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Deleterious alleles are constantly introduced into populations due to mutation. In subdivided populations, the impact of these mutations depends on the strength of selection as well as the softness of selection, that is, the extent to which fitness is governed by local rather than global competition. It is widely appreciated that the intensity and type of competition will affect selection on deleterious mutations but most empirical work has focused solely on the effects of competition on selection strength. However, competition has rarely been studied in the context of selection ‘softness’ even though competition is at the conceptual root of soft selection. All other things being equal, theory predicts that inter‐ and intraspecific competitions have opposing effects on the softness of selection. Using Drosophila melanogaster, we estimated the strength and softness of selection in a ‘baseline’ competitive environment as well as two additional competitive environments characterized by either additional intra‐ or interspecific competitors. We found that competitive environment had little effect on the average strength of selection. While the softness of selection was affected by the type of competition, the direction of change varied across tests of different genes, contrary to expectation. Although the ‘hard/soft’ selection paradigm implicitly assumes that all individuals are equally sensitive to the local competitive environment, we found this not to be the case. Wild‐type individuals were more sensitive to changes in the genetic quality of their local competitors than mutant individuals.  相似文献   

The lack of evolutionary response to selection on mitochondrial genes through males predicts the evolution of nuclear genetic influence on male‐specific mitochondrial function, for example by gene duplication and evolution of sex‐specific expression of paralogs involved in metabolic pathways. Intergenomic epistasis may therefore be a prevalent feature of the genetic architecture of male‐specific organismal function. Here, we assess the role of mitonuclear genetic variation for male metabolic phenotypes [metabolic rate and respiratory quotient (RQ)] associated with ejaculate renewal, in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus, by assaying lines with crossed combinations of distinct mitochondrial haplotypes and nuclear lineages. We found a significant increase in metabolic rate following mating relative to virgin males. Moreover, processes associated with ejaculate renewal showed variation in metabolic rate that was affected by mitonuclear interactions. Mitochondrial haplotype influenced mating‐related changes in RQ, but this pattern varied over time. Mitonuclear genotype and the energy spent during ejaculate production affected the weight of the ejaculate, but the strength of this effect varied across mitochondrial haplotypes showing that the genetic architecture of male‐specific reproductive function is complex. Our findings unveil hitherto underappreciated metabolic costs of mating and ejaculate renewal, and provide the first empirical demonstration of mitonuclear epistasis on male reproductive metabolic processes.  相似文献   

Interspecific resource competition is expected to select for divergence in resource use, weakening interspecific relative to intraspecific competition, thus promoting stable coexistence. More broadly, because interspecific competition reduces fitness, any mechanism of interspecific competition should generate selection favoring traits that weaken interspecific competition. However, species also can adapt to competition by increasing their competitive ability, potentially destabilizing coexistence. We reared two species of bean beetles, the specialist Callosobruchus maculatus and the generalist C. chinensis, in allopatry and sympatry on a mixture of adzuki beans and lentils, and assayed mutual invasibility after four, eight, and twelve generations of evolution. Contrary to the expectation that coevolution of competitors will weaken interspecific competition, the rate of mutual invasibility did not differ between sympatry and allopatry. Rather, the invasion rate of C. chinensis, but not C. maculatus, increased with duration of evolution, as C. chinensis adapted to lentils without experiencing reduced adaptation to adzuki beans, and regardless of the presence or absence of C. maculatus. Our results highlight that evolutionary responses to interspecific competition promote stable coexistence only under specific conditions that can be difficult to produce in practice.  相似文献   

The outcome of sexual conflict can depend on the social environment, as males respond to changes in the inclusive fitness payoffs of harmfulness and harm females less when they compete with familiar relatives. Theoretical models also predict that if limited male dispersal predictably enhances local relatedness while maintaining global competition, kin selection can produce evolutionary divergences in male harmfulness among populations. Experimental tests of these predictions, however, are rare. We assessed rates of dispersal in female and male seed beetles Callosobruchus maculatus, a model species for studies of sexual conflict, in an experimental setting. Females dispersed significantly more often than males, but dispersing males travelled just as far as dispersing females. Next, we used experimental evolution to test whether limiting dispersal allowed the action of kin selection to affect divergence in male harmfulness and female resistance. Populations of C. maculatus were evolved for 20 and 25 generations under one of three dispersal regimens: completely free dispersal, limited dispersal and no dispersal. There was no divergence among treatments in female reproductive tract scarring, ejaculate size, mating behaviour, fitness of experimental females mated to stock males or fitness of stock females mated to experimental males. We suggest that this is likely due to insufficient strength of kin selection rather than a lack of genetic variation or time for selection. Limited dispersal alone is therefore not sufficient for kin selection to reduce male harmfulness in this species, consistent with general predictions that limited dispersal will only allow kin selection if local relatedness is independent of the intensity of competition among kin.  相似文献   

Resource competition is frequently strong among parasites that feed within small discrete resource patches, such as seeds or fruits. The properties of a host can influence the behavioural, morphological and life‐history traits of associated parasites, including traits that mediate competition within the host. For seed parasites, host size may be an especially important determinant of competitive ability. Using the seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus, we performed replicated, reciprocal host shifts to examine the role of seed size in determining larval competitiveness and associated traits. Populations ancestrally associated with either a small host (mung bean) or a large one (cowpea) were switched to each other's host for 36 generations. Compared to control lines (those remaining on the ancestral host), lines switched from the small host to the large host evolved greater tolerance of co‐occurring larvae within seeds (indicated by an increase in the frequency of small seeds yielding two adults), smaller egg size and higher fecundity. Each change occurred in the direction predicted by the traits of populations already adapted to cowpea. However, we did not observe the expected decline in adult mass following the shift to the larger host. Moreover, lines switched from the large host (cowpea) to the small host (mung bean) did not evolve the predicted increase in larval competitiveness or egg size, but did exhibit the predicted increase in body mass. Our results thus provide mixed support for the hypothesis that host size determines the evolution of competition‐related traits of seed beetles. Evolutionary responses to the two host shifts were consistent among replicate lines, but the evolution of larval competition was asymmetric, with larval competitiveness evolving as predicted in one direction of host shift, but not the reverse. Nevertheless, our results indicate that switching hosts is sufficient to produce repeatable and rapid changes in the competition strategy and fitness‐related traits of insect populations.  相似文献   

Experimental evolution has provided little support for the hypothesis that the narrow diets of herbivorous insects reflect trade‐offs in performance across hosts; selection lines can sometimes adapt to an inferior novel host without a decline in performance on the ancestral host. An alternative approach for detecting trade‐offs would be to measure adaptation decay after selection is relaxed, that is, when populations newly adapted to a novel host are reverted to the ancestral one. Lines of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus rapidly adapted to a poor host (lentil); survival in lentil seeds increased from 2% to > 90% in < 30 generations. After the lines had reached a plateau with respect to survival in lentil, sublines were reverted to the ancestral host, mung bean. Twelve generations of reversion had little effect on performance in lentil, but after 25–35 generations, the reverted lines exhibited lower survival, slower development and smaller size. The most divergent pair of lines was then assayed on both lentil and mung bean. Performance on lentil was again much poorer in the reverted line than in the nonreverted one, but the lines performed equally well on mung bean. Moreover, the performance of the nonreverted line on mung bean remained comparable to that of the original mung‐bean population. Our results thus present a paradox: loss of adaptation to lentil following reversion implies a trade‐off, but the continued strong performance of lentil‐adapted lines on mung bean does not. Genomic comparisons of the reverted, nonreverted and ancestral lines may resolve this paradox and determine the importance of selection vs. drift in causing a loss of adaptation following reversion.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that intraspecific competition associated with direct competition between inbred and outbred individuals should be an important determinant of the severity of inbreeding depression. The reason is that, if outbred individuals are stronger competitors than inbred ones, direct competition should have a disproportionate effect on the fitness of inbred individuals. However, an individual's competitive ability is not only determined by its inbreeding status but also by competitive asymmetries that are independent of an individual's inbreeding status. When this is the case, such competitive asymmetries may shape the outcome of direct competition between inbred and outbred individuals. Here, we investigate the interface between age‐based competitive asymmetries within broods and direct competition between inbred and outbred offspring in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. We found that inbred offspring had lower survival than outbred ones confirming that there was inbreeding depression. Furthermore, seniors (older larvae) grew to a larger size and had higher survival than juniors (younger larvae), confirming that there were age‐based competitive asymmetries. Nevertheless, there was no evidence that direct competition between inbred and outbred larvae exacerbated inbreeding depression, no evidence that inbreeding depression was more severe in juniors and no evidence that inbred juniors suffered disproportionately due to competition from outbred seniors. Our results suggest that direct competition between inbred and outbred individuals does not necessarily exacerbate inbreeding depression and that inbred individuals are not always more sensitive to poor and stressful conditions than outbred ones.  相似文献   

As the relationship between a given life‐history trait and fitness is not necessarily the same for the two sexes, an ‘intersexual ontogenetic conflict’ may arise. We analysed the phenotypic reaction to intraspecific larval competition of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, asking: (i) Do both sexes pay the cost of competition with the same life‐history traits and are they equal competitors? (ii) Is there a specific cost of competition beyond sharing food resources? We found that competition incurs a specific cost that was expressed differently by the two sexes. Indeed, each sex maintained the more important life‐history trait(s) for their fitness (developmental time for males and body weight and size for females) at the expense of other traits, thus minimizing the effects of competition on their fitness. The competition exerted by females was estimated as being more intense, probably linked with the greater importance of body size for their fitness.  相似文献   

Biological control of bruchid beetles, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), infesting cowpea seeds, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers (Fabaceae), can be performed via augmentative releases of Dinarmus basalis Rondani (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) parasitoid wasps. Females of the latter species are therefore likely to experience intense intraspecific competition: they should encounter numerous previously parasitized hosts but also conspecific competitors, with which they may fight to secure hosts on which to lay their eggs. Such contests might therefore disrupt biological control programs. Here, we studied aggressive behavior that D. basalis females show toward conspecific competitors and subsequent host exploitation strategies. We further investigated factors that classically affect contest intensity and outcomes in animals, such as the effect of ownership status, by manipulating the residency period before the intruder's arrival. In addition, we tested the effect of the size of female reproductive tissue (measured in terms of egg load) and the quality of the habitat previously experienced by females (either rich or poor in hosts). These two factors are expected to influence the value that females place on the host and therefore the costs they are willing to pay to win it. Finally, we discussed the consequences of agonistic behaviors on females' host exploitation strategies. Our results suggest that contest competition may actually enhance host control by favoring parasitoid dispersion, rather than disrupting it.  相似文献   

Water pollution due to human activities produces sedimentation, excessive nutrients, and toxic chemicals, and this, in turn, has an effect on the normal endocrine functioning of living beings. Overall, water pollution may affect some components of the fitness of organisms (e.g., developmental time and fertility). Some toxic compounds found in polluted waters are known as endocrine disruptors (ED), and among these are nonhalogenated phenolic chemicals such as bisphenol A and nonylphenol. To evaluate the effect of nonhalogenated phenolic chemicals on the endocrine system, we subjected two generations (F0 and F1) of Drosophila melanogaster to different concentrations of ED. Specifically, treatments involved wastewater, which had the highest level of ED (bisphenol A and nonylphenol) and treated wastewater from a constructed Heliconia psittacorum wetland with horizontal subsurface water flow (He); the treated wastewater was the treatment with the lowest level of ED. We evaluated the development time from egg to pupa and from pupa to adult as well as fertility. The results show that for individuals exposed to treated wastewater, the developmental time from egg to pupae was shorter in individuals of the F1 generation than in the F0 generation. Additionally, the time from pupae to adult was longer for flies growing in the H. psittacorum treated wastewater. Furthermore, fertility was lower in the F1 generation than in the F0 generation. Although different concentrations of bisphenol A and nonylphenol had no significant effect on the components of fitness of D. melanogaster (developmental time and fertility), there was a trend across generations, likely as a result of selection imposed on the flies. It is possible that the flies developed different strategies to avoid the effects of the various environmental stressors.  相似文献   

While a considerable amount of attention has been devoted to the effects that increased ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation has on vegetative plant growth and physiological function, the impact that UV-B may have on plant fitness has been the focus of fewer studies, with attention given primarily to a few crop species. Further, the possible interactions between UV-B and additional potential stresses found in natural environments have rarely been studied experimentally. Because the reported effects of increased UV-B on plant growth and fitness have been highly variable, studies that focus on factors that may lead to these differences in results are important for the formulation of accurate predictions about future plant success under varying UV-B levels. We examined the effects of UV-B dose and intraspecific competition on growth, phenology, pollen production, pollination success, fruit and seed production, and offspring quality in two species of Phacelia. Increased UV-B was neutral or beneficial for all traits, while competition was neutral or detrimental. There were no significant interactions between UV-B and competition in the parental generation. Phacelia campanularia offspring were unaffected by parental competition, but derived indirect beneficial effects on germination, growth, and fitness traits from parental enhanced UV-B.  相似文献   

The presence of substantial genetic variation for water‐use efficiency (WUE) suggests that natural selection plays a role in maintaining alleles that affect WUE. Soil water deficit can reduce plant survival, and is likely to impose selection to increase WUE, whereas competition for resources may select for decreased WUE to ensure water acquisition. We tested the fitness consequences of natural allelic variation in a single gene (MPK12) that influences WUE in Arabidopsis, using transgenic lines contrasting in MPK12 alleles, under four treatments; drought/competition, drought/no competition, well‐watered/competition, well‐watered/no competition. Results revealed an allele × environment interaction: Low WUE plants performed better in competition, resulting from increased resource consumption. Contrastingly, high WUE individuals performed better in no competition, irrespective of water availability, presumably from enhanced water conservation and nitrogen acquisition. Our findings suggest that selection can influence MPK12 evolution, and represents the first assessment of plant fitness resulting from natural allelic variation at a single locus affecting WUE.  相似文献   

In social groups, individuals' dominance rank, social bonds, and kinship with other group members have been shown to influence their foraging behavior. However, there is growing evidence that the particular effects of these social traits may also depend on local environmental conditions. We investigated this by comparing the foraging behavior of wild chacma baboons, Papio ursinus, under natural conditions and in a field experiment where food was spatially clumped. Data were collected from 55 animals across two troops over a 5‐month period, including over 900 agonistic foraging interactions and over 600 food patch visits in each condition. In both conditions, low‐ranked individuals received more agonism, but this only translated into reduced foraging performances for low‐ranked individuals in the high‐competition experimental conditions. Our results suggest one possible reason for this pattern may be low‐ranked individuals strategically investing social effort to negotiate foraging tolerance, but the rank‐offsetting effect of this investment being overwhelmed in the higher‐competition experimental environment. Our results also suggest that individuals may use imbalances in their social bonds to negotiate tolerance from others under a wider range of environmental conditions, but utilize the overall strength of their social bonds in more extreme environments where feeding competition is more intense. These findings highlight that behavioral tactics such as the strategic investment of social effort may allow foragers to mitigate the costs of low rank, but that the effectiveness of these tactics is likely to be limited in certain environments.  相似文献   

Understanding the impact of spontaneous mutations on fitness has many theoretical and practical applications in biology. Although mutational effects on individual morphological or life‐history characters have been measured in several classic genetic model systems, there are few estimates of the rate of decline due to mutation for complex fitness traits. Here, we estimate the effects of mutation on competitive ability, an important complex fitness trait, in a model system for ecological and evolutionary genomics, Daphnia. Competition assays were performed to compare fitness between mutation‐accumulation (MA) lines and control lines from eight different genotypes from two populations of Daphnia pulicaria after 30 and 65 generations of mutation accumulation. Our results show a fitness decline among MA lines relative to controls as expected, but highlight the influence of genomic background on this effect. In addition, in some assays, MA lines outperform controls providing insight into the frequency of beneficial mutations.  相似文献   

When males provide females with resources at mating, they can become the limiting sex in reproduction, in extreme cases leading to the reversal of typical courtship roles. The evolution of male provisioning is thought to be driven by male reproductive competition and selection for female fecundity enhancement. We used experimental evolution under male‐ or female‐biased sex ratios and limited or unlimited food regimes to investigate the relative roles of these routes to male provisioning in a sex role‐reversed beetle, Megabruchidius tonkineus, where males provide females with nutritious ejaculates. Males evolving under male‐biased sex ratios transferred larger ejaculates than did males from female‐biased populations, demonstrating a sizeable role for reproductive competition in the evolution of male provisioning. Although larger ejaculates elevated female lifetime offspring production, we found little evidence of selection for larger ejaculates via fecundity enhancement: males evolving under resource‐limited and unlimited conditions did not differ in mean ejaculate size. Resource limitation did, however, affect the evolution of conditional ejaculate allocation. Our results suggest that the resource provisioning that underpins sex role reversal in this system is the result of male–male reproductive competition rather than of direct selection for males to enhance female fecundity.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting range expansion are key objectives in many basic and applied contexts. Among dioecious organisms, there is strong evidence for sex differences in dispersal, which could alter the sex ratio at the expansion's leading edge. However, demographic stochasticity could also affect leading‐edge sex ratios, perhaps overwhelming sex‐biased dispersal. We used insects in laboratory mesocosms to test the effects of sex‐biased dispersal on range expansion, and a simulation model to explore interactive effects of sex‐biased dispersal and demographic stochasticity. Sex‐biased dispersal created spatial clines in the sex ratio, which influenced offspring production at the front and altered invasion velocity. Increasing female dispersal relative to males accelerated spread, despite the prediction that demographic stochasticity would weaken a signal of sex‐biased dispersal. Our results provide the first experimental evidence for an influence of sex‐biased dispersal on invasion velocity, highlighting the value of accounting for sex structure in studies of range expansion.  相似文献   

Fire plays a key role in ecosystem dynamics worldwide, altering energy flows and species community structure and composition. However, the functional mechanisms underlying these effects are not well understood. Many ground‐dwelling animal species can shelter themselves from exposure to heat and therefore rarely suffer direct mortality. However, fire‐induced alterations to the environment may change a species' relative trophic level within a food web and its mode of foraging. We assessed how fire could affect ant resource utilization at different scales in a Mediterranean forest. First, we conducted isotopic analyses on entire ant species assemblages and their potential food resources, which included plants and other arthropods, in burned and unburned plots 1 year postfire. Second, we measured the production of males and females by nests of a fire‐resilient species, Aphaenogaster gibbosa, and analyzed the differences in isotopic values among workers, males, and females to test whether fire constrained resource allocation. We found that, in spite of major modifications in biotic and abiotic conditions, fire had little impact on the relative trophic position of ant species. The studied assemblage was composed of species with a wide array of diets. They ranged from being mostly herbivorous to completely omnivorous, and a given species' trophic level was the same in burned and unburned plots. In A. gibbosa nests, sexuals had greater δ15N values than workers in both burned and unburned plots, which suggests that the former had a more protein‐rich diet than the latter. Fire also appeared to have a major effect on A. gibbosa sex allocation: The proportion of nests that produced male brood was greater on burned zones, as was the mean number of males produced per nest with the same reproductive investment . Our results show that generalist ants with relatively broad diets maintained a constant trophic position, even following a major disturbance like fire. However, the dramatically reduced production of females on burned zones compared to unburned zones 1 year postfire may result in considerably reduced recruitment of new colonies in the mid to long term, which could yield genetic bottlenecks and founder effects. Our study paves the way for future functional analyses of fire‐induced modifications in ant populations and communities.  相似文献   

Better understanding of the competitive interaction at the early development stages of the stand is crucial to help schedule silvicultural treatments for young stands and for the better management of the future stands. We used scale‐dependent analysis to improve our understanding of sapling dynamics in the pure Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) stands in Southern Turkey. Using data from nine plots established at the western Taurus Mountains, diameter, height, and crown radii of saplings were compared, and spatial point pattern analyses were performed. We found significant differences for the mean diameter and height, and crown radii of saplings among the plots. Univariate pair correlation function showed that sapling pattern was regular only at small scales (r < 0.4 m) but was predominantly random. Bivariate pair correlation function revealed no evidence of spatial interaction between tall saplings and short saplings. Univariate mark correlation function revealed that strong intraspecific competition was detected at small scales (up to 0.55 m). This distance is reasonable for the juvenile age tending of Taurus cedar saplings and should be under consideration during silvicultural treatments to use the site productivity more efficiently.  相似文献   

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