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SYNOPSIS. Mechanism of locomotion of deep cells of Fundulusheteroclitus was studied in vivo during gastrulation with theaid of time lapse cinemicrography (Nomarski differential interferencecontrast optics), scanning electron microscopy of cells knownto be moving at the time of fixation, and cell culture. Theseare our findings. 1) Deep cells usually move rapidly, at about10–15 µ/min, regardless of whether they move byblebbing or spreading. Evidence suggests that this high speedis associated with weak adhesion of the trailing edge: it remainsrounded, without large retraction fibers, and it advances continuouslywith advance of the leading edge, not sporadically, as it wouldif it adhered strongly. 2) In contrast, when stationary cellsin close contact separate, they remain connected by retractionfibers, suggesting strong punctate adhesions. 3) Locomotionby shortening of a long lobopodium is really a form of spreadingmovement; the tip of a lobopodium always spreads. Also, sincespeed of shortening decreases with continuance, it may dependprimarily on elastic recoil rather than active contraction.4) Fundulus deep cells appear to move in two ways: a) protrusionof blebs, followed by much cytoplasmic flow; b) protrusion oflamellipodia, accompanied by filopodia and frequent cell shortening.5) Filopodia were not found except at the leading edge of aspreading lamellipodium and often spread themselves; perhapsfilopodia and lamellipodia are interconvertible. 6) A lamellipodialmargin may form undulations in vivo that move backward likeruffles in vitro. 7) At all times, whether stationary or moving,the surface of deep cells is smooth, raising unanswered questionsconcerning the source of surface for their rapid protrusiveactivity.  相似文献   

作为一种高级认知活动,视觉功能减弱是否影响听觉恐惧条件化学习目前还不清楚.本文以突变体rd/rd、cl/cl小鼠为视觉功能减弱组,研究视觉功能减弱是否对听觉巴甫洛夫条件化恐惧反应有影响.在恐惧条件化、恐惧消退和消除记忆再现阶段记录了僵直行为.研究结果表明,视觉功能的减弱更有利于小鼠听觉恐惧条件化的建立.文中讨论了出现此...  相似文献   

In natural motor behaviour arm movements, such as pointing or reaching, often need to be coordinated with locomotion. The underlying coordination patterns are largely unexplored, and require the integration of both rhythmic and discrete movement primitives. For the systematic and controlled study of such coordination patterns we have developed a paradigm that combines locomotion on a treadmill with time-controlled pointing to targets in the three-dimensional space, exploiting a virtual reality setup. Participants had to walk at a constant velocity on a treadmill. Synchronized with specific foot events, visual target stimuli were presented that appeared at different spatial locations in front of them. Participants were asked to reach these stimuli within a short time interval after a “go” signal. We analysed the variability patterns of the most relevant joint angles, as well as the time coupling between the time of pointing and different critical timing events in the foot movements. In addition, we applied a new technique for the extraction of movement primitives from kinematic data based on anechoic demixing. We found a modification of the walking pattern as consequence of the arm movement, as well as a modulation of the duration of the reaching movement in dependence of specific foot events. The extraction of kinematic movement primitives from the joint angle trajectories exploiting the new algorithm revealed the existence of two distinct main components accounting, respectively, for the rhythmic and discrete components of the coordinated movement pattern. Summarizing, our study shows a reciprocal pattern of influences between the coordination patterns of reaching and walking. This pattern might be explained by the dynamic interactions between central pattern generators that initiate rhythmic and discrete movements of the lower and upper limbs, and biomechanical factors such as the dynamic gait stability.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2014,24(13):1507-1512
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As one of the most important daily motor activities, human locomotion has been investigated intensively in recent decades. The locomotor functions and mechanics of human lower limbs have become relatively well understood. However, so far our understanding of the motions and functional contributions of the human spine during locomotion is still very poor and simultaneous in-vivo limb and spinal column motion data are scarce. The objective of this study is to investigate the delicate in-vivo kinematic coupling between different functional regions of the human spinal column during locomotion as a stepping stone to explore the locomotor function of the human spine complex. A novel infrared reflective marker cluster system was constrncted using stereophotogrammetry techniques to record the 3D in-vivo geometric shape of the spinal column and the segmental position and orientation of each functional spinal region simultaneously. Gait measurements of normal walking were conducted. The preliminary results show that the spinal column shape changes periodically in the frontal plane during locomotion. The segmental motions of different spinal functional regions appear to be strongly coupled, indicating some synergistic strategy may be employed by the human spinal column to facilitate locomotion. In contrast to traditional medical imaging-based methods, the proposed technique can be used to investigate the dynamic characteristics of the spinal column, hence providing more insight into the functional biomechanics of the human spine.  相似文献   



Adaptive, context-dependent control of locomotion requires modulation of centrally generated rhythmic motor patterns through peripheral control loops and postural reflexes. Thus assuming that the modulation of rhythmic motor patterns accounts for much of the behavioural variability observed in legged locomotion, investigating behavioural variability is a key to the understanding of context-dependent control mechanisms in locomotion. To date, the variability of unrestrained locomotion is poorly understood, and virtually nothing is known about the features that characterise the natural statistics of legged locomotion. In this study, we quantify the natural variability of hexapedal walking and climbing in insects, drawing from a database of several thousand steps recorded over two hours of walking time.


We show that the range of step length used by unrestrained climbing stick insects is large, showing that step length can be changed substantially for adaptive locomotion. Step length distributions were always bimodal, irrespective of leg type and walking condition, suggesting the presence of two distinct classes of steps: short and long steps. Probability density of step length was well-described by a gamma distribution for short steps, and a logistic distribution for long steps. Major coefficients of these distributions remained largely unaffected by walking conditions. Short and long steps differed concerning their spatial occurrence on the walking substrate, their timing within the step sequence, and their prevalent swing direction. Finally, ablation of structures that serve to improve foothold increased the ratio of short to long steps, indicating a corrective function of short steps.


Statistical and functional differences suggest that short and long steps are physiologically distinct classes of leg movements that likely reflect distinct control mechanisms at work.  相似文献   



Successful execution of upright locomotion requires coordinated interaction between controllers for locomotion and posture. Our earlier research supported this model in the non-impaired and found impaired interaction in the post-stroke nervous system during locomotion. In this study, we sought to examine the role of the Ia afferent spinal loop, via the H-reflex response, under postural influence during a locomotor task. We tested the hypothesis that the ability to increase stretch reflex gain in response to postural loads during locomotion would be reduced post-stroke.


Fifteen individuals with chronic post-stroke hemiparesis and 13 non-impaired controls pedaled on a motorized cycle ergometer with specialized backboard support system under (1) seated supported, and (2) non-seated postural-loaded conditions, generating matched pedal force outputs of two levels. H-reflexes were elicited at 90°crank angle.


We observed increased H-reflex gain with postural influence in non-impaired individuals, but a lack of increase in individuals post-stroke. Furthermore, we observed decreased H-reflex gain at higher postural loads in the stroke-impaired group.


These findings suggest an impaired Ia afferent pathway potentially underlies the defects in the interaction between postural and locomotor control post-stroke and may explain reduced ability of paretic limb support during locomotor weight-bearing in individuals post-stroke.


These results support the judicious use of bodyweight support training when first helping individuals post-stroke to regain locomotor pattern generation and weight-bearing capability.  相似文献   

Locomotion of Spirilla   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A. T. Chwang  T. Y. Wu    H. Winet 《Biophysical journal》1972,12(11):1549-1561
The hydromechanics of spirilla locomotion is analyzed by considering the balance of both rectilinear and angular momenta of the surrounding viscous fluid which is otherwise at rest. The physical model of Spirillum adopted for the present analysis consists of a rigid helical body with flagella attached to both ends of the helix. The motion is supposed to be activated first by the polar flagella, both rotating in the same sense, thus causing the helical body to rotate in the opposite sense in angular recoil, which in turn pushes the body forward in response to the balance of linear momentum of the surrounding fluid. The sweeping back of the polar flagella during forward motion is ascribed to a certain bending flexibility of the flagella and of their conjunction with the body. Based on this model some quantitative results for Spirillum movement are predicted, and are found to be consistent with existing experimental data.  相似文献   




Insects have been among the most widely used model systems for studying the control of locomotion by nervous systems. In Drosophila, we implemented a simple test for locomotion: in Buridan''s paradigm, flies walk back and forth between two inaccessible visual targets [1]. Until today, the lack of easily accessible tools for tracking the fly position and analyzing its trajectory has probably contributed to the slow acceptance of Buridan''s paradigm.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We present here a package of open source software designed to track a single animal walking in a homogenous environment (Buritrack) and to analyze its trajectory. The Centroid Trajectory Analysis (CeTrAn) software is coded in the open source statistics project R. It extracts eleven metrics and includes correlation analyses and a Principal Components Analysis (PCA). It was designed to be easily customized to personal requirements. In combination with inexpensive hardware, these tools can readily be used for teaching and research purposes. We demonstrate the capabilities of our package by measuring the locomotor behavior of adult Drosophila melanogaster (whose wings were clipped), either in the presence or in the absence of visual targets, and comparing the latter to different computer-generated data. The analysis of the trajectories confirms that flies are centrophobic and shows that inaccessible visual targets can alter the orientation of the flies without changing their overall patterns of activity.


Using computer generated data, the analysis software was tested, and chance values for some metrics (as well as chance value for their correlation) were set. Our results prompt the hypothesis that fixation behavior is observed only if negative phototaxis can overcome the propensity of the flies to avoid the center of the platform. Together with our companion paper, we provide new tools to promote Open Science as well as the collection and analysis of digital behavioral data.  相似文献   

There have been very few studies which have measured the physical forces generated by cells during active movements. A special micropipette system has been designed to make it possible to observe cell motion within the pipette and to apply a pressure to counter the chemotactic migration of the cell. This provides a direct measure of the locomotion force generated by the cell. The average velocity of forward motion is 0.33 microns/s in the absence of counter-pressure. The application of a positive counter-pressure (C-P) causes a decrease in the velocity of the forward motion of the cell. At 17 cm H2O of C-P, the cell velocity drops to zero and even moves backward with a higher C-P. The results show that the decrement of velocity is linearly related to the magnitude of the C-P with a complete stoppage at a pressure of 17 cm H2O which corresponds to a force of 0.003 dyn. The maximum work rate of the cell is approximately 2.5 x 10(-8) erg/s.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(5):337-348
The maneuverability demonstrated by the weakly electric ghost knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) is a result of its highly flexible ribbon-like anal fin, which extends nearly three-quarters the length of its body and is composed of approximately 150 individual fin rays. To understand how movement of the anal fin controls locomotion we examined kinematics of the whole fin, as well as selected individual fin rays, during four locomotor behaviors executed by free-swimming ghost knifefish: forward swimming, backward swimming, heave (vertical) motion, and hovering. We used high-speed video (1000 fps) to examine the motion of the entire anal fin and we measured the three-dimensional curvature of four adjacent fin rays in the middle of the fin during each behavior to determine how individual fin rays bend along their length during swimming. Canonical discriminant analysis separated all four behaviors on anal fin kinematic variables and showed that forward and backward swimming behaviors contrasted the most: forward behaviors exhibited a large anterior wavelength and posterior amplitude while during backward locomotion the anal fin exhibited both a large posterior wavelength and anterior amplitude. Heave and hover behaviors were defined by similar kinematic variables; however, for each variable, the mean values for heave motions were generally greater than for hovering. Individual fin rays in the middle of the anal fin curved substantially along their length during swimming, and the magnitude of this curvature was nearly twice the previously measured maximum curvature for ray-finned fish fin rays during locomotion. Fin rays were often curved into the direction of motion, indicating active control of fin ray curvature, and not just passive bending in response to fluid loading.  相似文献   

This study represents a functional analysis of the human foot complex based on in-vivo gait measurements, finite element (FE) modeling and biological coupling theory, with the objective of achieving a comprehensive understanding of the impact attenuation and energy absorption functions of the human foot complex. A simplified heel pad FE model comprising reticular fiber structure and fat cells was constructed based on the foot pad Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. The model was then used to investigate the foot pad behaviors under impact during locomotion. Three-dimensional (3D) gait measurement and a 3D FE foot model comprising 29 bones, 85 ligaments and the plantar soft tissues were used to investigate the foot arch and plantar fascia deformations in mid-stance phase. The heel pad simulation results show that the pad model with fat cells (coupling model) has much stronger capacity in impact attenuation and energy storage than the model without fat cells (structure model). Furthermore, the FE simulation reproduced the deformations of the foot arch structure and the plantar fascia extension observed in the gait measurements, which reinforces the postulation that the foot arch structure also plays an important role in energy absorption during locomotion. Finally, the coupling mechanism of the human foot functions in impact attenuation and energy absorption was proposed.  相似文献   

The role of consciousness in learning has been debated for nearly 50 years. Recent studies suggest that conscious awareness is needed to bridge the gap when learning about two events that are separated in time, as is true for trace fear conditioning. This has been repeatedly shown and seems to apply to other forms of classical conditioning as well. In contrast to these findings, we show that individuals can learn to associate a face with the later occurrence of a shock, even if they are unable to perceive the face. We used a novel application of magnetoencephalography (MEG) to non-invasively record neural activity from the amygdala, which is known to be important for fear learning. We demonstrate rapid (∼170–200 ms) amygdala responses during the stimulus free period between the face and the shock. These results suggest that unperceived faces can serve as signals for impending threat, and that rapid, automatic activation of the amygdala contributes to this process. In addition, we describe a methodology that can be applied in the future to study neural activity with MEG in other subcortical structures.  相似文献   

1. Pressure previously measured on the body surface of swimming bluefish were resolved into their backward vectorial components to allow calculation of profile drag. It was 0.18 kg at a speed of 1.8 m/sec. Tangential drag was calculated as if for a thin plate of an area equal to that of the fish. It was 0.08 kg at 1.8 m/sec. Net drag, 0.26 kg, was the sum of profile and tangential drag. 2. Thrust and drag also were calculated from the changes of acceleration measured during steady swimming, assuming that thrust took place only during the acceleration phase, whereas drag occurred during both acceleration and deceleration. This drag was 0.08 kg at a speed of 1.1 m/sec. It is compatible with the drag of 0.26 at 1.8 m/sec calculated from profile and tangential drag provided drag varies as the square of velocity. 3. The force required to produced maximal acceleration was measured during a scare. It was calculated to be 6.9 kg at a peak acceleration of 3 g. 4. The compression strength of th vertebrae was found to be approximately 20 kg per cm2, or roughly three times the force encountered during maximal acceleration. This safety factor of 3 would be reduced when the back was curved, or if opposing groups of muscles were under tension. 5. The finding that a bluefish can accelerate at 3 g and that the vertebral column is strongg enough to withstand this force indicates that the muscles and body structure of a bluefish would be able to withstand the force of gravity if the fish were otherwise equipped for terrestrial life. This fish may have evolved these strengths simultaneously with land animals. It is speculated that other fish may have evolved some degree of strength to overcome inertia and drag during aquatic locomotion, and this evolution may have been a prelude to terrestrial locomotion.  相似文献   

Many ants rely on both visual cues and self-generated chemical signals for navigation, but their relative importance varies across species and context. We evaluated the roles of both modalities during colony emigration by Temnothorax rugatulus. Colonies were induced to move from an old nest in the center of an arena to a new nest at the arena edge. In the midst of the emigration the arena floor was rotated 60°around the old nest entrance, thus displacing any substrate-bound odor cues while leaving visual cues unchanged. This manipulation had no effect on orientation, suggesting little influence of substrate cues on navigation. When this rotation was accompanied by the blocking of most visual cues, the ants became highly disoriented, suggesting that they did not fall back on substrate cues even when deprived of visual information. Finally, when the substrate was left in place but the visual surround was rotated, the ants'' subsequent headings were strongly rotated in the same direction, showing a clear role for visual navigation. Combined with earlier studies, these results suggest that chemical signals deposited by Temnothorax ants serve more for marking of familiar territory than for orientation. The ants instead navigate visually, showing the importance of this modality even for species with small eyes and coarse visual acuity.  相似文献   

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