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种群监测可为物种研究和保护提供关键信息和依据。雪豹(Panthera uncia)作为亚洲高山生态系统的顶级捕食者和旗舰种, 一直是研究和保护的重点, 但其难以到达的栖息地、隐秘的行踪和广阔的家域使其监测工作开展难度较大, 雪豹种群动态研究较为匮乏。本研究在2013年10月至2019年1月期间, 使用当地社区维护的红外相机, 监测三江源国家级自然保护区通天河沿保护分区内青海省玉树州哈秀乡云塔村雪豹种群的密度和动态, 共识别出35只雪豹个体。基于数据质量较好的2015、2016、2017年连续3年的红外相机数据各年截取3个月数据, 使用空间标记-重捕模型估算种群数量和密度, 发现当地雪豹种群和成年个体密度基本维持稳定, 种群增长率为1.02, 但监测期间雪豹个体更替明显, 平均个体更替率为0.44, 并且围绕两片雪豹核心利用区域发生了领域取代。推测雪豹种群具有较多个体更替和领域取代是因为种群处在雪豹潜在扩散通道上, 或调查范围未覆盖完整种群。本研究是国内首次对雪豹进行较为长期的种群动态监测和分析, 研究结果体现了动态监测的重要性, 也显示出以当地社区为主体监测哺乳动物种群的可能性。  相似文献   

雪豹是全球生物多样性保护的旗舰物种,精准评估雪豹栖息地质量可为其种群保护提供科学参考。本文选取地形、气候、植被类型和人为干扰等环境因子,采用景观连接度和MaxEnt模型两种方法,对祁连山国家公园青海片区雪豹栖息地质量进行评价。结果表明:高适宜栖息地主要分布在研究区的西部和中部,适宜面积占青海片区总面积的71.8%~77.5%,两种方法预测的适宜栖息地重叠区为8 979.1 km2,占青海片区总面积的56.7%;39.8%~43.3%的适宜栖息地分布在一般控制区,56.7%~60.2%的适宜栖息地分布在核心保护区;疏勒河源区适宜栖息地面积最多,石羊河源区适宜栖息地面积最少,黑河源区适宜栖息地面积占比最高,约为77.1%~91.8%。适宜栖息地面积整体呈现自东向西递增的趋势。一般控制区分布有较大面积的雪豹栖息地,人类活动将是一般控制区雪豹栖息地的潜在威胁。本研究对优化雪豹就地保护措施提供科学借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

栖息地丧失和破碎化是许多濒危物种面临的主要威胁,对于分布在高原山地的濒危物种雪豹亦是如此。为了更好地了解天山雪豹的分布情况和栖息地质量,2018年11月至2019年6月,我们在天山中部借助红外相机开展野外调查,调查面积2 425 km2,共获得78个雪豹的出现位点。利用8个物种分布模型对雪豹在此地的生境选择建模,综合结果表明,崎岖度和海拔是影响雪豹分布的主要因素,其中崎岖度大于70和海拔1 700~2 900 m是雪豹出现频率最高的地区。集成模型空间预测显示大部分适宜栖息地集中于乌苏市以东至板房沟分局管辖地区。本研究通过野外调查和模型分析获得了天山中部雪豹的分布区域及环境因子对其的影响,为天山雪豹保护及跨境合作提供科学的数据支撑。  相似文献   

Gray literature and data from unpublished sources can provide important scientific information that has not been published scientifically. The Persian leopard (hereafter leopard) Panthera pardus saxicolor is classed as endangered on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and also is one of the least‐studied subspecies of leopard. It occurs in the Caucasus and Central and Southwest Asia. Iran contains more than 75% of the leopard's extant range, and the leopard population in this country serves as a source for neighboring countries. In this study, we determined the distribution and human‐caused mortality of leopards in Iran, by reviewing unpublished data and Farsi gray literature (which includes government reports) between 1 January 2010 and 30 December 2018. We created the most recent distribution map of the leopard in Iran. Our data display that human‐caused mortality of leopard in Iran mostly includes poaching and intentional poisoning, and roadkill.  相似文献   

Species distribution models have great potential to efficiently guide management for threatened species, especially for those that are rare or cryptic. We used MaxEnt to develop a regional‐scale model for the koala Phascolarctos cinereus at a resolution (250 m) that could be used to guide management. To ensure the model was fit for purpose, we placed emphasis on validating the model using independently‐collected field data. We reduced substantial spatial clustering of records in coastal urban areas using a 2‐km spatial filter and by modeling separately two subregions separated by the 500‐m elevational contour. A bias file was prepared that accounted for variable survey effort. Frequency of wildfire, soil type, floristics and elevation had the highest relative contribution to the model, while a number of other variables made minor contributions. The model was effective in discriminating different habitat suitability classes when compared with koala records not used in modeling. We validated the MaxEnt model at 65 ground‐truth sites using independent data on koala occupancy (acoustic sampling) and habitat quality (browse tree availability). Koala bellows (n = 276) were analyzed in an occupancy modeling framework, while site habitat quality was indexed based on browse trees. Field validation demonstrated a linear increase in koala occupancy with higher modeled habitat suitability at ground‐truth sites. Similarly, a site habitat quality index at ground‐truth sites was correlated positively with modeled habitat suitability. The MaxEnt model provided a better fit to estimated koala occupancy than the site‐based habitat quality index, probably because many variables were considered simultaneously by the model rather than just browse species. The positive relationship of the model with both site occupancy and habitat quality indicates that the model is fit for application at relevant management scales. Field‐validated models of similar resolution would assist in guiding management of conservation‐dependent species.  相似文献   

There is a great need to develop efficient, noninvasive genetic sampling methods to study wild populations of multiple, co‐occurring, threatened felids. This is especially important for molecular scatology studies occurring in challenging tropical environments where DNA degrades quickly and the quality of faecal samples varies greatly. We optimized 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci for jaguars (Panthera onca), pumas (Puma concolor) and ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) and assessed their utility for cross‐species amplification. Additionally, we tested their reliability for species and individual identification using DNA from faeces of wild felids detected by a scat detector dog across Belize in Central America. All microsatellite loci were successfully amplified in the three target species, were polymorphic with average expected heterozygosities of HE = 0.60 ± 0.18 (SD) for jaguars, HE = 0.65 ± 0.21 (SD) for pumas and HE = 0.70 ± 0.13 (SD) for ocelots and had an overall PCR amplification success of 61%. We used this nuclear DNA primer set to successfully identify species and individuals from 49% of 1053 field‐collected scat samples. This set of optimized microsatellite multiplexes represents a powerful tool for future efforts to conduct noninvasive studies on multiple, wild Neotropical felids.  相似文献   

The trade‐offs of using single‐digest vs. double‐digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq) protocols have been widely discussed. However, no direct empirical comparisons of the two methods have been conducted. Here, we sampled a single population of Gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli) and genotyped 444 individuals using RAD‐seq. Sixty individuals were subjected to single‐digest RAD‐seq (sdRAD‐seq), and the remaining 384 individuals were genotyped using a double‐digest RAD‐seq (ddRAD‐seq) protocol. We analysed the resulting Illumina sequencing data and compared the two genotyping methods when reads were analysed either together or separately. Coverage statistics, observed heterozygosity, and allele frequencies differed significantly between the two protocols, as did the results of selection components analysis. We also performed an in silico digestion of the Gulf pipefish genome and modelled five major sources of bias: PCR duplicates, polymorphic restriction sites, shearing bias, asymmetric sampling (i.e., genotyping fewer individuals with sdRAD‐seq than with ddRAD‐seq) and higher major allele frequencies. This combination of approaches allowed us to determine that polymorphic restriction sites, an asymmetric sampling scheme, mean allele frequencies and to some extent PCR duplicates all contribute to different estimates of allele frequencies between samples genotyped using sdRAD‐seq versus ddRAD‐seq. Our finding that sdRAD‐seq and ddRAD‐seq can result in different allele frequencies has implications for comparisons across studies and techniques that endeavour to identify genomewide signatures of evolutionary processes in natural populations.  相似文献   

Strix (Strigidae) is a worldwide genus of 17 owl species typical of forested habitats, including Rusty‐barred Owls (S. hylophila), Chaco Owls (S. chacoensis), and Rufous‐legged Owls (S. rufipes) in South America. These species are distributed allopatrically, but the ecological traits that determine their distributions remain largely unknown and their phylogenetic relationships are unclear. We used species distribution models (SDMs) to identify variables explaining their distribution patterns and test hypotheses about ecological divergence and conservatism based on niche overlap analysis. For Rusty‐barred Owls and Chaco Owls, climatic factors related to temperature played a major role, whereas a rainfall variable was more important for Rufous‐legged Owls. When niche overlaps were compared, accounting for regional similarities in the habitat available to each species, an ecological niche divergence process was supported for Chaco Owl‐Rusty‐barred Owl and Chaco Owl‐Rufous‐legged Owl, whereas a niche conservatism process was supported for Rusty‐barred Owl‐Rufous‐legged Owl. Different ecological requirements support current species delimitation, but they are in disagreement with the two main hypotheses currently envisaged about their phylogenetic relationships (Chaco Owls as the sister taxa of either Rufous‐legged Owls or Rusty‐barred Owls) and support a new phylogenetic hypothesis (Rufous‐legged Owls as sister taxa of Rusty‐barred Owls). Our findings suggest that speciation of Rusty‐barred Owls and Rufous‐legged Owls was a vicariant event resulting from Atlantic marine transgressions in southern South America in the Miocene, but their niche was conserved because habitat changed little in their respective ranges. In contrast, Chaco Owls diverged ecologically from the other two species as a result of their adaptations to the habitat they currently occupy. Ecological and historical approaches in biogeography can be embedded to explain distribution patterns, and results provided by SDMs can be used to infer historical and ecological processes in an integrative way.  相似文献   

We analyzed the global genetic variation pattern of Capsella bursa‐pastoris (Brassicaceae) as expressed in allozymic (within‐locus) diversity and isozymic (between‐locus) diversity. Results are based on a global sampling of more than 20,000 C. bursa‐pastoris individuals randomly taken from 1,469 natural provenances in the native and introduced range, covering a broad spectrum of the species’ geographic distribution. We evaluated data for population genetic parameters and F‐statistics, and Mantel tests and AMOVA were performed. Geographical distribution patterns of alleles and multilocus genotypes are shown in maps and tables. Genetic diversity of introduced populations is only moderately reduced in comparison with native populations. Global population structure was analyzed with structure, and the obtained cluster affiliation was tested independently with classification approaches and macroclimatic data using species distribution modeling. Analyses revealed two main clusters: one distributed predominantly in warm arid to semiarid climate regions and the other predominantly in more temperate humid to semihumid climate regions. We observed admixture between the two lineages predominantly in regions with intermediate humidity in both the native and non‐native ranges. The genetically derived clusters are strongly supported in macroclimatic data space. The worldwide distribution patterns of genetic variation in the range of C. bursa‐pastoris can be explained by intensive intra‐ and intercontinental migration, but environmental filtering due to climate preadaption seems also involved. Multiple independent introductions of genotypes from different source regions are obvious. “Endemic” genotypes might be the outcome of admixture or of de novo mutation. We conclude that today's successfully established Capsella genotypes were preadapted and found matching niche conditions in the colonized range parts.  相似文献   

Parasites are essential components of ecosystems and can be instrumental in maintaining host diversity and populations; however, their role in trophic interactions has often been overlooked. Three apicomplexan parasite species of Sarcocystis (S. singaporensis, S. zamani, and S. villivillosi) use the reticulated python as their definitive hosts and several species within the Rattus genus as intermediate hosts, and they form a system useful for studying interactions between host–parasite and predator–prey relationships, as well as anthropogenic impacts on parasite transmission. Based on predictions from a 1998 survey, which detected an inverse relationship between urban development and Sarcocystis infection in Rattus, we tested the hypothesis that Sarcocystis transmission in Singapore will decrease over time due to anthropogenic activities. Despite a large proportion of the reticulated python diet consisting of Rattus species at all sizes of pythons, Sarcocystis infection rates decreased from 1998 to 2010. Pythons found in industrial areas had lower Sarcocystis infection rates, particularly in the western industrial area of Singapore Island. Average python size also decreased, with implications that we predict may disrupt host–parasite relationships. Anthropogenic activities such as habitat modification, fragmentation, and systematic removal and translocation of pythons have negative impacts on Sarcocystis transmission in Singapore, which in turn may augment pest rat populations. Trends observed may ultimately have negative impacts on human health and biodiversity in the region.  相似文献   

Reduction in energy sector greenhouse gas GHG emissions is a key aim of European Commission plans to expand cultivation of bioenergy crops. Since agriculture makes up 10–12% of anthropogenic GHG emissions, impacts of land‐use change must be considered, which requires detailed understanding of specific changes to agroecosystems. The greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of perennials may differ significantly from the previous ecosystem. Net change in GHG emissions with land‐use change for bioenergy may exceed avoided fossil fuel emissions, meaning that actual GHG mitigation benefits are variable. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling are complex interlinked systems, and a change in land management may affect both differently at different sites, depending on other variables. Change in evapotranspiration with land‐use change may also have significant environmental or water resource impacts at some locations. This article derives a multi‐criteria based decision analysis approach to objectively identify the most appropriate assessment method of the environmental impacts of land‐use change for perennial energy crops. Based on a literature review and conceptual model in support of this approach, the potential impacts of land‐use change for perennial energy crops on GHG emissions and evapotranspiration were identified, as well as likely controlling variables. These findings were used to structure the decision problem and to outline model requirements. A process‐based model representing the complete agroecosystem was identified as the best predictive tool, where adequate data are available. Nineteen models were assessed according to suitability criteria, to identify current model capability, based on the conceptual model, and explicit representation of processes at appropriate resolution. FASSET, ECOSSE, ANIMO, DNDC, DayCent, Expert‐N, Ecosys, WNMM and CERES‐NOE were identified as appropriate models, with factors such as crop, location and data availability dictating the final decision for a given project. A database to inform such decisions is included.  相似文献   

Global environmental change is having profound effects on the ecology of infectious disease systems, which are widely anticipated to become more pronounced under future climate and land use change. Arthropod vectors of disease are particularly sensitive to changes in abiotic conditions such as temperature and moisture availability. Recent research has focused on shifting environmental suitability for, and geographic distribution of, vector species under projected climate change scenarios. However, shifts in seasonal activity patterns, or phenology, may also have dramatic consequences for human exposure risk, local vector abundance and pathogen transmission dynamics. Moreover, changes in land use are likely to alter human–vector contact rates in ways that models of changing climate suitability are unlikely to capture. Here we used climate and land use projections for California coupled with seasonal species distribution models to explore the response of the western blacklegged tick (Ixodes pacificus), the primary Lyme disease vector in western North America, to projected climate and land use change. Specifically, we investigated how environmental suitability for tick host‐seeking changes seasonally, how the magnitude and direction of changing seasonal suitability differs regionally across California, and how land use change shifts human tick‐encounter risk across the state. We found vector responses to changing climate and land use vary regionally within California under different future scenarios. Under a hotter, drier scenario and more extreme land use change, the duration and extent of seasonal host‐seeking activity increases in northern California, but declines in the south. In contrast, under a hotter, wetter scenario seasonal host‐seeking declines in northern California, but increases in the south. Notably, regardless of future scenario, projected increases in developed land adjacent to current human population centers substantially increase potential human–vector encounter risk across the state. These results highlight regional variability and potential nonlinearity in the response of disease vectors to environmental change.  相似文献   

Estimating the evolutionary potential of quantitative traits and reliably predicting responses to selection in wild populations are important challenges in evolutionary biology. The genomic revolution has opened up opportunities for measuring relatedness among individuals with precision, enabling pedigree‐free estimation of trait heritabilities in wild populations. However, until now, most quantitative genetic studies based on a genomic relatedness matrix (GRM) have focused on long‐term monitored populations for which traditional pedigrees were also available, and have often had access to knowledge of genome sequence and variability. Here, we investigated the potential of RAD‐sequencing for estimating heritability in a free‐ranging roe deer (Capreolous capreolus) population for which no prior genomic resources were available. We propose a step‐by‐step analytical framework to optimize the quality and quantity of the genomic data and explore the impact of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calling and filtering processes on the GRM structure and GRM‐based heritability estimates. As expected, our results show that sequence coverage strongly affects the number of recovered loci, the genotyping error rate and the amount of missing data. Ultimately, this had little effect on heritability estimates and their standard errors, provided that the GRM was built from a minimum number of loci (above 7,000). Genomic relatedness matrix‐based heritability estimates thus appear robust to a moderate level of genotyping errors in the SNP data set. We also showed that quality filters, such as the removal of low‐frequency variants, affect the relatedness structure of the GRM, generating lower h2 estimates. Our work illustrates the huge potential of RAD‐sequencing for estimating GRM‐based heritability in virtually any natural population.  相似文献   

Interspecific variation in life‐history traits and physiological limits can be linked to the environmental conditions species experience, including climatic conditions. As alpine environments are particularly vulnerable under climate change, we focus on the montane‐alpine fly Drosophila nigrosparsa. Here, we characterized some of its life‐history traits and physiological limits and compared these with those of other drosophilids, namely Drosophila hydei, Drosophila melanogaster, and Drosophila obscura. We assayed oviposition rate, longevity, productivity, development time, larval competitiveness, starvation resistance, and heat and cold tolerance. Compared with the other species assayed, D. nigrosparsa is less fecund, relatively long‐living, starvation susceptible, cold adapted, and surprisingly well heat adapted. These life‐history characteristics provide insights into invertebrate adaptations to alpine conditions which may evolve under ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

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