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Mediterranean islands have a high diversity of squamates, although they are unevenly distributed. This variability in the composition of the reptile assemblages across islands may have been influenced by differences in the colonization abilities of these species. To evaluate the dispersal capacities of squamate species, we modeled their sea routes using cost surface models. We estimated the effects of some life‐history traits and the phylogenetic signal in the characteristics of the modeled dispersal paths. We hypothesized that a significant phylogenetic signal should be present if the dispersal ability is enhanced by traits shared among evolutionarily related species. The results showed that no phylogenetic signal was present in the characteristics of the dispersal paths (i.e., in the distance traveled/bypassed sea depth). Thus, no superior island‐colonizer lineages were detected in Mediterranean Squamata. However, our analyses also revealed that small‐sized lizards were superior to other groups of squamates at dispersing over long distances on the sea.  相似文献   

A prominent scenario for the evolution of reptilian placentation infers that placentotrophy arose by gradual modification of a simple vascular chorioallantoic placenta to a complex structure with a specialized region for nutrient transfer. The structure of the chorioallantoic placenta of Niveoscincus ocellatus, apparently described originally from a single embryonic stage, was interpreted as a transitional evolutionary type that provided support for the model. Recently, N. ocellatus has been found to be as placentotrophic as species with complex chorioallantoic placentae containing a specialized region called a placentome. We studied placental development in N. ocellatus and confirmed that the chorioallantoic placenta lacks specializations found in species with a placentome. We also found that this species has a specialized omphaloplacenta. The chorioallantoic placenta is confined to the region adjacent to the embryo by a membrane, similar to that found in some other viviparous skinks, that divides the egg into embryonic and abembryonic hemispheres. We term this structure the "inter-omphalopleuric" membrane. The position of this membrane in N. ocellatus is closer to the embryonic pole of the egg than to the abembryonic pole and thus the surface area of the omphaloplacenta is greater than that of the chorioallantoic placenta. In addition, the omphaloplacenta is regionally diversified and more complex histologically than the chorioallantoic placenta. An impressive and unusual feature of the omphaloplacenta of N. ocellatus is the development of extensive overlapping folds in the embryonic component of mid-gestation embryos. The histological complexity and extensive folding of the omphaloplacenta make this a likely site of placental transfer of nutrients in this species.  相似文献   

Virginia striatula is a viviparous snake with a complex pattern of embryonic nutrition. Nutrients for embryonic development are provided by large, yolked eggs, supplemented by placental transfer. Placentation in this species is surprisingly elaborate for a predominantly lecithotrophic squamate reptile. The embryonic-maternal interface consists of three structurally distinct areas, an omphalallantoic placenta and a regionally diversified chorioallantoic placenta. The chorioallantoic placenta over the embryonic hemisphere (paramesometrial region) of the egg, features close apposition of embryonic and uterine blood vessels because of the attenuate form of the interceding epithelial cells. The periphery of the chorioallantoic placenta, which is adjacent to the omphalallantoic placenta, is characterized by a simple cuboidal uterine epithelium apposed to a stratified cuboidal chorionic epithelium. There are no sites with attenuate epithelial cells and close vascular apposition. The morphology of the omphalallantoic placenta is similar to that of the peripheral chorioallantoic placenta, except that the height of uterine epithelial cells is greater and allantoic blood vessels are not associated with the embryonic epithelium. The functional capabilities of the three placental regions are not known, but structural characteristics suggest that the omphalallantoic placenta and peripheral zone of the chorioallantoic placenta are sites of nutritional provision via histotrophy. The paramesometrial region of the chorioallantoic placenta is also nutritive, in addition to functioning as the primary embryonic respiratory system. The structure of the chorioallantoic placenta of V. striatula is a new placental morphotype for squamate reptiles that is not represented by a classic model for the evolution of reptilian placentation.  相似文献   

Although the events of spermiogenesis are commonly studied in amniotes, the amount of research available for Squamata is lacking. Many studies have described the morphological characteristics of mature spermatozoa in squamates, but few detail the ultrastructural changes that occur during spermiogenesis. This study's purpose is to gain a better understanding of the subcellular events of spermatid development within the Imbricate Alligator Lizard, Barisia imbricata. The morphological data presented here represent the first complete ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis within the family Anguidae. Samples of testes from four specimens collected on the northwest side of the Nevado de Toluca, México, were prepared using standard techniques for transmission electron microscopy. Many of the ultrastructural changes occurring during spermiogenesis within B. imbricata are similar to that of other squamates (i.e., early acrosome formation, chromatin condensation, flagella formation, annulus present, and a prominent manchette). However, there are a few unique characteristics within B. imbricata spermatids that to date have not been described during spermiogenesis in other squamates. For example, penetration of the acrosomal granule into the subacrosomal space to form the basal plate of the perforatorium during round spermatid development, the clover‐shaped morphology of the developing nuclear fossa of the flagellum, and the bulbous shape to the perforatorium are all unique to the Imbricate Alligator Lizard. These anatomical character differences may be valuable nontraditional data that along with more traditional matrices (such as DNA sequences and gross morphological data) may help elucidate phylogenetic relationships, which are historically considered controversial within Squamata. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied determinants of breeding dispersal (the distance that an animal shifts its mean home range co-ordinate between reproductive events) in an individually marked population of sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) in south west Sweden during 1987–1991. Female breeding dispersal was not determined by age, size, body condition, or number of partners, and females and males that dispersed further did not experience a higher mortality. However, females with a low reproductive output dispersed further than females that reproduced more successfully, and males that lost in bodily condition dispersed further than males that better maintained body condition. We also looked for relationships between age-differences and band-sharing similarity (DNA fingerprinting = DFP) in three categories of lizards — all females, all males, and males and females — to establish whether males would be likely to mate with close kin. Age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing in only one category, males and females. When males were older than females this relationship was not significant. However, when females were older than males, age-difference was strongly correlated with band-sharing. Furthermore, females that were old enough to be the mothers of the courting males shared significantly more bands with these males than did the younger females, including the females of the same age as the males. Although parental-specific DFP bands necessary for establishing paternity among our adult lizards were inaccessible to us, we suggest that our circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that some males mate with their mothers. Males that were more closely related with their neighbours also moved further when we controlled statistically for age and mating success. We suggest that by mating with many partners males not only increase their mating success, but also increase the probability of mating with females with ‘good genes’: mean heterozygosity of parents (as revealed by micro-satellites) were strongly correlated with offspring survival.  相似文献   

The Swedish sand lizard ( Lacerta agilis ) is a relict species from the post-glacial warmth period. From the geological history of this region, and more recent data on population fragmentation due to disturbance by man, it can be surmised that the Swedish sand lizards passed through at least one population bottleneck in relatively recent times. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the amount and structuring of genetic variability in six microsatellite loci in ten lizard populations from different parts of Sweden. We contrasted these data against those from a Hungarian population which we have reason to assume strongly resembles the founder population for Swedish sand lizards. The average number of alleles per locus in Sweden was 3.3, and these alleles were common in almost all populations, whereas the average number of alleles in the Hungarian population was 8.0. Likewise, the level of expected heterozygosity was lower in the Swedish populations (0.45) compared to the Hungarian population (0.70). The lower variability in Swedish populations is probably a consequence of a common population bottleneck during the immigration subsequent to the latest glacial period. The remaining variability is strongly subdivided between populations (FST=0.30) with the main genetic differences being between rather than within populations. Despite the marked isolation of the populations and the present small population sizes (N= 10–300 adults), the Swedish relict populations show a surprisingly high level of observed heterozygosity, indicating that small population size is probably a recent phenomenon.  相似文献   



Our aim is to document the dimensions of current squamate reptile biodiversity in the Americas by integrating taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional data, and assessing how this may vary across phylogenetic scales. We also explore the potential underlying mechanisms that may be responsible for the observed geographical diversity patterns.


The Americas.

Time period


Major taxa

Squamate reptiles.


We used published data on the distribution, phylogeny, and body size of squamate reptiles to document the current dimensions of their alpha diversity in the Americas. We overlapped species ranges to estimate taxonomic diversity (TD) and calculated phylogenetic diversity (PD) using mean pairwise phylogenetic distance (MPD), speciation rate (DivRate) and Faith's phylogenetic index (PD). We estimated functional diversity (FD) as trait dispersion in the multivariate space using body size and leg development data. We implemented a deconstructive macroecological approach to understand how spatial mismatches between the three facets of diversity vary across phylogenetic scales, and the potential eco-evolutionary mechanisms driving these patterns across space.


We found a strong latitudinal gradient of TD with a large accumulation in tropical regions. PD and FD patterns were largely similar likely due to the high phylogenetic signal in the traits used, and higher values tended to be concentrated in harsh and/or heterogeneous environments. We found differences between major clades within Squamata that display contrasting geographical patterns. Several regions across the continent shared the same spatial mismatches between dimensions across clades, suggesting that similar eco-evolutionary processes are shaping these regional reptile assemblages. However, we also found evidence that non-mutually exclusive processes can operate differently across clades.

Main conclusions

The deconstructive approach implemented here is based on a solid macroecological framework. We can extend this to other taxonomic groups to establish whether there are particularities about how different eco-evolutionary mechanisms shape biodiversity facets in a spatially explicit context.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have mapped out the characters of spermiogenesis within several species of squamates. Many of these data have shown both conserved and possibly apomorphic morphological traits that could be important in future phylogenetic analysis within Reptilia. There, however, has not been a recent study that compares spermiogenesis and its similarities or differences between two species of reptile that reside in the same genus. Thus, the present analysis details the changes to spermiogenesis in Sceloporus variabilis and then compares spermatid morphologies to that of Sceloporus bicanthalis. Many of the morphological changes that the spermatids undergo in these two species are similar or conserved, which is similar to what has been reported in other squamates. There are six main character differences that can be observed during the development of the spermatids between these two sceloporid lizards. They include the presence (S. variabilis) or absence (S. bicanthalis) of a mitochondrial/endoplasmic reticulum complex near the Golgi apparatus during acrosome development, a shallow (S. variabilis) or deep (S. bicanthalis) nuclear indentation that accommodates the acrosomal vesicle, filamentous (S. variabilis) or granular (S. bicanthalis) chromatin condensation, no spiraling (S. variabilis) or spiraling (S. bicanthalis) of chromatin during condensation, absence (S. variabilis) or presence (S. bicanthalis) of the longitudinal manchette microtubules, and the lack of (S. variabilis) or presence (S. bicanthalis) of nuclear lacunae. This is the first study that compares spermiogenic ultrastructural characters between species within the same genus. The significance of the six character differences between two distantly related species within Sceloporus is still unknown, but these data do suggest that spermiogenesis might be a good model to study the hypothesis that spermatid ontogeny is species specific. J. Morphol. 275:258–268, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Here we describe the embryonic development of Salvator merianae external morphologic features, as based on observation of 28 embryos across different days of incubation at 31 ± 0.5°C. Observed developmental stages were grouped and classified into the early, middle, and late periods. The early period (Stages 3–11) is distinguished by the origin of the encephalic vesicles, sensory placodes, pharyngeal arches, and degree of body flexion and rotation. The medium period (Stages 8–15) is distinguished by limb differentiation and by cranium‐facial characteristics. The late period (Stages 15–18) is determined by scale patterns, pigmentation, and embryo growth.  相似文献   

Mesopneumonia of 28 and lungs of 44 species of scincomorph lizards are described, representing mesopneumonia in six of the seven scincomorph families and lungs of all seven families of this taxon. Except for gymnophthalmids and scincids, a family typical organization of mesopneumonia occurs. In cordylids, gerrhosaurids, xantusiids and lacertids the complete right ventral mesopneumonium (VMp) inserts cranially on the posterior vena cava and caudally on the dorsal surface of the right liver lobe. The left VMp is attached to the ventrolateral body wall in cordylids and lacertids; in gerrhosaurids the left VMp is short and inserts on the pericardium and the posterior vena cava; in xantusiids the left VMp is reduced and the lungs are fused cranially with the pericardium. In scincids the VMp of both sides vary in length and insert on the ventral mesentery, or may be lacking completely. The visceral topology of the gymnophthalmids Calyptommatus and Notobachia differs from the general scincomorph pattern, with the liver and stomach elongated and situated on the right and left side of the body cavity, respectively. The left and the right VMp extend over the entire length of the lungs and insert on the ventral mesentery. All lungs examined in the study are single-chambered and show no major structural variability of the inner surfaces, except in lacertids, some gerrhosaurids, Cordylus, and two genera of gymnophthalmids (Echinosaura and Neusticurus). In these groups, rows of dorsomedial niches are present.See also Electronic Supplement at: http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/05-06.htm  相似文献   

The use of co‐occurrence patterns to investigate interactions between micro‐organisms has provided novel insight into organismal interactions within microbial communities. However, anthropogenic impacts on microbial co‐occurrence patterns and ecosystem function remain an important gap in our ecological knowledge. In a northern hardwood forest ecosystem located in Michigan, USA, 20 years of experimentally increased atmospheric N deposition has reduced forest floor decay and increased soil C storage. This ecosystem‐level response occurred concomitantly with compositional changes in saprophytic fungi and bacteria. Here, we investigated the influence of experimental N deposition on biotic interactions among forest floor bacterial assemblages by employing phylogenetic and molecular ecological network analysis. When compared to the ambient treatment, the forest floor bacterial community under experimental N deposition was less rich, more phylogenetically dispersed and exhibited a more clustered co‐occurrence network topology. Together, our observations reveal the presence of increased biotic interactions among saprotrophic bacterial assemblages under future rates of N deposition. Moreover, they support the hypothesis that nearly two decades of experimental N deposition can modify the organization of microbial communities and provide further insight into why anthropogenic N deposition has reduced decomposition, increased soil C storage and accelerated phenolic DOC production in our field experiment.  相似文献   

Much of our current state of knowledge concerning sex chromosome evolution is based on a handful of ‘exceptional’ taxa with heteromorphic sex chromosomes. However, classifying the sex chromosome systems of additional species lacking easily identifiable, heteromorphic sex chromosomes is indispensable if we wish to fully understand the genesis, degeneration and turnover of vertebrate sex chromosomes. Squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes) are a potential model clade for studying sex chromosome evolution as they exhibit a suite of sex‐determining modes yet most species lack heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Only three (of 203) chameleon species have identified sex chromosome systems (all with female heterogamety, ZZ/ZW). This study uses a recently developed method to identify sex‐specific genetic markers from restriction site‐associated DNA sequence (RADseq) data, which enables the identification of sex chromosome systems in species lacking heteromorphic sex chromosomes. We used RADseq and subsequent PCR validation to identify an XX/XY sex chromosome system in the veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus), revealing a novel transition in sex chromosome systems within the Chamaeleonidae. The sex‐specific genetic markers identified here will be essential in research focused on sex‐specific, comparative, functional and developmental evolutionary questions, further promoting C. calyptratus’ utility as an emerging model organism.  相似文献   

Gaining a deeper understanding of spermatogenic cycles within squamates has aided in our knowledge of the controls of reproduction and has bettered our understanding of reproductive phenology. One of the most studied genera of squamates, Sceloporus, is widely distributed along a latitudinal and elevational gradient in temperate, tropical, low-elevation and high-elevation habitats. Due to this wide distribution and varying habitats, Sceloporus exhibit differences in their spermatogenic activity (including both cyclical and acyclical patterns) and may be one of the most useful genera for understanding the abiotic correlations with spermatogenesis. The spermatogenic activity in Sceloporus variabilis was studied histologically (in a population that inhabits a tropical region at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico) and found to exhibit a unique cyclical pattern with an extended period of maximum activity (from November to July) and the absence of regression and quiescence. Furthermore, these data corroborate previous works on the spermatogenic cycles of Svariabilis despite different populations utilised. These data suggest that although abiotic factors may play a role in the timing of spermatogenesis, phylogenetic signal may be equally as important. More data concerning spermatogenic cycles in phylogenetically related taxa from differing habitats will elucidate the patterns of spermatogenic diversity.  相似文献   

The microanatomy of the testes and testicular ducts (rete testis, ductuli efferentes, ductus epididymis and ductus deferens) of Leiolepis ocellata (Agamidae) was investigated using light microscopy including histochemistry. Each testis contains seminiferous tubules and interstitial tissues. The former house spermatogenic cells (spermatogonia A & B, preleptotene, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids (steps 1–8) and spermatozoa) and Sertoli cells, while the latter comprise peritubular and intersitial tissues. The rete testis is an anastomosing duct, having intratesticular and extratesticular portions. The proximal region of ductuli efferentes has wider outer ductal and luminal diameters than those of the distal region. The convoluted ductus epididymis is subdivided into four regions (initial segment, caput, corpus and cauda), based on the ductal diameter, epithelium characteristics and cell components. The ductus deferens has the greatest diameter and is divided into the ductal and ampulla ductus deferens. The ductal portion is subdivided into the proximal and distal regions, based on the epithelium types and ductal diameters. The ampulla ductus deferens is a fibromuscular tube, having numerous mucosal folds projecting into the lumen. Spermiophagy is detectable in the ductus epididymis and ductus deferens. The present results contribute to improved fundamental knowledge on the microanatomy of the reptilian reproductive system.  相似文献   

Anguimorpha is a clade of limbed and limbless squamates with ca. 196 extant species and a known fossil record spanning the past 130 million years. Morphology‐based and molecule‐based phylogenetic analyses disagree on several key points. The analyses differ consistently in the placements of monstersaurs (e.g. Gila Monsters), shinisaurs (Crocodile Lizards), the anguid Anniella (American Legless Lizards), carusioids (Knobby Lizards), and the major clades within Varanus (Monitor Lizards). Given different data sources with such different phylogenetic hypotheses, Anguimorpha is an excellent candidate for a combined phylogenetic analysis. We constructed a data matrix consisting of 175 fossil and extant anguimorphs, and 2281 parsimony‐informative characters (315 morphological characters and 1969 molecular characters). We analysed these data using the computer program TNT using the “new technology search” with the ratchet. Our result is novel and shows similarities with both morphological and molecular trees, but is identical to neither. We find that a global combined evidence analysis (GCA) does not recover a holophyletic Varanoidea, but omission of fossil taxa reveals cryptic molecular support for that group. We describe these results and others from global morphological analysis, extant‐only morphological analysis, molecular data‐only analyses, combined evidence analysis of extant taxa, and GCA. © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

During the regeneration of the tail in the arboreal New Zealand gecko (Hoplodactylus maculatus) a new set of tail scales,modified into pads bearing setae 5-20 μm long,is also regenerated.Stages of the formation of these specialized scales from epidermal pegs that invaginate the dermis of the regenerating tail are described on the basis of light and electron microscopic images.Within the pegs a differentiating clear layer interfaces with the spinulae and setae of the Oberh(a)utchen according to a process similar to that described for the digital pads.A layer of clear cytoplasm surrounds the growing tiny setae and eventually comifies around them and their spatular ends,later leaving the new setae free-standing on the epidermal surface.The fresh adhesive pads help the gecko to maintain the prehensile function of its regenerated tail as together with the axial skeleton (made of a cylinder of elastic cartilage) the pads allow the regenerated tail to curl aroundtwigs and small branches just like the original tail.The regeneration of caudal adhesive pads represents an ideal system to study the cellular processes that determine setal formation under normal or experimental manipulation as the progressive phases of the formation of the setae can be sequentially analyzed.  相似文献   

Although different mechanisms exist to explain the presence of polymorphism in lizards, one model suggests that multiple morphotypes display the same level of fitness. Three male morphs (grey, yellow and orange) coexist in Sceloporus aeneus, a Mexican endemic oviparous lizard. Using a histological perspective, we test the hypothesis that spermatogenic output does not vary across morphotypes of Saeneus during its maximum testicular activity. Males of Saeneus (five grey, five yellow and five orange) were collected in Calimaya, Estado de México, Mexico. Snout-vent length (SVL), testis mass, diameter and epithelial heights for the seminiferous tubules and epididymis, and the number of layers of germ cells did not vary among morphs; moreover, according to principal component analysis, a high overlap among lateral colour morphs exists. Our results suggest strongly that the lateral colour morphs in Saeneus have the same spermatogenic output, and natural selection may be a stronger driving force than sexual selection within this species. Further studies into other lizard species with multiple morphotypes are required to determine whether the lack of variation in spermatogenic output observed in this endemic lizard is consistent across polymorphic species which will provide a greater understanding of the selective mechanisms acting on an individual’s fitness.  相似文献   

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