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Plant-herbivore chemical signals and behavioral plasticity may enhance parasitoid host-foraging efficacy in the field; however, no studies have quantified the potential benefits from these factors under field-type conditions. The effect of plant-herbivore signals and learning on the foraging efficacy of Microplitis croceipes was quantified by directly observing and recording total and sequential duration of various foraging behaviors relative to 5 randomly placed herbivore-damaged and host-infested cotton plants and 20 undamaged and non-host-infested plants. Microplitis croceipes spent significantly more time searching (flying and antennation) on host infested versus uninfested plants. Antennation time was significantly and negatively correlated with successive host stings. Contrary to expectations of increased duration, flight time remained constant throughout the foraging bout, which may indicate that there was some learning associated with flight. These results suggest that plant-herbivore chemical signals and learning enhances the foraging efficacy of M. croceipes.  相似文献   

Insight into the foraging behavior of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa Gahan for whitefly hosts was gained by continuous observation of individual parasitoids on leaves of the ornamental plant Gerbera jamesonii, until females left the leaf. Comparison of the parasitoid behavior on three cultivars gave similar results. Mean searching time on uninfested G. jamesonii leaves of three cultivars was 1 h 30 min and the mean percentage of walking activity of the total observation time on those cultivars was 61%. Both parameters were not influenced by different leaf structures of Gerbera cultivars. Encounters with hosts arrested the parasitoids on the leaves. The walking activity and the percentage of host encounters that resulted in an oviposition decreased with decreasing egg load of the parasitoid. In comparison with tomato, where biological control of whiteflies is successful, only minor differences in the foraging behavior occur, except for the residence time of females, which was about three to four times longer on G. jamesonii leaves, but these leaves are about seven times larger than tomato leaves. The facts that (1) the foraging behavior of E. formosa on G. jamesonii is independant of the cultivar and (2) the foraging behavior is, in many aspects, similar to that on tomato suggest that biological control of whitefly on this ornamental plant is a potential option.  相似文献   

This study examines the foraging behaviour of Campoplex dubitator Horstmann (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a parasitoid of the highly concealed bark-mining host, Enarmonia formosana Scopoli (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), and how this foraging behaviour is affected by host density. The ultimate aim was to determine whether foraging behaviour and patch fidelity could explain patterns of parasitism in the field. An ethogram was first constructed to portray C. dubitator behaviour prior to and immediately following host attacks. The pre-attack behavioural sequence was highly structured whereas behavioural transitions became less predictable after a sting event. Females spent more time on patches with higher host densities and host encounters caused a significant reduction in the leaving tendency. The giving up time was only slightly affected by host encounters. Campoplex dubitator did not demonstrate the ability to distinguish between occupied and empty host mines. The results show that C. dubitator forages more efficiently at lower host densities and this behavioural phenomenon may result in the patterns of parasitism observed in the field.  相似文献   

This study quantitatively describes the host-searching behavior of Fopius arisanus (Sonan) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), an important egg-larval parasitoid of tephritid fruit fly pests, on coffee berries infested with host eggs of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). We also investigate the parasitoid's response to local variation in host patch quality. The temporal pattern of behavioral organisation was examined by constructing an ethogram. The parasitoid spent over 90% of its foraging time in detecting and locating hosts after arriving on a host-infested fruit, and displayed a relatively fixed behavioral pattern leading to oviposition. Patch residence time increased in the presence of host-associated cues, following successful ovipositions, and with increasing size of host clutches per fruit, but decreased with each successive visit to the same host patch and with increasing availability of alternative host patches. The parasitoid females discriminated against previously parasitized hosts and spent significantly less time and searching effort on patches previously exploited by herself or by conspecific females. The effective host-searching behavior, perfect host discrimination ability, and success-motivated searching strategy shown by F. arisanus ensured a thorough exploitation of host resources by this parasitoid.  相似文献   

Female Spalangia cameroni produced more offspring from younger house fly pupae, both when given a choice of host ages and when not given a choice. Host age did not affect offspring survivorship. Offspring were larger when they had developed on younger hosts and the effect was independent of offspring sex. Having previously parasitized old hosts versus young hosts did not reduce a female's production of offspring in subsequent hosts. Females distinguished between young and old hosts both in the light and in the dark. Females did not distinguish between host ages prior to physical contact with the host but could distinguish by the time they first began exploring a host by tapping it with their antennae; thus, they could distinguish before drilling into a host.  相似文献   

New cultivars of alfalfa, Medicago sativa L., have been released with glandular trichomes for resistance to potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris). Yet, the impact of the glandular trichomes on the primary natural enemy of the leafhopper, Anagrus nigriventris Girault, is unknown. We compared the host searching behavior of the egg parasitoid on four alfalfa clones varying in trichome characters. Female wasps were videotaped on Ranger, a susceptible clone with relatively sparse trichomes, B14, a resistant clone with dense but nonglandular trichomes, and FG12 and FG18, two resistant clones with glandular trichomes. Although the number of leafhopper eggs per stem exposed to wasps did not significantly differ among the four clones, the frequency of foraging and total foraging time were less on the two clones with glandular trichomes than on the two clones with nonglandular trichomes. In addition, an analysis of covariance demonstrated that, although the number of ovipositional probes increased with egg density on a stem, the number of probes on stems with glandular trichomes was significantly less than that on stems without glandular trichomes. The allocation of time by wasps among drumming, probing, and grooming behaviors was similar among the clones. Wasps tended to fly off of clones with glandular trichomes more often than off of clones with nonglandular trichomes. This study suggests that cultivars with glandular trichomes may interfere with host searching by A. nigriventris.  相似文献   

Exploration for parasitoids ofCeratitis capitata (Wiedemann) [Diptera: Tephritidae] was conducted in Cameroon and Togo and parasitoids collected were released in Costa Rica. Collections yielded large numbers ofOpius perproximus Silvestri,Biosteres caudatus Szepligeti, andB. caudatus auct. [Opiinae: Braconidae]. Other Opiines collected wereB. fullawayi (Silvestri),B. desideratus (Bridwell), and an undescribed species ofOpius. Parasitization of tephritids in coffee ranged from 10–56%, with an average 35% parasitism in a research plantation and 17% in a commercial plantation. Parasitism in fruits other than coffee was less than 5%. The most commonly reared tephritids from coffee wereTrirhithrum coffeae Bezzi andC. (Pterandrus) anonae Graham.C. capitata occurred in low frequency in coffee; and adults were rarely observed. Other rearings includedT. albonigrum (Enderlein),T. sp. nr.validum Bezzi,T. nigerrimum auct. nec. Bezzi,C. (Pterandrus) colae Silvestri,C. (Pterandrus) flexuosa (Walker),C. (Ceratalaspis) spp.cosyra (Walker) group,C. (Pardalaspis) sp.punctata (Wiedemann) group,C. (Ceratalaspis) giffardi Bezzi,Dacus (Dacus) bivittatus (Bigot),D. (Didacus) ciliatus Loew, andGymnodacus sp.
Résumé Une récolte des parasites deCeratitis capitata (Wiedemann) [Diptères: Téphritidés] a été conduite au Cameroun et au Togo, et les specimens, recueillis ont été libérés au Costa Rica. Cette étude a mis, en évidence la présence d'un grand nombre d'Opius perproximus Silvestri, deBiosteres caudatus Szépligeti, et deB. caudatus auct. (Braconidés: Opiinés). Les autres opiinés collectés comprenaientB. fullawayi (Silvestri),B. desideratus (Bridwell), et une espèce non décrite du genreOpius. Le taux de parasitisme des téphritidés collectées sur le café variait de 10 à 56%, avec une moyenne de 35% dans une plantation expérimentale et 17% dans une plantation commerciale. Sur les autres fruits, le taux de parasitisme était inférieur à 5%. Les espèces de téphritidés élevées le plus fréquemment des grains de café étaientTrirhithrum coffeae Bezzi etC. (Pterandrus) anonae Graham.C. capitata n'était présente qu'en faible abondance dans le café et des adultes n'ont que rarement été observés. Les autres espèces rencontrées comprenaientT. albonigrum (Enderlein),T. sp. nr.validum Bezzi,T. nigerrimum auct. nec. Bezzi,C. (Pterandrus) colae Silvestri,C. (Pterandrus) flexuosa (Walker),C. (Ceratalaspis) spp. groupecosyra (Walker),C. (Pardalaspis) sp. groupepunctata (Wiedemann),C. (Ceratalaspis) giffardi Bezzi,Dacus (Dacus) bivittatus (Bigot),D. (Didacus) ciliatus Loew, andGymnodacus sp.

Classical optimal-foraging theory predicts that a parasitoid is less likely to leave a patch after a host encounter when the host distribution is aggregated, whereas a parasitoid is more likely to leave after a host encounter when the host distribution is regular. Field data on host distributions in the area of origin of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa showed that whiteflies aggregate at several spatial scales. However, infested leaves most likely contained a single host. This suggests that a host encounter is not enough to decide when to leave. We therefore tested the effect of host distribution and parasitoid experience on patch-leaving behavior. Each parasitoid was observed for several consecutive days in a three-dimensional arena with leaflets containing on average one host per leaflet in an either regular or aggregated host distribution. A proportional hazards model showed that a host encounter decreased the leaving tendency on a leaflet with one host when the time since the latest host encounter was short, but increased the leaving tendency when the time since the latest host encounter was long, independent of host distribution. We conclude that a parasitoid can switch from decreasing to increasing its tendency to leave a patch after a host encounter. We propose two hypotheses that may explain the evolution of such a switching mechanism.  相似文献   

IndividualEncarsia formosa parasitoids were observed continuously until the parasitoids flew away, either on clean tomato leaflets, on leaflets with honeydew, or on leaflets with unparasitized and parasitized whitefly larvae. Encounters with unparasitized and parasitized whitefly larvae, and contact with honeydew arrested the parasitoids on the leaflet. The walking speed increased linearly from 0.179 to 0.529 mm/s between 15 and 25–30°C. The walking activity showed another relationship with temperature: it was below 10% at 15 and 18°C, and increased to about 75% at 20, 25 and 30°C. It was not affected by host encounters or by 1 to 4 ovipositions. The total handling time of hosts was between 1.8–21.8% of the total time on the leaflet. Self-superparasitism was not observed. Conspecific-superparasitism did occur in 14% of the encounters with hosts containing a parasitoid egg, but was not observed anymore when the parasitoid egg had hatched. Experienced parasitoids superparasitized as often as naive females. The foraging behaviour ofE. formosa from landing on a leaf until departure has now been quantified and is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study we apply a comparative approach, in combination with experimentation, to study behavior of two parasitoid species that attack caterpillar hosts with different feeding strategies (gregarious or solitary). In a semifield setup, consisting of clean cabbage plants and plants infested with one of two host species, the foraging behavior of the specialistCotesia rubecula, on obligate parasitoid of solitarily feedingPieris rapae larvae, was compared to that of the generalistCotesia glomerata, a polyphagous parasitoid of several Pieridae species (mainly the gregariously feedingPieris brassicae).Cotesia glomerata displayed equal propensity to search for and parasitize larvae of both host species. AlthoughC. glomerata exhibited a relatively plastic foraging behavior in that it searched differently under different host distribution conditions, its behavior seems more adapted to search for gregariously feeding hosts. Females exhibited a clear area-restricted search pattern and were more successful in finding the gregariously feeding caterpillars.Cotesia rubecula showed a higher propensity to search forP. rapae than forP. brassicae, i.e., females left the foraging setup significantly earlier when their natural hostP. rapae was not present.C. rubecula showed a more fixed foraging behavior, which seems adapted to foraging for solitarily feeding host larvae. In a setup with onlyP. rapae larvae, the foraging strategies of the two parasitoid species were quite similar. In a choice situationC. glomerata did not show a preference for one of the host species, whileCotesia rubecula showed a clear preference for its natural host species. The latter was shown by several behavioral parameters such as the number of first landings, allocation of search time, and percentage parasitization.  相似文献   

We examined how hunger affected habitat use by juvenile smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, as they moved among a variety of habitat patches. Hungry and satiated fish were placed in an artificial stream that contained three types of habitat patches: pools with uniform depth and low water velocities, mazes with uniform depth and moderate water velocities, and riffle-pool complexes with varying depth and the highest water velocities. Food was only available in the riffle-pool complexes. Hungry fish spent more time in the riffle-pool complex than satiated fish did. However, hungry and satiated fish did not differ in the time it took to exit the pool they were initially placed in, the number of patches entered, or the number of times they moved among patches. Both hungry and satiated fish frequently entered other patches after foraging successfully in the riffle-pool complexes. There was wide variation in foraging behavior among individuals in both treatment groups, and we consistently observed individuals that did not alter their foraging behavior in response to the difference in food availability among patches.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behavior of the subterranean mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi (Rodentia, Spalacidae) was tested according to the framework of optimal foraging theory. We compared the frequencies of food species hoarded in storage chambers of mole rats with the frequencies of these species occurring in the vicinity of the mole rats' nest mounds during the winter and spring seasons. In addition, we examined the food composition of several summer nest mounds. Laboratory observations were conducted in order to test the foraging behavior of mole rats under simulated subterranean conditions. The mole rat is a generalist and collects a variety of food species. Out of 33 plant species that were hoarded by mole rats in the 21 studied nest mounds, 61% (n=20) were geophytes, 21% (n=7) perennial herbs, 15% (n=5) annual herbs and 3% (n=1) dwarf shrubs. The frequency of each collected species in the 16 winter and spring nest mounds is in general accordance with its frequency in the mole rat's territory. This implies that the mole rat randomly samples the food reserve of its territory without special preference or directed search for a particular species. The collection or avoidance of any food item is not dependent on the presence or absence of any other food item. We suggest that the foragin generalism of the mole rat is a product of the constraints of a subterranean niche — the necessity to hoard food as much as possible in a limited time period and the high energetic investment of tunneling to the food items.  相似文献   

The grasshopper, Schistocerca americana, grew better on a mixture of cotton and kale than on either alone. When the two foods were placed in close proximity, growth rates were similar among individuals, but when they were 20 cm apart growth rates were extremely variable among individuals. Behavioral analyses showed that distance influenced the dietary mixing behavior of individuals. Foods close together were sampled more often and there were more meals that included both food types. When foods were distant, individuals tended to stay for relatively long periods at one or the other; when on cotton, this resulted in more feeding on cotton, which was an inferior food. Individuals varied in the extent to which they were constrained by the distance between the two foods. Those that moved between the foods less and therefore mixed less seemed to grow less well, suggesting the possibility of a trade-off between active foraging and behavior associated with predator avoidance.  相似文献   

The gregarious parasitoidCotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) attacks larvae of pyralid and noctuid stemborers by entering the stemborer tunnel. The short-range foraging behavior of femaleC. flavipes was studied on stemborerinfested plants, in patches with host-related products and in artificial transparent tunnels. In addition, the longevity under specific conditions and the potential and realized fecundity of femaleC. flavipes were determined. Larval frass, caterpillar regurgitate, and holes in the stem are used in host location byC. flavipes. The response to host products byC. flavipes seems not to be host species specific. FemaleC. flavipes respond to frass from four stemborer species and one leaf feeder. No differences are found in the behavior ofC. flavipes on maize plants infested with the suitable host,Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), or the unsuitable host,Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Attacking a stemborer larva inside the stem is risky for the parasitoid. The mortality rate of the parasitoids inside the stem is high: 30–40% of the parasitoids are killed by the spitting and biting stemborer larva.C. flavipes is relatively shortlived: without food the parasitoids die within 2 days; with food and under high-humidity conditions they die within 5–6 days.C. flavipes is proovigenic and has about 150 eggs available for oviposition. A relatively large proportion of the available egg load (20–25%) is allocated to each host, so femaleC. flavipes are egg depleted after parasitizing only five or six hosts.  相似文献   

We compared the foraging strategies of two key braconid endoparasitoids of the tobacco budworm (Heliothis virescens Fab.), Cardiochiles nigriceps Vier. and Microplitis croceipes Cresson, that differ in host and habitat range but otherwise share comparable, overlapping niches. The most important host-location cues by far for both species were materials associated with damaged plants. Both species demonstrated a significant preference for volatiles released from plants damaged by H. virescens larvae over those released from undamaged tobacco and cotton plants. In choice experiments with damaged tobacco versus cotton, M. croceipes showed a significant preference for cotton plants. In contrast, C. nigriceps preferred damaged tobacco plants. Plant compounds provoked a strong response even when released from systemically induced plants (from which damaged leaves, host, and host by-products were removed). C. nigriceps appears to have a much keener ability to locate hosts over long distances than M. croceipes. This observation may be related to the highly specialized nature of this parasitoid. The possible adaptive significance of the foraging behaviors of these two parasitoids is discussed.  相似文献   

A major consequence of group living is that foragers may rely on social information in addition to ecological information to locate feeding sites. Although conspecifics can provide cues as to the spatial location of food patches, individual foraging decisions also must include some assessment of the likelihood of obtaining access to a resource other group members seek. This likelihood differs in the 2 models generally proposed to explain intragroup social foraging: the information-sharing model and the producer-scrounger model. We conducted an experimental field study on wild groups of emperor (Saguinus imperator) and saddleback (S. fuscicollis) tamarins to determine the foraging strategies adopted by individual group members and their relationship to social rank, food intake, and the ability to use ecological and social information in making intra-patch foraging decisions. Individual tamarins applied different behavioral strategies compatible with a finder-joiner paradigm to solve foraging problems. About half of the individuals in each study group initiated 74%–90% of all food searches and acted as finders. Most alpha individuals adopted a joiner strategy by monitoring the activities of others' to obtain a reward. The individual arriving first at a reward platform enjoyed a finder's advantage. Despite differences in search effort, both finders and joiners presented similar abilities in learning to associate ecological cues with the presence of food rewards at our experimental feeding stations. We conclude that within a group foraging context, tamarins integrate social and ecological information in decision-making.  相似文献   

Females of the aphid parasitoid Ephedrus cerasicola were released into small glasshouses containing 20–25 paprika plants (Capsicum annuum L.), either aphid-free (controls) or infested with different numbers of Myzus persicae (Sulzer), i.e. from 0 to about 1000 aphids per plant. The number of parasitoids per plant were counted 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 5 h, 6 h, 8 h and about 24 h after the release. During the last inspection (24 h) the parasitoids were removed. In the aphid-infested houses, the parasitoids soon gathered on the most heavily infested plants (500–1000 aphids per plant), while the aphid-free and low-infested plants (50–200 aphids per plant) were almost free from parasitoids. In the aphid-free houses, a significantly lower portion of the released parasitoids were found on the plants, and they did not show any preference for certain plants. The percentage parasitism, based on mummies on the plants, was rather density independent after a slight peak on plants with about 50 aphids. No superparasitism was found by dissection of aphids.
Résumé Des femelles de l'aphidophage Ephedrus cerasicola ont été lachées dans de petites serres contenant 20 à 25 pieds de paprika (Capsicum annuum), contaminés par des effectifs de 0 (témoins) à 1000 pucerons (Myzus persicae) par pied. Le nombre de parasitoïdes par plante a été rélevé 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 5 h, 6 h, 8 h, et environ 24 h après leur libération. Les E. cerasicola adultes ont été retirés lors de la dernière inspection (24 h). Dans les serres infestées, les femelles se rassemblent sur les plantes les plus contaminées (500 à 1000 pucerons par pied), tandis que les plantes sans pucerons ou faiblement contaminées (50 à 200 par plante) n'en avaient presque pas. Dans les serres sans pucerons, des femelles en proportion significativement plus faible ont été trouvées sur les plantes, sans qu'elles aient manifesté une préférence pour certaines d'entre elles. Le taux de parasitisme, d'après le nombre de momies par plante, est apparu plutôt indépendant de la densité, après un faible pic pour les plantes avec environ 50 pucerons. Les dissections de pucerons n'ont révélé aucun superparasitisme.

The responses of females of the egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) to volatile and contact chemicals from its host Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) were investigated in a Y-tube olfactometer and under open arena conditions. In the Y-tube tests, volatiles from virgin males and from females in a preovipositional state attracted T. basalis females, while volatiles from host virgin females did not. In an open arena, traces left by N. viridula adults in different physiological conditions function as contact cues inducing the wasps to remain longer in the arena and to change the pattern of their walking behavior. However, only contact kairomones from N. viridula mated females in a preovipositional condition induced an arrestment response characterized by an increase in patch searching time and turning rates and a reduction in linear speed. The chemical ecological implications of these results on this host–parasitoid association are discussed.  相似文献   

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