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The only established difference on which to base the separation of X and Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa is chromosomal constitution. This difference is quantifiable both from chromosome morphology (karyotype) and from DNA content. Flow cytometric techniques were used to measure relative DNA content of the X and Y populations and to flow-sort spermatozoa from Chinchilla laniger. Epididymal spermatozoa were recovered in PBS, fixed in 80% ethanol, treated with papain and dithioerythritol, and stained for DNA with Hoechst 33342. Sperm nuclei were analyzed and sorted on an EPICS V flow cytometer/cell sorter, modified specifically for spermatozoa. Two clearly resolved peaks (coefficient of variation < 1.5%) with approximately 7.5% difference in DNA content between X and Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa were evident. Sperm nuclei were sorted from a portion of the X and Y peaks at a rate of 55 nuclei/sec for each population. Purities of individual X and Y populations averaged 95% as determined by reanalysis of the sorted populations. Successful sorting of Chinchilla X and Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa into separate populations may aid in the identification of a biochemical marker that could be used to discriminate between the two sperm populations and lead to a practical procedure for sexing spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Preselection of the gender of offspring is a subject that has held man's attention since the beginning of recorded history. Most scientific hypotheses for producing the desired sex of offspring address separation of X- and Y-bearing sperm, and most have had limited, if any success. Eight of these hypotheses and their experimental verifications are discussed here. Three hypotheses are based on physical characteristics of sperm, one on supposed differences in size and shape, another on differences in density, and a third on differences in surface charge. There has been no experimental verification of differences based on size and shape, and the results from attempts to verify separation of X- and Y-bearing sperm based on density have been mixed. Electrophoresis may provide a method for separating X-and Y-bearing sperm, but it is currently unproven and would be of little practical utility, since sperm motility is lost. A fourth hypothesis employs H-Y antigen to select preimplantation embryos. This method reliably produces female offspring, but does not permit the selection of male offspring and does not work on sperm. There are two applications of the theory that X- and Y-bearing sperm should be separable by flow fractionation. Flow fractionation using thermal convection, counter-streaming sedimentation, and galvanization is highly promoted by its originator but has not gained wide acceptance due to lack of independent confirmation. Flow fractionation by laminar flow is said to provide up to 80% enrichment of both X- and Y-bearing sperm; however, this method also has not been confirmed by other workers or tested in breeding trials. The sixth theory discussed is that of separation through Sephadex gel filtration. This method may provide enrichment of X-bearing sperm, but, again, other experimenters have not been able to adequately confirm the enrichment. The best-known approach to sperm separation is that employing albumin centrifugation, yet even with this method, not all researchers have been able to confirm a final fraction rich in Y sperm, and trials in animals have given contradictory results. The most reliable method for separating X- and Y-bearing sperm is use of flow cytometric and flow sorting techniques. These techniques routinely separate fractions with a purity greater than 80% and can be above 90%. Unfortunately, these methods do not always work for human samples. Furthermore, as with electrophoretic approaches, the methods identify and separate only chemically fixed sperm and provide limited biological applications. Generally accepted experimental laboratory procedures for verification of proportions of X- and Y-bearing sperm are lacking. Staining of sperm with the fluorochrome dye quinacrine will identify a structure known as the “F-body” in human sperm and sperm from a few primates. The dye does not work other mammalian sperm. Its validity as a measure of sperm genotype is the topic of debate. We have used two methods to verify claims of separation of sperm. flow cytometry, and in vitro fusion. One can use flow cytometry to test the efficiency of separation of sperm samples. We tested seven commercial methods for the separation of bovine sper, and none were found of result in enrichment. We also used in vitro fusion of human sperm to denuded hamster ova to test enrichment of Y-bearing sperm from the albumin separation process. out results demonstrated no Y-bearing-sperm enrichment from this process. Scientific problems impeding the success of separation seem to be under investigation with an ever-increasing rate. Hybridization probes for DNA sequences specific to the X or Y chromosome may be the next appropriate technology to test of the selection and separation of X- and Y-chromosome-bearing mammalian sperm.  相似文献   

Producing equal amounts of male and female offspring has long been considered an evolutionarily stable strategy. Nevertheless, exceptions to this general rule (i.e. male and female biases) are documented in many taxa, making sex allocation an important domain in current evolutionary biology research. Pinpointing the underlying mechanism of sex ratio bias is challenging owing to the multitude of potential sex ratio-biasing factors. In the dwarf spider, Oedothorax gibbosus, infection with the bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia results in a female bias. However, pedigree analysis reveals that other factors influence sex ratio variation. In this paper, we investigate whether this additional variation can be explained by the unequal production of male- and female-determining sperm cells during sperm production. Using flow cytometry, we show that males produce equal amounts of male- and female-determining sperm cells; thus bias in sperm production does not contribute to the sex ratio bias observed in this species. This demonstrates that other factors such as parental genes suppressing endosymbiont effects and cryptic female choice might play a role in sex allocation in this species.  相似文献   

A new and improved method of preparing mammalian spermatozoa for high resolution flow cytometric DNA analysis and flow sorting is described. Ejaculated or cryopreserved sperm were briefly sonicated to remove tails and then stained with Hoechst 33342. This simple procedure was found superior to more severe treatments of dimethylsulfoxide washes, fixation in 80% ethanol, and protease digestion of the sperm membranes and tails by papain. Flow cytometric DNA analyses of sperm samples subjected to varying sonication times indicated that X and Y chromosome-bearing sperm populations could be well resolved with as little as 15-sec sonication. In addition, a comparison of sonicated samples stained with four concentrations of bisbenzimide (Hoechst 33342) or 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) indicated that 2.5 or 5.0 μg/ml of Hoechst was sufficient to resolve the X and Y sperm populations. In order to quantitatively describe the flow cytometric data, several indices (sample quality, orientation and splitting) were developed.  相似文献   

A combination of flow cytometric sperm sorting of X and Y chromosome–bearing sperm (X and Y sperm) and computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) for measuring sperm motility allows assessment of motion parameters in the two populations. Bull sperm were separated into X and Y populations by flow cytometry following staining with the DNA-binding dye Hoechst 33342. The motion parameters differed depending on sperm concentration. Decreasing sperm concentration resulted in higher velocities and straighter trajectories. The concentrations of control (stained-unsorted and unstained-unsorted) and flow-sorted sperm were therefore adjusted to similar numbers (5 × 106 sperm per milliliter). Samples of sorted X and Y sperm and control sperm were transferred to prewarmed slides on a heated stage (37°C) and their motion video recorded for 2 min using a magnification of ×100 and a high-resolution camera. The sperm analysis was carried out on a Hobson Sperm Tracker (HST) using HST 7 software. The following motion parameters were measured: curvilinear, straight-line, and average path velocity; mean angular displacement (MAD); beat cross-frequency; amplitude of lateral head displacement; linearity (LIN); and straightness of path (STR). Sperm movement was unaffected by staining with Hoechst 33342, excitation by ultraviolet (UV) light, or the physical process of cell sorting. Significant differences were seen between X and Y sperm for MAD, LIN, and STR. No difference was observed for the other parameters. The results indicate that in a simple salts solution, Y bull sperm do not swim faster than X sperm but may be distinguished from X sperm on the basis of LIN and STR. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 50:323–327, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Viable, intact rabbit sperm, prepared, processed, and flow cytometrically sorted, were used in this study to determine the influence of flow sorting on fertilization and embryo development. In experiment I, flow-sorted or control (unstained and unsorted) sperm were surgically inseminated into the uterine horn of hormonally primed does (10 to 12 does per time point). At 42 hr postsurgical insemination, flushed embryos were assessed for development. Fetal development was determined at day 7, day 14, and day 21 post-surgical insemination. Embryos resulting from does surgically inseminated with control sperm at 42 hr post-insemination were observed to be at the early morula stage of development (>16 cell), whereas embryos from does inseminated with flow sorted sperm were at the 8- to 16-cell stage. No difference was observed between treatments at day 7, 14, or 21, however, there was a significant decrease in fetus number per doe inseminated with flow-sorted sperm over time. In experiment II, mature oocytes were flushed from the oviducts of superovulated does and coincubated in vitro (IVF) with flow-sorted or control rabbit sperm. Oocytes observed at 6 hr post-coincubation exhibited swollen sperm heads in the cytoplasm, demonstrating that fertilization had occurred (2 PN + T). There was a higher percentage of fertilized oocytes by 8 hr post-coincubation for both control (31%) and flow-sorted sperm (31%) when used for IVF. By 10 and 12 hr post-coincubation, little difference was observed in the number of fertilized oocytes between sperm treatments (52% and 66% for control vs. 57 and 54% for flow-sorted, respectively). These studies demonstrate that flow-sorted sperm are capable of fertilizing mature oocytes under in vitro conditions. In addition they show that flow sorting may not negatively influence fertilization events, but likely interferes during early embryonic and fetal development. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    This study was conducted to determine fertilization rate and embryo development using the Beltsville Sperm Sexing Technology with two different laser power outputs, 25 and 125 milliwatts (mW). Freshly ejaculated boar semen was diluted; one aliquot was not stained or sorted (nonsort) and a second aliquot was stained with Hoechst 33342 and sorted as a complete population, not separated into X and Y populations (all-sort). Ovulation controlled gilts were surgically inseminated with 2 x 10(5) spermatozoa (44-46 hr after human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)) into the isthmus of each oviduct, one oviduct receiving nonsort and the other all-sort at 25 or 125 mW. A total of 426 embryos were flushed from oviducts at slaughter 43 hr after laparotomy and prepared for determination of fertilization and cleavage rates using confocal laser microscopy for analysis of actin cytoskeleton and chromatin configuration. The percentage of fertilized eggs and embryos was less for the 25 mW all-sort compared to nonsort or the 125 mW all-sort (77.9 vs. 96.3 and 96.2%, P < 0.05). The percentage of fragmented embryos was greater for the 25 mW all-sort than the nonsort (15.2 vs. 4.5%, P < 0.05), but did not differ significantly from 125 mW all-sort mean (7.2%). The percentage of normal embryos (80.4% overall) did not differ (P > 0.05) among treatments. However, the rate of embryo development was slower (P < 0.05) after insemination with the 25 mW all-sort spermatozoa compared to nonsort spermatozoa. Embryos in the 3-4 and 5-9 cell stages for the 25-mW all-sort and nonsort were 78 and 20% vs. 49 and 50%, respectively. The embryo percentages for the 125 mW (3-4 and 5-9 cell stages, 59 and 35%) did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) from the nonsort or 25 mW all-sort. We conclude that the use of 125 mW laser power for sorting boar spermatozoa is advantageous to maintain high resolution separation and has no detrimental effect on embryo development compared to 25 mW.  相似文献   

    Calcium-ionophore A23187 and freezing-thawing were used as sperm treatments before human sperm injection into the perivitelline space (SI-PVS) of hamster oocytes. The penetration rate (PR) was higher when SI-PVS was performed with calcium-ionophore-treated (28%) or frozen-thawed (51%) sperm than with untreated sperm (8%). Optimal PR occurred when five calcium-ionophore-treated (57%) or frozen-thawed (71%) sperm were injected under the zona pellucida. When the sperm:egg ratio was 1:1, PR was higher for calcium-ionophore-treated (18.5%) or frozen-thawed (27.8%) sperm than for untreated sperm (0.0%). Calcium-ionophore sperm treatment had no effect on the polyspermic oocyte rate (POR) or the mean number of swollen sperm nuclei per penetrated oocyte (Pd) or per injected sperm (SR). This may result from premature oocyte activation induced by Ca-ionophore. However, POR was higher with frozen-thawed (74%) than with untreated (50%) or Ca-ionophore-treated (50%) sperm. Whatever the sperm treatment, there was a trend toward a lower SR as the number of injected sperm increased. Cytoplasmic regulation of polyspermy in the hamster oocyte is discussed.  相似文献   

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