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Migratory bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) historically spawned in tributaries of the Clark Fork River, Montana and inhabited Lake Pend Oreille as subadult and adult fish. However, in 1952 Cabinet Gorge Dam was constructed without fish passage facilities disrupting the connectivity of this system. Since the construction of this dam, bull trout populations in upstream tributaries have been in decline. Each year adult bull trout return to the base of Cabinet Gorge Dam when most migratory bull trout begin their spawning migration. However, the origin of these fish is uncertain. We used eight microsatellite loci to compare bull trout collected at the base of Cabinet Gorge Dam to fish sampled from both above and further downstream from the dam. Our data indicate that Cabinet Gorge bull trout are most likely individuals that hatched in above-dam tributaries, reared in Lake Pend Oreille, and could not return to their natal tributaries to spawn. This suggests that the risk of outbreeding depression associated with passing adults over dams in the Clark Fork system is minimal compared to the potential genetic and demographic benefits to populations located above the dams.  相似文献   

Synopsis The brown trout in the Søre Osa river system are isolated from the lake above by a dam. They are generally of a small size, but their condition coefficient is high. They reach sexual maturity at an early age and have a short life span. The substratum in the Søre Osa mainly consists of large stones covered with a dense mossy vegetation that creates good fish cover. A high biomass of zoobenthos gives an adequate food supply throughout the year. The trout spawn mainly in tributaries, where the water level is unpredictable, some years being too low to permit successful spawning for the migrating individuals in the stock. The life history of these fish depends on the amount of food available in the habitat and on reproduction in unstable environments where density-independent mortality factors appear important. Many young migrate to the main stream during their first year. In the tributaries, there is an excess of resident males and it is hypothesized that a population structure with small resident males and large migratory males is maintained by partial inbreeding and kin selection. In the main stream the trout are larger and they have higher growth rates in the upper part than farther downstream. This is probably so because the food particles that are flushed down from the lake above provide a better supply of zoobenthic food.  相似文献   

Yellowstone cutthroat trout (YCT), Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri, that spawn in the outlet of Yellowstone Lake show two potamodromous migration patterns, fluvial and allacustrine. The main purpose of this study was to determine whether those fluvial and allacustrine YCT represent reproductively isolated stocks. Redd surveys indicated spawning occurred during about 5 consecutive weeks between late May and mid-July 1993–1995. Lake fish (N=6), defined as radiotagged YCT that entered Yellowstone Lake after the spawning period (i.e. allacustrine pattern), were found in the river between the lake outlet (river kilometer [Rkm] 0) and Rkm 20.0 during spawning. Probable lake fish (N=28; tagged YCT that were last detected near the lake outlet) were found between Rkm 0 and Rkm 22.5 during spawning. River fish (N=4; tagged YCT that remained in the river when annual tracking concluded in fall, i.e. fluvial pattern) were found between Rkm 1.1 and Rkm 18.0 during spawning. Fidelity to spawning areas used between consecutive years was suggested by one of five lake fish and the single river fish for which data were available. Spatial overlap in spawning and a lack of temporal separation between the life-history types during spawning suggested that fluvial and allacustrine YCT were not reproductively isolated. Radiotagging, as well as visual observations made annually from boats during April and May, indicated fluvial YCT overwintered downstream from Rkm 14 and were few, probably on the order of 10% of all YCT that spawned in the Yellowstone River.  相似文献   

Synopsis We investigated aspects of the reproductive biology of the cyprinid fish, Labeo victorianus, locally known as ningu, in the Kagera and Sio Rivers, Uganda. These rivers represent the last remaining refuges for this species within Uganda. L. victorianus is a highly fecund, potamodrometic fish that migrates upstream to spawn. Spawning is generally synchronised with the bimodal water level maxima observed within the rivers. There were, however, some deviations from this pattern. We caught sexually mature fish throughout the year in the Sio River, and noticed that spawing started before the second rainfall peak. Fish from the Kagera matured at significantly larger sizes than fish from the Sio River. Male and female fish, from both rivers, fed intensively during the non-breeding months accumulating significant fat reserves; a probable energy storage mechanism prior to their spawning migrations. The differences between the populations is probably a phenotypic response to differing abiotic factors such as river size, flow velocity and food availability.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a growing problem worldwide. Particularly in river systems, numerous dams and weirs hamper the movement of a wide variety of species. With the aim to preserve connectivity for fish, many barriers in river systems are equipped with fishways (also called fish passages or fish ladders). However, few fishways provide full connectivity. Here we hypothesized that restricted seasonal opening times of fishways can importantly reduce their effectiveness by interfering with the timing of fish migration, for both spring‐ and autumn‐spawning species. We empirically tested our hypothesis, and discuss the possible eco‐evolutionary consequences of affected migration timing. We analyzed movements of two salmonid fishes, spring‐spawning European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and autumn‐spawning brown trout (Salmo trutta), in Norway's two largest river systems. We compared their timing of upstream passage through four fishways collected over 28 years with the timing of fish movements in unfragmented river sections as monitored by radiotelemetry. Confirming our hypothesis, late opening of fishways delayed the migration of European grayling in spring, and early closure of fishways blocked migration for brown trout on their way to spawning locations during late autumn. We show in a theoretical framework how restricted opening times of fishways can induce shifts from migratory to resident behavior in potamodromous partial migration systems, and propose that this can induce density‐dependent effects among fish accumulating in lower regions of rivers. Hence, fragmentation may not only directly affect the migratory individuals in the population, but may also have effects that cascade downstream and alter circumstances for resident fish. Fishway functionality is inadequate if there is a mismatch between natural fish movements and fishway opening times in the same river system, with ecological and possibly evolutionary consequences for fish populations.  相似文献   

Substratum quality and oxygen supply to the interstitial zone are crucial for the reproductive success of salmonid fishes. At present, degradation of spawning grounds due to fine sediment deposition and colmation are recognized as main factors for reproductive failure. In addition, changes in water temperatures due to climate change, damming, and cooling water inlets are predicted to reduce hatching success. We tested the hypothesis that the biological effects of habitat degradation depend strongly on the species‐specific spawning seasons and life‐history strategies (e.g., fall‐ vs. spring‐spawners, migratory vs. resident species) and assessed temperature as an important species‐specific factor for hatching success within river substratum. We studied the species‐specific differences in their responses to such disturbances using egg‐to‐fry survival of Danube Salmon (Hucho hucho), resident brown trout (Salmo trutta fario), and migratory brown trout (Salmo trutta lacustris) as biological endpoint. The egg incubation and hatching success of the salmonids and their dependence on temperature and stream substratum quality were compared. Hatching rates of Danube salmon were lower than of brown trout, probably due to higher oxygen demands and increased interstitial respiration in spring. Increases in maximum water temperature reduced hatching rates of resident and migratory brown trout (both fall‐spawners) but were positively correlated with hatching rates of Danube salmon (a spring‐spawner). Significantly longer incubation periods of resident and migratory brown trout coincided with relatively low stream substratum quality at the end of the egg incubation. Danube salmon seem to avoid low oxygen concentrations in the hyporheic zone by faster egg development favored by higher water temperatures. Consequently, the prediction of effects of temperature changes and altered stream substratum properties on gravel‐spawning fishes and biological communities should consider the observed species‐specific variances in life‐history strategies to increase conservation success.  相似文献   

The fat laid down as a winter reserve by O-group sand smelt, Atherina boyeri , was found to be size-dependent. The larger, earlier-spawned fish lay down more fat prior to the onset of winter. During the winter the fish do not feed for some 100 days and rely on this fat for energy; laterspawned O-group fish (<59 mm s.l. in November) have insufficient fat reserves and starve to death in a normal winter. This loss of the smallest 46% of the O-group is shown as an increase in the mean size of the O-group over the winter period. Older sand smelt age classes have more than sufficient fat reserves for overwintering. There is thus a clear advantage in spawning early in the season, and any restriction on spawning ground availability at that time will result in overall population regulation. This conclusion supports the hypothesis that the density-dependent control on population size in the sand smelt is a limitation on the number of fish which can spawn at the optimum time.  相似文献   

The migratory behaviour, habitat use, home range and temporal and spatial variability of migrations of the potamodromous asp (Aspius aspius L.) in the large Elbe River, Germany, were studied in the years 1997–2000. Fifty‐three asp were tagged with surgically implanted radio transmitters and individually hand‐tracked usually once per week for about 1 year; 50% of the asp exclusively inhabited the main channel, 22% moved for short visits into other habitats and 24% changed between winter habitats in a harbour or oxbow and summer habitats in the main channel where they spawned in late March/April. The migratory behaviour of asp was highly variable; 34 asp observed for more than 1 year lived in home ranges of 1 to >100 stream kilometres (skm) mostly near their capture site. Longest observed migration from summer habitat in the Tidal Elbe back to the spawning ground in the Middle Elbe was 166 skm. After the spawning period or the spawning period thereafter, nine of these 34 fish left their home ranges for a long downstream migration without returning during the observation period. From these results we conclude that populations of rheophilic, potamodromous fish use a surprisingly long river section and that weirs have a strong impact on migration patterns and, ultimately, on population dynamics of these species.  相似文献   

From 1997 to 2004, we used radio telemetry to investigate movement and distribution patterns of 206 adult fluvial bull trout (mean, 449 mm FL) from watersheds representing a wide range of habitat conditions in northeastern Oregon and southwestern Washington, a region for which there was little previous information about this species. Migrations between spawning and wintering locations were longest for fish from the Imnaha River (median, 89 km) and three Grande Ronde River tributaries, the Wenaha (56 km) and Lostine (41 km) rivers and Lookingglass Creek (47 km). Shorter migrations were observed in the John Day (8 km), Walla Walla (20 km) and Umatilla river (22 km) systems, where relatively extensive human alterations of the riverscape have been reported. From November through May, fish displayed station-keeping behavior within a narrow range (basin medians, 0.5-6.2 km). Prespawning migrations began after snowmelt-driven peak discharge and coincided with declining flows. Most postspawning migrations began by late September. Migration rates of individuals ranged from 0.1 to 10.7 km/day. Adults migrated to spawning grounds in consecutive years and displayed strong fidelity to previous spawning areas and winter locations. In the Grande Ronde River basin, most fish displayed an unusual fluvial pattern: After exiting the spawning tributary and entering a main stem river, individuals moved upstream to wintering habitat, often a substantial distance (maximum, 49 km). Our work provides additional evidence of a strong migratory capacity in fluvial bull trout, but the short migrations we observed suggest adult fluvial migration may be restricted in basins with substantial anthropogenic habitat alteration. More research into bull trout ecology in large river habitats is needed to improve our understanding of how adults establish migration patterns, what factors influence adult spatial distribution in winter, and how managers can protect and enhance fluvial populations.  相似文献   

Management of multiple exploited stocks of anadromous salmonids in large catchments requires understanding of movement and catchment use by the migrating fish and of their harvesting. The spawning migration of sea trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was studied in the River Tweed, UK, using acoustic telemetry to complement exploitation rate data and to quantify catchment penetration. Salmon (n = 79) and sea trout (n = 65) were tagged in the tidal-influenced Tweed in summer–autumn. No tagged salmon left the river before spawning, but 3% (2010) and 8% (2011) of pre-spawning sea trout dropped out. Combined tag regurgitation/fish mortality in salmon was 12.5%, while trout mortality was 6% (2010) and 0% (2011). The estimated spawning positions of salmon and sea trout differed; tagged salmon were mostly in the main channel while trout occurred mostly in the upper Tweed and tributaries. Early fish migrated upstream slower than later fish, but sea trout moved through the lower-middle river more quickly than salmon, partly supporting the hypothesis that the lower exploitation rate in autumn of trout (1 vs 3.3% for salmon) there is generated by differences in migration behaviour.  相似文献   

Prochilodus lineatus Valenciennes (curimbatá) is an important migratory Neotropical fish. It does not feed during spawning migration, and often survives after spawning. The mobilization of energy reserves and some effects of starvation (zero to eight weeks) on fish health were experimentally evaluated. Hepatic glycogen and lipids from the perivisceral fat bodies were the main reserves mobilized during the first four weeks of fasting. During this period, somatic indices and blood parameters showed that fish health was not significantly affected. However, after five weeks of food deprivation, the main energy reserves were depleted and the fish became anaemic. The loss of muscle mass indicates that protein breakdown was an important energy source after the reduction of hepatic and perivisceral reserves. Mortality was increasingly observed from seven weeks of starvation. Prior accumulation of high amounts of reserves is essential to allow movements for long distances during spawning migrations in this species.  相似文献   

Surubim, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, is the most valuable commercial and recreational fish in the São Francisco River, but little is known about adult migration and spawning. Movements of 24 females (9.5–29.0 kg), which were radio-tagged just downstream of Três Marias Dam (TMD) at river kilometer 2,109 and at Pirapora Rapids (PR) 129 km downstream of TMD, suggest the following conceptual model of adult female migration and spawning. The tagged surubims used only 274 km of the main stem downstream of TMD and two tributaries, the Velhas and Abaeté rivers. Migration style was dualistic with non-migratory (resident) and migratory fish. Pre-spawning females swam at ground speeds of up to 31 km day-1 in late September–December to pre-spawning staging sites located 0–11 km from the spawning ground. In the spawning season (November–March), pre-spawning females migrated back and forth from nearby pre-spawning staging sites to PR for short visits to spawn, mostly during floods. Multiple visits to the spawning site suggest surubim is a multiple spawner. Most post-spawning surubims left the spawning ground to forage elsewhere, but some stayed at the spawning site until the next spawning season. Post-spawning migrants swam up or downstream at ground speeds up to 29 km day-1 during January–March. Construction of proposed dams in the main stem and tributaries downstream of TMD will greatly reduce surubim abundance by blocking migrations and changing the river into reservoirs that eliminate riverine spawning and non-spawning habitats, and possibly, cause extirpation of populations.  相似文献   

The river Ingdalselva, which drains to the Trondheims fjord, has no local salmon population due to an impassable waterfall 500 m upstream from the outlet. In the period 1994–97, a total of 31 mature Atlantic salmon (19 females and 12 males) from the rivers Orkla (1994–96) and Vigda (1997) were radio-tagged and released in the river Ingdalselva before spawning. The main goal of the project was to find out whether the fish would stay and spawn in the river, and if the observations during the spawning period could be used to indicate where spawning had taken place. Some fish left the river shortly after release, but 77% of the fish stayed in the river during the spawning period in October. Most of the females (74%) spawned in the river, including multi-sea winter salmon of approximately 10 kg. Some fish remained at the site of the release, while others migrated downstream to hiding places where they stayed until spawning. Long distance upstream migrations were not observed. The observations of the fish during the spawning period were used to identify spawning areas. Electrofishing for salmon fry in the spawning areas the following year in all cases produced fry, and in two of the years salmon fry were also found in areas where no spawning activity had been registered. Radio-tracking was an efficient method for determining whether transplanted salmon would remain in a `new'n river during the spawning season and for locating spawning areas, particularly when the fish were tracked daily.  相似文献   

Estuaries are used by anadromous fishes, either as the definitive marine habitat or as transition habitat as they move to fully marine waters, and extent of estuary use may vary with habitat conditions and fish attributes. Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) are commonly fluvial or adfluvial, though anadromous populations also exist. However, little is known about estuary use, especially by juveniles of this threatened species. We sampled the estuaries of the Elwha River, where a spawning population exists, and the nearby Salt Creek, where none exists, to reveal seasonal timing of estuarine use by juvenile bull trout, size of those using the estuary, and possible use of the non-natal estuary. We captured juvenile bull trout (all ≥100 mm FL, most <300 mm) in the Elwha River estuary in all months except August, but primarily December through May. None was captured in Salt Creek’s estuary despite comparable sampling effort. We also evaluated how dam removal on the Elwha River influenced bull trout estuarine occupancy by sampling before, during, and after dam removal, because this process enlarged the estuary but also increased turbidity and sediment transport in the lower river. Catches were low before dam removal, increased during and immediately after removal, and returned to low levels in recent years, suggesting that juveniles temporarily sought refuge from conditions associated with dam removal. Our findings indicate juvenile bull trout occupy estuarine habitat opportunistically; this information may aid conservation efforts as anadromous populations occur elsewhere in rivers with estuaries altered by human development.  相似文献   

Ferox trout are large, long-lived, piscivorous trout normally found in deep lakes; they are highly prized by trophy anglers. Lough Corrib and Lough Mask, Western Ireland, have recorded the majority of Irish specimen ferox trout since angling records began. Little was known regarding the spawning location of ferox trout relative to sympatric brown trout, and a radio telemetry study was initiated in both catchments in 2005. Over the period 2005–2009, 79 ferox were captured by angling and radio tagged in Lough Corrib, while 55 ferox were tagged in Lough Mask. Manual and helicopter tracking were carried out on all spawning streams entering both lakes over the autumn/winter period to detect tagged fish. Overall, 37 radio-tagged trout (46.8%) were detected in Lough Corrib streams and 21 tagged trout (38.2%) were recorded from Lough Mask streams. Results from radio tracking indicate that the majority (92%) of ferox trout tagged in Lough Corrib spawned in a single spawning stream, the Cong river, while the majority (76%) of ferox trout tagged in Lough Mask spawned in the Cong canal and Cong river. These results suggest that these streams are most likely the principle spawning locations of ferox trout in both lakes. The occurrence of ferox trout predominantly in single spawning rivers in both catchments highlights the vulnerability of the study ferox populations. As a result of these findings, conservation measures were introduced for ferox trout in both catchments.  相似文献   

Hybridization with introduced species represents a serious threat to the persistence of many native fish populations. Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) have been introduced extensively throughout the native range of bull trout (S. confluentus) and hybridization has been documented in several systems where they co-exist and is seen as a significant threat to the persistence of bull trout populations. We identified a group of diagnostic microsatellite loci to differentiate bull trout and brook trout and then used these loci to examine the spatial distribution of hybrids in the Malheur River basin, Oregon USA. In random samples of approximately 100 fish from each of three creeks we identified 181 brook trout, 112 bull trout and 14 hybrids. Although bull trout, brook trout and hybrids were found in all three creeks, they were not evenly distributed; brook trout were primarily found in the lower sections of the creeks, bull trout further upstream, and hybrids in the areas of the greatest overlap. One creek with a population of brook trout in a headwater lake provided an exception to this pattern; brook trout were found distributed throughout the creek downstream of the lake. Several post-F1 hybrids were identified suggesting that hybrids are reproducing in the Malher River Basin. Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicated that both female bull trout and brook trout are involved in hybridization events. Analysis of population structure suggested that brook trout have established multiple spawning populations within the Malheur system. Data presented in this study suggest that relative abundance of brook trout and habitat quality are important factors to consider when evaluating the threat of hybridization to bull trout populations.  相似文献   

本文是对已达性成熟年龄的池养和江河雌性草鱼产卵前后卵巢组织学结构的研究。实验结果证明草鱼是一次产卵类型。经人工催产后的雌性草鱼,由于亲鱼的成熟程度存在个体间的差异,有的全产,有的部分产。在湘江天然产卵场捕得的雌性草鱼,也有全产和部分产的。人工催产全产后的卵巢组织学结构是Ⅰ、Ⅱ时相,部分产后的卵巢组织学结构是Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅳ(Ⅳ+、Ⅳ++)时相,已达满熟阶段但未经人工催产的卵巢组织学结构是Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅳ(Ⅳ+++)时相,以上都未发现有处于Ⅲ时相的卵母细胞。从江河天然产卵场捕得的全产、部分产和尚未产卵的雌性草鱼的卵巢组织学结构,与上述结果一致。证实由Ⅲ时相到Ⅳ时相是同步性的。5月全产后的雌性草鱼,其卵巢组织学结构在6-9月内处于第Ⅱ期,没有新的Ⅳ时相卵母细胞。因此,夏季全产后的雌性草鱼,不可能在当年夏季或秋季完成由Ⅱ-Ⅲ-Ⅳ时相的发育程序。草鱼的卵巢成熟系数在繁殖季节只出现一次高峰。    相似文献   

Synopsis We estimated long-range spawning and foraging movements of walleye and observed their use of river and reservoir habitats between two large hydroelectric dams on the Au Sable River, Michigan. We used radiotelemetry to monitor seasonal and daily movements of 11 large walleye. Walleye ranged throughout the entire reach between the two dams. Eight of the 11 fish used both river and reservoir locations. Walleye migrated upriver in April or May and presumably spawned near the dam tailwaters. After spawning, walleye remained in the river for up to 6months, usually establishing local ranges. During this time, they occupied low-velocity refuges within the first 25 km of the upstream dam. They seldom occupied the downstream area, which has higher variation around the mean temperature. Food availability and water temperature may have affected the length of time that walleye remained in the river after spawning. All walleye overwintered in the reservoir. We designed this study to evaluate if walleye have a potential negative impact on brown trout, Salmo trutta. In summer, walleye were often present near sites where fingerling trout were stocked. We found the highest potential for interaction between the two species occurs within the first 25km of the upstream dam during summer. The movement patterns of and habitats used by large walleye validate concerns that walleye could compete with adult brown trout for food and resting sites and prey on juvenile brown trout.  相似文献   

In this study, radio telemetry was used to examine the upstream spawning migration behaviour of anadromous brown trout (sea trout), Salmo trutta L., in a boreal river system, the River Isojoki, western Finland. The aim was to study the movement activity and migration characteristics of trout during the upstream spawning migration, as well as to locate the important spawning habitats and study the spawning characteristics. Furthermore, the authors analysed how flow conditions and a hydropower dam, with adjacent fishways, affected the upstream spawning migration. Tagged trout spawned in both the main stem and four tributaries, with spawning taking place from early October to November. The movement activity of radio-tagged trout was influenced by a hydropower dam (Perus dam), with spring migrators spending prolonged periods at the dam area, postponing the migration upstream. Flow conditions affected the total time spent at the dam area, as well as the movement activity in the free-flowing sections above the dam, with increasing flow stimulating activity. In addition, time of river ascent and location of spawning area had a significant effect on the movement activity of tagged trout. These results are further evidence that synergistic effects of flow and migratory obstacles can negatively influence migrations of anadromous fish, regardless of constructed fishways. The management of flow regimes and the efficiency of fishways are vital, as climate change will likely influence the flow and increase the water temperature of boreal river systems, further aggravating issues caused by obstacles.  相似文献   

Patterns in the timing of spawning of the eastern Australian river garfish Hyporhamphus regularis ardelio were investigated by sampling fish throughout 24?h during their peak spawning period. Patterns in gonadosomatic indices, the presence of hydrated oocytes and post-ovulatory follicles in histological ovary sections, together with previously demonstrated polymodal distributions of oocytes undergoing final maturation, indicated that river garfish were capable of spawning at any time during the 24?h period. Spawning had either recently occurred or was imminent in all females sampled suggesting that river garfish could spawn multiple times in a given season. Although energy resources are used in the production of low numbers (<2500) of large (~2.5?mm diameter) eggs per batch, total fecundity during the reproductive season may be elevated through multiple spawning events. Implications of these findings on current fishery management regulations are discussed.  相似文献   

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