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The wheat aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus) and Sitobion avenae (Fabricius), are key pests on wheat crops worldwide. Management practices rely primarily on insecticides. The pirimicarb (carbamate) is used extensively as an effective insecticide to control these two aphids. In addition to the mortality caused by pirimicarb, various sublethal effects may occur in aphids when exposed to low lethal or sublethal doses. Understanding the general effect of pirimicarb on aphids could help increasing rational use of this insecticide. Under laboratory conditions, we assessed the sublethal effects of a low lethal concentration of pirimicarb (LC25) on biological traits and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of R. padi and S. avenae. Both direct and transgenerational effects, i.e. on parent and the F1 generations were assessed, respectively. We found that R. padi and S. avenae responded differentially to the LC25 of pirimicarb. The parent generation of R. padi showed a 39% decrease in fecundity and multiple transgenerational effects were observed in the F1 generation; overall juvenile development, reproductive period, adult longevity and lifespan were longer than those of the control group. By contrast, LC25 of pirimicarb showed almost no effects on S. avenae biological traits in both the parent and F1 generations; only the pre-reproductive duration was reduced in F1 generations. Demographic parameter estimates (e.g. rm) showed similar trend, i.e. significant negative effect on R. padi population growth and no effect on S. avenae. However, AChE activity decreased in both R. padi and S. avenae treated by the LC25 of pirimicarb. We demonstrated sublethal and transgenerational effects of pirimicarb in the two wheat aphid species; it hinted at the importance of considering sublethal effects (including hormesis) of pirimicarb for optimizing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of wheat aphids.  相似文献   

Host race formation in phytophagous insects can be an early stage of adaptive speciation. However, the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in host use is another possible outcome. Using a reciprocal transplant experiment we tested the hypothesis of local adaptation in the aphid Brevicoryne brassicae. Aphid genotypes derived from two sympatric host plants, Brassica oleracea and B. campestris, were assessed in order to measure the extent of phenotypic plasticity in morphological and life history traits in relation to the host plants. We obtained an index of phenotypic plasticity for each genotype. Morphological variation of aphids was summarized by principal components analysis. Significant effects of recipient host on morphological variation and life history traits (establishment, age at first reproduction, number of nymphs, and intrinsic growth rate) were detected. We did not detected genotype × host plant interaction; in general the genotypes developed better on B. campestris, independent of the host plant species from which they were collected. Therefore, there was no evidence to suggest local adaptation. Regarding plasticity, significant differences among genotypes in the index of plasticity were detected. Furthermore, significant selection on PC1 (general aphid body size) on B. campestris, and on PC1 and PC2 (body length relative to body size) on B. oleracea was detected. The elevation of the reaction norm of PC1 and the slope of the reaction norm for PC2 (i.e., plasticity) were under directional selection. Thus, host plant species constitute distinct selective environments for B. brassicae. Aphid genotypes expressed different phenotypes in response to the host plant with low or nil fitness costs. Phenotypic plasticity and gene flow limits natural selection for host specialization promoting the maintenance of genetic variation in host exploitation.  相似文献   

Most aphids are highly specialized on one or two related plant species and generalist species often include sympatric populations adapted to different host plants. Our aim was to test the hypothesis of the existence of host specialized lineages of the aphid Melanaphis sacchari in Reunion Island. To this end, we investigated the genetic diversity of the aphid and its association with host plants by analyzing the effect of wild sorghum Sorghum bicolor subsp. verticilliflorum or sugarcane as host plants on the genetic structuring of populations and by performing laboratory host transfer experiments to detect trade-offs in host use. Genotyping of 31 samples with 10 microsatellite loci enabled identification of 13 multilocus genotypes (MLG). Three of these, Ms11, Ms16 and Ms15, were the most frequent ones. The genetic structure of the populations was linked to the host plants. Ms11 and Ms16 were significantly more frequently observed on sugarcane, while Ms15 was almost exclusively collected in colonies on wild sorghum. Laboratory transfer experiments demonstrated the existence of fitness trade-offs. An Ms11 isofemale lineage performed better on sugarcane than on sorghum, whereas an Ms15 lineage developed very poorly on sugarcane, and two Ms16 lineages showed no significant difference in performances between both hosts. Both field and laboratory results support the existence of host plant specialization in M. sacchari in Reunion Island, despite low genetic differentiation. This study illustrates the ability of asexual aphid lineages to rapidly undergo adaptive changes including shifting from one host plant to another.  相似文献   

The importance of intraspecific variation in plant functional traits for structuring communities and driving ecosystem processes is increasingly recognized, but mechanisms governing this variation are less studied. Variation could be due to adaptation to local conditions, plasticity in observed traits, or ontogeny. We investigated 1) whether abiotic stress caused individuals, maternal lines, and populations to exhibit trait convergence, 2) whether trait variation was primarily due to ecotypic differences or trait plasticity, and 3) whether traits varied with ontogeny. We sampled three populations of Hypochaeris radicata that differed significantly in rosette diameter and specific leaf area (SLA). We grew nine maternal lines from each population (27 lines total) under three greenhouse conditions: ambient conditions (control), 50% drought, or 80% shade. Plant diameter and relative chlorophyll content were measured throughout the experiment, and leaf shape, root∶shoot ratio, and SLA were measured after five weeks. We used hierarchical mixed-models and variance component analysis to quantify differences in treatment effects and the contributions of population of origin and maternal line to observed variation. Observed variation in plant traits was driven primarily by plasticity. Shade significantly influenced all measured traits. Plant diameter was the only trait that had a sizable proportion of trait variation (30%) explained by population of origin. There were significant ontogenetic differences for both plant diameter and relative chlorophyll content. When subjected to abiotic stress in the form of light or water limitation, Hypochaeris radicata exhibited significant trait variability. This variation was due primarily to trait plasticity, rather than to adaptation to local conditions, and also differed with ontogeny.  相似文献   

The study of aphid host selection and feeding behavior is difficult because aphids have to penetrate the plant to reach their feeding site, phloem tissue. The activity of the stylets, salivation or food intake, can not be observed externally and requires an indirect visualization technique such as the Electric Penetration Graph (EPG). The plant selection behavior of Sitobion avenae on potato varied depending on whether an ethological or EPG method was used to study it. A similar variation did not occur with Myzus persicae or Rhopalosiphum padi. The application of water-based silver conductive paint onto the thorax, as normally used for EPG, or onto the abdomen of Sitobion avenae alates resulted in increased duration and frequency of probing compared to results from ethological observations. Our results indicated that EPG manipulations might have different effects on different species of aphids and that a comparison of EPG and ethological data is required to confirm that the EPG method does not bias aphid feeding behavior.  相似文献   

The bioactive compounds of medicinal plants are products of the plant itself or of endophytes living inside the plant. Endophytes isolated from eight different anticancer plants collected in Yunnan, China, were characterized by diverse 16S and 18S rRNA gene phylogenies. A functional gene-based molecular screening strategy was used to target nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) and type I polyketide synthase (PKS) genes in endophytes. Bioinformatic analysis of these biosynthetic pathways facilitated inference of the potential bioactivity of endophyte natural products, suggesting that the isolated endophytes are capable of producing a plethora of secondary metabolites. All of the endophyte culture broth extracts demonstrated antiproliferative effects in at least one test assay, either cytotoxic, antibacterial or antifungal. From the perspective of natural product discovery, this study confirms the potential for endophytes from medicinal plants to produce anticancer, antibacterial and antifungal compounds. In addition, PKS and NRPS gene screening is a valuable method for screening isolates of biosynthetic potential.  相似文献   

An easier assessment model would be helpful for high-throughput screening of Aeromonas virulence. The previous study indicated the potential of Tetrahymena as a permissive model to examine virulence of Aeromonas hydrophila. Here our aim was to assess virulence of Aeromonas spp. using two model hosts, a zebrafish assay and Tetrahymena-Aeromonas co-culture, and to examine whether data from the Tetrahymena thermophila model reflects infections in the well-established animal model. First, virulence of 39 Aeromonas strains was assessed by determining the 50% lethal dose (LD50) in zebrafish. LD50 values ranging from 1.3×102 to 3.0×107 indicated that these strains represent a high to moderate degree of virulence and could be useful to assess virulence in the Tetrahymena model. In Tetrahymena-Aeromonas co-culture, we evaluated the virulence of Aeromonas by detecting relative survival of Aeromonas and Tetrahymena. An Aeromonas isolate was considered virulent when its relative survival was greater than 60%, while the Aeromonas isolate was considered avirulent if its relative survival was below 40%. When relative survival of T. thermophila was lower than 40% after co-culture with an Aeromonas isolate, the bacterial strain was regarded as virulent. In contrast, the strain was classified as avirulent if relative survival of T. thermophila was greater than 50%. Encouragingly, data from the 39 Aeromonas strains showed good correlation in zebrafish and Tetrahymena-Aeromonas co-culture models. The results provide sufficient data to demonstrate that Tetrahymena can be a comparable alternative to zebrafish for determining the virulence of Aeromonas isolates.  相似文献   

小麦种质对麦长管蚜的抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2002-2005年连续4年,选用蚜情指数法对小麦种质进行麦长管蚜田间自然感蚜抗性鉴定,从2000份小麦种质中筛选出不同抗性材料34份,占总鉴定材料的1.7%,其中高抗种质5份、抗性种质9份、中抗种质20份。利用苗期室内接虫法,对部分抗感小麦种质进行鉴定,结果表明,苗期的抗性表现与成株期基本一致。对杂交组合临远207(抗)×Witchita(感)的F1、F2的抗性遗传分析表明,临远207对麦长管蚜的抗性由1对显性单基因控制。  相似文献   

Real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to monitor the expression of specific genes and confirm that an alteration in level of expression correlates with changes in diet, metabolism, or immune response. To test these probe and primer sets for their ability to monitor changes in gene expression, groups of fish were experimentally challenged either via daylength, vitamin availability, or with pathogenic microorganisms. The probes and primers sets were then used to analyze expression levels of specific gene products from isolated RNA. The expression of certain genes such as myosin in muscle correlated significantly with protein intake and seasonal daylength. Other genes involved with growth and metabolism such as insulin-like growth factor and pyruvate kinase showed lower levels of significance in correlating with planes of nutrition and varied with diet and treatment. However differences for pyruvate kinase were found in early tests done with animals receiving a vitamin-reduced diet. For factors relating immunological status after infection with microbiological pathogens, several factors such as MX-1 and CD-8 correlated with dose of the viral pathogen infectious hematopoeitic necrosis virus. Association of pathogen dose with immunological expression level was much less pronounced when fish were tested with bacterial microorganisms. This work will aid in evaluating the effects of diet on fish health and nutrient utilization and for evaluating the effects of selection of trout strains.  相似文献   

The behavior of Heterorhabditis zealandica Poinar strain T327 was investigated in the presence of the cabbage maggot, Delia radicum L., and plants that are susceptible to D. radicum infestation. Newly formed puparia and freeze-killed third instar larvae were attractive to infective nematodes. Newly harvested infective nematodes did not respond to the puparia, whereas 1-month-old and 2-month-old nematodes reached the insect targets within 15 minutes. There were no significant differences in the ability of similar-sized, third instar larval D. radicum and Galleria mellonella L., the greater wax moth, to attract nematodes. There was a tendency for a greater number of insects to attract more nematodes. The roots of ball cabbage and radish were equally attractive to nematodes, but rutabaga roots neither attracted nor repelled the nematodes. Germinated seeds of radish attracted nematodes, and there was a tendency for more numerous germinated seeds to attract more nematodes.  相似文献   

银杏叶药物成分的数量遗传分析及多性状选择   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
收集国内银杏优良无性第87个,探讨叶内黄酮及内酯的遗传规律并筛选高药物成分的叶用品种。结果表明,银杏叶黄酮的遗传力(h^2),遗传变异系数(GCV)等遗传参数都是无性系>性别>种源。雄株叶内黄酮σg^2,h^2,GCV和△G‘大于雌株。雄株内有黄酮含量最高的无性系,而雌株内有内酯含量最高的无性系。含有结果性状的多性状选择指数,指数遗传力Hi^2,选择数与性状基因型值的相关riY^2,选择指数的效率E1及相关遗传进度的比较效率CGS‘均较单性状选择和不含结果性状的多性状选择高。银杏叶用品种更适于直接或指数选择。采用Wricke等方法对基因稳定性进行评价,筛选出4个高黄酮和高内酯无性系,黄酮含量大于2%,内酯大于0.3%。  相似文献   

The aphid Myzus persicae displays high mortality on tobacco plants bearing a transgene which results in the accumulation of the ketosteroids cholestan-3-one and cholest-4-en-3-one in the phloem sap. To test whether the ketosteroids are the basis of the plant resistance to the aphids, M. persicae were reared on chemically-defined diets with different steroid contents at 0.1–10 µg ml−1. Relative to sterol-free diet and dietary supplements of the two ketosteroids and two phytosterols, dietary cholesterol significantly extended aphid lifespan and increased fecundity at one or more dietary concentrations tested. Median lifespan was 50% lower on the diet supplemented with cholest-4-en-3-one than on the cholesterol-supplemented diet. Aphid feeding rate did not vary significantly across the treatments, indicative of no anti-feedant effect of any sterol/steroid. Aphids reared on diets containing equal amounts of cholesterol and cholest-4-en-3-one showed fecundity equivalent to aphids on diets containing only cholesterol. Aphids were reared on diets that reproduced the relative steroid abundance in the phloem sap of the control and modified tobacco plants, and their performance on the two diet formulations was broadly equivalent. We conclude that, at the concentrations tested, plant ketosteroids support weaker aphid performance than cholesterol, but do not cause acute toxicity to the aphids. In plants, the ketosteroids may act synergistically with plant factors absent from artificial diets but are unlikely to be solely responsible for resistance of modified tobacco plants.  相似文献   

Second-stage larvae of Rehizonma sequoiae Cid del Prado Vera et al. tunnel through the cortex of the redwood Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. root to the vascular tissue where each developing female induces a single ovoid or occasionally spherical giant cell with a single ovoid to spherical nucleus containing one to four enlarged nucleoli. Nematode tunnels are filled with a gel material and often contain second-stage larvae and males. There is tissue necrosis around females, and cortical tissue is destroyed after infection by many second-stage larvae. R. sequoiae females developed to maturity on S. sempervirens, Acer macrophyllum Pursh, AInus rhombifolia Nutt., Libocedrus decurrens Torr, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, and Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) Decne. In the Marin County, California, forest mature females were also found naturally infecting Lithocarpus densiflorus (Hook &Arn.) Rehd., Umbellularia californica (Hook &Arn.) Nutt., and Arbutus menziesii Pursh.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are marine biodiversity hotspots, but their existence is threatened by global change and local pressures such as land-runoff and overfishing. Population explosions of coral-eating crown of thorns sea stars (COTS) are a major contributor to recent decline in coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef. Here, we investigate how projected near-future ocean acidification (OA) conditions can affect early life history stages of COTS, by investigating important milestones including sperm motility, fertilisation rates, and larval development and settlement. OA (increased pCO2 to 900–1200 µatm pCO2) significantly reduced sperm motility and, to a lesser extent, velocity, which strongly reduced fertilization rates at environmentally relevant sperm concentrations. Normal development of 10 d old larvae was significantly lower under elevated pCO2 but larval size was not significantly different between treatments. Settlement of COTS larvae was significantly reduced on crustose coralline algae (known settlement inducers of COTS) that had been exposed to OA conditions for 85 d prior to settlement assays. Effect size analyses illustrated that reduced settlement may be the largest bottleneck for overall juvenile production. Results indicate that reductions in fertilisation and settlement success alone would reduce COTS population replenishment by over 50%. However, it is unlikely that this effect is sufficient to provide respite for corals from other negative anthropogenic impacts and direct stress from OA and warming on corals.  相似文献   

以BTAM428(高抗)和ICS-12B(高感)及二者杂交的F2代为试材,对其形态及组织结构进行研究。结果表明:抗感品种形态及组织结构上均有差异。在抗蚜高粱品系的气孔数目多于感蚜品系;其下表皮的表皮蜡质比感蚜的致密;维管束的直径则小于感性的。  相似文献   

The yield of maize grain is a highly complex quantitative trait that is controlled by multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with small effects, and is frequently influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Thus, it is challenging to clone a QTL for grain yield in the maize genome. Previously, we identified a major QTL, qKNPR6, for kernel number per row (KNPR) across multiple environments, and developed two nearly isogenic lines, SL57-6 and Ye478, which differ only in the allelic constitution at the short segment harboring the QTL. Recently, qKNPR6 was re-evaluated in segregating populations derived from SL57-6×Ye478, and was narrowed down to a 2.8 cM interval, which explained 56.3% of the phenotypic variance of KNPR in 201 F2∶3 families. The QTL simultaneously affected ear length, kernel weight and grain yield. Furthermore, a large F2 population with more than 12,800 plants, 191 recombinant chromosomes and 10 overlapping recombinant lines placed qKNPR6 into a 0.91 cM interval corresponding to 198Kb of the B73 reference genome. In this region, six genes with expressed sequence tag (EST) evidence were annotated. The expression pattern and DNA diversity of the six genes were assayed in Ye478 and SL57-6. The possible candidate gene and the pathway involved in inflorescence development were discussed.  相似文献   

The distinction between qualitative and quantitative interactions is stressed as it helps to elucidate differences between two current definitions of the term synergism and how multifactorial experiments should be designed, analysed statistically, and their results interpreted. Factorial design and analyses are strongly advocated so that interactions can be detected. It is suggested that interactions involving nematodes are common in nature and should be included, where appropriate, in hypotheses. Methods for testing the hypothesis that environment influences tolerance are suggested.  相似文献   

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