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The Cerrado is the largest South American savanna and encompasses substantial species diversity and environmental variation. Nevertheless, little is known regarding the influence of the environment on population divergence of Cerrado species. Here, we searched for climatic drivers of genetic (nuclear microsatellites) and leaf trait divergence in Annona crassiflora, a widespread tree in the Cerrado. The sampling encompassed all phytogeographic provinces of the continuous area of the Cerrado and included 397 individuals belonging to 21 populations. Populations showed substantial genetic and leaf trait divergence across the species' range. Our data revealed three spatially defined genetic groups (eastern, western and southern) and two morphologically distinct groups (eastern and western only). The east‐west split in both the morphological and genetic data closely mirrors previously described phylogeographic patterns of Cerrado species. Generalized linear mixed effects models and multiple regression analyses revealed several climatic factors associated with both genetic and leaf trait divergence among populations of A. crassiflora. Isolation by environment (IBE) was mainly due to temperature seasonality and precipitation of the warmest quarter. Populations that experienced lower precipitation summers and hotter winters had heavier leaves and lower specific leaf area. The southwestern area of the Cerrado had the highest genetic diversity of A. crassiflora, suggesting that this region may have been climatically stable. Overall, we demonstrate that a combination of current climate and past climatic changes have shaped the population divergence and spatial structure of A. crassiflora. However, the genetic structure of A. crassiflora reflects the biogeographic history of the species more strongly than leaf traits, which are more related to current climate.  相似文献   

Divergent host use has long been suspected to drive population differentiation and speciation in plant‐feeding insects. Evaluating the contribution of divergent host use to genetic differentiation can be difficult, however, as dispersal limitation and population structure may also influence patterns of genetic variation. In this study, we use double‐digest restriction‐associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing to test the hypothesis that divergent host use contributes to genetic differentiation among populations of the redheaded pine sawfly (Neodiprion lecontei), a widespread pest that uses multiple Pinus hosts throughout its range in eastern North America. Because this species has a broad range and specializes on host plants known to have migrated extensively during the Pleistocene, we first assess overall genetic structure using model‐based and model‐free clustering methods and identify three geographically distinct genetic clusters. Next, using a composite‐likelihood approach based on the site frequency spectrum and a novel strategy for maximizing the utility of linked RAD markers, we infer the population topology and date divergence to the Pleistocene. Based on existing knowledge of Pinus refugia, estimated demographic parameters and patterns of diversity among sawfly populations, we propose a Pleistocene divergence scenario for N. lecontei. Finally, using Mantel and partial Mantel tests, we identify a significant relationship between genetic distance and geography in all clusters, and between genetic distance and host use in two of three clusters. Overall, our results indicate that Pleistocene isolation, dispersal limitation and ecological divergence all contribute to genomewide differentiation in this species and support the hypothesis that host use is a common driver of population divergence in host‐specialized insects.  相似文献   

The peopling of East Asia by the first modern humans is strongly debated from a genetic point of view. A north-south genetic differentiation observed in this geographic area suggests different hypotheses on the origin of Northern East Asian (NEA) and Southern East Asian (SEA) populations. In this study, the highly polymorphic HLA markers were used to investigate East Asian genetic diversity. Our database covers a total of about 127,000 individuals belonging to 84 distinct Asian populations tested for HLA-A, -B, -C, -DPB1, and/or -DRB1 alleles. Many Chinese populations are represented, which have been sampled in the last 30 years but rarely taken into account in international research due to their data published in Chinese. By using different statistical methods, we found a significant correlation between genetics and geography and relevant genetic clines in East Asia. Additionally, HLA alleles appear to be unevenly distributed: some alleles observed in NEA populations are widespread at the global level, while some alleles observed in SEA populations are virtually unique in Asia. The HLA genetic variation in East Asia is also characterized by a decrease of diversity from north to south, although a reverse pattern appears when one only focuses on alleles restricted to Asia. These results reflect a more complex migration history than that illustrated by the "southern-origin" hypothesis, as genetic contribution of ancient human migrations through a northern route has probably been quite substantial. We thus suggest a new overlapping model where northward and southward opposite migrations occurring at different periods overlapped.  相似文献   

We investigated the biogeographic history of Kalopanax septemlobus, one of the most widespread temperate tree species in East Asia, using a combined phylogeographic and palaeodistribution modelling approach. Range-wide genetic differentiation at nuclear microsatellites (G'(ST) = 0.709; 2205 samples genotyped at five loci) and chloroplast DNA (G(ST) = 0.697; 576 samples sequenced for 2055 bp at three fragments) was high. A major phylogeographic break in Central China corresponded with those of other temperate species and the spatial delineation of the two temperate forest subkingdoms of East Asia, consistent with the forests having been isolated within both East and West China for multiple glacial-interglacial cycles. Evidence for multiple glacial refugia was found in most of its current range in China, South Japan and the southernmost part of the Korean Peninsula. In contrast, lineage admixture and absence of private alleles and haplotypes in Hokkaido and the northern Korean Peninsula support a postglacial origin of northernmost populations. Although palaeodistribution modelling predicted suitable climate across a land-bridge extending from South Japan to East China during the Last Glacial Maximum, the genetic differentiation of regional populations indicated a limited role of the exposed sea floor as a dispersal corridor at that time. Overall, this study provides evidence that differential impacts of Quaternary climate oscillation associated with landscape heterogeneity have shaped the genetic structure of a wide-ranging temperate tree in East Asia.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of the demographic dynamics and environmental heterogeneity on the genomic variation of forest species is important, not only for uncovering the evolutionary history of the species, but also for predicting their ability to adapt to climate change. In this study, we combined a common garden experiment with range-wide population genomics analyses to infer the demographic history and characterize patterns of local adaptation in a subtropical oak species, Quercus acutissima (Carruthers). We scanned approximately 8% of the oak genome using a balanced representation of both genic and non-genic regions and identified a total of 55 361 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 167 trees. Genomic diversity analyses revealed an east–west split in the species distribution range. Coalescent-based model simulations inferred a late Pleistocene divergence in Q. acutissima between the east and west groups as well as subsequent preglaciation population expansion events. Consistent with observed genetic differentiation, morphological traits also showed east–west differentiation and the biomass allocation in seedlings was significantly associated with precipitation. Environment was found to have a significant and stronger impact on the non-neutral than the neutral SNPs, and also significantly associated with the phenotypic differentiation, suggesting that, apart from the geography, environment had played a role in determining non-neutral and phenotypic variation. Our approach, which combined a common garden experiment with landscape genomics data, validated the hypothesis of local adaptation of this long-lived oak tree of subtropical China. Our study joins the small number of studies that have combined genotypic and phenotypic data to detect patterns of local adaptation.  相似文献   

Geng R  Chang H  Wang L  Tsunoda K  Yang Z  Sun W  Ji D  Li Y 《Biochemical genetics》2007,45(3-4):263-279
Variations of four sheep populations in China were examined by multiloci electrophoresis, and similar data are quoted to analyze the degree of genetic differentiation of native sheep populations in East and South Asia. Among 15 populations, the average heterozygosity is 0.2746, and the effective number of alleles is 1.559. Mongolian sheep possess the highest genetic diversity, and diversity decreases sequentially in the Chinese, Vietnamese, Bangladeshi, and Nepalese populations. Coefficients of genetic differentiation are 0.0126–0.3083, with an average of 0.148, demonstrating that the major genetic variation (85%) exists within populations. Genetic identity and genetic distance all show relatively low genetic differentiation. No relationship was found between geographic distance and genetic distance. Gene flow is common among the mass of populations, which leads to the inconsistency between geographic distance and genetic distance. The 15 native sheep populations in East and South Asia can be divided into two groups, one group including part of the Chinese and Mongolian populations and another including theYunnan population of China and part of the Nepalese and Bangladeshi populations. Other populations did not separate into groups, merging instead into the two main groups.  相似文献   

The gene frequencies were calculated to investigate genetic variation apparent in blood group and serum protein systems in Asian native pigs. The results revealed that gene frequencies were generally similar in the nine pig populations, except in some systems. Differences of gene frequencies were recognized in HpY and Cpc detected on Taoyuan pigs of Taiwan and Ohmini pigs of Japan, respectively. TfC and AmC alleles were found in eight pig populations except Ohmini pigs.
The overall genetic distances were calculated by gene frequencies of 13 loci and it was observed that Taoyuan pigs are closer to Ohmini pigs than to Short-ear pigs of Taiwan and other East Asian native pigs. However, the genetic distances between Asian native pigs and European or American breeds were larger than those among East Asian native pig populations.  相似文献   

Investigating the properties of ecological landscapes that influence gene flow among populations can provide key insights into the earliest stages of biological divergence. Both ecological and geographical factors can reduce gene flow, which can lead to population divergence, but we know little of the relative strengths of these phenomena in nature. Here, we use a novel application of structural equation modelling to quantify the contributions of ecological and geographical isolation to spatial genetic divergence in 17 species of Anolis lizards. Our comparative analysis shows that although both processes contributed significantly, geographical isolation explained substantially more genetic divergence than ecological isolation (36.3 vs. 17.9% of variance respectively), suggesting that despite the proposed ubiquity of ecological divergence, non‐ecological factors play the dominant role in the evolution of spatial genetic divergence.  相似文献   

The past processes that have shaped geographic patterns of genetic diversity may be difficult to infer from current patterns. However, in species with sex differences in dispersal, differing phylogeographic patterns between mitochondrial (mt) and nuclear (nu) DNA may provide contrasting insights into past events. Forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) were impacted by climate and habitat change during the Pleistocene, which likely shaped phylogeographic patterns in mitochondrial (mt) DNA that have persisted due to limited female dispersal. By contrast, the nuclear (nu) DNA phylogeography of forest elephants in Central Africa has not been determined. We therefore examined the population structure of Central African forest elephants by genotyping 94 individuals from six localities at 21 microsatellite loci. Between forest elephants in western and eastern Congolian forests, there was only modest genetic differentiation, a pattern highly discordant with that of mtDNA. Nuclear genetic patterns are consistent with isolation by distance. Alternatively, male‐mediated gene flow may have reduced the previous regional differentiation in Central Africa suggested by mtDNA patterns, which likely reflect forest fragmentation during the Pleistocene. In species like elephants, male‐mediated gene flow erases the nuclear genetic signatures of past climate and habitat changes, but these continue to persist as patterns in mtDNA because females do not disperse. Conservation implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

  1. Highlands are ideal research areas for improving our understanding of the influence of ecological factors on the diversity and spatial patterns of natural species. Elevation-driven physical and environmental isolation greatly affect the evolution of plants. The mechanisms and essential drivers underlying these processes may differ among research scales, habitats and landscapes. Wetlands are important elements of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, which is the highest plateau in the world, and these habitats harbour high aquatic organismal diversity. However, how the environments shape the genetic variation and structure of hydrophilous plants is poorly understood.
  2. Using microsatellite markers and a chloroplast fragment, we quantified the genetic diversity and spatial genetic pattern of Stuckenia filiformis, one of the most widespread aquatic plants on the plateau. The relative contributions of geography, climate and local conditions to intra- and interpopulation variation were estimated. The results showed that intrapopulation genetic variation of the plant is moderate to high and not constrained by high-altitude environments. Topographical isolation mainly contributes to the genetic structure of S. filiformis, as inferred by simple sequence repeats and chloroplast DNA data. Significant effects of environmental variables on the spatial genetic patterns of this freshwater species were also suggested by landscape genetic analysis.
  3. Infrequent long-distance dispersal, sexual recruitment and annual growth are probably important for the maintenance and distribution of this variation. Our findings imply a combined effect of geography and elevation-driven environmental heterogeneity on the evolution of aquatic organisms in highlands.

The relatively recent fields of terrestrial landscape and marine seascape genetics seek to identify the influence of biophysical habitat features on the spatial genetic structure of populations or individuals. Over the last few years, there has been accumulating evidence for the effect of environmental heterogeneity on patterns of gene flow and connectivity in marine systems. Here, we investigate the population genetic patterns of an anemonefish, Amphiprion bicinctus, along the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea. We collected nearly one thousand samples from 19 locations, spanning approximately 1500 km, and genotyped them at 38 microsatellite loci. Patterns of gene flow appeared to follow a stepping‐stone model along the northern and central Red Sea, which was disrupted by a distinct genetic break at a latitude of approximately 19°N. The Red Sea is characterized by pronounced environmental gradients along its axis, roughly separating the northern and central from the southern basin. Using mean chlorophyll‐a concentrations as a proxy for this gradient, we ran tests of isolation by distance (IBD, R2 = 0.52) and isolation by environment (IBE, R2 = 0.64), as well as combined models using partial Mantel tests and multiple matrix regression with randomization (MMRR). We found that genetic structure across our sampling sites may be best explained by a combined model of IBD and IBE (Mantel: R2 = 0.71, MMRR: R2 = 0.86). Our results highlight the potential key role of environmental patchiness in shaping patterns of gene flow in species with pelagic larval dispersal. We support growing calls for the integration of biophysical habitat characteristics into future studies of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

The comparison between historical estimates of gene flow, using variance in allelic frequencies, and contemporary estimates of gene flow, using parentage assignment, is expected to provide insights into ecological and evolutionary processes at work within and among populations. Genetic variation at six microsatellite loci was used to quantify genetic structure in the insect-pollinated, animal-dispersed, low-density tree Sorbus torminalis L. Crantz, and to derive historical estimates of gene flow. The neighbourhood size and root-mean-squared dispersal distance inferred from seedling genotypes ( N b  = 70 individuals, σ e  = 417 m) were similar to those inferred from adult genotypes ( N b  = 114 individuals, σ e  = 472 m). We also used parentage analyses and a neighbourhood model approach after an evaluation of the statistical properties of this method on simulated data. From our data, we estimated even contributions of seed- and pollen-mediated dispersal to the genetic composition of established seedlings, with both fat-tailed pollen and seed dispersal kernels, and slightly higher mean distance of pollen dispersal (248 m) as compared to seed dispersal (135 m). The resulting contemporary estimate of gene dispersal distance (σ c  = 211 m) was ∼twofold smaller than the historical estimates. Besides different assumptions and statistical nuances of both approaches, this discrepancy is likely to reflect a recent restriction in the scale of gene flow which requires manager's attention in a context of increasing forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Estuarine organisms grow in highly heterogeneous habitats, and their genetic differentiation is driven by selective and neutral processes as well as population colonization history. However, the relative importance of the processes that underlie genetic structure is still puzzling. Scirpus mariqueter is a perennial grass almost limited in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent Qiantang River estuary. Here, using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), a moderate‐high level of genetic differentiation among populations (range FST: 0.0310–0.3325) was showed despite large ongoing dispersal. FLOCK assigned all individuals to 13 clusters and revealed a complex genetic structure. Some genetic clusters were limited in peripheries compared with very mixing constitution in center populations, suggesting local adaptation was more likely to occur in peripheral populations. 21 candidate outliers under positive selection were detected, and further, the differentiation patterns correlated with geographic distance, salinity difference, and colonization history were analyzed with or without the outliers. Combined results of AMOVA and IBD based on different dataset, it was found that the effects of geographic distance and population colonization history on isolation seemed to be promoted by divergent selection. However, none‐liner IBE pattern indicates the effects of salinity were overwhelmed by spatial distance or other ecological processes in certain areas and also suggests that salinity was not the only selective factor driving population differentiation. These results together indicate that geographic distance, salinity difference, and colonization history co‐contributed in shaping the genetic structure of S. mariqueter and that their relative importance was correlated with spatial scale and environment gradient.  相似文献   

  • 1 The herbivorous insects on twelve species of evergreen broadleafed trees were repeatedly sampled over a period of 11 months in a small relict forest on the east coast of South Africa. This extraordinarily speciose forest patch has an unusually high proportion of endemic tree species, some of which are extremely rare.
  • 2 The insect herbivore fauna (number of species) seems to be markedly depauperate compared to that reported on native, broadleafed trees from other parts of the world. Some possible reasons for this are discussed.
  • 3 The total number of herbivorous insect species on each tree species was strongly correlated with the local relative abundance of the host plant species.
  • 4 There was no relationship between the total number of insect herbivore species on each tree species and the relative taxonomic isolation of the trees. The proportion of seemingly unique (= specialist) herbivorous insect species (i.e. those that occurred on one tree species only) was greatest on taxonomically isolated trees.
  • 5 A fundamental deficiency in the interpretation of the data in this study, and of many other similar studies that report on the number of insect species on plants, is discussed, namely the lack of clarity on the closeness of the association between individual insect herbivore species and their respective host plants.

Distribution of basic diploid and polyploid species of Isoetes in East Asia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Aims Isoetes L. is an ancient, primitive genus of heterosporous lycopsids characterized by a strongly reduced plant. The genus occupies a unique position in plant evolution as the closest relatives of the famous tree lycopods. Hybridization and allopolyploid speciation as well as habitat preference are regarded as having played an important role in the evolution of the genus Isoetes. However, it is still uncertain what factors have impacted upon hybridization and allopolyploid speciation of the genus Isoetes. Our understanding of the origin, evolution and modern distribution pattern of Isoetes in East Asia would benefit from investigations into the relationship between the unique geographical location and topographic features and the existing fossil record in the region. Methods The chromosome number was determined from known 81 populations of 10 species of Isoetes in East Asia. The altitude was obtained in location of every population. T‐test was used to evaluate the altitude difference between diploid and polyploid populations. Data of Japanese Isoetes from Takamiya et al. was used in the study. Results There are 10 known species of Isoetes with four diploids and six polyploids in East Asia. The four diploid species (2n = 22) are found at high altitudes (mean altitude = 2649.67 ± 1396.16 m, n = 18) and isolated from each other. In contrast, the six polyploid species widely occur in low altitude regions (mean altitude = 182.62 ± 181.44 m, n = 63) and are partially sympatric. Highly significant differences (P < 0.001) were observed between the mean altitude of locations of populations of diploids and polyploids. Main conclusions The polyploidy speciations of Isoetes in East Asia might originate and develop from Holocene (Quaternary). The present pattern of distribution of Isoetes in East Asia is the result of allopatric speciation derived from vicariance, dispersal and combinations of both, and significantly correlative with the geological history and geographical changes. The change of altitude might have played an important role in allopolyploid speciation and the pattern of distribution of the genus Isoetes in East Asia by exerting a considerable influence on dispersal and hybridization opportunities of Isoetes species.  相似文献   

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