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Worldwide, many plant species are experiencing an earlier onset of spring phenophases due to climate warming. Rapid recent temperature increases on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) have triggered changes in the spring phenology of the local vegetation. However, remote sensing studies of the land surface phenology have reached conflicting interpretations about green-up patterns observed on the TP since the mid-1990s. We investigated this issue using field phenological observations from 1990 to 2006, for 11 dominant plants on the TP at the levels of species, families (Gramineae—grasses and Cyperaceae—sedges) and vegetation communities (alpine meadow and alpine steppe). We found a significant trend of earlier leaf-out dates for one species (Koeleria cristata). The leaf-out dates of both Gramineae and Cyperaceae had advanced (the latter significantly, starting an average of 9 days later per year than the former), but the correlation between them was significant. The leaf-out dates of both vegetation communities also advanced, but the pattern was only significant in the alpine meadow. This study provides the first field evidence of advancement in spring leaf phenology on the TP and suggests that the phenology of the alpine steppe can differ from that of the alpine meadow. These findings will be useful for understanding ecosystem responses to climate change and for grassland management on the TP.  相似文献   

The ongoing changes in vegetation spring phenology in temperate/cold regions are widely attributed to temperature. However, in arid/semiarid ecosystems, the correlation between spring temperature and phenology is much less clear. We test the hypothesis that precipitation plays an important role in the temperature dependency of phenology in arid/semiarid regions. We therefore investigated the influence of preseason precipitation on satellite‐derived estimates of starting date of vegetation growing season (SOS) across the Tibetan Plateau (TP). We observed two clear patterns linking precipitation to SOS. First, SOS is more sensitive to interannual variations in preseason precipitation in more arid than in wetter areas. Spatially, an increase in long‐term averaged preseason precipitation of 10 mm corresponds to a decrease in the precipitation sensitivity of SOS by about 0.01 day mm?1. Second, SOS is more sensitive to variations in preseason temperature in wetter than in dryer areas of the plateau. A spatial increase in precipitation of 10 mm corresponds to an increase in temperature sensitivity of SOS of 0.25 day °C?1 (0.25 day SOS advance per 1 °C temperature increase). Those two patterns indicate both direct and indirect impacts of precipitation on SOS on TP. This study suggests a balance between maximizing benefit from the limiting climatic resource and minimizing the risk imposed by other factors. In wetter areas, the lower risk of drought allows greater temperature sensitivity of SOS to maximize the thermal benefit, which is further supported by the weaker interannual partial correlation between growing degree days and preseason precipitation. In more arid areas, maximizing the benefit of water requires greater sensitivity of SOS to precipitation, with reduced sensitivity to temperature. This study highlights the impacts of precipitation on SOS in a large cold and arid/semiarid region and suggests that influences of water should be included in SOS module of terrestrial ecosystem models for drylands.  相似文献   

Plant water sources were estimated by two or three compartment linear mixing models using hydrogen and oxygen isotope (δD and δ^18O) values of different components such as plant xylem water, precipitation and river water as well as soil water on the Tibetan Plateau in the summer of 2005. Four dominant species (Quercus aquifolioides, Pinus tabulaeformis, Salix rehderiana and Nitraria tangutorum) in three typical ecosystems (forest, shrub and desert) were investigated in this study. Stable isotope ratios of the summer precipitations and the soil water presented variations in spatial and temporal scales. δ^18O values of N. tangutorum xylem water were constant in the whole growth season and very similar to those of deep soil water. Water sources for all of the plants came from both precipitations and soil water. Plants switched rapidly among different water sources when environmental water conditions changed. Rainwater had different contributions to the plants, which was influenced by amounts of precipitation. The percentage of plant xylem water derived from rainwater rose with an increase in precipitation. Water sources for broad-leaved and coniferous species were different although they grew in the same environmental conditions. For example, the broad-leaved species Q. aquifolioides used mainly the water from deep soil, while 92.5% of xylem water of the coniferous species P. tabulaeformis was derived from rainwater during the growth season. The study will be helpful for us to fully understand responses of species on the Tibetan Plateau to changes in precipitation patterns, and to assess accurately changes of vegetation distribution in the future.  相似文献   

王秋生  温璐  苏旭坤 《生态学报》2022,42(22):8985-8993
气候变化可能导致物种分布范围变化甚至导致物种灭绝。为了解气候变化对青藏高原旗舰种和濒危种-藏羚羊(Pantholops hodgsonii)的潜在分布区影响,收集了316个藏羚羊实际点位分布数据和70个文献点位分布数据与温度季节性变化(Bio4),海拔,最干月降雨(Bio14)等9个影响因子,采用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)进行建模,预测SSP126、SSP585极端压迫情景和SSP245中间压迫情景下的T1(2001-2018年),T2(2021-2040年),T3(2041-2060年),T4(2061-2080年),T5(2081-2100年)5个时期的潜在分布区。研究结果表明:(1)在不同气候变化情景下,藏羚羊核心生境主要分布在可可西里、羌塘、阿尔金国家级自然保护区和三江源国家公园;(2)温度季节性变化(Bio4)和海拔被认为是最关键的两个环境因子;(3)随着温室气体排放强度的增强,藏羚羊的核心区生境向高海拔和高纬度地区扩张;(4)有43.18%的保护空缺区在保护区外,未受到有效保护。总之,研究藏羚羊的地理分布对于气候变化的响应与适应,根据适宜生境演变规律做出有效的保护措施,对藏羚羊种群的长期监测、保护、有效管理甚至重建具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Zhan X  Zheng Y  Wei F  Bruford MW  Jia C 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(14):3014-3026
The role of the Quaternary ice ages in forming the contemporary genetic structure of populations has been well studied in a number of global regions. However, due to the different nature of glaciations and complex topography, their role in shaping eastern Eurasian genetic diversity, particular in areas surrounding the Tibetan Plateau have remained largely unstudied. We aimed to address this question by examining the genetic structure of an alpine forest-associated taxon, the blood pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus) to infer its phylogeographic history. We detected three phylogenetic lineages and four current population groups. By comparing molecular and palaeovegetation data, we found that major glaciations during the Pleistocene have had a major impact upon the current genetic diversity of this species. Coalescent simulations indicate that the populations retreated to different refugia during some glacial periods in the Pleistocene, but persisted through the last glacial maximum (LGM). The most significant recent population expansion was found to have occurred before the LGM, during which palaeoclimatic data indicate that the climate was both warmer and wetter than today. In contrast, during the LGM populations may have adopted an altitudinal shift strategy in order to track changes in alpine glaciers, exemplifying a general response for montane species in the region where alpine glaciations were not large enough to cause qualitative changes in vegetation. Although analysis based on a plumage related gene showed that divergent selection may have contributed to current patterns of intra-specific diversity, demographic isolation is inferred to have played a more dominant role.  相似文献   

张倚浩  阎建忠  程先 《生态学报》2023,43(6):2180-2193
青藏高原是中国湿地分布最多的区域,其独特的高寒湿地对区域生态环境安全有着不可或缺的作用。梳理了青藏高原湿地变化的时空特征,基于此,重点分析了气候变化与人类活动对不同类型湿地的影响和作用机制。研究发现:(1)主导不同类型湿地变化的气候因素有差异,影响存在区域异质性。湖泊湿地主要受降水量影响,湖泊湿地在北部扩张、南部缩小的趋势与降水量的空间差异存在较强的一致性;沼泽湿地主要受气温影响,气温升高导致水分蒸发、植被群落演替,沼泽湿地向草地转化,江河源区和若尔盖高原等主要分布区域呈现退化趋势;河流湿地主要受气温影响,气温升高加速河源冰川消融、同时也增大河流蒸散发量,共同作用下河流湿地呈现北部减少、南部增加的趋势。(2)过度放牧、泥炭开采、水利建设等是影响湿地变化的主要人类活动。若尔盖高原同时存在过度放牧、泥炭开采和沟渠建设多重人类活动影响,当地沼泽湿地退化明显;柴达木盆地的人工湿地由于盐业开采迅速扩张。(3)当前研究存在数据可对比性不足、大区域尺度和野外定点持续监测数据缺乏等问题,导致对气候变化与人类活动影响机制研究不够深入。未来应加强高寒湿地定期监测与风险评估,完善高寒湿地生态系统与环境变化和...  相似文献   

We investigated the independent and combined effects of experimental warming and grazing on plant species diversity on the north‐eastern Tibetan Plateau, a region highly vulnerable to ongoing climate and land use changes. Experimental warming caused a 26–36% decrease in species richness, a response that was generally dampened by experimental grazing. Higher species losses occurred at the drier sites where N was less available. Moreover, we observed an indirect effect of climate change on species richness as mediated by plant–plant interactions. Heat stress and warming‐induced litter accumulation are potential explanations for the species’ responses to experimental warming. This is the first reported experimental evidence that climate warming could cause dramatic declines in plant species diversity in high elevation ecosystems over short time frames and supports model predictions of species losses with anthropogenic climate change.  相似文献   

综述了近五十年来青藏高原气候和高寒草地的变化趋势,阐述了气候变化对高寒草地的可能影响。气候变化主要通过水、热过程及其诱导的环境变化对青藏高原高寒草地产生显著的影响。主要过程包括:气候变化对气候带、植被带、植物、植物群落、农业生产以及生态系统固碳潜力等的影响。从目前的观测和研究结果来看,有关青藏高原气候变化及其对高寒草地的可能影响都还很难得出一致的结论。因此,如何科学评价气候变化及其预测和评价对高寒草地结构和功能的潜在影响,以及如何将已经发生的变化纳入到全球变化模型或评价体系中,以便更加精确地评估气候变化的长期影响,将成为必须要回答的关键科学问题。  相似文献   

The determination of the evolving palaeoaltitude of the Tibetan Plateau since the India-Eurasia collision underpins our understanding of how orography in central Asia affects the intensity of the monsoon and hence global climate change. Palaeoaltitudes, however, cannot be measured directly and need to be inferred from proxy observations that are usually model-dependent. Differing tectonic models for the behaviour of the lithosphere during continental collision have contrasting implications for the elevation of the plateau. However, two techniques recently employed for determining palaeo-elevation are independent of tectonic models, the first involving the variation with altitude of oxygen isotopes in precipitation and the second involving the change of leaf morphology with moist static energy of the atmosphere.Elevation studies have focused on southern Tibet, largely due to the relative ease of access to the region. There is a remarkable unanimity amongst the diverse techniques applied that the altitude of the southern plateau has not significantly changed since at least the mid Miocene (ca. 15 Ma) arguing for an onset of the monsoon system during or before the early Miocene. A range of tectonic studies suggest that the northern and eastern parts of the plateau are younger geomorphological features, but there are few quantitative constraints of the timing of elevation from these regions of Tibet. Since both the elevation and the surface area of the plateau impact on atmospheric circulation, palaeoaltitude studies need to be extended to chart the increasing areas of elevated land surface through time.  相似文献   

青藏高原植被覆盖时空变化及其对气候因子的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
卓嘎  陈思蓉  周兵 《生态学报》2018,38(9):3208-3218
研究青藏高原植被覆盖时空分布特征对加深气候变化的认识及生态环境保护具有重要的生态价值和现实意义。利用2000—2016年MODIS NDVI 1km/月分辨率数据以及气象观测数据,采用最大合成法、趋势性分析以及相关分析方法,探讨了不同时间尺度青藏高原地区NDVI的分布特征及其与降水、气温的关系。结果表明:(1)青藏高原东南部植被状况明显好于西北部,植被覆盖的分布格局与区域水热条件的时空分布保持了较好的一致性;近17年来青藏高原植被覆盖改善的地区要比退化的地区面积大,严重退化的区域主要位于青藏高原西南部;青藏高原NDVI值在2000—2016年呈幅度较小的增加趋势。(2)除夏季降水量外,研究时段内其他季节降水量均呈增加趋势;气温均呈增加趋势,尤其以春季增加最为显著,整体上青藏高原气候呈现"暖湿化"趋势。总体上年降水量与年最大合成NDVI呈较好的正相关;年平均气温与年最大合成NDVI在高原东南部呈正相关,西南部呈负相关。降水量和热量条件均是高原植被生长的影响因素,降水与植被覆盖的影响较气温密切。  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) holds fundamental ecological and environmental significances to China and Asia. The TP also lies in the core zone of the belt and road initiative. To protect the TP environment, a comprehensive screening on current ecological research status is entailed. The teased out research gap can also be utilized as guidelines for the recently launched major research programs, i.e. the second TP scientific expedition and silk and belt road research plan. The findings showed that the TP has experienced significant temperature increase at a rate of 0.2°C per decade since 1960s. The most robust warming trend was found in the northern plateau. Precipitation also exhibited an increasing trend but with high spatial heterogeneity. Changing climates have caused a series of environmental consequences, including lake area changes, glacier shrinkage, permafrost degradation and exacerbated desertification. The rising temperature is the main reason behind the glaciers shrinkage, snow melting, permafrost degradation and lake area changes on the TP and neighboring regions. The projected loss of glacial area on the plateau is estimated to be around 43% by 2070 and 75% by the end of the century. Vegetation was responsive to the changed environments, varied climates and intensified human activities by changing phenology and productivity. Future global change study should be more oriented toward integrating various research methods and tools, and synthesizing diverse subjects of water, vegetation, atmosphere and soil.  相似文献   

The world's hydrological cycle is believed to intensify with global warming, yet current climate models have only a limited ability to assess moisture responses at regional scales. Tree-ring records are a valuable source of information for understanding long-term, regional-scale moisture changes, particularly for large regions such as the Tibetan Plateau (TP), where the observational data are short and sparse. Here, we present a new ring-width chronology developed from Qilian Juniper ( Sabina przewalskii ) wood at two sites on the northeastern TP. This chronology, combined with others from the same region, demonstrates that tree growth anomalies are linked to regional late spring to early summer moisture availability. Although late monsoon season precipitation in the study area decreased during recent decades, tree growth continued to increase due to persistent moisture availability in the early monsoon season. Comparison with global sea surface temperatures (SSTs) indicates that early (late) monsoon season precipitation is closely related to tropical Pacific (Indian Ocean) SSTs, suggesting a possible seasonal shift in the dominant moisture source area for monsoonal precipitation over the northeastern TP. It is further shown that there is a very high degree of coherency regarding low-frequency tree growth anomalies over the northeastern TP during the last six centuries. The most prominent drought epoch occurred during ca. 1450–1500, which may have been caused by a significant decrease in the thermal gradient between the Eurasian continent and the tropical oceans. A persistent tree growth increase since the 1880s is coincident with global warming, suggesting an intensified early monsoon season moisture regime in the study area.  相似文献   

Alpine ecosystems are among those biomes that are most vulnerable to climate change. Cushion plants are an important life form of alpine ecosystems and will likely play a critical role for the resilience of these habitats to climate change. We studied cushion size distribution and different measures of the compactness of cushions (biomass and rosette density, leaf area index) of the cushion plant, Androsace tapete along an elevational gradient from 4500 to 5200 m a.s.l. in the Nyainqentanglha Mountains of the central Tibetan Plateau. Cushion size distribution, total cover, and compactness of cushions varied substantially along the elevational gradient. At the driest site at low elevation we found the lowest total cushion cover, a particularly high proportion of very small cushions, and the most compact cushions (highest rosette and biomass densities, and leaf area index (LAI) per cushion). Our results indicate that in the semi‐arid Tibetan Plateau water availability is the more important climate factor than temperature affecting cushion plant traits and morphology.  相似文献   

Quantifying the impact of climate change and human activities on grassland dynamics is an essential step for developing sustainable grassland ecosystem management strategies. However, the direction and magnitude of climate change and human activities in driving alpine grassland dynamic over the Tibetan Plateau remain under debates. Here, we systematically reviewed the relevant studies on the methods, main conclusions, and causes for the inconsistency in distinguishing the respective contribution of climatic and anthropogenic forces to alpine grassland dynamic. Both manipulative experiments and traditional statistical analysis show that climate warming increase biomass in alpine meadows and decrease in alpine steppes, while both alpine steppes and meadows benefit from an increase in precipitation or soil moisture. Overgrazing is a major factor for the degradation of alpine grassland in local areas with high level of human activity intensity. However, across the entire Tibetan Plateau and its subregions, four views characterize the remaining controversies: alpine grassland changes are primarily due to (1) climatic force, (2) nonclimatic force, (3) combination of anthropogenic and climatic force, or (4) alternation of anthropogenic and climatic force. Furthermore, these views also show spatial inconsistencies. Differences on the source and quality of remote sensing products, the structure and parameter of models, and overlooking the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of human activity intensity contribute to current disagreements. In this review, we highlight the necessity for taking the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of human activity intensity into account in the models of attribution assessment, and the importance for accurate validation of climatic and anthropogenic contribution to alpine grassland variation at multiple scales for future studies.  相似文献   

杨柳  阎建忠  王盼  王宏 《生态学报》2019,39(10):3655-3669
自1980年代后期以来,青藏高原持续变暖趋势明显,且增温幅度高于我国其他地区。基于遥感数据和种植适宜性模型的一些研究表明,该地区足够的农业热量资源增加了适宜耕种土地的面积,为农牧民的开垦行为创造了有利的条件。然而,对农牧民是否开垦以及开垦原因的实证研究,以及农牧民如何平衡气候变化带来的开垦机遇、风险和人口压力,仍然缺少认识。以青藏高原的3个典型产粮区域("一江两河"地区、河湟谷地、壤塘县)为研究区,利用605户农户家庭调研数据,分析了影响农牧民开垦行为的影响因素。计量结果表明,农牧民感知冬季持续时间的整体变化趋势、家庭总人口、抚养比与农牧民开垦行为呈显著正相关关系;农牧民感知降水的整体变化趋势、人均打工年收入、户主受教育水平、是否借贷、居住地距集镇距离与农牧民开垦行为呈显著负相关关系。随着城镇化的不断加快,农牧民对非农工作的认可度越来越高,加之政府的管制,使得开垦现象并不普遍。由于农牧民的开垦对青藏高原的生态环境极有可能造成不可逆的负面影响,应该提供更多的非农就业机会,促进农业集约化,加强监管,以降低开垦的可能性。  相似文献   

Phenological responses to climate change have been widely observed and have profound and lasting effects on ecosystems and biodiversity. However, compared to terrestrial ecosystems, the long‐term effects of climate change on species’ phenology are poorly understood in aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the long‐term changes in fish reproductive phenology is essential for predicting population dynamics and for informing management strategies, but is currently hampered by the requirement for intensive field observations and larval identification. In this study, a very low‐frequency sampling of juveniles and adults combined with otolith measurements (long axis length of the first annulus; LAFA) of an endemic Tibetan Plateau fish (Gymnocypris selincuoensis) was used to examine changes in reproductive phenology associated with climate changes from the 1970s to 2000s. Assigning individual fish to their appropriate calendar year class was assisted by dendrochronological methods (crossdating). The results demonstrated that LAFA was significantly and positively associated with temperature and growing season length. To separate the effects of temperature and the growing season length on LAFA growth, measurements of larval otoliths from different sites were conducted and revealed that daily increment additions were the main contributor (46.3%), while temperature contributed less (12.0%). Using constructed water‐air temperature relationships and historical air temperature records, we found that the reproductive phenology of G. selincuoensis was strongly advanced in the spring during the 1970s and 1990s, while the increased growing season length in the 2000s was mainly due to a delayed onset of winter. The reproductive phenology of G. selincuoensis advanced 2.9 days per decade on average from the 1970s to 2000s, and may have effects on recruitment success and population dynamics of this species and other biota in the ecosystem via the food web. The methods used in this study are applicable for studying reproductive phenological changes across a wide range of species and ecosystems.  相似文献   

Understanding vegetation responses to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) helps in elucidating the land–atmosphere energy exchange, which affects air mass movement over and around the TP. Although the TP is one of the world's most sensitive regions in terms of climatic warming, little is known about how the vegetation responds. Here, we focus on how spring phenology and summertime greenness respond to the asymmetric warming, that is, stronger warming during nighttime than during daytime. Using both in situ and satellite observations, we found that vegetation green‐up date showed a stronger negative partial correlation with daily minimum temperature (Tmin) than with maximum temperature (Tmax) before the growing season (‘preseason’ henceforth). Summer vegetation greenness was strongly positively correlated with summer Tmin, but negatively with Tmax. A 1‐K increase in preseason Tmin advanced green‐up date by 4 days (P < 0.05) and in summer enhanced greenness by 3.6% relative to the mean greenness during 2000–2004 (< 0.01). In contrast, increases in preseason Tmax did not advance green‐up date (> 0.10) and higher summer Tmax even reduced greenness by 2.6% K?1 (< 0.05). The stimulating effects of increasing Tmin were likely caused by reduced low temperature constraints, and the apparent negative effects of higher Tmax on greenness were probably due to the accompanying decline in water availability. The dominant enhancing effect of nighttime warming indicates that climatic warming will probably have stronger impact on TP ecosystems than on apparently similar Arctic ecosystems where vegetation is controlled mainly by Tmax. Our results are crucial for future improvements of dynamic vegetation models embedded in the Earth System Models which are being used to describe the behavior of the Asian monsoon. The results are significant because the state of the vegetation on the TP plays an important role in steering the monsoon.  相似文献   

原始云杉林是青藏高原东部林区近林线森林的重要类型之一,但关于其林分结构与多样性的科学认识到目前为止仍然是贫乏的.为了揭示云杉原始林的层次结构及其相互关系、维管植物组成特点,选择四川省壤塘县北部日柯沟近林线的紫果云杉(Picea purpurea)原始林为对象,调查了6个40 m×50 m样地的乔木层结构,并在样地内采用机械布点的方法设置180个小样方,调查了林下灌木层、草本层和苔藓层结构以及灌草层物种组成.结果显示:(1)云杉原始林为复层异龄林,乔木层分化明显,可划分为4个亚层;幼树密度不高但集中分布于林窗及其边缘(144±93株/ha);(2)林下灌木盖度与物种丰富度低,层片结构简单,呈明显的斑块状分布;而草本层与苔藓层发达,盖度与物种丰富度均较高;(3)6个样地共发现维管植物124种,隶属于30科68属.其中草本109种,灌木15种,以温带区系成分占优势,特有性缺乏;生活型以地面芽植物为主体(61.29%).综合分析表明,该林分为藓类云杉林,群落结构完整、稳定,自然更新能力强,与本区域内亚高山或高山林线森林具有相似的物种组成和多样性特点,但群落结构则明显不同.  相似文献   

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