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The preference–performance hypothesis predicts that female insects maximize their fitness by utilizing host plants which are associated with high larval performance. Still, studies with several insect species have failed to find a positive correlation between oviposition preference and larval performance. In the present study, we experimentally investigated the relationship between oviposition preferences and larval performance in the butterfly Anthocharis cardamines. Preferences were assessed using both cage experiments and field data on the proportion of host plant individuals utilized in natural populations. Larval performance was experimentally investigated using larvae descending from 419 oviposition events by 21 females on plants from 51 populations of two ploidy types of the perennial herb Cardamine pratensis. Neither ploidy type nor population identity influenced egg survival or larval development, but increased plant inflorescence size resulted in a larger final larval size. There was no correlation between female oviposition preference and egg survival or larval development under controlled conditions. Moreover, variation in larval performance among populations under controlled conditions was not correlated with the proportion of host plants utilized in the field. Lastly, first instar larvae added to plants rejected for oviposition by butterfly females during the preference experiment performed equally well as larvae growing on plants chosen for oviposition. The lack of a correlation between larval performance and oviposition preference for A. cardamines under both experimental and natural settings suggests that female host choice does not maximize the fitness of the individual offspring.  相似文献   

Temperate grasses frequently acquire resistance to herbivores through a symbiosis with epichloid fungi that produces alkaloids of variable deterrent effects. However, in those cases without apparent endophyte negative effects on domestic herbivores, it is not clear whether plant consumption or preference is affected or not. We performed three experiments with 1‐year‐old steers (Bos taurus, Aberdeen Angus) and the annual grass Lolium multiflorum, infected or not by Epichloë occultans to evaluate preference and to identify the underlying tolerance mechanisms. The first experiment evaluated steer preference for L. multiflorum cultivated in plots with three endophyte infection frequencies (low, medium and high), and investigated the role of canopy structure and plant nutritional traits on preference. The second experiment evaluated preference for chopped grass, offered in individual trays with contrasting infection frequencies (low and high), to discard possible effects associated with canopy structure and to focus on nutritional traits. The third experiment was performed with a tray + basket design that separated visual and olfactory stimuli from nutritional traits. High endophyte infection frequencies reduced consistently animal preference, even after short (~10 min) feeding events. However, we did not find significant evidence of plant structural, nutritional, visual or olfactory traits. Our results discarded several potential mechanisms; therefore, the dissuasive effect of fungal endophytes on animal consumption might be related to other mechanisms, including, likely, alkaloids and changes on grass metabolome.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes determining species range limits is central to predicting species distributions under climate change. Projected future ranges are extrapolated from distribution models based on climate layers, and few models incorporate the effects of biotic interactions on species' distributions. Here, we show that a positive species interaction ameliorates abiotic stress, and has a profound effect on a species' range limits. Combining field surveys of 92 populations, 10 common garden experiments throughout the range, species distribution models and greenhouse experiments, we show that mutualistic fungal endophytes ameliorate drought stress and broaden the geographic range of their native grass host Bromus laevipes by thousands of square kilometres (~ 20% larger) into drier habitats. Range differentiation between fungal‐associated and fungal‐free grasses was comparable to species‐level range divergence of congeners, indicating large impacts on range limits. Positive biotic interactions may be underappreciated in determining species' ranges and species' responses to future climates across large geographic scales.  相似文献   

The satyrine butterfly Coenonympha tullia (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) displays a deep split between two mitochondrial clades, one restricted to northern Alberta, Canada, and the other found throughout Alberta and across North America. We confirm this deep divide and test hypotheses explaining its phylogeographic structure. Neither genitalia morphology nor nuclear gene sequence supports cryptic species as an explanation, instead indicating differences between nuclear and mitochondrial genome histories. Sex‐biased dispersal is unlikely to cause such mito‐nuclear differences; however, selective sweeps by reproductive parasites could have led to this conflict. About half of the tested samples were infected by Wolbachia bacteria. Using multilocus strain typing for three Wolbachia genes, we show that the divergent mitochondrial clades are associated with two different Wolbachia strains, supporting the hypothesis that the mito‐nuclear differences resulted from selection on the mitochondrial genome due to selective sweeps by Wolbachia strains.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is oligophagous on plants in the Brassicaceae, and is considered one of the most significant insect pests of canola (Brassica napus L.), a major oilseed crop grown in the Prairie Provinces of Canada. The bertha armyworm (BAW), Mamestra configurata Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a generalist herbivore that preferentially feeds on canola plants. In the canola growing season in the Prairie Provinces of Canada, DBM feeding occurs prior to BAW herbivory. In this study, we test the effect of DBM herbivory on subsequent host use by BAW. Oviposition by female BAW was not influenced by previous DBM‐herbivory or mechanical damage of canola plants. Bertha armyworm larvae were deterred from feeding on canola previously damaged by DBM and larvae developed into lighter pupae when reared on DBM‐damaged plants. Bertha armyworm pupae that developed from larvae fed on mechanically damaged plants had similar pupal weights to those fed undamaged plants. Adult BAW reared on canola with previous DBM feeding damage had marginally smaller wings than moths reared on canola treated differently. The combination of these results suggests that herbivory by the brassicaceous specialist, DBM, negatively influences host use and larval performance by the generalist, BAW, on canola.  相似文献   

Evolutionary traps arise when organisms use novel, low‐quality or even lethal resources based on previously reliable cues. Persistence of such maladaptive interactions depends not only on how individuals locate important resources, such as host plants, but also the mechanisms underlying poor performance. Pieris macdunnoughii (Remington) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) lays eggs on a non‐native mustard, Thlaspi arvense (L.) (Brassicaceae), which is lethal to the larvae. We first tested whether larval feeding behavior was affected before (pre‐) ingestion or following (post‐) ingestion of leaf material, indicating activity of feeding deterrents, toxins, or both in this evolutionary trap. Neonates were less likely to start feeding and eventually fed more slowly on T. arvense than on the native host plant Cardamine cordifolia (Gray) (Brassicaceae) in both laboratory and field. Starvation was a primary cause of mortality, indicating the role of a feeding deterrent. Feeding did not differ between larvae from invaded and uninvaded population. Second, T. arvense defensive chemistry is dominated by the glucosinolate sinigrin (allyl or 2‐propenyl glucosinolate). Adding sinigrin to the leaves of T. arvense and native hosts C. cordifolia and Descurainia incana (Bernhardi ex Fischer & Meyer) (Brassicaceae) delayed the onset of feeding, caused larvae to feed more slowly, and decreased survival on the native hosts. This evolutionary trap may not be driven by a novel deterrent, but rather by a change in the concentration of a deterrent found in native hosts. Many insects have adapted to evolutionary traps posed by invasive plants, incorporating the new plant into their diets. Thlaspi arvense remains lethal to P. macdunnoughii, and pre‐ingestive deterrents such as excess sinigrin may contribute to persistent maladaptation.  相似文献   

The box‐tree pyralid Cydalima perspectalis (Walker 1859) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), native to Eastern Asia, is a newly introduced species causing severe damage to box‐trees (Buxus sp.) in private and public gardens as well as in semi‐natural box‐tree forests in Central Europe. It is so far not known whether different box‐tree subspecies (or varieties) are similarly affected by this invasive moth. In a choice experiment offering branches of five different box‐tree varieties as oviposition sites, we found a preference of female moths for laying their egg clusters on the variety ‘Rotundifolia’, while other varieties were less frequently considered. The preference for ‘Rotundifolia’, the variety with the largest leaves in the tests, remained when intervariety differences in foliar area (mean leaf size × number of leaves) were taken into account. Feeding larvae on leaves of either of the five box‐tree varieties revealed a significant effect of the seasonal generation of C. perspectalis on the growth rate of individuals but no influence of the box‐tree variety. Larvae from the spring generation show the highest growth rate, those from the summer generation a moderate and those from the autumn generation the lowest growth rate. The moths used in the experiments may belong to the 10th to 12th generation present in Europe. The time elapsed since their introduction may be too short for an optimal adaptation to the partly novel diet encountered by the invasive moth.  相似文献   

The Acacia drepanolobium (also known as Vachellia drepanolobium) ant‐plant symbiosis is considered a classic case of species coexistence, in which four species of tree‐defending ants compete for nesting space in a single host tree species. Coexistence in this system has been explained by trade‐offs in the ability of the ant associates to compete with each other for occupied trees versus the ability to colonize unoccupied trees. We seek to understand the proximal reasons for how and why the ant species vary in competitive or colonizing abilities, which are largely unknown. In this study, we use RADseq‐derived SNPs to identify relatedness of workers in colonies to test the hypothesis that competitively dominant ants reach large colony sizes due to polygyny, that is, the presence of multiple egg‐laying queens in a single colony. We find that variation in polygyny is not associated with competitive ability; in fact, the most dominant species, unexpectedly, showed little evidence of polygyny. We also use these markers to investigate variation in mating behavior among the ant species and find that different species vary in the number of males fathering the offspring of each colony. Finally, we show that the nature of polygyny varies between the two commonly polygynous species, Crematogaster mimosae and Tetraponera penzigi: in C. mimosae, queens in the same colony are often related, while this is not the case for T. penzigi. These results shed light on factors influencing the evolution of species coexistence in an ant‐plant mutualism, as well as demonstrating the effectiveness of RADseq‐derived SNPs for parentage analysis.  相似文献   

Endophytes play an important role in ecological and evolutionary processes in plants and have marked economic value. Seed‐transmitted fungal endophytes are conventionally regarded as mutualistic symbionts, but their fitness consequences for the offspring of the host are not clear. Puccinellia distans infected with the fungus Epichloë typhina (E+) produces seeds that are several times smaller than normal (E?). This observation suggests that the E+ seedlings face a developmental disadvantage. Our growth chamber experiments compared the germination rates of the small E+ and large E? seeds of P. distans and examined the biomass allocation of seedlings to roots and shoots. The E+ seedlings germinated more slowly and maintained shorter shoots and a smaller root biomass for 30–50 days after sowing. Despite this disadvantage, the E+ plants more quickly increased their total size, attaining a larger shoot and whole‐plant biomass. The shoot:root biomass ratio increased more rapidly through time in the E+ seedlings, attaining a value nine times higher in the E+ than the E? group 50 days after sowing. Such differences between the E+ and E? seedlings were not explained by the growth allometry between shoots and roots. The seedlings of P. distans infected with the Epichloë endophyte were initially handicapped by their postponed emergence, but this disadvantage was quickly overcome by their superior growth capacity. The decrease in the relative allocation to roots may indicate that endophytes increase the performance of roots as resource‐acquiring organs and/or reduce the role of roots in protection against herbivores.  相似文献   

Plant anti‐herbivore defenses are known to be affected by life‐history evolution, as well as by domestication and breeding in the case of crop species. A suite of plants from the maize genus Zea (Poaceae) and the specialist herbivore Dalbulus maidis (DeLong & Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) were used to test the hypothesis that anti‐herbivore defenses are affected by plant life‐history evolution and human intervention through domestication and breeding for high yield. The suite of plants included a maize (Zea mays ssp. mays L.) commercial hybrid, a maize landrace, two populations of the annual Balsas teosinte (Z. mays ssp. parviglumis Iltis & Doebley), and perennial teosinte (Z. diploperennis Iltis, Doebley & Guzman). Leaf toughness, pubescence, and oviposition preference were compared among the suite of host plants looking for effects of transitions in life history (i.e., from perennial to annual life cycle), domestication (i.e., from wild annual to domesticated annual), and breeding (i.e., from landrace to hybrid maize) on defense against D. maidis. Results on leaf toughness suggested that the life‐history and domestication transitions weakened the plant's resistance to penetration by the mouthparts and ovipositor of D. maidis, whereas results on pubescence suggested that this putative defense was strengthened with the breeding transition, contrary to expectations. Results on oviposition preference of D. maidis coincided with the expectation that life‐history and domestication transitions would lead to preference for Balsas teosinte over perennial teosinte, and of landrace maize over Balsas teosinte. Also, a negative correlation suggested that oviposition preference is significantly influenced by leaf toughness. Overall, the results suggested that Zea defenses against the specialist herbivore D. maidis were variably affected by plant life‐history evolution, domestication, and breeding, and that chemical defense may play a role in Zea defense against D. maidis because leaf toughness and pubescence only partially explained its host preferences.  相似文献   

Oviposition preferences of herbivorous insects affect offspring performance. Both positive and negative links between oviposition preference and offspring performance have been reported for many species. A gall‐inducing leafhopper, Cicadulina bipunctata Melichar (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), feeds on various Poaceae plants and induces galls of enhanced nutritional value for their offspring. Although gall induction by C. bipunctata improves nymphal performance, the oviposition preference of females between galled and non‐galled host plants is still unclear. In this paper, the nymphal performance and oviposition and feeding‐site preference of C. bipunctata were investigated using galled wheat, Triticum aestivum L., and non‐galled barley, Hordeum vulgare L., as host plants. The survival rate of C. bipunctata on wheat was significantly higher than on barley. In the choice test, significantly more eggs were laid into barley, whereas the number of eggs deposited on both hosts was not significantly different in the no‐choice test. The number of settling individuals per leaf area was not significantly different between wheat and barley, suggesting no clear preference for oviposition between these plants. Experience as a nymph with a growing host did not affect oviposition preference as adult female. The inconsistent correspondence between offspring performance and oviposition preference of C. bipunctata may reflect the high mobility of nymphs and/or differences in leaf area between host plants. The results indicate that the previous finding that oviposition preference and offspring performance are not always positively correlated in herbivorous insects is applicable to gall‐inducing insects.  相似文献   

Stomata mediate gas exchange between the inter‐cellular spaces of leaves and the atmosphere. CO2 levels in leaves (Ci) are determined by respiration, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and atmospheric [CO2]. [CO2] in leaves mediates stomatal movements. The role of guard cell photosynthesis in stomatal conductance responses is a matter of debate, and genetic approaches are needed. We have generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants that are chlorophyll‐deficient in guard cells only, expressing a constitutively active chlorophyllase in a guard cell specific enhancer trap line. Our data show that more than 90% of guard cells were chlorophyll‐deficient. Interestingly, approximately 45% of stomata had an unusual, previously not‐described, morphology of thin‐shaped chlorophyll‐less stomata. Nevertheless, stomatal size, stomatal index, plant morphology, and whole‐leaf photosynthetic parameters (PSII, qP, qN, FV′/FM′) were comparable with wild‐type plants. Time‐resolved intact leaf gas‐exchange analyses showed a reduction in stomatal conductance and CO2‐assimilation rates of the transgenic plants. Normalization of CO2 responses showed that stomata of transgenic plants respond to [CO2] shifts. Detailed stomatal aperture measurements of normal kidney‐shaped stomata, which lack chlorophyll, showed stomatal closing responses to [CO2] elevation and abscisic acid (ABA), while thin‐shaped stomata were continuously closed. Our present findings show that stomatal movement responses to [CO2] and ABA are functional in guard cells that lack chlorophyll. These data suggest that guard cell CO2 and ABA signal transduction are not directly modulated by guard cell photosynthesis/electron transport. Moreover, the finding that chlorophyll‐less stomata cause a ‘deflated’ thin‐shaped phenotype, suggests that photosynthesis in guard cells is critical for energization and guard cell turgor production.  相似文献   

  • Ethylene and nitric oxide (NO) act as endogenous regulators during leaf senescence. Levels of ethylene or its precursor 1‐aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboxylate acid (ACC) depend on the activity of ACC synthases (ACS), and NO production is controlled by NO‐associated 1 (NOA1). However, the integration mechanisms of ACS and NOA1 activity still need to be explored during leaf senescence.
  • Here, using experimental techniques, such as physiological and molecular detection, liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry and fluorescence measurement, we investigated the relevant mechanisms.
  • Our observations showed that the loss‐of‐function acs1‐1 mutant ameliorated age‐ or dark‐induced leaf senescence syndrome, such as yellowing and loss of chlorophyll, that acs1‐1 reduced ACC accumulation mainly in mature leaves and that acs1‐1‐promoted NOA1 expression and NO accumulation mainly in juvenile leaves, when compared with the wild type (WT). But the leaf senescence promoted by the NO‐deficient noa1 mutant was not involved in ACS1 expression. There was a similar sharp reduction of ACS1 and NOA1 expression with the increase in WT leaf age, and this inflection point appeared in mature leaves and coincided with the onset of leaf senescence.
  • These findings suggest that NOA1‐dependent NO accumulation blocked the ACS1‐induced onset of leaf senescence, and that ACS1 activity corresponds to the onset of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis.

Aberrant MAPK and PI3K pathway signaling may drive the malignant phenotype in NRAS‐mutant and BRAFWT NRASWT metastatic melanoma. To target these pathways, NRAS‐mutant and BRAFWT NRASWT patients received oral trametinib at 1.5 mg daily and GSK2141795 at 50 mg daily in a two‐cohort Simon two‐stage design. Participants had adequate end‐organ function and no more than two prior treatment regimens. Imaging assessments were performed at 8‐week intervals. A total of 10 NRAS‐mutant and 10 BRAFWT NRASWT patients were enrolled. No objective responses were noted in either cohort. The median PFS and OS were 2.3 and 4.0 months in the NRAS‐mutant cohort and 2.8 and 3.5 months in the wild‐type cohort. Grade 3 and grade 4 adverse events, primarily rash, were observed in 25% of patients. We conclude that the combination of trametinib and GSK2141795 does not have significant clinical activity in NRAS‐mutant or BRAFWT NRASWT melanoma.  相似文献   

Plant cell wall modification is a critical component in stress responses. Endo‐1,4‐β‐glucanases (EGs) take part in cell wall editing processes, e.g. elongation, ripening and abscission. Here we studied the infection response of Solanum lycopersicum and Arabidopsis thaliana with impaired EGs. Transgenic TomCel1 and TomCel2 tomato antisense plants challenged with Pseudomonas syringae showed higher susceptibility, callose priming and increased jasmonic acid pathway marker gene expression. These two EGs could be resistance factors and may act as negative regulators of callose deposition, probably by interfering with the defence‐signalling network. A study of a set of Arabidopsis EG T‐DNA insertion mutants challenged with P. syringae and Botrytis cinerea revealed that the lack of other EGs interferes with infection phenotype, callose deposition, expression of signalling pathway marker genes and hormonal balance. We conclude that a lack of EGs could alter plant response to pathogens by modifying the properties of the cell wall and/or interfering with signalling pathways, contributing to generate the appropriate signalling outcomes. Analysis of microarray data demonstrates that EGs are differentially expressed upon many different plant–pathogen challenges, hormone treatments and many abiotic stresses. We found some Arabidopsis EG mutants with increased tolerance to osmotic and salt stress. Our results show that impairing EGs can alter plant–pathogen interactions and may contribute to appropriate signalling outcomes in many different biotic and abiotic plant stress responses.  相似文献   

The glucosinolate breakdown product indole‐3‐carbinol functions in cruciferous vegetables as a protective agent against foraging insects. While the toxic and deterrent effects of glucosinolate breakdown on herbivores and pathogens have been studied extensively, the secondary responses that are induced in the plant by indole‐3‐carbinol remain relatively uninvestigated. Here we examined the hypothesis that indole‐3‐carbinol plays a role in influencing plant growth and development by manipulating auxin signaling. We show that indole‐3‐carbinol rapidly and reversibly inhibits root elongation in a dose‐dependent manner, and that this inhibition is accompanied by a loss of auxin activity in the root meristem. A direct interaction between indole‐3‐carbinol and the auxin perception machinery was suggested, as application of indole‐3‐carbinol rescues auxin‐induced root phenotypes. In vitro and yeast‐based protein interaction studies showed that indole‐3‐carbinol perturbs the auxin‐dependent interaction of Transport Inhibitor Response (TIR1) with auxin/3‐indoleacetic acid (Aux/IAAs) proteins, further supporting the possibility that indole‐3‐carbinol acts as an auxin antagonist. The results indicate that chemicals whose production is induced by herbivory, such as indole‐3‐carbinol, function not only to repel herbivores, but also as signaling molecules that directly compete with auxin to fine tune plant growth and development.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed an oviposition model of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) with Tetranychus urticae Koch as prey. To obtain data for the model, we investigated the longevity, fecundity and survivorship of adult female N. californicus at six constant temperatures (16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36°C), 60–70% RH and a photoperiod of 16 : 8 (L : D) h. Longevity (average ± SE) decreased as temperature increased and was longest at 16°C (46.7 ± 5.25 days) and shortest at 36°C (12.8 ± 0.75 days). Adult developmental rate (1/average longevity) was described by the Lactin 1 model (r2 = 0.95). The oviposition period (average±SE) was also longest at 16°C (29.8 ± 2.93 days) and shortest at 36°C (6.7 ± 0.54 days). Fecundity (average±SE) was greatest at 24°C (43.8 ± 3.23 eggs) and lowest at 36°C (15.9 ± 1.50 eggs). The oviposition model comprised temperature‐dependent fecundity, age‐specific cumulative oviposition rate and age‐specific survival rate functions. The temperature‐dependent fecundity was best described by an exponential equation (r2 = 0.81). The age‐specific cumulative oviposition rate was best described by the three‐parameter Weibull function (r2 = 0.96). The age‐specific survival rate was best described by a reverse sigmoid function (r2 = 0.85).  相似文献   

Flowers can serve as infection courts for specialized and unspecialized plant pathogens, but little is known about the ability of floral tissues to undergo induced resistance (IR) responses against these pathogens. We studied the expression of IR marker genes in tomato and blueberry flowers treated with the inducers methyl jasmonate (MeJA), benzothiadiazole‐S‐methyl ester (BTH) and 2,6‐dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA). In tomato, spray application of MeJA and BTH (but not INA) to entire plants (leaves, stems and flowers) resulted in a significant (< 0.05) overexpression of Pin2 (5.2‐fold) and PR‐4 (5.6‐fold) in pistil tissues, respectively. A statistically similar expression was obtained in pistils when flowers were protected from direct spray, indicating a systemic response. In blueberry, where information about IR marker genes is limited, PR‐3 and PR‐4 orthologs were first identified and characterized using in silico and wet‐laboratory techniques. In subsequent induction experiments, INA and BTH induced overexpression of PR‐4 in blueberry pistils by 3.2‐ and 1.8‐fold, respectively, when entire plants were treated. In blueberry flowers protected from spray applications, all chemicals applied to vegetative tissues led to significant overexpression of PR‐4 (MeJA: 1.4‐fold, BTH: 2.9‐fold and INA: 1.6‐fold), with BTH also inducing PR‐3 (1.7‐fold). The effect of these responses in protecting flowers was studied by inoculating treated tomato flowers with the necrotroph Botrytis cinerea and blueberry flowers with the hemi‐biotroph Monilinia vaccinii‐corymbosi. In both pathosystems, no significant disease suppression associated with resistance inducer application was observed under the conditions studied. Thus, although IR marker genes were shown to be inducible in floral tissue, the magnitude of this response was insufficient to suppress pathogen ingress.  相似文献   

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