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Hybridization between diverged taxa tests the strength of reproductive isolation and can therefore reveal mechanisms of reproductive isolation. However, it remains unclear how consistent reproductive isolation is across species' ranges and to what extent reproductive isolation might remain polymorphic as species diverge. To address these questions, we compared outcomes of hybridization across species pairs of Catostomus fishes in three rivers in the Upper Colorado River basin, where an introduced species, C. commersoni, hybridizes with at least two native species, C. discobolus and C. latipinnis. We observed substantial heterogeneity in outcomes of hybridization, both between species pairs and across geographically separate rivers within each species pair. We also observed hybridization of additional related species with our focal species, suggesting that reproductive isolation in this group involves interactions of multiple evolutionary and ecological factors. These findings suggest that a better understanding of the determinants of variation in reproductive isolation is needed and that studies of reproductive isolation in hybrids should consider how the dynamics and mechanisms of reproductive isolation vary over ecological space and over evolutionary time. Our results also have implications for the conservation and management of native catostomids in the Colorado River basin. Heterogeneity in outcomes of hybridization suggests that the threat posed by hybridization and genetic introgression to the persistence of native species probably varies with extent of reproductive isolation, both across rivers and across species pairs.  相似文献   

The genus Ectocarpus (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) contains filamentous algae widely distributed in marine and estuarine habitats of temperate regions in both hemispheres. While E. siliculosus has become a model organism for genomics and genetics of the brown macroalgae, accurate species delineation, distribution patterns and diversity for the genus Ectocarpus remain problematic. In this study, we used three independent species delimitation approaches to generate a robust species hypothesis for 729 Ectocarpus specimens collected mainly along the European and Chilean coasts. These approaches comprised phylogenetic reconstructions and two bioinformatics tools developed to objectively define species boundaries (General Mixed Yule Coalescence Method and Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery). Our analyses were based on DNA sequences of two loci: the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and the nuclear internal transcribed spacer 1 of the ribosomal DNA. Our analyses showed the presence of at least 15 cryptic species and suggest the existence of incomplete lineage sorting or introgression between five of them. These results suggested the possible existence of different levels of reproductive barriers within this species complex. We also detected differences among species in their phylogeographic patterns, range and depth distributions, which may suggest different biogeographic histories (e.g., endemic species or recent introductions).  相似文献   

In species differentiation, characters may not diverge synchronously, and there are also processes that shuffle character states in lineages descendant from a common ancestor. Species are thus expected to show some degree of incongruence among characters; therefore, taxonomic delimitation can benefit from integrative approaches and objective strategies that account for character conflict. We illustrate the potential of exploiting conflict for species delimitation in a study case of ground beetles of the subgenus Carabus (Mesocarabus), where traditional taxonomy does not accurately delimit species. The molecular phylogenies of four mitochondrial and three nuclear genes, cladistic analysis of the aedeagus, ecological niche divergence and morphometry of pronotal shape in more than 500 specimens of Mesocarabus show that these characters are not fully congruent. For these data, a three‐step operational strategy is proposed for species delimitation by (i) delineating candidate species based on the integration of incongruence among conclusive lines of evidence, (ii) corroborating candidate species with inconclusive lines of evidence and (iii) refining a final species proposal based on an integrated characterization of candidate species based on the evolutionary analysis of incongruence. This procedure provided a general understanding of the reticulate process of hybridization and introgression acting on Mesocarabus and generated the hypothesis of seven Mesocarabus species, including two putative hybrid lineages. Our work emphasizes the importance of incorporating critical analyses of character and phylogenetic conflict to infer both the evolutionary history and species boundaries through an integrative taxonomic approach.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Fishes can often rebound numerically and distributionally from short‐term (i.e. seasonal) drought, yet their capacity to recover from decades or centuries of drought is less apparent. An exceedingly warm and dry period swept the intermontane west of North America ca. 7500 years BP, concomitant with an abrupt extinction of >35 mammal species. Were larger fishes in mainstem rivers also impacted by this drought? 2. The Colorado River Basin encompasses seven states in western North America and drains 600 000 km2. Its endemic mainstem fish community is ancient (i.e. Miocene) but depauperate. 3. We evaluated one widely distributed candidate species (flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus latipinnis) for basin‐wide genetic and geographic structure at three fast‐evolving mitochondrial (mt) DNA genes, ND2 with 589 bp and ATPase 8 and 6 with 642 bp. It is hypothesized that a concomitant signature would be present in the mtDNA of this species, if indeed it had been seriously bottlenecked by post‐Pleistocene drought. A total of 352 individuals were sequenced from 24 populations (4–40 individuals/population; average of 14.7). 4. Only 49 unique haplotypes were found, 53% of which represented single individuals. Haplotype diversity was high (0.905 ± 0.007) whereas nucleotide diversity was low (0.002 ± 0.000). 5. A significant and positive geographical cline (P < 0.001) in nucleotide diversity was observed as sampling locations progressed upstream from southwest to northeast. These results divided the Colorado River Basin into three reaches: the lower reach with six populations and 83 individuals; the upper reach with seven populations and 83 individuals; and the middle reach with 11 populations and 186 individuals. An analysis of molecular variance (amova ) revealed that 81.5% of the total genetic variation was within populations, 16% among populations within reaches and 2.5% among reaches. Only the last was significant. Populations from the three reaches diverged from one another by 3400–11 000 years BP. Haplotype distribution suggested populations in the upper Colorado River are expanding. 6. The lack of genetic variation and recent coalescence of lineages in C. latipinnis are unusual given its fossil history, broad geographical sampling, the rapid rate of mtDNA evolution and the number (and evolutionary rate) of the genes examined. The most parsimonious explanation for these data is a rapid expansion following a recent period of low effective population size at the end of the Pleistocene. 7. The intense drought is suggested at the end of the Pleistocene (late‐to‐mid‐Holocene), severely impacted not only large mammals but also larger fishes in western North American rivers. These perspectives have important implications for management of endangered and threatened species in this region.  相似文献   

Opsariichthine (sensu Oceanologi Et Limnologia Sinica, 1982, 13, 293–298) is a cyprinid group consisting of five genera and endemic to East Asia. Previous studies suggested that there may be many possible cryptic species in this group, but this has not been confirmed. In this study, using mitochondrial cyt b sequences on 1,388 samples and 739 haplotypes, we showed very high species diversity within this group. The results showed that phylogenetic relationships of the opsariichthine group were as ([NipponocyprisParazaccoCandidia] + [Zacco + Opsariichthys]), and there were multiple deep lineages within several species, flagging putative cryptic species. When a 3% genetic distance was used as a threshold for species delimitation, 35 haplogroups were found, nine haplogroups in CandidiaParazaccoNipponocypris group, six haplogroups in the Zacco group, and 20 haplogroups in the Opsariichthys group. We consider all of them to be putative until determination of distinct species based on the tree topology, geographic distributions, or a combination of both. In addition, two kinds of species delimitation tools, ABGD and PTP, were applied to construct molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs). The ABGD method revealed nine MOTUs in CandidiaParazaccoNipponocypris group, two MOTUs in the Zacco group, and 17 MOTUs in the Opsariichthys group. And the PTP method revealed 10 MOTUs in CandidiaParazaccoNipponocypris group, 10 MOTUs in the Zacco group, and 29 MOTUs in the Opsariichthys group. Therefore, there should be more species in the opsariichthine group than presently described. Based on the molecular data and morphological characteristics, we proposed Opsariichthys macrolepis as a valid species and described its morphological diagnostic characters.  相似文献   

Hybridization among species of A conitum effects their morphology and ecology. In this study the hybridization between the diploid 2n(2x) = 16 ( A . lasiocarpum and A . variegatum) and tetraploid 2n(4x) = 32 ( A . firmum) species was documented in the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians) in a small, local population in a semi‐natural site. The hybrid species were: homoploid A . × pawlowskii ( A . lasiocarpum × A . variegatum), and triploid A . × berdaui ( A . firmum × A . variegatum, 2n(3x) = 24). Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) alleles formed two distinct haplotypes, one typical for the tetraploid and another for diploid lines, shared between the tetraploid, triploid and diploid groups, indicating introgressive hybridization. The presumed gene flow was from the tetraploid to diploid species via the triploid bridge. The only two specimens of A . × pawlowskii that harbored tetraploid ( A . firmum) type cpDNA possessed bracteoles of A . firmum‐type. The remaining introgressed (cpDNA and Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR)) specimens ( A . variegatum) were morphologically pure, implying cryptic introgression. ISSR loci shared between the tetraploid A . firmum and diploid A . variegatum support the hypothesis of an ancient allopolyploid origin of A . firmum and the diploid species of A . variegatum‐type as one of its parent.  相似文献   

The process of discovering species is a fundamental responsibility of systematics. Recently, there has been a growing interest in coalescent‐based methods of species delimitation aimed at objectively identifying species early in the divergence process. However, few empirical studies have compared these new methods with character‐based approaches for discovering species. In this study, we applied both a character‐based and a coalescent‐based approaches to delimit species in a closely related avian complex, the light‐vented/Taiwan bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis/Pycnonotus taivanus). Population aggregation analyses of plumage, mitochondrial and 13 nuclear intron character data sets produced conflicting species hypotheses with plumage data suggesting three species, mitochondrial data suggesting two species, and nuclear intron data suggesting one species. Such conflict is expected among recently diverged species, and by integrating all sources of data, we delimited three species verified with independently congruent character evidence as well as a more weakly supported fourth species identified by a single character. Attempts to validate species hypothesis using Bayesian Phylogenetics and Phylogeography (BPP), a coalescent‐based method of species delimitation, revealed several issues that can seemingly affect statistical support for species recognition. We found that θ priors had a dramatic impact on speciation probabilities, with lower values consistently favouring splitting and higher values consistently favouring lumping. More resolved guide trees also resulted in overall higher speciation probabilities. Finally, we found suggestive evidence that BPP is sensitive to the divergent effects of nonrandom mating caused by intraspecific processes such as isolation‐with‐distance, and therefore, BPP may not be a conservative method for delimiting independently evolving population lineages. Based on these concerns, we questioned the reliability of BPP results and based our conclusions about species limits exclusively on character data.  相似文献   

Dusky Salamanders (genus Desmognathus) currently comprise only 22 described, extant species. However, recent mitochondrial and nuclear estimates indicate the presence of up to 49 candidate species based on ecogeographic sampling. Previous studies also suggest a complex history of hybridization between these lineages. Studies in other groups suggest that disregarding admixture may affect both phylogenetic inference and clustering‐based species delimitation. With a dataset comprising 233 Anchored Hybrid Enrichment (AHE) loci sequenced for 896 Desmognathus specimens from all 49 candidate species, we test three hypotheses regarding (i) species‐level diversity, (ii) hybridization and admixture, and (iii) misleading phylogenetic inference. Using phylogenetic and population‐clustering analyses considering gene flow, we find support for at least 47 candidate species in the phylogenomic dataset, some of which are newly characterized here while others represent combinations of previously named lineages that are collapsed in the current dataset. Within these, we observe significant phylogeographic structure, with up to 64 total geographic genetic lineages, many of which hybridize either narrowly at contact zones or extensively across ecological gradients. We find strong support for both recent admixture between terminal lineages and ancient hybridization across internal branches. This signal appears to distort concatenated phylogenetic inference, wherein more heavily admixed terminal specimens occupy apparently artifactual early‐diverging topological positions, occasionally to the extent of forming false clades of intermediate hybrids. Additional geographic and genetic sampling and more robust computational approaches will be needed to clarify taxonomy, and to reconstruct a network topology to display evolutionary relationships in a manner that is consistent with their complex history of reticulation.  相似文献   

Delimiting young species is one of the great challenges of systematic biology, particularly when the species in question exhibit little morphological divergence. Anolis distichus, a trunk anole with more than a dozen subspecies that are defined primarily by dewlap color, may actually represent several independent evolutionary lineages. To test this, we utilized amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) genome scans and genetic clustering analyses in conjunction with a coalescent‐based species delimitation method. We examined a geographically widespread set of samples and two heavily sampled hybrid zones. We find that genetic divergence is associated with a major biogeographic barrier, the Hispaniolan paleo‐island boundary, but not with dewlap color. Additionally, we find support for hypotheses regarding colonization of two Hispaniolan satellite islands and the Bahamas from mainland Hispaniola. Our results show that A. distichus is composed of seven distinct evolutionary lineages still experiencing a limited degree of gene flow. We suggest that A. distichus merits taxonomic revision, but that dewlap color cannot be relied upon as the primary diagnostic character.  相似文献   

Gene flow is thought to impede genetic divergence and speciation by homogenizing genomes. Recent theory and research suggest that sufficiently strong divergent selection can overpower gene flow, leading to loci that are highly differentiated compared to others. However, there are also alternative explanations for this pattern. Independent evidence that loci in highly differentiated regions are under divergent selection would allow these explanations to be distinguished, but such evidence is scarce. Here, we present multiple lines of evidence that many of the highly divergent SNPs in a pair of sister morning glory species, Ipomoea cordatotriloba and I. lacunosa, are the result of divergent selection in the face of gene flow. We analysed a SNP data set across the genome to assess the amount of gene flow, resistance to introgression and patterns of selection on loci resistant to introgression. We show that differentiation between the two species is much lower in sympatry than in allopatry, consistent with interspecific gene flow in sympatry. Gene flow appears to be substantially greater from I. lacunosa to I. cordatotriloba than in the reverse direction, resulting in sympatric and allopatric I. cordatotriloba being substantially more different than sympatric and allopatric I. lacunosa. Many SNPs highly differentiated in allopatry have experienced divergent selection, and, despite gene flow in sympatry, resist homogenization in sympatry. Finally, five out of eight floral and inflorescence characteristics measured exhibit asymmetric convergence in sympatry. Consistent with the pattern of gene flow, I. cordatotriloba traits become much more like those of I. lacunosa than the reverse. Our investigation reveals the complex interplay between selection and gene flow that can occur during the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Hypnea has an intricate nomenclatural history due to a wide pantropical distribution and considerable morphological variation. Recent molecular studies have provided further clarification on the systematics of the genus; however, species of uncertain affinities remain due to flawed taxonomic identification. Detailed analyses coupled with literature review indicated a strong relationship among H. aspera, H. cervicornis, H. flexicaulis, and H. tenuis, suggesting a need for further taxonomic studies. Here, we analyzed sequences from two molecular markers (COI‐5P and rbcL) and performed several DNA‐based delimitation methods (mBGD, ABGD, SPN, PTP and GMYC). These molecular approaches were contrasted with morphological and phylogenetic evidence from type specimens and/or topotype collections of related species under a conservative approach. Our results demonstrate that H. aspera and H. flexicaulis represent heterotypic synonyms of H. cervicornis and indicate the existence of a misidentified Hypnea species, widely distributed on the Brazilian coast, described here as a new species: H. brasiliensis. Finally, inconsistencies observed among our results based on six different species delimitation methods evidence the need for adequate sampling and marker choice for different methods.  相似文献   

The liquorice tribe Glycyrrhizeae is a leguminous herbaceous group of plants comprised of the genera Glycyrrhiza and Glycyrrhizopsis. Some Glycyrrhiza taxa contain glycyrrhizin, a pharmacologically significant sweet substance that also has applications in crafting industrial materials. Here, we utilized an expanded taxon sampling of Glycyrrhizeae to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships in the tribe based on genome skimming data, including whole chloroplast genomes, nuclear ribosomal DNA, and low-copy nuclear DNA. We also launched machine learning analysis (MLA) for one species pair with controversial taxonomic boundary. The integrated results indicated Glycyrrhizopsis should be split from Glycyrrhiza, while the former genus Meristotropis should be treated as part of Glycyrrhiza. Glycyrrhizopsis includes two species, Glycyrrhizopsis asymmetrica and Glycyrrhizopsis flavescens, and we recognize 13 species in Glycyrrhiza: Glycyrrhiza acanthocarpa, Glycyrrhiza astragalina, Glycyrrhiza bucharica, Glycyrrhiza echinata, Glycyrrhiza foetida, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Glycyrrhiza gontscharovii, Glycyrrhiza lepidota, Glycyrrhiza macedonica, Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora, Glycyrrhiza squamulosa, Glycyrrhiza triphylla, and Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis. We propose a broader G. glabra that includes former Glycyrrhiza aspera, G. glabra s.s., Glycyrrhiza inflata, and Glycyrrhiza uralensis, and represents the glycyrrhizin-contained medicinal group. Our ancestral state inferences show the ancestor of Glycyrrhiza lacked glycyrrhizin, and the presence of glycyrrhizin evolved twice within Glycyrrhiza during the last one million years. Our integrative phylogenomics-MLA study not only provides new insights into long-standing taxonomic controversies of Glycyrrhizeae, but also represents a useful approach for future taxonomic studies on other plant taxa.  相似文献   

Diatoms are one of the most abundant and arguably the most species‐rich group of protists. Diatom species delimitation has often been based exclusively on the recognition of morphological discontinuities without investigation of other lines of evidence. Even though DNA sequences and reproductive experiments have revealed several examples of (pseudo)cryptic diversity, our understanding of diatom species boundaries and diversity remains limited. The cosmopolitan pennate raphid diatom genus Pinnularia represents one of the most taxon‐rich diatom genera. In this study, we focused on the delimitation of species in one of the major clades of the genus, the Pinnularia subgibba group, based on 105 strains from a worldwide origin. We compared genetic distances between the sequences of seven molecular markers and selected the most variable pair, the mitochondrial cox1 and nuclear encoded LSU rDNA, to formulate a primary hypothesis on the species limits using three single‐locus automated species delimitation methods. We compared the DNA‐based primary hypotheses with morphology and with other available lines of evidence. The results indicate that our data set comprised 15 species of the P. subgibba group. The vast majority of these taxa have an uncertain taxonomic identity, suggesting that several may be unknown to science and/or members of (pseudo)cryptic species complexes within the P. subgibba group.  相似文献   

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