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The parasitic wasp Ampulex compressa stings a cockroach Periplaneta americana in the neck, toward the head ganglia (the brain and subesophageal ganglion). In the present study, our aim was to identify the head ganglion that is the target of the venom and the mechanisms by which the venom blocks the thoracic portion of the escape neuronal circuitry. Because the escape responses elicited by a wind stimulus in brainless and sham-operated animals were similar, we propose that the venom effect is on the subesophageal ganglion. Apparently, the subesophageal ganglion modulates the thoracic portion of the escape circuit. Recordings of thoracic interneuron responses to the input from the abdominal giant interneurons showed that the thoracic interneurons receive synaptic drive from these interneurons in control and in stung animals. Unlike normal cockroaches, which use both fast and slow motoneurons for producing rapid escape movements, stung animals activate only the slow motoneuron. However, we show that in stung animals, the fast motoneuron still can be recruited with bath application of pilocarpine, a muscarinic agonist. These results indicate that the descending control from the subesophageal ganglion is presumably exerted on the premotor thoracic interneurons to motoneurons connection of the thoracic escape circuitry. Accepted: 19 December 1998  相似文献   

In the escape behavior of the cockroach, all six legs begin to make directed movements nearly simultaneously. The sensory stimulus that evokes these leg movements is a wind puff. Posterior wind receptors excite giant interneurons that carry a multi-cellular code for stimulus direction — and thus for turn direction-to the three thoracic ganglia, which innervate the three pairs of legs. We have attemptd to discriminate among various possible ways that the directional information in the giant interneurons could be distributed to each leg's motor circuit. Do the giant interneurons, for instance, inform separately each thoracic ganglion of wind direction? Or is there one readout system that conveys this information to all three ganglia, and if so, might the identified thoracic interneurons, which are postsynaptic to the giant interneurons, subserve this function? We made mid-sagittal lesions in one or two thoracic ganglia, thus severing the initial segments of all the known thoracic interneurons in these ganglia, and thus causing their projection axons to the other thoracic ganglia to degenerate. This lesion did not sever the giant interneurons, however (Fig. 5). Following such lesions, the legs innervated by the intact thoracic ganglia made normally directed leg movements (Figs. 4, 6, 7). Thus, the projection axons of the thoracic interneurons are not necessary for normal leg movements. Rather, the giant interneurons appear to specify to each thoracic ganglion in which direction to move the pair of legs it innervates.  相似文献   

The escape system of the American cockroach is both fast and directional. In response to wind stimulation both of these characteristics are largely due to the properties of the ventral giant interneurons (vGIs), which conduct sensory information from the cerci on the rear of the animal to type A thoracic interneurons (TIAs) in the thoracic ganglia. The cockroach also escapes from tactile stimuli, and although vGIs are not involved in tactile-mediated escapes, the same thoracic interneurons process tactile sensory information. The response of TIAs to tactile information is typically biphasic. A rapid initial depolarization is followed by a longer latency depolarization that encodes most if not all of the directional information in the tactile stimulus. We report here that the biphasic response of TIAs to tactile stimulation is caused by two separate conducting pathways from the point of stimulation to the thoracic ganglia. Phase 1 is generated by mechanical conduction along the animal's body cuticle or other physical structures. It cannot be eliminated by complete lesion of the nerve cord, and it is not evoked in response to electrical stimulation of abdominal nerves that contain the axons of sensory receptors in abdominal segments. However, it can be eliminated by lesioning the abdominal nerve cord and nerve 7 of the metathoracic ganglion together, suggesting that the relevant sensory structures send axons in nerve 7 and abdominal nerves of anterior abdominal ganglia. Phase 2 of the TIAs tactile response is generated by a typical neural pathway that includes mechanoreceptors in each abdominal segment, which project to interneurons with axons in either abdominal connective. Those interneurons with inputs from receptors that are ipsilateral to their axon have a greater influence on TIAs than those that receive inputs from the contralateral side. The phase 1 response has an important role in reducing initiation time for the escape response. Animals in which the phase 2 pathway has been eliminated by lesion of the abdominal nerve cord are still capable of generating a partial startle response with a typically short latency even when stimulated posterior to the lesion. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The data described here complete the principal components of the cockroach wind-mediated escape circuit from cercal afferents to leg motor neurons. It was previously known that the cercal afferents excite ventral giant interneurons which then conduct information on wind stimuli to thoracic ganglia. The ventral giant interneurons connect to a large population of interneurons in the thoracic ganglia which, in turn, are capable of exciting motor neurons that control leg movements. Thoracic interneurons that receive constant short latency inputs from ventral giant interneurons have been referred to as type A thoracic interneurons (TIAs). In this paper, we demonstrate that the motor response of TIAs occurs in adjacent ganglia as well as in the ganglion of origin for the TIA. We then describe the pathway from TIAs to motor neurons in both ganglia. Our observations reveal complex interactions between thoracic interneurons and leg motor neurons. Two parallel pathways exist. TIAs excite leg motor neurons directly and via local interneurons. Latency and amplitude of post-synaptic potentials (PSPs) in motor neurons and local interneurons either in the ganglion of origin or in adjacent ganglia are all similar. However, the sign of the responses recorded in local interneurons (LI) and motor neurons varies according to the TIA subpopulation based on the location of their cell bodies. One group, the dorsal posterior group, (DPGs) has dorsal cell bodies, whereas the other group, the ventral median cells, (VMC) has ventral cell bodies. All DPG interneurons either excited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection at all. In contrast, all VMC interneurons either inhibited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection. It appears that the TIAs utilize directional wind information from the ventral giant interneurons to make a decision on the optimal direction of escape. The output connections, which project not only to cells within the ganglion of origin but also to adjacent ganglia and perhaps beyond, could allow this decision to be made throughout the thoracic ganglia as a single unit. However, nothing in these connections indicates a mechanism for making appropriate coordinated leg movements. Because each pair of legs plays a unique role in the turn, this coordination should be controlled by circuits dedicated to each leg. We suggest that this is accomplished by local interneurons between TIAs and leg motor neurons.  相似文献   

In the escape system of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, a population of uniquely identifiable thoracic interneurons (type A or TIAs) receive information about wind via chemical synapses from a population of ventral giant interneurons (vGIs). The TIAs are involved in the integration of sensory information necessary for orienting the animal during escape. It is likely that there are times in an animal's life when it is advantageous to modify the effectiveness of synaptic transmission between the vGIs and the TIAs. Given the central position of the TIAs in the escape system, this would greatly alter associated motor outputs. We tested the ability of octopamine, serotonin, and dopamine to modulate synaptic transmission between vGIs and TIAs. Both octopamine and dopamine significantly increased the amplitude of vGI-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in TIAs at 10(-4)-10(-2) M, and 10(-3) M, respectively. On the other hand, serotonin significantly decreased the vGI-evoked EPSPs in TIAs at 10(-4)-10(-3) M. These results indicate that octopamine, serotonin, and dopamine are capable of modulating the efficacy of transmission of important neural connections within this circuit.  相似文献   

A detailed morphological study was performed to localize the probable sites of connections between two identified populations of interneurons (ventral giant interneurons and type-A thoracic interneurons) in the cockroach. Type-A thoracic interneurons (TIAS) appear to play an important role in orienting the cockroach during wind-mediated escape. However, their large number, approximately 100 neurons, precludes analyzing each cell's role electrophysiologically. The TIAS are characterized by a prominent branch located on one or both sides of the ventral median (VM) region of the thoracic ganglion in which their soma resides. The presence of this ventral median branch can be used to predict connectivity with left or right ventral giant interneurons (vGIs) (Ritzmann and Pollack, 1988) and is correlated with the TIA's directional response to wind (Westin, Ritzmann, and Goddard, 1988), suggesting that this is the locus of synaptic connection. Two approaches were employed to address this hypothesis. Morphological overlap of differentially labelled cells (ethidium bromide, Lucifer Yellow) was examined at the light microscopic level to locate areas of possible synaptic contact. Experiments were also performed in which one-half of the vGI input to the TIAs was surgically removed early in postembryonic development. Although no changes in the overall branching pattern were observed, the VM branches on the operated side were significantly shorter than were those on the unoperated side. Thoracic interneurons that do not receive inputs from vGIs were unaffected by this surgery. The data reported here thereby confirm previous observations by localizing the vGI inputs specifically to the VM branch, and provide a morphological cue for predicting connectivity and function.  相似文献   

The data described here complete the principal components of the cockroach wind-mediated escape circuit form cercal afferents to leg motor neurons. It was previously known that the cercal afferents excite ventral giant interneurons which then conduct information on wind stimuli to thoracic ganglia. The ventral giant interneurons connect to a large population of interneurons in the thoracic ganglia which, in turn, are capable of exciting motor neurons that control leg movements. Thoracic interneurons that receive constant short latency inputs from ventral giant interneurons have been referred to as type A thoracic interneurons (TIAs). In this paper, we demonstrate that the motor response of TIAs occurs in adjacent ganglia as well as in the ganglion of origin for the TIA. We then describe the pathway from TIAs to motor neurons in both ganglia. Our observations reveal complex interactions between thoracic interneurons and leg motor neurons. Two parallel pathways exist. TIAs excite leg motor neurons directly and via local interneurons. Latency and amplitude of post-synaptic potentials (PSPs) in motor neurons and local interneurons either in the ganglion of origin or in adjacent ganglia are all similar. However, the sign of the responses recorded in local interneurons (LI) and motor neurons varies according to the TIA subpopulation based on the location of their cell bodies. One group, the dorsal posterior group, (DPGs) has dorsal cell bodies, whereas the other group, the ventral median cells, (VMC) has ventral cell bodies. All DPG interneurons either excited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection at all. In contrast, all VMC interneurons either inhibited postsynaptic cells or failed to show any connection. It appears that the TIAs utilize directional wind information from the ventral giant interneurons to make a decision on the optimal direction of escape. The output connections, which project not only to cells within the ganglion of origin but also to adjacent ganglia and perhaps beyond, could allow this decision to be made throughout the thoracic ganglia as a single unit. However, nothing in these connections indicates a mechanism for making appropriate coordinated leg movements. Because each pair of legs plays a unique role in the turn, this coordination should be controlled by circuits didicated to each leg. We suggest that this is accomplished by local interneurons between TIAs and leg motor neurons.  相似文献   

The escape behavior of the cockroach is a ballistic behavior with well characterized kinematics. The circuitry known to control the behavior lies in the thoracic ganglia, abdominal ganglia, and abdominal nerve cord. Some evidence suggests inputs may occur from the brain or suboesophageal ganglion. We tested this notion by decapitating cockroaches, removing all descending inputs, and evoking escape responses. The decapitated cockroaches exhibited directionally appropriate escape turns. However, there was a front-to-back gradient of change: the front legs moved little if at all, the middle legs moved in the proper direction but with reduced excursion, and the rear legs moved normally. The same pattern was seen when only inputs from the brain were removed, the suboesophageal ganglion remaining intact and connected to the thoracic ganglia. Electromyogram (EMG) analysis showed that the loss of or reduction in excursion was accompanied by a loss of or reduction in fast motor neuron activity. The loss of fast motor neuron activity was also observed in a reduced preparation in which descending neural signals were reversibly blocked via an isotonic sucrose solution superfusing the neck connectives, indicating that the changes seen were not due to trauma. Our data demonstrate that while the thoracic circuitry is sufficient to produce directional escape, lesion or blockage of the connective affects the excitability of components of the escape circuitry. Because of the rapidity of the escape response, such effects are likely due to the elimination of tonic descending inputs.  相似文献   

The cellular localization of the biogenic amines dopamine and serotonin was investigated in the ventral nerve cord of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, using antisera raised against dopamine, -tyrosine hydroxylase and serotonin. Dopamine-(n<-70) and serotonin-immunoreactive (n<-120) neurones showed a segmental arrangement in the ventral nerve cord. Some neuromeres, however, did not contain dopamine-immunoreactive cell bodies. The small number of stained cells allowed complete identification of brain and thoracic cells, including intersegmentally projecting axons and terminal arborizations. Dopamine-like immunostaining was found primarily in plurisegmental interneurones with axons descending to the soma-ipsilateral hemispheres of the thoracic and abdominal ganglia. In contrast, serotonin-immunostaining occurred predominantly in interneurones projecting via soma-contralaterally ascending axons to the thorax and brain. In addition, serotonin-immunoreactivity was also present in efferent cells and afferent elements. Serotonin-immunoreactive, but no dopamine-immunoreactive, varicose fibres were observed on the surface of some peripheral nerves. Varicose endings of both dopamine-and serotonin-immunoreactive neurones occurred in each neuromere and showed overlapping neuropilar projections in dorsal and medial regions of the thoracic ganglia. Ventral associative neuropiles lacked dopamine-like immunostaining but were innervated by serotonin-immunoreactive elements. A colocalization of the two amines was not observed. The topographic representation of neurone types immunoreactive for serotonin and dopamine is discussed with respect to possible modulatory functions of these biogenic amines in the central nervous system of the cricket.  相似文献   

The acinar salivary glands of cockroaches receive a dual innervation from the subesophageal ganglion and the stomatogastric nervous system. Acinar cells are surrounded by a plexus of dopaminergic and serotonergic varicose fibers. In addition, serotonergic terminals lie deep in the extracellular spaces between acinar cells. Excitation-secretion coupling in cockroach salivary glands is stimulated by both dopamine and serotonin. These monoamines cause increases in the intracellular concentrations of cAMP and Ca(2+). Stimulation of the glands by serotonin results in the production of a protein-rich saliva, whereas stimulation by dopamine results in saliva that is protein-free. Thus, two elementary secretory processes, namely electrolyte/water secretion and protein secretion, are triggered by different aminergic transmitters. Because of its simplicity and experimental accessibility, cockroach salivary glands have been used extensively as a model system to study the cellular actions of biogenic amines and to examine the pharmacological properties of biogenic amine receptors. In this review, we summarize current knowledge concerning the aminergic control of cockroach salivary glands and discuss our efforts to characterize Periplaneta biogenic amine receptors molecularly.  相似文献   

The cockroach escape response begins with a turn away from a wind puff such as that generated by an approaching predator. The presence and direction of that wind is detected by hairs on the animal's cerci, and this information is conducted to the thoracic ganglia via two populations of giant interneurons. In the thoracic ganglia, the giant interneurons excite a number of interneurons, at least some of which in turn excite motor neurons that control leg movement. In this paper we examine response properties of various thoracic neurons to wind stimuli originating from different directions. Three sets of thoracic neurons were distinguished on the basis of latency. Type A interneurons had short latencies to wind stimuli (1.3-2.25 ms). Type B interneurons had longer latencies (4-6 ms), and motor neurons had the longest latencies (5.6-17.0 ms). Individual type A interneurons either responded equally to wind from all directions or were biased in their response. Directionality was related to the presence of ventral branches near one or both sides of the midline of the ganglion. Cells with ventral median (VM) branches on either side tended to be omnidirectional or front-rear biased, whereas cells with VM branches on only one side were biased to that side. Although several type B interneurons had strong wind responses and were directionally sensitive, they did not have VM branches. We hypothesize that the presence of VM branches in type A interneurons permits connection with ventral giant interneurons, and this connection accounts for their short latency and directional properties. This hypothesis will be tested in the companion paper.  相似文献   

The biogenic amines, octopamine and serotonin, modulate the synaptic activity of the lateral giant interneuron (LG) circuitry of the crayfish escape behavior. Bath application of both octopamine and serotonin enhances the synaptic responses of LG to sensory stimulation. We have shown previously (Araki et al. J Neurophysiol 94:2644-2652, 2005) that a serotonin-induced enhancement of the LG response was mediated by an increase in cAMP levels following activation of adenylate cyclase; however, octopamine acts independently. Here, we clarify how octopamine enhances the LG response during sensory stimulation using physiological and pharmacological analyses. When phospholipase C inhibitor U-73122 was directly injected into the LG before biogenic amine application, it abolished the enhancing effect of octopamine on direct sensory input to the LG, but did not block indirect input via sensory interneurons or the effect of serotonin. Direct injection of IP(3), and its analogue adenophostin A, into the LG increased the synaptic response of the LG to sensory stimulation. Thus, IP(3) mediates octopamine-induced synaptic enhancement of the LG, but serotonin acts independently. These results indicate that both octopamine and serotonin enhance the synaptic responses of the LG to sensory stimulation, but that they activate two different signaling cascades in the LG.  相似文献   

Serotonin immunoreactivity of neurons in the gastropod Aplysia californica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Serotonergic neurons and axons were mapped in the central ganglia of Aplysia californica using antiserotonin antibody on intact ganglia and on serial sections. Immunoreactive axons and processes were present in all ganglia and nerves, and distinct somata were detected in all ganglia except the buccal and pleural ganglia. The cells stained included known serotonergic neurons: the giant cerebral neurons and the RB cells of the abdominal ganglion. The area of the abdominal ganglion where interneurons are located which produce facilitation during the gill withdrawal reflex was carefully examined for antiserotonin immunoreactive neurons. None were found, but two bilaterally symmetric pairs of immunoreactive axons were identified which descend from the contralateral cerebral or pedal ganglion to abdominal ganglion. Because of the continuous proximity of this pair of axons, they could be recognized and traced into the abdominal ganglion neuropil in each preparation. If serotonin is a facilitating transmitter in the abdominal ganglion, these and other antiserotonin immunoreactive axons in the pleuroabdominal connectives may be implicated in this facilitation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structural organization of the wind-sensitive giant interneurons in the thoracic ganglia of adult American cockroaches. These seven bilaterally paired interneurons have long been thought to play a role in directing the wind-elicited escape response of the animal. Each of the giant interneurons was labeled individually by intracellular injection of cobaltic hexamine chloride. An individual giant interneuron could be reliably identified from animal to animal based on its branching pattern in thoracic ganglia. The axons of the giant interneurons are situated on each side of the nerve cord in two recognizable subgroups. Comparisons of the axonal arbors of the dorsal and ventral subgroups showed that they project into distinct but partly overlapping regions of thoracic ganglia. Three of the giant interneurons were found to have axonal arbors that cross the longitudinal midline of thoracic and abdominal ganglia. Bilateral pairs of these giant interneurons were labeled concomitantly, and many of the individual neurites from these cells appeared to be closely apposed. All these morphological characteristics are discussed in relation to the connectivity and functional significance of the giant interneurons.  相似文献   

The constituent elements of the gills of Aplysia kurodai and A. juliana were examined for the presence of biogenic amines using histochemical, immunocytochemical, and HPLC techniques. Aminergic elements were revealed by glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence in the branchial nerve, branchial ganglion, branchial vessels, and pinnules in both species. Three types of fluorescent cells were found in the neural plexus of the gill in each species. Two of them might be sensory neurons. Although HPLC analysis showed the presence of serotonin and dopamine in all gill structures including fluorescent neural elements, there were regional differences in concentrations of the monoamines. It was noted in the pinnules that there was a much higher concentration of dopamine than serotonin. Serotonin immunocytochemistry revealed neural processes which were immunoreactive to antiserotonin antibody, but serotonin immunoreactivity could not be found in a population of branchioganglionic neuron (BGN) somata. Serotonergic elements in the ganglion may be processes of the central ganglion, while dopaminergic elements may be processes of neurons in the neural plexus, located beyond the branchial ganglion. BGNs were activated by bath-applied dopamine and serotonin. These results suggest that dopaminergic sensory inputs from the neural plexus and serotonergic descending inputs from the abdominal ganglion may be among the inputs received by BGNs. It was found that serotonin depressed excitatory junctional potentials in muscle cells of the efferent branchial vessel, which were induced by an identified neuron of the abdominal ganglion. The aminergic cellular organization of the gill may involve serotonergic presynaptic-inhibitory fibers arising from the abdominal ganglion.  相似文献   

Effects of biogenic amines on a centrally generated motor pattern in Manduca sexta were examined by pressure injecting nanomole to micromole amounts of octopamine, dopamine or serotonin into thoracic ganglia. Motor output was recorded extracellularly from a pair of antagonistic flight muscles and their motor neurons. The monoamines were found to alter production of a motor pattern that produces rhythmic wing flapping (10 Hz) and exhibits phase relationships similar to those in the flight pattern of intact moths. In mesothoracic ganglia with sensory nerves intact, octopamine (4 X 10(-9) mol) injected into lateral regions evoked regular firing of a single motor neuron, whereas a higher dose (4 X 10(-8) mol) often elicited the flight motor pattern. In the absence of sensory input, these doses of octopamine had little effect. Low doses (10(-10) mol) greatly enhanced motor responses to electrical stimulation of a wing sensory nerve. Dopamine (2 X 10(-10) mol) injected into the medial region of the mesothoracic ganglion elicited the flight motor pattern in the presence or absence of sensory input. Rhythmic output induced by dopamine (5 X 10(-10) mol) was suppressed by injecting serotonin (5 X 10(-10) mol) into the same region. These findings demonstrate that dopamine, octopamine, and serotonin have different effects on motor output in Manduca and suggest that these amines are involved in initiating, maintaining and terminating flight behavior, respectively. Octopamine may elicit flight production by enhancing the efficacy of sensory transmission thereby increasing excitability or arousal. Dopamine may act on interneurons involved in generating the flight motor pattern.  相似文献   

Paired intracellular recordings were made to identify thoracic interneurons that receive stable short latency excitation from giant interneurons (GIs). Eight metathoracic interneurons were identified in which EPSPs were correlated with GI activity which was evoked either by wind or intracellular electrical stimulation or occurred spontaneously. In all cases EPSPs in the thoracic interneurons followed GI action potentials faithfully at short latencies. EPSPs associated with GI action potentials consistently represented the upper range of amplitudes of a large sample of EPSPs recorded in the thoracic interneurons. Seven of the interneurons were correlated with activity in ventral GIs but were not correlated with activity in dorsal GIs. Four of these interneurons were part of a discrete population of interneurons whose somata are located in the dorsal posterior region of the ganglion. The eighth interneuron (designated the T cell) was positively correlated with activity in dorsal GIs. The four dorsal posterior group interneurons and the T cell were depolarized intracellularly to establish their potential for generating motor activity. In all cases evoked activity was stronger in leg motor neurons (primarily Ds and the common inhibitor) located on the side contralateral to the interneuron's soma. The results indicate that significant polysynaptic pathways exist by which GI activity can evoke motor activity. The implications of this conclusion to investigations on the cockroach escape system are discussed.  相似文献   

The cockroach Periplaneta Americana responds to wind puffs by turning from the source of the wind. This turning movement is thought to be initiated by sensory responses to the wind puff occurring on filiform haircells on the cerci. The responses on the haircells initiate responses on 14 giant interneurons that rapidly transfer the information about the puff from the abdomen to the thorax and head. This response, in turn, is thought to initiate the escape response on the cockroach. In this paper a multivariate statistical analysis of the response of the 14 giant interneurons to wind puffs from a variety of angles is considered. A temporal-spatial integration model is proposed for the neural processing units acting as terminators for the giant interneurons and it is shown that using appropriate spatial integration, the cockroach can accurately estimate the direction of a wind puff on the basis of the response seen on the giant interneurons. It is also shown that with appropriate spatial integration, wind puffs from the left can be discriminated from wind puffs from the right. The right-left discrimination method is shown to be robust against the loss of any single giant interneuron. In some cases several giant interneurons can be lost without losing the right-left discrimination ability.  相似文献   

Investigating the proximate mechanism underlying behavior has long been a primary goal of ethologists. With the recent focus on behavioral correlations (e.g., behavioral syndromes), a fundamental question arises regarding what mechanisms may drive positive relationships between functionally distinct behaviors. Understanding these mechanisms can inform critical questions, such as why distinct behaviors are often correlated, and can also lend insights into how behavioral similarities are conserved across species. Arthropods provide an idea system to study these questions as the biogenic amines, such as octopamine and serotonin, have long been known to mediate a large number of behaviors such as aggression, dominance, escape behavior, and others. Behaviorists have several ways in which they can manipulate these biogenic amines in vivo, including injection, feeding, and topical application. Topical application is potentially an optimal method for manipulating amine concentrations, given that it is minimally invasive and relatively precise. Here, we investigate the role of biogenic amines, octopamine, and serotonin, in mediating a range of similar and often correlated behaviors in two distantly related species of spiders, the western black widow, Latrodectus hesperus, and the funnel‐web spider, Agelenopsis pennsylvanica. Additionally, we investigate the behavioral effects associated with three commonly used carrier solvents: dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and acetone. We demonstrate that biogenic amines are involved both in mediating several behaviors, and also potentially the links between different behaviors. We also show that the same behaviors in different species are not affected by biogenic amines in the same manner, suggesting differences in the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms governing behavior. Furthermore, we discovered large and pervasive effects associated with both carrier solvents, thus calling into question the potential usefulness and interpretability of topical application methods in behavioral research.  相似文献   

We have tested the effect of a known insect neuromodulator, octopamine, on flight initiation in the cockroach. Using minimally dissected animals, we found that octopamine lowered the threshold for windevoked initiation of flight when applied to either of two major synaptic sites in the flight circuitry: 1) the last abdominal ganglion, where wind-sensitive neurons from the cerci excite dorsal giant interneurons, or 2) the metathoracic ganglion, where the dorsal giant interneurons activate interneurons and motoneurons which are involved in producing the rhythmic flight motor pattern in the flight muscles (Fig. 2).Correlated with this change in flight initiation threshold, we found that octopamine applied to the last abdominal ganglion increased the number of action potentials produced by individual dorsal giant interneurons when recruiting the cereal wind-sensitive neurons with wind puffs (Figs. 3, 4, 5) or with extracellular stimulation of their axons (Fig. 6). Octopamine increases the excitability of the giant interneurons (Figs. 7, 8). Also, when we stimulated individual dorsal giant interneurons intracellularly, the number of action potentials needed to initiate flight was reduced when octopamine was applied to the metathoracic ganglion (Fig. 9).Abbreviations EMG electromyogram - dGIs dorsal giant interneurons - GI giant interneuron - A6 sixth abdominal ganglion - T3 third thoracic ganglion - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

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