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Skin colorimetry readings taken in Belize, Central America (formerly British Honduras) with the two most commonly used portable reflectometers reveal significant differences in mean reflectance between Garifuna (Black Caribs) and Creoles, and between Garifuna in two settlements. These differences are related to variation in African, Indian, and European admixture, as estimated from serological markers. Sex differences are not evident in univariate comparisons, but females are significantly lighter than males in multivariate analyses of variance. Polynomial age trends exist in some groups for certain variables, but account for a very small amount of the variation in skin color within these groups. 相似文献
Ohashi J Yoshida M Ohtsuka R Nakazawa M Juji T Tokunaga K 《Human biology; an international record of research》2000,72(2):337-347
The genetic structure of the Gidra-speaking population inhabiting 13 villages in Papua New Guinea was investigated, based on the analysis of HLA-DRB1 polymorphism. Nei's fixation indices (F(IS), F(IT), and F(ST)) showed that the Gidra villages were genetically differentiated. The genetic distances significantly correlated with the geographic distances among the 13 villages. Thus, it is likely that a low intervillage migration rate has been maintained since the Gidra community was established. Correspondence analysis revealed that the Gidra, who belong to non-Austronesian-speaking groups, are genetically located at the intermediate point between the Aboriginal Australian groups and the Austronesian-speaking groups. Moreover, the HLA-DRB1*0802 allele, which has been observed in only two Polynesian groups (Austronesian-speaking groups) of Oceanian populations, was also found in the Gidra. These results suggest that the admixture of Austronesian and indigenous non-Austronesian groups beyond the linguistic boundary occurred partly in Papua New Guinea before Austronesian groups spread to the Pacific. 相似文献
Canadian populations of D. radicum differ in their response to temperature during postdiapause development. Populations that are primarily of the early-emerging type (
) (St-Jean, Quebec; London, Ontario) have high values for the parameters describing this response: % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaamOuamaaBa% aaleaacaWGTbaabeaakiabg2da9aaa!38F2!$$R_m = $$ 12.7–13.3;
28.0–31.8 °C ; T = 10.3–14.2 (
, the maximum developmental rate at the temperature,
[ °C ] where the developmental rate is highest, and T , the parameter which gives the shape of the truncated normal curve fitted to the data), a low degree-day requirement for emergence (160–232
), and may lack a developmental delay at temperatures above ca. 21 °C . Populations of the late-emerging type (Kildare, Prince Edward Island) have low parameter values (
°C ; T = 6.4), high degree-day requirements (530
), and a developmental delay at high temperatures. The parameters for the early-emergers in the population from Winnipeg, Manitoba (74% early) were intermediate (
°C , T = 10.7,
), but resembled the early rather than the late type. This population varied from 31 to 90% early type over a 10-year period and the rate of postdiapause development at 20 °C was directly related to the percentage early. In the year with the most rapid development (90% early), development was significantly slower than in the populations from other locations with predominantly early populations, and the year with the slowest development (31% early) showed significantly faster development than that from Kildare, Prince Edward Island (100% late). Therefore the parameters for early and late types of development will not be accurate for use in mixed populations, and the parameters in mixed populations will change among years. Populations of D. radicum in North America and Europe (67 locations by years) varied from 0–100% early. At Winnipeg, the percentage early was directly related to the annual temperature accumulation (
) during the growing season. The calculation of developmental parameters for the early-emergers of mixed populations provides a more accurate basis for estimating the times of first emergence and the first peak of emergence than parameters based on the whole population. Since postdiapause developmental rates vary both among and annually within locations, developmental models should be designed to include such variations. 相似文献
Hailu Dadi Seung-Hwan Lee Seung Soo Lee Chankyu Park Kwan-Suk Kim 《Genes & genomics.》2014,36(3):261-265
In order to facilitate the on-going cattle conservation and improvement programs in Korea, we examined genetic relationships among East Asian cattle, focusing on Korean native cattle, using complete mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. In total, 67 haplotypes were discriminated by 97 variable sites in East Asian cattle. Of the variable sites, 35 represented singleton variable sites and 62 were parsimony informative sites. For Korean cattle, 30 haplotypes were discriminated by 40 variable sites. The variable sites identified in this study correspond to transition or transversion point mutations. Inter-populations genetic distance varied from 0.004 to 0.052 for East Asian cattle populations. The genetic divergence observed between Korean Brown and Jeju Black (0.004) was among the lowest. The Mongolian cattle were slightly divergent from other East Asian cattle populations studied. The network analysis uncovered that Jeju Black and Yunbian samples represented the possible ancestral Haplotype within T3 Bos taurus main lineage. Thus, we hypothesized that the Jeju and Yunbian cattle may represent one of the original native North East Asian cattle in the region. 相似文献
R Ohtsuka 《American journal of physical anthropology》1986,71(1):13-23
The population increase rate of the Gidra in lowland Papua in the past was estimated using the rate of intergenerational replacement of females based on genealogical records involving 889 women, alive or deceased, who completed reproduction. During the period from a century ago to the time of manifest influence of civilization several decades ago, the Gidra had a constant annual increase rate of about 0.2%. The discussion includes a historical assessment of this rate with reference to the local conditions and an ecological explanation for its microenvironmental variation and suggests a reassessment of the methodology for studying fertility and population growth in anthropological and prehistoric populations. 相似文献
The Gidra-speaking Papuans of the Oriomo Plateau, lowland Papua New Guinea, consume ash of two tree species (Melaleuca sp. andAcacia mangium) as a native salt. The ashes contain 100–200 mg sodium/g ash, which is very much higher than the sodium levels in native plant ashes (except for the swamp herbEriocaulon australe) collected in other regions of the world. 相似文献
Populations of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch collected from various localities and from various host plants in Japan showed wide variations in diapause attribute. Diapause percentages at 18°C/9L15D varied from nearly 100% in the north to 0% in the south-west. At intermediate latitudes the mites showed wide inter-population variations. Populations on herbaceous hosts in vinyl- or glass-houses gave significantly lower incidence of diapause than those on roses and deciduous fruit trees. Presence of winter hosts and better host quality under protected environments seemed to favour non-diapausing mites. The temperature threshold for diapause expression also varied widely among local populations. Northern populations consistently had higher and less variable thresholds than populations at intermediate latitudes with thresholds between 15 and 18°C. Inbred lines derived from a population in Kyoto exhibited a wide variation in diapause percentage at 18°C. These results show that diapause in T. urticae is a quantitative threshold trait and that populations in central Japan consist of a variety of genotypes with different diapause traits. This might provide a genetic source for adaptation to local and temporal variations in environmental conditions. 相似文献
Kubo people of Papua New Guinea sometimes grew Dioscorea yams in mounds of forest litter that were made as egg-incubation sites by birds (Megapodiidae).' The small yam plots were included within larger banana gardens and, in the latter, it was yams, not bananas, that took precedence in the gardening decisions of people. The technique would be viable in the absence of a larger garden. It is interpreted as an expression of an ancient pattern of small-scale plant domestication. 相似文献
Michael J. Eden 《Human ecology: an interdisciplinary journal》1993,21(2):145-166
Ecological aspects of traditional swidden cultivation by Bine- speaking groups in wetland areas of lowland southwest Papua New Guinea are examined. A notable feature of the area is the coexistence of extensive, polycultural forest cultivation and more intensive, specialized savanna cultivation. Both agrosystems occur on soils of inherently similar properties. The savanna vegetation is secondary in character and, once established, is better suited to more intensive swidden cultivation based on taro (Colocasia esculenta). The agrosystems in question represent stages in the local development of agriculture, and, although multiple causes of intensification may be involved, the study confirms that lowland, as well as highland, areas of New Guinea have provided development opportunities for traditional cultivators. 相似文献
Rowe Cassandra David Bruno Mialanes Jerome Ulm Sean Petchey Fiona Aird Samantha McNiven Ian J. Leavesley Matthew Richards Thomas 《Vegetation History and Archaeobotany》2020,29(1):1-14
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - The southern lowlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG) are biogeographically distinct. Vast tracts of savanna vegetation occur there and yet most palaeoecological... 相似文献
Debee Prasad Sahoo Subhashree Aparajita Gyana Ranjan Rout 《Plant Systematics and Evolution》2010,285(1-2):121-125
Pongamia pinnata is an oil-producing tree species with multiple uses and considerable potential as a bioenergy crop. This investigation was carried out to assess the extent of genetic structure in a representative set of 226 individuals of Pongamia pinnata encompassing seven populations as a prelude to utilization of promising and genetically divergent material in breeding programmes. Molecular polymorphism was 67.18% with ten inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) between the individuals indicating modest levels of genetic variation in the Pongamia pinnata germplasm collected. The within-population variation based on ISSR polymorphism was 32.34% and polymorphism at the species level was 94.3%. Genetic differentiation between populations (GST = 0.61) was positively correlated with geographical distance. The data obtained indicate an immediate need to widen the genetic base of Pongamia pinnata germplasm for proper characterization, and for extensive plantations of elite varieties to meet the demands for biodiesel. 相似文献
Social hierarchy exists in all human societies, yet the characteristics important for achieving high social status may differ cross-culturally. Studies among Western industrialized populations often use indices of socioeconomic status (SES) to determine individual social position. Conversely, studies among small-scale societies typically use locally relevant traits. Cross-cultural applicability and the relationships between these two strategies have rarely been investigated. Studies limited to industrialized societies demonstrate that low social status is associated with poor health and elevated levels of chronic stress. It remains unclear, however, if and to what extent this relationship is a recent phenomenon in industrialized Western society or a universal human characteristic that has likely been present throughout much of our recent evolutionary history. In this study, we investigate relationships between various SES and locally relevant measures of male social status, age, body-mass index (BMI), and levels of waking salivary cortisol among relatively egalitarian Garisakang forager-horticulturalists of lowland Papua New Guinea. We employ a photo-ranking method using 32 raters (16 women, 16 men) to evaluate 15 measures of social hierarchy in men (N = 32). These measures target locally relevant traits considered important for male social status (e.g., sociability, hunting skills, fighting ability, and community influence). Using principal component analysis (PCA), we extracted two components labeled as Dominance-Respect and Prosociality-Skills. Models investigating predictors of social status demonstrate that age was significantly and positively related to both Dominance-Respect and Prosociality-Skills while BMI was positively related to only Dominance-Respect. Neither Dominance-Respect nor Prosociality-Skills predicted salivary cortisol levels. However, the SES measure of Income was significantly and positively related to cortisol levels, suggesting that men with higher income experience higher levels of stress. This finding may be explained by increased psychological stress accompanying market integration among the Garisakang or, alternatively, by culturally specific expectations for resource sharing and fear of conflict. These findings emphasize the usefulness of diverse social status measures in anthropological research and stress the need for broadened perspectives regarding the causes and consequences of social status among small-scale populations. 相似文献
Ultra-violet light traps were hung at four vertical levels, to monitor the distribution of flying insects in the rain-forests in Panama, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and two sites in Brunei. Large insects were excluded. Ninety-eight thousand, five hundred and sixty-nine insects were trapped and the entire catch was analysed to order and in some cases to lower taxa. Clear vertical stratification was shown by most taxa and, in some cases, there was a marked concentration of numbers in the upper canopy at all four sites. In others there was no such concentration and considerable differences in vertical distribution were seen between the sites. These differences are discussed in relation to the forest structure at each site and in relation to the results obtained in Zaire. We conclude that flying insects in tropical rain-forests are not always concentrated in the upper canopy, although there is a tendency for this to occur where topography and forest structure are simple. 相似文献
We assessed the effect of geographical distance on insect species turnover in a situation where other major environmental factors, including host plant species, altitude, and climate, were constant. We sampled ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae) from four tree species: Artocarpus altilis , Ficus nodosa , Leea indica and Nauclea orientalis , at three sites forming a 1000 km transect in lowland rainforests of northern Papua New Guinea. A standardized volume of wood from trunk, branches and twigs was sampled for ambrosia beetles from three individuals of the four tree species at each site. Each tree was killed standing and left exposed to beetle colonization for 20 days prior to sampling. We obtained 12 751 individuals from 84 morphospecies of ambrosia beetles. We surveyed most of the local species richness at each site, predicted by Chao 2 species richness estimates. The similarity of ambrosia beetle communities, estimated by Chao-Sorensen index, was not correlated with their geographical distance. Likelihood analysis and Q-mode analysis using Monte Carlo-generated null distribution of beetles among sites supported the hypothesis that the assemblages of ambrosia beetles at different sites are drawn from the same species pool, regardless of their geographical distance. Tree part (trunk, branch, or twig) was more important predictor of the composition of ambrosia beetle communities than was the host species or geographical location. All three variables, however, explained only a small portion of variability in ambrosia assemblages. The distribution of ambrosia beetles among tree parts, tree species and study sites was mostly random, suggesting limited importance of host specificity or dispersal limitation. 相似文献
Greta J. Frankham Kathrine A. Handasyde Melinda Norton Andrew Murray Mark D. B. Eldridge 《Conservation Genetics》2014,15(3):547-560
Fine-scale genetic structure was investigated in three regional populations of the long-nosed potoroo (Potorous tridactylus) a threatened endemic marsupial. Two populations were from the Australian mainland and one from an island. Populations were sub-sampled at two sites, 6–8 km apart, connected by suitable habitat for dispersal. Factors influencing fine-scale structure were investigated by genotyping 157 individuals at 10 microsatellite loci and sequencing a ~621 bp region of the mtDNA control region. Results indicated that P. tridactylus populations exhibit significant intra-population structure, with significant F ST and Φ ST values recorded between subpopulations. This structure appeared mediated by small neighbourhood size, female philopatry and limited dispersal over 6–8 km, predominantly by males. Results highlighted several important features of P. tridactylus populations that have implications for conservation. Firstly, the small neighbourhood size suggests any investigations of intra-population structure should be conducted on a finer scale (e.g. 25–50 m) than many current monitoring programs. Secondly, the island populations were genetically depauperate, which may reflect processes occurring in many isolated ‘mainland island’ populations. Thirdly, the lower gene flow identified between populations separated by anthropogenically modified habitat suggests P. tridactylus is sensitive to changes in habitat configuration. 相似文献
C. C. Platz Jr. D. E. Wildt C. H. Bridges S. W. Seager B. S. Whitlock 《Primates; journal of primatology》1980,21(1):130-132
Two electroejaculations and a testicular biopsy were performed on a lowland gorilla,Gorilla gorilla gorilla, to determine fertility. Sperm morphology showed 92.5% abnormal sperm which were of primary, or testicular, origin. Testicular
biopsy revealed abnormally shaped nuclei in the later stages of spermiogenesis, supporting the semen analysis performed from
the electroejaculations. The majority of abnormalities consisted of pyriform heads (23%) and abnormal acrosomes (35%). 相似文献
Aramuni Filipe Bosholn Mariane Tolentino Mariana Rampini Aline P. Hernández-Rangel Sandra M. Kaefer Igor L. Anciães Marina 《Acta ethologica》2021,24(3):165-176
acta ethologica - Sexual selection predicts evolution of secondary sexual traits favoring mating. Here, we address the within population variation in courtship display behavior among male... 相似文献