似文献
Júlio César Bicca-Marques Óscar M. Chaves Gabriela Pacheco Hass 《American journal of primatology》2020,82(4):e23089
Habitat loss and fragmentation are major threats to the conservation of nonhuman primates. Given that species differ in their responses to fragmented landscapes, identifying the factors that enable them to cope with altered environments or that cause their extirpation is critical to design conservation management strategies. Howler monkeys (Alouatta spp.) are good models for studying the strategies of tolerant arboreal taxa and how they cope with spatial restriction, because they live in habitats ranging from vast pristine forests to small disturbed fragments and orchards. While some aspects of their ecology and behavior are conserved, others vary in predictable ways in response to habitat shrinking and decreasing resource availability. We argue that the ability of individual howler monkeys to inhabit low-quality environments does not guarantee the long-term persistence of the small populations that live under these conditions. Their local extirpation explains why few forest fragments below a given area threshold are frequently inhabited in landscapes where recolonization and gene flow are compromised by long isolation distances or less permeable matrices. In sum, howlers’ ability to cope with habitat restriction at the individual level in the short-term may mask the inevitable fate of isolated populations, thereby compromising the persistence of the species at a regional scale in the long-term if howlers’ need for protection in large forests is undervalued. 相似文献
Human activities are often implicated in the contemporary extinction of contemporary species. Concerning riverine fishes, the major biotic and abiotic threats widely cited include introduction of non-native species, habitat fragmentation and homogenization in stream flow dynamics due to the damming of rivers, dumping of organic loadings, degradation of the riverine habitat by agricultural practices and water abstraction for human and agricultural consumption. However, few studies have evaluated the role of each of these threats on fish extinction at large spatial scales. Focusing on Western Europe and the USA, two of the most heavily impacted regions on Earth, we quantify fish species loss per river basin and evaluate for the first time to what extent, if any, these threats have been promoting fish extinctions. We show that mean fish extinction rates during the last 110 years in both continents is ∼112 times higher than calculated natural extinction rates. However, we identified only weak effects of our selected anthropogenic stressors on fish extinctions. Only river fragmentation by dams and percentage of non-native species seem to be significant, although weak, drivers of fish species extinction. In our opinion, the most probable explanation for the weak effects found here comes from limitations of both biological and threats datasets currently available. Obtaining realistic estimates on both extinctions and anthropogenic threats in individual river basins is thus urgently needed. 相似文献
Traditionally, ecological restoration is based on re‐establishing patterns of vegetation communities with the expectation that wildlife will recolonize, restoring the ecological function. However, in many restoration projects, wildlife fails to recolonize, even when vegetation is restored, in many cases because revegetated habitats lack the critical features required by wildlife. We present a new approach to restoration, based on a detailed understanding of ecological process, the mechanisms by which wildlife respond to landscape patterns. Our animal‐centric approach involves measuring the risk‐sensitive decision‐making of individual animals as they balance searching for food, mates, and breeding sites with avoiding being eaten by predators and relates this to fine‐scale habitat and landscape structure. The outcome of these decisions can be measured in occupancy of habitat, the information on which conventional restoration is based. Incorporating landscape genetics allows retrospective assessment of the outcome of dispersal decisions by individual animals on a deeper time frame and at regional scales. Fine‐scale connectivity models can be parameterized with these multiscale spatial and temporal data to direct restoration efforts. We are translating this novel approach to practice in the large Midlands restoration project (4 years, AUD $6 million) in Tasmania, Australia, in partnership with Greening Australia. More than 200 years of intensive agricultural practice in this National Biodiversity Hotspot has resulted in extensive landscape modification, high densities of feral cats, and decline of many native mammals. Our research–practice partnership will alter the way that restoration is done, leading hopefully to successful restoration of wildlife, gene flow, and ecological function. 相似文献
This study sought to identify critical areas for puma (Puma concolor) movement across the state of Arizona in the American Southwest and to identify those most likely to be impacted by current and future human land uses, particularly expanding urban development and associated increases in traffic volume. Human populations in this region are expanding rapidly, with the potential for urban centers and busy roads to increasingly act as barriers to demographic and genetic connectivity of large‐bodied, wide‐ranging carnivores such as pumas, whose long‐distance movements are likely to bring them into contact with human land uses and whose low tolerance both for and from humans may put them at risk unless opportunities for safe passage through or around human‐modified landscapes are present. Brownian bridge movement models based on global positioning system collar data collected during bouts of active movement and linear mixed models were used to model habitat quality for puma movement; then, a wall‐to‐wall application of circuit theory models was used to produce a continuous statewide estimate of connectivity for puma movement and to identify pinch points, or bottlenecks, that may be most at risk of impacts from current and future traffic volume and expanding development. Rugged, shrub‐ and scrub‐dominated regions were highlighted as those offering high quality movement habitat for pumas, and pinch points with the greatest potential impacts from expanding development and traffic, although widely distributed, were particularly prominent to the north and east of the city of Phoenix and along interstate highways in the western portion of the state. These pinch points likely constitute important conservation opportunities, where barriers to movement may cause disproportionate loss of connectivity, but also where actions such as placement of wildlife crossing structures or conservation easements could enhance connectivity and prevent detrimental impacts before they occur. 相似文献
David J. Augustine 《Journal of Applied Ecology》1998,35(2):261-272
1. Considerable research has been conducted on koala Phascolarctos cinereus population dynamics and the epidemiology of Chlamydia psittaci infection in koalas, but the impact of Chlamydia on koala populations has been difficult to assess.
2. I developed a model of koala and Chlamydia population dynamics to examine interactions between Chlamydia transmission and pathogenicity, koala mating behaviour and demography, and koala population persistence.
3. Simulations based on sexual and parent–offspring parasite transmission demonstrate that stable Chlamydia–koala coexistence is possible in a small population for a broad range of demographic, behavioural, pathogenicity and transmission parameter estimations. Koala population persistence was most sensitive to reduced annual survivorship of adults (4–10-year-old males and 2–12-year-old females), highlighting the need for accurate field estimates of adult survivorship in order to assess Chlamydia 's impact on specific populations.
4. If koalas become less resistant to disease in fragmented, high-stress habitats (i.e. experience increased Chlamydia -induced mortality and sterility rates), Chlamydia is not predicted to cause koala extinctions under most conditions. Extinctions are only predicted if Chlamydia transmission rates also increase (e.g. due to new transmission pathways or increased mating frequency), or other non-disease factors change birth and mortality rates to reduce the koala population's intrinsic rate of increase below 0·1.
5. The most important predicted effect of habitat fragmentation and other forms of human disturbance on this unique host–parasite relationship is the extinction of Chlamydia in populations where koala resistance to disease decreases. 相似文献
2. I developed a model of koala and Chlamydia population dynamics to examine interactions between Chlamydia transmission and pathogenicity, koala mating behaviour and demography, and koala population persistence.
3. Simulations based on sexual and parent–offspring parasite transmission demonstrate that stable Chlamydia–koala coexistence is possible in a small population for a broad range of demographic, behavioural, pathogenicity and transmission parameter estimations. Koala population persistence was most sensitive to reduced annual survivorship of adults (4–10-year-old males and 2–12-year-old females), highlighting the need for accurate field estimates of adult survivorship in order to assess Chlamydia 's impact on specific populations.
4. If koalas become less resistant to disease in fragmented, high-stress habitats (i.e. experience increased Chlamydia -induced mortality and sterility rates), Chlamydia is not predicted to cause koala extinctions under most conditions. Extinctions are only predicted if Chlamydia transmission rates also increase (e.g. due to new transmission pathways or increased mating frequency), or other non-disease factors change birth and mortality rates to reduce the koala population's intrinsic rate of increase below 0·1.
5. The most important predicted effect of habitat fragmentation and other forms of human disturbance on this unique host–parasite relationship is the extinction of Chlamydia in populations where koala resistance to disease decreases. 相似文献
L. C. GARDNER-SANTANA D. E. NORRIS C. M. FORNADEL E. R. HINSON† S. L. KLEIN G. E. GLASS 《Molecular ecology》2009,18(13):2766-2778
Movement of individuals promotes colonization of new areas, gene flow among local populations, and has implications for the spread of infectious agents and the control of pest species. Wild Norway rats ( Rattus norvegicus ) are common in highly urbanized areas but surprisingly little is known of their population structure. We sampled individuals from 11 locations within Baltimore, Maryland, to characterize the genetic structure and extent of gene flow between areas within the city. Clustering methods and a neighbour-joining tree based on pairwise genetic distances supported an east–west division in the inner city, and a third cluster comprised of historically more recent sites. Most individuals (~95%) were assigned to their area of capture, indicating strong site fidelity. Moreover, the axial dispersal distance of rats (62 m) fell within typical alley length. Several rats were assigned to areas 2–11.5 km away, indicating some, albeit infrequent, long-distance movement within the city. Although individual movement appears to be limited (30–150 m), locations up to 1.7 km are comprised of relatives. Moderate F ST , differentiation between identified clusters, and high allelic diversity indicate that regular gene flow, either via recruitment or migration, has prevented isolation. Therefore, ecology of commensal rodents in urban areas and life-history characteristics of Norway rats likely counteract many expected effects of isolation or founder events. An understanding of levels of connectivity of rat populations inhabiting urban areas provides information about the spatial scale at which populations of rats may spread disease, invade new areas, or be eradicated from an existing area without reinvasion. 相似文献
The abundance of wolf spiders (Lycosidae) was measured across woodland–pasture boundaries in the wheat‐belt of New South Wales, Australia, to determine the nature and magnitude of any edge effect. Spiders were collected by spotlighting along sample plots in woodlands located at distances of 5, 20, 35 and 200 m from the edge, and along sample plots in paddocks located at distances of 5 and 20 m from the edge. The wolf spider assemblage changed significantly across the edge, but the difference could be accounted for only by a change between the woodland and the paddock and not by any changes within the woodland at different distances from the edge. Ground cover (wolf spider microhabitat) changed significantly between the paddock and the woodland, but there were no consistent differences in microhabitat with distance from edge within either paddocks or woodlands. There was a significant correlation between an ordination of sites based on spider species abundance and an ordination based on microhabitat variables, suggesting that the wolf spider assemblage was responding to differences in microhabitat. Fine‐scale selection of microhabitat by most wolf spider species was non‐random, with most species preferring locations with grass cover, rather than more open locations. The present study indicates that wolf spiders are mostly unaffected by edge conditions at the woodland–paddock boundary. Accordingly, small and/or linear remnants with high edge‐to‐area ratios may constitute suitable faunal habitat for wolf spiders and perhaps other terrestrial arthropod species, despite the fact that this configuration is unsuitable for many vertebrate species. 相似文献