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Incubating birds must balance the needs of their developing embryos with their own physiological needs, and many birds accomplish this by taking periodic breaks from incubation. Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and gadwall (Mareca strepera) hens typically take incubation recesses in the early morning and late afternoon, but recesses can also take place at night. We examined nocturnal incubation recess behavior for mallard and gadwall hens nesting in Suisun Marsh, California, USA, using iButton temperature dataloggers and continuous video monitoring at nests. Fourteen percent of all detected incubation recesses (N = 13,708) were nocturnal and took place on 20% of nest‐days (N = 8,668). Video monitoring showed that hens covered their eggs with down feathers when they initiated a nocturnal recess themselves as they would a diurnal recess, but they left the eggs uncovered in 94% of the nocturnal recesses in which predators appeared at nests. Thus, determining whether or not eggs were left uncovered during a recess can provide strong indication whether the recess was initiated by the hen (eggs covered) or a predator (eggs uncovered). Because nest temperature decreased more rapidly when eggs were left uncovered versus covered, we were able to characterize eggs during nocturnal incubation recesses as covered or uncovered using nest temperature data. Overall, we predicted that 75% of nocturnal recesses were hen‐initiated recesses (eggs covered) whereas 25% of nocturnal recesses were predator‐initiated recesses (eggs uncovered). Of the predator‐initiated nocturnal recesses, 56% were accompanied by evidence of depredation at the nest during the subsequent nest monitoring visit. Hen‐initiated nocturnal recesses began later in the night (closer to morning) and were shorter than predator‐initiated nocturnal recesses. Our results indicate that nocturnal incubation recesses occur regularly (14% of all recesses) and, similar to diurnal recesses, most nocturnal recesses (75%) are initiated by the hen rather than an approaching predator.  相似文献   

Nesting birds must provide a thermal environment sufficient for egg development while also meeting self‐maintenance needs. Many birds, particularly those with uniparental incubation, achieve this balance through periodic incubation recesses, during which foraging and other self‐maintenance activities can occur. However, incubating birds may experience disturbances such as predator or human activity which interrupt natural incubation patterns by compelling them to leave the nest. We characterized incubating mallard Anas platyrhynchos and gadwall Mareca strepera hens’ responses when flushed by predators and investigators in Suisun Marsh, California, USA. Diurnal incubation recesses initiated by investigators approaching nests were 63% longer than natural diurnal incubation recesses initiated by the hen (geometric mean: 226.77 min versus 142.04 min). Nocturnal incubation recesses, many of which were likely the result of predators flushing hens, were of similar duration regardless of whether the nest was partially depredated during the event (115.33 [101.01;131.68] minutes) or not (119.62 [111.96;127.82] minutes), yet were 16% shorter than natural diurnal incubation recesses. Hens moved further from the nest during natural diurnal recesses or investigator‐initiated recesses than during nocturnal recesses, and the proportion of hen locations recorded in wetland versus upland habitat during recesses varied with recess type (model‐predicted means: natural diurnal recess 0.77; investigator‐initiated recess 0.82; nocturnal recess 0.31). Hens were more likely to take a natural recess following an investigator‐initiated recess earlier that same day than following a natural recess earlier that same day, and natural recesses that followed an investigator‐initiated recess were longer than natural recesses that followed an earlier natural recess, suggesting that hens may not fulfill all of their physiological needs during investigator‐initiated recesses. We found no evidence that the duration of investigator‐initiated recesses was influenced by repeated visits to the nest, whether by predators or by investigators, and trapping and handling the hen did not affect investigator‐initiated recess duration unless the hen was also fitted with a backpack‐harness style GPS–GSM transmitter at the time of capture. Hens that were captured and fitted with GPS–GSM transmitters took recesses that were 26% longer than recesses during which a hen was captured but a GPS–GSM transmitter was not attached. Incubation interruptions had measurable but limited and specific effects on hen behavior.  相似文献   

For ground‐nesting waterfowl, the timing of egg hatch and duckling departure from the nest may be influenced by the risk of predation at the nest and en route to wetlands and constrained by the time required for ducklings to imprint on the hen and be physically able to leave the nest. We determined the timing of hatch, nest departure, and predation on dabbling duck broods using small video cameras placed at the nests of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos; n = 26), gadwall (Mareca strepera; n = 24), and cinnamon teal (Anas cyanoptera; n = 5). Mallard eggs began to hatch throughout the day and night, whereas gadwall eggs generally started to hatch during daylight hours (mean 7.5 hr after dawn). Among all species, duckling departure from the nest occurred during daylight (98%), and 53% of hens typically left the nest with their broods 1–4 hr after dawn. For mallard and gadwall, we identified three strategies for the timing of nest departure: (a) 9% of broods left the nest the same day that eggs began to hatch (6–12 hr later), (b) 81% of broods left the nest the day after eggs began to hatch, and (c) 10% of broods waited 2 days to depart the nest after eggs began to hatch, leaving the nest just after the second dawn (27–42 hr later). Overall, eggs were depredated at 10% of nests with cameras in the 2 days prior to hatch and ducklings were depredated at 15% of nests with cameras before leaving the nest. Our results suggest that broods prefer to depart the nest early in the morning, which may best balance developmental constraints with predation risk both at the nest and en route to wetlands.  相似文献   

In ground nesting upland birds, reproductive activities contribute to elevated predation risk, so females presumably use multiple strategies to ensure nest success. Identification of drivers reducing predation risk has primarily focused on evaluating vegetative conditions at nest sites, but behavioral decisions manifested through movements during incubation may be additional drivers of nest survival. However, our understanding of how movements during incubation impact nest survival is limited for most ground nesting birds. Using GPS data collected from female Eastern Wild Turkeys (n = 206), we evaluated nest survival as it relates to movement behaviors during incubation, including recess frequency, distance traveled during recesses, and habitat selection during recess movements. We identified 9,361 movements off nests and 6,529 recess events based on approximately 62,065 hr of incubation data, and estimated mean nest attentiveness of 84.0%. The numbers of recesses taken daily were variable across females (range: 1?7). Nest survival modeling indicated that increased cumulative distance moved during recesses each day was the primary driver of positive daily nest survival. Our results suggest behavioral decisions are influencing trade‐offs between nest survival and adult female survival during incubation to reduce predation risk, specifically through adjustments to distances traveled during recesses.  相似文献   

Patterns of nest attendance in birds result from complex behaviours and influence the success of reproductive events. Incubation behaviours vary based on individual body condition, energy requirements and environmental factors. We assessed nest attendance patterns in Cinnamon Teal Spatula cyanoptera breeding in the San Luis Valley of Colorado in 2016–2017 using trail and video cameras to observe behaviours throughout incubation. We evaluated the effect of temporal, life‐history and environmental covariates on the frequency and duration of incubation recesses as well as the incubation constancy. There was considerable model uncertainty among the models used to evaluate recess frequency. Recess duration varied according to the interaction between nest age and a quadratic effect of time of day, with hens on older nests taking longer recesses in the afternoon and hens on nests earlier in incubation taking longer recesses in the morning and evening. Incubation constancy decreased with higher ambient temperatures in the study area. This study provides evidence that Cinnamon Teal modify their behaviour during incubation according to the age of the nest and the time of day. These results improve our knowledge of Cinnamon Teal breeding ecology and shed light on the behaviours that fast‐lived species may use to cope with environmental factors during nesting.  相似文献   

2016年3~6月,在广西西南部龙州县弄岗村(22°26′35.20′′~22°30′46.90′′N,106°57′46.35′′~107°03′32.99′′E),通过野外观察和自动温度记录仪相结合的方法对褐翅鸦鹃(Centropus sinensis)的孵卵行为与节律进行了研究。结果表明,1)褐翅鸦鹃边筑巢边产卵,每2 d产1枚卵,卵长径和短径分别为(36.11±0.42)mm和(28.46±0.38)mm,卵重(16.35±0.51)g(n=44枚)。窝卵数3~5枚,孵卵期为(16.75±1.65)d(n=4巢),孵化率为45.45%(n=44枚)。孵卵期与窝卵数之间无显著相关性(r=0.865,P0.05);2)白天双亲共同参与孵卵,夜晚则由其中1只负责。夜间亲鸟的在巢时间从19时左右持续至翌日晨6时左右;3)亲鸟采取离巢次数少和离巢时间长的孵卵策略。亲鸟日活动时间在700 min以上(n=45 d),日离巢次数为(8.82±0.34)次(n=45 d),平均每次离巢持续时间为(52.91±2.35)min(n=397次),每次离巢持续时间与环境温度呈显著负相关关系(r=﹣0.113,P0.05);4)巢内平均孵卵温度为(31.7±0.3)℃(n=4巢),随孵卵天数增加而增加,并与环境温度(最高温r=0.566,最低温r=0.537,平均温r=0.706,P0.01)和日活动时间正相关(r=0.506,P0.01);5)有延迟孵卵行为。延迟孵卵期间夜晚巢内最低温是22.1℃。在桂西南北热带气候环境中,高的环境温度是保障褐翅鸦鹃孵卵成功的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

We combined GPS data‐loggers, VHF transmitters and DVR video‐monitoring to measure fine‐scale movement patterns during daily incubation recesses by female Sage Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus, a species with uniparental incubation that has experienced widespread population decline and distributional contraction. Most (69.6%) Sage Grouse recess activity was highly localized within a core recess area averaging 2.58 ± 0.64 ha, and females remained within 242.3 ± 30.0 m from the nest during recesses (total recess areas were 11.06 ± 2.27 ha). Visually conspicuous Sage Grouse movements near nests at the start and end of recesses and consistent occupation of core recess areas point to a mechanism for newly abundant predators such as the Northern Raven Corvus corax to detect and depredate Sage Grouse nests. Our methods apply to other avian species of scientific interest and conservation concern.  相似文献   

Birds exhibit a wide diversity of breeding strategies. During incubation or chick‐rearing, parental care can be either uniparental, by either the male or the female, or biparental. Understanding the selective pressures that drive these different strategies represents an exciting challenge for ecologists. In this context, assigning the type of parental care at the nest (e.g. biparental or uniparental incubation strategy) is often a prerequisite to answering questions in evolutionary ecology. The aim of this study was to produce a standardized method unequivocally to assign an incubation strategy to any Sanderling Calidris alba nest found in the field by monitoring nest temperature profiles. Using drops of >3 °C in nest temperature (recorded with thermistors) to distinguish incubation and recess periods, we showed that the number of recesses and the total duration of these recesses from 09:00 to 17:00 h UTC allowed us reliably (99.1% after 24 h and 100% when monitoring the nest for at least 4 days) to assign the incubation strategy at the nest for 21 breeding adults (14 nests). Monitoring nest temperature for at least 24 h is an effective method to assign an incubation strategy without having to re‐visit nests, thereby saving time in the field and minimizing both disturbance and related increase in predation risk of clutches. Given the advantages of our method, we suggest that it should be used more widely in studies that aim to document incubation strategies and patterns in regions where ambient temperatures are at least 3 °C below the median nest temperature.  相似文献   

The Sichuan Treecreeper, Certhia tianquanensis Li 1995, was recently recognized as an independent species. Apparently, it is an endemic relict occupying an extremely small range in western Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces, China. During April–July 2003, its breeding biology was studied using field observation and data logger records of five nests found on Wawu Shan in Sichuan province, southwest China. Nest materials were mainly mosses; eggs are white with dense red spots concentrated at the large pole. During the incubation period, the male fed the female outside the nest with 6–13 min intervals between the single feeding events; afterwards, the female regularly returned to the nest within 47.8 ± 25.2 s. The female took 22.14 ± 3.24 recesses per day, with the mean recess length of 8.18 min throughout the incubation period. After the nestlings hatched, the female went out more often than during the incubation period: 55 and 56 times during the first 2 days of nestling period (off-nest time of 6.55 ± 3.15 min). Both parents fed the nestlings.  相似文献   

Incubating common eiders (Somateria mollissima) insulate their nests with down to maintain desirable heat and humidity for their eggs. Eiderdown has been collected by Icelandic farmers for centuries, and down is replaced by hay during collection. This study determined whether down collecting affected the female eiders or their hatching success. We compared the following variables between down and hay nests: incubation temperature in the nest, incubation constancy, recess frequency, recess duration, egg rotation and hatching success of the clutch. Temperature data loggers recorded nest temperatures from 3 June to 9 July 2006 in nests insulated with down (n = 12) and hay (n = 12). The mean incubation temperatures, 31.5 and 30.7°C, in down and hay nests, or the maximum and minimum temperatures, did not differ between nest types where hatching succeeded. Cooling rates in down, on average 0.34°C/min and hay nests 0.44°C/min, were similar during incubation recesses. Females left their nests 0–4 times every 24 h regardless of nest type, for a mean duration of 45 and 47.5 min in down and hay nests, respectively. The mean frequency of egg rotation, 13.9 and 15.3 times every 24 h, was similar between down and hay nests, respectively. Hatching success adjusted for clutch size was similar, 0.60 and 0.67 in down and hay nests. These findings indicate that nest down is not a critical factor for the incubating eider. Because of high effect sizes for cooling rate and hatching success, we hesitate to conclude that absolutely no effects exist. However, we conclude that delaying down collection until just before eggs hatch will minimize any possible effect of down collection on females.  相似文献   

The Spotted Barbtail (Premnoplex brunnescens) inhabits the understory of humid montane forests in Central and South America. Apart from basic information on eggs and nest form, little has been published on its breeding ecology. Using temperature sensors in nest cups, I have collected data on the diurnal patterns of egg-coverage from three nests in eastern Ecuador and reveal a remarkable incubation rhythm. After providing near-constant coverage during the morning, adults leave the eggs unattended for most of the afternoon, returning to the nest only in the late afternoon. The mean duration (±standard deviation) of this period of absence, across the entire incubation period at three nests, was 6.4 ± 1.9 h. These results are discussed in relation to their physiological and ecological significance.  相似文献   

Because extended incubation recesses, where incubating songbirds are away from nests for periods much longer than usual, occur infrequently, they have been treated as outliers in most previous studies and thus overlooked. However, egg temperatures can potentially fall below the physiological zero temperature during extended recesses, potentially affecting developing embryos. As such, evaluating extended recesses in an ecological context and identifying their possible fitness effects are important. With this aim, we used iButton data loggers to monitor the incubation behavior of female Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and Great Tits (Parus major) during two breeding seasons in central Spain. We classified incubation recesses as extended if they were more than four times the mean recess duration for each species. Extended incubation recesses occurred more frequently in 2012 when females exhibited poorer body condition. Female Blue Tits had more extended incubation recesses than female Great Tits and, for both species, more extended recesses occurred at the beginning of the breeding season. Both nest attentiveness and average minimum nest temperature decreased when at least one extended recess occurred. Incubation periods averaged 4 d longer for nests where females had at least one extended recess, potentially increasing predation risk and resulting in lower‐quality nestlings. Overall, our results suggest that extended recesses may be more common among songbirds than previously thought and that, due to their effects on egg temperatures and attentiveness, they could impose fitness costs.  相似文献   

2003年5~7月,在甘肃省莲花山自然保护区对中国特产鸟类宝兴歌鸫的繁殖,包括孵卵节律及育雏行为进行了观察。宝兴歌鸫在孵卵期平均每天出巢13.6次(n=7),出巢时间平均为12.0min(n=93),日活动期平均为855.5min(n=7)。亲鸟出巢时间的长度和环境温度呈明显的正相关(r=0.35,P=0.002,n=77)。宝兴歌鸫雌雄共同育雏,两只雏鸟的喂食频次分别为1.33次/h和0.98次/h。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Incubating birds can incur high energetic costs and, when faced with a trade‐off between incubation and foraging, parents may neglect their eggs in favor of their own somatic needs. Extended incubation recesses are an example of neglect, but they are often treated as outliers and largely overlooked in studies of incubation behavior. We studied incubation rhythms of Horned Larks (Eremophila alpestris) on Hudson Bay Mountain, British Columbia, Canada, during four breeding seasons. Incubation recesses averaged 10.92 ± 0.38 min (N= 4076 2‐h periods), but we observed 70 extended recesses, ranging from 59 to 387 min in duration, at 35 nests. Although rare (<1% of all daytime recesses), extended recesses occurred in all 4 yr, were longer and more frequent in colder years (60% occurred in the two coldest years), and often occurred during inclement weather (39% occurred during three storm events). Extended recesses did not appear to compensate for long attendance periods because extended recess duration was not correlated with the duration of previous on‐bouts (P= 0.10, N= 70) or the mean on‐bout duration of the previous 2‐h period (P= 0.36, N= 70). Rather, extended recesses seemed to reflect a shift in parental investment away from their eggs and toward self‐maintenance when faced with energetically stressful conditions. Extended recesses may have reduced embryo viability; egg‐hatching rates were 91 ± 2.4% for nests where females did not take extended recesses and 81 ± 4.2% for nests where females did take extended recesses (P= 0.02, N= 56 nests). Extended recesses during incubation are rare events, but they may represent an important mechanism that allows birds to breed successfully in energetically challenging conditions.  相似文献   

We used GPS data‐loggers, video‐recordings and dummy eggs to assess whether foraging needs may force the low incubation attentiveness (< 55%) of the Crab Plover Dromas ardeola, a crab‐eating wader of the Indian Ocean that nests colonially in burrows. The tidal cycle was the major determinant of the time budget and some foraging trips were more distant from the colony than previously known (up to 26 km away and lasting up to 45 h). The longest trips were mostly made by off‐duty parents, but on‐duty parents also frequently left the nest unattended while foraging for 1–7 h. However, the time spent at the colony area (47%) and the time spent roosting on the foraging grounds (16%) would have allowed almost continuous incubation, as in other species with shared incubation. Therefore, the low incubation attentiveness is not explained by the need for long foraging trips but is largely dependent on a high intermittent rhythm of incubation with many short recesses (5.8 ± 2.6 recesses/h) that were not spent foraging but just outside the burrow or thermoregulating at the seashore. As a result, the eggs were warmed on average only 1.7 °C above burrow temperature, slightly more during high tide periods and when burrow temperature was lower between 20:00 and 10:00 h, only partly counteracting the temperature fluctuations of the incubation chamber. These results suggest that low incubation attentiveness is due to the favourable thermal conditions provided by safe nesting burrows and by the hot tropical breeding season, a combination that allows simultaneous foraging by parents and the exploitation of distant foraging grounds. Why Crab Plovers engage in many short recesses from incubation still remains to be clarified but the need to thermoregulate at the seashore and to watch for predators may play a role.  相似文献   

Incubating birds balance their energetic demands during incubation with the needs of the developing embryos. Incubation behavior is correlated with body size; larger birds can accumulate more endogenous reserves and maintain higher incubation constancy. King eiders (Somateria spectabilis) contend with variable and cold spring weather, little nesting cover, and low food availability, and thus are likely to rely heavily on endogenous reserves to maintain high incubation constancy. We examined the patterns of nest attendance of king eiders at Teshekpuk and Kuparuk, Alaska (2002–2005) in relation to clutch size, daily temperature, and endogenous reserves to explore factors controlling incubation behavior. Females at Kuparuk had higher constancy (98.5 ± 0.2%, n = 30) than at Teshekpuk (96.9 ± 0.8%, n = 26), largely due to length of recesses. Mean recess length ranged from 21.5 to 23.7 min at Kuparuk, and from 28.5 to 51.2 min at Teshekpuk. Mean body mass on arrival at breeding grounds (range; Teshekpuk 1,541–1,805, Kuparuk 1,616–1,760), and at the end of incubation (Teshekpuk 1,113–1,174, Kuparuk 1,173–1,183), did not vary between sites or among years (F < 1.1, P > 0.3). Daily constancy increased 1% with every 5°C increase in minimum daily temperature (β min = 0.005, 95% CI 0.002, 0.009). Higher constancy combined with similar mass loss at Kuparuk implies that females there met foraging requirements with shorter recesses. Additionally, females took more recesses at low temperatures, suggesting increased maintenance needs which were potentially ameliorated by feeding during these recesses, indicating that metabolic costs and local foraging conditions drove incubation behavior.  相似文献   

四川南充白颊噪鹛的繁殖行为观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009年2~6月,在四川省南充市市郊观察了白颊噪鹛(Garrulax sannio)的繁殖行为。结果显示,白颊噪鹛的营巢成功率为73.3%,影响其巢址选择的主要因素依次为巢位及巢的稳固因素、隐蔽因素、食物因素;孵化期亲鸟的离巢时间随着孵化天数的增加而减少,离巢次数随着孵化天数的增加而增加;育雏期亲鸟喂食频次随着雏鸟日龄增加而增加,且在日间各时段的喂雏次数不同,在7:01~10:00时和17:01~19:00时喂食频次最高,在6:30~7:00时和10:01~14:00时最低;育雏期雏鸟的外部形态变化明显,体长及外部器官的形态学参数可以用Logistic曲线方程很好地拟合,雏鸟体重和各器官的生长曲线在10.5日龄前呈"S"型;白颊噪鹛的繁殖成功率为23.1%。  相似文献   

Incubation behaviour of the Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis) was investigated in mountainous conditions in Central Europe (the Krkonoše Mountains of the Czech Republic), in relation to the time of day and weather. Twenty-four-hour recordings of incubation behaviour were made with a time-lapse video recorder and mini-camera. The influences of year, nest, time of day, temperature, precipitation and previous bouts on session and recess duration were then analysed. The incubation behaviour of Meadow Pipits in general did not differ from the behaviour of other small female-only incubating passerines. Despite relatively cold climatic conditions in the study area, the mean length of sessions and recesses (19.69 and 5.53 min), as well as nest-attentiveness (77.19%), agreed with values which are most often found in other species. However, the Meadow Pipit incubation in the study area was, in terms of nest-attentiveness, more intensive than in other surveyed populations of this species. Incubation behaviour was strongly influenced by the time of day—incubating females increased nest-attentiveness during the morning and evening hours. After the time of day was filtered out, the influence of temperature was found only on sessions (not recesses). Sessions were the longest when the air temperature was approximately 12–16°C and shortened when the temperature was lower or higher. Precipitation forced female Meadow Pipits to take longer sessions and shorter recesses, which corresponds to their general tendency to give priority to the needs of the clutch ahead of their own temporary feeding needs.  相似文献   

Challenges in alternative housing for laying hens are barren functional areas such as winter gardens and the occurrence of behavioral disorders. Environmental enrichment is a measure to deal with these problems. Therefore, an enrichment device offering maize silage automatically was tested in two winter gardens on-farm. The use of the winter gardens and the times individual hens stayed there and occupied themselves with the maize silage were determined in a temporary preference test. The proportion of residing hens was significantly larger in the enriched winter garden. The mean time individual hens stayed in the enriched winter garden ranged from 02:16 ± 02:22 (mm:ss) to 03:17 ± 02:27, whereas the time ranged from 00:18 ± 00:32 to 00:59 ± 01:19 in the other winter garden (p < .05). Once the enrichment device ran in both winter gardens, no differences were found between the observed parameters. On average, the hens occupied themselves with the enrichment material for 03:50 ± 02:12 to 05:01 ± 03:06. Thus, based on its use and acceptance by the laying hens, the automatic device provided adequate environmental enrichment.  相似文献   

Under natural conditions, the feral hen (Gallus gallus domesticus) will choose a nest location away from the flock, whereas under commercial conditions, the domestic hen will often choose the same nest as other hens have used or are still using. Simultaneous nest sharing causes several welfare problems to laying hens, and egg production may also be negatively affected. Understanding what causes this difference in nest location selection may provide solutions to the problems associated with simultaneous nest sharing. The aims were to investigate whether a commercial strain of laying hens normally housed in intensive production systems share nests under semi-natural conditions and to describe the behaviour if this behaviour occurred. Twenty 15 weeks old hens were released into an 840 m2 enclosure with multiple options for natural and semi-natural nest sites. Over a 63-day period records were made daily of each nest with regard to number of eggs, position, and materials used. On five mornings nesting behaviour was observed. Nest sharing occurred on all but the first 5 days of egg-laying. The majority of hens (n = 14) chose to visit an occupied nest at least once, but no hens exclusively used occupied nests. Visits in shared nests lasted longer than visits in undisturbed nests (13 min 50 s (±4 min and 57 s) vs 30 min 44 s (±4 min and 55 s); P < 0.001). Fifteen nests were used. All shared nests (n = 5) were placed up against the borders, whereas the majority of non-shared nests (n = 7 out of 10) were placed more than 1 m away from the borders (P = 0.002). Some results indicate that nest sharing was caused by environmental restrictions.  相似文献   

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