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In the context of artificial insemination, male fertility is defined as the ability to produce functional spermatozoa able to withstand cryopreservation. We hypothesized that interindividual variations in fertility depend on the proportion of the fully functional sperm population contained in the insemination dose. The objective of this study was to identify protein markers of the fully functional sperm subpopulation. Insemination doses from four high‐fertility (HF) and four low‐fertility (LF) bulls with comparable post‐thaw quality parameters were selected for proteomic analysis using iTRAQ technology. Thawed semen was centrifuged through a Percoll gradient to segregate the motile (high density [HD]) from the immotile (low density [LD]) sperm populations. Sperm proteins were extracted with sodium deoxycholate and four groups were compared: LD and HD spermatozoa from LF and HF bulls. A total of 498 unique proteins were identified and quantified. Comparison of HD spermatozoa from HF and LF bulls revealed that five proteins were significantly more abundant in the HF group (AK8, TPI1, TSPAN8, OAT, and DBIL5) whereas five proteins were more abundant in the LF group (RGS22, ATP5J, CLU, LOC616319, and CCT5). Comparison of LD spermatozoa from HF and LF bulls revealed that four proteins were significantly more abundant in the HF group (IL4I1, CYLC2, OAT, and ARMC3) whereas 15 proteins were significantly more abundant in the LF group (HADHA, HSP90AA1, DNASE1L3, SLC25A20, GPX5, TCP1, HIP1, CLU, G5E622, LOC616319, HSPA2, NUP155, DPY19L2, SPERT, and SERPINE2). DBIL5, TSPAN8, and TPI1 showed potential as putative markers of the fully functional sperm subpopulation.  相似文献   

Producing equal amounts of male and female offspring has long been considered an evolutionarily stable strategy. Nevertheless, exceptions to this general rule (i.e. male and female biases) are documented in many taxa, making sex allocation an important domain in current evolutionary biology research. Pinpointing the underlying mechanism of sex ratio bias is challenging owing to the multitude of potential sex ratio-biasing factors. In the dwarf spider, Oedothorax gibbosus, infection with the bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia results in a female bias. However, pedigree analysis reveals that other factors influence sex ratio variation. In this paper, we investigate whether this additional variation can be explained by the unequal production of male- and female-determining sperm cells during sperm production. Using flow cytometry, we show that males produce equal amounts of male- and female-determining sperm cells; thus bias in sperm production does not contribute to the sex ratio bias observed in this species. This demonstrates that other factors such as parental genes suppressing endosymbiont effects and cryptic female choice might play a role in sex allocation in this species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a method for fractionation of articular chondrocytes from the entire thickness of the tissue. Isolated chondrocytes from rabbit articular cartilage fractionated by centrifugation in a discontinuous Percoll gradient resulted in four cell fractions with two differing properties. The lowest-density fraction consisted mainly of large cells with small nuclei proliferated actively, maintained the chondrocytic phenotype, and secreted larger amounts of proteoglycan. In contrast, the highest-density fraction consisted of small cells with large nuclei proliferated slowly, did not express the chondrocytic phenotype, and produced larger amounts of interleukin 1-induced nitric oxide. Comparing our results with other previous reports, we find that fraction 1 cells are likely originated from the deep layer of the articular cartilage, whereas fraction 4 cells are tentatively categorized as chondrocytes from the superficial layer of cartilage. Centrifugal fractionation of articular chondrocytes via Percoll density gradient permits clear separation of these heterogeneous cells into different phenotypic populations and allows distinguishing of cells from the different layers of articular cartilage. This simple novel method will provide ready separation of articular chondrocytes for the investigation of the pathogenesis of articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Currently, there are few inexpensive, reliable, effective methods for commercially separating X- and Y-chromosome bearing fresh and frozen bovine sperm. The objective of these experiments was to determine the efficacy of a commercially available post-thaw bovine semen sexing kit, HeiferPlus™ (HP) which claims to alter the sex ratio in favor of female calves following artificial insemination. Three trials included the insemination of hyperstimulated cows with Control or HP-treated semen, non-surgical embryo collection on Day 7, and a combined PCR/dot blot assay to determine embryo sex. Chi-square analysis showed that the Control group produced a greater proportion (p < 0.0005) of female embryos than the HP group. There were no differences in the proportions of transferable compared with degenerate embryos or in number of ovulations, embryos, and unfertilized ova collected from Control compared with HP groups. When treatments were combined, one of the two bulls used in the hyperstimulation studies produced an overall greater proportion of females (p < 0.05), suggesting a bull effect.Another trial involved the insemination of cows synchronized via OvSynch® with fetal sexing via ultrasonography. Results of these studies indicated that HP semen sexing kit did not alter the sex ratio in favor of females in either hyperstimulated or single-ovulating cows; however, potential bull effects may be further evaluated to understand the capacity of HP with semen from specific bulls. Additionally, perhaps the sex of the surviving embryo can be manipulated by the maternal side, through ovarian, hormonal, oviductal, or uterine influences.  相似文献   

The effect of equipment design, separatory media, and time and temperature of separation were studied. Discontinuous 4%/10% bovine serum albumin (BSA) gradients were used to isolate highly motile spermatozoa in rabbit and bull semen. For all conditions tested, motility of spermatozoa collected from the 4% BSA gradient layer (top) was less than or equal to the motility of the unseparated controls. Fractions collected from the 10% BSA gradient layer contained highly motile spermatozoa. In experiment 1, washed bull spermatozoa were diluted with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 2% BSA or 4% BSA before being fractionated on BSA columns contained in test tubes. Inclusion of BSA in PBS tended to reduce loss of motility during washing, but the proportion of sperm recovered was highest in PBS. In experiment 2, motility and recovery of buck spermatozoa collected from the 10% BSA gradient region tended to be higher when fractionation temperature was 30°C as compared to 35°C, and motility was significantly higher when incubation time was 30 min as compared to 1 hr. The proportion of sperm recovered was unaffected by incubation time. In experiments 1 and 2, 41 of 48 separations resulted in at least one fraction containing spermatozoa with motility greater than or equal to 90%. In the third experiment, the surface area on which bull and buck spermatozoa were layered was increased by forming the 4%/10% BSA gradients in conical supports. Separation of sperm on conically shaped columns was not as effective as on cylinders. The use of cylinders to support the BSA gradients and a separation time of 30 min at 30°C is recommended.  相似文献   

The selection of motile human spermatozoa, from fertile and infertile semen samples was compared by using Percoll density gradient centrifugation or the swim-up procedure. Selected spermatozoa were evaluated according to their motility, % normal forms, nuclear maturity (aniline blue staining, acridine orange staining, ethidium bromide uptake and SDS nuclear decondensation). These methods showed differences between fertile and infertile men. The swim-up procedure, based on motility, resulted in greater proportions of motile spermatozoa and eliminated mainly tail abnormalities. Percoll gradient separation, based on density, selected oval-headed spermatozoa with good motility. Nuclear maturity level was improved by both methods but Percoll gradient separation generally resulted in spermatozoa with better nuclear maturity than those selected by the swim-up procedure.  相似文献   

Viability assessment of dog spermatozoa using flow cytometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The percentages of living and dead spermatozoa in fresh dog semen samples were assessed by means of a dual staining technique using carboxifluorescein diacetate (CFDA) and propidium iodide (PI). Two ejaculates were obtained from dogs, each ejaculate was divided into 4 aliquots, and different proportions of freeze-killed cells were added to each aliquot. Data obtained by flow cytometry analysis of each sample were compared with those obtained by the microscopic evaluation under epifluorescence illumination and by phase-contrast microscopy evaluation of the samples stained with eosin-nigrosin. Regression analysis was used to compare the 3 methods for membrane integrity assessment of canine spermatozoa, and high correlation coefficients were found between the flow cytometry procedure and the 2 microscopy techniques. The results from this study validate the use of flow cytometry as a precise method for assessing the viability of dog spermatozoa.  相似文献   

A new method designed for the specific isolation and characterization of ligand-receptor complexes using a heterobifunctional crosslinking agent and immunoprecipitation is described. The complexes are first covalently crosslinked by photoactivation of the crosslinking agent. After lysis of the cells, the crosslinked complexes are immunoprecipitated using an antiserum directed against the crosslinking agent. With this method, ligand-receptor complexes formed in only minute amounts become available for further investigation. By using this anticrosslinker antiserum, different receptor systems can be investigated without raising new receptor- or ligand-specific antibodies for each system. As a test system, a radioiodinated lectin was used as ligand molecule and erythrocyte membranes acted as receptor carriers.  相似文献   

Human sperm were highly purified through the use of a discontinuous Percoll density gradient placed in an inner column of a centrifuge tube. Six ml of 80% Percoll solution were poured into a centrifuge tube with an inner column containing successive 1.0-ml layers of 70, 60, and 40% Percoll solutions. Diluted semen was placed on top of the gradient, and the tube was centrifuged at 600 X g for 30 min using a swing-out rotor. After centrifugation, the majority of the progressive motile sperm were isolated in the sediment; they had a mean motility of 93 +/- 4.1% (n = 10). Other cellular components, including bacteria, remaining in the inner column. The level of bacterial contamination in the purified sperm fraction was below detection for most of the species quantified. The purified sperm were found to be more than 92 +/- 3.2% viable, as judged by dye exclusion, and abnormal sperm were reduced to 5.2 +/- 1.4%. Because of the use of the inner column, the contamination by seminal plasma was negligible in the purified sperm, as estimated by residual protein, fructose, and acid phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

Bovine spermatozoa were incubated in vitro with lysophosphatidylserine (LPS), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE), lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI), or trypsin. Capacitation of sperm was evaluated by penetration of the zonae pellucidae of dead bovine oocytes. Capacitation times could be shortened to 3 h or less by treatment of spermatozoa with each of these lysophospholipids (LPLs) (P < .05). The maximum oocyte penetration percentages for individual LPLs were 40% for 10 μM LPS, 24% for 160 μM LPC, 31% for 320 μM LPE, and 19% for 320 μM LPI. Capacitation also was facilitated (P < .01) by trypsin treatment of spermatozoa. Spermatozoa treated with 250 or 2,500 units/ml of trypsin penetrated more oocytes (17 and 18%) than spermatozoa treated with 0 or 25 units/ml of trypsin (0 and 3%). Spermatozoa treated with increasing concentrations of LPL showed a decrease in both the percentage of intact acrosomes and of progressively motile spermatozoa. Increasing levels of trypsin in the incubation medium also led to a decrease (P < .05) in the percentages of intact acrosomes and a decrease (P < .01) in the percentages of progressively motile spermatozoa. Percentages of live, ovulated oocytes fertilized by spermatozoa incubated for 1 h in LPS (86%, 6/7) were not different from those incubated for 24 h in control medium (71%, 5/7). Percentages of oocytes fertilized with both of these capacitation treatments were higher (P < .05) than for oocytes exposed or killed or uncapacitated sperm. Rapid induction of capacitation and the acrosome reaction can be accomplished by exogenous treatment of bovine sperm with lysophospholipids or trypsin.  相似文献   

We attempted to select a fraction of common carp, Cyprinus carpio spermatozoa that best survived a conventional freeze/thaw procedure, by centrifugation of frozen/thawed sperm through a Percoll gradient (45% and 90%). The proportion of motile spermatozoa (65.81 ± 5.19%), their velocity (77.58 ± 31.07 μm/sec), and membrane integrity (83.66 ± 4.38% intact) were significantly higher in separated sperm than in whole samples (motility 23.36 ± 2.98%, velocity 55.55 ± 19.03 μm/sec, and membrane integrity 57.92 ± 4.65%). Our results demonstrated that Percoll gradient centrifugation shows promise as a technique for selecting high quality cryopreserved fish spermatozoa, which could be useful for cryobiological research. Further studies are needed to evaluate the potentially higher fertilizing ability of the separated spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The only established difference on which to base the separation of X and Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa is chromosomal constitution. This difference is quantifiable both from chromosome morphology (karyotype) and from DNA content. Flow cytometric techniques were used to measure relative DNA content of the X and Y populations and to flow-sort spermatozoa from Chinchilla laniger. Epididymal spermatozoa were recovered in PBS, fixed in 80% ethanol, treated with papain and dithioerythritol, and stained for DNA with Hoechst 33342. Sperm nuclei were analyzed and sorted on an EPICS V flow cytometer/cell sorter, modified specifically for spermatozoa. Two clearly resolved peaks (coefficient of variation < 1.5%) with approximately 7.5% difference in DNA content between X and Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa were evident. Sperm nuclei were sorted from a portion of the X and Y peaks at a rate of 55 nuclei/sec for each population. Purities of individual X and Y populations averaged 95% as determined by reanalysis of the sorted populations. Successful sorting of Chinchilla X and Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa into separate populations may aid in the identification of a biochemical marker that could be used to discriminate between the two sperm populations and lead to a practical procedure for sexing spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of selecting a sperm subpopulation by means of a discontinuous density gradient centrifugation (DGC) on the quality of ram thawed semen, and the relationships between sperm parameters assessed in unselected and in selected sperm samples with in vivo fertility after intrauterine artificial insemination (IUI) using unselected sperm samples. Semen samples from twenty males were collected by artificial vagina and cryopreserved following a standard protocol. After thawing, unselected sperm samples were used in an in vivo fertility trial and sperm motility (subjective and objective, assessed by means of CASA) and membrane and acrosomal integrities (microscopy) were evaluated on unselected and selected sperm samples. In addition, plasmalemma integrity (YO-PRO-1/PI), membrane fluidity (Merocyanine 540/YO-PRO-1), mitochondrial activity (Mitotracker Deep Red/YO-PRO-1), and DNA fragmentation index (%DFI) assessed by Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA®) were evaluated by flow cytometry before and after sperm processing using DGC. Results showed that DGC improved all sperm parameters significantly, except the %DFI, which increased after the selection procedure. No relationships were found between sperm parameters evaluated in unselected sperm samples and in vivo fertility. However, we found a positive correlation between spermatozoa with high membrane fluidity within the viable sperm population (VIABMerocyanine+) evaluated in selected sperm samples and in vivo fertility (r = 0.370, P = 0.019). In conclusion, our results suggest that selected spermatozoa represent a sperm subpopulation different to the unselected one that could be related with the in vivo fertility.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to rapidly fractionate bovine spermatozoa on the basis of cell-surface H-Y antigen (i.e., Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa). A novel, rapid immunomagnetic method was developed for removal of spermatozoa that bound to anti-H-Y IgG. Fluorescent labeling and flow cytometry were used to measure the efficiency with which spermatozoa binding to anti-H-Y were removed by the immunomagnetic technique. Washed bovine spermatozoa (n=7 bulls) were treated with a mouse monoclonal IgG antibody to H-Y antigen (MoAb 12/49). Fluorescent labeled goat antibody against mouse IgG was added to label those spermatozoa with cell-surface H-Y antigens. Supermagnetized polymer beads coated with an anti-antibody to the MoAb 12/49 were then added to the spermatozoa. After 20 min of incubation, spermatozoa were exposed for 2 min to a magnet, causing the magnetized particles to adhere to the sides of the tube. Nonmagnetized spermatozoa in the supernatent were aspirated and analyzed for fluorescent label by flow cytometry. Approximately 50% of spermatozoa not subjected to immunomagnetic separation were fluorescent labeled, and about one-half of the spermatozoa were observed microscopically to be bound to the magnetized polymer beads prior to magnetic separation (P<0.05). Following magnetic separation, only 1.2% (P<0.05) of the spermatozoa in the magnetic supernatent were fluorescent labeled. Assuming that only Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa have cell-surface H-Y antigens, the present immunomagnetic fractionation removed almost all of the Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa, leaving a population that was greater than 98% X chromosome-bearing spermatozoa.  相似文献   

A procedure using centrifugation in density gradients composed of Percoll was developed for isolation of spermatozoa from mammalian semen. To evaluate the technique, rabbit, human, or bovine semen was layered over continuous Percoll gradients ranging in density from 1.02 to 1.13 gm/ml and centrifuged at 1,500g for 45 min. After centrifugation, the seminal plasma remained above the gradient, whereas the spermatozoa and seminal particles were distributed within the gradient according to their buoyant densities. Unlike most washing techniques, no sperm pellet was formed; instead, the spermatozoa were concentrated into a compact band above the most dense layer of Percoll. The spermatozoa recovered from the gradient were easily resuspended by gentle techniques. Thus, the mechanical stress to the spermatozoa was minimized. Osmotic stress to the spermatozoa was also negligible as the Percoll gradients were isotonic throughout. Spermatozoa obtained by this technique possessed motility equivalent to that of spermatozoa in the unfractionated semen. Sperm suspensions recovered from the gradients contained less than 5% of the nonspermatozoal particles present in the original samples of unfractionated semen. Soluble seminal components were also efficiently removed from the spermatozoa. Thirty billion bovine spermatozoa could be fractionated on a single gradient without loss of effectiveness. Recovery of spermatozoa from these preparative separations averaged 80%. These results demonstrated that Percoll was a superior medium for efficient density gradient isolation of motile spermatozoa free of contamination by other seminal constituents.  相似文献   

A mild thermal insult to the testes was studied with respect to ejaculated sperm motility and morphology. A 48-h scrotal insulation was administered to 6 young Holstein bulls whose semen was collected by artificial vagina twice in succession at 3-d intervals for 7 wk. For assessment of results, collection days were grouped in the follwing way: Period 1 (control) = Days -6, -3 and 0, where Day 0 = initiation of scrotal insulation after semen collection; Period 2 = Days 3, 6 and 9 (spermatozoa presumed to be in the epididymis or rete testes during scrotal insulation); and Period 3 = Days 12 and 15 through 39 (spermatozoa presumed to be in spermatogenesis during scrotal insulation). Daily sperm output per collection day was 5.3±0.7 × 109 and did not differ across the experimental periods. Moreover, Periods 1 and 2 did not differ in the mean percentage of motility or in the mean percentage of abnormal spermatozoa (69.1±2.5 and 19.6±5.7%, respectively, for Period 1). Morphological change was first noted on Day 12 (47.5±27.4% abnormal) and peaked on Day 18 (86.3±24.3%). Motility depression began on Day 12 and reached a nadir on Day 15 (42.0±9.8%). Bulls varied in the type of abnormal spermatozoa produced and in magnitude of response; however, specific abnormalities appeared in ejaculates in a predictable chronological sequence following scrotal insulation (Day 0). The sequence was: tailless, (Days12 to 15); diadem, (Day 18); pyriform and nuclear vacuoles, (Day 21); knobbed acrosome, (Day 27); and Dag defect, (Day 30).  相似文献   

The balancing effects of bulbourethral gland secretion (BUS) and of seminal vesicle secretion (SVS) on goat semen quality were previously demonstrated. In the present study, electron microscope observations revealed a high frequency of spermatozoa with a reacted acrosome among spermatozoa from cauda epididymis exposed to BUS in the presence of milk. This frequency was significantly reduced when SVS had been added either before or after BUS. No reacted acrosome was observed in the absence of milk. All mount spermatozoa were incubated with milk or SVS or BUS or combinations of the three materials labeled with colloidal gold. SVS attached specifically on the plasma membrane covering the anterior part of the acrosome, whereas BUS spread all over the sperm head. Milk attached on the anterior half of the sperm head only when BUS was present in the sperm environment. It is concluded that BUS plays an active role in the induction of the acrosome reaction in the presence of milk and that SVS counteracts this role.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody generated against hamster epididymal spermatozoa and recognizing an antigen within the acrosome was used in conjunction with FITC-antimouse immunoglobulin as a marker of the human acrosome during sperm development, capacitation, and the acrosome reaction. The specificity of binding of the monoclonal antibody was assessed using immunolocalization by epi-fluorescence and electron microscopy. Immunofluorescence revealed that antibody bound over the entire anterior acrosome in hamster and human spermatozoa. Ultrastructural localization indicated that antigen was predominantly present on the inner face of the outer acrosomal membrane and within the acrosomal content. Qualitative specificity was studied using a highly purified preparation of hamster acrosomes in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Since the antibody rapidly visualized human acrosomes, it was used to detect abnormal acrosome morphology of mature spermatozoa and to mark spermatids present in the ejaculate. During incubation in capacitating medium, changes in the immunofluorescence of live or methanol fixed spermatozoa were correlated with incubation interval and the ability of spermatozoa to fuse with zona-free hamster oocytes. Spermatozoa bound to zona-free hamster oocytes displayed no fluorescence, confirming that acrosome loss occurred before spermatozoa attached to the vitellus.  相似文献   

Highly pure lysosomes were isolated from buffalo(Bubalus bubalis) kidney cortex by a procedure involving differential and isopycnic Percoll density gradient centrifugations. Arylsulphatase, N-acetyl-Β-glucosamindase and cathepsin D in the lysosomal preparation were 26–45-fold enriched over the homogenate. The purified lysosomes contained less than 0·06% of mitochondrial, microsomal and peroxisomal marker enzymes. In the electron micrographs the particles appeared as large dense granules of size 0·3-1·9 μm with no apparent structural features belonging to mitochondria or microsomes. The isolation procedure was also found to be suitable to obtain highly pure lysosome particles from renal cortex of other sources such as rat, lamb and beef. No ultracentrifugation steps were involved in the procedure  相似文献   

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