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Tradeoffs between reproduction and somatic maintenance are a frequently cited explanation for reproductive senescence in long-lived vertebrates. Between-individual variation in quality makes such tradeoffs difficult to detect and evidence for their presence from wild populations remains scarce. Here, we examine the factors affecting rates of senescence in maternal breeding performance in a natural population of red deer ( Cervus elaphus ), using a mixed model framework to control for between-individual variance. Senescence began at 9 years of age in two maternal performance traits. In both traits, females that produced more offspring in early life had faster rates of senescence. This tradeoff is evident alongside significant effects of individual quality on late life breeding performance. These results present rare evidence in support of the disposable soma and antagonistic pleiotropy theories of senescence from a wild vertebrate population and highlight the utility of mixed models for testing theories of ageing.  相似文献   

The mechanism of senescence is an important subject of current research, but our knowledge of the factors influencing the rate of ageing in naturally occurring populations remains rudimentary. Evolutionary theories of senescence predict that investment in reproduction in early life should come at the cost of reduced somatic maintenance and thus result in earlier or more rapid senescence. We use data on the complete reproductive histories of 431 Common Blackbirds (222 males and 209 females) collected during a 19‐year study of the ecology of an urban population of this species to test the main hypotheses addressing the issue of senescence. On average, the birds in this population survived for 3.7 (± 1.9 sd) years. Reproductive success in females peaked at the age of 4, but in males remained stable until the 5th year of life. We observed declines in reproductive success, indicative of senescence, after the peak years in both sexes. The mechanism of age‐related changes in the reproduction of females confirms the individual improvement and selective disappearance hypotheses. In the case of males, the increase in reproductive performance comes as a consequence of the disappearance of poor reproducers. The parental investment associated with early life fecundity (the first two breeding seasons in males and females) impairs the breeding success of females later on. Contrary to expectations, there was no negative impact of high early life fecundity on either mortality or lifespan. Individuals of both sexes with a high early life fecundity had a higher lifetime reproductive success than those in which early life fecundity was low. Hence, the most profitable strategy is to maximize reproductive effort in the early stages of life. This yields the highest lifetime reproductive success, despite the increased impact of senescence, especially in females. These results are consistent with the disposable soma hypothesis.  相似文献   

Bateman''s principles explain sex roles and sexual dimorphism through sex-specific variance in mating success, reproductive success and their relationships within sexes (Bateman gradients). Empirical tests of these principles, however, have come under intense scrutiny. Here, we experimentally show that in replicate groups of red junglefowl, Gallus gallus, mating and reproductive successes were more variable in males than in females, resulting in a steeper male Bateman gradient, consistent with Bateman''s principles. However, we use novel quantitative techniques to reveal that current methods typically overestimate Bateman''s principles because they (i) infer mating success indirectly from offspring parentage, and thus miss matings that fail to result in fertilization, and (ii) measure Bateman gradients through the univariate regression of reproductive over mating success, without considering the substantial influence of other components of male reproductive success, namely female fecundity and paternity share. We also find a significant female Bateman gradient but show that this likely emerges as spurious consequences of male preference for fecund females, emphasizing the need for experimental approaches to establish the causal relationship between reproductive and mating success. While providing qualitative support for Bateman''s principles, our study demonstrates how current approaches can generate a misleading view of sex differences and roles.  相似文献   

As a general rule, males of sexually dimorphic ungulate species have evolved larger body size than females but shorter reproductive life spans as elements of their strategy for intrasexual competition for mating opportunities. Evolutionary theories of senescence predict that the durability of somatic structures should relate to the length of reproductive life span. This prediction has recently been tested for red deer (Cervus elaphus): molariform teeth of males are smaller and less durable than those of females, which corresponds with sex differences in reproductive life span. However, general evidence that male teeth are smaller than expected by allometric rules as a consequence of sexual selection for increasing male body mass requires an interspecific comparison between dimorphic and nondimorphic ungulates. Here we investigate the relationship between cheek-teeth size (occlusal surface area; OSA) and body mass in 123 species of extant ungulates. We found lower slopes for dimorphic species compared with nondimorphic ones and smaller OSA, relative to body mass, in males of dimorphic species compared with females of dimorphic species. Rates of evolution of OSA relative to rates of evolution of body mass were greater in females than in males and also greater in nondimorphic than in dimorphic species. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection in polygynous male ungulates favors body size more than tooth size, with possible consequences in male senescence via early depletion of male teeth compared to females.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theories of senescence predict that rates of decline in performance parameters should be shaped by early-life trade-offs between reproduction and somatic maintenance. Here we investigate factors influencing the rate of reproductive senescence in a long-lived seabird, the common guillemot Uria aalge, using data collected over a 23-year period. In the last 3 years of life, individual guillemots had significantly reduced breeding success and were less likely to hold a site or attempt to breed. Females senesced at a significantly faster rate than males. At the individual level, high levels of reproductive output earlier in life were associated with increased senescence later in life. This trade-off between early- and late-life reproduction was evident independent of the fact that as birds age, they breed later in the season. The rate of senescence was additionally dependent on environmental conditions experienced earlier in life, with evidence that harsh conditions amplified later declines in breeding success. Overall, individuals with intermediate levels of early-life productivity lived longer. These results provide support for the antagonistic-pleiotropy and disposable-soma theories of senescence and demonstrate for the first time in a wild bird population that increased rates of senescence in reproductive performance are associated with varying costs of reproduction early in life.  相似文献   

Males and females frequently differ in their rates of ageing, but the origins of these differences are poorly understood. Sex differences in senescence have been hypothesized to arise, because investment in intra-sexual reproductive competition entails costs to somatic maintenance, leaving the sex that experiences stronger reproductive competition showing higher rates of senescence. However, evidence that sex differences in senescence are attributable to downstream effects of the intensity of intra-sexual reproductive competition experienced during the lifetime remains elusive. Here, we show using a 35 year study of wild European badgers (Meles meles), that (i) males show higher body mass senescence rates than females and (ii) this sex difference is largely attributable to sex-specific downstream effects of the intensity of intra-sexual competition experienced during early adulthood. Our findings provide rare support for the view that somatic maintenance costs arising from intra-sexual competition can cause both individual variation and sex differences in senescence.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence shows that spermatogenesis is costly. As a consequence, males should optimize the use of their sperm to maximize their reproductive outputs in their lifetime. However, experimental evidence on this prediction is largely lacking. Here, we examine how a male moth Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) responds to the presence of rivals or additional mates and how such response influences his lifetime reproductive fitness. We show that when rival males are present around a copulating pair, the male ejaculates more sperm to win a sperm competition battle but in such an environment he inseminates fewer females, sires fewer offspring and lives shorter. The opposite is the case when additional females are present during copulation. These findings reveal that elevated reproductive expenditure owing to sperm competition intensity is made at the expense of longevity and future reproduction.  相似文献   

The causes of variation in individual reproductive success over a lifetime are not well understood. In long-lived vertebrates, reproductive output usually increases during early adulthood, but it is difficult to disentangle the roles of development and learning on this gain of reproductive success. Lekking lance-tailed manakins provide an opportunity to separate these processes, as the vast majority of male reproduction occurs after a bird obtains alpha status and maintains a display area in the lek, but the age at which males achieve alpha status varies widely. Using 11 years of longitudinal data on age, social status and genetic siring success, I assessed the factors influencing variation in siring success by individuals over their lifetimes. The data show increases in annual reproductive success with both age and alpha experience. At advanced ages, these gains were offset by senescence in fecundity. Individual ontogeny, rather than compositional change of the population, generated a nonlinear relationship of breeding tenure with lifetime success; age of assuming alpha status was unrelated to tenure as a breeder, or success in the alpha role. Importantly, these findings suggest that social experience can mitigate the negative effects of senescence in older breeders.  相似文献   

Josh R. Auld  Anne Charmantier 《Oikos》2011,120(8):1129-1138
Reproductive senescence, an intra‐individual decline in reproductive function with age, is widespread, but proximate factors determining its rate remain largely unknown. Most studies of reproductive senescence focus on females, leaving senescence in male function and its implications for female function largely understudied. We constructed linear mixed models to explore the interactive effects of paternal and maternal age and a life‐history trait (i.e. age at first reproduction) on four fitness components (i.e. laying date, clutch size, number of fledglings and number of recruits) measured in a wild, breeding population of blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus ogliastrae where individual breeding success has been followed for over 30 years (our dataset spanned 29 years). Previous studies have shown that, across female lifespan, laying date decreases and subsequently increases; earlier laying dates result in higher fitness because hatchlings have greater access to a seasonal food source. Our analyses reveal that females that initiate reproduction early in life show a greater delay in laying date with old age. In addition to delayed laying dates, older females lay smaller clutches. However, the magnitude of female age effects was influenced by the age at first reproduction of their breeding partners. Senescence of laying date and clutch size was reduced when females mated with males that reproduced early in life compared to males that delayed reproduction. We confirmed that both laying date and clutch size were significantly correlated with reproductive fitness suggesting that these dynamics early in the breeding cycle can have long‐term consequences. These complex phenotypic interactions shed light on the proximate mechanisms underlying reproductive senescence in nature and highlight the potential importance of cross‐sex age by life‐history interactions.  相似文献   

There are only a few recent studies that have demonstrated senescence in ungulates and nothing is known regarding how patterns of senescence may vary as a function of density Senescence in general is linked to the cost of reproduction, which probably increases with density in ungulates and may differ between the sexes. Further, senescence in ungulates is also regarded to be a function of tooth wear rates. As density dependence and sexual differences in food choice have been well documented, this may lead to different tooth wear rates and, thus, possibly density-dependent and sex-specific patterns of senescence. We therefore investigated the effects of age, sex, density and their possible interactions on the variability of body weight in 29,047 red deer harvested during 1965-1998 from Norway, out of which 380 males and 1452 females were eight years or older. There was clear evidence that spatio-temporal variation in density correlated negatively with body weights. In addition, there was evidence of senescence in both male and female red deer. Age at onset of senescence in females was after 20 years of age and independent of population density. In males, the onset and rate of senescence increased with increasing population density. The onset of senescence for males was at ca. 12 years of age at low density, but decreased to approximately ten years of age at high density. The pattern of density-dependent senescence in males, but not that in females, can be explained if (i) the cost of reproduction increases with density more strongly in male than in female red deer, and/or (ii) tooth wear rates are density dependent in males, but not in females. We discuss the ability of these two different, not mutually exclusive hypotheses in explaining the observed pattern of senescence.  相似文献   

Kim SY  Velando A  Torres R  Drummond H 《Oecologia》2011,166(3):615-626
Theories of ageing predict that early reproduction should be associated with accelerated reproductive senescence and reduced longevity. Here, the influence of age of first reproduction on reproductive senescence and lifespan, and consequences for lifetime reproductive success (LRS), were examined using longitudinal reproductive records of male and female blue-footed boobies (Sula nebouxii) from two cohorts (1989 and 1991). The two sexes showed different relationships between age of first reproduction and rate of senescent decline: the earlier males recruited, the faster they experienced senescence in brood size and breeding success, whereas in females, recruiting age was unrelated to age-specific patterns of reproductive performance. Effects of recruiting age on lifespan, number of reproductive events and LRS were cohort- and/or sex-specific. Late-recruiting males of the 1989 cohort lived longer but performed as well over the lifetime as early recruits, suggesting the existence of a trade-off between early recruitment and long lifespan. In males of the 1991 cohort and females of both cohorts, recruiting age was apparently unrelated to lifespan, but early recruits reproduced more frequently and fledged more chicks over their lifetime than late recruits. Male boobies may be more likely than females to incur long-term costs of early reproduction, such as early reproductive senescence and diminished lifespan, because they probably invest more heavily than females. In the 1991 cohort, which faced the severe environmental challenge of an El Ni?o event in the first year of life, life-history trade-offs of males may have been masked by effects of individual quality.  相似文献   

Most accounts of human life history propose that women have short reproductive spans relative to their adult lifespans, while men not only remain fertile but carry on reproducing until late life. Here we argue that studies have overlooked evidence for variation in male reproductive ageing across human populations. We apply a Bayesian approach to census data from Agta hunter-gatherers and Gambian farmers to show that long post-reproductive lifespans characterise not only women but also males in some traditional human populations. We calculate three indices of reproductive ageing in men (oldest age at reproduction, male late-life reproduction, and post-reproductive representation) and identify a continuum of male reproductive longevity across eight traditional societies ranging from !Kung, Hadza and Agta hunter-gatherers exhibiting low levels of polygyny, early age at last reproduction and long post-reproductive lifespans, to male Gambian agriculturalists and Turkana pastoralists showing higher levels of polygyny, late-life reproduction and shorter post-reproductive lifespans. We conclude that the uniquely human detachment between rates of somatic senescence and reproductive decline, and the existence of post-reproductive lifespans, are features of both male and female life histories, and therefore not exclusive consequences of menopause.  相似文献   

The degree to which group members share reproduction is dictated by both within-group (e.g. group size and composition) and between-group (e.g. density and position of neighbours) characteristics. While many studies have investigated reproductive patterns within social groups, few have simultaneously explored how within-group and between-group social structure influence these patterns. Here, we investigated how group size and composition, along with territory density and location within the colony, influenced parentage in 36 wild groups of a colonial, cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher. Dominant males sired 76% of offspring in their group, whereas dominant females mothered 82% of offspring in their group. Subordinate reproduction was frequent, occurring in 47% of sampled groups. Subordinate males gained more paternity in groups located in high-density areas and in groups with many subordinate males. Dominant males and females in large groups and in groups with many reproductively mature subordinates had higher rates of parentage loss, but only at the colony edge. Our study provides, to our knowledge, the first comprehensive quantification of reproductive sharing among groups of wild N. pulcher, a model species for the study of cooperation and social behaviour. Further, we demonstrate that the frequency of extra-pair parentage differs across small social and spatial scales.  相似文献   

Females tend to be smaller than males in woody dioecious plant species, but they tend to be larger in herbs. The smaller size of females in woody species has been attributed to higher reproductive costs, yet no satisfactory explanation has been provided for their larger size in herbs. Because herbs have higher nitrogen concentrations in their tissues than woody plants, and because pollen is particularly rich in nitrogen, we predicted that male growth would be more compromised by reproduction than female growth. To test this hypothesis, we conducted three experiments on the annual dioecious herb Mercurialis annua. First, we compared the timing of reproduction between males and females and found that males started flowering earlier than females; early flowering is expected to compromise growth more than later flowering. Second, we compared plants allowed to flower with those prevented from flowering by experimental debudding and found that males incurred a higher reproductive cost than females in terms of both biomass and, particularly, nitrogen. Third, we grew plants under varying levels of nitrogen availability and found that although sexual size dimorphism was unaffected by nitrogen, females, but not males, decreased their relative allocation to both roots and reproduction under high nitrogen availability. We propose that males deal with the high cost of pollen production in terms of nitrogen by allocating biomass to nitrogen-harvesting roots, whereas females pay for carbon-rich seeds and fruits by investing in photosynthetic organs. Sexual dimorphism would thus seem to be the outcome of allocation to above- versus below-ground sinks that supply resources (carbon versus nitrogen) limiting the female and male reproduction differentially.  相似文献   



A fundamental life history question is how individuals should allocate resources to reproduction optimally over time (reproductive allocation). The reproductive restraint hypothesis predicts that reproductive effort (RE; the allocation of resources to current reproduction) should peak at prime-age, whilst the terminal investment hypothesis predicts that individuals should continue to invest more resources in reproduction throughout life, owing to an ever-decreasing residual reproductive value. There is evidence supporting both hypotheses in the scientific literature.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used an uncommonly large, 38 year dataset on Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) shot at various times during the rutting period to test these two hypotheses. We assumed that body mass loss in rutting males was strongly related to RE and, using a process-based approach, modelled how male relative mass loss rates varied with age. For different regions of our study area, we provide evidence consistent with different hypotheses for reproductive allocation. In sites where RE declined in older age, this appears to be strongly linked to declining body condition in old males. In this species, terminal investment may only occur in areas with lower rates of body mass senescence.


Our results show that patterns of reproductive allocation may be more plastic than previously thought. It appears that there is a continuum from downturns in RE at old age to terminal investment that can be manifest, even across adjacent populations. Our work identifies uncertainty in the relationship between reproductive restraint and a lack of competitive ability in older life (driven by body mass senescence); both could explain a decline in RE in old age and may be hard to disentangle in empirical data. We discuss a number of environmental and anthropogenic factors which could influence reproductive life histories, underlining that life history patterns should not be generalised across different populations.  相似文献   

Selection can favour the evolution of a high reproductive rate early in life even when this results in a subsequent increase in the rate of mortality, because selection is relatively weak late in life. However, the optimal reproductive schedule of a female may be suboptimal to any one of her mates, and males may thus be selected to modulate female reproductive rate. Owing to such sexual conflict, coevolution between males and females may contribute to the evolution of senescence. By using replicated beetle populations selected for reproduction at an early or late age, we show that males evolve to affect senescence in females in a manner consistent with the genetic interests of males. 'Late' males evolved to decelerate senescence and increase the lifespan of control females, relative to 'early' males. Our findings demonstrate that adaptive evolution in one sex may involve its effects on senescence in the other, showing that the evolution of optimal life histories in one sex may be either facilitated or constrained by genes expressed in the other.  相似文献   

Individual body mass often positively correlates with survival and reproductive success, whereas fitness costs of growing large are rarely detected in vertebrates in the wild. Evidence that adult body mass progressively declines with increasing age is accumulating across mammalian populations. Growing fast to a large body can increase the cellular damage accumulated throughout life, leading body growth in early life to be negatively associated with the rate of body mass senescence. Moreover, the onset of mass senescence may strongly depend on both sex‐specific reproductive tactics and environmental conditions. Assessing the timing and the rate of body mass decline with increasing age thus offers an opportunity to look for costs of having grown fast, especially after a poor start during early life, in both sexes and in different environments. Using a unique dataset including 30 years of longitudinal data on age‐specific body mass collected in two roe deer Capreolus capreolus populations subjected to contrasted environmental conditions, we looked for potential costs of high post‐weaning growth rate in terms of steeper rate of body mass senescence. Our analyses of body mass senescence accounted for the potential variation in the onset of senescence and allowed explicit comparisons of this variable between sexes and populations. Higher growth rates late in the growing period (after weaning) were associated with a steeper rate of body mass senescence, regardless of early mass (gained before weaning), but at different extents depending on sex and environmental conditions. Body mass senescence occurred earlier in males than in females, especially in the population facing limiting resources. In the wild, although heavy individuals generally survive better than small ones, the costs of growing large late in the growing period only became apparent late in life through mass senescence.  相似文献   

Variance in reproductive success among individuals is a defining characteristic of many social vertebrates. Yet, our understanding of which male attributes contribute to reproductive success is still fragmentary in most cases. Male–male reproductive coalitions, where males jointly display to attract females, are of particular interest to evolutionary biologists because one male appears to forego reproduction to assist the social partner. By examining the relationship between social behaviour and reproductive success, we can elucidate the proximate function of coalitions in the context of mate choice. Here, we use data from a 4-year study of wire-tailed manakins (Pipra filicauda) to provide molecular estimates of reproductive skew and to test the hypothesis that male–male social interactions, in the context of coordinated displays, positively influence a male''s reproductive success. More specifically, we quantify male–male social interactions using network metrics and predict that greater connectivity will result in higher relative reproductive success. Our data show that four out of six leks studied had significant reproductive skew, with success apportioned to very few individuals in each lek. Metrics of male social affiliations derived from our network analysis, especially male connectivity, measured as the number of males with whom the focal male has extended interactions, were strong predictors of the number of offspring sired. Thus, network connectivity is associated with male fitness in wire-tailed manakins. This pattern may be the result of shared cues used by both sexes to assess male quality, or the result of strict female choice for coordinated display behaviour.  相似文献   

Disentangling the relationship between age and reproduction is central to understand life‐history evolution, and recent evidence shows that considering condition‐dependent mortality is a crucial piece of this puzzle. For example, nonrandom mortality of ‘low‐condition’ individuals can lead to an increase in average lifespan. However, selective disappearance of such low‐condition individuals may also affect reproductive senescence at the population level due to trade‐offs between physiological functions related to survival/lifespan and the maintenance of reproductive functions. Here, we address the idea that condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality (i.e. simulated predation) may increase the age‐related decline in male reproductive success and with it the potential for sexual conflict, by comparing reproductive ageing in Drosophila melanogaster male/female cohorts exposed (or not) to condition‐dependent simulated predation across time. Although female reproductive senescence was not affected by predation, male reproductive senescence was considerably higher under predation, due mainly to an accelerated decline in offspring viability of ‘surviving’ males with age. This sex‐specific effect suggests that condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality can exacerbate survival‐reproduction trade‐offs in males, which are typically under stronger condition‐dependent selection than females. Interestingly, condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality did not affect mating success, hinting that accelerated reproductive senescence is due to a decrease in male post‐copulatory fitness components. Our results support the recent proposal that male ageing can be an important source of sexual conflict, further suggesting this effect could be exacerbated under more natural conditions.  相似文献   

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