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Osteoarthritis (OA) is associated with a local inflammatory process. Dyslipidemia is known to be an underlying cause for the development of OA. Therefore, lipid and inflammatory levels were quantified ex vivo in blood and synovial fluid of OA patients (n=29) and compared to those of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients (n=27) or healthy volunteers (HV) (n=35). The role of apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA1) was investigated in vitro on inflammatory parameters using human joint cells isolated from cartilage and synovial membrane obtained from OA patients after joint replacement. Cells were stimulated with ApoA1 in the presence or not of serum amyloid A (SAA) protein and/or lipoproteins (LDL and HDL) at physiological concentration observed in OA synovial fluid. In our ex vivo study, ApoA1, LDL-C and total cholesterol levels were strongly correlated to each other inside the OA joint cavity whereas same levels were not or weakly correlated to their corresponding serum levels. In OA synovial fluid, ApoA1 was not as strongly correlated to HDL as observed in OA serum or in RA synovial fluid, suggesting a dissociative level between ApoA1 and HDL in OA synovial fluid. In vitro, ApoA1 induced IL-6, MMP-1 and MMP-3 expression by primary chondrocytes and fibroblast-like synoviocytes through TLR4 receptor. HDL and LDL attenuated joint inflammatory response induced by ApoA1 and SAA in a ratio dependent manner. In conclusion, a dysregulated lipidic profile in the synovial fluid of OA patients was observed and was correlated with inflammatory parameters in the OA joint cavity. Pro-inflammatory properties of ApoA1 were confirmed in vitro.  相似文献   

Abstract: An in vivo study of intracerebral rat glioma using proton-localized NMR spectroscopy showed important modifications of the spectra in the tumor as compared with the contralateral brain. To carry out the assignment of the resonances of the glioma spectra, tumoral and normal rat brain tissues were studied in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro by one-dimensional and two-dimensional proton spectroscopy. N -Acetylaspartate was found at an extremely low level in the glioma. The change of peak ratio total creatine/3.2 ppm peak was found to be due to a simultaneous decrease of the total creatine content and an increase of the 3.2 ppm peak. The 3.2 ppm resonance in the glioma spectra has been shown to originate from choline, phosphocholine, glycerophosphocholine, taurine, inositol, and phosphoethanolamine. The increase of the 3.2 ppm peak in the glioma was found to result from the increase of taurine and phosphoethanolamine contents. The peak in the 1.3 ppm region of the glioma spectra was due to both lactate and mobile fatty acids. Moreover, two-dimensional spectroscopy of excised tissues and extracts showed the presence of hypotaurine only in the tumor.  相似文献   

Abstract: The extent of τ phosphorylation is thought to regulate the binding of τ to microtubules: Highly phosphorylated τ does not bind to tubules, whereas dephosphorylated τ can bind to microtubules. It is interesting that the extent of τ phosphorylation in vivo has not been accurately determined. τ was rapidly isolated from human temporal neocortex and hippocampus, rhesus monkey temporal neocortex, and rat temporal neocortex and hippocampus under conditions that minimized dephosphorylation. In brain slices, we observed that τ isolated under such conditions largely existed in several phosphorylated states, including a pool that was highly phosphorylated; this was determined using epitope-specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. This highly phosphorylated τ was dephosphorylated during a 120-min time course in vitro, presumably as a result of neuronal phosphatase activity. The slow-mobility forms of τ were shifted to faster-mobility forms following in vitro incubation with alkaline phosphatase. Laser densitometry was used to estimate the percent of τ in slow-mobility, highly phosphorylated forms. Approximately 25% of immunoreactive τ was present as slow-mobility (66- and 68-kDa) forms of τ. The percentage of immunoreactive τ in faster-mobility pools (42–54 kDa) increased in proportion to the decrease in content of 66–68-kDa τ as a function of neuronal phosphatases or alkaline phosphatase treatment. These data suggest that the turnover of phosphorylated sites on τ is rapid and depends on neuronal phosphatases. Furthermore, τ is highly phosphorylated in normal-appearing human, primate, and rodent brain. The presence of a highly phosphorylated pool of τ in adult brain may modify the present hypotheses on how paired helical filaments of Alzheimer's disease are formed.  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans R1 exposed to a lethal dose of cadmium shows differential expression of a large number of genes, including frnE (drfrnE) and some of those involved in DNA repair and oxidative stress tolerance. The drfrnE::nptII mutant of D. radiodurans showed growth similar to that of the wild type, but its tolerance to 10 mM cadmium and 10 mM diamide decreased by ∼15- and ∼3-fold, respectively. These cells also showed nearly 6 times less resistance to gamma radiation at 12 kGy and ∼2-fold-higher sensitivity to 40 mM hydrogen peroxide than the wild type. In trans expression of drFrnE increased cytotoxicity of dithiothreitol (DTT) in the dsbA mutant of Escherichia coli. Recombinant drFrnE showed disulfide isomerase activity and could maintain insulin in its reduced form in the presence of DTT. While an equimolar ratio of wild-type protein could protect malate dehydrogenase completely from thermal denaturation at 42°C, the C22S mutant of drFrnE provided reduced protection to malate dehydrogenase from thermal inactivation. These results suggested that drFrnE is a protein disulfide isomerase in vitro and has a role in oxidative stress tolerance of D. radiodurans possibly by protecting the damaged cellular proteins from inactivation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that antithrombin (AT) could act as a significant physiologic regulator of FVIIa. However, in vitro studies showed that AT could inhibit FVIIa effectively only when it was bound to tissue factor (TF). Circulating blood is known to contain only traces of TF, at best. FVIIa also binds endothelial cell protein C receptor (EPCR), but the role of EPCR on FVIIa inactivation by AT is unknown. The present study was designed to investigate the role of TF and EPCR in inactivation of FVIIa by AT in vivo. Low human TF mice (low TF, ∼1% expression of the mouse TF level) and high human TF mice (HTF, ∼100% of the mouse TF level) were injected with human rFVIIa (120 µg kg−1 body weight) via the tail vein. At varying time intervals following rFVIIa administration, blood was collected to measure FVIIa-AT complex and rFVIIa antigen levels in the plasma. Despite the large difference in TF expression in the mice, HTF mice generated only 40–50% more of FVIIa-AT complex as compared to low TF mice. Increasing the concentration of TF in vivo in HTF mice by LPS injection increased the levels of FVIIa-AT complexes by about 25%. No significant differences were found in FVIIa-AT levels among wild-type, EPCR-deficient, and EPCR-overexpressing mice. The levels of FVIIa-AT complex formed in vitro and ex vivo were much lower than that was found in vivo. In summary, our results suggest that traces of TF that may be present in circulating blood or extravascular TF that is transiently exposed during normal vessel damage contributes to inactivation of FVIIa by AT in circulation. However, TF’s role in AT inactivation of FVIIa appears to be minor and other factor(s) present in plasma, on blood cells or vascular endothelium may play a predominant role in this process.  相似文献   



Tenofovir gel has entered into clinical trials for use as a topical microbicide to prevent HIV-1 infection but has no published data regarding pre-clinical testing using in vitro and ex vivo models. To validate our findings with on-going clinical trial results, we evaluated topical tenofovir gel for safety and efficacy. We also modeled systemic application of tenofovir for efficacy.

Methods and Findings

Formulation assessment of tenofovir gel included osmolality, viscosity, in vitro release, and permeability testing. Safety was evaluated by measuring the effect on the viability of vaginal flora, PBMCs, epithelial cells, and ectocervical and colorectal explant tissues. For efficacy testing, PBMCs were cultured with tenofovir or vehicle control gels and HIV-1 representing subtypes A, B, and C. Additionally, polarized ectocervical and colorectal explant cultures were treated apically with either gel. Tenofovir was added basolaterally to simulate systemic application. All tissues were challenged with HIV-1 applied apically. Infection was assessed by measuring p24 by ELISA on collected supernatants and immunohistochemistry for ectocervical explants. Formulation testing showed the tenofovir and vehicle control gels were >10 times isosmolar. Permeability through ectocervical tissue was variable but in all cases the receptor compartment drug concentration reached levels that inhibit HIV-1 infection in vitro. The gels were non-toxic toward vaginal flora, PBMCs, or epithelial cells. A transient reduction in epithelial monolayer integrity and epithelial fracture for ectocervical and colorectal explants was noted and likely due to the hyperosmolar nature of the formulation. Tenofovir gel prevented HIV-1 infection of PBMCs regardless of HIV-1 subtype. Topical and systemic tenofovir were effective at preventing HIV-1 infection of explant cultures.


These studies provide a mechanism for pre-clinical prediction of safety and efficacy of formulated microbicides. Tenofovir was effective against HIV-1 infection in our algorithm. These data support the use of tenofovir for pre-exposure prophylaxis.  相似文献   

Many acute cardiovascular syndromes such as heart attack and stroke are caused by atherosclerotic plaque ruptures which often happen without warning. MRI-based models with fluid-structure interactions (FSI) have been introduced to perform flow and stress/strain analysis for atherosclerotic plaques and identify possible mechanical and morphological indices for accurate plaque vulnerability assessment. In this paper, cyclic bending was added to 3D FSI coronary plaque models for more accurate mechanical predictions. Curvature variation was prescribed using the data of a human left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. Five computational models were constructed based on ex vivo MRI human coronary plaque data to assess the effects of cyclic bending, pulsating pressure, plaque structure, and axial stretch on plaque stress/strain distributions. In vitro experiments using a hydrogel stenosis model with cyclical bending were performed to observe effect of cyclical bending on flow conditions. Our results indicate that cyclical bending may cause more than 100% or even up to more than 1000% increase in maximum principal stress values at locations where the plaque is bent most. Stress increase is higher when bending is coupled with axial stretch, non-smooth plaque structure, or resonant pressure conditions (zero phase angle shift). Effects of cyclic bending on flow behaviors are more modest (21.6% decrease in maximum velocity, 10.8% decrease in flow rate, maximum flow shear stress changes were < 5%). Computational FSI models including cyclic bending, plaque components and structure, axial stretch, accurate in vivo measurements of pressure, curvature, and material properties should lead to significant improvement on stress-based plaque mechanical analysis and more accurate coronary plaque vulnerability assessment.  相似文献   

Abstract: Neurons and glial cells are capable of synthesizing various steroid hormones, but biosynthesis of testosterone in the CNS has never been reported. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the synthesis of testosterone in the frog brain. The presence of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD)-like immunoreactivity was detected in a population of glial cells located in the telencephalon. Reversed-phase HPLC analysis of brain tissue extracts combined with radioimmunoassay detection revealed the presence of substantial amounts of testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT) in the telencephalon where 17β-HSD-positive cells were visualized. In male frogs, castration totally suppressed testosterone and 5α-DHT in the blood and in the rhombencephalon but did not affect the concentration of these two steroids in the telencephalon. Chemical characterization of testosterone in female frog telencephalon extracts was performed by coupling HPLC analysis with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Using the pulse-chase technique with [3H]pregnenolone as a precursor, the formation of a series of metabolites was observed, including dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, testosterone, 5α-DHT, and estradiol. These data demonstrate the existence of an active form of 17β-HSD in the frog telencephalon, which is likely involved in testosterone biosynthesis within the brain.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that Special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 1 (SATB1) is aberrantly expressed in several cancers and is correlated with clinicopathologic parameters in these tumors. In this study, we showed over-expression of SATB1 in 80 cases of colorectal cancer and in 3 colorectal cancer cell lines and found expression levels were strongly associated with tumor differentiation and stage. Expression levels of SATB1 protein were higher in poorly-differentiated as compared with well-differentiated cell lines, and both quantity and distribution patterns of SATB1 were associated with tumor differentiation and pTNM stage. Strikingly, we further investigated the effect of down regulation of SATB1 expression on malignant phenotypic features in colorectal cancer cells in vitro, and showed that SABT1 down-regulation negatively affected growth potential, anchorage-independent colony formation and cancer cell invasion, and resulted in increased apoptosis. SATB1 expression was positively associated with the expression of various biological and genetic markers, including Cyclin D1, MMP-2, NF-κB, and PCNA, and was associated with loss of APC and BRAFV600E. These findings suggest that SATB1 is involved in the carcinogenesis, development and progression of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Repulsive guidance molecule-a (RGMa) is associated with axon growth inhibition in different central nervous system (CNS) injuries, but its signaling pathways remain unclear. We examined the involvement of collapsin response mediator protein-2 (CRMP-2), a common downstream target of Rho-kinase and GSK-3β, in vitro by culturing neonatal rat primary cortical neurons with RGMa protein, Rho-kinase inhibitor (Y-27632), and GSK-3β inhibitor. We examined CRMP-2 in vivo by suppressing RGMa expression using recombinant adenovirus (rAd-shRGMa) in a rat MCAO/reperfusion model. RGMa induced neurite retraction and CRMP-2 phosphorylation in vitro, which were reversed by either Rho-kinase or GSK-3β inhibitors. After MCAO/reperfusion in rats, pCRMP-2 protein was greatly increased in the ischemic cortex, axons were damaged severely, Neurofilament-200 (NF-200) expression was significantly decreased, and neurological deficits were significant, which were all improved by down-regulating RGMa. We concluded RGMa inhibits axon growth by phosphorylating CRMP-2 via both Rho-kinase and GSK-3β signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The cell envelope of Mycobacterium tuberculosis contains glycans and lipids of peculiar structure that play prominent roles in the biology and pathogenesis of tuberculosis. Consequently, the chemical structure and biosynthesis of the cell wall have been intensively investigated in order to identify novel drug targets. Here, we validate that the function of phosphatidyl-myo-inositol mannosyltransferase PimA is vital for M. tuberculosis in vitro and in vivo. PimA initiates the biosynthesis of phosphatidyl-myo-inositol mannosides by transferring a mannosyl residue from GDP-Man to phosphatidyl-myo-inositol on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. To prove the essential nature of pimA in M. tuberculosis, we constructed a pimA conditional mutant by using the TetR-Pip off system and showed that downregulation of PimA expression causes bactericidality in batch cultures. Consistent with the biochemical reaction catalyzed by PimA, this phenotype was associated with markedly reduced levels of phosphatidyl-myo-inositol dimannosides, essential structural components of the mycobacterial cell envelope. In addition, the requirement of PimA for viability was clearly demonstrated during macrophage infection and in two different mouse models of infection, where a dramatic decrease in viable counts was observed upon silencing of the gene. Notably, depletion of PimA resulted in complete clearance of the mouse lungs during both the acute and chronic phases of infection. Altogether, the experimental data highlight the importance of the phosphatidyl-myo-inositol mannoside biosynthetic pathway for M. tuberculosis and confirm that PimA is a novel target for future drug discovery programs.  相似文献   

In Bacillus megaterium sporulating at 35°C, up to 90% of 10-min pulse-labeled proteins were degraded. Degradation proceeded in two waves. Short-lived proteins, i.e., intrinsically labile proteins and proteins made short-lived because of starvation, were mostly degraded during the reversible sporulation phase. Their amount corresponded to 20% or slightly more during 2 h. The second wave of protein degradation, which followed during the irreversible sporulation phase at 35°C, increased the amount of total degradable pulse-labeled proteins to about 90%. This wave was absent in the isogenic asporogenic mutant 27-36 or in the wild strain, whose sporulation was inhibited by increased temperature. The proportion of degradable proteins was thus reduced to less than 40% in the asporogenic mutant incubated at 35°C and to 46% in the wild strain whose sporulation was suppressed by the temperature of 47°C. Unlike sporulating cells, these cells were thus capable of degrading short-lived and denatured proteins, but were not able to degrade most of other proteins. The in vitro protein degradation was substantially enhanced by increasing the Ca2+ concentration, suggesting a role of Ca2+-dependent proteinase(s) in the process. Received: 23 July 1998 / Accepted: 19 August 1998  相似文献   

In Vitro and In Vivo Observations on a Murine C-Type Virus   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
From 40 discrete mouse tissue culture cell lines examined by electron microscopy or complement fixation, or both, for the presence of detectable virus, one (NCTC 4705), initiated and maintained on chemically defined medium, was chosen for a more extensive study. Virus-like particles (100 to 110 mμ), morphologically similar to previously reported immature and mature C-type leukemia virus particles, were found budding from the plasma membrane and free in the intracellular spaces of cells in tissue culture and in fibrosarcomas resulting from intramuscular implants of these tissue cultures. Complement-fixation tests for group reactive murine leukemia antigens were positive, with titers consistently higher to a broadly reactive anti-serum than to anti-Friend, anti-Moloney, or anti-Rauscher sera. The 4705 virus was neutralized by Gross antiserum, but not by the F-M-R antisera. When injected into DD, BALB/c, or C3H/He newborn mice, the virus thus far has manifested no leukemogenicity, though virus from tumor extracts and tissue culture medium has been shown to be capable of infecting C3H and Swiss mouse embryo tissue cultures and successfully replicating in them. The role of the virus in accelerating or inducing neoplastic transformation in NCTC 4705 is still not known. When it was introduced into NCTC [ill], a non-neoplastic cell line in other respects similar to NCTC 4705, 4823 manifested no signs of neoplastic transformation after harboring the virus more than 300 days in vitro.  相似文献   

The aim was to develop a liposomal oxymatrine conjugating d-alpha tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (OMT-LIP) for enhanced therapeutics of hepatic fibrosis. OMT-LIP was prepared using the remote loading method. The influences of formulation compositions on the encapsulation efficiency of OMT-LIP were investigated. Mean particle size, zeta potential, morphology, in vitro release, fibrotic liver targeting, and therapeutics of OMT-LIP were thoroughly assessed. The intraliposomal buffer composition and concentration, extraliposomal phase composition and pH, types of phospholipid, lipid molar ratio composition, and theoretical drug loading are crucial factors to entrap OMT into liposomes. The optimum OMT-LIP presented spherically unilamellar microstructures with entrapment efficiency of 79.7 ± 3.9%, mean particle size of 121.6 ± 52.9 nm, and zeta potential of −5.87 mV. OMT-LIP significantly increased the accumulation of OMT in the fibrotic liver with an 11.5-fold greater AUC than OMT solution in the dimethylnitrosamine (DMN)-induced hepatic fibrosis animals. OMT-LIP could be a potential strategy to improve treatment outcomes for hepatic fibrosis, showing the protective effects to mice given CCl4 and the enhanced therapeutics to mice with either DMN or CCl4-induced hepatic fibrosis.KEY WORDS: fibrotic liver targeting, hepatic fibrosis, liposomes, oxymatrine, therapeutics  相似文献   

The room temperature absorption bandshape for the Q transition region of chlorophyll a is calculated using the vibrational frequency modes and Franck-Condon (FC) factors obtained by line-narrowing spectroscopies of chlorophyll a in a glassy (Rebane and Avarmaa, Chem. Phys. 1982; 68:191-200) and in a native environment (Gillie et al., J. Phys. Chem. 1989; 93:1620-1627) at low temperatures. The calculated bandshapes are compared with the absorption spectra of chlorophyll a measured in two different solvents and with that obtained in vivo by a mutational analysis of a chlorophyll-protein complex. It is demonstrated that the measured distributions of FC factors can account for the absorption bandshape of chlorophyll a in a hexacoordinated state, whereas, when pentacoordinated, reduced FC coupling for vibrational frequencies in the range 540-850 cm−1 occurs. The FC factor distribution for pentacoordinated chlorophyll also describes the native chlorophyll a spectrum but, in this case, either a low-frequency mode (ν < 200 cm−1) must be added or else the 262-cm−1 mode must increase in coupling by about one order of magnitude to describe the skewness of the main absorption bandshape.  相似文献   

Since their isolation until implantation, pancreatic islets suffer a major stress leading to the activation of inflammatory reactions. The maintenance of controlled inflammation is essential to preserve survival and function of the graft. Identification and targeting of pathway(s) implicated in post-transplant detrimental inflammatory events, is mandatory to improve islet transplantation success. We sought to characterize the expression of the pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant mediators during islet culture with a focus on Heme oxygenase (HO-1) and Toll-like receptors-4 signaling pathways. Rat pancreatic islets were isolated and pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant status were evaluated after 0, 12, 24 and 48 hours of culture through TLR-4, HO-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression, CCL-2 and IL-6 secretion, ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) production (Dihydroethidine staining, DHE) and macrophages migration. To identify the therapeutic target, TLR4 inhibition (CLI-095) and HO-1 activation (cobalt protoporphyrin,CoPP) was performed. Activation of NFκB signaling pathway was also investigated. After isolation and during culture, pancreatic islet exhibited a proinflammatory and prooxidant status (increase levels of TLR-4, COX-2, CCL-2, IL-6, and ROS). Activation of HO-1 or inhibition of TLR-4 decreased inflammatory status and oxidative stress of islets. Moreover, the overexpression of HO-1 induced NFκB phosphorylation while the inhibition of TLR-4 had no effect NFκB activation. Finally, inhibition of pro-inflammatory pathway induced a reduction of macrophages migration. These data demonstrated that the TLR-4 signaling pathway is implicated in early inflammatory events leading to a pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant status of islets in vitro. Moreover, these results provide the mechanism whereby the benefits of HO-1 target in TLR-4 signaling pathway. HO-1 could be then an interesting target to protect islets before transplantation.  相似文献   

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