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Males of certain bushcrickets (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Tettigoniidae) possess sclerotized internal genital devices termed titillators. These titillators are paired chitinized structures for which the function remains to be completely determined. We studied the role of the titillators during copulation in the bushcricket Metrioptera roeselii (Hagenbach, 1822), in the context of four a priori hypotheses for their function during mating and insemination: (1) bushcricket titillators act as anchors to secure matings; (2) titillators facilitate sperm removal or sperm dumping in the polyandrous females; (3) titillators stimulate the females during copulation; and/or (4) titillators are organs that assure an accurate spermatophore transfer. To distinguish between those hypotheses, virgin females were mated with males of five groups: unmanipulated (Control), males with titillator tips removed (T‐tips); males with both titillator arms cut in half (T½); and males with titillator arms completely ablated on one side (T‐1); or on both sides (T‐2). These manipulations were chosen to test the response towards an increasing removal of the titillator processes (T‐tips, T½, T‐2) and to include a strongly asymmetric manipulation for comparison (T‐1 vs. T‐2). Male titillators were observed to be rhythmically inserted into the female's genital chamber during copulation. Females generally stayed motionless during titillation, with resistance behaviours observed at a low rate but increasing to 38% when females mated with T‐1 males. In some cases, female resistance behaviour resulted in severe male damage, although pairs never separated. After remating of females, we traced no sperm attached to titillators of the second mate. This fact contradicts any sperm removal function. Titillator manipulation reduced the capacity of a male to attach the spermatophore. This spermatophore detachment was a result of titillator ablation without a significant relation to rhythmical titillator movements or correlation with female resistance behaviour. We therefore conclude that titillators in M. roeselii function as tools to stimulate the females and accurately place the spermatophore.  相似文献   

Rapid divergence in external genital structures occurs in nearly all animal groups that practice internal insemination; explaining this pattern is a major challenge in evolutionary biology. The hypothesis that species‐specific differences in male genitalia evolved under sexual selection as courtship devices to influence cryptic female choice (CFC) has been slow to be accepted. Doubts may stem from its radical departure from previous ideas, observational difficulties because crucial events occur hidden within the female's body, and alternative hypotheses involving biologically important phenomena such as speciation, sperm competition, and male‐female conflicts of interest. We assess the current status of the CFC hypothesis by reviewing data from two groups in which crucial predictions have been especially well‐tested, Glossina tsetse flies and Roeseliana (formerly Metrioptera) roeselii bushcrickets. Eighteen CFC predictions have been confirmed in Glossina and 19 in Roeseliana. We found data justifying rejection of alternative hypotheses, but none that contradicted CFC predictions. The number and extent of tests confirming predictions of the CFC hypothesis in these species is greater than that for other generally accepted hypotheses regarding the functions of nongenital structures. By this criterion, it is reasonable to conclude that some genital structures in both groups likely involved sexual selection by CFC.  相似文献   

Genitalia are rapidly evolving morphological structures most likely under sexual selection. Due to their internal nature they are often hidden inside the body, thus morpho-functional studies of animal genitalia are broadly lacking. Males of some bushcricket taxa bear paired genital appendices called titillators, the exact function of which is unknown since they are obscured inside the female body during pairing. To investigate titillator morphology and possible function during copulation, we studied the bushcricket Metrioptera roeselii (Hagenbach, 1822) using a novel combination of independent, yet complementary, techniques. Copulating pairs were snap-frozen and scanned by X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT) to visualize the coupling of male and female genitalia in situ. Video recordings of copulating pairs also showed rhythmical insertion of male titillators into the female's genital chamber, where they percuss a softened structure on the female's subgenital plate. Movements did not induce damage to the female's structure, which lacks any sclerotized genital counterparts. Instead, scanning electron microscopy and histological sections show the female subgenital plate to be covered with two different types of sensory receptors at the contact zone between the male's titillator and the female genital chamber. We interpret the non-harmful function of the titillator processes, the lack of a genital counter-structure and the presence of sensory cells on the female's subgenital plate as indicators of a copulatory courtship function of titillators, subject to sexual selection by female choice.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of sexual selection in facilitating speciation in a land snail radiation on Crete. We used differences in the genitalia of the Cretan Xerocrassa species as potential indices of sexual selection. First, we rejected the hypothesis that differences in the genitalia of the Xerocrassa species can be explained by genetic drift using coalescent simulations based on a mitochondrial gene tree. Second, we showed that there is no evidence for the hypothesis that the differences in the genitalia can be explained by natural selection against hybrids under the assumption that this is more likely in geographically overlapping species pairs and clades. Third, we showed that there is a positive scaling between male spermatophore-producing organs and female spermatophore-receiving organs indicating sexual coevolution. The spermatophore enables the sperm to escape from the female gametolytic organ. Thus, the coevolution might be a consequence of sexual conflict or cryptic female choice. Finally, we showed that the evolution of differences in the length of the flagellum that forms the tail of the spermatophore is concentrated toward the tips of the tree indicating that it is involved in speciation. If speciation is facilitated by sexual selection, niches may remain conserved and nonadaptive radiation may result.  相似文献   

Copulation duration varies considerably across species, but few comparative studies have examined factors that might underlie such variation. We examined the relationship between copulation duration (prior to spermatophore transfer), the complexity of titillators (sclerotized male genital contact structures), spermatophore mass and male body mass across 54 species of bushcricket. Using phylogenetic comparative analyses, we found that copulation duration was much longer in species with titillators than those without, but it was not longer in species with complex compared with simple titillators. A positive relationship was found between spermatophore size and copulation duration prior to ejaculate transfer, which supports the hypothesis that this represents a period of mate assessment. The slope of this relationship was steeper in species with simple rather than complex titillators. Although the data suggest that the presence of titillators is necessary to maintain long copulation prior to ejaculate transfer, mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear.  相似文献   

We analysed evolutionary diversification and covariation in male genitalia and four mating traits related to sexual selection, i.e. testis size, spermatophore size, copulation duration and post-copulatory guarding duration, in Ohomopterus ground beetles using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Male genital size and mating duration have evolved more rapidly than body size and the other traits studied. Male genital size was negatively correlated with copulation duration, suggesting that elongated male genitalia may enable decreased time investment in a single copulation because it is more effective at facilitating spermatophore deposition. Male genital size was positively correlated with spermatophore size, suggesting coevolution between offensive and defensive male mating tactics because the elongated male genitalia may be advantageous in displacement of rivals' plug-like spermatophores, and decreased mating duration may intensify sperm competition. Thus, the remarkable diversity of male genitalia in Ohomopterus may have been facilitated by the interplay between inter- and intrasexual selection processes.  相似文献   

Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain why male intromittent genitalia consistently tend to diverge more rapidly than other body traits of the same individuals in a wide range of animal taxa. Currently the two most popular involve sexual selection: sexually antagonistic coevolution (SAC) and cryptic female choice (CFC). A review of the most extensive attempts to discriminate between these two hypotheses indicates that SAC is not likely to have played a major role in explaining this pattern of genital evolution. Promising lines for future, more direct tests of CFC include experimental modification of male genital form and female sensory abilities, analysis of possible male–female dialogues during copulation, and direct observations of genital behavior.  相似文献   

One of the most sweeping of all patterns in morphological evolution is that animal genitalia tend to diverge more rapidly than do other structures. Abundant indirect evidence supports the cryptic female choice (CFC) explanation of this pattern, which supposes that male genitalia often function to court females during copulation; but direct experimental demonstrations of a stimulatory function have been lacking. In this study, we altered the form of two male genital structures that squeeze the female’s abdomen rhythmically in Glossina pallidipes flies. As predicted by theory, this induced CFC against the male: ovulation and sperm storage decreased, while female remating increased. Further experiments showed that these effects were due to changes in tactile stimuli received by the female from the male’s altered genitalia, and were not due to other possible changes in the males due to alteration of their genital form. Stimulation from male genital structures also induces females to permit copulation to occur. Together with previous studies of tsetse reproductive physiology, these data constitute the most complete experimental confirmation that sexual selection (probably by CFC) acts on the stimulatory properties of male genitalia.  相似文献   

Genitalia are one of the most rapidly diverging morphological features in animals. The evolution of genital morphology is proposed to be driven by sexual selection via cryptic female choice, whereby a female selectively uptakes and uses a particular male's sperm on the basis of male genital morphology. The resulting shifts in genital morphology within a species can lead to divergence in genitalia between species, and consequently to reproductive isolation and speciation. Although this conceptual framework is supported by correlative data, there is little direct empirical evidence. Here, we used a microdissection laser to alter the morphology of the external male genitalia in Drosophila, a widely used genetic model for both genital shape and cryptic female choice. We evaluate the effect of precision alterations to lobe morphology on both interspecific and intraspecific mating, and demonstrate experimentally that the male genital lobes do not affect copulation duration or cryptic female choice, contrary to long‐standing assumptions regarding the role of the lobes in this model system. Rather, we demonstrate that the lobes are essential for copulation to occur. Moreover, slight alterations to the lobes significantly reduced copulatory success only in competitive environments, identifying precopulatory sexual selection as a potential contributing force behind genital diversification.  相似文献   

1. Butterflies are frequently used in comparative studies of sexual selection because of their diverse mating systems. In Heliconius, the two major clades in the genus are characterised by contrasting pupal‐mating and adult‐mating strategies. Adult‐mating females are considered to be promiscuous whereas pupal‐mating females are thought to be monandrous. 2. Counting spermatophores in female Lepidoptera is a common method for assessing patterns of female remating. However, in pupal‐mating Heliconius butterflies spermatophores can become completely degraded, potentially leading to underestimation of female remating rates. 3. We qualitatively characterised the different states of spermatophore degradation, and showed that complete degradation takes approximately 3 weeks in captive‐bred H. erato females. 4. We counted spermatophores and/or assayed spermatophore degradation in > 500 Heliconius females across 28 species sampled from natural populations. Among pupal‐maters these observations yielded a few rare observations of double mating by recently eclosed females, but generally indicated a lack of rematings. In contrast, approximately 25% of sampled adult‐mating females remated at least once. 5. Using a novel statistical analysis, we estimated remating rates from patterns of spermatophore degradation or from counts stratified by age, as indicated by wing‐wear. This analysis showed no statistically significant evidence for remating for the pupal‐mating H. erato whereas significant remating rates were detected for adult‐mating species. 6. The present results support the established view of Heliconius mating systems in which pupal‐maters are largely monandrous, whereas adult‐maters are polyandrous.  相似文献   

The spectacular variability that typically characterizes male genital traits has largely been attributed to the role of sexual selection. Among the evolutionary mechanisms proposed to account for this diversity, two processes in particular have generated considerable interest. On the one hand, females may exploit postcopulatory mechanisms of selection to favour males with preferred genital traits (cryptic female choice; CFC), while on the other hand females may evolve structures or behaviours that mitigate the direct costs imposed by male genitalia (sexual conflict; SC). A critical but rarely explored assumption underlying both processes is that male and female reproductive traits coevolve, either via the classic Fisherian model of preference-trait coevolution (CFC) or through sexually antagonistic selection (SC). Here, we provide evidence for this prediction in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a polyandrous livebearing fish in which males transfer sperm internally to females via consensual and forced matings. Our results from a paternal half-sibling breeding design reveal substantial levels of additive genetic variation underlying male genital size and morphology—two traits known to predict mating success during non-consensual matings. Our subsequent finding that physically interacting female genital traits exhibit corresponding levels of genetic (co)variation reveals the potential intersexual coevolutionary dynamics of male and female genitalia, thereby fulfilling a fundamental assumption underlying CFC and SC theory.  相似文献   

Post‐copulatory sexual selection processes, including sperm competition and cryptic female choice (CFC), can operate based on major histocompatibility (MH) genes. We investigated sperm competition between male alternative reproductive tactics [jack (sneaker) and hooknose (guard)] of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Using a full factorial design, we examined in vitro competitive fertilization success of paired jack and hooknose males at three time points after sperm activation (0, 15 and 60 s) to test for male competition, CFC and time effects on male fertilization success. We also examined egg‐mediated CFC at two MH genes by examining both the relationship between competitive fertilization success and MH divergence as well as inheritance patterns of MH alleles in resulting offspring. We found that jacks sired more offspring than hooknose males at 0 s post‐activation; however, jack fertilization success declined over time post‐activation, suggesting a trade‐off between sperm speed and longevity. Enhanced fertilization success of jacks (presumably via higher sperm quality) may serve to increase sneaker tactic competitiveness relative to dominant hooknose males. We also found evidence of egg‐mediated CFC (i.e. female × male interaction) influencing competitive fertilization success; however, CFC was not acting on the MH genes as we found no relationship between fertilization success and MH II β1 or MH I α1 divergence and we found no deviations from Mendelian inheritance of MH alleles in the offspring. Our study provides insight into evolutionary mechanisms influencing variation in male mating success within alternative reproductive tactics, thus underscoring different strategies that males can adopt to attain success.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is thought to result from directional sexual selection acting on male signal traits, with female signal traits given little, if any, attention. Here, we examine male mating preferences in the Australian field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Using a multivariate selection analysis approach, we found that male preferences have the potential to exert selection on female cuticular hydrocarbons, chemical compounds widely used as sexual signals in insects. In addition to finding both stabilizing and disruptive preference gradients, we also found weak negative directional preference for female cuticular hydrocarbons. We contrast our results with a recent study examining sexual selection via female choice on male T. oceanicus cuticular hydrocarbons and suggest that differences in the form and intensity of sexual selection between the genders may provide part of the net selection differential necessary for the evolution of sexual dimorphism in this species.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of male song and morphological characters to the male mating success in a two-year field study in natural populations ofD. littoralis andD. montana. We compared the properties of mating flies with those of a random male sample taken at the same time and place. InD. littoralis the male's size had no effect on his mating success, while inD. montana small males had a mating advantage in the field during the first study year. Females preferred males with short sound pulses in both species. We also examined the relationship between male morphological and song characters and viability by collecting male flies in late summer and comparing the means of male characters to those of overwintered flies the next spring. InD. littoralis male size had no effect on overwinter survival. InD. montana large flies survived better than small flies. In both species the shifts in song characters during the winter dormancy were opposite to those caused by sexual selection. Our results, accordingly, imply a possible balance between the forces of sexual and natural selection, which act in opposing directions on attractive male traits.  相似文献   

Males of the sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Heteroptera: Miridae), transfer a spermatophore to females during copulation. After a 1‐day interval between the first and second copulation, males transferred both sperm and a spermatophore to females during the second copulation. However, when male mating interval was <1 h, they transferred sperm but no spermatophores to females during the second copulation. Therefore, the male mating interval probably produces two types of mated females, those with and those without a spermatophore. Mated females of S. rubrovittatus do not remate for at least 3 days after mating, even when courted, and lay more eggs than virgin females at the beginning of the oviposition period. The effects of spermatophores on female sexual receptivity and fecundity were examined using mated females with or without a spermatophore. Only one of the 40 (2.5%) mated females with a spermatophore remated, whereas 10 of the 26 (38.5%) without a spermatophore remated. Furthermore, mated females with a spermatophore laid more eggs than those without a spermatophore. These results suggest that spermatophores participate in reducing female sexual receptivity and enhancing female fecundity in S. rubrovittatus.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that, under some circumstances, sexual conflict over mating can lead to divergent sexually antagonistic coevolution among populations for traits associated with mating, and that this can promote reproductive isolation and hence speciation. However, sexual conflict over mating may also select for traits (e.g. male willingness to mate) that enhance gene flow between populations, limiting population divergence. In the present study, we compare pre‐ and post‐mating isolation within and between two species characterized by male–female conflict over mating rate. We quantify sexual isolation among five populations of the seed bug Lygaeus equestris collected from Italy and Sweden, and two replicates of a population of the sister‐species Lygaeus simulans, also collected from Italy. We find no evidence of reproductive isolation amongst populations of L. equestris, suggesting that sexual conflict over mating has not led to population divergence in relevant mating traits in L. equestris. However, there was strong asymmetric pre‐mating isolation between L. equestris and L. simulans: male L. simulans were able to mate successfully with female L. equestris, whereas male L. equestris were largely unable to mate with female L. simulans. We found little evidence for strong post‐mating isolation between the two species, however, with hybrid F2 offspring being produced. Our results suggest that sexual conflict over mating has not led to population divergence, and indeed perhaps supports the contrary theoretical prediction that male willingness to mate may retard speciation by promoting gene flow.  相似文献   

Male genitals are highly divergent in animals with internal fertilization. Most studies attempting to explain this diversity have focused on testing the major hypotheses of genital evolution (the lock-and-key, pleiotropy, and sexual selection hypotheses), and quantifying the form of selection targeting male genitals has played an important role in this endeavor. However, we currently know far less about selection targeting female genitals or how male and female genitals interact during mating. Here, we use formal selection analysis to show that genital size and shape is subject to strong multivariate stabilizing sexual selection in both sexes of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. Moreover, we show significant sexual selection on the covariance between the sexes for specific aspects of genital shape suggesting that male and female genitalia also interact to determine the successful transfer of a spermatophore during mating. Our work therefore highlights the important role that both male and female genital morphologies play in determining mating success and that these effects can occur independently, as well as through their interaction. Moreover, it cautions against the overly simplistic view that the sexual selection targeting genital morphology will always be directional in form and restricted primarily to males.  相似文献   

The relationship between sexual and viability selection in females is necessarily different than that in males, as investment in sexual traits potentially comes at the expense of both fecundity and survival. Accordingly, females do not usually invest in sexually selected traits. However, direct benefits obtained from mating, such as nuptial gifts, may encourage competition among females and subsidize investment into sexually selected traits. We compared sexual and viability selection on female tree crickets Oecanthus nigricornis, a species where females mate frequently to obtain nuptial gifts and sexual selection on females is likely. If male choice determines female mating success in this species, we expect sexual selection for fecundity traits, as males of many species prefer more fecund females. Alternatively, intrasexual scramble or combat competition on females may select for larger jumping legs or wider heads (respectively). We estimated mating success in wild caught crickets using microsatellite analysis of stored sperm and estimated relative viability by comparing surviving female O. nigricornis to those captured by a common wasp predator. In support of the scramble competition hypothesis, we found sexual selection for females with larger hind legs and narrower heads. We also found stabilizing viability selection for intermediate head width and hind leg size. As predicted, traits under viability and sexual selection were very similar, and the direction of that selection was not opposing. However, because the shape of sexual and viability selection differs, these episodes of selection may favour slightly different trait sizes.  相似文献   

Courtship is well known for its positive effects on mating success. However, in polyandrous species, sexual selection continues to operate after copulation. Cryptic female choice is expected under unpredictable mating rates in combination with sequential mate encounters. However, there are very few accounts of the effects of courtship on cryptic female choice, and the available evidence is often correlative.Mature Argiope bruennichi females are always receptive and never attack or reject males before mating, although sexual cannibalism after mating occurs regularly. Still, males usually perform an energetic vibratory display prior to copulation. We tested the hypothesis that beneficial effects of courtship arise cryptically, during or after mating, resulting in increased paternity success under polyandry. Manipulating courtship duration experimentally, we found that males that mated without display had a reduced paternity share even though no differences in post-copulatory cannibalism or copulation duration were detected. This suggests that the paternity advantage associated with courtship arose through female-mediated processes after intromission, meeting the definition of cryptic female choice.  相似文献   

Polyandry is ubiquitous in insects and provides the conditions necessary for male‐ and female‐driven forms of post‐copulatory sexual selection to arise. Populations of Amphiacusta sanctaecrucis exhibit significant divergence in portions of the male genitalia that are inserted directly into the female reproductive tract, suggesting that males may exercise some post‐copulatory control over fertilization success. We examine the potential for male–male and male–female post‐copulatory interactions to influence paternity in wild‐caught females of A. sanctaecrucis and contrast our findings with those obtained from females reared in a high‐density laboratory environment. We find that female A. sanctaecrucis exercise control by mating multiple times (females mount males), but that male–male post‐copulatory interactions may influence paternity success. Moreover, post‐copulatory interactions that affect reproductive success of males are not independent of mating environment: clutches of wild‐caught females exhibit higher sire diversity and lower paternity skew than clutches of laboratory‐reared females. There was no strong evidence for last male precedence in either case. Most attempts at disentangling the contributions of male–male and male–female interactions towards post‐copulatory sexual selection have been undertaken in a laboratory setting and may not capture the full context in which they take place – such as the relationship between premating and post‐mating interactions. Our results reinforce the importance of designing studies that can capture the multifaceted nature of sexual selection for elucidating the role of post‐copulatory sexual selection in driving the evolution of male and female reproductive traits, especially when different components (e.g. precopulatory and post‐copulatory interactions) do not exert independent effects on reproductive outcomes.  相似文献   

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