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Despite the positive effects of mild hypothermic conditions on monoclonal antibody (mAb) productivity (qmAb) during mammalian cell culture, the impact of reduced culture temperature on mAb Fc‐glycosylation and the mechanism behind changes in the glycan composition are not fully established. The lack of knowledge about the regulation of dynamic intracellular processes under mild hypothermia restricts bioprocess optimization. To address this issue, a mathematical model that quantitatively describes Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell behavior and metabolism, mAb synthesis and mAb N‐linked glycosylation profile before and after the induction of mild hypothermia is constructed. Results from this study show that the model is capable of representing experimental results well in all of the aspects mentioned above, including the N‐linked glycosylation profile of mAb produced under mild hypothermia. Most importantly, comparison between model simulation results for different culture temperatures suggests the reduced rates of nucleotide sugar donor production and galactosyltransferase (GalT) expression to be critical contributing factors that determine the variation in Fc‐glycan profiles between physiological and mild hypothermic conditions in stable CHO transfectants. This is then confirmed using experimental measurements of GalT expression levels, thereby closing the loop between the experimental and the computational system. The identification of bottlenecks within CHO cell metabolism under mild hypothermic conditions will aid bioprocess optimization, for example, by tailoring feeding strategies to improve NSD production, or manipulating the expression of specific glycosyltransferases through cell line engineering. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 1570–1582. © 2016 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc.  相似文献   

Culture media design is central to the optimization of monoclonal antibody (mAb) production. Although general strategies do not currently exist for optimization of culture media, the combined use of statistical design and analysis of experiments and strategies based on simple material balances can facilitate culture media design. In this study, we evaluate the effect of selected amino acids on the growth rate and monoclonal antibody production of a Chinese hamster ovary DG-44 (CHO-DG44) cell line. These amino acids were selected based on their relative mass fraction in the specific mAb produced in this study, their consumption rate during bioreactor experiments, and also through a literature review. A Plackett-Burman statistical design was conducted to minimize the number of experiments needed to obtain statistically relevant information. The effect of this set of amino acids was evaluated during exponential cell culture (considering viable cell concentration and the specific growth rate as main output variables) and during the high cell-density stage (considering mAb final concentration and specific productivity as relevant output variables). For this particular cell line, leucine (Leu) and arginine (Arg) had the highest negative and positive effects on cell viability, respectively; Leu and threonine (Thr) had the highest negative effect on growth rate, and valine (Val) and Arg demonstrated the highest positive impact on mAb final concentration. Results suggest the pertinence of a two-stage strategy for amino acid supplementation, with a mixture optimized for cell growth and a different amino acid mixture for mAb production at high density.  相似文献   

Advantages of using internally developed chemically‐defined (CD) media for cell culture‐based therapeutic protein production over commercial media include better raw material control and medium vendor options, and most importantly, flexibility for process development and subsequent optimization needed for therapeutic protein production. Through several rounds of design of experiment (DOE) screening, and medium component supplementation and optimization studies, we successfully developed a CD basal medium (CDM) for CHO cell culture. The internally prepared liquid CDM demonstrated comparable cell culture performance to that from a commercially available control medium. However, when the same CDM formulation was transferred to two major commercial medium suppliers for manufacturing, cell culture performance utilizing these newly prepared media was significantly reduced compared with the in‐house prepared counterpart. An investigation was launched to assess whether key medium components were sensitive to large‐scale preparation of the final bulk media by the vendors. Further work necessitated the reformulation of the original CDM formulation into a core medium that was suitable for large‐scale media manufacturing. The modified preparation of the core medium with two separate supplements to generate the final CDM was able to recover the expected cell culture performance and monoclonal antibody (mAb) productivity. Confirmation of cell culture robustness in cell growth and production was corroborated in two additional mAb‐expressing cell lines. This work demonstrates that a robust CD medium is not only one that performs during the development stage, but also one that must be reproducible by commercial media vendors. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1163–1171, 2015  相似文献   

An innovative high-throughput medium development method based on media blending was successfully used to improve the performance of a Chinese hamster ovary fed-batch medium in shaking 96-deepwell plates. Starting from a proprietary chemically-defined medium, 16 formulations testing 43 of 47 components at 3 different levels were designed. Media blending was performed following a custom-made mixture design of experiments considering binary blends, resulting in 376 different blends that were tested during both cell expansion and fed-batch production phases in one single experiment. Three approaches were chosen to provide the best output of the large amount of data obtained. A simple ranking of conditions was first used as a quick approach to select new formulations with promising features. Then, prediction of the best mixes was done to maximize both growth and titer using the Design Expert software. Finally, a multivariate analysis enabled identification of individual potential critical components for further optimization. Applying this high-throughput method on a fed-batch, rather than on a simple batch, process opens new perspectives for medium and feed development that enables identification of an optimized process in a short time frame.  相似文献   

Adequate supply of nutrients, especially providing a sufficient level of specific amino acids, is essential for cell survival and production. Complex raw materials such as soy hydrolysates or yeast extracts are the source for both free amino acids and peptides. However, typical chemically defined (CD) media provide amino acids only in free form. While most amino acids are highly soluble in media and can be provided at fairly high concentrations, certain amino acids such as tyrosine have poor solubility and thus, only a limited amount can be added as a media component. The limited solubility of amino acids in media can raise the risk of media precipitation and instability, and could contribute to suboptimal culture performance due to insufficient nutrient levels to meet cellular demands. In this study, we examine the use of chemically synthesized dipeptides as an alternative method for delivering amino acids to various monoclonal antibody producing cell lines. In particular, we focus on tyrosine-containing dipeptides. Due to their substantially higher solubility (up to 250-fold as compared with free tyrosine), tyrosine-containing dipeptides can efficiently provide large amounts of tyrosine to cultured cells. When tested in fed-batch processes, these supplemental dipeptides exerted positive effects, including enhanced culture viability and titer. Moreover, dipeptide-supplemented cultures displayed improved metabolic profiles including lower lactate and NH 4(+) production, and better pH maintenance. In bioreactor studies using two-sided pH control, a lactate spike occurring on Day 10 and the concomitant high levels of base addition could be prevented with dipeptide supplementation. These beneficial effects could be obtained by one-time addition of dipeptides during inoculation, and did not require further feeds during the entire 11-15-day process. Non-tyrosine-containing dipeptides, such as His-Gly, also showed improved productivity and viability over control cultures.  相似文献   


Using porous microcarrier Cytopore and a low-serum medium supplement BIGBEF-3, we have successfully cultivated recombinant CHO cell line CL-11G producing prourokinase and hybridomas producing anti-prourokinase monoclonal antibody in Celligen 1.5 or 5 L bioreactor. The cell density obtained ranged from 1 to 2 × 107 cells mL-1. The yields of prourokinase and monoclonal antibody increased with increasing cell density. As the cells could spontaneously release from and reattach to porous microcarriers, it was very easy to scale-up the cultivation. Thus the bead to bead cell transfer method has been used to scale up the cultivation of CL-11G cells to a 20 L reactor-scale for the pilot production of prourokinase, and also to scale-up the culture of hybridomas for the production of monoclonal antibody for the purification of prourokinase. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mammalian cell cultures typically exhibit an energy inefficient phenotype characterized by the consumption of large quantities of glucose and the concomitant production of large quantities of lactate. Under certain conditions, mammalian cells can switch to a more energy efficient state during which lactate is consumed. Using a metabolic model derived from a mouse genome scale model we performed flux balance analysis of Chinese hamster ovary cells before and after a metabolic switch from lactate production (in the presence of glucose) to lactate consumption (after glucose depletion). Despite a residual degree of freedom after accounting for measurements, the calculated flux ranges and associated errors were narrow enough to enable investigation of metabolic changes across the metabolic switch. Surprisingly, the fluxes through the lower part of the TCA cycle from oxoglutarate to malate were very similar (around 60 µmol/gDW/h) for both phases. A detailed analysis of the energy metabolism showed that cells consuming lactate have an energy efficiency (total ATP produced per total C‐mol substrate consumed) six times greater than lactate producing cells. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 660–666. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An optimization-based framework is introduced for testing whether experimental flux data are consistent with different hypothesized objective functions. Specifically, we examine whether the maximization of a weighted combination of fluxes can explain a set of observed experimental data. Coefficients of importance (CoIs) are identified that quantify the fraction of the additive contribution of a given flux to a fitness (objective) function with an optimization that can explain the experimental flux data. A high CoI value implies that the experimental flux data are consistent with the hypothesis that the corresponding flux is maximized by the network, whereas a low value implies the converse. This framework (i.e., ObjFind) is applied to both an aerobic and anaerobic set of Escherichia coli flux data derived from isotopomer analysis. Results reveal that the CoIs for both growth conditions are strikingly similar, even though the flux distributions for the two cases are quite different, which is consistent with the presence of a single metabolic objective driving the flux distributions in both cases. Interestingly, the CoI associated with a biomass production flux, complete with energy and reducing power requirements, assumes a value 9 and 15 times higher than the next largest coefficient for the aerobic and anaerobic cases, respectively.  相似文献   

Shortcut nitrogen removal, that is, removal via formation and reduction of nitrite rather than nitrate, has been observed in membrane-aerated biofilms (MABs), but the extent, the controlling factors, and the kinetics of nitrite formation in MABs are poorly understood. We used a special MAB reactor to systematically study the effects of the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration at the membrane surface, which is the biofilm base, on nitrification rates, extent of shortcut nitrification, and microbial community structure. The focus was on anoxic bulk liquids, which is typical in MAB used for total nitrogen (TN) removal, although aerobic bulk liquids were also studied. Nitrifying MABs were grown on a hollow-fiber membrane exposed to 3 mg N/L ammonium. The MAB intra-membrane air pressure was varied to achieve different DO concentrations at the biofilm base, and the bulk liquid was anoxic or with 2 g m(-3) DO. With 2.2 and 3.5 g m(-3) DO at the biofilm base, and with an anoxic bulk-liquid, the ammonium fluxes were 0.75 and 1.0 g N m(-2) day(-1), respectively, and nitrite was the main oxidized nitrogen product. However, with membrane DO of 5.5 g m(-3), and either zero or 2 g m(-3) DO in the bulk, the ammonium flux was around 1.3 g N m(-2) day(-1), and nitrate flux increased significantly. For all experiments, the cell density of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) was relatively uniform throughout the biofilm, but the density of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) decreased with decreasing biofilm DO. Among NOB, Nitrobacter spp. were dominant in biofilm regions with 2 g m(-3) DO or greater, while Nitrospira spp. were dominant in regions with less than 2 g m(-3) DO. A biofilm model, including AOB, Nitrobacter spp., and Nitrospira spp., was developed and calibrated with the experimental results. The model predicted the greatest extent of nitrite formation (95%) and the lowest ammonium oxidation flux (0.91 g N m(-2) day(-1)) when the membrane DO was 2 g m(-3) and the bulk liquid was anoxic. Conversely, the model predicted the lowest extent of nitrite formation (40%) and the highest ammonium oxidation flux (1.5 g N m(-2) day(-1)) when the membrane-DO and bulk-DO were 8 g m(-3) and 2 g m(-3), respectively. The estimated kinetic parameters for Nitrospira spp., revealed a high affinity for nitrite and oxygen. This explains the dominance of Nitrospira spp. over Nitrobacter spp. in regions with low nitrite and oxygen concentrations. Our results suggest that shortcut nitrification can effectively be controlled by manipulating the DO at the membrane surface. A tradeoff is made between increased nitrite accumulation at lower DO, and higher nitrification rates at higher DO.  相似文献   

Herein we describe the investigation of a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-expressed human mAb molecule found partially modified by a +80 Da adduct. This mass difference, suggestive of a single sulfation or phosphorylation addition, was observed by mass analysis of the intact and reduced molecule by mass spectrometry (MS). The modification was located on tyrosine 31 (Y31) of the light chain in the complementarity-determining region 1 by liquid chromatography (LC)-MS peptide mapping and electron transfer dissociation fragmentation. The complete loss of the 80 Da modification moiety during collision induced dissociation fragmentation suggested this modification could not be a tyrosine phosphorylation. Treatment of the mAb with alkaline phosphatase confirmed our hypothesis. Western blot experiment using anti-tyrosine sulfation antibody and LC retention time correlation with corresponding synthetic sulfated peptides further confirmed the identification of tyrosine sulfation on the light chain. The unique sequence motif with neighboring acidic amino acids and local secondary structure might play a role to make Y31 a substrate residue for sulfation. This type of modification, to our knowledge, has not been previously reported for CHO-produced human IgG antibodies.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for antibody-based therapeutics has emphasized the need for technologies to improve recombinant antibody titers from mammalian cell lines. Moreover, as antibody therapeutics address an increasing spectrum of indications, interest has increased in antibody engineering to improve affinity and biological activity. However, the cellular mechanisms that dictate expression and the relationships between antibody sequence and expression level remain poorly understood. Fundamental understanding of how mammalian cells handle high levels of transgene expression and of the relationship between sequence and expression are vital to the development of new antibodies and for increasing recombinant antibody titers. In this work, we analyzed a pair of mutants that vary by a single amino acid at Kabat position 49 (heavy-chain framework), resulting in differential transient and stable titers with no apparent loss of antigen affinity. Through analysis of mRNA, gene copy number, intracellular antibody content, and secreted antibody, we found that while translational/post-translational mechanisms are limiting in transient systems, it appears that the amount of available transgenic mRNA becomes the limiting event on stable integration of the recombinant genes. We also show that amino acid substitution at residue 49 results in production of a non-secreted HC variant and postulate that stable antibody expression is maintained at a level which prevents toxic accumulation of this HC-related protein. This study highlights the need for proper sequence engineering strategies when developing therapeutic antibodies and alludes to the early analysis of transient expression systems to identify the potential for aberrant stable expression behavior.  相似文献   

主要介绍了单克隆抗体药物工业生产中宿主细胞选择、表达载体构建、转染方法、筛选技术、细胞培养工艺技术方法以及最后选定细胞株的标准等,结合单抗药物CHO细胞株开发和培养工艺的经验,对当前我国单抗CHO细胞株开发技术策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody production in commercial scale cell culture bioprocessing requires a thorough understanding of the engineering process and components used throughout manufacturing. It is important to identify high impact components early on during the lifecycle of a biotechnology‐derived product. While cell culture media selection is of obvious importance to the health and productivity of mammalian bioreactor operations, other components such as antifoam selection can also play an important role in bioreactor cell culture. Silicone polymer‐based antifoams were known to have negative impacts on cell health, production, and downstream filtration and purification operations. High throughput screening in micro‐scale bioreactors provides an efficient strategy to identify initial operating parameters. Here, we utilized a micro‐scale parallel bioreactor system to study an IgG1 producing CHO cell line, to screen Dynamis, ProCHO5, PowerCHO2, EX‐Cell Advanced, and OptiCHO media, and 204, C, EX‐Cell, SE‐15, and Y‐30 antifoams and their impacts on IgG1 production, cell growth, aggregation, and process control. This study found ProCHO5, EX‐Cell Advanced, and PowerCHO2 media supported strong cellular growth profiles, with an IVCD of 25‐35 × 106 cells‐d/mL, while maintaining specific antibody production (Qp > 2 pg/cell‐d) for our model cell line and a monomer percentage above 94%. Antifoams C, EX‐Cell, and SE‐15 were capable of providing adequate control of foaming while antifoam 204 and Y‐30 noticeably stunted cellular growth. This work highlights the utility of high throughput micro bioreactors and the importance of identifying both positive and negative impacts of media and antifoam selection on a model IgG1 producing CHO cell line. © 2017 The Authors Biotechnology Progress published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:262–270, 2018  相似文献   

Metabolic modeling has emerged as a key tool for the characterization of biopharmaceutical cell culture processes. Metabolic models have also been instrumental in identifying genetic engineering targets and developing feeding strategies that optimize the growth and productivity of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Despite their success, metabolic models of CHO cells still present considerable challenges. Genome-scale metabolic models (GeMs) of CHO cells are very large (>6000 reactions) and are difficult to constrain to yield physiologically consistent flux distributions. The large scale of GeMs also makes the interpretation of their outputs difficult. To address these challenges, we have developed CHOmpact, a reduced metabolic network that encompasses 101 metabolites linked through 144 reactions. Our compact reaction network allows us to deploy robust, nonlinear optimization and ensure that the computed flux distributions are physiologically consistent. Furthermore, our CHOmpact model delivers enhanced interpretability of simulation results and has allowed us to identify the mechanisms governing shifts in the anaplerotic consumption of asparagine and glutamate as well as an important mechanism of ammonia detoxification within mitochondria. CHOmpact, thus, addresses key challenges of large-scale metabolic models and will serve as a platform to develop dynamic metabolic models for the control and optimization of biopharmaceutical cell culture processes.  相似文献   

Chemically defined iron compounds were investigated for the development of animal protein-free cell culture media to support growth of CHO cells and production of monoclonal antibodies (mAb). Using a multivessel approach of 96-well plates, shake flasks, and bioreactors, we identified iron and its chemical partner citrate as critical components for maintenance of continuous cell growth and mAb production. The optimized iron concentration range was determined to be 0.1-0.5 mM and that for citrate 0.125-1 mM. This complete formulation is able to maintain cell growth to similar levels as those supplemented with iron compounds alone; however, mAb productivity was enhanced by 30-40% when citrate was present. The addition of sodium citrate (SC) did not affect product quality as determined by size exclusion chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, reversed phase and normal phase-HPLC. No significant changes in glucose and lactate profiles, amino acid utilization, or mAb heavy and light chain expression ratios were observed. Cellular ATP level was ~30% higher when SC was included suggesting that SC may have a role in enhancing cellular energy content. When cell lysates were analyzed by LC-MS to assess the overall cellular protein profile, we identified that in the SC-containing sample, proteins involved in ribosome formation and protein folding were upregulated, and those functions in protein degradation were downregulated. Taken together, this data demonstrated that iron and citrate combination significantly enhanced mAb production without altering product quality and suggested these compounds had a role in upregulating the protein synthetic machinery to promote protein production.  相似文献   

A high‐throughput DoE approach performed in a 96‐deepwell plate system was used to explore the impact of media and feed components on main quality attributes of a monoclonal antibody. Six CHO‐S derived clonal cell lines expressing the same monoclonal antibody were tested in two different cell culture media with six components added at three different levels. The resulting 384 culture conditions including controls were simultaneously tested in fed‐batch conditions, and process performance such as viable cell density, viability, and product titer were monitored. At the end of the culture, supernatants from each condition were purified and the product was analyzed for N‐glycan profiles, charge variant distribution, aggregates, and low molecular weight forms. The screening described here provided highly valuable insights into the factors and combination of factors that can be used to modulate the quality attributes of a molecule. The approach also revealed specific intrinsic differences of the selected clonal cell lines ‐ some cell lines were very responsive in terms of changes in performance or quality attributes, whereas others were less affected by the factors tested in this study. Moreover, it indicated to what extent the attributes can be impacted within the selected experimental design space. The outcome correlated well with confirmations performed in larger cell culture volumes such as small‐scale bioreactors. Being fast and resource effective, this integrated high‐throughput approach can provide information which is particularly useful during early stage cell culture development. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:571–583, 2014  相似文献   

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