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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are thought to have remained asexual for 400 million years, although recent studies have suggested that considerable genetic and phenotypic variation could potentially exist in populations. A brief discussion of these multigenomic organisms is presented.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 59–60.  相似文献   

Using ND5 sequences from mtDNA and 10 nuclear markers, we investigated the genetic differentiation of two South American Creole sheep phenotypes that historically have been bred in different biomes in southern Brazil. In total, 18 unique mtDNA haplotypes were detected, none of which was shared between the two phenotypes. Bayesian analysis also indicated two different groups (k = 2). Thus, these varieties are supported as being genotypically distinct. This situation could have resulted either from geographical isolation, associated with differences in the cultural habits of sheep farmers and in the way that flocks were managed, or more likely, from the introduction of different stocks four centuries ago.  相似文献   

羊肚菌的多样性、演化历史及栽培研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
杜习慧  赵琪  杨祝良 《菌物学报》2014,33(2):183-197
羊肚菌属Morchella真菌是一类珍稀食用和药用真菌,具有重要的经济和科研价值。从羊肚菌属的分类研究、物种多样性、物种分布与生态多样性、演化历史、人工栽培等方面,对新近的研究成果进行了综述,总结了世界羊肚菌研究中取得的主要成绩,指出了仍然存在的主要问题及解决这些问题的相应思路和对策。  相似文献   

The relationship between dispersal and differentiation of the European freshwater mussel Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758) was studied with molecular genetic methods. Forty‐two populations from France, Italy and central Europe were analysed. Genetic relationships were assessed from the geographical distribution of allele frequencies at 17 enzyme loci. Neighbouring groups of populations show small to moderate mean genetic distances (0.020 < Dmean < 0.263). With a few exceptions the genetic affinities of the populations are the closest within the same drainage basin. In central Europe and Northern Italy genetic differences between drainage systems are relatively large. Populations from north‐eastern Italy are genetically similar to Danubian populations. Mussels from the islands of Corsica and Sardinia are more closely related to populations from the Italian peninsula than to French populations from the Rhône drainage system. Genetic relationships within U. pictorum from central Europe reflect palaeogeographical relationships between river systems during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Literature data on two North American unionid species and one European fish species show the same relationship between genetic diversity and the history of drainage systems, although the correlations are less strong. In France and Italy this correspondence is much less evident. Population dynamic processes and human activities leading to populational bottlenecks might have obscured it.  相似文献   

Population connectivity resulting from larval dispersal is essential for the maintenance or recovery of populations in marine ecosystems, including coral reefs. Studies of species diversity and genetic connectivity within species are essential for the conservation of corals and coral reef ecosystems. We analyzed mitochondrial DNA sequence types and microsatellite genotypes of the broadcast‐spawning coral, Galaxea fascicularis, from four regions in the subtropical Nansei Islands in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Two types (soft and hard types) of nematocyst morphology are known in G. fascicularis and are significantly correlated with the length of a mitochondrial DNA noncoding sequence (soft type: mt‐L; hard type: mt‐S type). Using microsatellites, significant genetic differentiation was detected between the mitochondrial DNA sequence types in all regions. We also found a third genetic cluster (mt‐L+), and this unexpected type may be a cryptic species of Galaxea. High clonal diversity was detected in both mt‐L and mt‐S types. Significant genetic differentiation, which was found among regions within a given type (FST = 0.009–0.024, all Ps ≤ 0.005 in mt‐L; 0.009–0.032, all Ps ≤ 0.01 in mt‐S), may result from the shorter larval development than in other broadcast‐spawning corals, such as the genus Acropora. Nevertheless, intraspecific genetic diversity and connectivity have been maintained, and with both sexual and asexual reproduction, this species appears to have a potential for the recovery of populations after disturbance.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the application of 13 short tandem repeat (STR) loci (D13S317, D7S820, TH01, D16S539, CSFIPO, VWA, D8S1179, TPOX, FGA, D3S1358, D21S11, D18S51 and D5S818) routinely used in forensic analysis, for delineating population relationships among seven human populations representing the two major geographic groups, namely the southern and northern Chinese. The resulting single topology revealed pronounced geographic and population partitioning, consistent with the differences in geographic location, languages and eating habits. These findings suggest that forensic STR loci might be particularly powerful tools in providing the necessary fine resolution for reconstructing recent human evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Conservation decisions often involve allocation of scarce resources among many areas of need. Various approaches exist to help prioritize species and populations for conservation. Past efforts have often used relatively narrow, one‐dimensional criteria, such as genetic resource value or exposure to threats. What is lacking is a refined, comprehensive prioritization approach including ecological and evolutionary aspects, informed by rich and reliable data. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Razgour et al. ( 2017 ) present a new prioritization framework that coherently integrates three dimensions of population vulnerability: exposure to change, sensitivity to change and range shift potential. They measure these dimensions for 10 populations of a European bat using a suite of advanced analysis methods that leverage genomic, environmental and occurrence data. Explicitly recognizing and quantifying the multidimensional nature of conservation priorities is a key advance because it enables a nuanced assessment of each population and identification of populations of high concern along all three dimensions. With some caveats and modifications, this framework could be a major step for conservation prioritization and intervention that is proactive and informed by evolutionary principles.  相似文献   

Range expansions are a potential outcome of changes in habitat suitability, which commonly result as a consequence of climate change. Hypotheses on such changes in the geographic distribution of a certain species can be evaluated using population genetic structure and demography. In this study we explore the population genetic structure, genetic variability, demographic history of, and habitat suitability for Amblyomma americanum, a North American tick species that is a known vector of several pathogenic microorganisms. We used a double digestion restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing technique (dd‐RAD seq) and discovered 8,181 independent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 189 ticks from across the geographic range of the species. Genetic diversity was low, particularly when considering the broad geographic range of this species. The edge populations were less diverse than populations belonging to the historic range, possibly indicative of a range expansion, but this hypothesis was not statistically supported by a test based on genetic data. Nonetheless, moderate levels of population structure and substructure were detected between geographic regions. For New England, demographic and species distribution models support a scenario where A. americanum was present in more northern locations in the past, underwent a bottleneck, and subsequently recovered. These results are consistent with a hypothesis that this species is re‐establishing in this area, rather than one focused on range expansion from the south. This hypothesis is consistent with old records describing the presence of A. americanum in the northeastern US in the early colonial period.  相似文献   

The Eastern Barred Bandicoot Perameles gunnii has declined in abundance within mainland south-eastern Australia, to a relict wild population of less than 100 individuals in Hamilton, Victoria. It is more common, but is also declining in Tasmania. Genomic DN A variability was compared within and between surviving populations of P. gunnii using variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) markers in one of two ways. First, average percentage differences (APDs) were determined between profiles for two VNTR probe—endonuclease combinations. Secondly, because one of these combinations revealed two multiallelic VNTR loci, genotypes were assigned and analysed for homogeneity of allele frequencies among subpopulations, for deviation of heterozygosity from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium within populations and for genetic structuring among individuals from different subpopulations. The results of both the APD and defined locus approaches showed consistent trends within and between populations. Genetic variability was higher among mainland P. gunnii than in Tasmanian populations (higher APDs, number of alleles, and heterozygosity at one locus), despite the known decline and subdivision of the Hamilton population. Eleven per cent of the variability detected in Hamilton was attributed to genetic differentiation between east and west subdivisions of the population. Departure from random mating indicating local inbreeding within collecting localities was evident for one locus in both north and south Tasmania, particularly at one locality. AH alleles at both loci were unique to either Hamilton or Tasmanian P. gunnii. The initial captive colony contains high heterozygosity for these loci. It is concluded that VNTR markers can be of benefit for use in studies of population differentiation and for conservation management.  相似文献   

Conservation plans can be greatly improved when information on the evolutionary and demographic consequences of habitat fragmentation is available for several codistributed species. Here, we study spatial patterns of phenotypic and genetic variation among five grasshopper species that are codistributed across a network of microreserves but show remarkable differences in dispersal‐related morphology (body size and wing length), degree of habitat specialization and extent of fragmentation of their respective habitats in the study region. In particular, we tested the hypothesis that species with preferences for highly fragmented microhabitats show stronger genetic and phenotypic structure than codistributed generalist taxa inhabiting a continuous matrix of suitable habitat. We also hypothesized a higher resemblance of spatial patterns of genetic and phenotypic variability among species that have experienced a higher degree of habitat fragmentation due to their more similar responses to the parallel large‐scale destruction of their natural habitats. In partial agreement with our first hypothesis, we found that genetic structure, but not phenotypic differentiation, was higher in species linked to highly fragmented habitats. We did not find support for congruent patterns of phenotypic and genetic variability among any studied species, indicating that they show idiosyncratic evolutionary trajectories and distinctive demographic responses to habitat fragmentation across a common landscape. This suggests that conservation practices in networks of protected areas require detailed ecological and evolutionary information on target species to focus management efforts on those taxa that are more sensitive to the effects of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Understanding how the skull transmits and dissipates forces during feeding provides insights into the selective pressures that may have driven the evolution of primate skull morphology. Traditionally, researchers have interpreted masticatory biomechanics in terms of simple global loading regimes applied to simple shapes (i.e., bending in sagittal and frontal planes, dorsoventral shear, and torsion of beams and cylinders). This study uses finite element analysis to examine the extent to which these geometric models provide accurate strain predictions in the face and evaluate whether simple global loading regimes predict strains that approximate the craniofacial deformation pattern observed during mastication. Loading regimes, including those simulating peak loads during molar chewing and those approximating the global loading regimes, were applied to a previously validated finite element model (FEM) of a macaque (Macaca fascicularis) skull, and the resulting strain patterns were compared. When simple global loading regimes are applied to the FEM, the resulting strains do not match those predicted by simple geometric models, suggesting that these models fail to generate accurate predictions of facial strain. Of the four loading regimes tested, bending in the frontal plane most closely approximates strain patterns in the circumorbital region and lateral face, apparently due to masseter muscle forces acting on the zygomatic arches. However, these results indicate that no single simple global loading regime satisfactorily accounts for the strain pattern found in the validated FEM. Instead, we propose that FE models replace simple cranial models when interpreting bone strain data and formulating hypotheses about craniofacial biomechanics.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is comprised of genetic and phenotypic variation among individual organisms, which might belong to the same species or to different species. Spatial patterns of biodiversity are of central interest in ecology and evolution for several reasons: to identify general patterns in nature (e.g. species–area relationships, latitudinal gradients), to inform conservation priorities (e.g. identifying hotspots, prioritizing management efforts) and to draw inferences about processes, historical or otherwise (e.g. adaptation, the centre of origin of particular clades). There are long traditions in ecology and evolutionary biology of examining spatial patterns of biodiversity among species (i.e. in multispecies communities) and within species, respectively, and there has been a recent surge of interest in studying these two types of pattern simultaneously. The idea is that examining both levels of diversity can materially advance the above‐stated goals and perhaps lead to entirely novel lines of inquiry. Here, we review two broad categories of approach to merging studies of inter‐ and intraspecific variation: (i) the study of phenotypic trait variation along environmental gradients and (ii) the study of relationships between patterns of molecular genetic variation within species and patterns of distribution and diversity across species. For the latter, we report a new meta‐analysis in which we find that correlations between species diversity and genetic diversity are generally positive and significantly stronger in studies with discrete sampling units (e.g. islands, lakes, forest fragments) than in studies with nondiscrete sampling units (e.g. equal‐area study plots). For each topic, we summarize the current state of knowledge and key future directions.  相似文献   

Shapcott A 《Molecular ecology》1999,8(10):1641-1654
This study investigated the effect of population density on the population genetic structure of five co-occurring congeneric understorey palm species: Pinanga aristata, P. sp. aff. brevipes, P. dumetosa, P. tenella var. tenella and P. veitchii, all endemic to northern Borneo. The average population densities of the study species varied across a wide spectrum, ranging from 343 (plants per ha) in P. tenella to 10 (plants per ha) in P. veitchii. All species of Pinanga palms studied had quite high levels of genetic diversity (HE: 0.379, 0.256, 0.294, 0.133, 0.352). Genetic diversity (HE) was correlated with population density (D; rs = - 0.433, P < 0.01) and the average distance to the nearest conspecific neighbour (NN; rs = 0.576, P < 0.001) such that the most-dense species had less genetic diversity and the less-dense species had greater genetic diversity. Gene flow (Nm) among populations approximately followed a gradient of increasing species density and abundance, such that the most common species P. dumestosa had the greatest gene flow (Nm = 2.268) between its populations and the rarest, most sparsely distributed species P. sp. aff. brevipes had the lowest (Nm = 0.698). All species of Pinanga were effectively inbred (F: 0.760, 0.856, 0.640, 0.753, 0.674). The amount of homozygosity and inbreeding (HO, F) were not correlated (P > 0.05) with population density (D) or the distance between nearest neighbouring plants of the same species (NN).  相似文献   

In this paper I trace Michael Ruse's Booknotes from the first volumeof Biology and Philosophy in 1986 to the present. I deal withboth the style and the content of these booknotes. Ruse paid specialattention to authors outside of the traditional English axis as wellas to feminist writers. He complained that too much attention wasbeing paid to certain topics (e.g., evolutionary ethics, evolutionaryepistemology, the species problem and reduction) while other, moreimportant topics were all but ignored (e.g., natural selection,population genetics, levels of selection and extraterrestrial life).He also dealt with the Darwin Industry. Creationism, his love-haterelationships with several authors and his undiluted love of CharlesDickens.  相似文献   

Abstract. Plants associated with traditional agricultural landscapes in northern Europe and Scandinavia are subjected to drastic habitat fragmentation. In this paper we discuss species response to fragmentation, against a background of vegetation and land‐use history. Recent evidence suggests that grassland‐forest mosaics have been prevalent long before the onset of human agriculture. We suggest that the creation of infield meadows and outland grazing (during the Iron Age) increased the amount and spatial predictability of grasslands, resulting in plant communities with exceptionally high species densities. Thus, distribution of plant species in the present‐day landscape reflects historical land‐use. This holds also when traditional management has ceased, due to a slow response by many species to abandonment and fragmentation. The distribution patterns are thus not in equilibrium with the present habitat distribution. Fragmentation influences remaining semi‐natural grasslands such that species density is likely to decline as a result of local extinctions and invasion by habitat generalists. However, species that for a long time have been subjected to changing mosaic landscapes may be more resistant to fragmentation than is usually believed. Conservation should focus not only on ‘hot‐spots’ with high species richness, but also consider species dynamics in a landscape context.  相似文献   

Melanism is an important component of insect cuticle and serves numerous functions that enhance fitness. Despite its importance, there is little information on its genetic basis or its phenotypic and genetic correlation with fitness‐related traits. Here, we examine the heritability of melanism in the wing dimorphic sand cricket and determine its phenotypic and genetic correlation with wing morphology, gonad mass and size of the dorso‐longitudinal muscles (the principle flight muscles). Previously demonstrated trade‐offs among these traits are significant factors in the evolution of life history variation. Using path analysis, we show that melanization is causally related to gonad mass, but not flight muscle mass. Averaged over the sexes, the heritability of melanism was 0.61, the genetic correlation with gonad mass was ?0.36 and with wing morph was 0.51. The path model correctly predicted the ranking of melanization score in lines selected for increased ovary mass, increased flight muscle mass, an index that increased both traits and an unselected control. Our results support the general hypothesis that melanization is costly for insects and negatively impacts investment in early reproduction.  相似文献   

It is now common for population geneticists to estimate FST for a large number of loci across the genome, before testing for selected loci as being outliers to the FST distribution. One surprising result of such FST scans is the often high proportion (>1% and sometimes >10%) of outliers detected, and this is often interpreted as evidence for pervasive local adaptation. In this issue of Molecular Ecolog, Fourcade et al. ( 2013 ) observe that a particularly high rate of FST outliers has often been found in river organisms, such as fishes or damselflies, despite there being no obvious reason why selection should affect a larger proportion of the genomes of these organisms. Using computer simulations, Fourcade et al. ( 2013 ) show that the strong correlation in co‐ancestry produced in long one‐dimensional landscapes (such as rivers, valleys, peninsulas, oceanic ridges or coastlines) greatly increases the neutral variance in FST, especially when the landscape is further reticulated into fractal networks. As a consequence, outlier tests have a high rate of false positives, unless this correlation can be taken into account. Fourcade et al.'s study highlights an extreme case of the general problem, first noticed by Robertson ( 1975a , b ) and Nei & Maruyama ( 1975 ), that correlated co‐ancestry inflates the neutral variance in FST when compared to its expectation under an island model of population structure. Similar warnings about the validity of outlier tests have appeared regularly since then but have not been widely cited in the recent genomics literature. We further emphasize that FST outliers can arise in many different ways and that outlier tests are not designed for situations where the genetic architecture of local adaptation involves many loci.  相似文献   

S T Kalinowski 《Heredity》2011,106(4):625-632
One of the primary goals of population genetics is to succinctly describe genetic relationships among populations, and the computer program STRUCTURE is one of the most frequently used tools for doing so. The mathematical model used by STRUCTURE was designed to sort individuals into Hardy–Weinberg populations, but the program is also frequently used to group individuals from a large number of populations into a small number of clusters that are supposed to represent the main genetic divisions within species. In this study, I used computer simulations to examine how well STRUCTURE accomplishes this latter task. Simulations of populations that had a simple hierarchical history of fragmentation showed that when there were relatively long divergence times within evolutionary lineages, the clusters created by STRUCTURE were frequently not consistent with the evolutionary history of the populations. These difficulties can be attributed to forcing STRUCTURE to place individuals into too few clusters. Simulations also showed that the clusters produced by STRUCTURE can be strongly influenced by variation in sample size. In some circumstances, STRUCTURE simply put all of the individuals from the largest sample in the same cluster. A reanalysis of human population structure suggests that the problems I identified with STRUCTURE in simulations may have obscured relationships among human populations—particularly genetic similarity between Europeans and some African populations.  相似文献   

In restoring species, reasons for introducing limited numbers of individuals at different locations include costs of introduction and maintenance, limited founder supply, and risk “bet hedging.” However, populations initiated from few founders may experience increased genetic drift, inbreeding, and diversity loss. We examined the genetic diversity of an isolated stand of more than 5,000 American chestnut trees relative to that of the 9 surviving stand founders (out of 10 total) planted in the 1880s. We used minisatellite DNA probes to reveal 84 genetic markers (circa 24 loci) among the nine founders, and their genetic diversity was compared with three separate plots of descendant trees, as well as with two natural stands. The descendants were circa 7.3% more heterozygous than the founders (mean estimated H= 0.556 vs. 0.518, respectively; p < 0.0001). Genetic differentiation was not pronounced (FST < 0.031), and no markers, including those at low frequency among the founders, were lost in the descendants. The founders and natural transects were not significantly different in H or similarity (mean proportion of bands shared). Special planting or mating protocols for establishment of a vigorous American chestnut population from a low number of founders may not be required to avoid strong effects of genetic drift and inbreeding. These results demonstrate that loss of genetic diversity following reintroduction of a limited number of founders is not always inevitable, such as this case where the species is highly outcrossing, expression of heterozygous advantage may occur, the original founders remain as gene contributors over generations, and the establishing population expands constantly and rapidly.  相似文献   

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