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The family Profundulidae is a group of small-sized fish species distributed between southern Mexico and Honduras, where they are frequently the only fish representatives at higher elevations in the basins where they occur. We characterized their ecological niche using different methods and metrics drawn from niche modelling and by re-examining phylogenetic relationships of a recently published molecular phylogeny of this family to gain a better understanding of its biogeographic and evolutionary history. We assessed both lines of evidence from the perspective of niche conservatism to set a foundation for discussing hypotheses about the processes underlying the distribution and evolution of the group. In fish clades where the species composition is not clear, we examined whether niche classification could be informative to discriminate groups geographically and ecologically consistent with any of the different hypotheses of valid species. The characterization of the ecological niche was carried out using the Maxent algorithm under different parameterizations and the projection of the presence on the main components of the most relevant environmental coverage, and the niche comparison was calculated with two indices (D and I), both in environmental space and in that projected geographically. With the molecular data, a species tree was generated using the *BEAST method. The comparison of these data was calculated with an age-overlap correlation test. Based on the molecular phylogeny and on niche overlap analyses, we uncovered strong evidence to support the idea that ecologically similar species are not necessarily sister species. The correlation analysis for genetic distance and niche overlap was not significant (P > 0.05). In clades with taxonomic conflicts, we only identified Profundulus oaxacae as a geographically and ecologically distinct group from P. punctatus. All the evidence considered leads us to propose that Profundulidae do not show evidence of niche conservatism and that there are reasons to consider P. oaxacae as a valid species. Our study suggests that niche divergence is a driving evolutionary force that caused the diversification and speciation processes of the Profundulidae, along with the geological and climatic events that promoted the expansion or contraction of suitable environments.  相似文献   

Ecological niches are the result of ecosystem element (compartment) interaction under the influence of environmental factors. The competence model is devised to map this interaction. It includes the assumption of an overall physiological state of a compartment depending only on intensive environmental factors, expressions for the adaptedness and competence of the compartment in interaction. Consequently, niches are environmental factor domains of superior competence. The situation of niches (niche structure) and competence maxima are extensively studied in the fundamental case of two interacting compartments and in the special case of n concentric compartments. The impact of one immigrating compartment is discussed. All detailed investigations made involve only one intensive environmental factor and the special assumption of similar physiological state functions of all compartments.  相似文献   

Trait‐based climate vulnerability assessments based on expert evaluation have emerged as a rapid tool to assess biological vulnerability when detailed correlative or mechanistic studies are not feasible. Trait‐based assessments typically view vulnerability as a combination of sensitivity and exposure to climate change. However, in some locations, a substantial amount of information may exist on system productivity and environmental conditions (both current and projected), with potential disparities in the information available for data‐rich and data‐poor stocks. Incorporating this level of detailed information poses challenges when conducting, and communicating uncertainty from, rapid vulnerability assessments. We applied a trait‐based vulnerability assessment to 36 fish and invertebrate stocks in the eastern Bering Sea (EBS), a data‐rich ecosystem. In recent years, the living marine resources of the EBS and Aleutian Islands have supported fisheries worth more than US $1 billion of annual ex‐vessel value. Our vulnerability assessment uses projections (to 2039) from three downscaled climate models, and graphically characterizes the variation in climate projections between climate models and between seasons. Bootstrapping was used to characterize uncertainty in specific biological traits and environmental variables, and in the scores for sensitivity, exposure, and vulnerability. The sensitivity of EBS stocks to climate change ranged from “low” to “high,” but vulnerability ranged between “low” and “moderate” due to limited exposure to climate change. Comparison with more detailed studies reveals that water temperature is an important variable for projecting climate impacts on stocks such as walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus), and sensitivity analyses revealed that modifying the rule for determining vulnerability increased the vulnerability scores. This study demonstrates the importance of considering several uncertainties (e.g., climate projections, biological, and model structure) when conducting climate vulnerability assessments, and can be extended in future research to consider the vulnerability of user groups dependent on these stocks.  相似文献   

舟山长白海域主要游泳动物生态位及其分化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于2016年10月(秋季)和2017年4月(春季)舟山长白海域的渔业资源调查数据,运用生态位宽度、生态位重叠及冗余分析等方法,研究了主要游泳动物的生态位,种间生态关系及生态位分化。结果显示:春、秋季主要游泳动物分别11种与8种,两季生态位宽度值差异均较大,其中春季广生态位种、中生态位种均为3种,而秋季均为2种,窄生态位种分别为5种与4种。相对重要性指数(IRI)与生态位宽度值(Bi)之间呈显著正相关。生态位重叠程度不均衡,秋季主要游泳动物的生态位重叠程度较高,Oik > 0.6的种对数占总种对数的42.86%;春季的重叠程度较低,仅占总种对数的21.82%。RDA分析得出温度、盐度为影响主要游泳动物分布的直接因素,而溶解氧、悬浮物和pH等则为重要因素,主要游泳动物在这些资源维上存在生态分化现象。综上,分布在毗邻杭州湾口且位于著名的岱衢洋的主要游泳动物种类总体营养级较低却生态宽度值较大,大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)、黄姑鱼(Nibea albiflora)等一些传统的高营养级、典型特色经济种类却沦为生态位宽度极小的一般种或少有种,群落种类显著减少,资源量下降,群落结构与功能退化,稳定性下降。因此,加强游泳动物资源修复、保护与管理十分迫切且具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Annual recurrent blooms of the toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium catenella and Alexandrium minutum were detected from 2000 to 2003 in harbours along the Catalan coast. The interrelation study between the occurrence of the blooms and specific external conditions at the study sites demonstrated that different factors are required for the bloom of each Alexandrium species. Concentrations higher than 105 cells l−1 of A. catenella were only detected in Tarragona harbour. These blooms were associated with water surface temperature between 21 and 25 °C and salinities of around 34 psu or higher than 37 psu. A. minutum appeared widely spread along the Catalan coast, though the most intensive and recurrent blooms of this species were observed in Arenys de Mar harbour. Concentrations of millions of cells per litre of A. minutum were associated with water temperatures below 14 °C and salinities of around 34–36 psu. A. minutum cell densities showed a positive significant correlation with NO3 but a negative correlation with NH4. On the other hand, A. catenella blooms dominated when both NO3 and NH4 levels were high. The prevailing inorganic nitrogen form (NO3 vs. NH4) could explain why these two species rarely coincide in the same harbours. Accumulation of cysts in the sediment was found to be an important potential factor for the recurrence of these species. The 4.3 × 103 A. catenella cysts cm−3 of wet sediment in Tarragona harbour and the 3.02 × 103 A. minutum cysts cm−3 of wet sediment in Vilanova harbour were the highest concentrations observed from the cyst study. Confined waters such as harbours play an important role as reservoirs for the accumulation of cysts and vegetative cells, which contributes to the expansion of these dinoflagellates in the region. However, the particular environmental conditions are also decisive factors of bloom intensity.  相似文献   

Climate change and biological invasions are rapidly reshuffling species distribution, restructuring the biological communities of many ecosystems worldwide. Tracking these transformations in the marine environment is crucial, but our understanding of climate change effects and invasive species dynamics is often hampered by the practical challenge of surveying large geographical areas. Here, we focus on the Mediterranean Sea, a hot spot for climate change and biological invasions to investigate recent spatiotemporal changes in fish abundances and distribution. To this end, we accessed the local ecological knowledge (LEK) of small‐scale and recreational fishers, reconstructing the dynamics of fish perceived as “new” or increasing in different fishing areas. Over 500 fishers across 95 locations and nine different countries were interviewed, and semiquantitative information on yearly changes in species abundance was collected. Overall, 75 species were mentioned by the respondents, mostly warm‐adapted species of both native and exotic origin. Respondents belonging to the same biogeographic sectors described coherent spatial and temporal patterns, and gradients along latitudinal and longitudinal axes were revealed. This information provides a more complete understanding of the shifting distribution of Mediterranean fishes and it also demonstrates that adequately structured LEK methodology might be applied successfully beyond the local scale, across national borders and jurisdictions. Acknowledging this potential through macroregional coordination could pave the way for future large‐scale aggregations of individual observations, increasing our potential for integrated monitoring and conservation planning at the regional or even global level. This might help local communities to better understand, manage, and adapt to the ongoing biotic transformations driven by climate change and biological invaders.  相似文献   


The present distribution of the Black Francolin (Francolinus francolinus) in Cyprus is concentrated in two restricted areas: the Karpasia peninsula in the north-east of the island, where about 200 birds live; and the lowlands of Paphos district in the west of Cyprus, where about 150 birds occur mainly on Akamas peninsula and around the villages of Paphos and Polis. As the decline of the population is correlated with the level of hunting, protection is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Suspended particulate barium was measured in the Western Mediterranean along 4 profiles sampled during the PHYCEMED 1 cruise in 1981. The non-terrigenous fraction of particulate barium (i.e. excess Ba; Baxs) can account for up to 96% of total barium. This fraction follows the barite settling and dissolution rate model we described earlier for the Atlantic Ocean, confirming barite as the carrier of excess barium. We propose that these Baxs concentrations, which are higher in the Western Mediterranean than in the overall Atlantic, may represent an adaptation of the microplankton to the high densities and density gradients of surface Mediterranean waters.A mass-balance for Ba in the Mediterranean Sea shows: (1) that the atmospheric source must be much more important than previously reported: (2) that contrary to the Atlantic situation, the internal recycling of barium is of little importance compared to the flow of barium through the system.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were determined in eight sampling sites collected from El-Mex Bay sediments during the period of 2013–2015. Concentrations of PCBs, Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethanes (DDTs), and cyclodienes ranged from 0.148 to 23.99, ND to 0.089, ND to 4.64, and 0.005 to 0.581 ng g?1 dry wt, respectively. Total organic carbon (TOC) was relatively low, ranging from 0.09% to 1.42%. Total carbonate content ranged from 38% to 58%. The negative correlation of TOC with total pesticides (r = ?0.18) suggested that TOC does not have a role binding with pesticides. On the other hand, a positive correlation between PCBs and TOC (r = 0.254 at p > 0.01) was observed probably due to the low solubility of PCBs in the seawater. So, it will continue to precipitate until it reaches the bottom water and contaminates the sediment. The data obtained in the present work compared well with the counterpart data reported internationally. In general, the results of PCBs and OCP concentrations in El-Mex Bay sediments were much lower than the permissible levels recorded by sediment quality guidelines (SQGs). Interestingly, the organochlorines in sediments of El-Mex Bay were below the respective SQG values and were not likely to pose potential biological adverse impact.  相似文献   

The effects of site characteristics on the distribution of nests and nesting success were examined in the five‐spotted wrasse Symphodus roissali in the north‐western Mediterranean Sea. Nesting males selected nest sites mainly on flat substrata and close to a margin in the rocky littoral strip; however, substratum slope and degree of shelter from wave action were the determinants for a greater success.  相似文献   

The ecological niche sensu Hutchinson is defined as the set of environmental conditions allowing a species to grow, maintain, and reproduce. This conception of the niche, which is assimilated to a p‐dimensional hypervolume, with p representing all environmental variables, has been widely applied in ecology. However, displaying the niche hypervolume has proved challenging when more than three environmental dimensions are considered simultaneously. We propose a simple method (implemented in the specieschrom R package) that displays the full multidimensionality of the ecological niche of a species into a two‐dimensional space by means of a graphic we call species chromatogram. This method gives a graphical summary of the niche by representing together abundance gradients with respect to all environmental variables. A chromatogram enables niche optimums and breaths to be rapidly quantified, and when several chromatograms are examined (one per species), rapid comparisons can be made. From our chromatograms, we proposed a procedure that quantifies niche optimum and breadth as well as niche overlapping (index D) and the identification of the most discriminant combination of environmental variables. We apply these analyses on eight planktonic species collected by the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey in the North Atlantic Ocean using 10 environmental variables. We display their full multidimensional niches and quantify their niche optimums and breadths along each dimension. We also compare our index D with other indices by means of hypervolume and dynRB R packages. By catching the full complexity of the niche, species chromatograms allow many different niche properties to be rapidly assessed and compared among species from niche optimums and breadths to the identification of the most relevant environmental parameters and the degree of niche overlapping among species. Species chromatograms may be seen as species’ fingerprint and may also allow a better identification of the mechanisms involved in species assembly.  相似文献   

Regressions between fish length and otolith size are provided for 40 species from the north‐eastern Atlantic Ocean and 142 species from the Mediterranean Sea. Regressions were also estimated at genus level. Most of the regressions (c. 84%) explained a high percentage of the deviance (>75%).  相似文献   

The intensive development of industry and urban structures along the seashores of the world, as well as the immense increase in marine transportation and other activities, has resulted in the deposition of thousands of new chemicals and organic compounds, endangering the existence of organisms and ecosystems. The conventional single biomarker methods used in ecological assessment studies cannot provide an adequate base for environmental health assessment, management and sustainability planning. The present study uses a set of novel biochemical, physiological, cytogenetic and morphological methods to characterize the state of health of selected molluscs and fish along the shores of the German North Sea, as well as the Israeli Mediterranean and Red Sea. The methods include measurement of activity of multixenobiotic resistance-mediated transporter (MXRtr) and the system of active transport of organic anions (SATOA) as indicators of antixenobiotic defence; glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity as an indicator of biotransformation of xenobiotics; DNA unwinding as a marker of genotoxicity; micronucleus test for clastogenicity; levels of phagocytosis for immunotoxicity; cholinesterase (ChE) activity and level of catecholamines as indicators of neurotoxicity; permeability of external epithelia to anionic hydrophilic probe, intralysosomal accumulation of cationic amphiphilic probe and activity of non-specific esterases as indicators of cell/tissue viability. Complete histopathological examination was used for diagnostics of environmental pathology. The obtained data show that the activity of the defensive pumps, MXRtr and SATOA in the studied organisms was significantly higher in the surface epithelia of molluscs from a polluted site than that of the same species from control, unpolluted stations, providing clear evidence of response to stress. Enhanced frequency of DNA lesions (alkaline and acidic DNA unwinding) and micronucleus-containing cells was significantly higher in samples from polluted sites in comparison to those from the clean sites that exhibited genotoxic and clastogenic activity of the pollutants. In all the studied molluscs a negative correlation was found between the MXRtr levels of activity and the frequency of micronucleus-containing hemocytes. The expression of this was in accordance with the level of pollution. The complete histopathological examination demonstrates significantly higher frequencies of pathological alterations in organs of animals from polluted sites. A strong negative correlation was found between the frequency of these alterations and MXRtr activity in the same specimens. In addition to these parameters, a decrease in the viability was noted in molluscs from the polluted sites, but ChE activities remained similar at most sites. The methods applied in our study unmasked numerous early cryptic responses and negative alterations of health in populations of marine biota sampled from the polluted sites. This demonstrates that genotoxic, clastogenic and pathogenic xenobiotics are present and act in the studied sites and this knowledge can provide a reliable base for consideration for sustainable development. Received: 2 March 1999 / Received in revised form: 2 August 1999 / Accepted: 3 August 1999  相似文献   

A medium-sized coffinfish, 183 mm total length and 170 g body weight, Chaunax pictus Lowe 1846, a species previously unrecorded in the Mediterranean Sea, has been trawled recently on deep-sea red shrimp grounds near the Sentinelle Bank (off the Algerian coast, central Mediterranean Sea).  相似文献   

Aim The use of ecological niche models (ENMs) to predict potential distributions of species is steadily increasing. A necessary assumption is that climatic niches are conservative, but recent findings of niche shifts during biological invasion indicate that this assumption is not always valid. Selection of predictor variables may be one reason for the observed shifts. In this paper we assess differences in climatic niches in the native and invaded ranges of the Mediterranean house gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus) in terms of commonly applied climate variables in ENMs. We analyse which variables are more conserved versus relaxed (i.e. subject to niche shift). Furthermore, we study the predictive power of different sets of climate variables. Location The Mediterranean region and North America. Methods We developed models using Maxent and various subsets of variables out of 19 bioclimatic layers including: (1) two subsets comprising almost all variables excluding only highly collinear ones; (2) two subsets with minimalistic variable sets of water availability and energy measures; (3) two subsets focused on temperature‐related parameters; (4) two subsets with precipitation‐related parameters; and (5) one subset comprising variables combining temperature and precipitation characteristics. Occurrence data from the native Mediterranean range were used to predict the potential introduced range in North America and vice versa. Degrees of niche similarity and conservatism were assessed using both Schoener's index and Hellinger distances. The significance of the results was tested using null models. Results The degree of niche similarity and conservatism varied greatly among the predictors and variable sets applied. Shifts observed in some variables could be attributed to active habitat selection while others apparently reflected background effects. Main conclusions The study was based on comprehensive occurrence data from all regions where Hemidactylus turcicus is present in Europe and North America, providing a robust foundation. Our results clearly indicate that the degree of conservatism of niches in H. turcicus largely varies among predictors and variable sets applied. Therefore, the extent of niche conservatism of variables applied should always be tested in ENMs. This has an important impact on studies of biological invasion, impacts of climate change and niche evolution.  相似文献   

During the breeding season northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) congregate on the Pribilof Islands in large numbers creating the potential for intraspecific competition. Due to the declining trend in the Pribilof Islands population of fur seals, it is important to understand how prey resources are partitioned among the population. Fur seals exhibit a high degree of sexual dimorphism resulting in energetic differences among age and sex classes. Therefore, we hypothesized that subadult male and adult female fur seals would differ in the type and size of prey consumed. We examined the diets of subadult male (age 2–8; mean mass 28–176 kg) and adult female (age ≥ 3 yr; mean mass 13–50 kg) seals on St. Paul Island from 1992 to 2000. Prey remains found in fecal samples were compared using niche overlap indices. There was nearly complete dietary niche overlap between subadult male and adult female fur seals. Walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Pacific herring (Clupeia pallasi), and cephalopods were common prey items found in the diets of both groups. We found differences in the size of pollock consumed and that geographic location of sample collection may be important in determining diet differences. Our results indicate high levels of dietary overlap among subadult male and adult female fur seals.  相似文献   

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