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An optical fan was demonstrated to screen leukemia cells from the blood sample at the single‐cell level in a noninvasive and noncontact manner. Further details can be found in the article by Xiaoshuai Liu, Yuchao Li, Xiaohao Xu, Yao Zhang, Baojun Li ( e201900155 ).


Flow cytometry provides a high throughput, multi‐dimensional analysis of cells flowing in suspension. In order to combine this feature with the ability to resolve detailed structures in 3D, we developed an optofluidic device that combines a microfluidic system with a dual beam trap. This allows for the rotation of single cells in a continuous flow, around an axis perpendicular to the imaging plane. The combination of both techniques enables the tomographic reconstruction of the 3D structure of the cell. In addition this method is capable to provide detailed 3D structural data for flow cytometry, as it improves the reconstructed z‐resolution of a standard microscopy system to produce images with isotropic resolution in all three axes.


Cells alter the path of light, a fact that leads to well‐known aberrations in single cell or tissue imaging. Optical diffraction tomography (ODT) measures the biophysical property that causes these aberrations, the refractive index (RI). ODT is complementary to fluorescence imaging and does not require any markers. The present study introduces RI and fluorescence tomography with optofluidic rotation (RAFTOR) of suspended cells, facilitating the segmentation of the 3D‐correlated RI and fluorescence data for a quantitative interpretation of the nuclear RI. The technique is validated with cell phantoms and used to confirm a lower nuclear RI for HL60 cells. Furthermore, the nuclear inversion of adult mouse photoreceptor cells is observed in the RI distribution. The applications shown confirm predictions of previous studies and illustrate the potential of RAFTOR to improve our understanding of cells and tissues.   相似文献   

The reflection of picosecond ultrasonic pulses from a cell‐substrate interface is used to probe cell‐biomaterial adhesion with a subcell resolution. We culture monocytes on top of a thin biocompatible Ti metal film, supported by a transparent sapphire substrate. Low‐energy femtosecond pump laser pulses are focused at the bottom of the Ti film to a micron spot. The subsequent ultrafast thermal expansion launches a longitudinal acoustic pulse in Ti, with a broad spectrum extending up to 100 GHz. We measure the acoustic echoes reflected from the Ti‐cell interface through the transient optical reflectance changes. The time‐frequency analysis of the reflected acoustic pulses gives access to a map of the cell acoustic impedance Zc and to a map of the film‐cell interfacial stiffness K simultaneously. Variations in Zc across the cell are attributed to rigidity and density fluctuations within the cell, whereas variations in K are related to interfacial intermolecular forces and to the nano‐architecture of the transmembrane bonds. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has long been used as a diagnostic tool in the field of ophthalmology. The ability to observe microstructural changes in the tissues of the eye has proved very effective in diagnosing ocular disease. However, this technology has yet to be introduced into the primary care office, where indications of disease are first encountered. We have developed a portable, handheld imaging probe for use in the primary care setting and evaluated its tissue site accessibility, ability to observe diseased tissue, and screening capabilities in in vivo human patients, particularly for pathologies related to the eye, ear and skin. Various stages of diabetic retinopathy were investigated using the handheld probe and early‐stage diabetic retinopathy was flagged as abnormal from the OCT images. At such early stages of disease, it is difficult to observe abnormalities with the limited tools that are currently available to primary care physicians. These results indicate that OCT shows promise to transform from being a diagnostic technology in the medical and surgical specialities to a screening technology in the primary care office and at the front‐line of healthcare. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

High‐throughput ‐omics techniques have revolutionised biology, allowing for thorough and unbiased characterisation of the molecular states of biological systems. However, cellular decision‐making is inherently a unicellular process to which “bulk” ‐omics techniques are poorly suited, as they capture ensemble averages of cell states. Recently developed single‐cell methods bridge this gap, allowing high‐throughput molecular surveys of individual cells. In this review, we cover core concepts of analysis of single‐cell gene expression data and highlight areas of developmental biology where single‐cell techniques have made important contributions. These include understanding of cell‐to‐cell heterogeneity, the tracing of differentiation pathways, quantification of gene expression from specific alleles, and the future directions of cell lineage tracing and spatial gene expression analysis.  相似文献   

In this work, an optofluidic flow analyzer, which can be used to perform malaria diagnosis at the point‐of‐care is demonstrated. The presented technique is based on quantitative optical absorption measurements carried out on a single cell level for a given population of Human Red Blood Cells (RBCs). By measuring the optical absorption of each RBC, the decrease in the Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration in the cytoplasm of the cell due to the invasion of malarial parasite is detected. Cells are assessed on a single cell basis, as they pass through a microfluidic channel. The proposed technique has been implemented with inexpensive off‐the‐shelf components like laser diode, photo‐detector and a micro‐controller. The ability of the optofluidic flow analyzer to asses about 308,049 cells within 3 minutes has been demonstrated. The presented technique is capable of detecting very low parasitemia levels with high sensitivity.


In circulation, cancer cells induce platelet activation, leading to the formation of a cancer cell‐encircling platelet cloak which facilitates each step of the metastatic cascade. Since cancer patients treated with the anticoagulant heparin showed reduced metastasis rates and improved survival, it is supposed that heparin suppresses the cloak's formation by inhibiting the interaction between platelet's adhesion molecule P‐selectin with its ligands on cancer cells. To quantify this heparin effect, we developed a single‐cell force spectroscopy approach and quantified the adhesion (maximum adhesion force [FA] and detachment work [WD]) between platelets and human non‐small cell lung cancer cells (A549). A configuration was used in which A549 cells were glued to tipless cantilevers and force‐distance (F‐D) curves were recorded on a layer of activated platelets. The concentration‐response relationship was determined for heparin at concentrations between 1 and 100 U/mL. Sigmoid dose‐response fit revealed half‐maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of 8.01 U/mL (FA) and 6.46 U/mL (WD) and a maximum decrease of the adhesion by 37.5% (FA) and 38.42% (WD). The effect of heparin on P‐selectin was tested using anti‐P‐selectin antibodies alone and in combination with heparin. Adding heparin after antibody treatment resulted in an additional reduction of 9.52% (FA) and 7.12% (WD). Together, we quantified heparin's antimetastatic effect and proved that it predominantly is related to the blockage of P‐selectin. Our approach represents a valuable method to investigate the adhesion of platelets to cancer cells and the efficiency of substances to block this interaction.  相似文献   

We present study results on visible light reflection photoplethysmographic (PPG) imaging with a mobile cellular phone operated in video imaging mode. PPG signal components around 0.1 Hz attributed to the sympathetic component of the heart rate, 1 Hz as the heart rate and 2 Hz as heart rate high order harmonic were quantified on the index finger of a healthy volunteer. The green channel reported PPG signals throughout the sampled area. The blue and red channel returned plethysmographic information, but the signal strength was highly position specific. Our results obtained with a cellular phone as the data acquisition device are encouraging, especially in the broad context of personal or home‐based care and the role of cellular phone technology in medical imaging. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Tissue‐embedded cells are often exposed to a complex mixture of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules, to which they bind with different cell adhesion receptors and affinities. Differential cell adhesion to ECM components is believed to regulate many aspects of tissue function, such as the sorting of specific cell types into different tissue compartments or ECM niches. In turn, aberrant switches in cell adhesion preferences may contribute to cell misplacement, tissue invasion, and metastasis. Methods to determine differential adhesion profiles of single cells are therefore desirable, but established bulk assays usually only test cell population adhesion to a single type of ECM molecule. We have recently demonstrated that atomic force microscopy‐based single‐cell force spectroscopy (SCFS), performed on bifunctional, microstructured adhesion substrates, provides a useful tool for accurately quantitating differential matrix adhesion of single Chinese hamster ovary cells to laminin and collagen I. Here, we have extended this approach to include additional ECM substrates, such as bifunctional collagen I/collagen IV surfaces, as well as adhesion‐passivated control surfaces. We investigate differential single cell adhesion to these substrates and analyze in detail suitable experimental conditions for comparative SCFS, including optimal cell‐substrate contact times and the impact of force cycle repetitions on single cell adhesion force statistics. Insight gained through these experiments may help in adapting this technique to other ECM molecules and cell systems, making directly comparative SCFS a versatile tool for comparing receptor‐mediated cell adhesion to different matrix molecules in a wide range of biological contexts. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Migration of tumor cells is a fundamental event implicated in metastatic progression of cancer. Therapeutic compounds with the ability to inhibit the motility of cancer cells are critical for preventing cancer metastasis. Achieving this goal requires new technologies that enable high‐throughput drug screening against migration of cancer cells and expedite drug discovery. We report an easy‐to‐implement, robotically operated, cell migration microtechnology with the capability of simultaneous screening of multiple compounds. The technology utilizes a fully biocompatible polymeric aqueous two‐phase system to pattern a monolayer of cells containing a cell‐excluded gap that serves as the migration niche. We adapted this technology to a standard 96‐well plate format and parametrically optimized it to generate highly consistent migration niches. The analysis of migration is done automatically using computerized schemes. We use statistical metrics and show the robustness of this assay for drug screening and its sensitivity to identify effects of different drug compounds on migration of cancer cells. This technology can be employed in core centers, research laboratories, and pharmaceutical industries to evaluate the efficacy of compounds against migration of various types of metastatic cancer cells prior to expensive animal tests and thus, streamline anti‐migratory drug screening.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence has substantiated the significance of quantitative phase imaging (QPI) in enabling cost‐effective and label‐free cellular assays, which provides useful insights into understanding the biophysical properties of cells and their roles in cellular functions. However, available QPI modalities are limited by the loss of imaging resolution at high throughput and thus run short of sufficient statistical power at the single‐cell precision to define cell identities in a large and heterogeneous population of cells—hindering their utility in mainstream biomedicine and biology. Here we present a new QPI modality, coined multiplexed asymmetric‐detection time‐stretch optical microscopy (multi‐ATOM) that captures and processes quantitative label‐free single‐cell images at ultrahigh throughput without compromising subcellular resolution. We show that multi‐ATOM, based upon ultrafast phase‐gradient encoding, outperforms state‐of‐the‐art QPI in permitting robust phase retrieval at a QPI throughput of >10 000 cell/sec, bypassing the need for interferometry which inevitably compromises QPI quality under ultrafast operation. We employ multi‐ATOM for large‐scale, label‐free, multivariate, cell‐type classification (e.g. breast cancer subtypes, and leukemic cells vs peripheral blood mononuclear cells) at high accuracy (>94%). Our results suggest that multi‐ATOM could empower new strategies in large‐scale biophysical single‐cell analysis with applications in biology and enriching disease diagnostics.   相似文献   

To control their attachment to substrates and other cells, cells regulate their adhesion receptors. One regulatory process is receptor crosstalk, where the binding of one type of cell adhesion molecule influences the activity of another type. To identify such crosstalk and gain insight into their mechanisms, we developed the stimulated single‐cell force spectroscopy assay. In this assay, the influence of a cells adhesion to one substrate on the strength of its adhesion to a second substrate is examined. The assay quantifies the adhesion of the cell and the contributions of specific adhesion receptors. This allows mechanisms by which the adhesion is regulated to be determined. Using the assay we identified crosstalk between collagen‐binding integrin α1β1 and fibronectin‐binding integrin α5β1 in HeLa cells. This crosstalk was unidirectional, from integrin α1β1 to integrin α5β1, and functioned by regulating the endocytosis of integrin α5β1. The single‐cell assay should be expandable for the screening and quantification of crosstalk between various cell adhesion molecules and other cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

The production of heterologous proteins by secretion from cellular hosts is an important determinant for the cost of biotherapeutics. A single‐cell analytical method called microengraving was used to examine the heterogeneity in secretion by the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. We show that constitutive secretion of a human Fc fragment by P. pastoris is not cell‐cycle dependent, but rather fluctuates between states of high and low productivity in a stochastic manner. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 319–325. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A method was developed to characterize the adhesion properties of single cells by using protein‐functionalized atomic force microscopy (AFM) probes. The quantification by force spectroscopy of the mean detachment force between cells and a gelatin‐functionalized colloidal tip reveals differences in cell adhesion properties that are not within reach of a traditional bulk technique, the washing assay. In this latter method, experiments yield semiquantitative and average adhesion properties of a large population of cells. They are also limited to stringent conditions and cannot highlight disparities in adhesion in the subset of adherent cells. In contrast, this AFM‐based method allows for a reproducible and quantitative investigation of the adhesive properties of individual cells in common cell culture conditions and allows for the detection of adhesive subpopulations of cells. These characteristics meet the critical requirements of many fields, such as the study of cancer cell migratory abilities.  相似文献   

A novel screening system using a microchamber array chip was developed for construction of combinatorial nano-sized protein libraries in combination with yeast cell surface engineering. It is possible to place a single yeast cell into each microchamber, to observe its behavior, and to pick up the target cell. The microchamber array chip is referred to as a “yeast cell chip.” A single EGFP-displaying yeast cell could be detected, picked up by a micro-manipulator, and cultivated on agar medium. Furthermore, a catalytic reaction, the hydrolysis of fluorescein dioctanate, by a single yeast cell displaying Rhizopus oryzae lipase (ROL) was carried out in one microchamber. The ROL-encoding gene in a single ROL-displaying cell was amplified by PCR. These results demonstrate that this yeast cell chip in combination with cell surface engineering could be used as a tool in a high-throughput screening system not only for a single living cell and a whole-cell catalyst with a nano-sized protein cluster but also for modified nano-sized and functional protein molecules from protein libraries on the cell surface.  相似文献   

By virtue of the biocompatibility and physical properties of hydrogel, picoliter‐sized hydrogel microcapsules have been considered to be a biometric signature containing several features similar to that of encapsulated single cells, including phenotype, viability, and intracellular content. To maximize the experimental potential of encapsulating cells in hydrogel microcapsules, a method that enables efficient hydrogel microcapsule purification from oil is necessary. Current methods based on centrifugation for the conventional stepwise rinsing of oil, are slow and laborious and decrease the monodispersity and yield of the recovered hydrogel microcapsules. To remedy these shortcomings we have developed a simple one‐step method to purify alginate microcapsules, containing a single live cell, from oil to aqueous phase. This method employs oil impregnation using a commercially available hydrophobic filter paper without multistep centrifugal purification and complicated microchannel networks. The oil‐suspended alginate microcapsules encapsulating single cells from mammalian cancer cell lines (MCF–7, HepG2, and U937) and microorganisms (Chlorella vulgaris) were successfully exchanged to cell culture media by quick (~10 min) depletion of the surrounding oil phase without coalescence of neighboring microcapsules. Cell proliferation and high integrity of the microcapsules were also demonstrated by long‐term incubation of microcapsules containing a single live cell. We expect that this method for the simple and rapid purification of encapsulated single‐cell microcapsules will attain widespread adoption, assisting cell biologists and clinicians in the development of single‐cell experiments.  相似文献   

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