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In the Second Manifesto of Surrealism, issued by André Breton in 1929, surrealism was described as “a total recuperation of our psychic strength by a means of none other than vertiginous descent into ourselves, systematic illumination of the hidden places and progressive darkening of the other places, a perpetual walk in the forbidden zone”. Surrealism sought to represent the unconscious and forbidden zones of the psyche, of the body, of the noumenal world within, which offered access, for surrealists, to energies and intuitions repressed by “civilized” modes of perception. For Jean Rouch, the significance of surrealism, of automatic writing and ciné‐transe, rested in the potential escape they offered from the formal constraints of conventional film and of conventional perception and observation. In his celebration of ciné‐transe, and of the technological apparatus that makes it possible, it is possible to detect his desire for a freeing‐up of the constraints of consciousness—a desire to “write with the body”, to dream, to tap the unexplored power of the unconscious in its overturning of “reality”, of system, and of convention. As a phaneroscopic “wide‐angle lens”, surreality aimed to document the scientifically unexplainable, the immense experiential overload of ritual possession. It attempted to make visible, in the movement between observation and participation and across disjunctive points of view; the crossings‐over into the unconscious world by which possessed Songhay dancers gained access to powers of phaneroscopic perception. By adopting filmic techniques which follow the surrealist practice of creating “verbal and visual collage”, in which randomly‐generated images, emerging out of a trance‐like state (of “automatic writing” or "ciné‐transe"), are juxtaposed in indeterminate and polyphonic relations with each other in an attempt to disturb or destroy patterns of perception which are confining, rationalistic, linear, or restricted to conscious phenomena, Rouch believed he could create powerful representations of the unknowable. This paper relates the phaneroscopic practice of ethnographic surrealism to psychoanalytic models of the unconscious. In a discussion of Rouch's interpretation of the Hauka spirit cult in his film Les Maîtres Fous, the paper argues that the neo‐Freudian paradigm which allowed him to depict the Sohghay's weekend Hauka rites as a parodic reversion to “savagery” (which both reversed the hierarchy of colonizer/colonized and enabled participants to experience a therapeutic release from the traumas of colonization) has been challenged by Lacanian and post‐Lacanian “re‐readings” of Freud that call into question the extent to which the unconscious can be equated with a pre‐linguistic state characterized by disjunctive “primitive” and “instinctive” energies. The surrealist longing for a rupture of the symbolic order of Western rationalism and a return to the “imaginary order” of the unconscious is confounded in the Lacanian conception of the unconscious as a zone inhabited by the “discourse of the Other”. However, the work of Gillès Deleuze and Félix Guanari [1977] provides a means of conceptualizing the unconscious in terms that avoid simplistic binary logic (phenomenon/noumenon; signifier/signified; subject/object; conscious/unconscious; civilization/savagery). The unconscious is not the “unrepresentable” Other of consciousness; it is a schizophrenic phaneron, a signifying “machine”, a transgressive producer of “group fantasy”. Rejecting both Freud's Oedipal model (the unconscious as primal imagery or “ghostly signifieds"), and the Lacanian notion of the unconscious (as a play of “empty signifiers"). Deleuze and Guattari argue that the unconscious cannot be accounted for in terms of the individual child and its entry into language any more than it can be conceived of as the domain of the primitive. On the contrary, the unconscious is constituted as “group fantasy”, as collective public memory which need not be reduced to elemental (Oedipal) signifiers: “all delirium possesses a world‐historical, political and racial content”. The schizophrenic embodies the public nature of unconscious meaning, since schizophrenia is primarily a communication disorder in which an individual never sees himself in terms of a linguistically‐generated “selfhood”, and fails to adopt the “false” identity which is offered to him in the language of the Other. Schizophrenia is characterized by a refusal to treat some meanings as superior to others, to remain within the bounds of a stable identity, or to distinguish between material (noumenal) things and actions and their (phenomenal) meanings. The schizophrenic unconscious treats all experience as signs, registering language in the same way as the body registers physical stimuli. Thus “meanings in the unconscious are simply meanings as workings of the body” [Harland 1987:174–175]. The schizophrenic as a model for the unconscious holds several implications for those interested in representing the experiential power of public rituals, for the public meanings in circulation during such rituals are material and noumenal, and are registered on the bodies of the dancers as they transgress boundaries and pass beyond consciousness. Rouch's surreality attempted to inscribe this unconscious production of public meaning as it was manifested in the movements of the ritual and in the movements of the camera‐body.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Bacterial endosymbionts of protozoa were often described as new species by protozoologists mainly on the basis of few morphological characters and partly by host specificity. Many of these species have never been validated by prokaryotic microbiologists whose taxonomic rules are quite different from those of protozoologists, who use the Zoological Code of Nomenclature. “Caedibacter macronucleorum” Fokin and Görtz 1993 , an endosymbiont of Paramecium duboscqui, belongs to this category. Here we provide the molecular characterization of this organism and of its host P. duboscqui strain Ku4‐8. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis proved that “C. macronucleorum” belongs to the Alphaproteobacteria. It is closely related to Caedibacter caryophilus but not to Caedibacter taeniospiralis, which belongs to the Gammaproteobacteria. “Caedibacter macronucleorum” and C. caryophilus 16S rRNA genes show a similarity value of 99%. This high 16S rRNA sequence similarity and the lack of a specific oligonucleotide probe for distinguishing the two endosymbionts do not allow validating “C. macronucleorum” as a provisional taxon (Candidatus). Nevertheless, “C. macronucleorum” and C. caryophilus can be easily discriminated on the basis of a highly variable stretch of nucleotides that interrupts the 16S rRNA genes of both organisms.  相似文献   

Two contrasting patterns of lumbar vertebral morphology generally characterize anthropoids. “Long‐backed” monkeys are distinguished from “short‐backed” apes [Benton: The baboon in medical research, Vol. 2 (1967:201)] with respect to several vertebral features thought to afford greater spinal flexibility in the former and spinal rigidity in the latter. Yet, discussions of spinal mobility are lacking important functional insight that can be gained by analysis of the zygapophyses, the spine's synovial joints responsible for allowing and resisting intervertebral movements. Here, prezygapophyseal articular facet (PAF) shape in the thoracolumbar spine of Papio, Hylobates, Pongo, Gorilla, and Pan is evaluated in the context of the “long‐backed” versus “short‐backed” model. A three‐dimensional geometric morphometric approach is used to examine how PAF shape changes along the thoracolumbar vertebral column of each taxon and how PAF shape varies across taxa at corresponding vertebral levels. The thoracolumbar transition in PAF shape differs between Papio and the hominoids, between Hylobates and the great apes, and to a lesser extent, among great apes. At the level of the first lumbar vertebra, the PAF shape of Papio is distinguished from that of hominoids. At the level of the second lumbar vertebra, there is variation to some extent among all taxa. These findings suggest that morphological and functional distinctions in primate vertebral anatomy may be more complex than suggested by a “long‐backed” versus “short‐backed” dichotomy. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:600–612, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena mitochondrial cox1 barcodes and nuclear SSUrRNA sequences are particularly effective at distinguishing among its many cryptic species. In a project to learn more about Tetrahymena natural history, the majority of >1,000 Tetrahymena‐like fresh water isolates were assigned to established Tetrahymena species with the remaining assigned to 37 new species of Tetrahymena, nine new species of Dexiostoma and 12 new species of Glaucoma. Phylogenetically, all but three Tetrahymena species belong to the well‐established “australis” or “borealis” clades; the minority forms a divergent “paravorax” clade. Most Tetrahymena species are micronucleate, but others are exclusively amicronucleate. The self‐splicing intron of the LSUrRNA precursor is absent in Dexiostoma and Glaucoma and was likely acquired subsequent to the “australis/borealis” split; in some instances, its sequence is diagnostic of species. Tetrahymena americanis, T. elliotti, T. gruchyi n. sp., and T. borealis, together accounted for >50% of isolates, consistent with previous findings for established species. The biogeographic range of species found previously in Austria, China, and Pakistan was extended to the Nearctic; some species show evidence of population structure consistent with endemism. Most species were most frequently collected from ponds or lakes, while others, particularly Dexiostoma species, were collected most often from streams or rivers. The results suggest that perhaps hundreds of species remain to be discovered, particularly if collecting is global and includes hosts of parasitic forms.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the phylogenetic relationship among samples of “Chantransia” stage of the Batrachospermales and Thoreales from several regions of the world based on sequences of two genes—the plastid‐encoded RUBISCO LSU gene (rbcL) and the nuclear SSU ribosomal DNA gene (SSU rDNA). All sequences of “Chantransia macrospora” were shown to belong to Batrachospermum macrosporum based on both molecular markers, confirming evidence from previous studies. In contrast, nine species are now associated with “Chantransia pygmaea,” including seven species of the Batrachospermales and two of the Thoreales. Therefore, the presence of “C. macrospora” in a stream can be considered reliable evidence that it belongs to B. macrosporum, whereas the occurrence of “C. pygmaea” does not allow the recognition of any particular species, since it is associated with at least nine species. Affinities of “Chantransia” stages to particular taxa were congruent for 70.5% of the samples comparing the rbcL and SSU analyses, which were associated with the same or closely related species for both markers. Sequence divergences have been reported in the “Chantransia” stage in comparison to the respective gametophyte, and this matter deserves further attention.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine both cross‐sectional and longitudinal associations between frequency of family dinner and overweight status in a large sample of 9‐ to 14‐year‐old children. Research Methods and Procedures: We studied a cohort of 7784 girls and 6647 boys, 9 to 14 years of age at baseline in 1996, participating in the Growing Up Today Study. From annual mailed surveys, we calculated BMI from self‐reported height and weight and assessed frequency of family dinner over the previous year. We defined “overweight” as age‐ and sex‐specific BMI >85th percentile. We performed multiple logistic regression analyses; the longitudinal analyses assessed the association of previous year family dinner consumption with 1‐year incidence of becoming overweight, using prospective data from 1996 through 1999. Results: At baseline in 1996, 16% of participants had family dinner “never or some days,” 40% on “most days,” and 44% “every day.” Across these categories, overweight prevalence for girls was 19.4%, 16.6%, and 16.7% and for boys was 24.6%, 23.3%, and 22.7%, respectively. In cross‐sectional analyses, adjusting for potential confounders, the odds of being overweight was 0.85 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.76, 0.96] among children who ate family dinner on “most days” or “every day” compared with those who ate family dinner “never or some days.” In longitudinal multivariate models, the odds ratios between previous year frequency of eating family dinner and 1‐year incidence of becoming overweight were 0.95 (95% CI: 0.78, 1.16) and 1.04 (95% CI: 0.85, 1.27) for children who ate family dinner on “most days” and “every day,” respectively, compared with those who ate family dinner “never or some days.” Discussion: The frequency of eating family dinner was inversely associated with overweight prevalence at baseline but not with likelihood of becoming overweight in longitudinal analyses.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of birch mice is estimated using sequences of ten nuclear genes and one mitochondrial gene. Based on the results of tree reconstructions and molecular dating, five major lineages are recognized: “tianschanica,” “concolor,” “caudata,” “betulina,” and “caucasica.” It is established that the three latter lineages constitute a clade and that the long‐tailed birch mouse Sicista caudata is the sister group of the “caucasica” lineage. The “tianschanica” lineage is placed as the sister branch to all other species, however, with insufficient support. The cytochrome b tree is generally concordant with the nuclear topology. The molecular clock results suggest that the radiation among the main lineages occurred in the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene (6.0–4.7 Mya). The correspondence between molecular dating and the fossil record is discussed. Based on nuclear data, a high level of divergence between cryptic species in the “tianschanica” lineage is confirmed. Mitochondrial and nuclear data suggest the existence of a potential cryptic species within Sicista strandi.  相似文献   

John W. Salter's papers of 1856 and 1857 reported trace and body fossils from rocks of the Longmyndian Supergroup, Shropshire, that conventional wisdom had deemed literally “Azoic.” The significance of this work is reflected by its mention in On the Origin of Species, where it is cited as evidence for the existence of life prior to the Cambrian radiation. This study of Salter's historic specimens combined with recent field studies confirms that these structures likely represent microbial rather than metazoan markings. Nevertheless, this review confirms Salter as the unheralded founder of Precambrian palaeontology, many years before the existence of a Precambrian fossil record was widely known. This study also gives credit to a highly skilled palaeontologist, who appears to have struggled with psychological problems throughout his life. Salter had once been Adam Sedgwick's “youthful and cheerful companion” in the field, prior to embarking on an initially successful Geological Survey career. He was a widely renowned expert on Palaeozoic palaeontology, especially trilobites, but eventually fell into serious depression, which culminated in his suicide in 1869. Study and reinterpretation of his original materials reaffirms the importance of Salter's discoveries, and the Longmynd for our understanding of late Ediacaran palaeobiology.  相似文献   

Diederik J. Opperman 《Proteins》2017,85(12):2252-2257
Ene‐reductases (ERs), or Old Yellow Enzymes, catalyze the asymmetric reduction of various activated alkenes. This class of biocatalysts is considered an attractive alternative to current chemical technologies for hydrogenation due to their high selectivity and specificity. Here the X‐ray crystal structure of RmER, a “thermophilic”‐like ER from Ralstonia (Cupriavidus) metallidurans, is reported. Unlike other members of this class of ERs, RmER is monomeric in solution which we previously related to its atypical elongated C‐terminus. A typical dimer interface was however observed in our crystal structure, with the conserved Arg‐“finger” forming part of the adjacent monomer's active site and the elongated C‐terminus extending into the active site through contacting the “capping” domain. This dimerization also resulted in the loss of one FMN cofactor from each dimer pair. This potential transient dimerization and dissociation of FMN could conceivably explain the rapid rates previously observed when an FMN light‐driven cofactor regeneration system was used during catalysis with RmER.  相似文献   

Endocasts of the osseous labyrinth have the potential to yield information about both phylogenetic relationships and ecology. Although bony labyrinth morphology is well documented in many groups of fossil vertebrates, little is known for early Neopterygii, the major fish radiation containing living teleosts, gars and the bowfin. Here, we reconstruct endocasts of the bony labyrinth and associated structures for a sample of Mesozoic neopterygian fishes using high‐resolution computed tomography. Our sample includes taxa unambiguously assigned to either the teleost (Dorsetichthys, “Pholidophorus,” Elopoides) and holostean (“Aspidorynchus,” “Caturus,” Heterolepidotus) total‐groups, as well as examples of less certain phylogenetic position (an unnamed parasemionotid and Dapedium). Our models provide a test of anatomical interpretations for forms where bony labyrinths were reconstructed based on destructive tomography (“Caturus”) or inspection of the lateral wall of the cranial chamber (Dorsetichthys), and deliver the first detailed insights on inner ear morphology in the remaining taxa. With respect to relationships, traits apparent in the bony labyrinth and associated structures broadly support past phylogenetic hypotheses concerning taxa agreed to have reasonably secure systematic placements. Inner ear morphology supports placement of Dapedium with holosteans rather than teleosts, while preserved structure in the unnamed parasemionotid is generalized to the degree that it provides no evidence of close affinity with either of the crown neopterygian lineages. This study provides proof‐of‐concept for the systematic utility of the inner ear in neopterygians that, in combination with similar findings for earlier‐diverging actinopterygian lineages, points to the substantial potential of this anatomical system for addressing the longstanding questions in the relationships of fossil ray‐finned fishes to one another and living groups. J. Morphol. 279:426–440, 2018. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

During 2015–2016, wooden and herbaceous plants growing in parks, boulevards, fields, gardens and forests in Khuzestan province, southwestern Iran, were visually inspected for symptoms resembling phytoplasma. Fifty‐one symptomatic samples from nine different species and one symptomless sample from each plant were collected. Leaf midribs, petioles and the parts of stem cambium were separated and freeze‐dried. Total DNA was extracted using CTAB‐based method and tested for phytoplasma using a nested PCR assay. The expected size amplicons of 16S rDNA were sequenced and compared to those of reference phytoplasmas by BLASTn search and phylogenetic analysis. The consensus 16S rDNA sequence of the detected phytoplasma in narrow cattail related to reference phytoplasma group 16SrVI, “Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii” while in the other plants were related to reference phytoplasma subgroup 16SrII–D, “Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia.” All isolates showed 98%–99% sequence identity to members of their reference groups. To our knowledge, this is the first report of “Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia”‐related strains infecting the plants of Acacia salicina, Alternanthera ficoidea, Melaleuca citrine, Citrus aurantium throughout the world and Celosia christata in Iran. Furthermore, this study is the first to report the association of a “Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii”‐related strain with Typha angustifolia worldwide.  相似文献   

Outer inflammatory protein A (OipA) is an important virulence factor associated with gastric cancer and ulcer development; however, the results have not been well established and turned out to be controversial. This study aims to elucidate the role of OipA in Helicobacter pylori infection using clinical strains harbouring oipA “on” and “off” motifs. Proteomics analysis was performed on AGS cell pre‐infection and postinfection with Hpylori oipA “on” and “off” strains, using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. AGS apoptosis and cell cycle assays were performed. Moreover, expression of vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA) was screened using Western blotting. AGS proteins that have been suggested previously to play a role or associated with gastric disease were down‐regulated postinfection with oipA “off” strains comparing to oipA “on” strains. Furthermore, oipA “off” and ΔoipA cause higher level of AGS cells apoptosis and G0/G1 cell‐cycle arrest than oipA “on” strains. Interestingly, deletion of oipA increased bacterial VacA production. The capability of Hpylori to induce apoptosis and suppress expression of proteins having roles in human disease in the absence of oipA suggests that strains not expressing OipA may be less virulent or may even be protective against carcinogenesis compared those expressing OipA. This potentially explains the higher incidence of gastric cancer in East Asia where oipA “on” strains predominates.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Cyclops (~30 spp.), a predominantly Palearctic cold‐adapted genus, was reconstructed based on morphological and molecular characters. The morphological analysis used extensive taxon sampling from the entire Holarctic range of the genus and included 53 morphological characters. Polymorphic traits were coded by the “unordered,” “unscaled” and “scaled” methods; maximum parsimony criterion was applied in tree building. Molecular phylogenetic reconstructions utilized partial nuclear 18S and 28S ribosomal genes, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and complete internal transcribed spacer regions I and II, albeit with limited taxon sampling. Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood were used in these tree reconstructions. The molecular characters were used both in combination with morphology and as an independent test of the basal relationships inferred from morphology. Monophyly of the genus received strong support in both the morphological and molecular phylogenies; the basal relationships remain unresolved. The morphology‐based phylogenies, along with the geographic distribution patterns and ecological traits, supported monophyly of the ankyrae?ladakanus clade, scutifer‐clade (C. scutifer, C. jashnovi, C. columbianus), kolensis‐clade (C. kolensis, C. kikuchii, C. vicinus, C. furcifer, C. insignis, C. alaskaensis), abyssorum‐clade (C. abyssorum s. str., C. abyssorum larianus, C. ricae, C. sevani) and divergens‐clade (South Carpathian “Cyclops sp. Y,” C. mauritaniae, C. divergens, C. bohater, C. lacustris). Relationships among European and North American populations of C. scutifer and C. columbianus based on partial sequences of the 12S mitochondrial gene show C. scutifer to be paraphyletic, suggesting two independent invasions into North America via the Bering Land Bridge from Siberia to Alaska.  相似文献   

For the first time, morpho‐anatomical characters that were congruent with DNA sequence data were used to characterize several genera in Hapalidiaceae—the major eco‐engineers of Subarctic carbonate ecosystems. DNA sequencing of three genes (SSU, rbcL, ribulose‐1, 5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit gene and psbA, photosystem II D1 protein gene), along with patterns of cell division, cell elongation, and calcification supported a monophyletic Clathromorphum. Two characters were diagnostic for this genus: (i) cell division, elongation, and primary calcification occurred only in intercalary meristematic cells and in a narrow vertical band (1–2 μm wide) resulting in a “meristem split” and (ii) a secondary calcification of interfilament crystals was also produced. Neopolyporolithon was resurrected for N. reclinatum, the generitype, and Clathromorphum loculosum was transferred to this genus. Like Clathromorphum, cell division, elongation, and calcification occurred only in intercalary meristematic cells, but in a wider vertical band (over 10–20 μm), and a “meristem split” was absent. Callilithophytum gen. nov. was proposed to accommodate Clathromorphum parcum, the obligate epiphyte of the northeast Pacific endemic geniculate coralline, Calliarthron. Diagnostic for this genus were epithallial cells terminating all cell filaments (no dorsi‐ventrality was present), and a distinct “foot” was embedded in the host. Leptophytum, based on its generitype, L. laeve, was shown to be a distinct genus more closely related to Clathromorphum than to Phymatolithon. All names of treated species were applied unequivocally by linking partial rbcL sequences from holotype, isotype, or epitype specimens with field‐collected material. Variation in rbcL and psbA sequences suggested that multiple species may be passing under each currently recognized species of Clathromorphum and Neopolyporolithon.  相似文献   

The resolution methods applying (?)‐(4R,5R)‐4,5‐bis(diphenylhydroxymethyl)‐2,2‐dimethyldioxolane (“TADDOL”), (?)‐(2R,3R)‐α,α,α',α'‐tetraphenyl‐1,4‐dioxaspiro[4.5]decan‐2,3‐dimethanol (“spiro‐TADDOL”), as well as the acidic and neutral Ca2+ salts of (?)‐O,O'‐dibenzoyl‐ and (?)‐O,O'‐di‐p‐toluoyl‐(2R,3R)‐tartaric acid were extended for the preparation of 1‐n‐butyl‐3‐methyl‐3‐phospholene 1‐oxide in optically active form. In one case, the intermediate diastereomeric complex could be identified by single‐crystal X‐ray analysis. The absolute P‐configuration of the enantiomers of the phospholene oxide was also determined by comparing the experimentally obtained and calculated CD spectra. Chirality 26:174–182, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Heat‐shock (HS) assays to understand the connection between standing inversion variation and evolutionary response to climate change in Drosophila subobscura found that “warm‐climate” inversion O3+4 exhibits non‐HS levels of Hsp70 protein like those of “cold‐climate” OST after HS induction. This was unexpected, as overexpression of Hsp70 can incur multiple fitness costs. To understand the genetic basis of this finding, we have determined the genomic sequence organization of the Hsp70 family in four different inversions, including OST, O3+4 , O3+4+8 and O3+4+16 , using as outgroups the remainder of the subobscura species subgroup, namely Drosophila madeirensis and Drosophila guanche. We found (i) in all the assayed lines, the Hsp70 family resides in cytological locus 94A and consists of only two genes, each with four HS elements (HSEs) and three GAGA sites on its promoter. Yet, in OST, the family is comparatively more compact; (ii) the two Hsp70 copies evolve in concert through gene conversion, except in D. guanche; (iii) within D. subobscura, the rate of concerted evolution is strongly structured by inversion, being higher in OST than in O3+4 ; and (iv) in D. guanche, the two copies accumulated multiple differences, including a newly evolved “gap‐type” HSE2. The absence of concerted evolution in this species may be related to a long‐gone‐unnoticed observation that it lacks Hsp70 HS response, perhaps because it has evolved within a narrow thermal range in an oceanic island. Our results point to a previously unrealized link between inversions and concerted evolution, with potentially major implications for understanding genome evolution.  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine the level of anti‐fat bias in health professionals specializing in obesity and identify personal characteristics that correlate with both implicit and explicit bias. Research Methods and Procedures: The Implicit Associations Test (IAT) and a self‐report questionnaire assessing explicit attitudes, personal experiences with obesity, and demographic characteristics was administered to clinicians and researchers attending the opening session of an international obesity conference (N = 389). The IAT was used to assess overall implicit weight bias (associating “obese people” and “thin people” with “good” vs. “bad”) and three ranges of stereotypes: lazy‐motivated, smart‐stupid, and valuable‐worthless. The questionnaire assessed explicit bias on the same dimensions, along with personal and professional experiences with obesity. Results: Health professionals exhibited a significant pro‐thin, anti‐fat implicit bias on the IAT. In addition, the subjects significantly endorsed the implicit stereotypes of lazy, stupid, and worthless using the IAT. Level of bias was associated with several personal characteristics. Characteristics significantly predictive of lower levels of implicit anti‐fat bias include being male, older, having a positive emotional outlook on life, weighing more, having friends who are obese, and indicating an understanding of the experience of obesity. Discussion: Even professionals whose careers emphasize research or the clinical management of obesity show very strong weight bias, indicating pervasive and powerful stigma. Understanding the extent of anti‐fat bias and the personal characteristics associated with it will aid in developing intervention strategies to ameliorate these damaging attitudes.  相似文献   

Host resistance and parasite virulence are influenced by multiple interacting factors in complex natural communities. Yet, these interactive effects are seldom studied concurrently, resulting in poor understanding of host‐pathogen‐environment dynamics. Here, we investigated how the level of opportunist pathogen virulence, strength of host immunity and the host condition manipulated via diet affect the survival of wood tiger moth Parasemia plantaginis (Arctidae). Larvae from “low cuticular melanin” and “high cuticular melanin” (considered as low and high pathogen resistance, respectively) selection lines were infected with moderately and highly virulent bacteria strains of Serratia marcescens, while simultaneously manipulating host diet (with or without antibacterial compounds). We measured host survival and food preference before and after infection to test whether the larvae “self‐medicate” by choosing an anti‐infection diet (Plantago major, i.e., plantain leaf) over lettuce (Lactuca sativa). “High melanin” larvae were more resistant than “low melanin” larvae to the less virulent strain that had slower growth and colonization rate compared with the more virulent strain. Cuticular melanin did not enhance survival when the larvae were infected with the highly virulent strain. Anti‐infection diet enhanced survival of the “high melanin” but not the “low melanin” hosts. Survival was dependent on family origin even within the melanin selection lines. Despite the intrinsic preference for lettuce, no evidence of self‐medication was found. These results demonstrate that the relative benefit of host cuticular melanin depends on both diet and pathogen virulence: plantain diet only boosted the immunity of already resistant “high melanin” hosts, and cuticular melanin increased host survival only when infected with moderately virulent pathogen. Moreover, there was considerable variation in host survival between families within both melanin lines suggesting genetic basis for resistance. These results indicate that although melanin is an important predictor of insect immunity, its effect on disease outcomes greatly depends on other interacting factors.  相似文献   

Objective: To test the hypothesis that low‐income African‐American preschool children would have a higher BMI if their mothers reported greater “restriction” and “control” in feeding and if mothers reported that children showed greater “food responsiveness” and “desire to drink.” In addition, to test whether higher maternal “pressure to eat” would be associated with lower child BMI. Research Methods and Procedures: A questionnaire was completed by 296 low‐income African‐American mothers of preschool children. It assessed three constructs on maternal feeding strategies (“restriction,” “pressure to eat,” and “control”) and two on child eating behaviors (“food responsiveness” and “desire to drink”). Children's BMI was measured, and mothers’ BMI was self‐reported. Results: The mean (standard deviation) BMI z‐score of the children was 0.34 (1.5), and 44% of the mothers were obese (BMI ≥30 kg/m2). Only maternal “pressure to eat” had a significant overall association with child BMI z‐score (r = ?0.16, p < 0.01). Both maternal “restriction” and “control” were positively associated with children's BMI z‐score in the case of obese mothers (r = 0.20, p = 0.03 and r = 0.24, p = 0.007, respectively), but this was not so in the case of non‐obese mothers (r = ?0.16, p = 0.05 and r = ?0.07, p = 0.39, respectively). Discussion: Among low‐income African Americans, the positive association between maternal restriction and control in feeding and their preschoolers’ BMI was limited to obese mothers. Relations between parent feeding strategies and child weight status in this population may differ on the basis of maternal weight status.  相似文献   

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