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The period when the snowpack melts in late spring is a dynamic time for alpine ecosystems. The large winter microbial community begins to turn over rapidly, releasing nutrients to plants. Past studies have shown that the soil microbial community in alpine dry meadows of the Colorado Rocky Mountains changes in biomass, function, broad-level structure, and fungal diversity between winter and early summer. However, little specific information exists on the diversity of the alpine bacterial community or how it changes during this ecologically important period. We constructed clone libraries of 16S ribosomal DNA from alpine soil collected in winter, spring, and summer. We also cultivated bacteria from the alpine soil and measured the seasonal abundance of selected cultured isolates in hybridization experiments. The uncultured bacterial communities changed between seasons in diversity and abundance within taxa. The Acidobacterium division was most abundant in the spring. The winter community had the highest proportion of Actinobacteria and members of the Cytophaga/Flexibacter/Bacteroides (CFB) division. The summer community had the highest proportion of the Verrucomicrobium division and of β-Proteobacteria. As a whole, α-Proteobacteria were equally abundant in all seasons, although seasonal changes may have occurred within this group. A number of sequences from currently uncultivated divisions were found, including two novel candidate divisions. The cultured isolates belonged to the α-, β-, and γ-Proteobacteria, the Actinobacteria, and the CFB groups. The only uncultured sequences that were closely related to the isolates were from winter and spring libraries. Hybridization experiments showed that actinobacterial and β-proteobacterial isolates were most abundant during winter, while the α- and γ-proteobacterial isolates tested did not vary significantly. While the cultures and clone libraries produced generally distinct groups of organisms, the two approaches gave consistent accounts of seasonal changes in microbial diversity.  相似文献   

Microorganisms inhabiting stream sediments mediate biogeochemical processes of importance to both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. In deserts, the lateral margins of ephemeral stream channels (parafluvial sediments) are dried and rewetted, creating periodically wet conditions that typically enhance microbial activity. However, the influence of water content on microbial community composition and diversity in desert stream sediments is unclear. We sampled stream margins along gradients of wet to dry sediments, measuring geochemistry and bacterial 16S rRNA gene composition, at streams in both a cold (McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica) and hot (Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico, USA) desert. Across the gradients, sediment water content spanned a wide range (1.6–37.9% w/w), and conductivity was highly variable (12.3–1,380 μS cm−2). Bacterial diversity (at 97% sequence similarity) was high and variable, but did not differ significantly between the hot and cold desert and was not correlated with sediment water content. Instead, conductivity was most strongly related to diversity. Water content was strongly related to bacterial 16S rRNA gene community composition, though samples were distributed in wet and dry clusters rather than as assemblages shifting along a gradient. Phylogenetic analyses showed that many taxa from wet sediments at the hot and cold desert site were related to, respectively, halotolerant Gammaproteobacteria, and one family within the Sphingobacteriales (Bacteroidetes), while dry sediments at both sites contained a high proportion of taxa related to the Acidobacteria. These results suggest that bacterial diversity and composition in desert stream sediments is more strongly affected by hydrology and conductivity than temperature.  相似文献   

Denitrification in the ocean is a major sink for fixed nitrogen in the global N budget, but the process is geographically restricted to a few oceanic regions, including three oceanic oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) and hemipelagic sediments worldwide. Here, we describe the diversity and community composition of microbes responsible for denitrification in the OMZ using polymerase chain reaction, sequence and fragment analysis of clone libraries of the signature genes (nirK and nirS) that encode the enzyme nitrite reductase, responsible for key denitrification transformation steps. We show that denitrifying assemblages vary in space and time and exhibit striking changes in diversity associated with the progression of denitrification from initial anoxia through nitrate depletion. The initial denitrifying assemblage is highly diverse, but succession on the scale of 3–12 days leads to a much less diverse assemblage and dominance by one or a few phylotypes. This progression occurs in the natural environment as well as in enclosed incubations. The emergence of dominants from a vast reservoir of rare types has implications for the maintenance of diversity of the microbial population and suggests that a small number of microbial dominants may be responsible for the greatest rates of transformations involving nitrous oxide and global fixed nitrogen loss. Denitrifying blooms, driven by a few types responding to episodic environmental changes and distributed unevenly in time and space, are consistent with the sampling effect model of diversity–function relationships. Canonical denitrification thus appears to have important parallels with both primary production and nitrogen fixation, which are typically dominated by regionally and temporally restricted blooms that account for a disproportionate share of these processes worldwide.  相似文献   

Lakes located above the timberline are remote systems with a number of extreme environmental conditions, becoming physically harsh ecosystems, and sensors of global change. We analyze bacterial community composition and community-level physiological profiles in mountain lakes located in an altitude gradient in North Patagonian Andes below and above the timberline, together with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) characterization and consumption. Our results indicated a decrease in 71 % of DOC and 65 % in total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) concentration as well as in bacteria abundances along the altitude range (1,380 to 1,950 m a.s.l.). Dissolved organic matter (DOM) fluorescence analysis revealed a low global variability composed by two humic-like components (allochthonous substances) and a single protein-like component (autochthonous substances). Lakes below the timberline showed the presence of all the three components, while lakes above the timberline the protein-like compound constituted the main DOC component. Furthermore, bacterial community composition similarity and ordination analysis showed that altitude and resource concentration (DOC and TDP) were the main variables determining the ordination of groups. Community-level physiological profiles showed a mismatch with bacteria community composition (BCC), indicating the absence of a relationship between genetic and functional diversity in the altitude gradient. However, carbon utilization efficiencies varied according to the presence of different compounds in DOM bulk. The obtained results suggest that the different bacterial communities in these mountain lakes seem to have similar metabolic pathways in order to be able to exploit the available DOC molecules.  相似文献   

Little is known of the responsiveness of soil bacterial community structure to disturbance. In this study, we subjected a soil microcosm to physical disturbance, sterilizing 90 % of the soil volume each time, at a range of frequencies. We analysed the bacterial community structure using 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Bacterial diversity was found to decline with the increasing disturbance frequencies. Total bacterial abundance was, however, higher at intermediate and high disturbance frequencies, compared to low and no-disturbance treatments. Changing disturbance frequency also led to changes in community composition, with changes in overall species composition and some groups becoming abundant at the expense of others. Some phylogenetic groups were found to be relatively more disturbance-sensitive or tolerant than others. With increasing disturbance frequency, phylogenetic species variability (an index of community composition) itself became more variable from one sample to another, suggesting a greater role of chance in community composition. Compared to the tightly clustered community of the original undisturbed soil, in all the aged disturbed soils the lists of most abundant operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in each replicate were very different, suggesting a possible role of stochasticity in resource colonization and exploitation in the aged and disturbed soils. For example, colonization may be affected by whichever localized concentrations of bacterial populations happen to survive the last disturbance and be reincorporated in abundance into each pot. Overall, it appears that the soil bacterial community is very sensitive to physical disturbance, losing diversity, and that certain groups have identifiable ‘high disturbance’ vs. ‘low disturbance’ niches.  相似文献   

The response of the planktonic, sediment, and epilithic bacterial communities to increasing concentrations of heavy metals was determined in a polluted river. None of the communities demonstrated a pollution-related effect on bacterial numbers (viable and total), heterotrophic activity, resistance to Pb or Cu, or species diversity as determined by either the Shannon-Wiener diversity index or rarefaction. The lack of correlation between concentrations of heavy metals and resistance in the sediment bacterial community was investigated and found to be due at least in part to the high pH of the river water and the resultant reduction in heavy metal toxicity. The three different communities demonstrated characteristic profiles based on the relative abundances of bacterial strains grouped according to functional similarities.  相似文献   

Monthly samples were taken from May 1997 to March 2002 at three sampling sites within the last 32 km of the Guadalquivir Estuary. Twenty-four decapod crustacean species were recorded of which Crangon crangon (Linnaeus), Melicertus kerathurus (Forskal), and Palaemon spp. represented 99% of all collected individuals. These three dominant species showed a similar seasonal density pattern even though peaks in M. kerathurus were lower. Their densities were positively correlated (p < 0.01) with water temperature and salinity, but negatively with turbidity. The highest correlation corresponded to temperature in Palaemon spp. and to salinity in C. crangon and M. kerathurus. Therefore, the total estuarine decapod density also showed a regular seasonal pattern having the lowest figures in late autumn and winter and the highest in spring and summer. In addition, it was positively correlated with water temperature and salinity, but negatively with turbidity. Density decreased upstream, mainly due to the higher density of C. crangon and M. kerathurus in more saline waters. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling ordination of samples also indicated a regular seasonal change in the community, even though inter-year differences between dry and rainy winters were especially great. The first ordination axis was significantly correlated with environmental variables, while the second axis seemed to split samples up following seasonal community changes in species’ composition and dominance.  相似文献   

草原土壤微生物受放牧的影响及其季节变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以内蒙古克什克腾旗西部的典型草原为对象,研究轻度放牧区(LG)、中度放牧区(MG)、重度放牧区(HG)土壤中的微生物数量、微生物生物量和土壤呼吸强度的季节变化以及放牧强度对它们的影响。结果表明,微生物数量、微生物生物量以及土壤的呼吸作用强度均有较明显的季节性变化,峰值均出现在8月份,而且三者之间具有极显著的正相关关系;轻度和中度放牧有利于土壤中的微生物数量、生物量的增加,而重度放牧则导致土壤中微生物数量和生物量的减少。  相似文献   

An anaerobic phototrophic bacterial community in Lake Mogilnoe, a relict lake on Kil'din Island in the Barents Sea, was studied in June 1999 and September 2001. Irrespective of the season, the upper layer of the anaerobic zone of this lake had a specific species composition of sulfur phototrophic bacteria, which were dominated by the brown-colored green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium phaeovibrioides. The maximum number of sulfur phototrophic bacteria was observed in June 1999 at a depth of 9 m, which corresponded to a concentration of bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl) e equal to 4.6 mg/l. In September 2001, the maximum concentration of this pigment (3.4 mg/l) was found at a depth of 10 m. In both seasons, the concentration of Bchl a did not exceed 3 μg/l. Purple sulfur bacteria were low in number, which can be explained by their poor adaptation to the hydrochemical and optical conditions of the Lake Mogilnoe water. In June 1999, the water contained a considerable number of Pelodictyon phaeum microcolonies and Prosthecochloris phaeoasteroides cell chains, which was not the case in September 2001. A 16S rDNA-based phylogenetic analysis of pure cultures of phototrophic bacteria isolated from the lake water confirmed that the bacterial community is dominated by Chl. phaeovibrioides and showed the presence of three minor species, Thiocystis gelatinosa, Thiocapsa sp., and Thiorhodococcus sp., the last of which is specific to Lake Mogilnoe.  相似文献   

Hu A  Jiao N  Zhang CL 《Microbial ecology》2011,62(3):549-563
Marine Crenarchaeota represent a widespread and abundant microbial group in marine ecosystems. Here, we investigated the abundance, diversity, and distribution of planktonic Crenarchaeota in the epi-, meso-, and bathypelagic zones at three stations in the South China Sea (SCS) by analysis of crenarchaeal 16S rRNA gene, ammonia monooxygenase gene amoA involved in ammonia oxidation, and biotin carboxylase gene accA putatively involved in archaeal CO2 fixation. Quantitative PCR analyses indicated that crenarchaeal amoA and accA gene abundances varied similarly with archaeal and crenarchaeal 16S rRNA gene abundances at all stations, except that crenarchaeal accA genes were almost absent in the epipelagic zone. Ratios of the crenarchaeal amoA gene to 16S rRNA gene abundances decreased ~2.6 times from the epi- to bathypelagic zones, whereas the ratios of crenarchaeal accA gene to marine group I crenarchaeal 16S rRNA gene or to crenarchaeal amoA gene abundances increased with depth, suggesting that the metabolism of Crenarchaeota may change from the epi- to meso- or bathypelagic zones. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiling of the 16S rRNA genes revealed depth partitioning in archaeal community structures. Clone libraries of crenarchaeal amoA and accA genes showed two clusters: the “shallow” cluster was exclusively derived from epipelagic water and the “deep” cluster was from meso- and/or bathypelagic waters, suggesting that niche partitioning may take place between the shallow and deep marine Crenarchaeota. Overall, our results show strong depth partitioning of crenarchaeal populations in the SCS and suggest a shift in their community structure and ecological function with increasing depth.  相似文献   

Reservoirs are intrinsically linked to the rivers that feed them, creating a river–reservoir continuum in which water and sediment inputs are a function of the surrounding watershed land use. We examined the spatial and temporal variability of sediment denitrification rates by sampling longitudinally along an agriculturally influenced river–reservoir continuum monthly for 13 months. Sediment denitrification rates ranged from 0 to 63 μg N2O g ash free dry mass of sediments (AFDM)−1 h−1 or 0–2.7 μg N2O g dry mass of sediments (DM)−1 h−1 at reservoir sites, vs. 0–12 μg N2O gAFDM−1 h−1 or 0–0.27 μg N2O gDM−1 h−1 at riverine sites. Temporally, highest denitrification activity traveled through the reservoir from upper reservoir sites to the dam, following the load of high nitrate (NO3-N) water associated with spring runoff. Annual mean sediment denitrification rates at different reservoir sites were consistently higher than at riverine sites, yet significant relationships among theses sites differed when denitrification rates were expressed per gDM vs. per gAFDM. There was a significant positive relationship between sediment denitrification rates and NO3-N concentration up to a threshold of 0.88 mg NO3 -N l−1, above which it appeared NO3-N was no longer limiting. Denitrification assays were amended seasonally with NO3-N and an organic carbon source (glucose) to determine nutrient limitation of sediment denitrification. While organic carbon never limited sediment denitrification, all sites were significantly limited by NO3-N during fall and winter when ambient NO 3-N was low.  相似文献   

Wetland mitigation is implemented to replace ecosystem functions provided by wetlands; however, restoration efforts frequently fail to establish equivalent levels of ecosystem services. Delivery of microbially mediated ecosystem functions, such as denitrification, is influenced by both the structure and activity of the microbial community. The objective of this study was to compare the relationship between soil and vegetation factors and microbial community structure and function in restored and reference wetlands within a mitigation bank. Microbial community composition was assessed using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism targeting the 16S rRNA gene (total bacteria) and the nosZ gene (denitrifiers). Comparisons of microbial function were based on potential denitrification rates. Bacterial community structures differed significantly between restored and reference wetlands; denitrifier community assemblages were similar among reference sites but highly variable among restored sites throughout the mitigation bank. Potential denitrification was highest in the reference wetland sites. These data demonstrate that wetland restoration efforts in this mitigation bank have not successfully restored denitrification and that differences in potential denitrification rates may be due to distinct microbial assemblages observed in restored and reference (natural) wetlands. Further, we have identified gradients in soil moisture and soil fertility that were associated with differences in microbial community structure. Microbial function was influenced by bacterial community composition and soil fertility. Identifying soil factors that are primary ecological drivers of soil bacterial communities, especially denitrifying populations, can potentially aid the development of predictive models for restoration of biogeochemical transformations and enhance the success of wetland restoration efforts.Wetlands provide more ecosystem services (e.g., flood control, water purification, nutrient cycling, and habitat for wildlife) per hectare than any other ecosystem (16). Riparian wetlands, in particular, are sites of intense biogeochemical activity and play an important role in improving water quality, recycling nutrients, and detoxifying chemicals (41). Changing patterns of land use over the last century have resulted in the loss of over half of the wetlands in the contiguous United States (17) and about 60% of wetlands in the Midwestern United States (82). The loss of ecosystem services through conversion of wetlands to alternative (primarily agricultural) land uses exacerbates nutrient pollution and eutrophication of downstream ecosystems (57). Declines in wetland acreage have continued despite a federal policy goal of no-net-loss of wetland acreage and function adopted in 1990 (7, 55). Wetland mitigation projects provide compensation for impacted wetlands and aim to replace the critical functions provided by wetlands. Despite decades of wetland mitigation, however, restoration efforts frequently fail to reestablish desired levels of ecosystem services. Restoration outcomes remain uncertain, and more information is necessary in order to improve monitoring and assessment of wetland development (13, 18, 50, 80).One approach to wetland compensation is through mitigation banks. These sites are areas that are restored, established, enhanced, or preserved for replacement of wetlands that will be affected by future land use change. Mitigation banks are considered “third-party” compensatory mitigation, where the permittee (e.g., developer planning to destroy a wetland) is responsible for purchasing wetland credits in acreage, but the wetland bank is established and managed by another party (24). Wetland mitigation banks have unique characteristics that distinguish them from smaller individual restoration projects (7, 69, 81). Due to their size, wetland mitigation banks are especially heterogeneous and may have a great deal of within-site variability in hydrology and nutrient status, making it challenging to implement a single restoration design. Thus, wetland mitigation banks require intense management and monitoring for improved success (7, 69, 81).Restoration efforts such as mitigation banks aim to replace chemical, physical, and biological ecosystem functions of wetlands that have been lost through anthropogenic disturbance (24). Monitoring of wetland mitigation sites has largely focused on measures of macro-scale community structure (e.g., vegetation surveys) (52) along with measures of hydrology and soil type (24). Measurement of vegetation is a common proxy for wetland performance but does not provide an accurate assessment of wetland function (6, 52). Quantitative assessment is achievable, however, for ecosystem services such as water quality improvement through nitrate removal, where well-characterized microbial mechanisms underlie denitrification processes.The link between microbial community structure and function in a restoration context is a topic of current interest (33). Relating microbial community composition and dynamics to chemical, physical, and biological variables can help to reveal important ecological drivers of microbial communities and their activities (26, 35, 42). Conserved bacterial functional genes related to specific biogeochemical transformations allow evaluation of the community structure of microbial populations directly involved in these processes (49, 60, 63, 77, 79). Assessing the diversity of microorganisms that are specifically involved in denitrification is possible through amplification of the nosZ gene, which encodes the catalytic subunit of nitrous oxide reductase, the enzyme responsible for the final step of denitrification (60, 63, 66). Phylogenetically diverse microorganisms can carry out denitrification though the majority of previously described denitrifiers belong to subphyla within the Proteobacteria (53, 56, 60, 61). Denitrification is a facultative process that occurs only under anaerobic conditions (53, 75). Complete denitrification to N2 is more prevalent in anaerobic, saturated wetland ecosystems (14, 76), and incomplete denitrification to N2O is the less desirable, more common endpoint of denitrification under more aerobic, drier conditions (14, 62). While the environmental factors (e.g., oxygen, carbon, nitrate, and pH) that influence bulk denitrification rates have been well characterized (31, 72), the influence of these factors on the composition of denitrifier communities, particularly in a restoration context, is unclear. Understanding the relationship between the microbial populations responsible for nitrogen transformations and easily measured environmental parameters (e.g., soil chemical and physical measures) could lead to assessment metrics that are linked directly to ecosystem functions such as denitrification and bridge the current gap in functional assessment methods (36, 60, 70).The objectives of this study were (i) to compare the microbial and plant community composition in restored wetlands to the composition in adjacent reference floodplain forest wetlands; (ii) to assess the relationship between microbial community composition (based on terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism [T-RFLP]) and potential denitrification activity throughout the mitigation bank; and (iii) to examine soil factors correlated with microbial community composition using both phylogenetic and functional gene markers. As soil environmental conditions affect microbial community structure and activity, we expected that sites where wetland hydrology and soil chemistry have been successfully restored would harbor microbial assemblages that are similar in composition and denitrification function to those observed in reference wetlands within this mitigation bank.  相似文献   

Community level physiological profiling and pyrosequencing-based analysis of the V1-V2 16S rRNA gene region were used to characterize and compare microbial community structure, diversity, and bacterial phylogeny from soils of chemically cultivated land (CCL), organically cultivated land (OCL), and fallow grass land (FGL) for 16 years and were under three different land use types. The entire dataset comprised of 16,608 good-quality sequences (CCL, 6,379; OCL, 4,835; FGL, 5,394); among them 12,606 sequences could be classified in 15 known phylum. The most abundant phylum were Proteobacteria (29.8%), Acidobacteria (22.6%), Actinobacteria (11.1%), and Bacteroidetes (4.7%), while 24.3% of the sequences were from bacterial domain but could not be further classified to any known phylum. Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Gemmatimonadetes were found to be significantly abundant in OCL soil. On the contrary, Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria were significantly abundant in CCL and FGL, respectively. Our findings supported the view that organic compost amendment (OCL) activates diverse group of microorganisms as compared with conventionally used synthetic chemical fertilizers. Functional diversity and evenness based on carbon source utilization pattern was significantly higher in OCL as compared to CCL and FGL, suggesting an improvement in soil quality. This abundance of microbes possibly leads to the enhanced level of soil organic carbon, soil organic nitrogen, and microbial biomass in OCL and FGL soils as collated with CCL. This work increases our current understanding on the effect of long-term organic and chemical amendment applications on abundance, diversity, and composition of bacterial community inhabiting the soil for the prospects of agricultural yield and quantity of soil.  相似文献   

Land-use change is considered likely to be one of main drivers of biodiversity changes in grassland ecosystems. To gain insight into the impact of land use on the underlying soil bacterial communities, we aimed at determining the effects of agricultural management, along with seasonal variations, on soil bacterial community in a Mediterranean ecosystem where different land-use and plant cover types led to the creation of a soil and vegetation gradient. A set of soils subjected to different anthropogenic impact in a typical Mediterranean landscape, dominated by Quercus suber L., was examined in spring and autumn: a natural cork-oak forest, a pasture, a managed meadow, and two vineyards (ploughed and grass covered). Land uses affected the chemical and structural composition of the most stabilised fractions of soil organic matter and reduced soil C stocks and labile organic matter at both sampling season. A significant effect of land uses on bacterial community structure as well as an interaction effect between land uses and season was revealed by the EP index. Cluster analysis of culture-dependent DGGE patterns showed a different seasonal distribution of soil bacterial populations with subgroups associated to different land uses, in agreement with culture-independent T-RFLP results. Soils subjected to low human inputs (cork-oak forest and pasture) showed a more stable bacterial community than those with high human input (vineyards and managed meadow). Phylogenetic analysis revealed the predominance of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes phyla with differences in class composition across the site, suggesting that the microbial composition changes in response to land uses. Taken altogether, our data suggest that soil bacterial communities were seasonally distinct and exhibited compositional shifts that tracked with changes in land use and soil management. These findings may contribute to future searches for bacterial bio-indicators of soil health and sustainable productivity.  相似文献   

Arsenic contamination from groundwater used to irrigate crops is a major issue across several agriculturally important areas of Asia. Assessing bacterial community composition in highly contaminated sites could lead to the identification of novel bioremediation strategies. In this study, the bacterial community structure and abundance are assessed in agricultural soils with varying levels of arsenic contamination at Ambagarh Chauki block, Chhattisgarh, India, based on polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) of the 16S rRNA gene and the most probable number-polymerase chain reaction (MPN-PCR). The results revealed that the bacterial communities of arsenic-contaminated soils are dominated by β-proteobacteria (36%), γ-proteobacteria (21%), δ-proteobacteria (11%), α-proteobacteria (11%), and Bacteroidetes (11%). The bacterial composition of high arsenic-contaminated soils differed significantly from that of low arsenic-contaminated soils. The Proteobacteria appeared to be more resistant to arsenic contamination, while the Bacteroidetes and Nitrospirae were more sensitive to it. The bacterial abundance determined by MPN-PCR decreased significantly as As-toxicity increased. In addition to As, other trace metals, like Pb, U, Cu, Ni, Sn, Zn and Zr, significantly ( p < 0.01) explain the changes in bacterial structural diversity in agricultural soils with different level of arsenic contamination, as determined by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA).  相似文献   

Bacterial Community Structure and Location in Stilton Cheese   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
The microbial diversity occurring in Stilton cheese was evaluated by 16S ribosomal DNA analysis with PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. DNA templates for PCR experiments were directly extracted from the cheese as well as bulk cells harvested from a variety of viable-count media. The variable V3 and V4-V5 regions of the 16S genes were analyzed. Closest relatives of Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus curvatus, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Staphylococcus equorum, and Staphylococcus sp. were identified by sequencing of the DGGE fragments. Fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes were developed to detect Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Leuconostoc mesenteroides in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments, and their specificity for the species occurring in the community of Stilton cheese was checked in FISH experiments carried out with reference cultures. The combined use of these probes and the bacterial probe Eub338 in FISH experiments on Stilton cheese sections allowed the assessment of the spatial distribution of the different microbial species in the dairy matrix. Microbial colonies of bacteria showed a differential location in the different parts of the cheese examined: the core, the veins, and the crust. Lactococci were found in the internal part of the veins as mixed colonies and as single colonies within the core. Lactobacillus plantarum was detected only underneath the surface, while Leuconostoc microcolonies were homogeneously distributed in all parts observed. The combined molecular approach is shown to be useful to simultaneously describe the structure and location of the bacterial flora in cheese. The differential distribution of species found suggests specific ecological reasons for the establishment of sites of actual microbial growth in the cheese, with implications of significance in understanding the ecology of food systems and with the aim of achieving optimization of the fermentation technologies as well as preservation of traditional products.  相似文献   

Root-knot nematode disease is a widespread and catastrophic disease of tobacco. However, little is known about the relationship between rhizosphere bacterial community and root-knot nematode disease. This study used 16S rRNA gene sequencing and PICRUSt to assess bacterial community structure and function changes in rhizosphere soil from Meloidogyne incognita-infected tobacco plants. We studied the rhizosphere bacterial community structure of M. incognita-infected and uninfected tobacco plants through a paired comparison design in two regions of tobacco planting area, Yuxi and Jiuxiang of Yunnan Province, southwest China. According to the findings, M. incognita infection can alter the bacterial population in the soil. Uninfested soil has more operational taxonomic unit numbers and richness than infested soil. Principal Coordinate Analysis revealed clear separations between bacterial communities from infested and uninfested soil, indicating that different infection conditions resulted in significantly different bacterial community structures in soils. Firmicutes was prevalent in infested soil, but Chloroflexi and Acidobacteria were prevalent in uninfested soil. Sphingomonas, Streptomyces, and Bradyrhizobium were the dominant bacteria genera, and their abundance were higher in infested soil. By PICRUSt analysis, some metabolism-related functions and signal transduction functions of the rhizosphere bacterial community in the M. incognita infection-tobacco plants had a higher relative abundance than those uninfected. As a result, rhizosphere soils from tobacco plants infected with M. incognita showed considerable bacterial community structure and function alterations.  相似文献   

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