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This paper presents 10 years of reproductive data on birth interval length and 5 years of data on reproductive behavior postpartum from a captive colony of gray langur monkeys (Presbytis entellus)housed in Berkeley, California. Birth intervals of females following different pregnancy and nursing schedules are compared. Females whose infants survive to the age of 9 months have a median birth interval of 15.4 months. The experimental separation of mothers from infants for a period of 2 weeks, 6 to 9 months postpartum, had no significant effect on the median birth interval length. Females experiencing a pregnancy failure or the loss of a neonate had median birth intervals of 9.6 and 10.7 months, respectively. These intervals were significantly shorter than the birth intervals of females whose infants survived to 9 months, showing that the presence of a nursing infant delays the female’s time to next conception by approximately 5 to 6 months. Females experienced a median of three estrous periods (two estrous cycles) before conceiving postpartum, regardless of pregnancy outcome or length of infant survival, and females rarely conceived during their first estrous period postpartum. Weaning did not occur until after the mother’s next conception. These data indicate that, in populations of langurs characterized by average birth intervals of 15 to 16 months, the loss of an infant after the age of 5 to 6 months will not accelerate a female’s ability to conceive or shorten the birth interval length. The available data on birth spacing from populations of free-ranging langurs are reviewed. It could not be demonstrated that non-Himalayan populations are characterized by birth intervals which are as long as 20 to 24 months. Rather, it is suggested that female langurs inhabiting seasonally arid sites, such as Jodhpur, Abu, and Dharwar, may be capable of producing infants on the average of every 15 to 16 months. Flexibility in the timing of births and the lack of well-defined birth seasons at these sites may be explained by this species’ dietary and digestive adaptations. Additionally, data on birth spacing and the age of missing infants from the above field sites, where it has been suggested that infanticide following changes in male leadership occurs habitually, do not lend support to the sexual selection hypothesis of infanticide as proposed by S. Hrdy (1974, 1977).  相似文献   

Ten years data on birth peak, birth rate and interbiith interval inPresbytis entellus of Jodhpur have been presented. Although Hangman langur females breed round the year, there is some concentration of births during January–March while fewer births occur during October–December. It seems that provisioning and crop raiding together may provide better feeding opportunities to breed year round. However, it remains unclear whether environmental factors allow langur females to deliver more infants during January–March. During 1984–86 the birth rate was uniform for the whole population (0.63). While there was a variation within the troops from year to year, data suggest that resident male replacements do alter birth rate. It goes down when resident males are replaced frequently. The interbirth interval ranges between 7.0 and 76.5 months (average, 16.88 months;n = 112). Abortions and still-births reduced the interbirlh interval to 7.1 months (range 7.1-21.1; average, 11.4 months;n= 8) compared to the normal inlerbirth interval following infant survive its first 4.1 months of life (range 10.7-76.5 months; average, 17.28 months;n = 86). However, infant loss under the age of 4.1 months did not reduce the interbirth interval except in two cases (range 7.0-51.8 months; average, 17.27 months;n = 18). Maternal rejection or weaning begins at about 8 months of age and lasts until infants are 12 months old. In this population, the probability of twin births was worked out to be 0.79 per 100 births.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data from a population of yellow baboons,Papio cynocephalus, in the Amboseli National Park, Kenya, provide life history parameter estimates. Females reached menarche at approximately four-and-a-half years of age and then cycled for approximately a year before first conception. Postpartum anestrum averaged 12 months but ranged from six to 16 months. In cases of still births or infant death during postpartum amenorrhea, females commenced cycling after approximately one month. In mature females the time spent cycling before conception was five months on the average with a range from one to over 18 months. Only half of all full-term pregnancies resulted in infants who survived the first year of life; only a third, in infants who survived until the birth of their mother’s next infant. In comparison with data from laboratory colonies, our data indicate that female baboons in Amboseli are older at birth of first infant. They have, on the average, a somewhat shorter interbirth interval than was estimated from earlier crossectional field data, and therefore spend a larger portion of their adult life pregnant, but have a much longer interval—at least three years on the average—between the birth of an infant and the birth of that infant’s next older surviving sibling. A number of morphological changes in immature baboons are described.  相似文献   

Understanding the reproductive parameters of endangered primate species is vital for evaluating the status of populations and developing adequate conservation measures. This study provides the first detailed analysis of the reproductive parameters of wild white‐headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus), based on demographic data collected over an 8‐year period in the Nongguan Karst Hills in Chongzuo County, Guangxi, China. From 1998 to 2002, a total of 133 live births were recorded in the population based on systematic censuses. Births occurred throughout the year, but the temporal pattern was highly correlated with seasonal variation in temperature and rainfall, with the birth peak coinciding with the dry and cold months of November–March. The average birthrate was 0.47±0.13 births per female per year and mortality for infants younger than 20 months was 15.8%. From 1998 to 2006, 14 females gave birth to 41 infants in four focal groups. The average age at first birth for female langurs was 5–6 years (n=5) and the interbirth interval (IBI) was 23.2±5.2 months (median=24.5 months, n=27). Infants are weaned at 19–21 months of age. The IBI for females with infant loss before weaning was significantly shorter than those for females whose infants survived. It appears that birth seasonality in the white‐headed langurs is influenced by seasonal changes in food availability. The timing of conceptions was found to coincide with peak food availability. The reproductive parameters for white‐headed langurs reported here are quite similar to those reported for other colobine species. One major difference is our observation of lower infant mortality in Trachypithecus. Am. J. Primatol. 71:558–566, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There have been 36 bottlenose dolphins born in breeding colonies at Sea World, California, and Sea World, Florida, from 1978–1985. Significant features of this successful reproductive program are construction of a compatible breeding colony, early hormonal detection of pregnancy, pre- and postnatal association of inexperienced mothers with experienced females and their calves, and minimized handling of the mothers and calves until the calves are over 1 year of age. Inclusion in the breeding colonies of males old enough to be effective breeders is stressed. Females in the colonies have successfully bred from 8–9 years of age to 23–24 years of age. Calving intervals in the colonies vary from 2 to over 3 years. Calves are born all year round, with some peaking in calving activity in the spring and fall months. Serum progesterone levels greater than 6,000 pg/ml, maintained over a 4–6-week period, are considered indicative of pregnancy. Progesterone levels vary from less than 10,000 to over 50,000 pg/ml during gestation, averaging 25,000 pg/ml. The need for further study of variation in the pattern of progesterone levels during pregnancy is emphasized. A gestation period for Tursiops of 11.5 to 12 months is consistent with our cumulative progesterone data.  相似文献   

In a group of captive bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) housed at the California Primate Research Center, variance in reproductive success among females is primarily due to differences in infant survival. The infants of low-ranking females have a smaller probability of surviving to 6 months of age than do the infants of other females. In addition, the juvenile daughters of low-ranking females are more vulnerable to behaviourally induced mortality than are other immature animals. Observational evidence indicates that this mortality is the direct result of aggression by unrelated, higherranking adult females. Although infants' sex is not consistently related to survival, yearly fluctuations in the survival of male and female infants are reflected in the extent and direction of the skew in the sex ratio of offspring produced the following year. Years in which the highest proportion of male infants survive are followed by years in which the largest proportions of the birth cohorts are composed of males, and years in which the largest proportions of females survive are followed by years in which the largest proportions of birth cohorts are composed of females. For infant females the probability of surviving is reduced when a substantial proportion of the birth cohort is composed of females. The same pattern is evident among the sons of low-ranking females. The adaptive significance of behaviourally induced variation in reproductive success among females is considered in relation to these data.  相似文献   

We report on 14 years of reproductive data for semifree-ranging mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) in Gabon, and we explore relationships between female rank, age and parity, and reproductive strategies. Most births (61% of 132) occurred during the wet season in Gabon, between January and March. Female rank and parity were unrelated to the timing of parturition. Gestation lengths average 175 days (SE = ±1 day; N = 61) and were similar irrespective of female rank, parity, or sex of offspring. Birth sex ratio did not differ significantly from unity (52% male), and was unrelated to maternal rank or parity. Stillbirths and neonatal mortality tended to be more common among lower-ranking females than among either mid-ranking or dominant females. Median age at first birth is 4.71 years, at a median body mass of 7.6 kg, ca 5 years before females attain their adult body mass (median 12 kg). Age at first reproduction is significantly correlated with dominance rank, with dominant females giving birth on average 1.3 years earlier than lower-ranking females do. Interbirth intervals (IBI) average 405 days (range 184–1159 days, N = 103), and are independent of the sex of the offspring. Infant death within 6 months shortened IBI to 305 days. Increasing age and parity are also associated with short IBI, as is higher rank. Maternal rank and parity appear to influence reproductive success in female mandrills, but there is no apparent differential maternal investment by sex.  相似文献   

Diversity in reproductive and social systems characterizes the primate family Callitrichidae. This paper contributes to our appreciation of this diversity by presenting the first detailed comparative analysis of captive breeding in three species of lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas, L. chrysopygus, and L. rosalia) housed at the Centro de Primatologia do Rio de Janeiro. The annual pattern of reproduction in all three species of Leontopithecus was markedly seasonal, with births occurring during the spring, summer, and fall months from August through March. While modal number of litters produced per female per year was 1, approximately 20% of breeding females produced two litters per year. The onset of breeding activity in years when two litters are produced was significantly earlier than in years when only one litter was produced. The cumulative number of offspring surviving to 3 months of age did not differ between years with one vs. two breeding attempts. Like other callitrichids, postnatal mortality was highest during the first week of life, and there were pronounced species differences in offspring survival through 1 year, with significantly lower survivorship in L. chrysomelas. Infant survivorship was affected by a number of experiential factors. Survivorship up to 30 days of life was higher in groups in which the breeding female had previous experience with infants as a nonbreeding helper than in groups in which the female lacked previous helping experience. Likewise, survivorship to 30 days of life was higher for infants born to multiparous females than for infants born to primiparous females. When parity and previous helping experience were analyzed concurrently, the lowest survivorship was associated with offspring produced by inexperienced primiparous females. Genus-wide, there was no significant departure from a 50:50 sex ratio at any point during the first year of life, nor was there evidence for differential mortality for male and female infants. However, L. chrysopygus produced significantly more male infants at birth (65:44) and had male-biased litters (approximately 60% males) throughout the first year of life, while L. chrysomelas showed a nonsignificant tendency toward female-biased litters. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recreational and other human activities degrade coral reefs worldwide to a point where efficient restoration techniques are needed. Here we tested several strategies for gardening denuded reefs. The gardening concept consists of in situ or ex situ mariculture of coral recruits, followed by their transplantation into degraded reef sites. In situ nurseries were established in Eilat's (Northern Red Sea) shallow waters, sheltering three types of coral materials taken from the branching species Stylophora pistillata (small colonies, branch fragments, and spat) that were monitored for up to two years. Pruning more than 10% of donor colonies' branches increased mortality, and surviving colonies displayed reduced reproductive activity. Maricultured isolated branches, however, exceeded donor colony life span and reproductive activity and added 0.5–45% skeletal mass per year. Forty‐four percent of the small colonies survived after 1.5‐year mariculture, revealing average yearly growth of 75 ± 32%. Three months ex situ maintenance of coral spat (sexual recruits) prior to the in situ nursery phase increased survivorship. Within the next 1.5 years, they developed into colonies of 3–4 cm diameter. Nursery periods of 2 years, 4–5 years, and more than> 5 years have been estimated for small colonies, spat, and isolated branches, respectively. These and other results, including the possible use of nubbins (minute fragments the size of a single or few polyps), are discussed, revealing benefits and drawbacks for each material. In situ coral mariculture is an improved practice to the common but potentially harmful protocol of direct coral transplantation. It is suggested that reef gardening may be used as a key management tool in conservation and restoration of denuded reef areas. The gardening concept may be applicable for coral reefs worldwide through site‐specific considerations and the use of different local coral species.  相似文献   

A population of langurs (Presbytis entellus)at the Rajaji Wildlife Sanctuary in northern India was investigated for 1820 hr throughout a 10-month period in 1978. Data were collected from four bisexual troops and the adult males that ranged outside of bisexual troops. Most (60%) of the observation hours occurred with a main study troop from which social and ecological data were collected. The langur population at Rajaji shows pronounced birth and mating seasons. The population density is high (ca. 80/km 2), with about 75% of the adult males living outside of bisexual troops, which typically are large and multimale. Males outside of bisexual troops occur in small all-male bands or as isolates. Relations between bisexual troops and all-male bands are characterized by relatively low levels of aggression, and members of all-male bands are able to associate with bisexual troops for prolonged periods during the mating season. As a result of these associations, nontroop males are about as successful as troop males in achieving reproductive access to troop females. These associations between bisexual troops and all-male bands occurred with a minimal amount of agonistic behavior and without mortality or injury to troop females or immatures.  相似文献   

The social organization of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus;Colobinae) was studied in Kanha Tiger Reserve, Central Indian Highlands, for 2300 hr (1980–1985), in a mosaic of moist deciduous forest and anthropogenic meadow. The langur population density was 46.15/km 2 and the mean troop and band sizes were 21.7 and 14.0, respectively. Of 14 troops, 13 were one-male and 1 was trimale. The population adult sex ratio was 1:2.5. The majority of female sexual solicitations was directed toward the harem male. The birth season was December to May, with an estimated gestation of 171–224 days. A review of langur reproductive seasonality suggests that breeding throughout the year is confined to those populations able to exploit human food sources. Mortality during the first year of life was 40%, including infanticide. A significant positive correlation was found between the age of an infant at death or disappearance and the mother’s subsequent interbirth interval. Five cases of social change are described, including female transfer, one-male to multimale change, troop formation, and gradual and rapid replacement of troop males. Takeover-associated infant killing by band males, in an undisturbed moderate-density population, supported the sexual-selection/infanticide hypothesis but not the social-pathology hypothesis. However, it could not be directly confirmed that an invading infanticidal male gains a reproductive advantage. The male tenure of harems was estimated to be 45 months.  相似文献   

1. Myrmecina nipponica has two types of colonies: a queen colony type, in which the reproductive females are queens and new colonies are made by independent founding, and an intermorphic female colony type, in which reproductive females belong to a wingless intermediate morphology between queen and worker, and where colonies multiply through colonial budding. 2. The mating frequencies of reproductive females in both types indicate monoandry. The relatedness among nestmates in both types was almost 0.75, however relatedness between mother and daughter in intermorphic female colonies was slightly higher than that of queen colonies. 3. The sex ratio (corrected investment female ratio) was 0.70 at the population level, suggesting that the sex ratio is controlled by workers in this species, however the ratio differed greatly between the two types of colonies. Queen colonies (n = 37) had a female‐biased sex ratio of 0.77 while intermorphic female colonies (n = 33) had a ratio of 0.56. 4. Each reproductive intermorphic female was accompanied by an average of 2.9 workers (including virgin intermorphic females) in the colonial budding, and when the investment to those workers was added to the female investment, the sex ratio reached 0.81. 5. The frequency distribution of sex ratio was bimodal, with many colonies producing exclusively males or females, however mean estimated relatedness within colonies was almost 0.75. These data are inconsistent with the genetic variation hypothesis, which is one of the predominant hypotheses accounting for the between‐colony variation in sex ratio.  相似文献   

Because humans have slow life histories, discussions of the optimal age at first birth have stressed the benefits of delayed reproduction. However, given the diversity of ecological, fertility, and mortality environments in which humans live, reproductive maturity is expected to be highly variable. This article uses reproductive histories to examine a pattern of early menarche and first birth among the Pume, a group of South American foragers. Age at menarche and first birth are constructed using both retrospective and cross‐sectional data for females over the age of 10 (n = 83). The objectives are first to define these patterns and then discuss their reproductive consequences. On average, Pume girls reach menarche at age 12.9, and give birth to their first child at age 15.3–15.5 (retrospective and cross‐sectional data, respectively). This populational average falls several years prior to what often is considered the human norm. Two questions are then considered. What are the infant mortality costs across a mother's reproductive career? How does surviving fertility vary with age at first birth? Results indicate that the youngest of first‐time mothers (<14) are four times more likely to loose their firstborns than older first‐time mothers (≥17). Given parity‐specific mortality rates, the optimal strategy to minimize infant mortality and maximize reproductive span is to initiate childbearing in the midteens. Women gain no additional advantage in surviving fertility by delaying childbearing until their late teens. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A breeding colony of slender lorises (Loris tardigradus malabaricus) was studied to obtain data for comparison with other prosimian species, to contribute reproductive information for improving management of captive lorises, and to resolve some uncertainties in the literature regarding reproduction in the slender loris. At the Duke University Primate Center, a female slender loris reached sexual maturity at approximately ten months of age and conceived at one year of age. The length of the estrous cycle was 29–40 days, with copulation occurring over two consecutive days during estrus. Gestation length was 166–169 days. Litter size for each six births was one. Conception did not occur during an immediate post-partum estrus, but four months after birth, resulting in a 9 1/2-month interbirth interval. There was no evidence of reproductive seasonality. Lactation lasted between five and seven months. Reproductive rates of slender lorises are among the lowest of primates less than 500 g. Differences in reproductive parameters may exist between different subspecies of slender lorises.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) is poorly documented because of infrequent captive breeding success and the absence of field studies of this species. Reproductive data were collected from a breeding colony of slow lorises held at the Duke University Primate Center for the past 10 years. Nineteen infants were born, with a sex ratio of 1:1 and a neonatal mortality rate of 15.8%. In all cases, litter size was one. Females born in the colony copulated for the first time between 18 and 24 months of age. A male that reached sexual maturity in the colony sired his first offspring at the age of 17 months. Estrous cycles ranged in duration from 29–45 days, with copulations usually occurring for 1 day of estrus. Gestation length averaged 192.2 days. Although a postpartum estrus was observed in three cases of infant death, no conceptions resulted. Lactation lasted approximately 6 months. A clear birth peak was observed, with 12 out of 19 births occurring in March, April, and May. The comparatively low basal metabolic rate of this species may account for the unusually low reproductive rate of the slow loris in comparison with other prosimian primates.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate potential differences in coral spawning behavior between a fringing coastal reef and an offshore reef in the southern Caribbean. For this, scleractinian and gorgonian colonies (N = 324) of 21 species were mapped along eight transects, each 10-m long, at two study sites located in Morrocoy and Los Roques National Parks, Venezuela. Observations were made between 19:30 and 23:00 from August 23 to 30 and from September 26 to 30, 2002. Ninety one colonies belonging to six hard coral and seven octocoral species spawned or planulated during this period. We were unable to observe any signs of reproductive activity in 95 colonies of nine species different from those that reproduced. Despite the differences in environmental conditions between the two sites, we observed high synchrony in the spawning behavior of seven coral species common to both reefs. The most striking result was the ability of colonies of Montastraea faveolata and Eusmilia fastigiata to split spawn up to three times, either in consecutive nights or in different months.  相似文献   

Life history data are presented for a population of vervets, Cercopithecusaethiops sabaeus, in Barbados, West Indies. The data were obtained from two habituated troops and from vervets captured during a large-scale trapping program. Individuals of known age from one troop were weighed periodically, and separate growth curves generated for males and females. The mean weight of captured adult females was 3.3 kg; that of adult males, 5.3 kg. The average age at sexual maturity is estimated at 34 months for females and 60 months for males. Vervets give birth throughout the year, but most infants are born between April and July. The average interbirth interval following a surviving infant is 11.8 months. The mortality of juveniles is heaviest between birth and 2 years of age and decreases thereafter. Males emigrate from their natal troops at sexual maturity and one incident of a juvenile female emigrating is reported.  相似文献   

Female reproductive data are presented from 9 years of longitudinal observations on two troops of Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) living around Jodhpur, India. On the basis of 89 live births interbirth intervals were calculated to examine the effect of demographic factors on reproductive behaviour and troop composition. Sex of an infant seems to influence the length of intervals which are longer after the birth of female infants at an average of 1.7 months. It is suggested that this may be an outcome of differential maternal investment by allocating more time and energy towards female infants who run a higher mortality risk than male infants, at least up to an age of 27 months. Troopspecific interbirth intervals are influenced by social events. If the last infant is still alive when the next one is conceived, the intervals are significantly longer than after the premature loss of an infant (Bijolai troop: 15.6 vs. 12.1 months; Kailana-1 troop: 16.7 vs. 11.4 months). During undisturbed male tenureship intervals are shorter than after a male change (Bijolai troop: 14.3 vs. 16.0 months; Kailana-I troop: 15.6 vs. 17.5 months). Thus the frequency of male changes can influence the demography of a troop. Furthermore, the data suggest that take-overs are optimally timed by males. New males tend to take over a troop when most of the females are cycling.  相似文献   

Abstract The Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum, L. 1758) is a slow-growing longevous gorgonian that produces a red calcium carbonate skeleton, which is in high demand by the jewellery industry. Its long history of intensive commercial harvesting has resulted in a well-documented decline of its stocks throughout the Mediterranean, becoming especially apparent during the last two decades. Based on the extensive ecological data from the Costa Brava (NE Spain) stocks, this study reviews, for the first time, socioeconomic aspects and the impact of current fishing practices on the red coral population structure and reproductive biology. A comparison of the intensively harvested populations in shallow water with that of the infrequently harvested ones in deep water, along with a population in a marine reserve as well, reveals that 98% of all shallow water colonies show a juvenile size and branching pattern as a result of harvesting. Recent data on the reproductive biology of the species show that 91% of the colonies in shallow water populations (<60 m depth) are not 100% sexually mature. These populations are clearly at the limit of their recoverability potential. The maximum sustainable yield (estimated using the Beverton-Holt model) is reached at an age of first capture of 98 years, although the current regulations allow harvesting of approximately 11-year-old colonies (corresponding to a basal diameter of 7 mm). The presented data reveal how this renewable resource is being exploited in a clearly non-sustainable and inefficient way, changing significantly the underwater landscape of the Mediterranean coast. The review of all available data suggests that the shallow water stocks are depleted. Furthermore, recent trends in poaching of juvenile colonies and mass mortality events threaten the survival of the shallow water populations. A ban on reconstituted coral from the market appears to be the only option to control this form of poaching.  相似文献   

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