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Can ecological relationships between bat species be predicted largely on the basis of morphology? This question was addressed by investigating skull morphology of two cryptic species of the pipistrelle bat. Since 45 Pipistrellus pipistrellus apparently eats larger prey than 55 P. pipistrellus, we predicted that it would have a larger overall skull size, a larger dentary apparatus, and a larger gape. To test these predictions, variables were measured from skulls of the two cryptic species, and comparisons made between them. In accordance with our predictions, overall skull size was larger in 45 P. pipistrellus than in 55 P. pipistrellus, and 45 P. pipistrellus had a longer lower jaw and the distance between the jaws at maximum gape was larger. In addition, 45 P. pipistrellus had longer upper canines, which may allow it to pierce harder prey items than 55 P. pipistrellus. Only some aspects of dietary differences between the two cryptic species could be explained by differences in skull morphology, and we suggest that empirical data, at least on diet and habitat use, are also required to explain mechanisms of resource partitioning among species in bat communities.  相似文献   

Infections with certain species of Plasmodium and Babesia induce, among other symptoms, cerebral pathology. The finding of heavily parasitized cerebral capillaries upon postmortem examination has led to the assumption that blockage of capillaries with infected red blood cells caused the cerebral symptoms and subsequent death. As this type of cerebrovascular pathology is found both in humans dying from malaria and in cattle dying from babesiosis, the latter could possibly be used as an animal model for the study of human cerebral malaria. However, before such a model system is adopted, the experimental data concerning cerebral pathology of babesiosis needs critical evaluation. Here, Theo Schetters and Wijnand Eling review the pathological mechanisms in cerebral babesiosis and relate these to cerebral malaria. Finally, they discuss the use of animal model systems for specific aspects of the pathological picture.  相似文献   


Key message

Spelt wheat is a distinct genetic group to elite bread wheat, but heterosis for yield and protein quality is too low for spelt to be recommended as heterotic group for hybrid breeding in wheat.


The feasibility to switch from line to hybrid breeding is currently a hot topic in the wheat community. One limitation seems to be the lack of divergent heterotic groups within wheat adapted to a certain region. Spelt wheat is a hexaploid wheat that can easily be crossed with bread wheat and that forms a divergent genetic group when compared to elite bread wheat. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of Central European spelt as a heterotic group for Central European bread wheat. We performed two large experimental field studies comprising in total 43 spelt lines, 14 wheat lines, and 273 wheat–spelt hybrids, and determined yield, heading time, plant height, resistance against yellow rust, leaf rust, and powdery mildew, as well as protein content and sedimentation volume. Heterosis of yield was found to be lower than that of hybrids made between elite wheat lines. Moreover, heterosis of the quality trait sedimentation volume was negative. Consequently, spelt wheat does not appear suited to be used as heterotic group in hybrid wheat breeding. Nevertheless, high combining abilities of a few spelt lines with elite bread wheat lines make them interesting resources for pre-breeding in bread wheat. Thereby, the low correlation between line per se performance and combining ability of these spelt lines shows the potential to unravel the breeding value of genetic resources by crossing them to an elite tester.

Despite widely acknowledged handicaps of the species approach to identifying priority conservation areas, many workers continue to use these flawed techniques as the backbone of their analyses. Species-based approaches address only a small part of biological diversity by ignoring different levels of organisation as well as the functional linkages among these levels. These data are often biased and incomplete and are often used in preference to data dealing with higher biological levels of organisation though the latter may be readily available. Within the framework of Noss's [(1990) Conservation Biology 4: 355–364] hierarchical definition of biodiversity (and Scott etal. [(1993) Wildlife Monographs 123: 1–31] gap analysis), we propose a top-down model dealing with broad organisational levels first, and finer-scale species distributions last. Note that we do not discard the latter approach, but merely argue for its use at a stage when, in our opinion, it adds most to the value of the prioritisation exercise. The model is flexible so that additional information, particularly those related to threats to biological diversity, can be added when they are available.  相似文献   

Species traits which facilitate introduction and predominance have been quantitatively ranked using interval arithmetic to search for common patterns among 113 marine macroalgae introduced in Europe. Three main categories were used: dispersal, establishment and ecological impact. These were further subdivided into more specific categories, a total of 13. Introduced species were compared with the same number of native species randomized from the same families as the introduced. Invasive species (i.e. species having a negative ecological or economical impact) were also compared with non-invasive introductions, separately for the three algal groups. In many categories, as well as when adding all species, the introduced species ranked more hazardous than the native species and the invasive species ranked higher than the non-invasive ones. The ranking within the three main categories differed, reflecting different strategies between the species within the three algal groups. When all categories (excluding salinity and temperature) were summed, the top five risk species, all invasive, were, in descending order, Codium fragile spp.tomentosoides, Caulerpa taxifolia, Undaria pinnatifida, Asparagopsis armata and Grateloupia doryphora, while Sargassum muticum ranked eight and Caulerpa racemosa ten. Fifteen of the twenty-six species listed as invasive were among the twenty highest ranked.  相似文献   

Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a cytokine that is currently regarded as a potential therapy for inflammatory diseases involving T helper 1-type responses because of its ability to downregulate several major functions of Th1 cells and macrophages. There are also evidence that IL-10 could be useful in controlling Th2-mediated inflammatory processes. However IL-10 has also immunostimulatory properties especially on B-cells and activated CD8+ T cells. These pleiotropic effects may explain the discrepancy observed after IL-10 treatment in different in vivo experimental models. We have recently shown that IL-10 induces the differentiation of a subset of regulatory CD4+ T cells (Tr1). In different in vivo models, these cells were shown to inhibit Th1 and Th2-type inflammatory responses through the secretion of IL-10. These Tr1 cells may thus be used in specific cellular therapy in order to deliver IL-10 precisely at the site of inflammation.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in modelling of species abundance data in addition to presence data. In this study, we assessed the similarities and differences between presence‐absence distributions and abundance distributions along similar environmental gradients, derived, respectively, from presence‐absence and abundance data. Moreover, we examined the possibility of using presence‐absence distribution models to derive abundance distributions. For this purpose, we used Braun‐Blanquet abundance scores for 243 vascular species at 10 996 French forest sites. Species distribution models were used to analyse the link between the patterns of occurrence, low abundance and high abundance for each species with regard to mean annual temperature, June water balance, and soil pH. For each species, differences in the modelled distributions were characterised by the ecological optimum and ecological amplitude. A comparison of the presence‐absence and abundance distributions for all species revealed similar optima and different amplitudes along the three ecological factors. An abundant‐centre distribution was observed in environmental space, with species abundance being greatest at the optimal conditions and lower at less favourable conditions of the species occurrence response. Geographical habitat mapping also shows centred, high‐abundance suitability within the presence habitat of each species. We conclude that species distribution models derived from presence‐absence data provide useful information about the ecological optima of abundance distributions but overestimate the range of habitats suitable for high species abundance. This study demonstrates the utility of presence‐absence data for ecologist and conservation biologist when they are interested in the optimal conditions of high species abundance.  相似文献   

The formation of arsenic-phytochelatin (As-PC) complexes is thought to be part of the plant detoxification strategy for arsenic. This work examines (i) the arsenic (As) concentration-dependent formation of As-PC complex formation and (ii) redistribution and metabolism of As after arrested As uptake in Helianthus annuus. HPLC with parallel ICP-MS/ES-MS detection was used to identify and quantify the species present in plant extracts exposed to arsenate (As(V)) (between 0 and 66.7 micromol As l-1 for 24 h). At As concentrations below the EC50 value for root growth (22 micromol As l-1) As uptake is exponential, but it is reduced at concentrations above. Translocation between root and shoot seemed to be limited to the uptake phase of arsenic. No redistribution of As between root and shoot was observed after arresting As exposure. The formation of As-PC complexes was concentration-dependent. The amount and number of As-PC complexes increased exponentially with concentration up to 13.7 micromol As l-1. As(III)-PC3 and GS-As(III)-PC2 complexes were the dominant species in all samples. The ratio of PC-bound As to unbound As increased up to 1.3 micromol As l-1 and decreased at higher concentrations. Methylation of inorganic As was only a minor pathway in H. annuus with about 1% As methylated over a 32 d period. The concentration dependence of As-PC complex formation, amount of unbound reduced and oxidized PC2, and the relative uptake rate showed that As starts to influence the cellular metabolism of H. annuus negatively at As concentrations well below the EC50 value determined by more traditional means. Generally, As-PC complexes and PC-synthesis rate seem to be the more sensitive parameters to be studied when As toxicity values are to be estimated.  相似文献   

Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) can be used to dramatically increase the NMR signal intensities in solutions and solids. DNP is usually performed using nitroxide radicals as polarizing agents, characterized by sharp EPR lines, fast rotation, fast diffusion, and favorable distribution of the unpaired electron. These features make the nitroxide radicals ideally suited for solution DNP. Here, we report some theoretical considerations on the different behavior of some inorganic compounds with respect to nitroxide radicals. The relaxation profiles of slow relaxing paramagnetic metal aqua ions [copper(II), manganese(II), gadolinium(III) and oxovanadium(IV)] and complexes have been re-analyzed according to the standard theory for dipolar and contact relaxation, in order to estimate the coupling factor responsible for the maximum DNP enhancement that can be achieved in solution and its dependence on field, temperature and relative importance of outer-sphere versus inner-sphere relaxation.  相似文献   

Hypotheses for explaining plant invasions have focused on a variety of factors that may influence invasion success, including propagule pressure, interactions of the introduced species with the biotic, abiotic, or disturbance properties of the new ecosystem, or the genetic characteristics of the invader itself. Evaluating the relative importance of these factors has been difficult because for most invaders key information about the introduced population or the introduction event is not available. We propose that natural experiments using model species is an important tool to test multiple invasion hypotheses at the same time, providing a complementary approach to meta-analysis and literature review. By focusing on a single candidate species, Pinus contorta, we explore several attributes that we propose constitute a good model, including: (a) intentional and relatively well documented introduction into a wide range of environments and countries across the world during the past century, where invasion success or failure has already occurred, (b) conspicuous growth form that simplifies assessment of growth rates, and comparisons across native and introduced ecosystems around the world, and, (c) documented and replicated variability of introduction intensity, genetic characteristics of the introduced populations, contrasting biotic communities present at sites of introduction, and abiotic conditions within and across introduced ecosystems. We propose that identifying model species with these characteristics will provide opportunities to disentangle the relative importance of different mechanisms hypothesized to influence invasion success, and thereby advance the field of invasion ecology.  相似文献   

Purpose: To evaluate serum levels of visfatin, resistin and adiponectin in patients with erosive (E) and non-erosive (NE) osteoarthritis (OA) of the hand (HOA) compared to normal controls (NC).

Methods: 94 outpatients with E HOA and NE HOA and 21 NC were enrolled. The radiological assessment of both hands was performed according to the Kellgren–Lawrence and Kallman score. Patients were divided into two subsets (lone HOA or generalized OA) based on clinically OA involvement of knee and hip. Serum visfatin, resistin and adiponectin levels were determined by ELISA assay.

Results: Visfatin was significantly higher in E HOA patients in comparison to NC and NE HOA group. Resistin showed a significant increase in both E HOA and NE HOA groups versus NC, in particular in generalized OA. No significant differences among groups were found in adiponectin. The Kallman score was more severe in the two subsets of E HOA patients compared to NE HOA.

Conclusions: This study showed increased levels of resistin in erosive and non-erosive HOA, and higher visfatin levels in E HOA in comparison to NE HOA. These data suggest the adipokines possible role in the pathogenesis of HOA and their potential usefulness as biomarkers of the disease.  相似文献   

The quality of in vitro-produced bovine embryos remains variable. The selection of these embryos based only on their morphology does not allow for acceptable gestational rates to be obtained. The use of metabolic markers to select viable embryos before transfer would be of valuable help, both economically and as a research tool. The ideal marker should meet several conditions: it should be able to be evaluated 1) in a totally non-invasive manner, 2) on individual embryos (which necessitates very sensitive techniques), 3) very rapidly (so that it is compatible with the immediate transfer of fresh embryos), and 4) in order to allow viable embryos to be separated from those that are not viable, whatever the production system used. In practice, such a marker does not exist, but certain methods of metabolic evaluation resemble it. The development of a metabolic marker is confronted by the metabolic characteristics of the embryo, notably the evolution of the metabolism during the development of the embryo and its adaptation to the changes in the environment.  相似文献   

Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted by the infectious bite of Anopheles mosquitoes. Vector control of malaria has predominantly focused on targeting the adult mosquito through insecticides and bed nets. However, current vector control methods are often not sustainable for long periods so alternative methods are needed. A novel biocontrol approach for mosquito-borne diseases has recently been proposed, it uses maternally inherited endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria transinfected into mosquitoes in order to interfere with pathogen transmission. Transinfected Wolbachia strains in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the primary vector of dengue fever, directly inhibit pathogen replication, including Plasmodium gallinaceum, and also affect mosquito reproduction to allow Wolbachia to spread through mosquito populations. In addition, transient Wolbachia infections in Anopheles gambiae significantly reduce Plasmodium levels. Here we review the prospects of using a Wolbachia-based approach to reduce human malaria transmission through transinfection of Anopheles mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight specimens belonging to four genera and 15 species of the nudibranch family Phyllidiidae were examined to investigate whether the morphology of their integumentary calcareous spicules and/or the occurrence of the spicules within the regions of the body could be used to distinguish genera and species. The spicules were studied separately from five regions of the body of each specimen—the foot, gills, mantle, dorsal pustules (or ridges in Reticulidia) and rhinophores. The mantle itself plus its pustules were found to possess the full complement of spicules in every individual. Four types of spicules were recorded overall—smooth diactines, centro-polytylote diactines, triactines and tetractines. Different regions of the body were found to possess different spicule types: (a) only smooth diactines in the gills, (b) both smooth diactines and triactines in the foot and (c) all of smooth diactines, centro-polytylote diactines and triactines in the mantle, dorsal pustules and the rhinophores. Among the genera, three types of spicules (smooth diactine, triactine, and tetractine) are present in Phyllidia, Phyllidiopsis and Reticulidia, but the form of the spicules is not diagnostic between these genera or between the constituent species. The fourth type of spicule (centro-polytylote diactine) is present exclusively in Phyllidiella, and is diagnostic for that genus. However, we failed to find any difference in spicule form, or composition, or location in the body between the three (closely related) species of Phyllidiella we investigated. Therefore, our key conclusion is that spicule morphology is an extremely important character to tell the genus Phyllidiella apart from all the other genera of the family, but it is not taxonomically informative at the level of species.  相似文献   

Malaise traps are typically used to sample a range of flying insect groups; however non-target taxa such as spiders may also be collected in large numbers. In this study, spiders were sampled in peatlands and wet grasslands and catches in Malaise and pitfall traps were compared in order to determine the adequacy of Malaise traps for use in spider biodiversity assessment. Overall, the number of species and individuals caught in Malaise and pitfall traps were comparable, although more species were sampled in Malaise traps in locations with a greater structural diversity of the vegetation. The spider fauna sampled by the Malaise traps differed from that of the pitfall traps, but both methods consistently separated the species assemblages by biotope. These results demonstrate that Malaise traps are effective at sampling spiders and indicate that they can be used in biodiversity assessment. In addition the complementary species sampled by each method mean that employing both techniques will be useful where a full inventory of the species is required. The authors do not suggest that Malaise traps should be used solely to sample spiders; however, if traps are set to collect insects, identification of the spiders sampled may reduce the need to employ additional sampling techniques.  相似文献   

Evidence from diverse studies, such as protein design experiments and analysis of the emergence of drug resistance in human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1), indicates that protein function can be diminished or altered by mutations at positions distant from the classic 'functional' site. Furthermore, results from correlation analysis of the ligand-binding domain of nuclear receptors suggest that mutation events at positions distributed throughout a protein domain may be involved in functional diversification during the evolution of homologous domain families. This review explores potential applications for a protein design procedure based on correlated substitutions.  相似文献   



The stimulation of nerve or cortical tissue by magnetic induction is a relatively new tool for the non-invasive study of the brain and nervous system. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), for example, has been used for the functional mapping of the motor cortex and may have potential for treating a variety of brain disorders.  相似文献   

Biodiversity research is often impeded by the time and resources required to identify species. One possible solution is to use higher taxa to predict species richness and community composition. However, previous studies have shown that the performance of higher taxa as surrogates for species is highly variable, making it difficult to predict whether the method will be reliable for a particular objective. Using 8 independent datasets, I tested whether higher taxa accurately characterize the responses of beetle and ant communities to environmental drivers. For each dataset, ordinations were carried out using species and higher taxa, and the two compared using the Procrustes statistic (a scale‐independent variant of Procrustes sum of squares). I then modelled the relationship between five hypothesised explanatory variables and 1) Procrustes , and 2) the coefficient of determination () for the correlation between richness of species and higher taxa. The species to higher taxon ratio, community structure, beta diversity, completeness of sampling, and taxon (beetles or ants) were all significant predictors of , together explaining 88% of the variance. The only significant predictor of was the species to higher taxon ratio, which explained 45% of the variance. When using higher taxa to predict community composition, better performance is expected when the ratio of species to higher taxa is low, in communities with high evenness and high species turnover, and when there is niche conservation within higher taxa. When using higher taxa to predict species richness, effective surrogacy can be expected when the species to higher taxon ratio is very low. When it is not, surrogacy performance may be strongly influenced by stochastic factors, making predictions of performance difficult.  相似文献   

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