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Tillberg CV 《Oecologia》2004,140(3):506-515
In ant–plant symbioses, the behavior of ant inhabitants affects the nature of the interaction, ranging from mutualism to parasitism. Mutualistic species confer a benefit to the plant, while parasites reap the benefits of the interaction without reciprocating, potentially resulting in a negative impact on the host plant. Using the ant–plant symbiosis between Cordia alliodora and its ant inhabitants as a model system, I examine the costs and benefits of habitation by the four most common ant inhabitants at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Costs are measured by counting coccoids associated with each ant species. Benefits include patrolling behavior, effectiveness at locating resources, and recruitment response. I also compare the diets of the four ant species using stable isotope analysis of nitrogen (N) and carbon (C). Ants varied in their rates of association with coccoids, performance of beneficial behaviors, and diet. These differences in cost, benefit, and diet among the ant species suggest differences in the nature of the symbiotic relationship between C. alliodora and its ants. Two of the ant species behave in a mutualistic manner, while the other two ant species appear to be parasites of the mutualism. I determined that the mutualistic ants feed at a higher trophic level than the parasitic ants. Behavioral and dietary evidence indicate the protective role of the mutualists, and suggest that the parasitic ants do not protect the plant by consuming herbivores.  相似文献   

Acetate is reported as a regulator of fat mass but also as lipogenic source for cancer cells. Breast cancer is surrounded by adipose tissue and has been associated with obesity. However, whether acetate contributes to cancer cell metabolism as lipogenic substrate and/or by changing fat storage and eventually obesity‐induced breast cancer progression remains unknown. Therefore, we studied the contribution of acetate to breast cancer metabolism and progression. In vitro, we found that acetate is not a bioenergetic substrate under normoxia and did not result in a significant change of growth. However, by using lipidomic approaches, we discovered that acetate changes the lipid profiles of the cells under hypoxia. Moreover, while mice fed a high‐fat diet (HFD) developed bigger tumours than their lean counterparts, exogenous acetate supplementation leads to a complete abolishment of fat mass gain without reverting the HFD‐induced obesity‐driven tumour progression. In conclusion, although acetate protects against diet‐induced obesity, our data suggest that it is not affecting HFD‐driven tumour progression.  相似文献   

Autoimmune diseases (ADs), which are common immune-mediated inflammatory syndromes, are characterized by an imbalance between T effector (Th)1/Th17 cells and T regulatory cells. Interleukin (IL)-33, a member of the IL-1 family, induces inflammatory disease development by mediating type 2 immune responses. Recently, IL-33/ST2 axis was reported to induce autoimmunity involving Th1 and Th17 cells. In this review, we focus on the expression, regulation and function of IL-33/ST2 pathway in the context of autoimmune disorders. We discuss the clinical potential of this signaling pathway in predicting disease activity and severity and offer possible future therapeutic alternatives.  相似文献   

Fibrosis is a common phenomenon associated with several pathologies, characterized by an excessive extracellular matrix deposition that leads to a progressive organ dysfunction. Thus fibrosis has a relevant role in chronic diseases affecting the kidney, the liver, lung, skin (scleroderma) and joints (arthritis), among others. The pathogenesis of fibrosis in different organs share numerous similarities, being one of them the presence of activated fibroblasts, denominated myofibroblast, which act as the main source of extracellular matrix proteins. Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β1) is a profibrotic cytokine that plays a pivotal role in fibrosis. The TGF-β1/ALK5/Smad3 signaling pathway has been studied in fibrosis extensively. However, an increasing number of studies involving the ALK1/Smad1 pathway in the fibrotic process exist. In this review we offer a perspective of the function of ALK1/Smad1 pathway in renal fibrosis, liver fibrosis, scleroderma and osteoarthritis, suggesting this pathway as a powerful therapeutical target. We also propose several strategies to modulate the activity of this pathway and its consequences in the fibrotic process.  相似文献   

Floral scents of male and female inflorescences of three dioeciousSalix species were collected by head-space adsorption, and analysed by GC-MS. InSalix caprea andS. cinerea 1,4-dimethoxy benzene was the main compound, and male and female scents showed a high degree of resemblance. No dominant compound was found inS. repens and malefemale scent similarity was low. Floral scent inSalix is likely a strong orientation cue, guiding pollinators between male and female plants ensuring pollen transfer and pollination. We suggest that a high degree of male-female floral scent resemblance is coupled to a high degree of insect pollination. Floral scent does not promote reproductive isolation betweenS. caprea andS. cinerea.  相似文献   

Conflicts of interest are omnipresent between mutualist species. In the monoecious fig/pollinator wasp mutualism, each female flower produces either a seed or a pollinator offspring (which has fed on a single seed). Pollen from a syconium (i.e. fig, a closed urn-shaped inflorescence) is only dispersed by female pollinator offspring born in this syconium. Thus the fig tree is selected to produce both seed and pollinator offspring whereas for the pollinator there is no short term advantage in seed production. Using controlled pollination experiments (pollen injection, and foundress introduction), we show that 1) The relative proportion of seeds and pollinator offspring produced (i.e., the effective allocation between female and male function) depends mainly on the number of foundresses that entered the syconium. 2) Many female flowers within every syconium mature neither a seed nor a wasp (from 25% to 33%). 3) All the female flowers within a syconium that are not vacant at maturity have the potential to produce a seed, and at least 80% of them can produce a pollinator. Several hypotheses concerning mechanisms that govern the partitioning between seed and wasp production are discussed, and their evolutionary consequences are considered.  相似文献   

Summary The interactions between cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae L. and its food plant, tansy ragwort, Senecio jacobaea L. were studied for 4 to 6 years at 9 sites in North America to assess if the herbivore drove the dynamics of the plants or if the plants determined the dynamics of the insects. Cinnabar moth larval density is not closely related to changes in the size and spacing of tansy ragwort plants although high densities of larvae were associated with a high proportion of rosettes the next year. Fluctuating moth populations live in areas where rosettes are small, closely spaced and numerous compared to flowering stem plants. This situation is also associated with greater larval dispersal which may lead to over exploitation of the food supply. The coefficient of variation of both the size of rosettes and the distance between clumps of plants is associated with the coefficient of variation in moth density. This suggests that the plants may be driving the dynamics of the insect populations. The size of the moth egg batches is correlated to the size of the flowering stem plants in the previous year, indicating an adjustment between moth fecundity and food plant size. The conclusion is that environmental factors such as weather and soil type determine to a large degree the characteristics and variation in the plant populations and this in turn controls the dynamics of the insects. The relation of this situation to the biological control of weeds is discussed.  相似文献   

Intra- and interspecific aggression is quite common in ants, from occasional conflicts to large-scale territorial disputes. The “nasty neighbor” phenomenon describes the differential aggressive treatment of neighbors versus foreign intruders. Due to the fact that workers of a given colony meet rival neighbors more often at food resources, they treat them as threats to their colony. The reverse can also happen: the “dear enemy” effect arises when an already known rival is treated less aggressively due to accommodation, than an unknown distant one. In the current study, we analyzed the effect of distance on the aggressiveness of Liometopum microcephalum, a territorial arboricolous ant, towards non-nestmates in two large populations. Our results show that aggression did not increase with distance, but it was higher among neighbors than among workers coming from distant nests. The results of the study are consistent with the nasty neighbor scenario, and do not support the hypothesis that the studied populations would be polydomous systems of interconnected nests.  相似文献   

Plant defences can reduce herbivore fitness and may promote cycles in some herbivore populations. In this study, we model the interaction between plant defences and herbivores and include seasonal forcing, a ubiquitous environmental influence in natural systems. We compare the impacts of two different seasonal mechanisms on the dynamics of the herbivore–plant defence system. The first mechanism involves a fixed breeding season length and a variable birth rate within the breeding season; the second involves a variable breeding season length and a fixed birth rate within the breeding season. When parameterised for a specific cyclic system, namely field voles and silica, our model predicts that a variable season length gives multi-year cycles for a larger region in parameter space than a variable birth rate. Our results highlight the complexity of the dynamical effects of seasonal forcing and that these effects are strongly dependent on the type of seasonal mechanism.  相似文献   

Positive interactions between plants play a fundamental role in environments with extreme conditions, such as coastal sand dunes, where the establishment of many species is limited by high temperature, and low availability of water and nutrients in the soil. The ability to store water and enrich the soil with nutrients characterizes bromeliads as potential nurse plants for other species. This study aimed to analyze the potential of the bromeliad Vriesea friburgensis to act as a nurse plant, and to compare this interaction in coastal dunes in herbaceous versus scrub vegetation. The study was performed on Santa Catarina Island in Brazil. Juveniles of other species associated with V. friburgensis were collected within and under bromeliad tanks and on adjacent plots beside each bromeliad. The abundance, species richness and height of juveniles were recorded. We found that abundance and richness of Vf‐associated juveniles were lower than those Vf‐not associated, in herbaceous vegetation (negative interaction). However, the height of some shrubs species, like Eupatorium casarettoi and Tibouchina urvilleana, was greater when Vf‐associated (positive interaction). In scrub vegetation, the abundance and richness of juveniles were not significantly affected by V. friburgensis presence (neutral interaction). However, the height of some shrubs and trees species, like Clusia criuva, Eugenia catharinae, Myrsine parvifolia and Ocotea pulchella, was greater when Vf‐associated. Species composition associated with V. friburgensis differed from the assemblage in adjacent plots, indicating that some species interact more with nurse plants, whereas others fail to develop when associated with this bromeliad; the difference between groups in species composition was less evident in scrub vegetation areas. Clusia criuva was considered an indicator species for Vf‐associated juveniles in both vegetation types. Despite the fact that these tank bromeliads do not function as nurse plants for some species, there are others that seem to be favoured by this interaction.  相似文献   

Wuchty S 《PloS one》2007,2(3):e335
Recent advances have provided a first experimental protein interaction map of the human malaria parasite P. falciparum, which appears to be remotely related to interactomes of other eukaryotes. Here, we present a comparative topological analysis of this experimentally determined web with a network of conserved interactions between proteins in S. cerevisiae, C. elegans and D. melanogaster that have an ortholog in Plasmodium. Focusing on experimental interactions, we find a significant presence of a "rich-club," a topological characteristic that features an "oligarchy" of highly connected proteins being intertwined with one another. In complete contrast, the network of interologs and particularly the web of evolutionary-conserved interactions in P. falciparum lack this feature. This observation prompts the question of whether this result points to a topological signature of the parasite's biology, since experimentally obtained interactions widely cover parasite-specific functions. Significantly, hub proteins that appear in such an oligarchy revolve around invasion functions, shaping an island of parasite-specific activities in a sea of evolutionary inherited interactions. This presence of a biologically unprecedented network feature in the human malaria parasite might be an artifact of the quality and the methods to obtain interaction data in this organism. Yet, the observation that rich-club proteins have distinctive and statistically significant functions that revolve around parasite-specific activities point to a topological signature of a parasitic life style.  相似文献   

Understanding the regional dynamics of plant communities is crucial for predicting the response of plant diversity to habitat fragmentation. However, for fragmented landscapes the importance of regional processes, such as seed dispersal among isolated habitat patches, has been controversially debated. Due to the stochasticity and rarity of among‐patch dispersal and colonization events, we still lack a quantitative understanding of the consequences of these processes at the landscape‐scale. In this study, we used extensive field data from a fragmented, semi‐arid landscape in Israel to parameterize a multi‐species incidence‐function model. This model simulates species occupancy pattern based on patch areas and habitat configuration and explicitly considers the locations and the shapes of habitat patches for the derivation of patch connectivity. We implemented an approximate Bayesian computation approach for parameter inference and uncertainty assessment. We tested which of the three types of regional dynamics – the metacommunity, the mainland‐island, or the island communities type – best represents the community dynamics in the study area and applied the simulation model to estimate the extinction debt in the investigated landscape. We found that the regional dynamics in the patch‐matrix study landscape is best represented as a system of highly isolated ‘island’ communities with low rates of propagule exchange among habitat patches and consequently low colonization rates in local communities. Accordingly, the extinction rates in the local communities are the main drivers of community dynamics. Our findings indicate that the landscape carries a significant extinction debt and in model projections 33–60% of all species went extinct within 1000 yr. Our study demonstrates that the combination of dynamic simulation models with field data provides a promising approach for understanding regional community dynamics and for projecting community responses to habitat fragmentation. The approach bears the potential for efficient tests of conservation activities aimed at mitigating future losses of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Group 2 coronaviruses encode an accessory envelope glycoprotein species, the hemagglutinin esterase (HE), which possesses sialate-O-acetylesterase activity and which, presumably, promotes virus spread and entry in vivo by facilitating reversible virion attachment to O-acetylated sialic acids. While HE may provide a strong selective advantage during natural infection, many laboratory strains of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) fail to produce the protein. Apparently, their HE genes were inactivated during cell culture adaptation. For this report, we have studied the molecular basis of this phenomenon. By using targeted RNA recombination, we generated isogenic recombinant MHVs which differ exclusively in their expression of HE and produce either the wild-type protein (HE+), an enzymatically inactive HE protein (HE0), or no HE at all. HE expression or the lack thereof did not lead to gross differences in in vitro growth properties. Yet the expression of HE was rapidly lost during serial cell culture passaging. Competition experiments with mixed infections revealed that this was not due to the enzymatic activity: MHVs expressing HE+ or HE0 propagated with equal efficiencies. During the propagation of recombinant MHV-HE+, two types of spontaneous mutants accumulated. One produced an anchorless HE, while the other had a Gly-to-Trp substitution at the predicted C-terminal residue of the HE signal peptide. Neither mutant incorporated HE into virion particles, suggesting that wild-type HE reduces the in vitro propagation efficiency, either at the assembly stage or at a postassembly level. Our findings demonstrate that the expression of "luxury" proteins may come at a fitness penalty. Apparently, under natural conditions the costs of maintaining HE are outweighed by the benefits.  相似文献   

Direct evidence for the origin and evolution of land plant/cyanobacterial symbioses is virtually absent from the fossil record. Here we report on rare occurrences of prostrate mycorrhizal axes of the Early Devonian land plant Aglaophyton major that host a filamentous cyanobacterium, which enters the plant through the stomata and colonizes the substomatal chambers and intercellular spaces in the outer cortex. In dead ends of the intercellular system, the filaments form loops and continue growth in reverse direction. Some filaments penetrate parenchyma cells close to and within the mycorrhizal arbuscule-zone and form intracellular coils. This discovery represents the earliest direct evidence for cyanobacteria growing inside land plants, and offers a model for the types of associations that may have preceded the evolution of mutualistic land plant/cyanobacterial symbioses.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Evolutionary transitions from outcrossing to self-fertilization are thought to occur because selfing provides reproductive assurance when pollinators or mates are scarce, but they could also occur via selection to reduce floral vulnerability to herbivores. This study investigated geographic covariation between floral morphology, fruit set, pollen limitation and florivory across the geographic range of Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia, a Pacific coastal dune endemic that varies strikingly in flower size and mating system.Methods Fruit set was quantified in 75 populations, and in 41 of these floral herbivory by larvae of a specialized moth (Mompha sp.) that consumes anthers in developing buds was also quantified. Experimental pollen supplementation was performed to quantify pollen limitation in three large-flowered, outcrossing and two small-flowered, selfing populations. These parameters were also compared between large- and small-flowered phenotypes within three mixed populations.Key Results Fruit set was much lower in large-flowered populations, and also much lower among large- than small-flowered plants within populations. Pollen supplementation increased per flower seed production in large-flowered but not small-flowered populations, but fruit set was not pollen limited. Hence inadequate pollination cannot account for the low fruit set of large-flowered plants. Floral herbivory was much more frequent in large-flowered populations and correlated negatively with fruit set. However, florivores did not preferentially attack large-flowered plants in three large-flowered populations or in two of three mixed populations.Conclusions Selfing alleviated pollen limitation of seeds per fruit, but florivory better explains the marked variation in fruit set. Although florivory was more frequent in large-flowered populations, large-flowered individuals were not generally more vulnerable within populations. Rather than a causative selective factor, reduced florivory in small-flowered, selfing populations is probably an ecological consequence of mating system differentiation, with potentially significant effects on population demography and biotic interactions.  相似文献   

We tested predictions from four hypotheses to explain the occurrence of long-term socially monogamous pairs in the Caribbean cleaning goby Elacatinus (=Gobiosoma) evelynae, namely (1) resource limitation, (2) low population and/or low mate density, (3) territorial defence and (4) net benefit of single-mate sequestration. We found no evidence that resources, in terms of available cleaning stations or clients to clean, were limited (1) or that after experimental goby removals, single individuals could not maintain cleaning stations alone (2). Population density was low but this did not prevent artificially widowed fish from remating quickly with individuals as large as their initial partners (3). Social monogamy in E. evelynae appears to result from the benefits associated with sequestering a large, high-quality mate (4). Both males and females showed intrasexual aggression towards experimental intruders consistent with mate guarding. Opportunities for polygynous matings by males, assessed by comparing the sizes, distances between and mating synchrony of neighbouring pairs, appeared both low and of limited value. Males therefore benefit most from guarding a larger, more fecund female. Females spent longer cleaning when paired with a large male, indicating that the benefits of guarding a high-quality mate may extend outside of the reproductive period for socially monogamous species. These results add to an increasing number of studies on coral reef fish showing mate-guarding behaviour and benefits to males and females from sequestering a single mate. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

In allopatric systems, where gene flow is highly constrained, the distinction between intraspecific differentiation and speciation is a challenging task. Pilosocereus jauruensis is a columnar cactus restricted to patchy dry habitats of Pantanal, Cerrado, and Chaco biomes in south-western Brazil and neighbouring countries. This species was recently reinstated after having been synonymized with P. machriisi, now including P. paraguayensis, P. saudadensis, and P. densivillosus as its synonyms. These taxa have been placed within the informal Aurisetus group. The present study aimed to investigate the genetic structure of P. jauruensis in order to identify possible distinct evolutionary lineages, and to support further refinement of the taxonomy of this species. For this purpose, 10 microsatellite loci were genotyped for 156 individuals of P. jauruensis. To provide a proxy for the expected interspecific differentiation level within this allopatric system, two populations (49 individuals) of P. vilaboensis (a species closely related to P. jauruensis) were also included. Additionally, two cpDNA markers (trnSGCU-trnGUCC and trnT-trnL) for a subsample of 44 individuals of both species were sequenced. The results obtained showed that even though P. jauruensis populations are relatively small and isolated, they still maintain a high level of genetic diversity (e.g., HE = 0.557 to 0.725; HO = 0.253 to 0.409). The study suggests the existence of two distinct taxa/evolutionary lineages through their entire distribution. Two populations found in the same geographic region of the now synonymized P. densivillosus showed significant genetic divergence when compared with other populations of P. jauruensis. In contrast, our results did not support an evolutionary independence hypothesis for populations that occur in the same geographic region of the synonymous P. saudadensis.  相似文献   

Many herbivorous insects sequester defensive chemicals from their host plants. We tested sequestration fitness costs in the specialist moth Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). We added pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) to an artificial diet at different concentrations. Of all the larval and adult fitness components measured, only development time was negatively affected by PA concentration. These results were repeated under stressful laboratory conditions. On the other hand, the amount of PAs sequestered greatly increased with the diet PA concentration. Absence of a detectable negative effect does not necessarily imply a lack of costs if all individuals express the biochemical machinery of detoxification and sequestration constitutively. Therefore, we used qPCR to show that expression of the gene used to detoxify PAs, pyrrolizidine‐alkaloid‐N‐oxygenase (pno), increased 41‐fold in our highest PA treatment. Nevertheless, fitness components were affected only slightly or not at all, suggesting that sequestration in this species does not incur a strong cost. The apparent lack of costs has important implications for our understanding of the evolution of ecological interactions; for example, it implies that selection by specialist herbivores may decrease the levels of certain chemical defences in plant populations.  相似文献   

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